The Pharynx and Salivary Glands


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  • 8/9/2019 The Pharynx and Salivary Glands



    Dr. Melita Jesusa UyFe ruary !"# !$%"

    Notetakers: AAB, OSG, GMO(#TeamLouise)

    THE PHARYNX 'i(isi)*s+

    Nasopharynx or Epipharynx Oropharynx or Mesopharynx Hypopharynx or Laryngopharynx

    Figure 1. regions of the pharynx

    P,ary*- Free border of the soft palate divides the

    nasopharynx from the oropharynx A hori ontal line at the level of the epiglottis

    separates the oropharynx from the nasopharynx !osterior pharyngeal "all is #ontinuous in all

    three divisions

    Nas) ,ary*- $ontinuous "ith the nasal air"ays at the

    posterior #hoanae

    respiratory portion of the pharynx soft palate forms the %oor o##ipital bone and upper #ervi#al vertebrae

    forms the roof posterior pharyngeal "all ma&e up the lateral


    Nas) ,ary*- )r'ers'uperiorly( adenoidsLaterally( opening of E)* Fossa of +osenmuller* )orustubarius

    Figure ,. the nasopharynx

    /r) ,ary*- $ontinuous "ith the nasopharynx at the free margin

    of the soft palate ,nd* -rd* th vertebral bodies form the posterior

    "all and is the only solid "all of the oropharynx base of the tongue and the oral #avity form the

    anterior limits in#ludes fa#ial or palatine tonsils and the pillars of

    these tonsils Lining mu#osa of the oropharynx is strati/ed

    s0uamous epithelium

    Figure -. aldeyer2s ring

    aldeyer2s ring 3 lymphati# en#ir#lement of thepharynx 4 #omposed of the palatine tonsils*adenoids and lingual tonsils

    Figure -. )he oral #avity

    Hy ) ,ary*- An imaginary hori ontal line at the level of the

    valle#ulae separates the oropharynx fromhypopharynx

    5alle#ulae 3 t"o shallo" depressions lo#atedbet"een the base of the tongue anteriorly and theepiglottis posteriorly

    6lottis !yriform sinus


  • 8/9/2019 The Pharynx and Salivary Glands


    Figure . the hypopharynx7iseases of the Nasopharynx

    A'e*)i'sHyperplasia of the pharyngeal tonsils

    -38 years old $lini#al Manifestations$hroni# air"ay obstru#tion 9mouth breathing:Nasal dis#harge'noringAnorexiaHyponasal voi#eFre0uently re#urring infe#tions of the nose andparanasal sinusesOtitis media3 from encroachment of opening of

    ustachian tu!e pro"ucing e usion in mi""$e ear Eusta#hian tube dysfun#tion!rolonged #ondu#tive hearing loss ; delays in spee#hdevelopmentMaxillary deformity and dental malalignmentLevel , lymph nodes are involved

    Figure .>

  • 8/9/2019 The Pharynx and Salivary Glands


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    3 !eni#illin3 Mild antisepti# solution gargles3 !ain reliever

    Figure @. +aspberry tongue

    A5ute I*6a22ati)*+ 7iphtheriaEti)l)0y

    3 $ausative Organism3 -or ne!acterium "iphtheriae3 7roplet inhalation3 '&in3to3s&in #onta#t% 3er infectious3 n#ubation period( 13< days

    Pat,)0e*esis3 'pe#ial endotoxin that #auses #ell ne#rosis and

    ul#erations7li*i5al Ma*i8estati)*s

    3 )"o main forms(3 Lo#al* benign pharyngeal diphtheria3 !rimary toxi#* malignant diphtheri3 Degins "ith moderate fever and mild s"allo"ing

    diK#ulties3 Fully developed in ; , hours "ith severe

    malaise* heada#he* and nauseaDia0*)sis

    3 6rayish3yello" pseudomembranes /rmlyadherent to the tonsils and may spread to thepalate and pharynx

