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August 2017







AUGUST 2017 AT OL KALOU STADIUM Distinguished Guests, Ladies and Gentlemen, Allow me to begin by thanking God for the far he has brought us as a People of Nyandarua County and for gathering us in large numbers today on this historic occasion. It is both humbling and a great honour to me. The people of Nyandarua have spoken loudly through the over 80 percentage of votes that elected me as the Governor of this County. Let me say thank you to the people of Nyandarua and may God bless you and our beloved County.

I commit to serve you wholeheartedly with dedication and professionalism so as to improve the quality of life and institutions in Nyandarua. My Key Focus is to embark on developing a Peaceful, Secure, Competitive, Newly Industrialised, and Prosperous County. Together, we will steer this County to become the destination of choice for investment, especially in the two critical factors that will redefine the 21

st Century, namely Food and Water Security.

Receive my greatest appreciation for twice, and consecutively, recording the highest national percentage vote totalling 99.6% for His Excellency President Uhuru Kenyatta, in 2017 and 98% in 2013. You also voted 91% of the elected leaders on Jubilee Party. This has impacted positively on the Jubilee majority in Parliament and our County Assembly. Your vote counted for Hon. Uhuru's re-election for the second term. From the onset, let me commit to work closely with the National Government and the President to develop the marginalized Nyandarua County and Kenya at large.

Ladies and Gentlemen: Although economic and social indicators show Nyandarua ranks low compared to neighbouring Counties like Kiambu, Nyeri and Murang'a, we can lift ourselves up from the ashes of history because Nyandarua comprises largely of peaceful, God-fearing people, endowed with very rich and diverse eco-systems. Our people are very hardworking. My Transformative Leadership and Agenda will be a game-changer as evidenced by my track record in public service.

Under my leadership as the Governor of Nyandarua County, and working together in synergy with all elected leaders both at the County and National level, I will lead the people of Nyandarua on the path to peace and prosperity. You have bestowed on me enormous Trust and with God's Help, as I have sworn today, I will not let you down. Now that the political contest is over, I call upon the people of Nyandarua, including all former aspirants, to come together and focus on building our County.

But we must put the question today – that is – WHERE DID THE RAIN START BEATING US?? WHAT WENT WRONG? NYANDARUA people work harder than most Kenyans. How then can we be the least developed and poorest County per capita compared with our neighbours? I will very soon be calling a meeting of the Nyandarua People to Discuss “THE NYANDARUA WE WANT”. Thereafter, we will formulate a Governance Socio-Economic and Political Model that will transform this County without delay.

The “Nyandarua-We-Want” Conference must develop SMART strategies to reverse the following statistics that attest to the President's declaration “that Nyandarua is a marginal County” in which he himself “will personally intervene”:

® The County's poverty index stands at 46.3% by the year 2016/2017; ® Only 22% of the County's population has secondary school qualifications and above; ® A child-rich County where 43% of the population is below 14 years; ® Only 22.5% of the population are enrolled with the NHIF scheme; ® Only1 doctor per 100,000 people; ® 41% of the County's population use untreated water; ® 78% of the County's population use firewood for cooking and only 43% have access to electricity;


® 36% of houses are mud walls; ® Out of a total road network of 3,400kms only 224km is built to bitumen standard; ® The County is not connected to the Fibre Optic cable; and ® According to the World Bank the County's GDP stands at KES 41,500 p.a. against an average

GDP of KES 132,000 for Central Kenya Counties. With this baseline scenario, I reiterate my determination and commitment to fully operationalize my Manifesto which is underpinned on six (6) key pillars;

(I) Good Governance (Peace, Security, Democracy, and Rule of law); (ii) Social Sector Development (Education, Health, Culture, Rights, Social Dimension and

Services; (iii) Infrastructure Development (Water, Irrigation, Sewerage, Energy, Transport and

Communication, ICT, Sports, Tourism, and Environment). (iv) Financial and Trade Services and Entrepreneurship Development; (v) Agriculture Development, Environmental Conservation; and (vi) Investments and Industrialization.

In addition, the Nyandarua We Want Meeting must audit the Manifestoes of all elected leaders including aspirants. My office will have put together all those intentions as we develop our New County Integrated Development Plan and the Medium Term Plan 2017-2022.

