The N.I.J.C. Cardinal Review 15 (4) Nov 16, 1960



Published Semi-Monthly During the College Year by Journalism Students at the North Idaho Junior College

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17 Girls Compete For Miss NIJC Crown This Foll

The tourtb annual J.11• ?-"IJC contoit la W'Ck!rway. The con· l.elt la polUIOred by th. p,.... byter!An Club

M1M ?-"UC will bo crowned l"rlday, o.c. z at 1 p. m Th• ;tri. W!U be judged on poU.. ptt100na!Jly, l&l•nl and look&.

Thr """1min&' ol ).!Ju NIJC IV and prerentauon or ~la t.o tho court wUI be don• by MIU Diann Wrlrbt. lW. :--UC lfJ, Judl[em for t.h~ contnt. t'A'"O men and a woman. wtll be- an· nouncod a1 a lat.or dal•

PolloW!ng an candlclat .. tor Miu N1JC IV: Kay Andenon. Auoclalo Womw Staclenla: Kattn Pelonion, band; Mar11>'11 Newt.on, chorwo; Shirley Suck. Cln:le K ; Lael l'&Jrchlla, Dam~ Club; Della J<'&ll MIDer. En,!11· neera Club; Beverly Areb&rt. F'rmch Club: Lob P1USJmmona, Ho""' Eoonomlca Club; Ruth OennlAI. Lul.h<ran SWd<nl A> ooclAUon: Donna Dullns:'. NcW· man Club; Pat Bening, Phi Thet.o. Kappa; Sue Wright, PolJUe&J Selene<>; Colleen Oun· hAm, Prubyt.orlan Club: Margi• K ay Evan., Sp&nl.ob Club; ~ 'TrlaMLtum, Veterans Club: Car· lrno ~ Wtaley Poundallon: Karon Orunorud, Student NA· llonal l'lducaUon ,l\..UOclaUon

Each Instructor Had A Student Assistant For Education W eek

Por U10 Sl'l'0A rncully·atudont lt'a, ~mbcn went to Ut~ t.cAch· er'• room•. pinned Nd roaf.bud cor•lf•• on lhom, nnd Invited them lo n ten In the home <"CO· nomlu room Nov. 7

Since ll we.a NttUonaJ Educa· lion \ Ve1-t:k. lhtt aLudrnl.8 ht'ld thu tea nn d ofrcred tholr •• ollll.An•• to th• lnol.ructora for the te:•L of the WN.'k AJmo1t All nt l hc l-:ac.hf'rt nll•,ndf'd Mtm• hero or SN~JA oervod t'nrtff ten.. 1t.1icl cooklu

Electronics Class Jamm ing Air Wave s

I hWlng trouble. wlLh yoor 1·adlOlJ !lround tho 0<hool irroumll T The whyror or U1l1 Ill that I.he lnduat1111I •1..,tronlr. •lua M1 bWn jMUnlng lho alr Wt\\'M "101 lh(!lr 3-lu~ •UJ>C'I'

hotN'od)'ll• tranamlll•ra Ulat th~ 1t udNt1A luwe ~en bulldlng T hea.,. lr1UU1mltlcre Att rnpab1f' or tn.namlltlna f1lr a a1111ancei of noo r~t.

AJldt'i from lbt'!lr Cl:l&a work, thlo J:T<IUp hu organll.t'd •M el(.'(ltet) ci:aau oUlttn ThciM ornocra • ..., Ron MC?Ctl)·, p...,.1. dent. and K, n Thomcu~ ,·ice P""'ldont.


Your Gooeming Officers

<; 1ud,.,.1 ~o, f"rntt.rnl ortkn Arft aow au t:lllf'd. ,,,.,,,. .orr 'our ,.ll"f'f rd of0f'f'n.: Standln~. k'tt to rlsrhl : n onn Dr-n nl .... l~n riA_..._ ... ' '"' p~l­d ; \\' A' ... tudent b<ldy p,....._lc;k:n t ; Tim 1'Jn1t"r, fr~man cillL•.., p,...._tdf'nt; K en Carndro. -.ophom (lr f'I c-1•~~ \J('JI" prf""Wf'nl: John l l lJ.Ltii. ... ro.

df"Zll bt>d'· ,fl:" p.resJdr.nt, and Lenard \"a.uiirhn. V>pbomorf' ci.a..., prf"ldd("'Qt. ~tf'd. lf'ft tu ri~ht: lk' t'rl),. .... tudN,t bod) ~la.I c-hnlnnon: ;\IArJ•..- Kay £"an_' fN"<ohman ("la'" ~t.AJ). u:id Or-lb .I~ :u111r.r. ~phomort- <'lu."-""' M"("rt'­


Phi Theta Koppa Initiated Four At Annual Banquet

Phi Theta ICaPJ>G b•ld Ila tint ..,m,.le.r pledrtnl and lnlLial· cieremony tut nt-=ht at a l>anquol at tho Happy Hour 0..110 Joan a.imer. RutWI Cook. and Ftom \Y<'1J>P)t'"r. Wtt-e lnJURt· oO Into tho erbQlaaU< bonorar)' -l•l)' Mr Riobe wu lnlllal· eoc1 U n.n hODOnJ')" JUf'Mbtt

Dallu Ator. "111"'11ntcndrnl Q( .ChOOl• O.( dJ.alJ1Cl 271. WU the- trpe0krr er the tVC"nln,: llo•• Wanamakrr r••·• th• ln· ,-ocnuon

The!' dub u. ill b.a\'e- 1ta annual Thank•jl'MJll Dan« on =--"' 10, lhe Saturday bofo"' Thank .. gi\1n~ 1'1itmeo ot lb.e d&ncit! •·111 be '1'urkoy In tho Strav. ThcAt will be.- lhre mwu~ rr­f rtth.mtnta. and rnlf'rtalnment Al the ooml·fonnaJ atfatr

TOl'E 0.\.1£.~D \R Thll w ... k mark• U.. mid·

W'J'· of lh~ • Thorci a.rt 11 more v. HM unUl •~meattr exa..rna, and !S wec:ka unlll tinAJ exams Thrn ..,.. four and one halt v.~k>o unul tho Cllrlnmu '"•caU•n ~

Sweatshirts W ith NIJC Emblem Now On Sale In Bookstore

Yost coUt-~,. h..l.i."\ f'At-

llhl.U and "°" :-,,JC no ' titpUOn Thto book.r. n-~ on dl•play 1"'1j;ht dlftttt"nt a.tyln of lf"'tatahlrt&. ~•en " th ab ,.n.1· blem or a C&rd.tnaJ v:;, th l.hc­Y.'of'd.I :.iC'rth 1daho Junior Cal~ l«'t;C ... around u

~·m nf rJ'tt" stvta ar~ '1>hit~ and .... 1 In "'"" &nd an• II g.-.y and red. Tbc pnCC8 l"IU'lt• rrom $.2 I'~ 10 S~H~. and lb~ ....-.. .,... modlum and larg•

Mn Be.,: who la ID cbal"l:• ol lbe boot..u>"' orderod on~ bait doz.en o! -.cb llyle. and ll lhr ~~ la s:re&l """"Ith. .ll~ •'1U order mor1:.

