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    The NEW EARTH READERThe Ascension of Planet Earth.

    Additional New Age background material,

    quotes and links.

    CONTENTS(Click Title to jump forward)


    Quotes from D. Richard Gerber's book on aspects of Healing and the "Higher



    A remarkable Near Death Experience from the effects of Cancer, has recently

    been given to the World by Anita M. of Hong Kong.


    Insights and visions from Neva Howell's book

    DIANNE ROBBINS channeling ADAMA:

    Quotations from her two new books: "THE CALL GOES OUT from the


    Subterranean City of Telos" and "THE CALL GOES OUT from the Earth's



    Archangel Raphael and other Masters: Practical questions and answers channeled

    by Jeannie Weyrick & Richard Putman.


    UFOs and EXTRA-TERRESTRIALS. Quotations from the book "The Treasure

    of El Dorado". Masters El Dorado and Hilarion channeled by Joseph Whilfield


    Commander ASHTAR channeled by Eric Klein excerpted from his book "The

    Crystal Stair"

    THE ORIGINAL DIVINE PLAN FOR EARTHAn excerpt from the book "What on EARTH is going on?" by Patricia Diane

    Cota-Robles which describes the spiritual/historic background to Planet Earth.


    Our journeys through the Dimensions as we leave Earth prior to the Changes - by

    Tom Smith


    when we board the Spaceships and leave our Earthly home?

    VIBRATIONAL MEDICINEWe give here some quotes from D. Richard Gerber's book, published by Bear &

    Company, Santa Fe, NM 87504-2860, on aspects of Healing and the "Higher

    Knowledge", subjects on which Dr Gerber shows his deep knowledge and


    Illness and Meditation:

    Although illnesses relating to experiences in a past life are

    hard to understand, it is only through a true comprehension

    of human subtle-energy anatomy and the reality of

    reincarnation that the meaning of disease may be entirely

    understood and remedied. Meditation is a powerful tool by


    which individuals may come to understand the meaning

    behind their illnesses and the lessons which must be learned

    before they can truly be well. Meditation holds the key to

    understanding the interlocking nature of the physical, astral,mental and higher spiritual selves. Each integral energetic

    element works to assist the soul in developing its many

    facets and to understand its own true higher nature.

    In its Earthly sojourns and experiences, the soul comes to

    comprehend its own higher spiritual qualities through

    selfless acts of love, service, and caring. When the physical

    personality has difficulty in expressing these most basiclessons of soul development, physical diseases may be

    acquired as learning experiences. Depending upon the

    blockage of expression within the personality, dysfunctions

    will appear in various chakras. The abnormal flow of subtle

    energies through the chakras is then translated into physical

    illness in a particular organ. Through meditation, the

    personality may come to discover the true meaning behindthe physical illness with which it is afflicted. If the person

    can then correct that problematic emotional and spiritual

    dysfunction, the disease will often improve or completely

    abate. Of course, there are additional karmic factors which

    enter into the equation which make the issue somewhat more

    complex. But the basic idea still applies.

    The real reason to meditate is to achieve enlightenment.Enlightenment might be defined here as a more cosmic or

    energetic perspective of the structures of consciousness, a

    feeling of unity with all lifeforms, and an understanding of

    the spiritual working behind physical reality. This higher



    level of perception will ultimately allow the individual to

    comprehend the meaning of his or her life in relationship to

    others and to the universe in general. This is what is referred

    to as a more cosmic perspective. Meditation may ultimatelyallow Humans to come into closer relationship and greater

    comprehension of God the Creator.

    Spiritual Awareness:

    The development of inner vision, intuition, and spiritual

    awareness are issues that are slowly growing in importance

    throughout the Western world as more and more peoplebegin to search for the path toward enlightenment. This can

    be seen in many different outward manifestations as people

    seek for spiritual fulfillment through the more conventional

    Western religions of Christianity and the Eastern faiths of

    Buddhism, Taoism, Sufism and Hinduism. The tremendous

    surge of interest in meditation and prayer over the last

    twenty years is a growing sign of people's quest for greater

    spiritual direction.

    We are moving toward a period in Human history when we

    will begin to see the spiritual transformation of millions of

    people upon the Earth. It is a time when a more enlightened

    higher consciousness is desperately needed to work through

    and solve our many social, economic, ecological, and diverse

    planetary problems. There is a powerful driving force atwork from the higher dimensional planes which is

    accelerating the process of spiritual transformation and

    enlightenment for many. As more people begin to meditate

    and explore the inner guidance for their Higher Selves, they

    will kindle a tremendous energy for self-healing and



    wellness. Through meditation, these powerful psychic forces

    will begin to open and cleanse the chakras and the human

    brain itself to activate the hidden psychic potentials of higher


    As the New Age vibrations begin to affect more and more

    people, the spiritual awakening of millions of sleeping minds

    will begin to kindle the energies of love and healing that may

    eventually be able to transform the planet Earth into a place

    of greater peace and balance. When we begin to heal

    ourselves and learn that fear and misunderstanding is the

    root cause of much illness, distress and suffering, we willbegin to replace hate, prejudice, and distrust with love and

    cooperation. When we are functioning in the lower mind of

    conscious awareness, we tend to project our own

    dissatisfactions and inability's onto the world. Seeing our

    own problems and inability's reflected in the faces of those

    around us, we exaggerate our fears and prejudices in a

    viciously expanding cycle. We are often afraid of owning upto our own fears, anxieties, and shortcomings. To cope with

    this frightening inner environment, we begin to project our

    ear and insanity onto the world, making it seem that the

    problem is coming from out there when, in fact, it originates

    from within our own egos. The only way to break this

    vicious cycle of confused thinking and illness is through love

    and forgiveness and a greater awareness of the healing

    otential of love. When we start to forgive ourselves for ourperceived faults, and honestly admit that we still have a long

    way to grow, we begin to heal ourselves from the highest

    level of spirit on down to the physical. Only then can we

    truly love and accept ourselves. Once we love ourselves, it



    becomes easier to love those around us.

    That is not to say that there is not chaos and unrest occurring

    in many places throughout the world, and that there is not

    much discord in these times of crisis. There will likely be a

    worsening of the world situation before it becomes better. In

    order to cope with a world that has seemingly gone mad at

    times, we must find an inner center of peace within ourselves

    so that we may begin to expand our own energy of peace and

    harmony to encompass the troubled needy world around us.

    As we begin to find that center of peace and spiritual

    understanding, healing naturally follows. We become bettercitizens and servants of world order and fellowship. We must

    heal ourselves before we can go out and heal the planet on

    which we live. The first step of this long journey begins at


    The Soul's journey from the Creator:

    It is said that God created Human beings in the DivineImage. As each soul was created in that first moment, God

    separated into smaller beings of Light which were energetic

    representations of the original vast Beingness. Through the

    conscious evolution of these lesser gods and the holographic

    connectivity of the Universe, God could enrich and develop

    the tremendous potential for diversity and self-knowledge

    inherent in Supreme Consciousness. These primal beings ofLight, or souls, developed ways of manifesting the ethereal

    energies of their consciousness through denser forms of

    expression. The denser forms, called physical bodies, would

    allow them to experience through their senses the wonders

    and beauties of the evolving planets. Also, it would allow



    them to experiment with the expression of their emotional

    nature through interactions and relationships between

    themselves, their environment, and the other sentient life

    forms manifesting upon the planets on which they chose toincarnate.