I will ensure that henceforth, Nyandarua people are fully engaged - not just symbolically - in matters that affect their destiny in tandem with the Constitution. We will institutionalize grass-root Ward Committees with forward and back linkages with the centre.

This will be backed with robust Monitoring and Evaluation and ICT Systems that capture and update us all on County Government and the County Assembly performance in real-time. Scheduled visits will be made to Wards. This will avoid incidents of ghost projects, ghost-workers and useless programs that do not add value to the lives of our people. I met many people during my meet-the-people endeavors who complained that they had never seen or heard from those they elected and that their vehicles had tinted dark windows, with personal assistants that had road-blocked and alienated the people.

This possibly accounts for the attrition of nearly 90% elected leaders who were not re-elected – a very high casualty and not good for a young democracy's succession management. This is a warning to us elected leaders that if we repeat this mistake we will have nobody to blame. Only a fool learns from his or her own mistakes.

I want to assure the audience here that we are not fools; indeed for the first time, Nyandarua people elected fresh, people-friendly, very intelligent, transformative and agenda-issue-driven leaders with the interest of WANJIKU as their uppermost consideration.

I am a proud Governor because the warlike politicians that defamed and shamed Nyandarua are gone. We will, as a minimum, hold one monthly meeting of elected leaders to monitor, evaluate and audit the State of the County through SMART targets drawn from agreed Key Result Areas or Pillars.

I am fully aware that to do this, we must radically reform the County Public Service. No County or Nation can grow beyond the capacity of its Human Resource. Performance has been defined as a sum cumulus of Commitment multiplied by Capacity, (P=C²).

I shall formulate Strategies, Systems and Structures that enhance the principles of Good Governance including: inclusivity, efficiency, ethicality, and accountability in implementation of our Policies and Development Projects.

My Administration is going to be pragmatic, working through leadership caucuses of Elected Leaders, Ward Committees, Professionals, Interest groups/stakeholders and various Subject Matter Experts on


each pillar in my Manifesto. Through this, we will ensure that we deliver on our key deliverables for a better Nyandarua.

I will enforce the culture of order, discipline, Rule of Law, efficiency, professionalism, value for money and excellence. I will institutionalize a people-centred, responsive, and value-driven public service. Services will be rendered as a right not privilege. Public participation, equity and inclusiveness, efficient services, accountability and transparency will be key. We will not tolerate laxity and abuse of office and misuse of public resources. We will institutionalize a Result-based Public Service where every public servant in all ranks is placed on a Performance Contract, and log-in to account for each hour/days worked.

We will rationalize, attract, retain, motivate and develop skilled staff for our County Public Service. A Capacity Audit will be undertaken, preceded by a Staff Audit, Payroll Cleanse, and Head Count to guide re-deployment and recruitment that is based on needs. Critical shortages in critical areas like health and ICT will be resolved.

Appropriate staffing and tooling norms will be developed, including a Statement of Core Functions of the County Government, Core Function analysis, Delineation of Tasks, and Development of SMART Job Descriptions and Work Plans cascaded down to smallest units in the Wards.

Ladies and Gentlemen: The Constitution of Kenya states that a County Government is both independent and inter-dependent. We cannot grow and develop in isolation. For instance, what we produce in Nyandarua is consumed in other Counties. Furthermore, there are services that can only be provided for by the National Government as provided for by the Constitution of Kenya. Therefore, my Administration commits to work closely with other Counties and the National Government and more specifically to our No. 1 Friend and Sponsor, H.E. Hon. Uhuru Kenyatta, for the benefit of all Kenyans.

I will be active at the Council of Governors' fora and in my engagement with the National Government and other internal and external investors promote our interests and the agenda of attracting Investments, Industries and Agro-business and tap into international Capital, especially grants and soft loans ploughed into areas of highest returns in our value chain.

On Public Finance, County governments depend on revenues allocated annually by Parliament under the Division of Revenue Bill. The resources received are not adequate while the scope of raising revenues internally is limited by the Constitution and the Law. My Administration commits to prudent management of public funds. Corruption, misappropriation and wastage of public resources will not be tolerated.