    3 )issue bleeds "hen #oating removed3 'lightly s"eet breath smell3 'mear /ndings

    Treat2e*t3 solation3 7iphtheria antitoxin ,>>31>>> =&g body

    "eight= 5 or M 9after a negative s&in test:3 !eni#illin 63 7is#harge after - #onse#utive 13"ee& interval

    smears sho" negative resutls3 ,? may #ontinue to #arry the ba#terium and

    should undergo tonsille#tomy7)2 li5ati)*s

    3 )oxi# myo#arditis 9usually "ith the primary toxi#malignant form:( #an be fatal

    3 nterstitial nephritis3 E$6 and urinalysis follo"3ups should be

    #ontinued for at least 8 "ee&s after onset ofdisease

    Figure . !seudomembrane of 7iphtheria

    A5ute I*6a22ati)*+ )uber#ulosisE i'e2i)l)0y

    3 sually in advan#ed organ tuber#ulosis3 5ery rare

    7li*i5al Ma*i8estati)*s3 !rimary #omplex3 $ommonly in #hildren3 )ypi#al ul#erative lesion of the oral mu#osa and

    tonsil "ith regional #ervi#al lymphadenopathy3 Organ tuber#ulosis "ith ul#erative

    mu#o#utaneous lesions3 n regions that may #ome into #onta#t

    o Lesions may appear as mu#osalul#erations on the lips and dorsum ofthe tongue or as slightly raised* nodulareruptions on the palate

    o '&eletal involvement 9 #old abs#esses :#ausing bulging of the posterior "all ofthe pharynx 9li&e retropharyngeal orparapharyngeal abs#ess:

    3 Miliary tuber#ulosis3 Hematogenous spread* appearing as multiple

    pinhead3si e papules* some hemorrhagi#* thatform on the oral mu#osa

    Dia0*)sis3 A#id3Fast ba#illi smears* sputum* bron#hial

    se#retions* gastri# Cui#e* or biopsy material3 Diplane #hest radiograph3 )uber#ulin s&in test3 $al#i/#ations by ultrasound in enlarged #ervi#al

    lymph nodes ; pathognomoni#3 $ervi#al lymph node biopsy

    Treat2e*t3 npatient antituber#ulous poly#hemotherapy3 )riple or 0uadruple regimen

    A5ute I*6a22ati)*+ A#ute 5iral !haryngitis

    Eti)l)0y# sy2 t)2s3 n%uen a or parain%uen a viruses3 'udden onset of fever* sore throat and

    heada#he3 $oughing and #atarrhal symptoms3 $ervi#al adenopathy

    Dia0*)sis3 !haryngeal mu#osa appears red and #oated on

    mirror examination3 f ba#terial etiology is suspe#ted ; rapid

    strepto#o##al testTreat2e*t

    3 'upportive

  • 8/9/2019 The Pharynx and Salivary Glands


    3 Analgesi#s* #old #ompresses* "arm li0uids

    A5ute I*6a22ati)*+ nfe#tious Mononu#leosis kissing "isease

    7ausati(e /r0a*is23 Epstein3Darr virus3 Adoles#ents and young adults3 n#ubation period( J3 days

    7li*i5al 2a*i8estati)*s3 'ystemi# disease but #ommonly presents as

    tonsillitis as the initial or #ardinal symptoms3 Fatigue* anorexia and moderate temperature

    elevation3 'evere pain on s"allo"ing3 Heada#he3 Limb pains

    Dia0*)sis+ 7li*i5al E-a2i*ati)*3 )onsillar* nu#hal* axillary and inguinal nodes are

    enlarged3 Liver spleen enlargement3 )onsils are bright red* s"ollen* and #overed "ith

    grayish /brin #oatingDia0*)sis+ La )rat)ry tests

    3 nitially leu&openia follo"ed by lue&o#ytosis3 @>3 >? atypi#al lympho#ytes

    3 ED5 serology3 Hepati# en ymes3 pper abdominal ultrasound and E$6

    Treat2e*t3 'ymptomati# relief of pain and fever3 Aspirins not re#ommended as they #ause

    bleeding problems if tonsille#tomy is re0uired3 Antibioti#s3 Ampi#illin and amoxi#illin avoided sin#e they

    fre0uently indu#e a pseudoallergi# rash3 )onsille#tomy3 'evere #ourse

    T)*sill)0e*i5 7)2 li5ati)*s+ !eritonsillar Abs#ess3 nilateral in%ammatory pro#ess that in#ludes

    the peritonsillar tissue3 !ronoun#ed unilateral redness and s"elling of

    the soft palate* muIed spee#h* and possibletrismus

    3 vular edema3 May involve tongue base and lateral pharyngeal


    Figure 1>. )onsils in nfe#tious Mononu#leosis

    3 !eritonsillar infe#tions may readily spread to theparapharyngeal spa#e.