Bond Planning For Christmas Concert

Mamb<'.ra ,r tn. lland ha• - bul) pra.:uc:i.o.r rm- M'•·nw.I rwtt:UODI tat w!lkb tbr)' wfil play At iw-t the)' are pnrtjetng ~p - lQ play al t!>• buk.u.ll ra- !All - By ba~ c-ood peppy llClf\l:'I. they bo)>< ID a.dd """'" iplnl t.o lbe cam--

NIJC' s Voting Was Parallel To County's

Hov.· did lh• tt.Wl of lho Juntor Cotltf{C'" mock el«Uon '" tt.h lho rtftulll In th<" local and -'tl4t~ tlc<llon • ;\ t"Ompart.80n ot lht! voth'I:' N\O\I.'" thAt both Koatt"-nol Cc;iunty and' collcg~ ra,,.·on"d Lht" D~mo­crata. but In the county tu n. •r<'AlN' c-xh.•nt

In th• llr.porlAnl pn-lld•nll•I, count.y g.nJ Ut~ collof:\~ both ra•·orod K<nnodv u.nd John· ' n but lho •tAtf' Wu won by Ntxon Md Loe.lg\', Al lh• Col· l•ge. DworahAk dotoM­<d hlll O<mocrauc chnlloni:•r. Y cl..&uJtblln. but ln tho county, McLA~hlln wu I.ho victor. Stat.ew1..lie. the vot~ W&a tn fa.\'or ot Dv.-orabslt.

Accorchng' lo the coil•ll" vote, ••"7 olb<:r contested otrlco ... ould have been won by I.ho OemocraUc candldat... Kool· enaJ Coanly parallelod lho col· ~· by YOllJll' a atzalghl· <TaUC Uclcet al.lo.

Wheelbarrow Ride Down Sherman Is Election Payoff

During a tteenl meeUng of I.he PoUUeal Sclenco Club, the YO\lllg Democrats ortered a unique chAllenge to lho Yoani: R.tpubUCAJI& Tho cluillenro wu lhla·

"We, lbe mcmbera o! the YOUftl' D<!mocrat Club, cha.I· loog.o tho Yo""i' RopubUCllJl Club o!tlCUlf, tho 'lioung Repub­lican Ex.ccuun~ Board. and ono member o! I.ho Young R<!publl· can Club, Ulll IDlalml; 10 pco. pie. to a wb.cclba.rrow r1do from th• corner o! 8th a.nd Sborman to tho comer ot ht and Shcr­m.ui. lf SCl1lll0r Johll F. Ken· nody omd Sc.nat.or l.. B. Johnllon WU\ tho clectJon. ln turn, 1t Rlcbard NIJ<on &11d Henry cabot Loclj;o .<bould WUl I.he cloCUCID, I.ho Younc Democrat PoUucoJ Science C.1ul> o!ftccra. tho Ocm""rata Club o!fl""l'll Md the li'oung DemCJCro.tll Exocuuvc BoUd, Ullo lolnll.o£ 10 people, wW C'l\'O a rtdo to Young keput>UC&nl abo\'C mcnuoa~l •l I.ho dlatAncc. The Win· m•r will d1001i1 tho ume and date tho dalo b<!IJlC bolorc !;alurdAy, Nov. 19. The l°"'T "'II !ti.mW. the whodbArrow."

The c.Jt-c.Uona now over. and 1tncc K<nn<dy u.nd Johtulon \\on, I.ho Young lt<publlcarul <>Wo tho Oernocro.ll " ride. The resulla or lhl• chllllongo llllould pro•·• Lnt•"'4UDJ;, lf not llllarloua.

Ci rel ti K To Cosponsor Beard Growing Contest

01.oo..- cit tho n:ttnt Circle K meeting wu lbo lnvitaUon by lho ropreaentaUvo or lbo Vou Club, &try Capaul, t.o co­apon.oor the boanl·~ oon­Lcst with lhcm..

Commlllco chA!rmen were ap­polnt«I by president Wally AdJUn• and are na follows: House <0mmlll«. Oal.o Fumllh: Publlo ttlatlona, Kent Heber: 111emJ>erab.lp, Bob Green: SoclAI. Larry Selle: ProJ•cta. Sl..-c Sl.Mlcy,

SNEA Honors Faculty They ..... aUI> pruUci.og

ooap tc.r lhe Quuunu con· cert ..-b.lcb W\11 be btld "" Dec. H . lD addltlan to ~ two pro.)ecui. I.bey an platu>Utc another t'GDCttl for the t1rat rart o! F"el>NEY.

Collf'P ""'4Ull.I voted for •-=mu S..J R. No. 3. No. 4. No. t and No 0. Kootenai Count)' for IUTICDdm<nl S-1.R. N o. 4, aJ>d aplnol tho thn!ot Olbo'T a.mendmenl.I Th• ata.t.e V<ltfd (Cir am4!'.n:dment.a S.J .R. No 4 and No 9, bul voted qai.aal amendments 8-1.R. Na 3 and No. 4

Ouoall In a ttendance trom the Klwanlo Club wore Or . W&11..­MAlaOn, Mr. Ccori;o Rigg. tn>m lhe R.E:.A.., Mr. Frank Morse ot Yat.,..Mo~o Funeral Hom<, and Mr. Clniiltmn..n . !lln.yor and Dean Qr NJJC.

Tbe b&nd'• C1U1didalr for U.. J\-UC cont- la Kl:n!D Pct.,,_ a l'rubman tlom !'wt 1-'alla.

Vets Club Will Be Reactivated

Alter - cns.nded 1"I )'ft.J'" tb~ \'tt•I C1Ub bas re--OrpniUd. ekcled orocerw. and planned acu,1ua for col· tep

Jobn :i.uu. ....,.. •locled pnsl· dent; Barr)• C..paul. •1a: p,,_. denl: CbucJc Ad&lm. HCl"<tar)"· t~: and Da'·t Hankm a.ud Rufus Cook. c:ommitteo =· bera.

"rhJ.a year, the ,·et.a wUJ spon· mr th~ board gnnr\nJ: conteat.. Plana an ,,.,.... bdng made lo hold the lD the near future...

Study Radio Frequency

.. lndmotrlul eftetroulc-.!1 c~ are C"UM"'l"Dlly •l'ud)'lnC' nMUo lro-­q~ncy ud tunln~. Shown above u.r~ f"red S~phe:~n. Jamr.s Bren. 1uut ft.onA.ld Gro\~ Jrft 10 rt,;'hl. "''h o rftd lo.. Kc-Uh ""£rir.k· eroon. lr..r right. 1.!t thr lo...,c ruccor ob9ervlnr.