I have received numerous complaints regarding Officers who really do not have clear Job Specifications and so are never accountable for any results. Our Extension Services are ineffective and our people are left completely unattended. Yet, revenue collection has been very poor, with most of it unaccounted for. This is compounded by a very high ratio of 70% of the funds allocated to Personal Emoluments (PE) and Operations Expenditure (OPEX) while only 30% to Development and Capital Expenditure (CAPEX). We must gradually rationalize this ratio to 60:40 and ultimately to 50:50 respectively.

We will allocate financial resources to high priority programs that benefit Wananchi. We commit to reducing the rate of growth of our recurrent expenditure and progressively increasing funding for development budget. We commit to a balanced budget where zero debt is incurred. The process of identifying priority programs and projects will be comprehensively consultative to ensure transparency and equity. Due to limited financial resources, roll-out of Flagship Projects in each Sub-county as pronounced in my Manifesto will be on a gradual basis rather than in one big bang.

In this regard, my Administration will shortly be reviewing the existing County Integrated Development Plan (CIDP) to ensure that it is aligned to the National Development Plan and Vision 2030. Finally, we will continue to engage the National Government and investors, both local and foreign to support our


County Development Plan.

I have already reminded H.E. the President and he is alert to his pledge to support our marginalized County. He will inject investments in Nyandarua.

Ladies and Gentlemen: Some Sector-specific Plans of my Administration require mention in this event:

In the Education Sector; as a first step to improve educational standards in the County, my Administration will provide better-trained teachers at Early Childhood Development (ECD) levels and reintroduce an enhanced School Feeding Program to increase enrolment; create an Endowment Trust Fund for bursaries and education subsidies with a seed capital of Ksh.100 million which will also support an internship/mentorship program for needy, gifted and bright children to acquire skills, training and Certification. We will, in liaison with the Ministry of Education, ensure we achieve the approved books: students' ratio; student: teacher ratio; and class: learners' ratio. We will set up libraries in most schools and establish a Community Library in every Sub-county.

Furthermore, we will create a framework to enable Professionals adopt a needy person or Institution such as a school, hospital, community project or a vulnerable group. We will also enhance transition rates at all levels through collaboration will all education stakeholders to build better equipped schools, TIVET, Tertiary Colleges and Polytechnics in every Sub-county; and establishment of a University in Nyandarua County, starting off with the Main Campus here in Kapteni, Ol Kalou, followed by Satellite Campuses in all the other sub-counties.

We are in touch with investors willing to construct private Universities and Centres of Excellence, Innovation and Science/Technology Centres including Research. The future belongs to Knowledge and Technology- a scientific driven society founded on shared values.

In the Health Sector; My Administration will allocate adequate resources for hiring and retaining qualified medical practitioners; equip our hospitals and health centres and enhance healthcare delivery through improved management and superintendence of all our health facilities. We will partner with the National Government, Donors, faith-based institutions and all other non-governmental stakeholders in the health sector to step up investments in healthcare and training facilities for preventive, general and specialized care.

In liaison with National Government, we plan to upgrade JM Memorial Hospital into a Level 6 Teaching and Referral Hospital and the Sub-county hospitals to Level 5 with fully operational health centres in every Ward run by accountable Management Boards. We intend to provide one to two ambulances for each Ward. We will support security services to curb illicit brews and eliminate drug and substance abuse in cooperation with NACADA and provide rehabilitation centres for addicts.

We will create a health policy guided by needs assessment to provide targeted medical care and create awareness and support enrolment of up from 20% to 80% into the NHIF scheme by all County residents with a subsidy and care program for all aged and vulnerable and encourage them to enroll for other medical insurance schemes; develop and implement a Drug Management Information System in hospitals and dispensaries to track distribution and abuse; and create a pool of integrated, extension services model in preventive and curative health services in a model that encompasses all other County extension services such as nutrition, wise water use, energy, Agriculture and environmental conservation, Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH). This will ensure that Wananchi do not spend their times being talked to by various Extension Officers in disjointed manner.