    3 +emoval or in#ision of the aBe#ted tonsil underantibioti# #overage

    )onsillogeni# sepsis3 +are3 mmune3#ompromised patients3 Hematogenous or lymphogenous route

    Figure 11. !eritonsillar abs#ess

    T)*sill)0e*i5 7)2 li5ati)*s++etropharyngeal and parapharygeal abs#ess

    3 n%ammation or abs#ess from prevertebral orparapharyngeal lymph nodes or byhematogenous spread as a result of minorforeign3body inCury or upper respiratoryin%ammation

    7li*i5al ,all2ar9s3 'evere pain on s"allo"ing* progressive

    dysphagia* muIed spee#h and possible trismusand dyspnea

    3 +outes of entry( dire#t spread from theparapharyngeal spa#e* or lymphati# spread from

    the paranasal sinuses or nasopharyngeal regionDia0*)sis3 !ronoun#ed s"elling in the oropharynx or

    hypopharynx usually at prevertebral orparapharyngeal region

    3 Leu&o#ytosis3 $ontrast $) s#an

  • 8/9/2019 The Pharynx and Salivary Glands


    Figure 1,. Dulging of post. !haryngeal "all in xray3 NO)E( 7anger 'pa#e3 !otential 'pa#e* dangerous for rapid inferior

    spread of infe#tion to the posterior mediastinumthrough its loose areolar tissue

    % Bet&een retrophar ngea$ an" pre%'erte!ra$space

    Figure 1-. 7anger spa#e #olored orange

    3 +outes of entry( retropharyngeal*parapharyngeal* or prevertebral spa#es


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    Treat2e*t3 'urgi#al in#ision and drainage under general

    endotra#heal anesthesia3 )ransoral or external approa#h3 Antibioti#s3 'teroids3 ntubation or tra#heostomy

    7,r)*i5 I*6a22ati)*s+ $hroni# !haryngitisEti)l)0y

    3 Long term exposure to various noxious agents9ni#otine* al#ohol* #hemi#al* gaseous irritants:

    3 $hroni# mouth breathing due to nasalobstru#tion

    3 A##ompanying feature of #hroni# sinusitisSy2 t)2s

    3 7ry3throat sensation "ith fre0uent throat#leaering and drainage of vis#ous mu#us

    3 7ry #ough and foreign3body sensation in thepharyx

    Dia0*)sis3 History3 !harygeal mu#osa appears red and grainy due

    to the hyperplasia of lymphati# tissue on theposterior pharyngeal "all

    3 n some #ases the mu#osa may appear smoothand shiny3 Nasal examination to ex#lude nasal air"ay


    3 Avoid #ausing agents3 'age or #hamomile in steam inhalation to

    moisten3 'urgery for those "ith nasal air"ay obstru#tion

    7,r)*i5 I*6a22ati)*s+ $hroni# )onsillitisPat,)0e*esis

    3 +e#urrent in%ammations of the tonsils andperitonsillar tissue #an lead to permanentstru#tural #hanges "ith s#arring

    3 Da#teria #an gro" on #ellular debris in poorlydrained #rypts

    Sy2 t)2s3 +e#urrent episodes of pain or asymptomati#3 Lethargy* poor appetite* bad taste in mouth and

    fetid breath odorDia0*)sis

    3 +eveals small* /rm immobile tonsils "ithasso#iated peritonsillar redness

    3 O##asionally* purulent li0uid #an be expressedfrom the #rypts

    3 'mears( group A 3hemolyti# strepto#o##i3 )onsillar lymph nodes may be enlarged3 Antistreptolysin titer P >> =mL