THE N.LJ.C. REVIEW P•b!lJ-1 s-;.M .. tloly 0.."'9 .... ~· YNr

1y.i.. ... 1--.... .... NORTH IOAHO JUNIOR COUEGE


Editor N.aacy Ta.Jt9~

~t•P'f EcMor --~ MiM ... OOff iu... '···-· 1 $po<h £<litor 0-, W olh CttcwMtio9 M•N99' --- Pet ..... .. 9 a...-...u MeM9•t C.rok Al~-.d Aeport.n l.lfld• WeMIMl.,.. '•"ttie ~9•r. a.. Atff.rt. e.Ae ~·

bi4 c;.,,;.e, ••4 H.•c. L Pe1lw.

A lETIElt TO THE STUDENTS Deor Studonl>:

This ;, o record Y""r 10< "h Juror Co "9" The to•o "'"""" mont '" %3 Jtudonh wh ch rs ori nctooWt of •7 1•~oe--•, ov~ lost yoor • enrollm.,nt ond on "''00"' of b6 !ude•· O'<&! • .,., onrollmont of the yco< befo<o •hot Y01 ti.e Juo>Ol Co!loge growing. ond with lh1\ 9rowth on onrollmonl lh"1'e U.0..-ld oe o• ;ncroo:o •n ldlool oclovoty oli.o 8y octr1oly I meon 1>4rticipo• .,.., :n tho voroou1 clu\n on compu1. otlondonc.o of 1>41 -~al toe o function> that will bo hold throughout tho yoo• o"CI oHe!\ ot tho coll•g• s bo1fatboll 9om<H

From tho oarly •nd1c.ot1on1. o predocllon c:culd ha·• '"'"" rnado lhol thi1 would bo o rocord yoar for soc'ol o Iv,..,. "<><> hnt 1horo wos tho focully m .. or. Tho turnout f0< th wo t,_.,<n for bottor thon any turnoul for ony function hc:!d lo.1 yu• I hinted thot tho old and now lludonh ""ore •ntor .. ted "' hav...q o 9ood socio! lifo along with !hair ocedom c r.f • s.ccnd ·~.e• wo> tho orgonitolion ond mombenh1p of tho club1 ·i.oro moro inloro.I 1hown in Iha.a club< lhon lhoro .,,.., a 1 yeo• In oddilion. !hero ho boon tho formotoon oi '°'"" ~- dub> But ovonhodowing this b,;ght outlool oro some 04,\ l-.acpr ings. First. thoro wo1 no Halloween dance Altho..igl> po..,. ~oc been mode to hold ono thoy .... ,.. not corred tlvot:gh.. 1><.c i>ere wo• no dance. Second. tho mock. poli!oco ,,11y. which U.O..:e hove boon of in•orcnt to most of the 1!udenh ,.._. est!"e:!'..ely poorly oltonded. Tho rolly could hove been o hig" po"'' of me year if there hod boon o larger numbor oi sl"UOer.ts to\ ng P"'"'

There hove boon somo complo;nu olreooy tho! • .ere noth •g to do ot lh"s colloqo. Tho!' true. but its no• •ho fou • o' •he oH.ce, or tho odmonr\trohon. 0< tho focu ty. If you tl>e slu<1en'1. th ni thoro i• noth ng lo do. tfien it " your own fou + YO<J,.. tOlpon> blo for plonning ond pullong on dance and o:....r soc a odtvi!iO>. 0 ... r ng r1t911lrotoon, you 1panl money for '"8 f>"'potC

of ho-:ng S.OC••.1 lune• ons. So mo\o uWt of tfie money by pu•• ng .on soct0I funchons or ol lco1I by ettond;ng tho1e tho! ore hold

Coming up '" tho future w I be iomo aet • I e> rh.ot ore worth ollend ng 1uch o• tho'9•v1n9 Danco, ihe Chri1tma• F0<mo tho Engonoors 8oll, ond other dances 8o oefba >OO'lOn " 'or• soon. with homo 9•'""' 11nd out of town qomo._ Mo• o ,. o po n• !o qo lo 01 rnony. of the.., ovanls 01 f'Ol iblo Rt< ndlo tho• •nto•••I ond onthuuo m with which you stortod tho )'Hr Help mole th•I o record ye,., \OC•olly ot tho Jun•or Coll1t90.

Noncy TonQen oc:Mor

FOil All THIS WE GIVE THANKSI /\s tho fourth on i'<ovomb<or ro.I a ound wo ,.,11 ago•n

bo eolobrol1ng Thanl191v1ng. Whan Thanbgrvong oson come> pooplo bocome rno<o •""ore of lho mon) wonderful thongs tho) hovo all oround tham Thoy become lhanlful for the Q priv•le<Jed

1 po""'"°"'· Tho r19ht of open doors of churche•. the rognt of comforh of ovory doy lifo. For friond1hip ond lou9htor for th 'omf0<! of thoir homo1

. C~labroling Thonh9iv1n9 roflot:h •ho ri9ht ond priv;fe<Je. •he P1l9roms fought for, ond ocqu.rod, to estobl"h a home w"""' freedom is ovorywhcro Tho home ;, tho center of Thon~>g;v ng whore tho family 9othcri togothor to modilolo ond g<vo ·hon• for tha"r frl!Cldoms

Today. O\ ovor, we ore thonlful for ou• righ•s 01 ·nc1viduo tho fr~odom of speech ond freedom of t~o preu. These ""' ou• sloppon9 ttono !0< our no''°'1<1l 1d60 •o 1"9 peroona be e'> ooch citizen possouo1. For ""°'l to be done ond the strencrb •o do ·r ~r o . ., q • • '"' - K.J P

Four Night School Classes Are Now Operating At NIJC

Nrrt>t cl..- ..,. _,, bt.;n; ortor..i by Ill<' NlJC No en, t

LI OU.....S tor the oou.._ """· but the aib,IKta..,. vocauona; a.a4 belp prepaze ua- taJdna: Ulm> ror Joba. Four <O<ll'M• are beln11 o!ftred T)'plDI: and a•· cou.nung ..,.., two Of the-m.. 'tbt' taocbor ln botll LI Mra. Dorotlly York. Twenty-on• are cnrollod \n Ul.-ct b\lmlnoa COUl'Wtl Y•hlch m .. t on 'londay and Tburada)" eveninr.

Commordal Art, wblcb LI taught by Mro. Clad,.. Bray. i. anQll\er nlgllt oourao \\1th 10 .. -.nroUed - Lhne more than Whal waa .. t to be Ille llmll Tiii.i cluo moell on Tuoadayo Md Thunclay

Tbe Courtll ol- 11 tallorlni; 'Which la \lnder the aupton1ato~ or Mn. Rtlen B"""dl. and ha.I

an f"JU'Ollmtn t o! ~ The daa b di--ided IDln nro aorti~ -ace whk:b meet.a on ltonday "'enlDp and - whlcll mttl.O ... w ed?l-1 n""1lllp.

