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T H E F I E L D H O S P I T A L S>H E F i e l d H ospital

group attached to the M edical T r a i n i n g C am p a t Fort O gle­thorpe, consisting of

F ield H osp ita ls Nos. 21, 22, 23 and 24, w as established for tw o reasons: as p a r t o f the d ev e lo p ­m ent o f the M edical D epartm en t of th e A rm y ren d ered necessary by ou r en trance in to the p resen t w ar, an d secondarily as a m eans of g iv ing p ractical training to m edical officers in this im portan t fea tu re o f the D epartm en t.

T h e F ield H osp ita l, as a p a r t of the A rm y M edical organization is o f recen t origin, having com e in to existence since the w ar w ith Spain . In b a ttle it is the th ird receiv ing sta tion fo r the w ounded — the first being the regim ental aid s ta tio n and the second the am ­b u lan ce com pany dressing sta tion — a n d is the first w here e labo ra te surgical o r m edical trea tm en t is a t­tem p ted . Itself a p a r t of the co m ­b a ta n t forces, th e F ield H osp ita l receives the sick and w ounded from th e am bulance com panies, and cares for them until th ey can b e tran sp o rted to im m obile hosp ita ls bey o n d the zone of ba ttle .

T h e personnel o f each F ield H ospita l should consist of six com ­m issioned officers, nine non-com m issioned officers and sixty-six p riv a tes . Its equipm ent, w hich is p acked in boxes w hen no t in

L ie u t .-Col. R obert L. Carsw ell.

actual use, is sufficient to p ro v id e an opera ting room , several dis­pensaries, a kitchen, a m o rtu ary and w ards accom m odating 216 patients. T he ten tage and m ateria l for all these is carried in seven w agons or eleven m o to r trucks, accord ing to the m ode of trans­po rta tio n p ro v id ed for each hospital.

T o a division of troops is assigned four field hospitals under the com m and of a m edical officer w hose title is “D irector of F ield H osp ita ls ,” hence it is conven ien t to deve lop these units in groups of four. O f the group a t F o rt O glethorpe, Nos. 21 an d 23 are horse-draw n, and Nos. 22 an d 24 are m o to r-d raw n com panies.

T he o rd e r for the form ation of our Field H osp ita l group was issued from H eadquarters , M edical O fficers’ T rain ing C am p, on June 31, 1917, and their estab lishm ent w as begun a t once. M ajor R obert L. C arsw ell w as m ade D irector, C aptain D unning N. W ilson A d ju tan t, and C ap ta in Fogle Q uarterm aster. L ieu tenants D. H. H arris, C. W . C om fort, G. B. D enit an d H. T . Nicolle, all of the N ational G uard , w ere assigned as com pany com m anders. T o each com pany (h o sp ita l) w ere a ttach ed tem porarily four non-com m is­sioned officers of the N ational G uard , an d to th e w hole group five non-com m issioned officers o f the regular arm y. A s m any recruits as w ere availab le a t the R ecru it C am p w ere then assem bled near the cam p in a field used fo r drilling, th e ir nam es read aloud , and the m en successively assigned to the four com panies. A ll o f these recruits cam e from th ree sources, F o rt Slocum , N. Y .; F o rt Thom as, and the C olum bus Barracks. Soon a fte r the estab lishm ent of the hospitals, m edical officers in tra in ing w ere assigned for du ty , until a t p resen t each com pany has its full quo ta of officers, a lthough not all of these are perm anent.

The hospita ls are located on the side of a hill overlooking the M edical Officers T rain ing C am p. A t first the m en and officers w ere quarte red in tents, bu t can tonm ents w ere a t once constructed , two for each com pany and one fo r the officers and headquarters , and in these w e are com fortab ly housed and fed. T h e location is one of

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th e coolest in cam p and the ou tlook from the hill across the p ost w ith M issionary R idge and L ookou t M ountain in the b ackground is very beautiful.

T he m en w ho cam e to us as raw recruits have h ad a thorough course of physical training, including setting up exercises, p rac tice m arches, foot, litte r and ten t drills. T hey have been given also a series of lectures and dem onstra tions in w ard m anagem ent, b a n d a g ­ing, em ergency trea tm en t an d sim ilar subjects. In all of these the ir p rog ress has been satisfactory and a t p resen t they are tra ined san i­ta ry troops in every th ing b u t actual field experience.

T he task of develop ing our Field H ospita ls is now nearly accom ­plished . O ur days have been busy, b u t the w ork has been in terest­in g and our associations m ost agreeable. A t first seated in a lonely g ra n d e u r on the hill we have been gradually su rrounded by cavalry reg im ents on tw o sides and am bulance com panies on a th ird ; they a re congenial ne ighbors an d help to m ake our ou tlook picturesque.


W h erev er the fortunes of w ar m ay call us, we shall no t readily forget our m orning hikes and drills, our a fte rnoon show ers and our evening festivals. O ur hikes w ere hot, and w e o ften w ondered w hy m otors p icked the sam e roads as w e did an d w hether th e com m anding offi­cer w ould find his w ay hom e again, bu t he alw ays did. Som etim es the w ater failed to arrive on schedule, bu t th e canteen was there w hen we re tu rned . O u r evenings w ere en livened by the quaint P ittsburgh anecdo te an d the Biblical lore of C hester— both ideal re laxations from the cares of the day.