    Treat2e*t3 )onsille#tomy

    !eripheral Obstru#tive 'leep Apnea 'yndrome 9O'A':Eti)l)0y a*' Pat,)0e*esis

    3 )enden#y for the velum* oropharynx* and=orhypopharynx to #ollapse during sleep narro"ingair"ay and #ausing periods of apnea orhypopnea

    3 Fre0uent arousal from sleep and gasping for airpreventing normal sleep pattern

    3 Long3term eBe#ts due to redu#tion in bloodoxygen levels "ith potential for damage to the#ardiopulmonary system

    Si0*s i* t,e atie*t:s ,ist)ry t,at are su00esti(e)8 /SA

    3 Loud* irregular snoring3 !eriods of apnea during sleep 9"itnessed:3 nusual daytime sleepiness or fatigue3 ntelle#tual deterioration 9poor #on#entration

    and impaired memory:3 !ersonality #hanges3 Loss of libido* impoten#e3 Ny#turia* enuresis

    )able 1. Fa#tors and $onditions that promote snoringand apnea

    Classifcation Common Factors


    Over"eight* obesity


    )onsillar hyperplasia

    )umors in oral #avity* pharynx*larynx* ne#&




    )urbinate hyperplasia

    'eptal deviation

    Nasal !olyps

    7eformities of the external nose

    )umors of the nose

    7e#reasedMus#le )one



    7rugs 9sedatives* hypnoti#s*mus#le relaxants:

    'leep deprivation

    'hift "or&

    Other Se- ;2ale re')2i*ateere*tial Dia0*)sis )8 slee a *ea

    3 O##asional or habitual nonobstru#tive snoring3 pper air"ay resistan#e syndrome3 Nar#olepsy3 nderlying hear disease "ith $heyne3'to&es

    respiration3 No#turnal bron#hial asthma3 !eriodi# hypersomnia* hypersomnia# form of

    endogenous depression3 nsomnia3 $hroni# al#ohol and drug abuse

    Tu2)rs+ Denign )umors3 $an arise from all epithelial and mesen#hymal

    tissues in the head and ne#& region3 !apillomas* pleomorphi# adenoma3 Fibromas* lipomas* #hondromas3 Hemangiomas and lymphangiomas

    Treat2e*t3 6enerally surgi#al

    3 Hemangiomas and lymphangiomas3 7ue to high rate of spontaneous remissionduring /rst years of life surgery is advised iftumor persist beyond that period or there arealready symptoms of dyspnea or dyphagia

    Tu2)rs+ !re#an#erous Lesions%. Leu9) la9ia3 Most #ommon pre#an#erous lesion3 Asymptomati#3 Exogenous irritants su#h as denture pressure or

    al#ohol=ni#otine abuse3 $omplete surgi#al removal

    Figure 1 . Leu&opla&ia

    !. 3)?e*:s Disease3 $hroni# in%ammatory disease #aused by an

    intraepidermal #ar#inoma3 'imilar to leu&opla&ia

    Tu2)rs+ Malignant )umors3 MaCority are s0uamous #ell #ar#inoma

    3 @>? are lo#ated in the palatine tonsils or tonguebase3 Less #ommon sites are the soft palate and

    posterior "all of the pharynxEti)l)0y

    3 $hroni# ni#otine and al#ohol abuse3 'mo&eless toba##o use3 Detel nut use3 +everse smo&ing3 !oor oral hygiene* ill3/tting dentures

    Sy2 t)2s3 'ome may remain #lini#ally silent3 7epend on lo#ation and extent3 7ysphagia* odynophagia3 Dlood3tinged saliva

    3 Fetid breath odor3 trismus

    Dia0*)sis3 )onsillar #ar#inoma may appear as exophyti#

    lesions or an ul#erating in/ltrating type3 O##asionally not grossly visible3 $) and M+3 Diopsy

