The mobile landscape london tfm&a 2013


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The Mobile Landscape!Ò  - Do you really need an app..?

Ò  IOS: 48% Ò  Android: 32% Ò  RIM: 15% Ò  WP: 2,4%

Has Android already won..? !

The scale from web to native!

Go Native for: Accessing Native features with speed and great UX

The mobile web today – m-domain vs. “no mobile web”!<d=h>


(But wait, is that really it..?)!

Hybrid frameworks – The Salvation?!

Hybrid apps with JS Frameworks !


Develop once, deploy everywhere !

A practical example – Smoke free, apps and web!

Ò  Online coaching service aiding smokers to quit smoking Ò  Site developed using

ASP.NET MVC3 HTML5 / CSS3 jQuery javascript framework

MongoDB (NOSQL-database / Document database)

Hybrid frameworks – Sadly not the salvation..!

HTML5/Hybrid vs. Native !

Ò  Feature Richness Ò  Performance Ò  Developers Ò  Look-and-feel (UI experience) Ò  Support & Maintenance..

Me, amongst many..

HTML5 is widely considered as ”the future”. But why are statistics indicating the opposite? Until that future arrives, HTML5 is in most cases inferior to apps.

The jury is still out.. !

It’s not really about Apps vs. Web.. Don’t underestimate your users, and don’t limit them in how they use their devices.

- Me

!!Thank you!!!@strandberg_m ! !