    Because no entity could develop itself in all possible ways

    through the course of a single life span of these dense

    vehicles of expression, a continuous cycle of regeneration

    and rebirth, known as reincarnation, was created. During

    each lifetime, the incarnating soul is able to partake of many

    diverse experiences which allow it to explore the wonders,oys and sorrows of human existence. Through hit or miss,

    and reward or punishment, the consciousness of the soul,

    projected through Earthly bodies, can learn and experience

    planetary life through every conceivable variation of the

    Human form. Via the reincarnational cycle, each soul comes

    to know the splendor and achievements, as well as the

    difficulties and sadnesses, of each of the existing races andcolors of peoples. All souls come to experience life as the

    pinnacle of high society as well as the simplicity and daily

    toil of the farms and fields. All conscious entities find out

    how life differs between being male and female in the

    different societies. Through each of these varied experiences,

    the soul comes to know itself and to better understand its

    own emotional, physical, and spiritual nature, as well as the

    many different expressions that physical Human life allows.Perhaps most importantly in its Earthly sojourns, the soul

    comes to appreciate and experience the nature of love in its

    many different forms, and develops a greater compassion



    and caring for all of God's creations.

    All souls are spiritual beings of Light which remain

    energetically connected to the Creator and the Creator's

    Universe through a holographic connectivity relationship.

    All souls have evolved as unique but diverse manifestations

    of the single Divine Principle (also known as the Law of

    One). As the souls become enriched through their

    experiences, so too does the Creator come to grow and

    evolve in a greater knowing of His Self in infinite

    expression. In spite of this unity with God and the Universe,

    the souls temporarily lose the memory of their spiritualorigins after incarnating into dense physical bodies. In

    reality, the higher spiritual bodies of each soul maintain a

    cosmic awareness and connection to the God-force. Only the

    projected fragment of the soul's total consciousness which

    inhabits the dense physical form loses the memory of its


    The Earthly personalities forget that they are manifestationsof the One Supreme Intelligence, as the perceptual

    mechanism of their brains and bodies create a physical sense

    of separation from each other as well as from their Creator.

    Partly because of this sense of separation from God, Human

    beings have created religion and its rituals in an attempt to

    reunite themselves with the creative forces of nature and the

    physical universe, which seemed outside of themselves.Human beings forget that the Kingdom of God is already

    within each of us. Jesus incarnated to teach and remind us of

    this simple forgotten truth.

    VIBRATIONAL MEDICINENew Choices for Healing Ourselves



    by Richard Gerber, M.D.

    Published 1996 by Bear & Company, Santa Fe, NM 87504-2860, USA.

    ISBN 1-979181-28-2

    Return to Index

    Anita Moorjani's Near-Death Experience

    from Cancer

    I had cancer (Hodgkin's Lymphoma), and on this morning, I

    could not move. My Husband rushed me to hospital, where,

    after doing scans, they diagnosed me with grade 4Blymphoma (the highest grade). The senior Oncologist looked

    at my report and told my Husband that it was too late, and

    that my organs were now shutting down. I only had 36 hours

    to live. However, the Oncologist said he would do whatever

    he could but prepared my Husband that I would most likely

    not make it, as my organs were no longer functioning. They

    started me on a chemotherapy drip as well as oxygen, and

    then they started to take tests, particularly on my organ

    functions, so that they could determine what drugs to use.

    I was drifting in and out of consciousness during this time,

    and I could feel my spirit actually leaving my body. I saw

    and heard the conversations between my Husband and the

    Doctors taking place outside my room, about 40 feet away

    down a hallway. I was later able to verify this conversationto my shocked Husband. Then I actually "crossed over" to

    another dimension, where I was engulfed in a total feeling of

    Love. I also experienced extreme clarity of why I had the

    cancer, why I had come into this life in the first place, what

    role everyone in my family played in my life in the grand


    scheme of things, and generally how life works. The clarity

    and understanding I obtained in this state is almost

    indescribable. Words seem to limit the experience - I was at

    a place where I understood how much more there is thanwhat we are able to conceive in our 3-dimensional world. I

    realized what a gift life was, and that I was surrounded by

    Loving Spiritual Beings, who were always around me even

    when I did not know it.

    The amount of Love I felt was overwhelming, and from this

    perspective, I knew how powerful I am, and saw the amazing

    possibilities we as Humans are capable of achieving during aphysical life. I found out that my purpose now would be to

    live "Heaven on Earth" using this new understanding, and

    also to share this knowledge with other people. However I

    had the choice of whether to come back into life, or go

    towards death. I was made to understand that it was not my

    time, but I always had the choice, and if I chose death, I

    would not be experiencing a lot of the gifts that the rest ofmy life still held in store. One of the things I wanted to know

    was that if I chose life, would I have to come back to this

    sick body, because my body was very, very sick and the

    organs had stopped functioning. I was then made to

    understand that if I chose life, my body would heal very

    quickly. I would see a difference in not months or weeks, but


    I was shown how illnesses start on an energetic level before

    they become physical. If I chose to go into life, the cancer

    would be gone from my energy, and my physical body

    would catch up very quickly. I then understood that when



    people have medical treatments for illnesses, it rids the

    illness only from their body but not from their energy so the

    illness returns. I realized if I went back, it would be with a

    very healthy energy. Then the physical body would catch upto the energetic conditions very quickly and permanently. I

    was given the understanding that this applies to anything, not

    only illnesses - physical conditions, psychological

    conditions, etc. I was "shown" that everything going on in

    our lives was dependant on this energy around us, created by

    us. Nothing was solid - we created our surroundings, our

    conditions, etc. depending where this "energy" was at. The

    clarity I received around how we get what we do wasphenomenal! It's all about where we are energetically. I was

    made to feel that I was going to see "proof" of this first hand

    if I returned back to my body.

    I know I was drifting in and out between the two worlds, but

    every time I drifted into the "other side", I was shown more

    and more scenes. There was one which showed how my lifehad touched all the people in it - it was sort of like a tapestry

    and showed how I affected everyone's lives around me.

    There was another belonging to this world which showed my

    Brother on an airplane, having heard the news I was dying,

    coming to see me (this was verified to me as when I started

    to come round, my Brother was there, having just got off the

    airplane). I then saw a glimpse of my Brother and me and

    somehow seemed to understand it was a previous life, whereI was much older than him and was like a mother to him (in

    this life, he is older than me). I saw in that life I was very

    protective towards him. I suddenly became aware now that

    he was on the plane to come and see me, and felt "I can't do



    this to him - can't let him come and see me dead". Then I

    also saw how my Husband's purpose was linked to mine, and

    how we had decided to come and experience this life

    together. If I went, he would probably follow soon after.

    I was made to understand that, as tests had been taken for my

    organ functions (and the results were not out yet), that if I

    chose life, the results would show that my organs were

    functioning normally. If I chose death, the results would

    show organ failure as the cause of death, due to cancer. I was

    able to change the outcome of the tests by my choice!

    I made my choice, and as I started to wake up (in a very

    confused state, as I could not at that time tell which side of

    the veil I was on), the Doctors came rushing into the room

    with big smiles on their faces saying to my family "Good

    news - we got the results and her organs are functioning - we

    can't believe it!! Her body really did seem like it had shut


    After that, I began to recover rapidly. The Doctors had been

    waiting for me to become stable before doing a lymph node

    biopsy to track the type of cancer cells, and they could not

    even find a lymph node big enough to suggest cancer (upon

    entering the hospital my body was filled with swollen lymph

    nodes). They did a bone marrow biopsy, again to find the

    cancer activity so they could adjust the chemotherapyaccording to the disease, and there wasn't any in the bone

    marrow. The Doctors were very confused, but put it down to

    me suddenly responding to the chemotherapy. Because they

    themselves were unable to understand what was going on,

    they made me undergo test after test, all of which I passed



    with flying colors, and clearing every test empowered me

    even more! I had a full body scan, and because they could

    not find anything, they made the Radiologist repeat it


    Because of my experience, I am now sharing with everyone I

    know that miracles are possible in your life every day. After

    what I have seen, I realize that absolutely anything is

    possible, and that we did not come here to suffer. Life is

    supposed to be great, and we are very, very loved. The way I

    look at life has changed dramatically, and I am so glad to

    have been given a second chance to experience "Heaven onEarth".