    Treat2e*t3 For most #ases is surgi#al removal3 Ne#& disse#tion3 !ostoperative radiation3 Alternatively* primary radiotherapy or #ombined

    radiation and #hemotherapy


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    Figure 1

  • 8/9/2019 The Pharynx and Salivary Glands



    T,e Ma4)r Sali(ary Gla*'s !arotid 'ubmandibular 'ublingual

    There are 4 ma5orsa$i'ar g$an"s. The

    paroti", su!man"i!u$ar an" su!$ingua$ g$an"s.These g$an"s a$ong&ith the numeroussma$$ g$an"sassociate" &ith theora$ ca'it , secretesa$i'a into the mouththru the "ucts (aftermechanica$, therma$,chemica$, ps chic, or

    o$factor stimu$i "ue to presence, or anticipate" presence of foo")The minor sa$i'ar g$an"s($ocate" in the mucosa an"su!mucosa of the ora$ ca'it ) secrete 6%789 of the tota$

    "ai$ sa$i'ar output, !ut the account for a!out 89 of the mucus secretion.

    T,e Mi*)r Sali(ary Gla*'s Labial* bu##al* palatoglossal* palatal* and

    lingual mu#osae Not present in gingivae and dorsum of

    anterior ,=- of the tongue

    EM3RY/L/GY 8 th 3@th ee&s of 6estationOral e#toderm!arotid First to develop Last to be#ome en#apsulatedAutonomi# Nervous 'ystem( $ru#ial

    PAR/TID GLANDLargest; ,< grams

    edge shaped 'uper/#ial

    lobe 7eep lobe!arotid$ompartment 'uperior

    Rygoma !osterior

    EA$ nferior

    'tyloid* $A* Sugular veins@>? overlies Masseter Mandible,>? +etromandibular7eep portion in #onta#t "ith parapharyngealspa#e!arapharyngeal 'pa#e !restyloid $ompartment

    o Mus#les and fat !oststyloid $ompartment 9!aragangliomas:

    o Neurovas#ular spa#eo S5* $A* #ranial nerves G to G

    'tylomandibular ligamento separates parotid gland from

    submandibular gland'tensen2s 7u#t Arises from anterior border ;131.< #m inferior to ygomati# ar#h !ier#es Du##inator at , nd upper molar 38 #m in length < mm in diameter$N 5 !es Anserinus

    1.- #m )emperofa#ial

    7ivision $ervi#ofa#ial

    7ivision < )erminal

    bran#heso )emporalo Rygomati#

    -rosses the goma o'er the periosteum

    o Du##alo Mandibularo $ervi#al


    Most common is t pe ;;; ( +9)Lo#ali ation of $N 5 )ragal pointer )ympanomastoid suture !osterior belly 7igastri# 'tyloid pro#ess +etrograde disse#tion Mastoide#tomyNeural #ompartment 5 * 6reat Auri#ular* Auri#ulotemporal


  • 8/9/2019 The Pharynx and Salivary Glands


    5enous #ompartment +etromandibular veinArterial #ompartment 'uper/#ial )emporal=)ransverse Fa#ial!arasympatheti# supply inferior salivatory nu#leusTglossopharyngeal

    nerve then Sa#obson2s nerveToti# ganglion9synapses:

    !ostganglioni# /bers 9auri#ulotemporalbran#h of 5-:Tgland

    'ympatheti# 'upply 'pinal #ordTexit "ith superior thora#i#

    nervesTsuperior #ervi#al ganglion !ostganglioni# /bersTarterial plexuses and

    sensory nervesTsalivary and s"eat glandsand #utaneous blood vessels

    !ostganglioni# sympatheti# andparasympatheti# nerves A#etyl#holine


    Lymphati#s !araparotid ntraparotid nodes 'uper/#ial 7eep $ervi#al nodes

    SU3MANDI3ULAR GLAND )he U'ubmaxilla2'ubmandibular )riangleMylohyoid U$2Marginal Mandibular bran#h !asses through the super/#ial layer of deep

    #ervi#al fas#ia and is dire#tly super/#ial tothe gland

    $apsule from super/#ial layer of 7eep $ervi#alfas#ia

    harton2s du#t Exits medial surfa#e Det"een Mylohyoid Hyoglossus < #m in length Opens lateral to the frenulum at %oor of

    mouth Lingual nerve $N G

    nnervation !arasympatheti#

    o 'uperior salivatory nu#leus9pons:Tnervus intermedius and #hordatympani 9lingual nerve:Tsubmandibularganglion=gland

    'ympatheti# 9superior #ervi#al ganglion:Artery( 'ubmental bran#h of Fa#ial a.5ein( Anterior Fa#ial v.Lymphati#s( 7eep $ervi#al and Sugular #hains Fa#ial artery nodes



  • 8/9/2019 The Pharynx and Salivary Glands


    SU3LINGUAL GLANDDet"een Mandible 6enioglossusNo #apsule7u#ts of +ivinus V=3 Dartholin2s du#t'ialogram not possible

    nnervation( 'ame as 'ubmandibularArtery=5ein( 'ublingual bran#h of Lingual 'ubmental bran#h of Fa#ialLymphati#s( 'ubmandibular nodes

    Anatomy( 'ublingual 6land

    Mi*)r Sali(ary Gla*'s

    8>>31*>>>'imple du#tsDu##al* Labial* !alatal* Lingual

    )umor sites( !alate* upper lip* #hee&Lingual !alatine nn.

    I2a0i*0$) n%ammatoryM+ )umor$hildren( =' M+NO sialogram during a#tive infe#tion

    Mi5r)a*at)2y )he 'e#retory nit 9MA 'E:

    Myoepithelial #ells A#inus 9serous* mu#inous mixed: nter#alated du#t ' triated du#t

    Ex#retory du#t

    !arotid( serous #ells predominate'ubmandibular( mixed serous'ublingual( mixed mu#inousMinor salivary( seromu#inous'troma( !lasma #ells'triated nter#alated du#ts "ell developed inserous* NO) mu#ous glands'triated du#t( H$O- into* $l from lumen

    nter#alated du#t( W into lumen* Na from lumen*produ#ing hypotoni# %uidEx#retory du#ts do NO) modify saliva

    )he +eserve $ell= Di#ellular )heory nter#alated du#t

    o 7iBerentiate into a#inar #ells*

    inter#alated du#t #ells* striated du#t#ells* myoepithelial #ellso Adenoid #ysti# and a#ini# #ell #ar#inoma

    Ex#retory du#t Ex#retory du#t #olumnar and s0uamous

    #ells Mu#oepidermoid* s0uamous #ell #ar#inoma

    )he Multi#ellular )heory Neoplasm arise from diBerentiated #ells

    along the salivary unit '0uamous #ell $A from ex#retory du#t #ells4

    a#ini# #ell #ar#inoma from a#inar #ells


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    SALIVAFu*5ti)* )8 Sali(a

    Lubri#ation Mu#in !hysi#al prote#tion of oral mu#osa

    )asteAntiba#terial and immunity Lyso yme gA produ#ed by plasma #ells7igestion Amylase* lingual lipaseDuBering Minerals Helps in maintaining the integrity of enamel

    ound healing and upper 6 mu#osal integrity Epidermal 6ro"th Fa#tor produ#ed and

    se#reted by the submandibular salivaryglands

    Dlood #oagulation Walli&rein

    Sy*t,esis )8 Sali(aA#tive se#retory pro#ess

    Not a blood ultra3/ltrate'erous #ells atery proteina#eous %uid #ontains

    amylaseMu#ous #ells !roteins lin&ed to a greater amount of

    #arbohydrates!lasma #ells gA

    Pr)'u5ti)* )8 Sali(a!rimary se#retion7u#tal se#retion

    )he se#retory potential 9hyperpolari es:n#reased %o" rate yields de#reased

    hypotoni#ity W 'aliva is al"ays hypotoni# to plasma

    Aut)*)2i5 I**er(ati)* !arasympatheti# Abundant* "atery saliva Amylase do"n'ympatheti# '#ant* vis#ous saliva Amylase up

    Sali(ary Fl)?131.< L=day 91 ##=min:

    nstimulated state 'ubmandibular'timulated state

    !arotid'ublingual minor Mu#in

    Fu*5ti)* )8 Sali(a'alivary hypofun#tion $andidiasis Durning Mouth Aphthous ul#ers 7ental #aries Gerostomia


  • 8/9/2019 The Pharynx and Salivary Glands


    EFFE7TS /F AGING )otal salivary %o" independent of ageA#inar #ells degenerate "ith age'ubmandibular gland more sensitive tometaboli#=physiologi# #hange

    nstimulated salivary %o" more greatly aBe#tedby physiologi# #hanges

    SUMMARY Par)ti' Su 2a*'i u

    larSu li*0u


    belo"andanteriorto theear

    %oor of themouthbeneath thebody of themandible

    #olle#tionsofnumerousglandslying #loseto the


    3. Mai*Du5t

    'tensen2s du#topensoppositethe , nd uppermolar

    harton2sdu#t opensbeneath thetips of thetongue

    open atthe base of the tongue

    5. Ty e )8


    serous mixed but

    more serousarranged in#hara#teristi#s pattern 3serousdemilunes

    mixed but




    "ea& amylasea#tivity


    E.I*ter5alate'Du5ts &Striate'Du5ts

    long prominent

    shorter lessprominent

    shortest leastprominentamong thethree

    F. Si@e Largestsalivarygland,>3-> g

    n bet"een1,31< g

    'mallest,3- g

    G. T)talsali(ary)ut ut

    ->? 8>?

  • 8/9/2019 The Pharynx and Salivary Glands


    7 'EA'E' OF )HE 'AL 5A+X 6LAN7'

    'ymptoms of 'alivary 6land 7isease!ain'"elling!urulent 7is#harge7ryness


    At mealtimentermittent s"elling


    Neoplasmnilateral* non3painful* long term

    Obstru#tionnilateral* painful* short term


    'ubmandibular 6land '"elling

    !arotid 6land '"elling!urulent 7is#harge

    nfe#tion!ossible obstru#tion


    Obstru#tion+adiation7ehydration$hroni# llness7rugs'CYgren2s 'yndrome

    Evaluation and 7iagnosis!hysi#al Examination

    Dimanual !alpationNormal Z non palpable

    )enderness ; infe#tionFirm mass %oor of mouth

    Amount of saliva$hara#ter of saliva

    nfe#tion$ulture and sensitivity

    'ialography'alivary #al#uli7u#tal stri#ture and irregularitiesFilling defe#tsA#inar destru#tion


    1. !resen#e and = or position of #al#uli or otherblo#&ages

    ,. Extent of du#tal and glandular destru#tionse#ondary to an obstru#tion

    -. )o determine the extent of glandular brea&do"n. Assessment of fun#tion in #ases of dry mouth

  • 8/9/2019 The Pharynx and Salivary Glands


    Non3neoplasti# 'alivary 6land 7iseaseA. nfe#tious n%ammatoryD. Noninfe#tious n%ammatory$. Non in%ammatory

    nfe#tious n%ammatory 7isease1. A#ute 5iral n%ammatory 7iseaseMumps 9paramyxovirus:3most #ommon

    $hildren 38yon#ubation period 1 3,1 days 9#ontagious:

    $lini#al /ndingsDilateral s"elling!ainErythema

    )endernessFeverO##asional trismus


    ,. A#ute 'uppurative'ialadenitisDa#teria'tasis of salivary %o"7ehydration* immunosuppression* trauma*debilitation'"elling* erythema* pain* tenderness* trismus*purulent dis#hargeS. aureus, S. pneumoniae, . co$i,

  • 8/9/2019 The Pharynx and Salivary Glands


    sialadenitis* sialolithiasis and radiationinCury

    -. Mu#o#elesMu#ous retention #yst7ilatations of minor salivary gland du#ts

    A##umulated mu#ous se#retionsMu#ous extravasation into the#onne#tive tissue

    Fairly #ommon

    Lip 98>3J>?:* bu##al mu#osa* %oor of mouth andpalate7iBerentials

    $ysti# hygroma* lymphangioma*thyroglossal du#t #yst* dermoid #yst

    $omplete surgi#al ex#ision+e#urren#es #an o##ur "ith inade0uate ex#ision

    RANULA ;6))r )8 2)ut,