French Club Elects Newton President -~· FnDch Cub beld 11.. election of omcero. ~ ci-n to bud Ule club •·ere: praldent. Marilyn Nnr .. too: •1ce prelrldent. Kat.blttn Rult:ner. _,..tary, Carlem ~; ..._..,,..r. Ell.Id Curle: and .-.tant tniuurc:r. Sue Wnrt>t. :ldo.)'\1o Pc..,_ was cbo.n IJl&D&l:U at the French Club bt.oquet. and Kar1lyD Newton LI to Ille club planlat.

Th• CTOUP II a.pJn ~ c:a.ndy M a mon<y..maldng pn>­joc:L and wouJd like to lntorm ony lnlt:rfflod. membtrs of tht racult)• or atudcnl body.

Beverly Arehart bM beea <booen u Fn:ncb Club candlc!At• tor lU. ?>.'TJC.

a...t..T~ TU TUE 1::1)1 l uA.....,. t tAL ~ow:~ k\llle"' •e.·

NIDb kuen to tao C!ILl&ur.

~ .. ..., Mlbj«t .... '°""'"' ........ .,..._.-.... -.Ip t-nr ~ n.a,.e tiet'C'~ cM

"*" ru"'"- ~- •J l.M ..... "',.. ....cie: -· fttl • C"0-1.: l(C" ........ _,.."" """~ ......tnl.)

To ' editoT. OD n.....-y ""bt, O<tobu

Zi. tM Po1WcaJ ~ ClUb.. In Ila t&nl pabloc tw>ctlon ot - ""'"'11 ,...... -led • pollucaJ rall7. Bi.< bOW maD)' Ol i6U studenl.J •ere ~· ~lltUTtt:IOol~ ~t.lwr tbn ~ ID !be raJl1 -.n.i-.. Wbue .. .,..

U>e -r 100 otudclita "' .... .....- I ~1ve up an bou.r lor

a lJuJe -- of UM1 polil.lal - prtt.W.L IA all our lll:Ulda ! We t&C't a (1'UdeJ t..ra.. a.od 'tlii. u m&.ll.ll'e ' llU})p;»­

cdl)' I c.ollc• otudooll1'1 CDlll<IA I com. to llll&a LO t.u. otud<nta •bo a.nt awve al Liie po!Jllal """ lllnU.pc pmlUoa Ulat Ollr ~ - U!Jo ,.,,. mlnuL~

At I.lie l&arl ol !be KbOol

)-. IL - lhal 1-"lo otu• - 1>o<11 ... ~ to ....... U>e and Ulat Liie wboo&r allldonl

bod)' WU wlUa - rwic• U..... - WIUI Ulcr -..pport and U>eir sp<nl, &1 Ulal ro!W· cal no.llJ' twbldl wu plaAned wCI - "1 UM1 m-· bees or 0>c t- p&rUa .....s u.. ~t CJOllPI. a ladl of - .... ~-

Tbc ··-La - bdpod to carry ~t. Uda ~ .,,.. -~·~ ~...., u..,. too ba -rk to do. llut U>c1 d •-..led & s- part or U1c1r u. to p.~ U>c o-m aad Ulc • --- Tiie ..... t \he ., .... l>od) C:0..W ban claDc "'M

come w.t ta tuD force) to • &.'ld bear • l>&l ua. 1tlhknta baJ "'orru

And ._of you ,. .... \Oled

U>c !ollowlq day did an) of )OU -1Jy lmcllo Llw pr-U&J

<.&ndld&U:a tba1 '°"' ""&Md tor. or ~b&t t.bty &tood tor: Sot 'ery llUUI) or ,. ..... Im '"""' &a the ol &.be ne'A

.)car. and on.I) tl\e ~tcka b.a\I• ~ Let ua all wpp>rt wr OICbool and dub fW>cU..oa. Lel • be doeni. not talk""'~ ! '

Si.D<ttoly youre, Sic,~o St.Anley. Sopbonwr4

Doug Wells Shakes Nixon's Hand At Republican Rally ne bl' ••oat of tlM. po!Jucal

)"tar occurnd cm NO\'. 4 tor many of I.he -..o or t.b• Yo~ Repul>!J"""" Cub. -poclo.ll)' tor ana monbcr.

Thia Ill day" tn•elled '4 Spokan• ID hJ&blY .......... can to - c:aadldace wbom I.bey ~ for p.....Wmt. lbchanl ll Sixon. GoCIS ...... oou, Well.I. l.IDd& Wanamak•r. Na.acy Tanpa. Doa lnalc.o Ko.J Andem:m. Sae Wngll.t. Jola Achord. caro1 oa.,_.-t. 11eo. F'Ulton. and 5&"41 Schooler ~ £cldma. ).tel ~. &Dd Rita w..,,. aJ.o ...... t. al.Uloush t.hry ...., ID oc.bcr pollucal cluba

The blJb pouit or u.. l"llll} tor oouc Wcllo ,..... artu u.. ~ ............ °""' ...... • 1>1e to set °" .... ·~ anc1 allo.k• hando wtl.h llr. SIXGIL A picture ....... talurn WIUI Douc and Pat NWICI toplhtt. but nn!ortunatd,. the picture did not tum out.

Rf'clnPI llalJ (1t'f1 • "~ "h•m1nc -h '<"' lhl\\~•n " tk-\ltt" for .,..t,.nn.utl~ ''"" r914' ,,f flaU tor " bod~ \\hf'n th.,. It..-, It"\\ lllml w (1"1tphf'r .apP""I lhl• rlc'h•"'· \h. ~' ~ lbfl nc" ph~ .. IC" ln· "lrurlo r al 'IJ(" lhi" .) t"O.r .