    For an interview with Anita Moorjani by the Near Death

    Experience Research Foundation on the lessons and

    conclusions she has drawn from her NDE experience, read

    Part 2 :

    Anita's Near Death Experience - Part 2

    NDE Research Foundation: Can you tell me more about how

    this way of thinking affects your physical reality?

    When I was in the Near Death Experience (NDE) state, it felt

    like I had woken up to a different reality. It felt like I had

    awoken from the illusion of life, and from that perspective,

    it looked like my physical life was just a culmination of my

    thoughts and beliefs up to that point. It felt like the whole

    world was just a culmination of the thoughts and beliefs of

    the collective. That is, the culmination ofeveryone's



    thoughts and beliefs. It felt like nothing was actually real,

    but we made it real with our beliefs. I understood that even

    my cancer was not real, it was also part of the illusion, so if I

    went back to my body, I would not have the cancer anymore.

    And another thing is that there was this incredible

    understanding of how we are all interconnected. And how

    what I felt within me affects my whole Universe. I felt one

    with everything. I felt a connection with every living thing.

    And it felt like the whole Universe is within me. As far as I

    am concerned, if I am happy, the Universe is happy. If I lovemyself, everyone else will love me. If I am at peace, the

    whole Universe is peaceful. And so on.

    Also, time and space feel very different in that dimension. It

    doesn't feel linear, like it does here. It felt like everything

    was happening simultaneously. I saw what could be

    interpreted as past lives, I saw what was happening currently

    (my brother on the plane, and conversations between myfamily members and doctors), and I also saw the future of

    this life pan out. But it was as if they were all happening at

    once, and I was living them all at once. It felt like, only after

    coming back, my mind has to process it as happening in

    linear time, but in that dimension, it didn't feel that way at

    all. And also, distance and solid walls did not stop me from

    seeing and hearing everything that pertained to me at thattime.

    So now, back into 3D life, it feels like even solid walls,

    distance, and time are constraints that can be overcome, just



    by a change of state.

    Now move forward to my NDE. This state caused a huge

    internal consciousness shift within me. It felt as if I hadpenetrated into a reality beyond my mind and that, living

    in the mind was living in the illusion. Words aren't

    adequate to describe the state, but it felt like we constructed

    this world with our mind, and that was the illusion. It felt

    like I went beyond that. And there was a feeling of being

    connected to the entire Universe- becoming one with

    everyone and everything. I was also flooded in an all

    encompassing, unconditionally loving, energy. It was anenergy of Unconditional Love - an energy that does not

    discriminate or judge. This universal energy is there for us

    no matter who or what we are. I felt amazingly powerful

    and magnificent. It was in this very awake state that I made

    the decision to come back into life. It was one powerful

    decision to come back and experience LIFE in this body

    again. You see, as soon as the choice to live or die waspresented to me, I KNEW that once I made the decision,

    NOTHING outside of myself could kill me. NOTHING.

    Just the fact that I was presented with the choice and that I

    had made the decision, made it real. And as soon as I made

    the decision, every single cell in my body responded to that

    decision, and I healed almost immediately.

    The doctors continued to take tests, but could not findanything. I understood that everything that was being done

    after that - all the tests, biopsies, drugs, etc. etc. was being

    done to satisfy everyone around me, and although a lot of it

    was very, very painful, I KNEW that I would be fine. My



    Higher Self/Soul/Spirit/connection to All That Is, whatever

    you want to call it, that part of me had decided to continue to

    live through this body, and nothing in this physical 3D world

    could affect that decision. It felt like any decision made fromthe real reality far outweighs anything in this mind

    constructed "illusion of the 3D world.

    This is that invincible feeling. The feeling that nothing

    outside of me can harm me.

    Q: Yes, if our beliefs create our reality, then it certainly is

    important to believe in positive things, and things that serveus, rather than things that work against us. But how do we

    do that in a world that is seemingly so full of negativity?

    Remember I said earlier that I felt that the Universe is within

    me? The external world is only a reflection of my internal


    A lot of people say that the world is very negative, but that'snot exactly true. Look around you. EVERYTHING exists

    simultaneously in this Universe, the positive as well as

    negativity. There is poverty, there is wealth, there is

    sickness, there is health, there is love, and there is hatred and

    fear, and there is happiness and there is despair, and so on.

    And there is NOT more negative than positive. It's just

    because we choose to see the world in this way, that it feels

    like there is more of a negative nature. And the more wechoose to see it this way, and give it our focus and energy,

    the more of it we draw into our lives, and create it in our

    own personal reality.



    Remember, I believe that this reality is created by our

    collective unconsciousness. That's what I felt I broke

    through, during my NDE. Each of us as individuals

    ALWAYS has the choice to choose what we want to see andbelieve as reality.

    Q: So if someone's life was not working for them, how

    would you suggest they turn it around?

    One of the most powerful things I got from my NDE is how

    loved I am. Unconditionally Loved. So now, I continue to

    love myself unconditionally. I would strongly suggestpracticing Unconditional Self-Love.

    Remember, I said that the Universe is only a reflection of

    me. If I am frustrated with the way life is working for me, it

    is futile to change the external elements without looking at

    what's going on internally. A lot of us are very negative

    towards ourselves. We are our own worst enemies. The first

    thing I would say is to stop judging yourself and stop beatingyourself up for where you are in your life right now. If I am

    finding that I am constantly frustrated with people, and

    udging them, it is because that is how I am internally

    treating myself all the time. I am only expressing outward

    my own inner dialogue to myself. The more I love myself

    unconditionally, the easier it is for me to see beauty in this

    world, and beauty in others.If I can Love myself and not judge myself, and see my own

    perfection, then I will automatically see all of this in others!

    And the more I Love myself, the more Love I will have for

    others. It's not possible to love another more than you love



    yourself. Contrary to popular belief that it's selfish to love

    yourself, this is just not so true. We cannot give what we do

    not have.

    No matter where you are, it is only the culmination of your

    thoughts and beliefs up to that point. And you can change

    it. Remember, I reversed my cancer at the 11th hour. Even

    when the Doctors said it was too late, it was still not too

    late. So the first thing is to realize that it isNEVER too late

    to do something, or change anything. It's important to see

    the power that the present moment holds in turning our life


    If you believe in things like like attracts like then the

    absolute best way to attract what's best for you is to love

    yourself to the point where you are filled with Love, and will

    only attract to your life everything that confirms this belief

    about yourself. It's actually very simple, really.

    When you realize your own magnificence, you will onlyattract magnificence into your life. That's how I look at it.

    Q: Can you tell me, how does one become unconditionally

    loving in a world that is not always loving?

    First of all, remember that I feel that the Universe is only a

    reflection ofme. So the Unconditional Love is not extended

    out to the world(or Universe), it is Unconditional Love thatI extend inwardly, towards myself! Each day, I learn to love

    myself unconditionally.

    Also, let me explain that there is a difference between being



    lovingand being love.

    Being loving means giving Love to another whether you

    have any for yourself or not. It means giving what you

    yourself may or may not even have to give. This type of

    giving of Love can eventually drain you, because we dont

    always have a limitless supply. And then we look to the

    other to replenish our pool of Love, and if it is not

    forthcoming, we stop being loving ourselves, because we are


    Being Love, on the other hand, means loving myselfunconditionally so that it overflows, and anyone and

    everyone around me just becomes an automatic recipient of

    my Love. The more I Love myself, the more it flows out to

    others. It almost feels like being a vessel for Love to flow

    through. When I am being Love, I dont need people to

    behave a certain way in order for them to be a recipient of

    my Love. They are automatically getting my Love as a result

    of me loving myself. So to stop being Love, to me, means tostop loving myself. Hence, I will not stop being Love on

    account of another.

