The fundamentals of caring for you, your family, and your child with mental illness Lora Thomas,...


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The fundamentals of caring for you, your family, and your child with mental


Lora Thomas, Executive DirectorNAMI Illinois

NAMI National Convention, 2008

Decision to apply tobecome a Pilot State•Strong Visions for Tomorrow program•Began in 2002 with four certified trainers

•9 teacher trainings•28 certified teachers•Extensive reach through 15 affiliates•More than 423 families lives changed!

• •••

Decision to apply tobecome a Pilot State


•Support groups started•Parents & Teachers as Allies•Piecing It All Together (PIAT)•Evidence Based Practices for Children & Adolescents

• •••

Teacher TrainingFirst in the Nation –


Incredible response from some of the

biggest potential critics in NAMI

• •••

•Immediate realization that the shift from focusing on the illness – to focusing on the family – and its ability to cope,

communicate and advocate was exactly on target.

• •••

Illinois as a Pilot State

1 of 3 states•Six affiliate pilot sites in Illinois

Cook County North Suburban

DuPage County Madison County McHenry County Metro Suburban Springfield

• •••

Cook County North Suburban

Number registered: 21

Number graduating : 19

Dates held: 3/12/08 to 4/23/08•Promoted in local newspapers 2 weeks in advance•Had run VFT for 6 years•Excellent relations with local schools•Idea: Had a reunion one month after class finished. Well attended

Evaluations…" I am a Research Nurse at the University of Chicago…VERY impressed at the amount and the quality of the materials that was provided to us…thinking it was going to be more of a 'parent-family' kind of thing…great quality, great information. I definitely signed up to be a NAMI member.”


DuPage County

Number registered: 21Number graduating : 14

Dates held: 4/9/08 to 5/14/08

•Promoted in local newspapers 2 weeks in advance•Personal interview in local papers• Flyers to parent support groups, all school districts, local mental health agencies and providers


“…loved the recordkeeping part.”

“Being in the same room with people who share day to day with what I do…priceless.”

“…very interactive.”

•DuPage County

Madison County – 2 classes

1st Class number registered: 23 Number graduating: 11

Dates held: 1/7/08 to 2/18/08

2nd Class number registered: 18 Number graduating: 10Dates held 1/13/08 to 2/17/08

•First class in Nation! World!


Madison County – 2 classes

Had so much response that decided to run two classes

•Promoted in local newspapers 2 weeks in advance•Personal interview in local papers•Sent mass email flyer•F2F fed into Basics


“We are not alone!”

“…wish it had been around before this! This class has done our hearts good.”

“… but the most important was the support and understanding from classmates. I finally realize I’m not a bad parent!”

Madison County

McHenry County

Number registered: 6Number graduating : 6

Dates held: 4/22/08 to 5/27/08

•Flyers at CMHCs, case managers,

and personal contacts•Location may have been problem of low numbers•No press releases to local newspapers


“The laughter and ability to share was great.”

Please never stop the class. There are too many that need it.”

Thank you for all the information and for the support during a difficult time.”

• McHenry


Metro Suburban

Number registered: 14Number graduating: 4

Dates held: 4/26/08 to 6/7/08

•This is in a mainly African American community in Chicago•Promoted by attending local mental health community meetings•Flyers in libraries, village halls & churches•Did not do any press releases or go to schools or healthcare providers.


Class scheduled to end 6/7/08



Number registered: 6Number graduating : 0

Dates held: Class not held

Causes:•Poor planning•No advertising in local papers•Teachers unfamiliar with each other•Relying too heavily on hospital for referrals

Future Plans forBasics in Illinois

MUST keep it going… AND expand its reach


Statewide Health Foundation

priorities: oral health

mental health

Comments for states that are considering the program…

• Go for it

• Find partners and allies

• Plan for every detail – well in advance– Advertise– Use the media– Develop waiting list– Close the communication loop immediately

following the class

NAMI Illinoisthanks you

for theopportunityto share ourpart in the

NAMI Basics’ pilot

