The importance of staying dedicated when going paperless



If employees take a noncommittal approach to digitization, they might as well wait for a time that facilitates going paperless. Finally, company leaders are making the decision to go paperless and embrace electronic workflow with more frequency, a decision that pulls their businesses fully into the 21st century. For hundreds of years, people have been writing, editing and copying documents manually - why spend the needless time and effort doing this if there's technology available that would make these processes so much easier?

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If employees take a noncommittal approach to digitization, they might as well wait for a time that

facilitates going paperless.

Finally, company leaders are making the decision to

go paperless and embrace electronic workflow with

more frequency, a decision that pulls their businesses

fully into the 21st century. For hundreds of years,

people have been writing, editing and copying

documents manually - why spend the needless time

and effort doing this if there's technology available

that would make these processes so much easier?

Businesses that make the decision to go paperless can

see cost savings, save time better spent taking care of

other responsibilities, free up office space where file

cabinets used to loom and enjoy a bundle of other

advantages. However, in order to reap the benefits,

employees to have to put in some work beforehand.

Luckily, this isn't really a strenuous undertaking. They

simply have to organize existing documents, create

digitization schedules so records aren't forgotten or

doubled, scan the material and organize the files using

document management software.

That being said, if employees take a noncommittal approach to digitization, they might as well

wait for a time that facilitates going paperless. Think of it this way - say a company is moving all

records online and workers scan about half of all files into the computer, then get bogged down

or take on other responsibilities and digitization falls by the wayside. This is almost as bad as

eschewing the digital landscape altogether. What if an administrator needs to review an invoice

immediately? Is it among the files that are online or is it still in paper form? In the time it takes

this leader to search for the document in question, a business partnership could be damaged.

Clutter can result otherwise

If companies aren't dedicated to the process of going paperless once they've already decided to

digitize, the clutter than can arise might be overwhelming. For instance, they've likely organized

the papers in a way to make the transition online easier, switching up their normal order of filing

papers, so things might be temporarily hectic.

The Street reported that to make sure clutter doesn't become the norm, those who are interested

in going paperless are going to have to dedicate a little bit of time to the process. That being said, 877-727-3799

the news source explained that once the clutter is taken care of, the records will be much easier

to find - they can be called up via keyword searches.

If you don't complete digitization, the wrong things can be thrown away

What if employees get halfway done digitizing, take on another project, then hop right back into

converting records to electronic files? The easiest thing to do is to start where they left off, but

this can often have dire consequences if even small flubs are made.

It would be relatively simple to forget to digitize a few errant papers and send them through the

shredder with all of the completed documents, which can be very harmful if the information

contained therein is important and not copied anywhere else.

This is why being dedicated is key. PCWorld claimed that in the very beginning, standardizing the

digitization process can be a "Herculean task," simply because it can take a long time to sort

through files and make big decisions, but it's also very rewarding. The rediscovery of

forgotten records can be very helpful to companies.

Can be a waste after making the investment

After deciding to digitize and purchasing the tools needed to scan documents, it would be

almost foolish to abandon the efforts. For one, there's no guarantee that the business as a whole

will again have the time to dedicate to the effort, and if this is the case, workers won't be able to

reap all of the rewards. Plus, the company will have wasted the time and money spent

researching and ultimately buying scanners and programs, so administrators might as well make

sure they go all the way.