    Q: So how would you suggest someone elevate their own

    loving energy?

    I feel it's my self-dialogue that either elevates or diminishes

    the energy I radiate outwards. When my inner dialogueturned against me, over time, it depleted my energy, and

    caused a downward spiral in my external circumstances. I

    was always really, really positive on the outside,

    effervescent, loving, etc. etc. and still my world was



    crumbling around me, and I was getting depleted, and sicker

    and sicker. Sometimes, when we see someone who is really

    positive and effervescent and kind, yet their lives are

    crumbling around them we may think "see, this beingpositive thing doesn't work". But see, here's the thing. WE

    DON'T KNOW that person's own inner dialogue. We dont

    know what they are telling themselves, inside their own

    heads, day in and day out.

    Remember, I am not advocating "thinking positive" in a

    Pollyanna-ish sort of way. "Thinking positive" can be tiring,

    and to some people it can mean "suppressing" the negativestuff that happens. And it ends up being more draining.

    I am talking about my own mental dialogue to myself. What

    am I telling myself, day in and day out inside my head. I

    feel its so very important not to have judgment and fear in

    my own mental dialogues to myself. When our own inner

    dialogue is telling us we are safe, unconditionally loved,

    accepted, we than radiate this energy outwards and changeour external world accordingly.

    I also think it is very important to see perfection in the

    moment. The present moment is very powerful. Each

    moment holds promise, and each moment can be a turning

    point for the rest of your life.

    I am often misunderstood when I say that each moment isperfect. And that everything is perfect. People are afraid of

    seeing perfection in a situation that is not of their liking,

    thinking that seeing perfection means not changing it. To

    me, seeing perfection does not mean keeping the situation



    static. It means seeing perfection in exactly where you are in

    your journey right now, no matter where that may be.

    Seeing perfection in the moment, wherever in the journey

    that moment might be. Thatis seeing perfection.

    Q: This is very powerful - being able to change the

    exterior in a very positive way, just by changing our internal

    world with a positive, self-loving, inner dialog. This is a very

    clear explanation of The Universe is Just a Reflection of

    Me. It also explains why there is so much negativity in the

    world. It must be a reflection of other people's negative inner

    dialogs, being projected outwards. Is that what you feel?

    Yes, that is exactly what I feel. You want to know the best

    part about feeling this positive energy about yourself? I don't

    feel I even have to say anything to anyone in order to uplift

    them, but just because of my own loving self-talk to myself,

    people around me feel my positive presence. Without even

    having to say anything, you will start to notice people being

    attracted to your positive presence, and be energized by yourenergy. Your positive inner dialogue helps elevate others

    around you even when you are not saying anything to them,

    ust thinking positive thoughts about yourself!!!! Because

    energy just radiates and flows out and touches others!! This

    is why this self-loving inner dialogue is so very important in

    making a better world.

    Have you noticed that there are people who just seem to

    light up a room when they walk in? Or people you just

    notice, even in a crowd because they are just radiating

    energy? You can bet that they have a very positive and

    strong self-image and are running some very positive



    internal self dialogue programs.

    What are we internally telling ourselves each and every day?

    Are we just beating ourselves up, and judging ourselves? Are

    we too hard on ourselves, and are we our own worst enemy?

    That's the real work!! I feel we must start by changing that

    inner dialogue, by loving ourselves more and more, and then,

    even without having to say or do anything to anyone, the

    whole outer world changes to reflect that inner world. I have

    really noticed my physical world and others around me

    reflecting this.

    Q: You've mentioned this feeling of Oneness before. The

    connection to everything and the all that is, which you felt

    while in the NDE state. Can you elaborate a little more on

    this feeling?

    In that NDE state, I felt like I was connected to everything. I

    was everything, and everything was me. It's something that

    is so hard to explain, because the right words just don'texist. It felt like there is no separation, until we come into

    physical life and look at the world through the Mind [or

    intellect]. In fact, it felt like the separation IS the Mind.

    There was SO much clarity in that state, but somehow, it did

    not feel like the clarity came from the Mind. It's as if

    something else was doing the understanding, and that

    something else was able to identify the Mind as beingseparate, and the Mind as being the cause for disconnection

    from the all that is. It felt like the Ego and the Mind were

    one. So in that state, which is beyond the Mind, there was

    no Ego and no attachment. And all was one. The



    connection was felt with EVERYTHING. There was no

    discrimination and no judgment against ANYONE or

    ANYTHING. It felt as if suffering was caused by our own

    Mind turning against itself. It felt as if, whether we are acriminal or a cancer patient, it all stems from the same thing.

    It all stems from a sickness of, or separation because of the

    Mind. Or from how the Mind interprets separation.

    If only we knew how perfect and magnificent we are, there

    would be no hospitals and no prisons. It feels as if

    imperfection is the creation of the Mind. Judgment too.

    EVERYTHING. As physical Human Beings, we need toprocess information through our minds. And all we perceive

    is separation, because that is how our minds process

    information. But beyond the Mind, we are one, we are

    totally interconnected. We are actually not our Mind. We

    are something much, much more.

    Yet, when in that state, even though I felt at One with

    everything, I still seemed to recognize myself as a separateBeing from the Oneness, as if I had my own evolution. It

    was like I had this Mind, which is not me, but I sort of ... had

    an obligation to "evolve" it as best as I could, but I was

    OUTSIDE of my Mind looking at it. When we are in the

    physical, we are INSIDE our mind looking out. And the

    separation between all becomes more glaring and obvious.

    It felt like all the problems and the issues of the world

    stemmed from our own, and the Collective Mind. It felt like

    the Collective Mind is what creates the illusion which we

    live in, with all its collective thoughts and beliefs.



    But I believe we always have the choice to see right

    through this, and create differently. If I choose to do this,

    those around me are affected accordingly. We can live in

    this world, but choose not to live in the illusion that has beencreated by everyone else.

    Q: And speaking of Mind, what are your thoughts on

    telepathy? Do you see it as mind to mind communication?

    It definitely feels like something from beyond the Mind, and

    not Mind to Mind. To me, it feels like it's the connection we

    have with each other like I described above, the connectionwith the Oneness, the All That Is.

    I feel that we connect with others when we are in touch with

    that universal connection. Here's what it feels like for me.

    Let's say, for the sake of argument, I am able to

    telepathically communicate with you. What has happened is

    that I have cleared my mind, and made it more transparent

    and become more connected to that Universal Oneness, andyou are doing the same thing. So, you and I are sort of

    accessing the same pool of "Oneness" info. But the reason it

    feels like Mind to Mind communication is because here in

    the physical, we are both communicating and connecting on

    the Mind [intellectual] level. But because we are both

    accessing the same info at the same time from that Oneness

    pool, and then when we use our Mind to communicate witheach other, we notice we have both come to the same

    conclusion, and then we interpret it as our Minds have

    communicated to each other. But actually, we've both

    tapped into the same "Oneness" pool. That's sort of how it



    feels to me.

    This is why I feel it is important to keep clearing the

    attachments of the Mind, and make it more open to being

    connected to this Oneness. And then the people who are

    appropriate for us, will connect with us because they will be

    at the same level of this clarity, and will be accessing this

    same Oneness pool from the same level we are. People who

    are closed are walking around in a fog, colliding with others

    who are also in the same fog, and they are fumbling and

    struggling along with life. Whereas those with the clarity are

    transparent, and practically walk right through the ones inthe fog. And no one can bump into them or derail them,

    because they are so transparent and light in their energy.

    That's kind of how it feels like to me.

    For the full text including more on the medical aspects described in the unfolding

    of Anita's cancer, please go to either :Anita's Near-Death Experience - NDE Research Foundation

    or to Anita Moorjani's Home Page at:

    MOON LODGE VISIONSQuotations from Neva Howell'sbook.

