· THE FINB ABTS. Fr.»r.j 0 \i:iS ,T' nr-r, 1WI. ill the.oi.l 00...


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Fr.»r. 0j \i:iS ,T' nr-r, 1WI.ill the

.oi.l 00'¦ .utbinthe

1 ......tion

Ik, watar'.'1 nicl.t-

(tbia yeai 1

,ai.l ofthealp]I'.iiitiii, istlml. f,-,.ioftli.ii


ii rthon il

of 11'. lli l!

ive not oxhibited foriin lii.-t ot living

I'-i.ivo Moici.ti.

ome other ci jehii.y 11..- yeara

-.-t.-itor. af'i'i',¦ [mlnatrie olten rt n

ion of (onli)-c(l dnzenieni toitive Btate nl¦! the amii::.! qm

of thc iucans of their art andaneh invention oraen-

Ihev have. aml viow ol atill and ammal .1,11 it tolh"l;|.lv;int::".' I BVe

1uncsfrom atntlj. , ,i 011I oi n

. 1111ter 1 ng their orlii t-¦.I I'... 1-. vt iiii .1

live 11 Inn!.. ... for a partMn li h im

not. Danltm th natun. ti.lelit.v to the aeutiment aaVi-ll -.'¦¦:.

liou of ai' a in.iii's sa.\ iug

, ; .cajie (loi s imt4 \|u. :

i, j, not as t.iniiliarM.i.i \ ,; ing ".n.i evei

men who live ln lov-.iicii'.ili an.l aky tl

ii ,i .., uol true,,..l,n.."i.l; wl,.,,t aml

np hi ncription..\\\.,. 'I I»fl

ive the rn ine and technical ability

liinisclf in Iiii work, I aeem th. n a partii n-

nmf,l .. to his. Hatb. 1'llt 011 l»i*t

..i.lcrI.f !'..!! K |l Vet. """'Il

i.lll--¦, bnt tnitli aa be n

lility absoliite n

1tvili'.ci'icsof ;ti: ,

vn, tbem, do nio.tly \ic. iu attractiv.

}.l niil I..- potieut oi a woro 01 two. '".ul .1

! ial three .,-

,,., .i-.-uti.'ii 0IM.11-':Ii.ii.ipitalmenti

ti .(tm.-.. fiunllv an.l very promineut in all threecould not bc rejected hy ;

u.iini-.-.oii. becatiae Ihe authora, ;.- reward ot nicllt appn.ko al pre.

f eutrv ioi tin :: bnlM..,],,.. ':d witbtlrcw his. lt ia thedramatic, nol to say aielotlrainatic of them. lt nloni hy the Luxauiburg ttardea attheiiii.iii.nt when the ordei tofireiatooe given, by anoili.ial whoaa ngly face ia diatorted by aaahowofhate, aud iaon tbat aceonnt more apt thanthe '.th- - to provt ko tobitterneeeol politii nl paa«i«nInth ui mhnl. they bave provoked. Tbatthe execnti.m of Ney waa one of the political blnn-deraoft - is not much questioued. Thediapate lurua rather on the'u 1. .al nght in theand ou tbe claima ol Ney to oui 11. nn Bocbcfort expreaaing an opinion eo trarytothe* claima in one ..1 ins witty artielea on tl.c

.,, nn ihcl.'.iili'iiirc.l to n.orti.l combat therefor byrinet de la Moekowa. Rochcforl de-

eiined 011 the grouiid that an biatoncal opinion ia1., .. .1 hy the pen, l.ut lel the

i'l'ii,.', kuow I "'' ¦ '

needoiiij ionally inanlt him. '1 he 1.,. aud <¦.

, oi Ney wouid probably have li d to a. 1.,,. !.¦ he Boia... II iikij ue


or.,..] i.ut th.- I...!-... ror interfi

Damareaq und the atatuary hoth repreeent thellart>iuil m the enmi poae, mccly dreeacd in al

i. ly .-id t, with one liundj,,,;,, baring bia breast lo

the Imi:-. and tl hat lyiug hy lu-i, faithful to tlie m..t. i;..l

whethi. iat'a faull 01 Jtcy'a faul t, ildiguityol ,11.iim. :it. Aa 1 atood before the p

other morning, aworthy bonrgnoie by-italogne, ci\ illy 1

thn u. 1.CitMinir l'cii. 1 1" of wbom there 1- ¦.

atandiug Btatue al Perelat haiae. My keenei eyedfrit-nd. Mr. ... remarked of i<: "I'ut aahillelah in

and you have tbestnge Iriahman com-;.no.'k-.lou n argutuenl iu favoi of I 01 i.'in. Even Uml.-'. atatoeoi bim, rectedoiitbeapol whera tbe Boarbona impoliticly ahoi Inn.

.ii. thongb accordiug well enongh with Mleeooa labelof "braveat of the brave" (phyaieally),abowa no heroiamofthc higber order. J;.it Kndewaa a man of genina. Was an eaeential elemont ofberoii di_nity wanting in Michtl leaat laUicht l Ne,'- to.iiii. nani .. T

lionaly avoided tba qnestion him-aelfandkept it from tne spectator. Tbeaqnadoi

lier executionera are ball teea retiring hsto tbedni, aarlj December morning. Agaiaatthe of dead wall that l.lls hall thc Bmarka of the ill-aimed mnaket balli itrnck

.1 by the oiercifal ooea, liaa prone on hi1 iie<. ntiv .-luoiulcil r. iin- timt baa grown

lo loak dimenaiona lor the artiat'a ne. da thc faith¬ful hat promineut hy biaalde. Thia iaeffective,aug-gestivc. true: not extravagant, *tot tbeatrieal, nor

-mi.:" it doea have aboul it -

thin. ot the impreaalve dignity of death. Tbe tlniltyhowevcr, can liar.ilv reaiat the ealcnlation

the quantity of dead wall, aeeing tbe priee Mtbia work, ia rathei out of tLo proportion Uj tl.cyuautity oi (had

oi.d pii turc is a soit oipainted cbarade.In tbe Im kground ie the disc. rnihle aemblanee >>ilou 11 on a lnII: nn.vinif ion a:(i it inoroeeaoion fnun thefnuit are a eonslderame nnmberof torlike little menan.l ivoiii. 11; thc last of thei bj -!".>' t.itor aretwo toya .1;. -.-. .1 a-^ Koman Boldiera, n ith tiu ir armaatret. .wardaomething out ot inthe diroction of three large aplotehea that lie alongtbe ii .i.t foreground. All thia i.s vu.v aiii k and baranii.l il. iinii..tlie little woodea toarn aml thc bttieiiiMiii.u Iii th" bard painted groondandakv. i'i .-..ii. um luin to the catalogue aml n-iul," l.CTO. .'. iii-ah-tn." " < >h !" thcn, Bfl thc I'icncli

or. aa tbe I'l.-ii. h lova to iay,tbo] 'tna'tionally help aaying tbat Britiah

Aoli !** Then tbe diacerniule aettlement inthe ia the City "l Jeroealem; and thatl_'in_ thc (.-'. the ji!oi.--ioii muat lio r<-jire-lentativea oi the inteliigeat miiltitude r.-turn-in. fto: Calvary protitahlj meditating the high

on taugut in :.II agea l>y capital jiiiinsh-meni lion of huui and thedull .jiioii ln-.-. um. t ba the abadowa ol thc three aru-

fili. 1.-nn.. iiiiiii.iilou.sly, lor tii.ic ifldo li_l.t in alick, l.aul akv. lt is lamentablyin. nii.otiH, if taken aqoara Incn by aqoaaa in.h u]>;iiiit«-«l iviih laborioaa akillfulneae; mt well eon-eeivwd, oottn tbe wbole well execnted. lt lackfl In-apiratiou, and iuapiree no aentiment appmpriate toItatheme. II daahed otf in hpld, rongli black and\ilitte hy I>or(- iti l,iM beat iiianm-t ot ten yeaai 11^ he di.-iilau.l it, io. example, in " Tbe VVonderingJciv"-thc anadowaoftliecroaacawonld beeff. 1 tuallyeti^cr**st 1 v»-. Ilcre aUauggestion is arreetad by thebara daHnitaaeea ot a atiaata meebauical execution.Jn iu* iiii k-r.-ut ki nd Ba.aoaaibk are tha Pei

and Phryue of Ifarechal.two pendanta that groupl.cioic th -in nnmeroua admlrera. A replica ol theI'l-nclojic laordered forAmerieahy Mr. rrobaaco, A

t and tni.|>»-r ladj atanda ia graeeful attitnde,meohanioally attaative to her fcaedle nnd li.-tlmv.iol, hut a iiiii.iaiui.i on tlu- table before lu-r aaffi*ciently BiiggcBU that aho ia tliiukiug rathei 1,1 thehuabaud comiug bouie. The Beutiuient of tl.c pio-turc is beautifnfly harmonizetl with tba apectator'aBcnne hy ti.c jiuiiii ot thc lady'a faca, tbe eant otm -n

