The Pilgrims were Separatists who wanted to leave the Church of England They wanted to be left alone...


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•The Pilgrims were Separatists who wanted to leave the Church of England

•They wanted to be left alone to worship and practice their faith

•The Virginia Company offered the Pilgrims land in the New World

•November 1620 the Mayflower arrived in Cape Cod Massachusetts.

•They landed North of their destination.

•The unloaded near what today is Plymouth Rock

•In order to maintain order, the men agreed upon laws for the good of the colony

•Mayflower Compact helped establish the idea of self government and majority rule.

•Half the colony died the first winter from disease and starvation

•“Welcome Englishmen” Native Americans Samoset and Squanto both spoke English

•Squanto showed them how to plant corn, hunt and fish

•Pilgrims and Native Americans form an alliance

•Fall 1621 the Plymouth colony gave thanks for a good harvest and peace between the Native Americans and Pilgrims

The Plymouth Colony

•Puritans wanted to “purify” the Church of England

•Between 1630-1640 over 20,000 Puritans crossed the Atlantic to New England………..known as the Great Migration

Puritan Governor John Winthrop described the Massachusetts Bay colony as a “City upon a hill”…the eyes of the world are upon us”

Puritans believed in godliness, honesty and hard work…the “New England Way”

The Massachusetts Bay Colony

•Thomas Hooker moved his Puritan followers to Connecticut.

•They wrote the Fund. Orders of Connecticut 1639

•First written constitution in the colonies

•Extended voting rights to non church members

•Expanded the idea of representative government


Puritan Minister Roger Williams opposed many of the strict church rules

Williams was banned from Massachusetts

In 1636 he created Rhode Island as a place for religious freedom and separation of church and state

Ann Hutchinson also believed that people did not need the church to worship God. She too fled to Rhode Island

Rhode Island

New Hampshire - 1623

Established by:•John Mason

Reason for its establishment:•Trade and Fishing

First Settlement:•Strawberry Banke which becomes the present day city of Portsmouth

New Hampshire - 1623

Economies of New England