    Neva Howell is a healer and spiritual visionary as well as

    having yet another life as an actress on film and TV. One of

    her better known roles was in the film "My Fellow

    Americans," with James Garner and Jack Lemmon. She

    played one of the ditzy car rental gals (She's the little


    Soon after her introduction to the Native-American path of


    spirituality, Neva began a spiritual/healing practice known as

    the Moon Lodge. The process involves isolation during the

    menstrual cycle, to pray for others and for vision. The

    "Moon Lodge" represents a private place of retreat forwomen on their cycle. She had read or heard that this ancient

    practice would be a transformational experience. From her

    very first "Lodge", that statement proved to be true. Her

    work as a healer "swiftly entered more and more powerful

    levels, my creativity soared and my awareness of things

    spiritual expanded at an amazing rate". She has written a

    book called "Moon Lodge Visions A Sacred Journey of

    Acceleration for the Divinely Human of Mother Earth".This is largely based on her insights and visions gained

    during her monthly retreats. The following are excerpts from

    her book :

    Encounters with my Extraterrestrial Relatives:

    I had a life-altering experience in the mountains near our

    home of "A Place of the Heart". I was having a very hardtime struggling up the side of the mountain. I've never been

    particularly good at hiking or strenuous exercise, and kept

    slipping, scratching myself on tree branches, and running out

    of breath. At one point, I stopped and rested on a mound of

    huge stones. As I looked around, I realized there were many

    such mounds, and that there was some kind of symmetry to

    them. Following from stone mound to stone mound, I wasshown my planet of origin (the frequency base from which I

    first began my Earth experiments) and the highest aspects of

    myself there. Like a window opening out of thin air, I saw

    the other place and "The Golden Ones". My heart was



    simultaneously full of exquisite joy and unbearable sadness.

    There were many of us who died, coming to Earth. I felt

    each sacrifice pass through me, and wept for a long time. I

    also received activation of certain frequencies from my"home planet", vibrational adjustments that have allowed me

    to stay in more consistent contact with All That I Am.

    The next experience that in fact birthed "The Search" was

    actually my second conscious encounter with "The Golden

    Ones". This occurred in front of our house, on another

    mountain and at night. My husband, Mac, and I were hiking

    up the mountain. I was trailing behind, wheezing andgroping for Tree Brothers to help me up. We stopped to rest.

    Sitting on a large Stone, leaning back against Mac's chest, I

    suddenly and unexpectedly left my body, completely. I was

    pulled, very rapidly, up a channel of light from a distant star.

    I could "see" my body, far below on Earth, kind of the same

    way the monitor looks on "Star Trek" when someone comes

    on-screen to talk. I could not speak to Mac, or move at all. Iknew, with no doubt whatsoever, that if Mac let me go, I'd

    roll all the way down the mountain. This was the only fear I

    felt, and would probably have made what followed

    impossible, had the beings not "number over" my terror. It

    was like using laughing gas at the dentist: I knew I was

    terrified but I just couldn't really care.

    I found myself at a council table, facing an incrediblybeautiful Being who seemed to be male, though I'm not

    certain of that. The Being glowed a soft, golden hue and had

    eyes that were more like soft teal lights within a gently

    outlined face. I had never felt such love and respect directed



    at me. They (there were others around the table) told me

    many things that night. They also worked on my physical

    body in ways that would have caused unbelievable pain in

    the physical world. They explained why they were doingwhat they were doing. There was absolutely no pain and,

    because there was no fear of them, it was not a traumatic

    experience at all. However, when I came back into my body

    with a violent jerk, I went into hysterics. I was in total fear of

    not being able to control my physical body. Then I calmed

    down and realized just how very attached to this human form

    I had become - even after I had only been out of it for only a

    short time. That was the only disturbing aspect of the entireexperience.

    If you have not had contact with any form of extraterrestrial

    Being, you probably will within a couple of year's time. I

    encourage you to energize the prospect with positive energy,

    and seek help in dealing with negative or fearful feelings that

    may come up when you consider a meeting with those ofyour home planet.

    Shared experiences on film and in the theater:

    When a group of people come together in the dark womb of

    a movie theater, to experience an alternate reality together,

    significant energy gets shifted. A spontaneous burst of

    laughter, from two hundred people connecting with a pointof humor at exactly the same time and in close proximity to

    each other, generates a healing capacity that is quite sizable.

    Two hundred movie-goers simultaneously screaming in

    terror creates a cleansing and clearing energy vortex - a

    collective release of fear reactions in the group energy field.



    It is liberating to face one's nightmares, even if only in the

    safety of the darkened cinema. While the screams are

    triggered by the on-screen stimulus, they also trigger

    individual release of genuine fear, as well. Each personthere, depending on their particular fear-grid, can receive

    lessening of fear tensions if they allow it to happen.

    When an audience is collectively moved to tears, by the

    mistreatment of a character in the film, a new empathy is

    born and shared. While the tears, on the surface, seem to be

    triggered by the level of acting on the screen, they are, in

    fact, triggered by actual life similarities within the audiencemembers. There is empathy and a transference of emotional

    energy. A theater group who has shared an emotional film

    ourney together has also shared many other levels of

    awareness during the course of the film, spiritually. They

    have re-established spiritual ties, balanced past lives,

    changed perceptions, released old patterns, come to new

    awareness, and activated gridlines of connectedness with theother audience members. They have gotten to know each

    other, through the medium of shared experience. It is

    probable that these same people, attracted by the energy of

    certain films, will interact in a darkened theater again, at

    another movie. Perhaps, next time, they will choose to speak

    at the refreshment counter, or walking toward their cars.

    Perhaps, they will bring this shared experience into a more

    conscious level between them.

    One enlightened being, in the midst of any crowded theater,

    can accelerate the group consciousness of the entire

    audience, simply by tuning in to the journey that particular



    group has chosen to take together. This is accomplished by

    focus on the message, characters, emotional tone, and energy

    level of the film itself, and serving as an active channel for

    the highest aspects of those energies.

    This same channeling is possible, of course, at any common

    gathering and can be equally powerful during church

    services, natural disaster relief efforts, activist

    demonstrations, or waiting in line at the unemployment

    service. A group comes together for a common and known

    experience, but receives another, more spiritual experience,

    as well. This is always true. The only question is whether wewill be consciously involved in the higher level experience,

    and thus receive all the new awareness that can result, or

    simply leave with a vague feeling of missing something

    perhaps, something vital?

    Close Persons and Partners:

    Do you ever feel like you married your Mother? YourFather? Your own dark side? Does it feel like deja-vu all

    over again, when you see your Grandmother's stern glare or

    your brother's bullying stance, overlay the face of your

    partner? Maybe you don't recognize those faces from your

    past yet. Maybe you are only aware that no one on Earth

    (with the exception of members of your immediate family)

    can push your emotional hot buttons quite as quickly orintensely as your most intimate relationship. If you look

    closely, and you are able to short-circuit the emotional roller-

    coaster of action-reaction long enough, you will probably see

    another face pop out, just like one of those 3-D pictures. The

    truth, as I see it, is that our most intimate relationships are



    those that most closely mirror either our own most

    challenging aspects of personality (the parts of ourselves that

    we try not to own), and/or the aspects of one or more of our

    core family group. We unconsciously choose these mirrorsbecause our Soul knows that these unresolved issues from

    our past are the very issues that keep us from progressing

    and growing.

    Our closest relationships offer us wonderful opportunities for

    growth, sharing, learning and healing the past. When two

    people come together with spiritual awareness that enables

    them to fully know and expect that each will trigger the otherinto looking at challenges that impede growth and

    acceleration, and when each is fully committed to healing

    themselves, the relationship can be a catalyst for

    transformation in both. On the other hand, if the ego

    maintains control, relationships deteriorate into battles of

    will, which can distract both people from their spiritual path

    for years, or even for life.Intimate relationships, in particular those involving a

    commitment of marriage, require a great deal of personal

    honesty to work to the highest potential. Since it is difficult

    for many of us to completely trust another human being, to

    the extent that we can allow ourselves to be completely

    vulnerable, the relationship becomes a symbol of our

    relationship to God. I believe that the extent to which we canmerge with another is an exact indication of the extent to

    which we can merge with God. In developing trust, respect,

    honor, and faith with another human being, we are working

    out a deeper relationship with Godforce.