<,l drawiagaad CMarnaaa of toacb, and aaaiirabien.iti!i_. i-i.nt of th*.<-.,!..iin_.over all la aa atrotLright t-alntnesa. l'hryni itandfl at h«-r toilet table,fulfdreet d for a ball and orgie, ia a rich bhak v.-i-v.t robe, att.uhc.l to ber abouldera by ni.ic atraaafiom the u iiai a vellow-haired, volnptuona beanty,lookingatraight ai you with aleepy.naugbty (

1 inn liea along thedarkroha, wbich aheei.0.1. h to hhow a wave of wlute

akirtaud too little foot and ankle. ineolor,m .11 imi .11 toi.c, tbe Phryue in itakind ka aa elagantlyj.aiinniii/cd Iia the PenelopB. Both are tiiu-ti|»-_ ol th«ir kmd and of aociety a. it is.nt tho day daii.v, i«ai without coaraeneea or

UtUaMMi Kcithci ical uor bcau ldcal ia auotber

work going toAraerfea.a pictnrebyO.I*Brown,11 hi. h th.- catalogue nndi rtakoa to deacribe aa Tnen... ir.: of General Waahington with tbe Duki olI..iii/iii! foi the pm poae oi ui i-iding on au attacb lij

t). latt.-.eupi d l»3 thetlra-....'.,,.i ( .,'.,. Darh ion, nn the erc nl the

lation of Lord ( oi rallia at Y< rktown. lon...n't di-|.ii:. aml m wben vonbave '1 \'"

U.i.-hh,iu tne minilB

ti." um,:-. 'I fwn iiioiuit.d\. I.. tween them. V hich

.uulwhi nneation yon can 1..-ihe rreneh sti Ie par ro . tfcx-

;i- on trvingoneof them by yonr remem-irtraits,

be i.iiniot be, thi u the otlier mn»lbc 0. \V. (».!. I.'-.: ii ion yon alao dia. ov< rtliat the boraeman nean -t yon doea 1"

the other. Ingronnd nre othet moniiti d uu >n, a Btroad ol

water, N. w;.!¦, C..I. Darlcton [Tnrleton fj. hi- di

Kvc 1 '¦'"'iit. 'J hc im iui.

bul ii ia no mon 'I than1'.iin ;ne, < utiih'il the

,, ir i.v the aame wcalthyAmerii au > .'""'

inih Bomc ntln l ii soai li ln 1 nn ;.¦... mi.i vt iy likely lead lo a may

lloll! !''.!' ).Georgi W n, himaelf, has two good pictnrea

thia ic... i ichproroke compnrimm with Kroni 'ntin nol altogetherodiona to thoir anthor. Tliia 0. W. ia not onr ownUeorge, bnl a born and bred French Genrge Wnah-

m. Otldly ithonilation. and probabn withonl knowledge ol theni iu i ] - :. cliirographic family likenei lotimt the Katl r of .¦ May baa an" < »i'iiclia," which aeta one thinking ol Bbakeapcare'a,antleo iaitnjnred; tha expreaaion of Inaane woeiaalmoai painfnl In its trnth to one who haa had the

ii ci.ii'ci.n a known fm c,<vonti il acquainl il fiieiidly cu*l in. Aamuiler

,¦. if you (lioo-c. dbiplavaMaj' oloring alimwl nl ita bei i- Bao-

|il ol which a fi llow-ortial Jnatlyrlj perfeel nathe kind pen

Tbo most fanatical pre-Adamite ol pro-KanhsM-liteaould hotanizc on iti

;!, !.,-i, |. \V| v it in r..i'"¦". ITa roomIpring.C.I ..' Ihearrango-

iu.uit and thc .'. il < i.nlii'.-t "1 tho ...!¦ BU1iind the dull arlheii i«'t Bnd the opaline brillinni e oi

:. .1. kerel'e -i.!< il made ii'.i lou r aeiii-h dinner. Of ( ri. au exliibitont,

Ih ln .: .'I .1 Mi. H .t l'."-i."i pro-aonl little game nn Kcouen, inl mt ol ihtKdonard Frere fi proniisin. w*hol int, bnl kny-

mati rinl bool bonndt. Mr.\VeI< li of I

R, I \. .-, I ,i.!!; i 111 .ii: d li"i.l'l. lu

the l>cpai. meiit of Kculpture ia a niedallion ol Lin-(iiln hy a 1 .ii. h .nn .. a good d( al li rgi r tban life,and, it aeem. d to me, tbe wowe for thal

|y il.'-in-; the . .

.- '-'

ae 1. it. i pri itod below it may bftbat Dr. Napbeg] ib ¦**

ol bavlug forged tha Bon. R. verdy Jobnaoo'i naa .¦

Wi-n.M.i'.s. .1

Sm: i ..1 ijn d | ¦. ir i rai letti untilfludlncmyaclf able to do ao to youi '¦ wy

owa. D - ";l ¦' '"

your yl:


I'r. Q. N \' lliv'

l.H i, l tbat yoa are 1 ot oltl..- ebarge ol bai ; yoa

ttlngthetro.:m*1imi, l remaln, veryrce]


:¦ i

Sn:: ln yonr .-diloiiiil MlM-.kc," ini..-. thal thaemployera

.ni- ].iit foi'li .. tcnip.ol tlicir 11 ii tt tbe Journeyaaen vlrtually ron-

aedatottaaeearaey.N Kow Idenythsl In toto, aad willtry Imlivitlii. ,n, to coiifiitc it.

Nuw ln tlie Iii-1) eyehargfl aawltl belng iii>- ean.f laeb bhrb raata,Bow aaaay of Ik. ..;,-. .-. |*« mim_ I BM '.nt tO la. ;. i

lliVlng in tl.' ir v. ii lioii-i .-. uie l "t l.ii.illi.ulb ofiii. r-, bi 'i an aa axa.

BMycaabal How bon baa 1 '-' baaa ...¦uii.u-

tatedl A nni|..tiii ..f tin in M.-I-. l'.or aal rt IAll of tbem nill BduAak nny "f ll.i ..,, v. ...'.| or Ctiuld tlu v . n ,r 1..- unv tli r

way llibey had tocontlnne at I wrt, im k i.i ti,. -.,

ti.. v ii iii anMi. i. .s i.-. Ibe cnonuoua proflta ol tbeir¦-. and our loll hi l>: i" '1

,.,,.. b, .- p 1... t.nii ui..!¦ il lot onr o

, tbcae con out tbal we "

al our "re. i-1 oueol oppi-oke our

complaln lhat Un v r m'l work on thcir o bK .1 in ml '-.i-

kuow ruil well it wotil.1 nol li mut-h, all the.ull. on

:'., ..- nn- tli... «'

tbe ii. lit *lI thi le.oi .¦.¦'. .I at if,

illi ic, tbal ne

ti,. .. niirae pn ud. wbo tbitlicinli. imi-... liiimlle tlu trowel. tin y .ui bave ne moretliun two apprentleca. Wc don'l eare bowmany tbeynave j bnt more tban two (and th. -<.

take "nr w"ik to anotberobje. . I v,

.nougb tbe .¦']¦¦.¦ em,and how it haabeen abnaed by th. fm -. It waa their cu»tont, wbenthey bad contraci worl lo i"- done, they hirc.foui' BhllHngi pei tl ij long ai they bad work for ttiem,(fur l.ciir in i rere aever boitnd to them,nml, tberefore, cani be called apprenticc*). Tin--.itboyawere puttowi t on tbe mlddle "l tbe wall,wm re they conld thn lirlck ln aa fart aa aJonncould luv tbem pn ;- ly Then, » Ik n thej couldtbe trowel a little, i owed to work on the line

¦¦ tho |ouriieyr ii wbo l.u.ii the eornera. Thlina*. all tlir- rhance ll j evei had to leaiwith tbeir flral empl r, wbo, wben bia bniklin_ waaAnubed, aent tbem a* one, who treatedtbem Un »t, with a trlfllug advanee Inwagaa. Tbe lame '¦. ben be aol anotber job, took

batehol b.'l pnl tbaaatbraagh im ibbmcoarae.Kow far foba done by daya* work: 1 -.niicn

they wanted apprcni boya thej wanted ;no, iiii! tbeownei wouid know tbey were boj m.dthalwouldntdo: lt wo ua. tney Wahted boya wltbliHtr on tnelr raee.,ne. apprentlcea.wboat taeycooldpalBi otf ..ii tl.. own. - m jonrneymen, and reeelve Joon

..- wagea f"i tlu m, whlle tbey werapaying tboaeyttlveoralx perdayand learulng tbem

their trade, foi ug aa tbat job laatedtlie rub; thU la when th< inoe plnchea; tbia la the ni.ilpolnt al laane, ai tli. admlt. if they ibonld be allowedthia. what beeomei. oft radi I what la the naa of learulngiti Tbere wonld be no proteetlon for na, aad tbe aowapprestlee nciil cur e the day ba ever weal al tbatrade; fbrbiai ¦< wben bebecameajourneymanto wbal thej ire trying to foree on ua now.

I tin'iik I luu-.- ventilnted tbe Bpprentlee prettj well.Biul I wonld furiii. rmon add tbat, rtuee tbe abolltlon ofthe wholeaale Bpprentlee ovatem, bouaea are better bullt;for then II waa bard work to gel tbe walbi tfl bimul ui.ulthey K'ct tlu t" .niis on to ht Id tbem together,

'l lie charge thal we compel them to pay to a man tnorc

than be la worth,I toaaj tlieleaat, Bgroeapeireralonoftrutb. Hirc tlie i.' terof tbe aituatlon; and, tfIm n t ri h .un |oui i."t votiii tbe waaea, he cant.iiy bim off .uul hlreafrood man ln bia place. 'I beaebt_i ¦¦>

tnual ot throw th. lil une on un if there are lucompetcnt4u.ii.nnii ln tberoaikcl They are of tbelr own maklng,and gratttude abould Und a place In tbelr boeom,

ln thfir ineetit.K the other day, theae boaaea were veryum. h afrald of ea. li otl .; Tbey were afrald thal if tbaowner abould take thcirJob from tlu m. one of theae aame

wonld take tV sauio Job over bia head aad finiahit.... tliccii-' lyattm. Kow, l wouidaakthequea-Uon,whj afrald ol loalng tl.cir jui*,vt.. ii tiii v a;.v ti-. loae ao much money on theae¦amejohal H tl loalnajobi it la natnral tbatthey waald be glad to ^ttbemoff tbete banda; hut ao,Ibe) know luu well tbey ciu Anlah thaa aad make

Mow.'lf tbe ownera wonld ronciik tbelr own lntereotH,ttiey wmiiii put thclrjobfl luto tbe baoda of tbe foremanorjonrneymen, wbo cau flulab them ata laring to aaldowneraof from 16to» per eent, and .in- good aeeurltyfor Ha performanre: for lel it be nuderatood tbeHgenlnaand akin" I* not all ln tbe be idi or haudn, if tbo'.capital" happem to i.< In tbelr i»'. kct_

M. Tt ITB, No. Jol West Furticth it.Ar-r-Io)/.-, June |

- I»

A P0B1 tBLB BAILWAT.Mi. J. K. Gleno ol Ka 141 Brotdwai bai

iiivc.itc.i ai;.r arbk h oarrtaa it* own Iraek; and raaa aa

any tirdiiiiiiy WB| a ." "I Wen a fNlgbl tr.iin OOUpMut ea. ii aad, and plaead aa aa ta Naaraaaal aparpea(llrular lnx.j., aml I'i. t. (i ti.n k l.ciit anuiiul the cln li, amlwaldedataaeh eod, tbe ean aad tr:..k weald iiiuatratetl.e prli.clj'lc on Whli li Ho* in ai -liine Ih coimtructcd. Mr.(.ii-ii.ra < .ir l. ...... a...i aneompaaaad i.y »

t.Hik ru.ii.iMK lengthwlaa aronnd it- Tbe wbaala.ire in daabla trioa, eonaaeted by Uuu i...!-,and wbaa i.¦¦ I-. 'a motion Iba wheelannd roda revolve around it. The wbaala .i<. not tonch thegroand. but they are Mipported by feet, which, 11 broad,iiiinw tne ciu to pa tover tandy oa awampy eoU. Iteaa

Haarad to _o lu any dealrod dlreclloii with eaae.'iiii-. ...aciii.ii-11 on iu tlm tralaht depot, oaiiuddoi., ncur Leoaard-at, Laat Taaadajr itwiu dra ... tiiroii^i. ti.n roucbeet atreeta by ..hi'iii. of boraaa .ti. a load of fr..... .... to 30 hkm.. Tl.e foetare «iz f.-et ujiart, h.i.I not tli.- laaetja. i» f.-lt wbaa tlnytouch Uio ifrouud. luit uiachiuo viul uuJuul.i.-.liv aaa-

reed In what baa aa fir l.oAn afallare iteaae-plowlnB.f.'i- tiu- uiv. nior elalBM tliat stfiiii. rm be praotlcally..;.;..: t" :t. The ear i- led that Ii'jIl. or

¦; 'llt.

.'./.. .\ /.7 th LE TBEAE,

w. i.i :.'!.! t.i i.n.i i.i'.i. -::: -. V \-

An nbatrad <¦! tiu- n porl of tln officn tli-i:. ¦ iiivc-M-

' '

k.i Klux Klan in T. \.>-. l- aa IMlowa "" tbe 2ut)t ef¦¦-..,, 11|. .I tu w I.... Mi mty, and thi re

Iiii ..if.-. ii',.1-..l Hr. Croucb lufonnod m

oatl'.tlni.r rbl of Aj.tll 1".r iln- Kii-Kl

,,r<, (1 hl« "

- iifh.,1 ih. i |. i'i-!'"-1. i face, -ii tbit iii 'l tfl

it h. . v.i- fed or barlion d any of bu rnei la,may ..' ¦

' Ibe n.ob. After- Crotieu lo leuve the roanty Un a

baud of a d< zt ii men wbo wm.: ¦- i irlng vlolenee, Mr. Croucb lefl bla bome andmoved t" McLernaii Ile aft. rward n

hia plaee for thi pnrpo of i-ttlng hls atock aud aomepi it.ui he h "i l' ft ln his fllgbt, im' rould flndHe wa- inf, nn, .1 th, prorn i'v wn*. taken poof i.v tiu- tm I'. TheLee brotlien'l.ii'u-li.were lyIng oui at the time, aml thuat

¦ft, ward ih il to Arkanaaa Mi.a ]. ml. the lli otenanl aa far as Oah-avl b

ln -, an h ¦¦! her v ,.ii .i broth. r, wbo had beeu r.']".n. ..

I, lled. On Ibe II I.n uiiand took ih" atatemenl "f Mra. Jnlla E. I liin/ton,..f..'l"v\s: Tbal n Ihe tbl ol Ibe 1 id "f April,II o'eloek, aeveral men eame tn her booae, about »lx nille.

"ii ol Mi fflttowi iii Hell nminty, and nnler. 'I ln r hua-I'.in.l to Ket np and make a light. wbleb he dld, Hewaailn ii on! ,i il I., i' me oui .1 .ii."r- until they nulIhe bouae, Mr, Kelington refuaing to comeout, Ihej re-

antl il entotbe bouae, Mr. Eelington told hla wlfetp HI

on hlalap, whieh ihe dld. At Ibia nionienl oneof thaiu, ii sin.t Mr. Eelington 'ii.on-.-ii Ihe haad vilili hla gnn.On Ibe hi of Apt II il, l« ataml n "'¦ '". M nuuilier

nf men eame te tln- hon.f Mra. Marv Hhaekelford, alMra. Bhat kelford'a *,.n

,. .i. ii to open tn- dour,wbeubowa abot and limlHiiili k lled ou Ihe lhre_hii_d.A yonuger aou, A H 11 Bbaekelford, »eizi-d a ml and,

'.. Iiu I ¦'. ||, r.'li-' .1 II. t" lt f. Al ¦.

in the nioming, llie bodyof Bdward 8. Jaekaon, oi.ftbe honae. The Im,.:. i- .mii f, by Jobn aiai l,

\ c, ij nd aaid lo be a leade? nf IheMr. A. w.ailn ifnrd. um I di loi nl m.-n tn

j ihal ihfv vmII ii.ii aiio'v a Unlon man teilvetli re, neilln-r wlll tbey allow a loyal man todiiipo e,i h \ h.iv !i,_- Motlittoa ii I pi it.I '"

ly. wb. re Miia taken, on Ibe 14th >'f II ij

,: al iil.oui I .¦'. " I. i>. ni

Aprfl, :. i.'va.l i.f in, i, iiu;'' t" ii, r ...Hicr's l,,"i-f i>. Beil,, ii.iv. Im.iiI iliiit- m.ii aoiilh nf I'erry, a."t ulli^l *.''¦

r.t ni m. r -. I.loverand hla aou*. Ocorice and n r.

bou li .i Ibeit eut. red and .. ir. lieii.tne

liii-Li Un v va. .,1.and Bred tt -eral -.a""' *.." "ou

t, -', i .'. /....'..'.I r. tv. was taken i.t ¦..-

the 1.1 "1 M... I. H.toa ., f (..t. llie in ?>' ."li of hla

lu ;., w, will.. Iud v tbal ln>|i. ki il inm iti- so

..t vv.,- ,,;, Mi I' "t " '.. Ihe

.i meiitwa made ln an Inforimil undmiinm-r. On tbe aame mu'iit Ihe unfurtunate man waa

Itot ,

Ku-Klux. All 1 nuW be., ,: n. vv. ii i...-. w ia Ihal

ai.. iit lualva.i-a.,. at bia bm

ni. .i.i

of 11 va.'i.l |0in,.].. iv f.«r Ml

.i illeu, aud Ihal . I

irn from lh*


, ih venrmeilat '

a ihal

i),,; itarl "f Ihc Bl >'.¦. ai d no \|,i ur that a ma '¦

i. bul the l

the n.. ii kllled hy tln mob ...

-t iia in, oi ¦ lo 1 ' the mob, .¦

1.....l ii,

tiiintrthi lled; whll.. nn il.ther hand,i ih for.

1,1 ,:¦,'. .111.I.t ll * ll'lU'K I

i iii tbeI the 1rerlng ti,,. ,|,..

'. ,i- . ;.. ii lo !.,.

.,:-¦'¦ li ll, lt ot it lu.m

,,|.| ai- :.. In li.ili.f llm

i. I i i.


it waav un ii.n i.t.iiv with whomli

un I. ni.ii iii

I rom .


la. 1. FHI.K !N < vi.!l"lM \.

The i: iunl:. im ol of Indm fry

li there la i. lete there Udoiu in atteiuptlng imi., bu iiii. ot aitboul .,

untitiuii- un.l, r wl... li ii in

t,. |, ,v. Ui- are tben I re b) l«-d allbdi va I'l'im ul ol Ibe i

h |. y .;. ,. ah id aurely and with 1 itbe i .ii.uiii

ru, nin-tal., - iiK- nnn.i III.. iuable t., the mu-. .¦! ' ia

and t),'v om. ii oi ehildren dui Ing the li

,'. ii'im-|. |, .| '..i. i,i. f of ".'

mi that Id. I '

].;..!,,' IIIIU "f I".'I'I.ii- f. -, va ln. lili. \.i fu- uippuae, I."...'.. -i oa. h, the nuniln rOf.Ui-tl'l- 1' ..i ..

i«4i; umi in I-:.., 1,4.,,¦-....« .,'..", ii,.it i- if tbere wera 1.1ami'...i>- for all. Bm a. ith. r can i.< obtaln. .1 foi au. h a

liiiiltltiulf. It ladoubtful wuetla di .ra than -v ,t,..««,...-.aa wlll be bred tbla y. ir, Tliereare crcat nuiuhcra ofthe mulberry treea ln um verj few In plautatinn,aatheyal.Idatand, lo prodnce leavei fm ihe wornia,l dtli tb. re ara eiten iveplantatli aof Un mulberry thej.i...liii iii.u nl s.'u muat rewaiu anlroportant, ln tbameau time, bowever, tbe exporlenoe, the roufldenee a 'itln _iu>v. 1. .I-.-.- it-ijiiiit tl for mu 11 -s .ni itradaalllUblnx ibeiiwelvea, " tbal thej will aoonbeuricingUialiiiiiijtiry culiiiaiii'ii aii. .nl loau ...i >,f iagidua bt l.n.ii.

l.MH.i: IIIOM TO B00111 CAB0L1KA.The Si.utli Carolina Comniimionei «»t __ml| n

hon baa publiab. il an a.tti¦ i,.i n part, from whii h wa iiaotetln- foUowlng: "hlnea nn laal reporl :u pcmtma iiavt-beeu i'ti-i'i',1 iu 11..- oiiita. nml bave found rmplojin. ni in tiu- .-i.iti'. Tn. n are aoa 10 p. raouaoB tba wayti .in i >. 11... io and Bcendli at.... 1... U ilUuiore, aml maya,i ra in a ftw daya Tbe reglatricaof land* uoweai

... II III .tllllt, -I lt I.l itl-ll 1.1 of tlll. lul. s ainl 011 fiiv.'l. 1I1I.. coliihtloiiH

and nearly 6,000 acreaof good landa,la Mlubrtona aei-tiomiof the Btate, hare been .. im-i. i.-.i lo ba aivan aa a freail 11 >.i t«. 11, uial aettlera, upon raaaonable eonditlonaof iiu|iii'\i uu nt. ln 1.11 niatiy iln r» ara now Ibree luOuential j> 11.. 1.-, thal advooata our aauaat altbougb i am

aoirj to aay wa have, aa yet,a multltudaof vii.v blttert-. In fta ,|f 11 aml Iii mnal '- OUI b ll ll

.¦-11.111,1'. and, after a while, praetlcal reanlta wlllf'llinw. in ir.'iaml leveral g< iiti'-i-. >.!, are klndly diatrH.utniK our |»iin|.iili-tia. I bave ., ,fii tn ) mu

011 .. ri n 1 o. .1 1..11, I .1. air. .1 v. ry 11,11,1, Ihei--;.iiili-iiiii.iit of ihr.-i t atf.ini eotamunioatlon _.ih i.n-r..[.... Uiin ii.iM.ii.ii.i.- h niiii,,- tbla could be .ii.iit.1witb lin inf n, 11 _,in i.n ik, aml Glaagoa, l.r 11 abipowuerann v i.v fav ,,1 in,. .! io "i.r i'i ,.|.. 1. The railtoiidafromCharleatouto Mempbiabeing wiiiIiik t,, trauanortlininlKi'ii'.'i j'.i--i iu.'- at one centta-r mlle. and 11 iirl.a.i'.n-i' i.t vtrv ifiiiniii ratea, vainii,i make tbla route t.,'i,. w 1 -t ,1 more favorable one than overeltber N.-w %'.,. k>.i i;,' lateaded toauggaataudurga Iba aahabli-hiu. nl ..f ai 1. i-t one i-ottoii lat-i,i) 111 u i.ntral iunlcii.iint-|M,-iiniii, in cvfi v iii-tin t, f..r lha makiug ap oftiu- iaw mail uai iutoyarna,tbecaidtal to i»> aubaci Ibedln laml. at u Invv vani.itl.iii, 111,,1 Uu lahdl tO IM bi.lilloeialgranta. To make tbe proflta of tiu^ta eatabllahmeutaHiiiiif, the plantera to pledse a certatn numbei of i.ii. 1nt ii.ii.,11 to I... imii.-.i on t.'ll. I ntn i-i'iitiiiiita to bellevetliat our r.silMltaf imi lini-t I.l. fnuiiihtl U|mi|i tlif liitlll-iii_- of 1111 of hinitll f.n 1111 i>, u im vv ill ln fol>

l.iwtil i.v triisiwt.itli) lal.'.i'is mii.I Mkiliiti iiK-i ,',iiiiii 1 i.fim i) ilf-.-i rlpbon, mul that thf n,,,-t praetlcal mathod <>feffectlug tlwt i« dlrect commuul-atlou wiin la, proffera of baap lamla, und a multlplloatiwn 0/ ourluduatriai paraulta.

CoBftaaa can cr.-.t fniir Statts iu T.x;t«, luitonlv with tbe <. ..i-i. ut of tbe peoph; and tbei ara noliik.'ly mmii togira thelr eonaeul The petltlon of tbe

.. 11 vt nln, 11 i.-ks tliat llii.'t fai.itfs nml imt- 'I'i 111

tory in- faiiiin-.1. Teiaa would,aeeardlug ta tiu. beanda1 ii 1 aaalgaedt bava :i7.«(4i aquaia mlk » aud 100.000 people;Navmro. taflOtaquare mllea nml mw,Ouopeople; Alamo,17,000 n|iiai> 1..11.1 iiinl -(in...«t«. people, Tbe propoaed l «. r

riiti) vvi.ulil liiive l.ut .,i»4i |m,,|,i, 1,-v, people km.wwiiat an fiui'ii. 1. V..-I-. It would iniiiat ._:. New llamp-m',ii. s, 01 inuif li v. Nf.v 1.1 ks, ni lit-ii: 1) llx PeOOlylraulaa. iti.iin.iiiv thrre ttmeaaa Large aa tha ketead.,; Oreat liutuu., und nuurly Uuit aa luiK- aaaiu aaPraaaa.

COLlr.r,i: ri|}iUBBl'BMEBT8.

Collkgi «.r St. PkAVCfli Xatimu.Tlfi.iniiic.i'-. meat ol thleOi 0. _<. wW ba haM thteeTeatBg.

Jlri.Dtvi; BbmoIABT, Iii...TUl insllield Ita cou.ii.i ii,'. iiicnf

Bt. Xuiii'- r.iiiM.i, ciu' XafiertQ

A.ii- ri.ii l'.i. f. i.i i......- Theloraday

i.t-;.N COLLBOl ITI I'-riTi rr..

Bt 10 BMflOW

I.iw.v r- .: irrr..Tlil Ity held ttiannual eommencement on Mon mi tn

.. i rtmi nt »ted.MiMi'ii: m At \'.rMv,Cin:;-iiAN-r.i:')rnr.:^.


WiLiaiAMi Coi Wte ftadnatlnf elan

I :. Iphlo

Wi i .. mntl1.1 tba

.',....,. ul b. ,. i.. J

Then i- >¦. tr.

litbo llon. Hei

llaltimoi '

.... i

l.'ii-i .i g m i ('"Ui i. '. riieiih'ii-i nt.m of iii'-. Collega .-

Tbe ananal lermoi¦. ia by tba

i;.-\. i:. - i. li Ii of iiii?. c ty.l'.i ... Ki ii I r. COLl BOB, IM'-- ?1 fi

.. day appoln d for Iba anaa 11.. x ,;. wi,,| i.y tba K'-i. If. X- Mpi r.B.c.n


1 IIRA '¦! il Coi ll GK..Tho Tfmm ii. . ting i.f I

,1. .1 i, .1 |he M-i'.' i'i!. UIOI l(J ii ue 3la in :i flouri

\> ( oi 11 -.I', Isn.--On To< ¦<! tkj, tha' W tbaab

'''¦..- ...¦:, ,1 mi Siin-day i. .' wbich

\. l.l. x


I.kloii ('. Wis..Thia ..'¦"

i.i i. Tbe addreaa before

( u iv. wi Coi i.i...i: of Mi. Bim.. a i. \i ti

i>. t\



rment of tbia l thi

I ui.;III.' IteV. 11. I '

eiid li) .!oi <.. i

Mi- l-llll. -Thi. T'li'.

i' ::iin.-


.1., iighUxivi tamr, Pa..Oa Tharadajr Prof., | of llll- Ill-I.ll.llOIl

ia to tha Pa


uul Um; ili ii to

nu d n.i ItiabDakimoi iii Coi week tba oam«

i .raa a ..- deUven .1i'i Claaa


ill I.v...

11- i. ,-.i ui i ..;. i iiiio..The ananal

tbeBaccullllal lllo: I

iiK .1 y.-ii Ullll

i ll. TboI rad tbe i">, in

lu theer. olog.II \i:v ii;i. ('¦.: i ..; 'iiini. nc. n;i nt of

miii.Ii r I tedtO liliratkm ot tbe term ofJohn

,.¦: l|e| I bay. I 'li 1 nnd I.y

.1...1..-W aud Blepben M.| . .

..bave been ii ti..' tl to llll

loho I'al.i rn. ii, i. Kllol

..f iui... iii-ld, Theodorel.viii.iii if Hrvokbi for 1 .1 Patler of

leuuj ot lioi-ilobu ...nt.

h ... \ ( ..i i .,i lli.- I bc K( ni -.4 :it tin-c,iiiii,ri . ,uiii. h waa held aa tbe

I uon. iy'prof. uii.i inpire.'

li'.. ui. it. n ir, ii. m. ci--.' ll.

.ii i . apneeatbe f'lu.i'i' tb.

mi exhlliltloo of tne femala de|iartment waa,.i.n o " wera ti .ul bi llattk A.

i .ild, i.miti a. l.ala,,. i.j'.n. I,. .., .uul i.i//:.- a. \s blpple.

Nuiiiil-Wi ri i;s CIUII8TIAII I'm\ ii:-i i v-

annual < ommeneement eame tdTla thaChrlatlaai ii..|>. 1. tudlanapotla, on ti.c 1Mb. Iba giadaatlag -. "ii':} 13, fi ii l.oni are l.nln a. Aficr tl... In-vix,tin.n i»i pr. uleiii i: i.-oii. the talutatorj waa de-Im¦.. .1 i.i Mi. .-¦ i.n liuticr of lodlanapolla; an *aaj readbi Mi i Abce liioiii.i; an oral.lellvered bi fi l

io Mt. i:. ii.ii ,i Ounlop. Ml .-. M itn.'Mooio tben reud au m ¦>, and waa followed byMi W, t.tiiiiii. Mr. Cdwla Taylor'a ipeecb on .¦

Opinion:" Mlaa Barbara Bluaut'e eMwy, aell oonatrucled!. ,.|. il i.i.iiii.n ,.f Ml llarri C H i) on " Kx-r Miinl:" Mi-a Anna W. Bcondii aaaai oo Ma h tf

im id ni, .imi .Mr. ai.i-h wera all <¦ \.-. ii.ui.Afn ti.'. i.ii. .lu to.-i in Mr. .1. w. Marele, Umdiplomaais, ii- pn lented and tha farewella pronoun. ed.W.i-iu ..; ins I'ui i <:r, Va*. <»n Um ni .ht of

tin -ii ii.-t. ( oi. Walaar Bowle gava a aapperattbe- iiotci, nt whleh Gen. Eehola preetded, ae-

nixtid i>) (.< i>. Koi'.tt i lai-. (.en. w.nii. ii.tinpt.oaa.j .nnm a. WtiUcr, und ( oi. Itubarl B. Wttheea, Tblawaai.n Aln in ni. ..t.|" 1..11.1I u..r iiiuili cnjo). tl. Many apocubeiwere dellvercd, In which atroncHoutberna.MiUmenta werenui iui ing. ii> ii llamnton, iuludlna to "our uartyn ¦!dead," did nol baliere tlie) fell la rala. Tb<f..i Bliich ,i..i. ni,.. .1 -i.i .ii i. ll -nnimi ii- lu valn, butwill ln aome form rat Ive. il- pro].»d " I'li- I.oal Cauae."l ii. ii. |...ii ot i.-i.. Um Ui tn- iiii-i.-i. ahowa tbat the|ii-..-|... i.- ..r ih.- CollcK* .'-. Improvlnaj that l»8tat«ai.i. i,ipn -<.iiie.i .n ii, uml that Allatudentaenjoyaditflbauabu i.wu yi ar,

i.i iiiitA ft MM.r. OOLLBOB.--Tlif aniiin i-BIJr\. .1 i-i«of n.i- iiihtni.tion took pNata laal aasa, Tmti>;o_rui<iu.c aaa v.miii la Ita ebaraatei, aad aaaalal^l "f

MdiaaaaaaaMlawai Hniutatory. "Batba r>.t<- laaalaitK'.ilti." Ml»" Mi.rv B Holl.ltn, I.vonn, N. Y.; "(i"'l'H r- i.cvcr toAlr Mlaa Loaiae OL Boyd, Waahlugt.I>.C: "H.i. ut i'o..-i," Mi-- Hattle Brooka, Klmln. "lnwi'ittci. lliMo.i," Ml»i Al. Ailic ItrookH, Klmii.i: " Prutllflhalf revealed, Mbui II. Loulaa Browuaoo, h"1". N. V.;.. in Id f battle i. .ii-," M.-i 1 l.'i.-iin- l' Lulbert-.4H), ciiliii.o; ". I. ltniiiil ui'h 1-lc." Mims M, Orwell. l'liin " Honaehold Aceompllahmeuta,''

re M. Bawyer, Knoxvllle, Tenn.; " ynallfleationfl(.rn.. American Hiatorl in," Mlaa Hattle A Biieaeer, (Jont-Ing.M. V; "V.i'tory," Mlaa Uasle A. tf/ood, AlUmtown,I'.nn. 'I'l.ayotniK (adiee aeb reeelved th»< degroe of Huo-I'.ii.iiiiciir of au*. Thawaala. whioh waa furulaked brtbem and tbelr teaehera, eomprlaad oiM'tatio aoU>a audUaadel'a Ballelujah Chorua,Mi.INT I'NiuN COLLKOB) »>hlo. -ill Voto of

tbe Faculty nnd Truatcca, tbe Baehelor'n OegrM WBfl aaa>f.ri.ti ujniiitbaIWlowtag tamberfl al tba BeaiorClaaaB. ii ci.iiciir., Baai Mi.iin. n.-iii. Ohloi M fordlag, aiii-im,.., oiiio, M lt. (..u.i, .i. .ti -i' itkIi, Ponn.iw. li. i.i.uc, New-Phlladelpbla, Obioj d Orum-l.iinif. Bruab Vull.-y, l'.-.m O. ". Hill, Pon\\»-liii. .to.,. Ohloj II. Iiiii.-., Mt. Union, Ol.loj 1.. II.Hole, I..i«t Koebeater, Oblo; P. Murdock, Newark. Mu1 Nlcbtila, (, (U.i". I. K. Itnn.lal.iii).li, ( .Un.i,Oblo: l.i/vi.- Keraotb, bucyrua, Ohloi m.ui... a. huini.,l'o Iti .11. t'oim J. Wooldridge, Hudaon, OhlO| mii.I tl.a.i begree, in turto, upon Mai. K. Adama, Halaoa,

OblO; C.V. Chnlfant, Upper Mlddletown, Penn., M. H.Citaniaan, li" lou, Maea.: .1 II. Conkle. Pittabur. h. r-tm.:A. N Craft, Wi-.i Farrolu. ton. Ohloj A. (.' Croueb, Proek-vllie, Ind J. W. Ifamllton, Boeton, Maaa-. Julla Hi.l.-vlinli, ii. ill.; J. E. Philllpe, Alllanoe, Oblo. and tbedegree ol Maater of Arta, ... Kenort, apoa J. C, Cbapmen,Jobnatown, I'.-i.n the de rreeof Doetor ol Dlvb rtj upon

br of The Wralern (.1 dmeate, CiucinnatL Ohlo; ai»d of Doeteref

apon Lnther Day, i: mAdRIAN COLLl li:, MI. il. .Tlu .lowiiis WM

il ii' tbia Cov, lUtaa Ftak,

Adrlan; Eaaay.'TheBtndet t and t .<-. du .ir/'Mj. Kiln. he Ifeccaalty of

!.,.,, i. ... i. nloredi, of C.Dratlon, "Heleure .-.'.1 Rellalon," I). B.atepbetia,

lticbmotid, oiil.i; tratton, "Alone," Alron J. Wllber, Me--n.mii.. in .. iinn.... Natare," Mea.

¦. di -i' - afcrred: M rol ArU. Pr .f. J. W. Luckuy, Bnp.

Peun. Do« !"i-of Di-of thi Church of tl.e

i innu l rennloa of tha Alamniwaa held ou U,


Adrantagc jrai taken of tbt fine weatlwi oflybyatzof uu.hc-t i-ilihi. to eajef laatah andimea. Tba Unlooa al Maeilaaalai aa ihetroM,it Helroae, plared the Qrnmerer Chib, n..wa

, and tbe reanlt proved tho game the.. ,. >. red npon durinjt tbe *i aaoi

.: ig ara th- rnn. made ineacb luulnj.Ul 14. 3d. 4lli. i'.li. tt!.. 7th. iltb. 'j400.-70 1.23

., 2 1 0 1 2 li 0 I- 7I Iiidojuindent Clnbfl pliiycd ;t

rcaoltlng in al no raaa made iu aaaa ia atngH, 3.1 IU I Mb T.-Ul

. 1 11 S 0 fl 1 8 3 0-24:.5 0 1 0 6 1 0 6 1- 2»

Ti.c Mntnal and Mohawk rlnbs had ¦ " fr.'-ii t :i'«." W dter waa tbe

- de, it -.¦' mlng Impoeaible fortbe.i their fuil ti be fl »a by

].._. ,,,,,, ' .Um Mobawba l.udII u. .. i... .1 ome


lit BL M. 4th BU. 8th Ttk, »tb. !>th. T. Ul..0 1 3 2 4 ti il i tt. M

.3 0 0 C 1 1 13 3-17

I'hp game al Bloomlngton, 111.. on Jane 26,Bloomlngton

reauited iu tbi defeatofthi latter bya txott affl

riie Atlantin of Brooklja nml tbe T'ninns nft i.on'., j.i.;. .1 on thc JTth in i., reauited iu farerof Iha

ra ol l io bThere wm an error in tli" report that tne

i.l M toIiave l". ii ..i to».

In the game .tt Itaflalo oi . betweentti r .lub defeated

tdana woa byr ..i to u.

The nio-t iraportant of tho leofton,tl'.i- i.n', ni be t atUnion

de conpl. li f"r the t

tu. ir luu u i" .¦ ii d well pueted.Two prominenl haae ball reportt'ta aro .-...-

(toul '" 'Iili'inl In :i *' 1 ¦:. --

alrctidyacbamplon *.«._. .-.. t .-1."¦ la tha dlepaieM to wl.o inthe cliauipinu" pie-eater I"

I h_ lub nu t tlu- Ni '-v.itI. Cl'ili mi


Tin: PARK.! in iTiiiucr

.¦ aftra..-him t.. tbe ¦¦ of tbe ib iti r. Im

i!tb givtngei ttement

iv.'.rin rtnva

iptrtll. ,tlu- eool

no. ka,. nd tl.:.¦.-. - r aU m etna

_ of Uij- lll.lit.1 of .i tin d "nt man.

r, l bea Rven. rbape,

it tion t.. iiiiiiiniie tbelr eounteuai iMail .nui iu.- ii.'i.'l bei tti to p ty.

l>piugfor aomi'lMidy. And thewifeoftbe

.. r n.i My cl .mi"' t.i1. 'li | '111 11. tiic

.i !.. -.-ti-:n tbe aarbaga la tb< ta nd t ik. i afr.'aii air ibal comi - floating over tbe lake, _n

-. n_th to bear " th be ivy burdenar tbe i i."

ra and mlnl<_era,t.iiti ln n "iiini brokcra, iwell t prot-en-lou. Andtbeu

.i\ 1...¦:-.. ..;- ..I -'/a I ir Iii{ r the 1 .. in 'ntt;..'. '

I'unr. .nd /...(;¦'-¦ -.. for tl.e C< mnpolltau. Iipr.-tben ' la, and -h ipea. The

ion altb Ita aparaltn* I tba iddi. '. ......_ prob by Tu'ibaky wobblea by, drawn by a plntiacled

at, eil, .""! um.'I-an i.i nrom ¦' broad

:., rct.irn the morrow, tl ¦. Uda <..'> tlowed out uf i.

t... Ul

'J"111: v .. i: «,r I tn. .ti.n tHir .AitiiATii.

-..'iii.ith Committee, dcalgned t.> ,, bk aaaaa al tba .)¦

f tba 1 '. m.t at tba

re wi rehe J.' >.. lub

Mi m i . .. d( d, .ir l -

KTVCdfi >' itb, 1- .._-,:..-i.'i: "f '

-. blob ci

i rday:¦.' l!vr ha ip| ti .

» ¦ '. wbich to.1 all th* f tl

..11 i-rdtl t. ¦.

i..l, uit-t.t.|r, tmt. e '.

l.1l::i..ih i'j* Jsnl.b \itpert ot tliittltr.

t. Tlit onr i! ..f tlil.V-Uw hrr ¦-¦!.. :

ti.U coo-

_rr.-«c ..''

M Kllln. er, M. II Mona, M. Pchloeca, E. Joaenh,UowUx wora appolnted membera of the Kxecullve

i o.i.initii., .....i tim meeting of tba Goauatttea wtllbel.i I lli u i. a -.

77//: COUBTM.

t IT1Lv.i'ii'i'iiv petitioni tn bankntptey have

i .-. n ti:.-1 daring tii- two weaka.Siirtii .itio Veeder ol Brooklyn haa iaaaed

n on the patatea of KHzabet ill. iv ll.'.iri.uic, Willi.uti Ucl.-ll, Tlioina.ili.i.ii'-,'.t (..uli.un.

Qideon J. Tacker, Barrogate, hai grantedI 'i ilnUtrut.on of th. '

john Ib ard, Mlcbael Flannegan, _llza Hybmd, M u.i BU>nr, ii.u.i. liaiter, Wllllam E. Jackaon. Richard Mr.. I.l. un. Tbomaa ll Biultb, Jouatban 11 Sarlea, I 11\i inn-. rhomaa Mee, rtiomai Riley, Danlal Hellugh,ai. taud.. M.:. i'..-d. n. k w.'i.d.l.

In tlu- r. s. Diatricl Coort,on Satnrdaj, tlu>mee ,r Anderaonetal agt. Konneaa waa ad|ourued lo

proiimo; of Crockett et ol. agt, Jewett etiiic'.yiii latt .uul of atroorb aai. Bowmaa, to tbe Slalproiliiio. ln the caw ¦ "f Way .v Darron .i^t. umi. ra,nnd w.ii A Darron agt Culklna, the debton arere adJudl-,ii. d baukranta bv aefault A lury trial w.ia urdend ln

,,: t. BeraiaB agt Hartbtll.DutiiiK tl'»* waak andiag on ilio 2?th inst.,

eacbol tbofollowlng-namcd peraona baa recoivedadlarbarce In bauhrnptcy bjr the U 8 Dlatrtct Court: Jobnl.. K.ithlioii''. liol.cit if. ll.itlilionc, llirliiird H. un Uiinalug, lleury Bau/re, jatuea W, Reynolda,juhn Mvlngaton, Ely h Rayward, Wm. H. Berryman,

iii.utl ( oii'-' Wiu. r.iry. UarlUfl ltol uul ..

|h»t>. i " ". 11- liutl.". Aii.Iii w Kui'iklo, J.iiiun Itcn.ittt,um Wllaon, Wm Rutheruind. Wu. II.DeUraaf, Edwln( li nioiit, Bamnal b. Chi. l.csti-r, un.i Fraukliu t'lnclici-t.i.

Tha Coatt of Appeala, whieb lms .iii"! eloaedoi, liaa n-inl.'ii .1 :. d< I'iaiou In the eaa. .^ llaurii e

l .ui. ic.tti, tin- i'oii.i.-ii.ii. .1 wtfe-murderer, t.-i.-r-in thetuii_.ti.-i.i aud anen IrlaL n.ia tn.-illn .iim.-. i-. ,", for tbe tuurder of bia wlfe, wblub oecurredou ilu-."ih of m.mii, I8B7, :tt N" I3S Waahlngton-al Hewaa couvlcted, and aeutenced ta be ezecuted on i tbday of Ansuat folbiwlng. Meaara. W. i-'. Klntslng audt'barln B. Hpenoar, counael for Laueraan, aaad oal a wriloferror In bebalf ol tbelr clicnt, ahieb atajrad ull pr©-focdluga nntii tiic rcvlow <>f tbe caae by tba < ooi t ol a_>-li, ,i I-i ii ml IU dri'.HIoli, WM iilllloillucil iililv ou

.i.ui.l.ii, tifti-r alapaa of aiora tii.u h year. ln-tu. t-

Aitt .nui Hall will move tha aaaa agaia ioi trial* MMunderatood, after tba warm waatbei i» wn t,

In thc mii ir of Noucll nnd anotber, l-ronplitto n-ti un the laaue by tbe Chleaco and Nortt-Weat.-rnl:.,iir..a.i Company of a divldeud of i" j»-r eent rn bothin-, f.irtd uinl common atoek on tboae atocka, Jn.i.c in-ii'.iiiiin in the .uprerae Conrl Cbambera.haa denledtlMiiituioi. for nn luluucUou. The plalntlttrhUmed.aa bold¬era ofoommon atoek .md of atoekentltled to be eonyertedInto nreft-rred atoek, that tbey wera fnjurod. Am t.. tbeflrm I..-. .ni..- uul. m tbe dividenda aiiuaied W per Ci nt on

lioth atocka they wouM not gettuildrrldenda mi the ia-,, ,-, ii |.n f.-iri'd atoek reeelved .iu»t amoant, und aa tc

tlmMecouil.beoauae tha wateringof ti.« prefurred ateaalcm.iii-d ii.. value of their privUe«e of couveralou. iic)furtheract npthttl afortuer BoardofDirwtorah^rrom-I-, .1 in thcir n| not lo laaae amra atoek, und ttut tbei t.mpauy bail no power uader n« tiun i.t to laaci aiocB

fm-,lu ul, nd purpuaefl In hia opinion Mr. Juatlca tngra,i waa uion- .i.lviintuK'.'.'ui to tha ateeahol(?ere,ainoetbe t.niik.i valueoftha flloek waa belaw p*r. atthe preaeul inurk.-t vulue of tl.c prucrrcl andcoiumon atoeke, tbe fbrmer^ a dlvldend aqial toaboalh aud tne latter to aboul i par eenl. nnd. aa u<- prelerrad¦to. k wwenlitled t.. io per eent before tha ooimuon atoeK.,,! nverl the latter w»ro not Injurod FourtbiTbattlu acta nl a prlor Board of Dtraeton eoold nol raatraln u

.nl.HMiu.iul one from . ceralalu. n. lmifil pownra. 1 itthiTbat, in..-' Im.ub nn Mtual fraud ohar«ed. tha liLiinuil.,could not tlio Injuuctlou ui bmdlioHl.ra, Blx.u.:

That tho OnrtaafUM Btate of New-Tork _._d .7 ..-_»k«i__?&SBSSJM_i!_BCBIMIHAI*

At iln- Pateraon PoUca-Coart.Joha -.*

;:^,,ri .--'".'.*wr^sff2a?Ait?pjAt Um J.-lVorson Miirki-t Prffcft Cnnrt, UhnJuatlcaDodae. yeaterday, one l ,.._, ., K,r,,.,, .f w.'" T,"2<»"»« IV.irc.-uof .,1toi.ii.-r-st., lor bavlngeut ber buabaad'aam with".;_,_*£At Jnatfce Garret'a Cnmt, .-t .., . i,|.,,..iiy.Wl_UamDouflaaandCliarle4Vent.two____i_?J_from the fort, were a. :.,.( ,.t ,.i(|,iI1K M; *.«»'.«

< Ifton. Tbe nriaonera were ord»redtojallio .1 ¦'', ii3.i^'n:! jAt tlm R«cordnr,a Cmtrt of .Ters.-r m* amehmSS-Si.hU.lld mti m.iuey .1

. f ..Mr. Uer.uinerofll.k.-n aml Mr. J ..;,;,,*,,. .,,C'lty. I 1 Uf I...V1--Mr. W. 11. S,. .... Ali it ,.t of t!.., .ourth Now -Joer ]!_fl_Corpa, in a fraodolanl maBuar. y .

III tho U. .-. C.i.niiiissi.iiii-i-'rt Oilire, maatmmComml ',!,,..ot bavlng, while on tht- .,'.,.],..£on the j.,.--,.-i- ti ..iu thwpoitto,.. ,^2

¦. of the Ami ri ub JTwbl. h they n, ¦ i atn ,,-,{.; JlI.,...ti* and gaitera Tln y w.r. rtiuaud-.i for uu txamiuJUon to auy.At the Essex Market P.>.i.<- Court yc_ter-8h.tti.ll.-y. Jan i FlU erald waa ar>

till a <li;.l ¦_.. of I-. fr,,mwiml.ivvii tbe tl.i nl floorof tbeir rea d.-nce.N'o.a Ooerak-si. 'i. wai i!..- \, ^*Jameaof N... Ui Orand it.eent acommonleationto'tfeaig tliat tbe li.Juri. auataiu. d I.) tn.- wuumawereof . cbaracter tbat Uu-re waa danger et

a fatalt. tzgcrald waa coinmltted to awailIba raaali <>f tiu. bajariaaIn tha Newark Police-Coart, on Bberry, au iu >.t 14, wa* comtalttedtathu coinmon Jatl at ,tbal Im is not abla to n Irain ).. r from parndlnatheitreeta every nlgbt wiih had ,

that her father treat* her aban thi vl.iM.racorroborate ber teatimony... etb 1 ia<-r, ll reanf agi ¦.. is :u ifl. <l ai.: for trial for U ing «nae. un pll. '. nf uu. Pauline -¦ i.. /. *...:- held for irandl>oor, of Uu- viii., win-... i.i. robbed.M tiu- Vorkvilk Puliee Court* oa Batordar,

... MickeMotxerof ! I Tli«- oitv i-Ii. tl to t, .i nu! 1f ir au Ito aell tbe atoek. 'i i

l pui out ii:.' ai .' Mia

'in" prloaa bitMighl wer. niinoua, n .1.ipladcred i la»< <1 te

douuleaa paid lli- for l. lon-golagteattmy uf Mr. Ife tt r tba tad.ln tlirv ruif.'.l Statea Okenit Ceart,oa Batw

lay, a _. iiiiii c i. iv d k af aeoiitempt ul l ..ui i, in v iiii, .,

.1 hlm fi.:.) maunl e ot ti.aUai- li.-nil: up for iu D

ontempt, and hlsiurth. |bj tln- Court imt,; i, lat.i tl..- Injubymaklnaoi cotub-.. Illn defenae laat yaaewblch lu- baa ... baa Ij. aa


,-¦ t. itintonyrl. irly aboa .-.i tbal tbe u mtetf ibi li .iti.'ii. and i.i- pi et.,-n n of

""t'.'.i. ).¦ I . -i iratltgof m wiUfttl dlanbedie to Ibe order of Ibe lli.fl then forl ae lo oa

paid t.. ¦ fthelr i-.\|"'i. .--in the at taeLuiei.t proct .. tliat hept.ii"! commltted until tl a uud tiue be paid.Af tha Tomba Policc Conrt, <ui Satardaj.

formerlya kei-peral t'..- Jeflerwni Markela

.-,.,,.. I'i, '. .. p>-...:'¦'

Mi .i-i«-lP. Marf iu waaI 1forced opeu the 1 '- 1.»

w 11 ta¦¦ f. i- lnv-

liijr on Baturday acrut-k Yvra - Gatow, a aailor oa I1..V11, a haa .) i> ".* ou

tbe bead with ahu l 1 I,ir'.- Maui

"Ji.inl" i-hiii ruuiitUid for attemmiug,i. abon,Ka 11

iMel "' ..-ri

COURT CA1 ' NU IRB -Tnil...

»t.Ciacvii -Pi t j Curi10 1. m. Caaa uu Li^.i. .\a. ...ia lo

6i.«»«ti'"i'Hi-('-ni<i'.'H- laaa .« -.«ulo 1. m.

2..Bll!^r 1«V Br«l.'. 11

,.,.'. I

brat ai. agi lrt a'.


ll ., Ill ItuB Ift I. ,-li.D.-

. ff. ll.ll-r^ki-,1 a_i. ii. l.i

». ai.a

a,: i.i; MU ialI rit-iy. CaJ.


IALH AT Tllli SI"' I V IIANt.-..--ii'.sr CAIL,¦' "i K ... M

.ini njo c S-t !¦. io <v-p.linu.



... 114. I

4 |. ".'. 1

I 1. »3

. I.»|

'V i'i1..'. "i

... -v r... t»I.i.i v, .. a] I


12.411 >||. - ...*.

I MN¦.

VI'.. Hll III.| , ,..'..

iPWfcC ."-'

, Mia_. 3t|'. -.f.. S6|

U i"lk II ...U' .1 li .... :'li14 .Niulb 1.

Ol'KN lU'tl .1" "' ...>'M «_.W 4. M

IV. n vi p. -H

: I--I

;^l f, H IV i.V'o.111

.111, -- vi rtan.

.IWi : «¦

N v Cealri 1I .'.:

1 UW hi.a. .IJ v |, ,.

.11 l\ |(.v"l> c ItOKI - -1 T. M410 Wfiit-rai»- ... ¦. '" p'' i2.10. .._... 71

iv4, A,U,., K«,r tii I !,;-*t<1 -v M...WI

'I61 HU *

..'' '2l

iti kl -'I) .i.. -"'JJI:_W. 241 , ¦;*

Ml) .

S U, P ^. . S 1

lv Haalaoa Kl»*r..l4 * t....l-» I11 IIK.IU M AM> aliNIMi -.,. . K-4. 1 I -1: I It'lvItP.


toa y.itrt.llii' .. I <a.... 14 l.U .. N I -. BJ

,-vii iii'tr, Jutio3T-r. u.

(;.!,1 ilaisfilat ..lii.-rat 1»"1- T:.."'i''»r*

laga at the Gold Eachaage Bank wew tm«tt.-»-- .¦¦th.. lMlaaeea|1,___ rheahlp_Baato oi aaam

to-daywet.tT51.014 pei rille d. P___r.|WWP««( |ty..f l?.M.'' « 1 ¦'.". '.'1" U"-1181"^in. nt for tlie w.'fkt- f.'.r.M.- I

Covttiiiii.'iit h..r.,isi.1.ri..i v.ith aaoaMaB-aaaaMat() aal ->"«¦: ,ll° nuaaaiaaaa>tiniif.i until tha aloaa ei_ b riaaaa, tdma il__raar_lmon.demand, aad priaaa latprarad ftaai itol^iMBi The inaik.t oloaad Bm at qBa_-tl_-_-.wwJy,ii.ill_iiiit.uiit.. ..f rerlng. Thaoloaloi'****tu.usw.-re: Caapon, 1881,»; i*A_Ma_-d. '^L

lUVailfJ: Mta, eoopoa 1883; l__-*-_»H-3*: »*«.« u'^t.i.-.i. itm, ¦ ,..T-vi.ii«»:vi'in:«i"-11-'-"--"!

,!..., |8tt,J . July. lh ;./r. i; .lo.. W

11I_11H; do.,1888, 'I.-i'"; IC-Ha, caaponl.iTi; iu ma, i.'u --... i. '... iu:: JaaaUftj .luiv TJOa aVagaat "***%i\ata\ ii. i; Baytaaibac <!.>.. Ull Oama* Mn '...

BtaU bonda vrara pftaaad-hraalai aaiaa** Yrnuee

.,',¦., whieh waia preaa. .1 fot aab baah braaal Ml

¦aUaca* optum. nlaa wera aiada at ti, adadlaa oit

i.t t.ntfYoiii tha aztcaM ariaaa. Karthcawuwun.l |TMhlaffiri-*-iitawci'oat-ady. Railway bmaa

wara Um, aitb Haafl oiecinfa Tha raaid antmit.i.ltl.fli.'iivvtii.iiH.itl'flVt.triill^.uoIi'^'JJC'tvaai-nawad-onfldaaeaiB lhato baa_k «'». -J'.tho aalea contiiiuod in c-.'eaaof tl.e i.ov.U ol t

Compaay, aud ut thia !«*« thov p"
