

THE FISHES. JEOPARDY. How things work?. Bony Fish. Anatomy. Circulatory System. Digestive System. 100. 100. 100. 100. 100. 200. 200. 200. 200. 200. 300. 300. 300. 300. 300. 400. 400. 400. 400. 400. 500. 500. 500. 500. 500. How thing work 100. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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How things work? Bony Fish Anatomy Circulatory


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How thing work 100

All vertebrates have an ______skeleton.

A: What is endo ?

How things work 200

A: What is circulatory?

The conus arteriosus and sinus venosus are parts of the ______________ system.

How thing work 300

A: What is the lateral line system??

Sense organ in a fish that senses vibration and water pressure

How thing work 400

A: What are… 1. Fishes are saturated with buoyant oils. (especially in liver) 2. Use their fins to provide lift. 3. Reduction of heavy tissues. (bones less dense, cartilaginous skeletons)4. Swim bladder. closed, ventral?

These are 4 Ways Fishes can Maintain their Vertical Position.

How thing work 500

A: What are respiratory and excretory?

The gills belong to 2 body systems. Name them

Bony Fish100

A: What is a ray-finned?

The perch is an example of a __________ fish. Ray-finned lobe-finned

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Bony fish belong to this class of Vertebrates.

Bony Fish300

A: What is double pump ?

An eloborate way of passing water over the gills used by bony fish-for gas excahnge

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A: What are myomeres?

Muscles are arranged in zigzag bands called this…

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A: What are KIDNEYS & GILLS?

The 2 main excretory organs in bony fish.


A: What is the OPERCULUM ?

The hard plate that opens atthe rear and covers and protectsthe fish’s gills.


A: What is the ileum ?

In dogfish, the spiral valve is located in this part of the intestine


A: What is atrium and ventricle?

Name heart chambers found in both the fish and humans.


A: What is spleen?

This organ produces red blood cells in cartilage fish.


A: What are pectoral and pelvic?

Both of these fins are paired on bony fish.

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A: What is countercurrent and closed?

These two things BEST describe the of circulatory system found in bony fish.

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A: What is gills ?

When blood leaves the heart in a fish itgoes next to the ________________.

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A: What is the ventricle?

Main pumping chamber of the heart in a fish.

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A: What gill arch, gill filament and raker?

These are the main three parts of a gill..

Circulatory System500

A: What is atrium, ventricle, gills, back to the body capillaries?

Trace the path of blood through the heart starting with the body capillaries.

Digestive System100

A: What are liver and pancreas?

Name 2 organs besides the stomach that make digestive enzymes.

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A: What is the esophagus?

This structure connects the pharynx to the stomach _______

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A: What is gall bladder?

This organ made parts of the shark dissection appear green

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A: What are rugae?

Folds found in the stomach, which allow for increase in volume and surface area

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A: What is liver?

This organ produces squelene .