    If you can consider the idea that relationships are mirrors,

    and that part of the responsibility of being in one is to clear

    and heal past hurts, release limiting beliefs based on past

    experience, and open the heart that has been closed by pastdamage, then it is easy to see why our closest relationships

    are the most challenging. If one of the partners doesn't want

    the lesson presented, it makes for a tedious path. If both

    resist, it is an exercise in futility and a choice to walk

    through life in chaos and conflict. Though it is hard to

    believe anyone would make that choice, the reality is that

    many of us find it easier to argue and defend our position

    than to get to the bottom of what is really bothering us.

    Direct and honest communications have become imperative,

    and no where are they more important than in close

    relationships. We must begin to say what we mean, and

    mean what we say. Of course, the other side of

    communication involves listening. For many of us, the

    mental activities are so active that we have to re-learn how tohear what someone is saying to us. Listening is a fine art,

    almost a lost art. To complete the circle of clear

    communication, we must be willing to hear what our partner

    is saying, apart from any immediate response we might wish

    to insert. Learning to let someone completely "have their

    say" without interruption is a challenge in this fast-paced,

    action-oriented society, but it is crucial to good relationships.

    It has been my experience that, as long as I am mentallydefending my position, I hear very little of what the other

    person is trying to say.

    Working for others and the Feedback Loop:



    One of the ways I define success is doing work that is

    helpful to others. I want to give and the focus is slanted

    toward that end of the process, more than the receiving end.

    Yet, working in this way also connects me to the mostpowerful feedback loop that exists! Think how many times

    you have read something in a book that fed you spiritually or

    opened new awareness and then turned to find the author's

    picture and energized it with thoughts of gratitude and

    thanks. Perhaps, you even wrote a letter or shared the

    experience with another friend, who then bought the book . .

    . Something in you knew that the transmission of those kind

    thoughts and prayers made a difference to the author. Whenspiritual people receive something that is of value, they give

    back on more than the monetary level. They send prayers,

    good thoughts, gifts, spiritual support, etc, for what they

    have received. They are aware of the Spirit Web and know

    how to use it, which creates instantaneous returns of energy

    to the auric field of the person who has gifted them. If you

    wish to give, you absolutely must be willing to receive. It isthe Law.

    The feedback loop is real, regardless of the type of product

    or service you are offering but it is much more intense when

    offering gifts of Spirit than more work-a-day products, such

    as dishwasher detergent or toilet paper. Therefore, if you are

    the creator of spiritual products or offer a spiritual service,

    the energetic nature of your gift will mean that thedevelopment of a larger base of distribution may be slow (in

    terms of linear time), so you can effectively integrate

    returning energies. If you have any kind of resistance to

    receiving or have been focusing primarily on giving, the



    process will be slower still. Do not despair but rejoice. The

    same energies that might overwhelm you now, will one day

    carry you high, clear and free! If you are involved in

    developing something that will be serving others, expect thefeedback loop to be massive! Work daily to increase your

    capacity to receive goodness back into your life. You will

    receive so much back that your "bliss tolerance level" will

    most likely require expansion, even if it was quite healthy to

    begin with, due to the rapid increase of feedback energies

    from those you serve with your gifts.

    Connecting on Higher Levels:

    In 1996,1 had an incredible shift in awareness, regarding

    what happens during group gatherings. The dawning of this

    awareness began inconsistently a few years ago, as

    something I noticed periodically and erroneously credited to

    the particular ceremony in progress, or the spiritual energy of

    the people I was with at the time. Now, I understand that this

    experience happens any time two or more are gatheredtogether. When two or more people come together - in love,

    fighting like dogs and cats, or total strangers; aware of one

    another or oblivious to each other's presence; gathered for a

    defined spiritual purpose or a yard salethere are other

    dimensions involved and another level of communication

    going on. This is not something I have found it easy to

    articulate. For example, what may be experienced as asimple, third-dimensional event such as ordering a cheese-

    burger at a drive-through is, simultaneously, a balancing of

    energies and an exchange of spiritual information between

    the customer and the person at the drive-through counter.



    This higher event happens on another, parallel dimension.

    When one vibrates at a sufficiently high frequency on this

    other dimension, the higher event, and the thoughtform

    energies associated with it, become visible in the lower third-dimension.

    It's like watching two television sets at once (I used to do

    that in department stores, and it always made me feel strange

    - as if it meant something more than I could understand,

    which, of course, it did! It reminded me of something I

    knew, but had forgotten was going on.), or looking at a split

    computer screen. Dual reality exists at every moment

    Since I've had this realization, I am quite often aware of an

    entire group of soul energies in the higher parallel

    dimension, speaking to one another at the same time that

    another conversation takes place on the physical level. For a

    time, I was constantly and acutely aware of this duality of

    experience all the time. For me, it has become necessary to

    consciously choose to be less aware. I found it hard toparticipate in the third-dimensional experiences I had

    chosen, so engrossed did I become with how much more was

    transpiring on higher levels. This is hard to explain and,

    unless you have actually experienced it, it may be difficult to

    follow what I am saying. It is the same realization I was

    made acutely aware of when I was drawn to the site of the

    two automobile accidents I've written about. At the time, Icredited the gathering of higher aspects to be a direct result

    of the intensity of the energies associated with such an event.

    Seeing Angels, loved ones who have passed on, etc., is

    common whenever death is imminent or the fear of death is



    brought into the forefront of consciousness, as is the case

    with a car crash. I assumed the beings were there because of

    the death energies. Now, I understand them to be equally

    present at the grocery store, the laundromat, and the hospital.

    This awareness has caused me to approach even the slightest

    encounter with another person differently than I would have

    approached the same encounter before this awareness. I've

    become less concerned with getting my dinner ordered, my

    laundry done, my check cashed, etc. In private conversation,

    it matters less that I get my opinion voiced, my question

    asked, my statement made. I find myself caring less and lesswhat I actually say in lectures, or private healing sessions.

    Anything my ego mind plans to say will be less effective

    than the higher voice, so why bother? I'm less result-

    oriented. Now, I wait to see the bigger picture, the higher

    picture, come into focus. I allow higher communications to

    filter down to physical consciousness. I understand, now,

    that those higher aspects are ever gathered and ready to assistus in creating the optimal experience of exchange and

    communication. Assuming, always, unknown reasons for

    any interaction, I wait for the real reason to show itself. The

    ego baits us with one idea. It gets us there, and that's

    important. What we do after our arrival has a most exciting

    potential. When we are willing to wait and to listen, we will

    find conversations shifting from the ego level - what we

    thought we came together to discuss - to a higher level. If, onthe other hand, we remain rigidly attached to whatever we

    felt was the reason for the encounter, then we miss

    something - perhaps, something vital.



    Leave room for the drawing down of the Higher Voice

    that voice is the reason for your coming together with

    another, no matter how coincidental or random an interaction

    may seem and no matter what you thought the meeting wasabout. These higher aspects, or soul energies are subtle

    magnets, drawing related groups together for integration,

    balance and the remembering of ancient purpose. The

    "fourth dimension" is right here, right now. We can enter it

    at will, once we remember the vibration of energy required.

    Watch the other screen!

    Visit the Moon Lodge

    Return to Index

    Dianne Robbins:Quotations from two of her books.