NlJCt nr• phy a butrurh1r ta a •hH•h.alrN , .. ..nU.:"man. 11.ej:\nA!d ){ o.I)•

>tr Daly •'M born tn Toronto. Onl.. Ho LI a p<l11&to or CalJ· well no,.. ticl\ool ...... l\.u u.,.lll In .q:M hrtorenl , .. 1. l<P> \\ S U~ tlllco Slate an.I HvmllOldl State In a.Ill , Br•J• IQ' Unlvuelty In r.c,na, Ill , CIJ' J C. In Mlm>-• U of Crand ltap141 In ).11<1\ • I~ )llaoUrl lkl>ool ol Mina. onJ Colorado St&lo U lie hu a i.cbdo< ~ .. mm the u or To.roato llDd b.&a doelci craduat.­'""111 at U.. U c,t O;lorodo and tbo u of \\ a.ol\lncton-

)1.r [lalv .,.... In I.he Itoy 1 A ar \\\\l.,..J

Politicc'll Science Club Sponsored Victory Dance ~ f" tl &JOI \,;

11.a Ou. • anJ ~0''· 7 ..nKl~ d~ \ tct~ry v.nce th• c.lU.b •poMOrod NOY. i: The spealr*ra rw thc:!Ct ..,..,tinp ,. ere J R&y Cox. Blll Reopn. a.n.J Tucn Mitdlell

Tbo com.zrlllltta for the danc~ •ere a.a toltow• AcJv.,ru..enwnt - M.u Pru.s.nle. Sue \\ nght, Kay Cbapman. Roberta Ball and Kann Cnanarud, dllcorallon

J....,,.. Pucci • .Kay Ol&pmAn l'Ouo \Yrllbl, ~Ur\lyn l'lowton Don l.rUlko. and 8111 \\'.,batu, rdreo!Unenll -· DIAM Wal<l· ram. S..V Ardlart, Entd CkrTI• and )layvl.t Pt1A"t110o

Sue Wt1Jbt W'9• Choclcrn to rep..-t U>e <lub ln Ult MIA NUC coo ....

)t.DIOIUAL n:-o A memorial luod w bdnJ -

•r "1 ua. Prwl>yuna.D Club 1n -mory ot Roth& Rayo Cow>· ...,._... & lf>eO grsdllat4 Of !>"UC. Studoota IDIU9"'1 ID

~ to the fund - Bill Tlut>ID. Don l!W<o. or Sh&ron Sn1'1er. The -7 will be 0<t1t to t.b• lAw1litoa CbJJdr~n·a Home In memc.<)' at - Ray

Peterson's Shoe Shop Shoes for the Entire F•.,,;Jy

111 N _.So .... 0 ... wi 4.1911)


llENT • SALES • llEIAI ll

INl'DtSTAfE TYnWlllTDt CO 417 SJ.,,...., A..-. ... ,..._ 4-lAll

h111."k rttot L"'lnh\K at Toronto. Ho la ma.n-tl"\1 1'.nd hu a dtlu11hl•r \\hrt II .,..., m•n-1~ Iha h(•bb\' i. unu,.unt and lnlflr· ei'Un,f ~ n\ountntn r tlmblnJ;"

'"" ~""' Mr r>nl)I IK!RIN 12.~GC).ll Mt •"lato1• .nd 11.113· fl it.II Twtn-k• tn llo<ky )h'h1nt1un N.u1onlll Pork. tie hts:l\I)" rocomm•n.U thl• hobby •n•I up lt le .. vory rewftrdlng'"

II to "' l.>aly'o ~r•nk>n that teac hina- LI ~ moet lnl<'~ll•

1ng, 1umulo.uni. aatloty1n11 pro­fo•i<•n a •tu.J~nt <&n M'IM:t .... Ho llkN N'IJC An•I la n,,ppy lo tand ha Jab "'luipl't'ltl'l'\l nt-.-.1 and

,J . •I"'

Home Ee Club Making Blackout Curtains

H me eco .n .. mk ~dub mf'm t rw baYt- bf'· n ... n •Jwlnl" tJn t•ri-• amoW'lt• ot black cotdu· roy jn lht>lr •paro morn~nl• In anlM~r to lho many qur..1t1on1 WhJC'h have com4' up &-bout thl• AC:UvU,y. thfl pt. &n nw'1.klnit curtalna for tho '°'m window• Theao eurt&1n.1 wUt bo u.1od ln any auembUu 'Where ftlma are

"' l>e ol>own. !All Fltzatmmon.o .. to be

tho <lub"o <andldatA! for )llH NIJC

THE PIT Karmelcorn & Condy

Home.made Piml f2S SN~•" A"•· • C04ut d'Al•t1•

SOUVENIR RECORDS • MO ... ~ • .n-1'1

226 Si-.~o Ar• COEUR D"AlEHE. ID....HO


:t/Ht?.Li"IG 'IDIAN




DR. PEPPER n.. Fr..e•d., ,.,,...,.u,.,.,.

'tu. ,;..,. ;. 'cw11• .., ·• ~ ........ 9 H ..-di ff l" dottaiJl:f• foocl, ,..,. ... ~ .. a!!·~C.O<'!'tfftOd,t;... 1-4.,. at TIM p,.._.. ow ron• c.°"~•••'"- d. Not J.o,.. clii .. p bwt N... 9oodt MN.,.,. •qv:p. "'•l'lf el'lcf dlft.4 ,,..._. ..-.le if ?O', 'bl• for "' Jo do ri"O'I• pttitf. "-"9 b.ft•• · ifho.rt ... ,. ... ,.!Ke.


'r>""+•n of th.. N J. J. C a.,.,.__.

Student Body Leaders

"'""' , _.ff'.,.ld,.n t J ohn ) t ut" (l"'f lJ &nd 1-"!'H.l~nt U 'aJI) Adan\!J of lhf' A -!lt()rlalf"d ""il udrnl Kody a.rr tntr odOONI lo 4t Udf'..ab ht lb~ tt.rtlf'Jr, bf'low. -------

IT Hl\(JK l'llUl lJ

Our1nll' ao--l ch•ml.ll.ry ('Xpe_r tmenla ot ox ldaU:c..n and rl'ducuon. lh• app&talu• .. l up by Wally A dam• And J im Wonn backflrecl, .. ndlnir bl•ck liquid b ubbllnl{ lhrwl!'h lh• .,.veral lube• and apurttnr oul an O!M'n· <n d..S 111&&1 t ubt What wrnl wrons f Not r-ve-n lhf' ptotnaor kntw to r trutfl


Leader Publishing Co. 11• H. ~rth St • MOM~t 4.2109


Your &clu1l•e Y ~rdo9~ ~-~~f'. JOJ H F.wrl~ St • MOl-••I 4.4e.t

cocv~ O'AUHl IOAHO

U1e Our

LAYAWAY For All Your G ift Buying

W onderful Auorlment o f


tAodern Drug Center 1107 N Fou•th SI MOhawl • ·1171








Aho Ordon To Go

The Re\1ew lbU. wl!cl< llJ>Ol· lll(ht. Sludenl Body Premdent Wally Adanul and Joluuly Milla. ABB Vic. P reold<nL Johnny rra<IU&led from K lnpton Hll!h School In 19:.4 . After aenvtn1 !our yean In lhc ti. S N avy. he autnded hi.I flm year ot col· l•ge here Lu\ year

~- Johnny bu a dduute l&IC!Jll In lhe art l'l•ld he l.o p1&nn1nc lo eo lnlo comm•retal art• L'pon ~uaUon from NUC. htl"" v.oulCI Uke- to attend t-sc to ~mplt'lf' ht.a ~uon

WJlh a buay ochool ochedul< Joh.nnv nJU la '6~J")· .a.c:Uvt" and ~' nt. mtK'h of h:U llm.. to ..,,m~ of 1.M' clube hf'r"": H .. hu """" •IOC'led pn.idenl o f lbt V•U Oub and T\ct prwldcnt ol 1h.,. Youn1t Dnnnaau and th~

i-nu•h Oub \\.hfn ulled &bOut hi• favor.