Now th a t ou r w ork a t F ort O glethorpe is app roach ing com ple­tion, we canno t bu t feel th a t it has been a cred itab le achievem ent. O ur com m and ing officers and instructors h av e done all in their pow er to help us and w e have been not unw illing students. W e are confident th a t w hen active service calls us, their faith in us shall be p ro v en w ell-founded.


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MEDICAL TRAINING CAMP.■it -frWw-*Aiil‘l,flk

E L D H O S P I T A L S , N O S . 2 1 , 2 2 , 2 3 , 2 4



Carswell, Robert L., M. C., U . S. A ...........................................................Provisional Director Field Hospitals

Captains—W ilson, Dunning S., M. C., N. G., Ky......................... Valley Station, Ky.

AdjutantFogle, Fred M ., Q. M., U. S. R ....................................... Washington, D. C.

Supply OfficerHospital Sergeant—

M a e l , J esse H ., Med. Dept., U . S. A ....................................... Ottumwa, la.Assistant to Director and Instructor of Clerical Work

Sergeants, First Class—Patterson, Guy, Med. Dept., U. S. A .........................................Catline, 111.

Assistant to Supply OfficerN eIN, P a u l, Med. Dept., U. S. A ..........................................Bainbridge, Pa.

Drill InstructorSergeant—

HodsDON, M earLE E., Med. Dept., U . S. A ...................... Ridlonville, Me.Assistant Drill Instructor

Private, First Class—Casey, James F ., Med. Dept., U . S. A ................................ Bloomsburg, Pa.


Private—Blatchley, Robert C., Med. Dept., U. S. A ...............Southington, Conn.


R o s t e r of F i e l d H o s p i t a l N o . 2 1

Commissioned OfficersFirst Lieutenant—

Harris, Desha H., Commanding Officer............................................................Captain—

Edie B. Elliott (Quartermaster)................................................ Connellsville, Pa.First Lieutenants—

Cason, T urner Z. (Mess Officer)............................................... Jacksonville, Fla.W att , Charles C. (Sanitary Officer)......................................... Philadelphia, Pa.Farrell, John A. (Officer in Charge of Transportation) W est Chester, Pa.M cD onald, John G._...................................... .......................Bloomsburg, Pa.H enthorn , A rthur C .........................................................................Garrison, Ky.

Non-Commissioned OfficersSergeant, First Class—

Kem p, W . E ., First Sergeant............................................... East Radford, V a.Sergeants—

O’Leary, Frank J ....................................................................... ..Boston, Mass.

Saltmarsh, A . E... W eiland, Chas. E. Hodge, H. E ...........

... Concord, N. H .

...... Baltimore, Md.Rutherford, N. C.

Acting Non-Commissioned OfficersW est, John G .......................................... Mount Carmel, Pa.Humphries, H arry T ............ ............... Jacksonville, Fla.Austin, Ralph M ...................... ..Statesville, N. C.Gould, V ictor S............... Treiport, Me.Kilborn, Paul T ....................................................................................Raiston, Pa.Brady, Christopher......................................... Providence, R. I.Cosgrove, Raleigh J ........................ Turin, la.Gaddy, R enord M ........................................................ ....W inter Garden, Fla.Gollehon, J oseph M ............................................................................. Saltville, Va.

Coo£s—Ingram, W illiam, D., First Cook.....................................................Holt, Fla.Lamb, Rembert M., Second Cook.............................................Sarasota, Fla.

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R o ste r of F ield H osp ital N o. 21— Continued

ABBOTT, HARRY R.......................... Paterson, N. J.ALLGIER, W ILLIAM C................New Castle, Pa-BATES, A RTH U R E.......................Menands, N. Y.BECK, LUDW IG.......................... McKees Rock, Pa.BICKFORD, MELVIN H .............................. Brockton, Mass.BIHLMIER, ALOYS I US......................... Philadelphia, Pa.BILES, JULIUS W ............................ Albemarle, N. C.BOUCHARD, LOUIS...........................Centerville. R- I.BRANDT, LEONARD P .........................Syracuse, N. Y.BRENNAN, WILLIAM J ................. Shamokin, Pa.BUKOWSKI, LAW RENCE P ....Michigan City, Ind.

CALLAHAN, DORMER J............New York, N. Y.CAMPBELL, EDGAR W ................Elizabeth, N. J.CASEY, MARTIN L.................................Scranton, Pa.CLARK, HARRY F .......................... Providence, R. 1.COCHRAN, GUY W ................................ Idaville, Ind.COON, CLENTON F .................. New Bedford, Mass.D ’ALMAINE, FRANCISCO J„...San Francisco, Cal.DEVOINE, FREDERICK A .......... Vineland, N. J.DENT, PA U L......................................Bloomsburg, Pa.DEWAR, JO HN E .................. New Hide Park, N. Y.D ITTM EIER JO H N .................................Louisville Ky.DOUGLAS. HARLEY A ............New Market, Tenn.DUNN, GEORGE D........................New York, N. Y.

