The History of Flight By Ashleigh Parlevliet. c. 1485 – c. 1513 Leonardo da Vinci Designed an...


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The History of FlightBy Ashleigh Parlevliet

c. 1485 – c. 1513Leonardo da Vinci

Designed an ornithopter with control surfaces.

Sketches flying machines, such as helicopters.

November 21, 1783First Manned Flight (Hot Air Balloon)

Pilâtre de Rozier and Marquis d'Arlandes

25 minutes

1849Sir George Cayley’s Glider Launched a 10-year-

old boy in a small glider being towed by a team of people running down a hill.

24th September, 1852First Airship

Henri Giffard flies a total of 27km from the Paris Hippodrome to Trappes.

Reaches a top speed of 10km/h

17th December, 1903First Controlled, Powered Flight

Orville and Wilbur Wright make flights at Kitty Hawk, in North Carolina.

Orville’s flight flies 37m in 12 seconds.

Wilbur’s flight flies 260m in 59 seconds.

14th September, 1939First Mass-Produced Helicopter

Sikorsky VS-300

Single engine helicopter

18th July, 1942First Flight Under Jet Power Messerschmitt ME 262

First operational jet-powered fighter aircraft

14th October, 1947First Supersonic Flight

US. Airforce Captain Chuck Yeager

The rocket powered Bell X-1 flew past the speed of sound in the first controlled, supersonic, level flight.

Achieved Mach 1.06, new world air speed record of 1,299km/h.

27th July, 1949First Jet Airliner

De Havilland Comet

At Hatfield, Hertfordshire, United Kingdom

4th October, 1957First Artificial Satellite

Soviet Union’s Sputnik 1

Launched into orbit

9th February, 1969First Wide-Bodied Jet Airliner Boeing 747

Biggest jet airliner

20th July, 1969First Manned Moon Landing Apollo spacecraft

Neil Armstrong becomes the first man to set foot on the moon.

12th April, 1981First Reusable Manned Aircraft

US Space Shuttle Columbia

Glided down 2 days later

19th March, 1989First Tilt-rotor Aircraft

V-22 Osprey

US Department of Defence

1st March, 1999First ATW Balloon Flight

Breitling Orbiter 3

Non-stop around the world

Completed on 19th March

New distance record of 40,804 km

18th January, 2005World’s Biggest Airliner

Airbus A380

Unveiled in France

Double-Deck, wide body, four engine jet airliner

25th March, 2006Scramjet Engine Test

Hyshot 3

Tested successfully at Woomera, Australia

Designed to fly 7 times the speed of sound