It• hobblft and llpOrU. he <taled h• tnJO)·f'd palntta.( · 1r &I\) -lhtnc to do .,....,th art The maan 11port.1 h"' Ilk«• an- •-at~r •kllnJ l•nnla and bukrlbaU

Sn rnJC hu a p&lnl•r a 1 .... d"r. a.nd • ec.holar •JI ln one> rw-r.nn

\\'all)' Ad.Mn• a1w1eont bod\" pN>•ldcnl ot NUC bvn a.n COf'ur d' Al~nr H• m11ved hfon fmm Spokano 11 )'f&n aio Wally J1"1dualed from ~ur d • Altnt H llfh S«hool .. 1lh lh• <I..., ol IO~P Wally t.o moJonni: In hOlf'I and rHtaun.nt ~,.. mtnt Ht" J11ana to attend \\"'SU n•xt )"8.r to ('OnUnuf' ba aca­domlc t.ralnlJ\C

ltl• h<lbbl .. are •J><'N and mualc. H• pl&ya lhe allo a&

In tlw NlJC band and •'<Klld llko to promote a JUZ .,.,..._ teatunnJ" a n&.n'lf' )UZ orcbMtrL Wally "ould lllco to -.. "'·hat the atudallu t.llJ.nk ot wa -

Wally .. tnl""""1ed ID ,_.. atlldMt bOd)' partlclpa'- ID I.II IO\OmDl<Ol ot ~-UC. \\ aDy .a) ... .. At"tl\1U.. &.N drpmdmt upoo U>e atudenta. T1*r ,.._ ahoWJ be b~t before atudont -...!. Re II ~ '°"" ans lo aa oxaUQC and .....,. d•rf\&I Y•r at ~'lJC

A leobol. taken ID 9U!flcs<Qt qwu>Utt-. prod,,_ all the <f· !..:ta at ID~lloa. - Ollcar W U<M.




Gridlcv' ~Ien 's Store COEUR O'AUNE. IOAHO

18 Of Lost Year Grads Are Now T eoching In Area

S.Vua! ot J.ut ;roar'• ~uat· .ni: •tudent. hne )oba lb'8 ~ar u ,_.,. throur;boul lhe Idaho Panhaodle. and 10mf' out oloiala

John Cbkt. Juno Smtlh. and &b Li.•pold ar. 1 .. <lllni; In K.Uoa; ..-u.. J-phln< Fin. cey Sandra Syre Ellm Rl>odts. Sa=y ~ 3'larpm WhJltly £1W&belh K&ry. and Paula ).Wea are ~ "' Bonnot Covnl)' John Rcln• II leactuz:c al lhe ~achoo!"' Coeur d· AJ...., 8'11 RJort Ui tcaduni; al lb< Coeur <f Alone Junior Rli:ll Sd>ooL Anllur Jucor '" t•<h· mr m Dalton Cardena. C•ne-­,,_...~ K elly. Ba.rtt&r& Rob•. and &u~ .WOTSn ant lea.c:lung In ~l Falla.

T'holit teac.hln' out o! 1tat• aro June Brandl and R&lpb o· · Donnell, bolb of wbom ant teachlni: In

Chem Students Mourn Loss Of Hew Stude nt

Tragedy atniclc lh• at>< quan· tllaUVe an&l)'ll.I chemlny llU• dtnt.a and tbelr profeuor when a belovtd mtmbtr ot Lhe clau wu •lt1 ·~n by a !al&I hearl alUck. Mr o.Jtbe~ tmm..c!J. al«ly tried to m~• hl.o heart. and whl!Jl Lh1JI proved tuUJt mouth to mO\l.M' rupira· uon •·u &dmtnJ.atf'r.d. HOYt • ever. aU attempu to bnnc btf' back lnto lht nra-at nwmber a! tha m.. !ailed O&I<~ Den. J..,, :ILi· let 1- T?aNtrum,, Dan Ha · ~ Ken eun.tro. Ktrry &n<i.-.. and )hlT1J\ .)!oo,... all mourn U:.. Joa at Uwlr bf.lo\ f'd fellow ~t.. • bo wu ,.. t uncl lo u r )( ocsy' by b.18 rnei:O .Wouq ..,.. """' lo our campw, ~ a lr&Ntf<r trvm fi•ld and •t.nam.. and fn. •lUden la • 'OUld n<1C, ha atnall o f OM' lnch l~n,rtb... OOf"­lhJrd pow>d •~L........,. ~n and tur Tbc litUct rDlJWle 'AU

l:'l\CD & d~l b Jn-..

Dames Club Making A Luncheon Cloth

At lh ... laat -w mMUn U.. Dam.,. Oub d«ldfd that each mtmbtr ~ conlrlbult a bandlcen:hle! loWal'd compltt· 1111: <lub ·• lunch clolh

n.e la.dl.. met In the home -nomlca room lb• lu.ncb bout Hott- tor the day. Mn Pat """non. .Wra Arl<'nt Donat and Mra. Tait J ... ott. ..... eel lhe m.-...rnu

Outtns tha m"linl. llw m<m· ........ •lectod Looi P'alrdl£ld .. ..-, ~ tor llw Mlm NlJC C'Qlli.&

The """l m..uns ot llM d..i. will bt ... o.c-i.- 1 A.II lady llludent. •bo ar. _..n.s are

~bl• lo bt - "' °"' <Wb. and ow,. ..... ......... lO au....i.

Ht""'°~laat baa f­a ~ Uw,,_ra-.

- Ce>IT• a.:n.uan-. ldaJoo .VC-Ut Cli. ot I J




C OEUR D'A LCN£ CACANCAY 111 G• nlH • MOlt•w\ 4-)$17

~' d·Alu• . ld.llo


Guest Artist

Cuut !or t.h• lAdie. .\IUJll<nl Club "' Yakima ~DI· Iv ..,.. fftlen Flndl, bead o th«' mu.ale df'partm<f'flil at NJJC \lnL F\n<h prtM'llled a P~ at a dn:Hr\ IW'tcheon held at lhe Womac• Century Club ll-r aaompanl$t wu Flo &dmo:ul· .on 0.,13 or C1Hur d A lenr.

lira t"\nch opul«I h<r pro­;tram w1lh a Hr1et1 ot C h rbt mu..,~ toll°"'-..! by •aonp ot n \\ aytanr .. b) \tahlcr Sht" AIM> ~ 'Tho ~~---~ •• b)• Brahrru . \ly F'a1lh!UI John m .. •• &n"'llns;f'm4!nt b) 8«"<'lh0v­m . " Ptlych•''. by ra!Adtlh•. " )!on O>eur Souvr'O a La Vol~". b) TWhalk.,... oky and a l(!'Oup of folk IODJ(O. l&Js:hlll:hlod b) annca ot lho ff•bnd<O. H~r rcpertol.rt ran,,,.. from

lh• daaotea and art aonp to Htbrld.. folk 110ftP !or which ah• pl'O\·tdea aulolw'p &e<om· panlment.. ..... l aummer ahr atu1.Ufd in HawAU concenlrat· tnf <>n tbo folk mu.•lc of that atAlo_ K oreA. ant,1 Eul Indlo.n lal&nda.

work lo lbt cunc of lhu dnn~ •"'-· Oscar WUda.



