The new nation


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The New Nation



• Former General of the Colonial Army• Virginian (slave-owner)• 1st president elected by the Constitution• Very modest• Believed in the help of others, set up a

Cabinet of advisors• Capital= New York City• Vice President= John Adams


Washington and Adams

On his way to New York

• “About 10 o'clock I bade adieu to Mount Vernon, to private life, and to domestic felicity, and with a mind oppressed with more anxious and painful sensations than I have words to express, set out for New York in company with Mr. Thompson, and Colonel Humphries, with the best dispositions to render service to my country in obedience to its call, but with less hope of answering its expectations.”

“… So help me God.”

Washington’s first goals


• Tariff of 1789 (Madison’s work)– Angered Southerners, more $ for


• Whiskey Rebellion– Tax on whiskey production, troops called

in, no blood– People worried that gov’t used troops

against Americans

Alexander Hamilton’s Plan

– Public credit needed, US can borrow $– Nat’l bank (implied powers, enumerated


Foreign Policy (War)

• French Revolution (1789)• They helped in American Revolution• Declared war on Britain

Haitian Revolution

• Started in 1791• 500,000 African slaves• 40, 000 whites and 28,000 free

blacks• Toussaint L’Ouverture• Jean-Jacques Dessalines• 1st Black republic in the world in 1804• Weakens French Empire

L’Ouverture and Dessalines

Treaties w/ Europe• Jay’s Treaty (1794)– Prevented war with

Britain, Br. can still attack US ships (they must pay damage)

• Pinckney’s Treaty (1795)– With Spanish, can

navigate the Miss. River

Natives??• Treaty of Greenville (1795)– 12 NA tribes forced to give Ohio and

some of Indiana to US

James Madison

• A leader in Congress • Ensures that the Bill of Rights are

passed.• He will be the 4th President.

Washington’s Cabinet

• Thomas Jefferson (Sec. of State)• Alexander Hamilton (Sec. of Tresurary)• Henry Knox (Sec. of War)• John Jay (Chief Justice, Supreme Court)

• Trouble is brewing b/w Jefferson and Hamilton from the beginning

Federalists v. Democratic-Republicans

• This is the major political fight of the early republic. How much control should the Fed. Have? This is also the start of 2 political parties

• Hamilton= Federalists– Strong Nat’l Gov’t– Fed. Bank– Favored Britain– Industrial economy (support from North East)


Federalists v. Dem. Republicans

• Jefferson= Dem. Republicans– Strong state gov’ts (weak central gov’t)– No Nat’l Bank– Favored France– Agrarian society (farming), support in

the South and West


Washington’s Farewell Address

• Warned against sectionalism (North v South v West v East)

• Sept. 1796• “Let me now…warn you in the most

solemn manner about the baneful effects of the spirit of party… The disorders and miseries, which result, gradually incline the minds of men to seek security and repose in the absolute power of the individual.”

Farewell Address

• Also warned of getting involved in foreign affairs (starts American isolationism)

• “The great rule of conduct for us, in regard to foreign nations is in extending our commercial relations to have with them as little political connection as possible… ‘Tis our true policy to steer clear of permanent alliances with any portion of the foreign world.”

Farewell Address

Election of 1796

• Adams versus Jefferson• Adams wins by 3 Electoral Votes (71,


Adams and Jefferson

Adams’ Agenda

• Stay out of war with Britain or France• Try to curtail the problems between

the Federalists and Republicans• Try to live up to Washington’s


Problems with France

• XYZ Affair– French ambassadors wanted $250, 000

bribe to begin negotiations

“Millions for defense but not a penny for tribute”

Alien and Sedition Acts• 1798• 3 laws against ALIENS (non-citizens)– Immigrants often anti-British, vote for Rep.

party– Wait 14 yrs for citizenship, deport without trial

• 1 law against SEDITION (inciting rebellion)– Crime to print “false, scandalous, and

malicious” info about gov’t

• Fed. gov’t taking rights from the people

Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions

• KY written by Th. Jefferson– Nullification (fed. laws can be declared


• VA written by James Madison– Interposition (state gov’t can interpose

b/w fed. and people

• Fights back for STATE’S RIGHTS

Election of 1800• Rematch of Jefferson and Adams• Jefferson and Aaron Burr each had

73 votes, House has to choose President

Midnight Appointments

• Judiciary Act of 1801• Judge John Marshall• 16 new judges in 6 new courts • To counter the incoming Dem-