On Social-Cultural Development: to reinvigorate the diminishing muscle of the elders within and beyond the County by forming a vetted Council of Elders; rationalize and improve the social halls and convert them into sustainable value and income generating ventures run by the youth, women and other interest groups; build Cultural and Community Multi-Purpose Halls in every ward to promote culture, music, creative arts, traditions and heritage; develop policy frameworks to inculcate an industrious


culture, which ensures every adult is engaged in income generating activities that support dignified lifestyles; for Persons Living with Disabilities (PLWD) and persons living with HIV/Aids we will ensure easy access to Special Schools, subsidized medicine, equipment, encourage counselling, rehabilitation and engagement in economic activities; spearhead the location, identification, preservation and characterization of existing cultural resources and landmarks that have an income-generating potential for our youth.

Ladies and Gentlemen: In an effort to promote peace, safety and security, my Administration shall operationalize security forums envisioned in the National Police Service Act; create self-security awareness, community policing through the 'Nyumba Kumi' model, provide decentralized fire fighting equipment and services to all sub-counties with trained Fire Marshalls; establish a Disaster, Risk Management Plan (DRMP); mount rehearsals and scale up security and street lighting project in all urban centres.

On Water Access, Safety, Affordability and Management: to create water banks to beef up water reserves for the County, use as a commodity revenue earner through sale to other Counties; develop a Water and Sewer Master Plan for the County; rehabilitate existing and sink new boreholes and water pans for improved water access, enhance water harvesting and associated storages, distribution networks and treatment plants; construct water treatment works to supply treated water in bulk to the neighbouring Counties and curtail exploitation of extraction of raw water from the County.

From the National Government pledged dividends, we will accelerate the construction of the three planned major dams and the associated infrastructure namely Pessi, Kinja and Malewa; develop a reliable Water, Sewerage and Waste Water System for all urban towns namely Olkalou, Engineer, Njabini, Mairo-Inya, Ndaragua, Wanjohi and OlJoro Orok; and ensure all Non-Revenue Water (NRW) that leaves Nyandarua is paid for by the Athi-Water and Services Board (AWSB), Rift-Valley Water and Services Board (RVWSB) and other licensed water service providers.

On Infrastructure Development: In order to ensure an efficient transportation system, we shall develop a Nyandarua Transport Infrastructure Master Plan covering Road, Rail and Air connectivity; open landlocked areas such as Geta, Gacuha, Karampton, Uruko, Mirangine, Kibendera, Makara, Kanjuiri, Githabai, Leleshwa and Githioro areas even as we reclaim all road reserves; upgrade Ol Joro Orok airstrip and explore the possibility of KAA establishing an International airport in South Kinangop to access international markets.

We will lobby the National Government to rehabilitate the existing meter gauge Gilgil-Nyahururu railway link and ultimately upgrade it into a Standard Gauge Railway line; ensure 3,400 km of classified road network across the County is improved to their respective classification standards, and implement 425km earmarked for improvement to bitumen standards and ensure maintenance of the existing 224km of tarmacked roads; and involve local communities - especially youths - with capacity support from the National Youth Service to provide labour and local materials for infrastructure development such as culverts, bridges and invert storm water drains; and onnectivity roads to Murang'a through Njabini and to Nyeri through Aberdares, and to Laikipia through Uruko.

On Electricity Connectivity and Supply: my Administration in close liaison with the National Government will focus on increasing electricity access from 44% to 100%, connectivity from 24% to 60% by 2020 in line with the National target and continuously lobby the National Government and other development partners to increase the fleet of transformers, extension of high voltage lines and substations; diversify the energy mix from grid to County and Private off-grid and standalone systems renewable, mini-hydro and hybrid systems; and reduce usage of firewood, charcoal and hydrocarbons for cooking and lighting currently at 76% to greener energy.

On Information and Communication Technology: We will achieve fast, reliable, efficient, affordable and 100% availability of ICT network through fibre optic cables connecting the County and Sub-county headquarters; provide affordable ICT services through Integrated Data Centers, Internet and Innovation


Hubs, and Business Process Out-sourcing; digitize and automate all essential services in the County including revenue collection, planning and development approvals, Single Business Permits and other trade licences. We must embrace e-Government.