Sophomores Pion Several Activities

The .apbomoro cWlo Ui plan· 11n, to have a akUn1 parl7

aomeunoo In lbo ruture wben It m DWL AbWty lo ~ la nol a rcqu1nmenl lo Co· A IOclal «>mmlll,.. ••u appolDi.d lo mAlco pl&lta tor lbc party, which ,. Ill bo held a l Lookoul Pua.

Tho .,pbomoro and !rMhman clauff ant CQUll: lo work IA>­G•lh•r l o Lr)' lo lonn • IM'P c lub. Be• A,..ha.rt la chairman pt .t0pbomore: commlttH lhal will m0<l Wltb a !roehman commlllff. Th~ claaa wtU bold a meelln1

unce •month.


Coak • Dresse1 • Foundation1 Spon..w .. r

106 N, Fourth St, .. Coe11r cf•Afel'I•



LAUNDRY Coeur d'Alene Laundry

& Dry C leaners Free Pielcup and Delivery

J07 Froat MOi... \ 4-)516

Be. Sociable . .. Hooe A Pepsi


Haft )'<IU DOUCOd lbe brtPl bird - In back of lbo kbool ! ll recenUy acqull'od a MW coal of paint! ll'• now a br1Jht red and wblLe.

Ill pul )'•at• lbo lnlotp~ta· uon ci- b&\'o p~1ent<d pup­pet llhowa to 111• student bod)·. cb&rctna a nlck•I tor admltalon year Carl OocbJan•, Bar­bara Kobo. Earle Allman, an•I Be>·ttly Wln!n)' p~l<d A &bow •"Cood Trtumpbll Ov.r Evtl," and Carl CochnU><' a.nd Sleva SIAnl•y ~led •-co.ra Qilllua..• po.ytng' tor all lboo matol'laJa UN<!, the lnltrpre­LaUOll cl&u bad $1.00 clear prolll Wllb W. dollar I.hey bouJbl paint for the bin! box. Marlin Brtnl<ley had th• honor of l"l'•Une Lh<t box.

Th• pup~l.,.,. worker11 tot W. )'...,. are Juhn Milt. and l'Al &n.lllg. Thay wfil not di· •ul10 Uut UUo of U.elr up.:om· 1ng pt11oenLaUon u ,...1 . Th•Y oay It v.1U bo a ow-pr1"'·

1i1UI!: IN A RO\\

~: Hu a.DY bowl•r ever rolled more than lwo auc·

~·· 300 pmoa? .ANWvr! BUiio lllUSIJ IA

Crodllod wllb b.aWlfr rolled Lbne .U«<Ul\'O pcrf«:t pm .. al Upper Darby, Pa., Fdlruary ~. IOJ7. ~ w•"' no o!fldal• p.-t, and tbe tt00rd do<a not olAJ\d.

For a Lifetime of

PLEA SURE Learn to

BOWL W hile You Are Young

lake City lanes, Inc. 2414 H. F.•ri~ St •• c..., d"Alu•


BABKSTBALL Tlllo oa UM _,, _,,,,_ - •11••11 !Tom 0-:b Kealln& ..__ t....-t .... ~tl)' d-ppolnlln& wtlb oal)' 30 uptranta roporti"S :>."UC will "- •di)' In hft.lht lbla -r alUloQP a larp maml>er of UM f•llowo aN In UM Yklftll)' ot ..,. f.-t wtlb two or lluft crowdlnC lb.o .- : mark Thrtt retumlnjr v•t""""' from lut r- • ball dub oMald pro.-ici. a eood nuc...,. for bulldln« a ,,.-. llbort but nNllAbl• ball clul> TIM)' arw Gary H.-1•. lnJc ~Im and - Y- TM t...,. W\11 ha.Yfl to tnak• up for lh• t .. IJ:hlh dlad' an~ and lM'k of " """'" Ienco wll.h lots Of hwU•. a !!"°" dd•- and oluirp abootlnc TM find pm• tllta )"..,. la Satur<lsy. No• H W• " II plAy Not .. ,,,..n~ at Met.oil. B. C. ..


N ... 2• 7,>0 p . .._ - 0- C.... ,..__ l C Doc. > 5'45 , ..,, L w c L IJ v •I c...... w..., Jao. 7 IQ! p • i.- t I CW\ N_. C.... tlf<Jo.. Joo. 14 1'45 , .. ~- - c.... 4 Alo .. .1a9 21 I Q!•·"' 1-• I CW\_..... ..__ la• 1• •15p • --- _._C........ J- ,. 1 JO. ~ c.J-w ...-~ c- ~AJ...

F.~ • 7J0p • --c.... C....t1Alo-F.~ 10 IQ! ,. ,. L w C l. IJ v •I C.... 4"Alao. M II 2JO,.. u--...,,ol14a ... - c.....r..i... A ...... . ...... ~JV1la ............... ,..

\'OU.Y.YBAU. lntnomural ntJall u undnwav "'11.h a 111-!Nm t .. cu• and ltlto at ~- mi..... 'n>o m•dianl<'JI and U•• •loctronl • 1.«lml uu -b blve a L .. m. r;tvbtj; all «part· m .. nt.a nf lh• l ~Uan.... MatrJ ot our •t~i.. arr f1n~1111 oul lh•I v 11.,.r.n r playOd rirt>t •"'I '"" a lot ot a<tlT· ll)' •n~1 •hweSopmrnt ot iep«lf OJna Hen- U a t ' of t.M trarm RAVENS - o.o ... sw.... <.Nd• M•Tl-tMATlS - N -.dt lle+MI TURTLES - Ed Mottul ce.c.h 1"4EU '1 IU.U - 1et w • .... ~di: TIG(R~ - 0•·• L.•6•• --~ £UCUONS - .. - • llo•.4 tAll.HAWKS - C.'Y -· c-u IOO• T CUW CH., HHt.• -~ CELTICS - K•" Cefae ..... CHdt WECHANICS-H.~ He .. a • dt

BOWl.J~C "Ibo ~ l.ralO ... In run .... - WILb four nli;h~ oi: pla)' .,.,,. ac lhe tt<O:da. s...ttaJ .C ~ ~ ..... boi:IJlnfDJ: to run ur """'" ....,. - acorn. - ~ h.:ue av"r&Ct"ll of 1!.a or hll:!M:r

1 maci.: an e-rror le. co) lut zepMt.• Tbr la.CW N<:ret.ary for th<' Thur...Uv ntJ:llt ICT""P b LoalM HM'lrOUd. l&y apalao ~ for lhc> unlntent1onol OILiMkm.