    The Subterranean City of Telos

    These channelings by Dianne Robbins as Lailel are from

    Adama, Ascended Master and High Priest of Telos, a

    subterranean city of a million souls beneath Mt. Shasta in

    California. It is inhabited by members of the remaining

    underground Lemurian civilization on Earth who were

    orced to develop life out of sight of the surface world some12,000 years ago, at the time of the final destruction of

    Atlantis and remnants of Lemuria.

    Greetings from Telos! I AM ADAMA, Ascended Master and


    High Priest of Telos, a subterranean City beneath Mt. Shasta

    in California (USA). I am dictating this message to you from

    my home beneath the Earth, where over a million of us live

    in perpetual peace and prosperity.

    We are human and physical just as you, except for the fact

    that we live at a higher vibration rate and our mass

    consciousness holds thoughts of only Immortality and

    Perfect Health. Therefore, we can live hundreds and even

    thousands of years in the same body. I, myself, have been in

    the same body now for over 600 years.

    We came here over 12,000 years ago before a thermonuclear

    war took place that destroyed much of the Earth's surface.

    We faced such hardships and calamities above ground, that

    we decided to continue our evolution underground We

    had hoped to save all our Lemurian people, but there was

    only time to save 25 thousand souls. The remainder of our

    race perished in the blast.

    For the past 12,000 years, we have been able to rapidly

    evolve in consciousness due to our isolation from the

    marauding bands of extraterrestrials and other hostile races

    that prey on the surface population. Recently, the surface

    population has been experiencing great leaps of

    consciousness in preparation for humanity to move through

    the Photon Belt and into the New Age at the end of thismillennium. It is for this reason that we have begun to

    contact surface dwellers to make our existence known. For in

    order for the Earth and Humanity to continue to ascend in

    consciousness, the whole planet must be united and merged



    into ONE Light from below and ONE Light from above.

    It is for this reason that we are contacting you to make you

    aware of our underground existence, so you can bring the

    fact of our existence to the attention of our fellow brothers

    and sisters above ground.

    We broadcast to you from beneath Mt. Shasta in California

    where over a million of us dwell. We are very evolved

    beings, living many lifetimes in one. We go about our

    business in harmony and love, and reap many benefits that

    accrue during our long life spans. Our lives span manycenturies of your time on the surface, therefore, we're able to

    accomplish much more in our lives. We can use all our lives

    to our benefit because we are able to go back to our previous

    lives through our amino based computer system to recall the

    past.. This is a technology that we, from the underground,

    will be bringing to your surface when we emerge.

    Connecting to your past lives and learning from your life's

    lessons is necessary to this current incarnation. So beprepared for this great adventure of tapping into your past


    You, too, will be living long lives when you enter the Photon

    Belt of Light and receive its life rays of health and longevity.

    There is nothing to prepare for, since you will be aided fully

    before this time of entry arrives. Know that you are on Earthat this time to assist all of Humanity with its entry into the

    Photon Belt. All souls incarnating at this time have done so

    with full understanding of what is to happen.

    That's why there are so many people on Earth today, more



    than there ever was, because all souls want to be involved in

    these "End Times". Also all souls who ever incarnated in

    Earth have returned. You are one such soul. These End

    Times can be met with harmony and joy, or fear and chaos.The choice is yours.

    We recommend that you view this with your eyes turned to

    God, while your feet walk the Earth; for God is in full

    command of everything and you are all in His hands. There

    is nothing to fear, only joy and immense well-being will be

    the result of Earth's transition into the Light.

    Twin Flames

    It should be explained here that your "Twin Flame" is a term

    used on the higher planes for your eternal Soul Twin, a

    complementary soul partner expressing the opposite

    olarity, i.e. male-positive or female-negative.

    It is I, ADAMA, here to speak to you about TWINFLAMES. Know that your twin flames are near, as near to

    you as your heart, and they wait patiently for you to contact

    them, for you to connect consciously with them on the Earth


    You have come to Earth with a purpose and with a mission

    to complete. The purpose is not an individualized one, but

    rather one in which your Twin Flame is an integral part. Youand your Twin Flame contracted for this particular mission

    at this particular incarnation in time. You both have a part to

    play, a role to carry out, and at this time it is necessary for

    both you and your Twin Flame to consciously connect with



    one another for the dual purpose of reuniting and completing

    this mission. For this is the way you work best.. Most of

    your Twin Flames are in the fifth dimension, guiding you

    from above. It is to your advantage to channel your TwinFlame for instructions and guidance specifically for you..

    You already know your Twin Flame on the Inner Planes.

    Now is the time to bring that consciousness into your present


    Also channeled by Dianne (LAILEL):

    The CALL GOES OUT: Messages from the Earth's

    Cetaceans.This book contains telepathic messages from the whales and

    dolphins, themselves a highly evolved race with great

    intelligence, whose function on Earth at the present time is

    to monitor the state of the ocean beds. This information is

    used by our Space-brothers as part of their own monitoring

    of Planet Earth's condition prior to the coming changes. The

    Cetaceans also tell us how difficult life has now become forthem in our oceans through constant attack and harassment

    by fishing and whaling ships. A very moving and informative

    book, from which we have made the following excerpts:

    The Cetaceans' vital role in monitoring and protecting

    our Planet and Humanity

    My Dear Child of the Earth. We are The Cetaceans greetingyou from beneath the waters of your oceans. We are here

    with you on Earth's journey to the Stars. We are here in great

    numbers, preparing for the Earth's emergence into Light. We

    came here especially for this time when the Earth would be



    transiting into a higher dimension. We are here in our full

    consciousness, waiting patiently for Earth's children to

    bloom into the Caretakers you were meant to me. We have

    been brought to Earth from different Star Systems, just asyou have, as all of us, together, are here to bring the Earth

    through her Ascension on the other side of the "Veil".

    We are here in vast numbers monitoring your Earth and skies

    by using our sonar to pick up deadly and destructive devices

    that could harm Earth's children on land and in the sea. We

    have the vast capability of detecting those devices that are

    out of sync with the natural surroundings of Earth. We usethis gift of detection to report our findings to the Galactic

    Command who in turn investigate our sightings.

    We are brave and courageous and carry the keys to Earth's

    survival in our genes. We wish you to know that all the

    answers are encoded in your DNA strands waiting for you to

    decode them through your climb into higher consciousness

    where you'll be able to access the storehouse of informationthat's found within you. As you begin to access this

    information, you'll find that the keys to life will appear

    automatically each step of the way as you need them.

    As you climb higher and higher on the path, you'll begin to

    be consciously aware of us and consciously in tune with our

    energy, so that you can tap into our consciousness at will,since we will soon be ONE consciousness climbing the path

    to greater and greater heights. We are all connected as ONE,

    even now, although our energy is too faint for you to notice.

    But soon, as your consciousness increases, so too will the

    melody of our energy be brought to your ears as a symphony



    of Love from us to you.

    Thank you for receiving this message. We are ONE with you

    all. Adonai our friends.

    One group mind

    THE CETACEANS send you greetings from the Earth's

    oceans. We are ONE GROUP MIND broadcasting our

    thoughts to you from the depths of the oceans. We cast our

    nets of thoughts out to you, so to speak, to ensnare you in

    our consciousness.

    We are ever hoping to connect more and more with Earth

    Humans in hope of creating an Alliance with your Species

    that will protect our lives on the seas.

    We are here in great numbers monitoring your oceans. We

    track all movements in the Earth's depth and relay our

    information to the Galactic Command. We are the Guardians

    of the Earth, and have taken over your role of stewardshipuntil you can again resume it. We, too, will be making the

    transition into Light, and we, too, will be guiding you

    through the Photon Belt.

    Our thoughts are always going out to you on the waves of

    the oceans. We are always waiting and ready to connect with

    you on land. Although we are confined to the water, ourthoughts travel out to the Universe and carry our feelings and

    information to all who connect to our wave length.

