The Patient



A short story.

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A Story: The Patient

A person got quite sick and went to the hospital. The doctor said to the family to get all the relatives and friends down to see him as he might not live through this illness. Out of panic and even more fear due to worry from the shortage of time, the family hurried to inform them. 

The patient saw them coming, without knowledge of his medical condition (anyway most of the time he was sedated), thought it odd his friends and relatives were appearing out of the blue, even those that he was never really close with... and they all looked so worried.

He asked them what was wrong and what they were doing there. They either just smiled and shook their heads or told him that he'd be fine... Puzzled because he couldn’t get anyone to tell him anything that could explain the situation.

Suddenly, it dawned on him that maybe they came to see him for the last time... maybe he was dying soon! Cause’ it seemed like one of those movies he watched... No?

The more he thought about it, the more depressive he got, and his health suffered even more. Adding to not getting any answers from anyone, thus he was so consumed by it that it was ALL HE THOUGHT...

Very quickly, his condition took a turn for the worse... And that added to the stress... Because it affirmed his belief that he was really, really sick and only getting worse! Consumed by his worries and the fear that his death seemed so sudden and inevitable, so much so that he really did die quite soon after he saw all his relatives and friends...

Well, almost 80% of them perhaps.

Now, the odd thing was that he really was the one who accelerated the process. Probably at the start, his condition might not have been fatal... And his closed ones not willing to communicate that message to him didn’t help when they were behaving out of sorts.

The doctor said it was fortunate his loved ones could make it down in time to see him, and that was why he could put his heart at ease and just leave. The doctor was given good reviews for another one of his accurate diagnosis...

Grateful, the family members thanked him and felt really glad they could all spend time with him at least before he passed on...

Now what about the patient? What do you reckon?

If only the dead could speak.

;) Lots of love, *Lynn Chen*