Th• hlch lndl•1dual pron are aa !oDo.n ~EN WOMEN

1. G~t P•t~h•n 210 I. S.•wh "'9u•4• Zal l Notm W;•9•'• l IS L l°".,. H • ..........i t 11 l Ci<•Q ht<~•• 209 I $\.,.• S.,..t.. I SJ

Hts;:h lhrt'Ct t..~m"' M"n~.

MEN t . G1•1 P•lch•.-J . litoft N•tc•r•lo l Mot"' W .. 9•1•

sn S6' SSI

WOUlN S..1'41, AJ..-umtd9' 1.o ... H a..,. M4 s.;. .......

Tho W~dn•..U~ Sight 1-i;u• Bo\O~ TMm> SW[ET ru.s Tt<E !CN '1NS

•51 -411

6'•t1t '•r"Mft~ Oo" HMt• O.y.• U.t11•• Un, Sa!e a.du, UHi•• 01•"'• ,;,...,., ~... ••e4l Gt ....

AMATlUlS PtoN S a.; J~, s...,._ R'tt• JoM. Je"" v. J•f'f'f ,.,...,._, •at-, Ac...._. 0••• '°" JL. \ •wvJut. N • ~,..f

GUTI[R ousn•s TllPlE TUllEYS lte:bby C-tH.1111~ loc:lr C.~.- t..,.,., A.rt H.• Iii Fuu S.a. C..s. ......... ........ ... ... •• led

CONTINENTAU THE Clt.AZY UGS Jo.I k~1t•b-t. t.wd, Sotbel. J...,,. R:°"" P"O .. ,. 0.•t u.4• J.,,. ,,.M.otd. tc ... c., ... _,.. .-..,~"' t ... a. ruin.

HILLllLllES THE MASTUS M•• Pn.;ch"t• lol:. lc•o, 6""°'~' kic.\ &o,d, D•tt.I IC .. p,.1!, Cl!'"d 6oo<h0111 Roft.,_ AvtHl'L Gw•d·r. Did W,t1•c.MP-

UNTOUCHAIUS THREE HITS ANO A MISS ;:.,.. H•Det D••• A~"'°" Ve"'' H•"'' Poo1. JaM•• lutlod •Uc.frtarcl

=':•:•:"':•:• :K:•:•:ThOI<'::::::::::::•'-:::====-- Eg9•. letty ~. o .... t--~ ...UGllTL\' I :>."l>r:&PUD




EVERGREEN FLORAL AND GIFT SHOP "F.. aod s...;..·· • tr.tO ••~ 4-ll•S °' .....,.,~

2 IJ ~•f'TNl'I /..v•, • C..wt' d" AJHe

Low. NC"C!ve for bJ.I t1rat proo­f-nal !~1 • ~ a. received J:.o ror

•toppmg Jade Kr$clteln at Clll· cai:o. Joly. l!IM

ForY°"' Hunting Equipment

THE LIGHTHOUSE lOS SJ..""eft AW9. • MOb• wi. 45721




Our Piixa M•do "'ith Seven Diffo,.nt K;nd1 of Cho... Pd:ta To T•~• Horne - IOc &tr•

Todd Mortin, Owner Roy Moore, M•,..9or

3207 E. Spr•guo SPOKANE, WASH. Key.tone S.5306

1• Present Assembly Program

t· ... 1.,...,. ~r a l Ow :\ •'\'f'lallritt t ~ P .......... " .,_ ..... rt .. n ........ l••••rrt, "'"-- .....,_ -- ... . . a...s "C'rtl k-al ·~ .. \.awrk'all . ... """ ........... ,... ,~, ... llt1ln "'",.. ...... ,.. E. , ......... ... ft. -J C'llai•- f: C.ri...,.... riCfll. ""° •'""' ..........,_ aDd r\,....U'\• ....,.,...can. ~th"l) , .. 1 ,,... \\l ltlam .......... aora. «lalla•r) .. 1 \\ ar ~..-..a.ttt. C omnUtl..,..,

1bt8 Y'Wl'r tor lht C1rat lJ.n c-._ ~ Burah F<>ond&Uon amut("'I for a Bon.ll Leet ur..itlr lo be fUlod by" <Jlat nplahod ocholor ,.~ 81.udlN mntttbut• to • bitttt: bl\Jienlandtn.s uf tntvr• D&Uonal N""laUona It a\10 f r U.. tint Ume made pro• n toe a cmnmunlt,r di....,.. n prvi;n.m "" pa rt t II• annual cac!....,,..,_ tAk~ Ibo ltUHt loctanr to otbtt atal• m• """"tla. Ti.. S"UC 1..-tw-. •u nm In Ullo _.,am

tie la a tom ~r AM t11nt ~f"C,..... tan of StAtf' a.n&J &a ll\r .. tor or ll•rviud UNu~.ridl\ •• C.nt•r ror lnt.•rn•th•nlll \ tra1n1



Tbe Bonll ..-u..... ..... ~a,u..u fl 1n

10::1 by a snnt tram l!almon o i.......-.. 1n .....orrn u of llle cft<on. of S... ll<>rab al Uio T'aet of !'aria, which ....,.. aoun.c«d •1lr u an lrwtrunwnt or national polley

Mr UcN"·io GJ"l'ft:S~d hl1 Oflli• mlmn al>out Am•r1(11 • t>«ln1 •bit" to sncct U\t Communt.t <ballca'< (or ...... w le:ul~rah r

S,,.ci• I Rates f.,, Junior Cou..90 Sludonl• ,, ...... ,.,., \t.d••• C.tti

Stvdonh lntoro\tod in Formin9 a T uo.doy

Mi1od Studonl Loa9uo

Pl .. 10 Fhono or Ro9i•lor at


· - 4•-·it••-- ___ ..,._ -

Know the answer? Wbt'a an e!cht-Wtcer word which remmds you or cood t.u~. opar~. lift? ~ ..,,..._... euy-Coca-<:oia ol coma. ~o ~about wby 1t'a ao popular ••• oo othtt 1parldU1r driAll ci>·es you ao much eooct lalM, ao much •tillacuon. Yee. t<Ma you're lookillg !or :.!reahmeot, • the answer'• always Coke!


lonled -'• • o..-tly of n.. Coco-Colo C-pony by