P r i v a t e sDUNN, RALEIGH....................................Marshall, 111.ECKERT, JO H N F.............................. Elizabeth, N. J.FARLEY, JAM ES......................................Philadelphia, Pa.FAIRBROTHER, W A LTER J....... Riverside, N. J.FETZER, HOW ARD E ....................Bloomsburg, Pa.FOGLE. JAMES B................................ Denmark, S. C.FRASER, GIDEON E ...................................Blandville, Ky.GILL, W ILLIAM J.................................... Philadelphia, Pa.GOULD, ARRODD L.................... Providence, R. I.GRACERN, JO H N .......................... ... Baltimore, Md.GRIFFITHS, CHARLES E ..........East Boston, Mass.GRUBMAN, MICHAEL.................. Brooklyn, N. Y.HAKEN, WILLIAM C................................Huntington, Pa.HANCOCK, GEORGE..................... Slackwood, N. J.HANSHAW , CLARENCE L........Philadelphia, Pa.HARRIS, WILLIAM F ..............................Middleboro, Mass.HEFFLEFINGER, ROY H ........................ Palmerton, Pa.HERSH, W ILLIAM ..................... New York, N. Y.HILTPOLD, HAROLD D...................... Bangor, Me.HOLCOMB, HARRY T .............................. Covington, Ky.HOW A RTH , JULIUS.....................................Hazleton, Pa.HOW EL, ALBERT D..................New York, N. Y.HOYLE, CHARLES R ............Rutherfordton, N. C.H UFF, BURTON R......................East Smithfield, Pa.


HUFF, EV ER ETT..................................................Gracern, Ky. |

JACOBS, JO SEPH T ................................. Homestead, Pa.JANULEWICZ, JOSEF.......................Bayonne, N. J. sJESS, GARNER W ........................Penns Grove, N. J. !JONES, FRANK.............................................. Nazareth, Pa.

KACHLER, FREDERICK................................Boston, Mass.KENEALLY, M ICHAEL J ..........New York, N. Y.KIMBALL, DAVID S ..................... Jamestown, N. Y.

LAYFIELD, GEORGE M............Wilmington, Del.LEFCOWITZ, EDW ARD E..........Philadelphia, Pa.LEVERENTZ, ROY H ...........................................Ashland, Pa. !LONG, W ILBUR E ......................West Hazelton, Pa.McCANN, THOM AS J ..........................Nesquehoning, Pa.McGEE, PH ILIP J .................................. Philadelphia, Pa.MILLER, NORMAN L.................................. Marshall, Me.MINER, CLAUD E ............................................. Sagan, Pa.MYER, GEORGE A ....................................... Naticohe, Pa.

O ’BRIEN, BERNARD J .................... Brooklyn, N. Y.

RICHFIELD, HARRY.....................New York, N. Y.THOM PSON, GEORGE R .........................Leomister, Me.W HITNEY, FREDERICK M............ Wellsboro, Pa.



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Cheer up! You have two chances:—One of going to war and one of not going;And if you go you will have two chances:—One of going to France and one of not going;And if you go you still have two chances:—One of getting shot, and one of not getting shot; And if you get shot you will have two chances:— One of dying and one of not dying;And if you die you still have two chances!

Sentry (to Abercrombie): “Advance, officer, and recognize me!”

“When you take supplies off one side of the pack mule, do you put back stones to balance the pack?”

“ Do they burn the bodies of officers, too!”“ Do you put neats-foot oil on the unfinished side of your shoes?”

Sergeant (to acting Corporal): “ Have them count fours!”Sergeant (after count) : “ How many are left?”Corporal: “Five, sir!”

Guard (at 2 A . M .) : “ H alt! Who goes there!”No answer.Guard: “ I know who is it!”

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R o s t e r F i e l d H o s p i t a l N o . 2 2

Commissioned OfficersFirst Lieutenants—

Denit, Guy B. (Commanding Officer)............................... ...Roanoke, Va.Flagler, Charles S.......................................... Stroudsburg, Pa.Q uigley, Frederic T .....................................................Jersey City, N. J.Collins, T. H ............................................ Pittsburgh, Pa.O’Connor, T. T ....... .............................................................. .Scranton, Pa.J arrell, W illiam W ..................................... Thomasville, Ga.W instead, John A ............................................ Nashville, N. C.

Non-Commissioned Officers A ttachedSergeants, First Class—

Maloney, Daniel F ...................................... Lawrence, Mass.BULL, Pat W ................................................................. Windsor, Pa.

Sergeants—Purdy, Ray W ................................................... Louisville, Ky.P eacock, Louis.............................................. Jacksonville, Fla.R ussell, F red........................................................ Canton, N. C.Davis, W illiam......... ...................................... Hartford, Conn.

Acting Non-Commissioned OfficersSergeants—

Bann, Joseph............Butcher, Edwin R ..Clary, H ugh V .........Clayton, J ohn F.......Giroux, A lbert A....Grimes, Homer W ....H all, T ruman L........Harper, