The Fruits The frut is the devoloped, fertilized, mature ovary or ovaries of a single flower....


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The Fruits

The frut is the devoloped , fertilized,

mature ovary or ovaries of a single


Function: to protect and nourish the

seed during development.

• A-Superior Fruits:

• e.g Linseed, Solanaceae, Mustard.

• B-Inferior fruits:

• Cardamom, Umbelliferae

Inferior fruits

Superior fruits

The Fruit is Classified into

• True False

The Gynoecium only The Gynoecium +

other floral parts

True Fruits

Derived from single ovary of one or more united carpels

e.g Fennel

Derived from apocarpous ovary

(separate carpels)

e.g Star anise

Simple Aggregate Composite )compound(

Formed from the whole inflorescence

e.g Mullberry

التوت شجرة

The Fruits

The Fruits

True False


Aggregate CompositeSimple

Dry Achenes Follicles

The Fruits

True False


Aggregate CompositeSimple

Dry Achenes Follicles

The Fruits

Succulent )fleshy pericarp(

Drupe, the endocarp

is hard and woody

Berry, the endocarp

neither hard

nor lignified


Dry )with a dry or leathery pericarp(

Dehiscent: split open when ripe to release the seeds

Indehiscent: don’t split open when ripe )one seeded(


- bi- or multilocular fruit,

- split up into one seed

indehiscent parts


Dehiscent Fruits

1-Follicle: the splitting along one side only e.g. star anise, strophanthus

2- Siliqua: the splitting by

2 valves to apex e.g

mustard seed

3 -Legume

The splitting along the two sides

4 -Capsule: dehisces by various ways.

Split along the middle septa

Split along the middle line of each locule

As 1/or 2 but seeds remain attached to central axis


Split along middle septa

Split open into locules

As 1 or 2 but seeds remain

Split by pores

Partial longitudinal splitting forming teeth

Capsule whose upper part falls off

when the seeds are released-

don’t split open when ripe )usually one-seeded(

Monocarpillary derived from superior ovary, pericarp is memberaneous-not fused with the testa e.g strawberry )aggregates of achene(

a b c d


inferior ovary



الجميز شجرةالبندق

Indehiscent cont).)

3rd type of dry fruit

On ripening, it splits into numerous one-seeded achene-like mericarps

e.g Labiatae

e.g Castor


Polycarpellary multilocular ovary

Composed of 2 or more indehiscent winged parts split from each other

سكر القيقب

2nd type of true fruit

Aggregate Fruits

Achenes: grouped on

swollen or dry receptacleFollicles:

A Follicle is a dry dehiscent fruit which splits

on one side only. It may contain one or many seeds .

3-Composite fruit

Strobile , derived from scaly inflorescence e,g Hops


A collective fleshy fruit, in which the ovaries are hidden within a hollow receptacle, as in the fig.


Long pepper

Serosis )soross(:

derived from a spike )inflorescence( with a fleshy axis and perianthes of the single fruits

fused together. e.g Mullberry

long pepper

3-Composite fruit )cont.(

• As the ovary matures, its wall develops to

form the pericarp, which is divided into

three layers. The outermost, the exocarp,

is usually a single epidermal layer. The

extent of the middle layer, the mesocarp,

Histology of the fruit

• The inner layer, the endocarp, varies

widely, but in any single type of fruit

one of the layers may be thick, the

others thin.

• These layers are generally more

conspicuous in fleshy fruits than in

dry ones.

Terminology of the fruit

Carpophore: Floral axis extension between adjacent carpels,

as in the Apiacea.

Epicarp or Exocar: Outermost layer of pericarp

Mesocarp: Middle layer of pericarp.

Endocarp: Innermost differentiated layer of pericarp.

Pericarp: Fruit wall. Placenta: Region of attachment of

seeds on inner fruit wall.

Ex .

Three-layer structure

shared by all fruits .

The fruit skin

is the outermost

layer, called the

exocarp .

It protects

two inner layers: the mesocarp, and the pit, or

endocarp. Together, these three layers

comprise the pericarp, the thickened wall of

fruit that encases and protects the seed.

)Innermost of mesocarp(

Oil drops