We will establish linkages with scientific, technology, innovations and research communities for knowledge sharing, technology transfer and development of innovative local solutions using appropriate technology; partner with ICT stakeholders to provide adequate telephone and big data transmission to meet existing and projected capacities and demands; and establish offsite surveillance tools to monitor and evaluate service delivery.

On the Sporting and Tourism arenas: Create a Sports Fund to support and sustain sports talents; establish high altitude athletics training academies, upgrade the Ol-Kalou Stadium to international standards and improve other stadia in all sub-counties to nationally acceptable standards; link sports to tourism to attract regional and international athletes and continuously benchmark with renowned International Sports Associations for talent nurturing and ensure non exploitation or abuse of our talented youth.

We plan to rehabilitate, conserve and dredge Lake Ol-bolosat as a tourist attraction site with beautiful unique ecosystem and sceneries, ideal for rare birds and hippo watching, boating, water surfing and sport fishing; incentivize investors to put up top Star Rated Hotels by creating a Land Bank for leasing out; liaise with National Museums of Kenya to gazette and protect archaeological sites and profile the Colonial White Happy (mischief ) valley homes and rehabilitate Mau Mau caves; construct museums and have an Integrated Tourism Circuit.

On Environment and Conservation of Natural Resources: implement an Integrated Waste Water and Solid Management Plan by constructing sewerage treatment and recycling plants in all major urban centres; engage friendly forest communities in reforestation, commercial agro-forestry and develop cottage industries for forest products; support large and small scale private farmers in tree planting to increase the current forest coverage from 20% to 30%, embracing the Clean Development Mechanisms for carbon credit schemes; enforce laws regarding encroachment of river banks, forests, wetlands and other riparian reserves; develop a policy on logging and range management; collaborate with KFS, KWS and WRMA in enforcement of conservation of protected areas; and develop a Policy to pay back a percentage to the county and communities that conserve catchment areas and give preference to local saw millers..

Ladies and Gentlemen: On Financial and Entrepreneurship Development: We shall formulate financial literacy and entrepreneurship development programs for Men, Women and Youth; build Talent Academies and Centres of Excellence for up-skilling and capacity building for youth in business planning and investment proposals; Ministry of Youth will be headed by a Youth and a Youth Council established; map the Banks and Financial Services Providers and create a Micro Finance Bank; establish County Men's and Youth Enterprise Funds, Venture and investors to supplement the National Government endowment funds.

We will establish Business-to-Business ( B2B) and Business-to-Customer (B2C) market linkages and distribution channels; promote business and investor friendly registration and regulations to enhance ease of doing business; encourage a County savings culture for the youth, strong work ethics and professionalism; Boda Boda registration, training, licensing and certification for the 4,000 operators and negotiate a County guaranteed insurance package; and branding Nyandarua products and value proposition for presentation in special events like local and international investment fora and Trade Fairs.

Ladies and Gentlemen: Agriculture is the key driver of our County's economy and to a large extent the National economy: In order to implement our Transformational Development Agenda we need to re-establish agriculture as a dominant component of the County Economy through market research, subsidized farm inputs, mechanization, and value addition. We shall establish cold storage warehousing


and drying silos; benchmark quality control, weights and measures to standardize packaging of local products especially 50kg potatoes.

We will use contracted farming with guaranteed markets and mechanize farming starting with County Tractor Hire Services; invest in value addition and agro-industries; introduce high value crops such as pyrethrum, sugar beets, and Giant Bamboo to complement existing food crops; enhance access to farm inputs and subsidized services like cattle dips and Artificial Insemination Services; introduce better pedigree/breeders; create a pool of integrated extension services in quality control, research, and advisory services by professional extension officers; diversity farming through collaboration with research institutions such as KOLHA and KEPHIS; and encourage soil testing and its integration with weather data to determine the best crops for each region. We will support Farmers' Cooperatives as a basis for economic growth, saving mobilization and industry value addition and entrepreneurship.

Ladies and Gentlemen: On Industrialization, we shall establish industries in the sub-counties for wealth and job creation. We will support agro-processing and value addition to drive industrialization and manufacturing sectors using appropriate technologies; build cottage industries like thread milling in Kinangop and the leather tannery livestock market in Ndaragua; establish Special Economic Zones (SEZ) and Industrial Parks in partnership with KenInvest, KAM, ICDC, KIE and other investors; provide Innovation and Incubation services to SMEs and set up SMED retail ad manufacturing enterprises; develop “Jua-Kali” Associations in the sub-counties to nature youth talents and build sheds in all the trading centres; and incentivization of prospective Industrial Investors through tax rebates and tax holidays.

Moreover, a key initiative of my Administration in the short-term will be to organize an Investors Conference involving local and international investors during which we will showcase the opportunities in our County, including a business-friendly regulatory framework. This will not just be a talk-shop. It will be purposely designed to result in tangible deal-making for the benefit of the people of this Great County.

These, Ladies and Gentlemen, are just but a snapshot of my Administration's development agenda for our County. I, therefore re-echo my call to all of us to come together, without exception, roll back our sleeves and get down to work.

Before I conclude, questions have been posed about what I intend to implement within first 100 days. The following will be done in 100 days after appointment of my County Executive Committee (Cabinet).

Firstly, consolidate Governance Excellence Model for the County that ensures effective, efficient and professional structures, systems and strategies that leverage shared Core Values and Continual Value for money. Leaders will sign a pledge to nurture peace and put Wanjiku first. Every County Officer will be placed on a clear Job Description and Performance Contract.

Secondly, the Nyandarua We Want Conference – preceded by collation of Manifesto of all Leaders / Aspirants. The 25 Wards will first hold their Fora and prepare memoranda to feed into the County Conference.

Thirdly, we will host the Investors Conference. A comprehensive Economic - County Competitiveness Audit will be undertaken by a reputable firm to guide Investment-Economic-cum Industrial Master Plan aligned to Vision 2030.

Fourthly, Re-definition and Leaders’ Consensus on our County's five (5) priority Flagship Projects and funding, targeting 1 project per Sub-County per year during 2017-2022. The first five (5) Ward priorities will be identified and budgeted for. The County Assembly to pass laws establishing a Legal Framework for pooling resources to undertake County priority projects.

Fifth, finalize County Integrated Development Plan.


Sixth, from Committee on Land and receive special report on: (i) Resolve the land complex (multiple allotment letters) in Ol Kalou Township; remove the freeze

and allow Ol Kalou to develop and hold culprits accountable. (ii) Granting Ol Kalou city status by World Bank and Infrastructure improvement; and (iii) Improvement of key towns of the County. (iv) Develop plans to give Title Deeds to property owners.

Seventh, County land bank developed to facilitate investments.

Eighth, Issuance of Title Deeds to at least 70% of 30 Colonial Villages.

Ninth, Inventory of all County Assets including County projects and finance, revenue finalized.

Tenth, Audit of all County Resources including initiating the process to reclaim those held in Nyahururu town. Eleventh, Developing Institutional Framework and modalities for tracing and recovery of resources of stolen/assets, Land, Vehicles, Computers and ghost projects and payments.

Twelfth, Finalize ICT Framework and digitization for County Revenue/AIA collection preceded by physical count and mapping of all businesses and needs assessment and indicative revenue.

Thirteenth, Finalize policy framework for: (a) development of affordable housing for urban and rural areas.

Fourteenth, Finalize and operationalize database for all County Professionals and the Diaspora and operationalize the Adopt a Needy Person/Institution Strategy.

Fifteenth, receive a special Joint Intergovernmental County Reports on

(I) Revival of Education standards in Nyandarua to recapture No. 1 position previously held for 8 years c o n s e c u t i v e l y .

(ii) Report on commencement of 100 million Education Endowment Fund for needy gifted/bright students.

(iii) Youth Empowerment Master Plan in place. (iv) Strategy Paper on how businesses, supplies, contracts for goods and services will be given to

Nyandarua people. (v) Mainstream youth empowerment (jobs, funds etc) in all departments and enforce affirmative

action. Culverts, building and infrastructure projects (Roads, Water) should be labour – intensive focusing on youth.

(vi) Reskilling and capacity building initiatives to ensure all youths have a skill irrespective of formal education.