    We are so joyous to be connected to you on land. You can

    now convey our thoughts through this book where we will



    have an outlet at last. We thank you for connecting with us,

    and for being our spokesperson at this time of Earth changes.

    Stay tuned to our frequency as we are attuned to yours. WE

    SALUTE YOU IN THE LIGHT. The Cetaceans.

    We will be transferring our responsibilities of caring for

    the Earth to you

    Greetings. We are harbingers of good news. Your planet is

    moving safely and swiftly toward the Photon Belt and soon

    we will all be immersed in its Light particles. All Earth is

    preparing for this great event, and all Earth will be ready forits immersion into Light. Your planet will look differently

    and feel differently once you fully enter this belt of Light.

    All life forms are preparing for this event at a cellular

    molecular level, for it is at this level that the most profound

    changes will occur. Changes that will change your density

    and change your destiny, all at once.

    The Cetaceans are involved in this molecular changeover.

    We are the avant garde leading the way to your new home in

    the Sirius B Constellation. This has been a great

    responsibility and we have taken our roles seriously,

    knowing every step of the way the gravity of this situation.

    We care for all life on planet Earth, for all life has been in

    our charge for all these eons, when humanity couldn'texercise its responsibility. So now is the time when we will

    begin relinquishing our hold, and transferring to you the

    great responsibilities of properly caring for the Earth and all

    its life. Soon you will again be the Caretakers you were



    meant to be.

    With Love and Gratitude to you, our brothers and sisters on


    Humans came from other star systems

    We are the Cetaceans beaming our energy waves out to you,

    our dearest Sister on land. We greet you in the sunlight of

    God's heaven, where all is beauty and all is Light.

    Today it is sunny, and the sunlight reaches the beaches

    surrounding the oceans. We lie back and bask in the sun, theglorious Light from God. We are all God's creatures, every

    single one of us no matter our size or shape. We were all

    created from ONE SOURCE, and it is this Source that gives

    us sustenance and life.

    You on the Earth, known as Humans, came from other Star

    Systems to populate the Earth and be its Caretakers. Your

    DNA was tampered with along the way, by past civilizationsand by renegades from Outer Space. This has slowed down

    your evolution, to the point where up to now you were barely

    crawling. With the huge input of energy being directed to

    your Earth within the last few years, your evolution is again

    picking up speed, to the point where you will soon blast off

    into full consciousness and at last be with us in the Higher


    Your consciousness levels are increasing daily, as more and

    more Light is filtering into the Earth from our great Central

    Sun. All Beings of Light, who are here from other Star

    systems, are converging and focusing their Light to all life



    on Earth for the great emergence into the 5th dimension.

    All species are rising in consciousness as all Earth is rising

    in consciousness until there will be only ONE consciousness

    afloat on Earth, as Earth herself floats through the starry

    universe on her way home to Sirius B.

    Thank you for making this trip with us. For without you,

    there would be no reason for us to be here. For all life is here

    in support of Earth humans in their great quest for higher

    consciousness leading them back home to their God Selves.

    We are grateful to all on Earth who have been vociferous inprotecting our Species out at sea. For it is through the

    LIGHT OF YOUR VOICES that we are still here and still

    able to carry out our tasks as Caretakers of this planet, until

    you've imbibed enough Light to be able to take over the

    Caretakership of Earth yourself.

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    Archangel Raphaelchanneled by Jeannie Weyrick & Richard Putman

    Question:What I'm most curious about is what you perceive

    ascension to be...not just the process of achieving ascension,

    but the experience of ascension.


    Archangel Raphael:While ascending is individual for the

    Light workers before the final Ascension, it will be a mass

    event in the future for everyone on Earth who wishes to take

    part in it and move on to their next level of spiritualdevelopment. Ascending is optional and a choice to be made

    by each person.

    The Ascension has been predicted by many civilizations

    throughout history and is known by other names, it has also

    been called the Second Coming and the Golden Age.

    What is happening at this time is that the people on Earth aregetting ready for a graduation of sorts. Everyone who wishes

    to go beyond the 3rd dimension and their current spiritual

    level has the opportunity to advance beyond them with a lot

    of help now and in the years to come.

    Right now the Light workers; many of whom have

    incarnated from the higher dimensions specifically to help

    with the Ascension in this lifetime, are preparing themselvesto consciously ascend. When they do they will be

    consciously connected to that part of their vast higher

    dimensional self that is helping the people on Earth with

    their ascensions. They will be able to use their higher

    dimensional connection to help the people on Earth. They

    will be able to teach greater spiritual concepts and truths and

    show the way for others to ascend.The 5th dimensional Earth is where some people will be

    ascending to in the final mass Ascension. The Earth is

    multidimensional and like all entities it already exists in

    several dimensions. The 5D Earth is the next step in spiritual



    advancement for some people on the Earth. Others will

    choose to ascend to a non-physical dimension. There are

    choices to be made by people when they ascend.

    There are millions of Light workers on Earth right now and

    most of them have not awakened yet, meaning they have

    little or no idea of who they are and why they are here right

    now. When the first of the Light workers ascend they will be

    writing books and eventually using every form of media to

    get out information to help awaken these Light workers and

    teach people in general about the Ascension.

    All people on the Earth today knew about the opportunity of

    the Ascension in this lifetime and it is the main reason they

    chose to be born during this time period. Each person here

    wished to experience the Ascension in some way, even if it

    were not to ascend themselves.

    A tremendous effort will be made to make it very clear that

    this time is not to be feared. It is a time of great joy andspiritual advancement and not a time of destruction and

    udgement as some believe. Some of the information about

    this time on Earth that has been received over the last several

    thousand years was interpreted through fear and very limited

    beliefs and this has greatly distorted the messages in many


    Question:What happens? Where do you go? What do youdo? Can it be communicated in a way that a lay-person could


    Raphael:The Light workers are from a variety of dimensions



    which are well above the 5D. They are also from a variety of

    places. Some are from planets that have already evolved into

    the higher dimensions and some are from non-physical

    dimensions. But all of the Light workers from the higherdimensions that are here, who chose to have a planetary

    existence, are teachers and messengers of All That Is (God)

    and are here to help implement the Divine Plan. As such they

    would be considered more like Angelic Beings than as "ETs"

    in the way that many people understand the term "ET". The

    ETs that most people think of as "aliens" are from the

    3rd/4th dimensions and are not necessarily any more

    spiritually advanced than the people on Earth.

    "ETs" from the lower dimensions are not "Beings of Light".

    A Being of Light is a person who has developed beyond the

    limitations of the 3rd/4th dimensions and is operating with

    conscious connection to their Higher Self. They also have

    God Consciousness, meaning they have an understanding of

    Oneness with All That Is and all of Creation on an intimatelevel. So what each Light worker experiences in their own

    personal Ascension will be unique and individual depending

    on the dimension they are from and the place that they are

    ascending "home" to.

    The dimensions are not really numbered one through

    whatever. Any numbers given are just used as a reference to

    what people think of as the 3rd dimension. The dimensionsexist as different levels of consciousness. As you advance in

    dimensions you expand your understanding and capacity for

    love and your ability to help and serve others. There is an

    unlimited number of dimensions. There can also be many



    different places within each dimension, just like there are

    many, many planets within the 3rd dimension. The number

    of dimensions is not limited because beings are ever

    advancing, growing and creating more dimensions andplaces within each dimension to experience.

    When Light workers Ascend they consciously connect with

    the portion of their Higher dimensional Self from which they

    incarnated here. In some cases their Higher dimensional Self

    may be very vast and have many different aspects of itself.

    During the Ascension process this merging back with your

    Higher dimensional Self starts to take place right from thebeginning of your Ascension process on Earth.

    The Ascension process is accomplished in part by doing

    energy and consciousness expansion work with your Higher

    dimensional Self. This work is usually done with the help of