The Gazette - 2017 Page 1 of 8 The Gazette All Star Quilters’ Guild Oct 2017...


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Oct 2017

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The Gazette All Star Quilters’ Guild

Oct 2017 Newsletter

Volume 29 Issue 10

We meet at: First Christian Church

11924 San Jose Blvd

Jacksonville, FL

Officers and Board - See last page of this newsletter for the Officers & Board listing. The listing has been

set at the end so that you can print it without having to print the entire newsletter.


2 10:00 AM: Guild Board Meeting

2 Deadline for submitting articles for the October edition of the Gazette

9 10:00 - 12:00 - Sit ‘n Stitch

9 10:00 - 12:00 - Zentangle Group with Marita

16 10:00 AM: Guild General Meeting – Program – TBA

16 Following General Meeting: Applique/Hand Stitching group with Elaine - anyone can


23 Class – TBA

23 - 27 Fall Retreat Ocala

30 10:00 - 12:00 - Sit ‘n Stitch


6 10:00 AM: Guild Board Meeting

6 Deadline for submitting articles for the November edition of the Gazette

13 10:00 - 12:00 - Sit ‘n Stitch

13 10:00 - 12:00 - Zentangle Group with Marita

20 10:00 AM: Guild General Meeting – Program - TBA

20 Following General Meeting: Applique/Hand Stitching group with Elaine - anyone can


27 Demo Day


4 Guild Board Meeting

4 Deadline for submitting articles for the December edition of the Gazette

11 10:00 - 12:00 - Sit ‘n Stitch

11 10:00 - 12:00 - Zentangle Group with Marita

18 10:00 AM: Guild General Meeting – Program - TBA - Food Bank Drive

18 Following General Meeting: Applique/Hand Stitching group with Elaine - anyone can


25 Merry Christmas!!

31 10:00 - 12:00 - Sit ‘n Stitch

Oct 2017

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All Star Quilters’ Guild -Where everyone can shine! Featured Quilter Let’s get to know Sharon Buquo a little bit better. Originally from Oregon, Sharon has also lived in Seattle, and came here on her honeymoon 46 years ago. She lives is Switzerland, FL. Her mother taught her to sew when she was eight. She branched into quilting 25 or 30 years ago. Her first quilt was for one of her sons who is now 41. That first quilt was made of left over clothing fabric, mostly maternity clothes! Sharon has a history with All Stars. She was first a member in her early days of quilting, probably 25 years ago. This time she’s been a member for a little over a year. She cites learning more about the craft of quilting as a primary goal of her membership with us. She registered a quilt for this year’s QuiltFest, however, she was one of those people for whom Hurricane Irma got in the way and made it impossible for her to get the quilt turned in. We are so sorry and hope that she enters it next year! On a personal level, Sharon has a step-daughter and three sons, 8 grandchildren, and 5 great-grandchildren. Her hubby has Alzheimer’s and is in the Lassen Veteran’s Home in St. Augustine. Buddy is her therapy cat! She likes to travel in the RV and this past summer she took a trip across the country. Besides all that, she also enjoys interior design and gardening. Two more fun facts about Sharon: she was raised on a farm with horses, sheep, cows, ducks, geese and chickens. She loves playing with a tractor, digging up stuff or knocking down other stuff! If that weren’t enough she is also in the process of flipping a mobile home for profit. We’re so glad she still finds time to quilt!

Linda McClelland

Education Mary Jane’s Flower Boxes class is October 30th 9:30-2:00. The cost is $20 for this raw edge applique technique

that she teaches. Everyone that has taken a class from her has raved about her classes. Supply list:


Fabric: Background 1 ¼ yd.

Flowers 27 -10"x 8" rectangles or 2yd. one fabric.

Inner Border 1/4 yd

Outer Border 1/2 yd.

Binding 1/3 yd

Backing 1 3/8 yd

Batting 44’ x 46”

Heat n’ Bond lite 2 yd

Thread: To match background

Assorted variegated for outlining flowers

Basic Sewing Supplies: Tape measure, paper, pencil sharpened, small scissors, straight pins, pin cushion, seam ripper.


Sun bonnet Sue class is schedule for January 22 taught by Cindy Brown, class price will be $10.00. Supply list

will follow in the next newsletter.

I have some very exciting teachers lining up for 2018. It’s going to be a great year for Education at the All Stars

Quilt Guild.

Priscilla Caprio

Oct 2017

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Happy Birthday to You! Sep Bonnie Helm 4 Suzanne Biery 6 Lori Swanner 8 Vicki Zoller 10 Mary Stout 11 Peg Bennett 13 Jessie Stokesberry 13 Roberta Redshaw 17 Kathi Thompson 17 Patsy Titus 20

Oct Sue Sprecher 5 Sharon Moran 8 Anne Ebert 9 Vanna Willis 10 Mindy Ashby 24 Karol Blomgren 24 Diane Mangrum 25 Delia Bright 27 June Daniels 28 Mary Hoskins 30 Barbara Nichols 31

Nov Carol Vonderheid 01 Melissa Kelly 04 Diane Freeman 07 Sondra Frus 07 Virgil(Ole) Olson 07 Jill Voetsch 12 Peggy Tyre 14 Beth Gilchrist 16 Judy Cwalina 17 Patricia Kern 19 Jean Newton 21 Melinda Rials 22 Dorothy Patterson 25 Nancy Madden 27 Debra Huisinga 29 Marita Eng 30

Historian Photos, articles and other documents: We’ve gone ad free with Photobucket. It’s a much better experience now when you log on. If any of you have other pictures you would like to see posted please email them to History September 1990 program was an Auction/Swap Meet that sounded very interesting. The members were asked to bring quilt related items they no longer wanted. The audience bid items they brought to “unload” for unwanted items brought by other members. One member acted as the auctioneer and accepted bids from the audience. The member auctioning their “stuff” decided which item that was bid they wanted to accept as payment for the item being auctioned. It sounds like it could have been very competitive and a lot of fun.

Sandy Onsager

Hospitality October Refreshments We are set for October refreshments. The theme is Halloween. For those of you who have signed up, if you would like to bring something that relates....., Great! No poison apples please! We could also celebrate fall which may or may not have arrived by the time of our meeting. Thank you everyone for all your help.

Jean Newton

Oct 2017

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Library News All Star Library: Autumn Sale The library had to be put on a diet. Because of new books that the Guild purchased and generous donations by our members, the four crates that make up the library were overstuffed. So I weeded out some of the books that hadn't been circulated in a while, added some books donated by members, and culled some books from my own collection. These books will be on sale before the October general meeting. They are priced to sell-- $.50, $1, and $2. So even if you went on a spending spree at QuiltFest, you can still purchase some inspiration with your spare change. The Guild library will also be open for business. Did you buy some really cool fabric at QuiltFest and now don't know what to do with it? Find some inspiration in one of the Guild's many books. Happy Buying and Happy Sewing!

Vicki Zoller

Membership MEMBERSHIP REPORT FOR SEPTEMBER 2017 (for October Newsletter) There were 71 members and 3 visitors at the September 17, 2017 Guild Meeting. All Three visitors joined All Stars! Yay! Please welcome Linda Lockett-Daniels, Bobbie Odom and Lucy Thorburn. We are so happy to have them as members. Thanks to all members who encourage quilting friends to visit and join the All Star Quilters. We encourage everybody to wear a nametag at meetings. It helps us all to remember each other! If you are a new member, please see Sandy Onsager or Betty Ann Agnew to get your picture taken. See you at the next Guild meeting on October 16, 2017.

Grace Repass

President – Cannon’s Corner Did everyone enjoy QuiltFest? I certainly did. The quilts were beautiful, the vendors were good, and we sold a lot of raffle tickets. I was also happy to hear we won our fair share of Quilters Walk baskets. What a great weekend! To everyone that volunteered, THANK YOU! It takes lots of volunteers to put a show like that together and staff it. I have been thinking about what am I going to take to retreat? Needless to say, I have LOTS of unfinished projects that need to go. Looking forward to some major sewing time without home responsibilities getting in the way. It is gadget of the month time! This month my favorite tool is the Quilters Select 6 X 12 ruler. This ruler does not slip and slide like my other rulers. They come in all sizes, I will be investing in other sizes. I am still waiting to hear from you about your favorite gadget. Just email me the information and I will include it in the article. “No one ever injured their eyesight by looking on the bright side”

Ellen Cannon

Programs October’s program is Elaine Stemetzki, a local quilter and collector of Dresden Plate quilts! She has a fabulous collection which she will share through a trunk show. This will be an amazing presentation. Thank you all for embracing the book collection idea for December. I have known and admired our guild’s continuing generosity since joining in 2014. It IS better to give than receive! As our first-time collecting new children’s books (ages 1-12), I hope we exceed all expectations. Depending on the number of books collected, recipients will be guild member Sally Eunpu and/or the Mandarin Food Bank. Collection begins at the October meeting and ends at December’s meeting The November meeting will feature a presentation by the 12 x 12 group. “What is that?” you may ask! I am sure they will explain and give a Show & Tell.

Susan Sharpe

Oct 2017

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Recording Secretary All Star Quilters’ Guild General Meeting September 18th, 2017 Minutes The meeting was called to order by Vice-President, Susan Sharpe at 10:00 AM. Susan thanked Hospitality for their goodies. Susan shared with the guild that the church floors have been recently waxed, and asked that we not scrape chairs across the floor. Susan asked that 4 members man the chair stacks to show members how the chairs need to be stacked. Susan announced that Ellen Cannon left behind a Christmas embroidery project in a Ziploc bag, if you find it, please notify Ellen. The minutes of the August 2017 guild general meeting were approved as published. Betty Ann Agnew

• Treasurer –Betty Ann read the Treasurer’s report.

Sue Abbey/Ellen Ford

• Community Service – Sue Abbey shared with the guild that QuiltFest has requested a report explaining

what we do for Community Service. Sue read her report. Mary Anne Dennis suggested she add our

donations to Safe Harbor to her report. Sue and Ellen will be bringing the donations to the Mandarin

Food Bank today. Sue expressed the need for another helper for Community Service.

Priscilla Caprio

• Education – October 30th is Mary Jane’s class on Machine Applique, and the cost is $20. We need

members to sign up. Priscilla listed her ideas for next year. On Demo Day the chairs for the various

committees will be there to explain what they do.

Pat D’Elia

• Fall Retreat – Pat stated that 31 members have signed up for the Fall Retreat, the limit is 40. October 6th

is the final payment date. Pat passed out the packets for Fall Retreat.

• QuiltFest – Pat stated that QuiltFest is September 21st – 23rd, 9 AM to 5 PM. We still need volunteers.

Candy Schladt has the volunteer forms. Bags will be checked upon entering the show. You will not be

able to get in with food and drink. Do not bring your firearms. Be sure to check out Quilter’s walk and

the Sale Room. Wednesday the Sale Room will be accepting quilts from 10 AM to 2 PM. Pat has tickets

for the Preview Show (6 – 9 PM on Wednesday), they are $10.

• Road Trip Coordinator – The next road trip will be to Stephen Foster Cultural Center for their Quilt Show

on October 20th. After the show we will visit the Fabric Art Shop in Lake City. We will be meeting at the

Target parking lot at 8:30.

Jean Newton

• Hospitality – Jean Newton passed around the sign-up sheet for October and November. She thanked

members for their goodies.

Grace Repass

• Membership –Grace thanked Diane Falconer and Mindy Ashby for filling in for her last month. She

reported that we have 71 members, 3 guests (2 of which joined our guild) present. Toni Anweiler and

Linda McClelland were the winners of the monthly drawing.

Sunnie Malesky

• QuiltFest - Sunnie thanked members for their help on Take-In Day.

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Linda McClelland

• Quilter of the Month – Sherry Verell was the Quilter of the Month.

Karol Blomgren

• Raffle Tickets – Karol stated that 1900 tickets have been turned in. There are still 5 members with

tickets. Karol has the list of 40 members who entered quilts in QuiltFest. See her for the list at

QuiltFest. Susan Sharped showed the guild the raffle barrel which was made by Sal Caldarise.

Mary Anne Dennis

• Ways and Means – Mary Anne told the guild that at the October General Meeting we will have a Sewing

Room Sale. Let Mary Anne know ahead of time if you need a table. The Guild receives 10% of the sales.

Susan Sharpe

• Susan passed around the sign-up sheet for the Christmas Centerpieces. Our Christmas meeting will be

different this year. Instead of members receiving a gift, we will donating new or looks like new

children’s books. There are a number of options for our donations Sally Eunpu is starting a program to

help parents encourage their children to read. The Food Bank would accept the books to be given away

at Christmas. If anyone else has a suggestion let Susan know. Please bring your book to the November

General Meeting.

• Susan has the list of volunteers for the Raffle Table, if you need a reminder of the time you signed up

for, see Susan.

• Elections are coming up, there are openings for Corresponding Secretary and Recording Secretary.

• Program – Susan introduced Cindy Brown who is involved in making doll clothes for Sophie’s Circle. Peg

Bennet explained the background of Sophie’s Circle. Then Susan introduced Betty Ann Agnew with the

Swapatunity Program.

Betty Olsen and Brenda Bettencourt

• Sew ‘n Tell – Seventeen members shared their quilts with the guild.

The meeting was adjourned at 11:22 AM. Respectfully submitted Donna Caldarise Recording Secretary

Donna Caldarise

Road Trip The road trip to White Springs is October 20th, 2017 (Fri). We will visit the Stephen Foster Cultural Center quilt show which is held every year. We will leave the Target parking lot at I 295 and San Jose at 8:30am, arriving in White Springs about10 o'clock. After seeing the show, we will drive into Lake City for lunch and shopping at the Fabric Art Shop. I hope many of you can come. It is a beautiful park and a fun time. You can still sign up at the next meeting or contact me to be added to the list. My numbers are 262-8359 h, 742-8359 c. You can also email if you like

Pat D'Elia

Oct 2017

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Sit 'n' Stitch Last month Irma prevented our 9/11 meeting, but we had a great turnout for QuiltFest Recovery Day on the 25th. Everyone had lots to say about the show, and many quilters shared items they'd bought there. Block 2 was distributed on the 25th. This month we have two meetings. On October 9, Block Three will be handed out. It's not too late to catch up if you want to join in. October 30 we will be working on community service quilts; bring your own project this time. As always, you are free to work on anything you'd like, hand or machine. We gather at 9:30 and the meeting starts at 10:00. Hope to see you there.

Sherry Verell

Ways & Means ***News Flash!!! ***Sewing Room Sale!!! ***October 18th - starting at 9:00am!!! ***Bring your excess stash or cash!!! There is still room for at least 2 more tables for anyone who wants to sell anything. You may share a table if you like. Please give me a call to reserve your table. Be ready to set up after 8:30 am and ready to sell by 9:00 am. We will continue after the meeting for 15 minutes after the meeting if still anything left to sell. Christmas ornament event! Start bringing your handmade Christmas ornaments this month and/ or start purchasing tickets to be a winner. More info at meeting.

Mary Anne Dennis

Oct 2017

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2017 Officers & Board President Ellen Cannon 904 571-3752

Vice President/Programs Susan Sharpe 904-460-2964 or 703-405-3937

Recording Secretary Donna Caldarise 904-287-1109

Corresponding Secretary Elaine Brett 904-536-5441

Treasurer Betty Ann Agnew 904 303-8845

Challenge 2017 Vicki Zoller 904 718 1662

Community Service Sue Abbey 904-260-8199 or 904-465-6462

Ellen Ford 706-654-1053

Education Priscilla Caprio 910-484-7626

Priscilla Roehm 904 729 2823

Judy Cwalina 904 923 6062

Facebook Sunnie Malesky 904 262 0268

Historian Sandy Onsager 904-268-2525

Betty Ann Agnew 904-303-8845

Hospitality Jean Newton 904-891-8139

Library Vicki Zoller 904 718 1662

Membership Grace Repass 919-906-5037

Newsletter Editor Delia Bright 904-305-0406

Publicity Barbara Tyo 904-502-5254

Quilt Mothers 2017 Ellen Cannon 904-571-3752

Elaine Brett 904-536-5441

Quilt Mother 2018 Kathi Thompson 989-329-9556

QuiltFest Alternates Candy Schladt 504-761-2816

Jessie Stokesberry 904 735-0506

QuiltFest Representatives Pat D’Elia 904-262-8359

Linda Wilson 904 272-3353 or 904 903-0950

June Daniels 904 226 4140

Gay Montgomery 904-771-1154

Retreat Gay Montgomery 904-771-1154

Linda Wilson 272-3353 or 903-0950

Road Trip Coordinator Pat D’Elia 904-262-8359

Sew ‘n Tell (Vanna’s) Betty Olson 904-282-5539

Debi Holton 706 464-6491

Brenda Bettencourt 904-733-6187

Sit ‘n Stitch Sherry Verell 904-662-8429

Telephone Shirley Simmons 904-262-4699

Ways and Means Mary Ann Dennis Text to: 904-705-5194 Text first

Webmaster Betty Ann Agnew 904-303-8845