(vii) Special youth patriotic in-cultivation and consolidation program. (viii) Report by Task Force on 4000 pax Boda Boda industry focusing on: Training and

Certification; guaranteed Insurance Scheme; (ix) Commencement of University studies at Ahiti College – Ol jororok. (x) Approvals and ground breaking for construction of Nyandarua University at Kapten. (xi) Report on Potato 50 Kg packaging and marketing. (xii) Report on revival of Pyrethrum, and introduction of Giant Bamboo (for Tiles and Clothing)

and Sugar Beets and Commercial Tree markets with attendant industries. Sixteenth, assess impact of 30 days amnesty for return of hidden/stolen/misappropriated resources including land, vehicles, and animals in the County.

Seventeenth, Receive Report and strategy on:

(a) Disaster Preparedness and Recovery Scheme/Protocols and


(b) State of fire fighting equipment and reasons for dismal past performance.

Eighteenth, Form Special Programs Office to coordinate Intergovernmental Committee to: Follow up implementation and fast racking H.E. the President's Development Dividends to the County (issued after Jubilee Nominations) Viz:

® University with campuses in all the constituencies (the title deed is ready) and fast-track ground breaking;

® Fast-track construction of County Government offices within two years on 70-30 basis for National Government and County Government;

® Industries/Investments for value addition; ® Revival of Pyrethrum; ® Potato/vegetable packaging and marketing; ® 35 milk coolers; ® Street lights and transformers (key towns already lit – Kshs.60M and 60 transformers ready); ® Title deeds to Colonial Villages (some titles ready); ® Initial 425 KM tarmac roads; ® Fast track Kinja, Pessi and Malewa dams; ® Boreholes (1 Rig on the ground: 2 boreholes done); ® Lake Olborosat feasibility study; ® Upgrading Sub-County hospitals to Level 5 starting with Ndaragua and JM Hospital to Level 6

Teaching and Referral; and ® Construction of Ol Kalou Stadium to national and international standards.

Nineteenth, Legislative Issues;

(I) Develop Public Relations and Media Strategy and Bill to reposition Nyandarua County (County Electronic/Print Capacity);

(ii) Develop Road Reserves and Drainage Bill; (iii) Audit Impact of Policies, Laws and Regulations developed since 2013. (iv) To Gazette 1

st meeting of the County Assembly after gazettement of Nominated MCA;

(v) Develop Economic Strategy Paper, amend budget to include new administration's agenda Twentieth, appoint Change Team to develop a 100 days Rapid Results Initiative (RRI) within the first 10 days after Cabinet is constituted to:

(i) Fast-track the development dividends by H.E.President Uhuru Kenyatta (17 above); (ii) Institutionalize a Comprehensive Reform Strategy to fast-track quick wins in the Manifesto

Pillars; and (iii) Operationalize above Targets for first 100 days in office (No. 1-20). (iv) Form an Inter-governmental committee to address Nyandarua as a marginalised County

through allocation of Equalization Funds. Twenty First, Religious Community:

(I) Engage the Religious Community and formalize a Chaplaincy and framework of continuous scheduled engagement with inter-religious leaders to receive their views and inputs on bills and policies, and support their organized groups: saccos, schools, hospitals, rehabilitation centers and

(II) Engage the Religious Community to support the County government in combating vices such as drug abuse and youth unemployment, and creation of a value based society that is founded on strong family and godly values.

(III) Create a modality for engaging the Religious Community in peace, healing and reconciliation initiatives that foster a stable and productive environment.

(IV) Engage the Religious Community to check on mushrooming forms of diabolical worship, perverted lifestyles that are contrary to the Holy teachings and sordid materialism, recruitment into criminal extremists groups, and loss of values, all of which contribute to the degradation of societal values.

(V) Engage the Religious Community to support County government initiatives in enhancing


education at all levels and encouraging work ethic among adults. (VI) Engage the Religious Community in fostering family and godly values among the children

at ECD levels and youth in order to safeguard the future generation of leaders.

Let us go back to our farms, our grazing fields, our Boda Bodas, our shops and salons, Jua Kali sheds etc., with a renewed hope and determination to make our collective vision a reality. Let us go back to various endeavours confident that you now have a County Government that is desirous of listening to you, working with you and for you and willing to create an enabling environment for you and your families to thrive and prosper.





st August 2017
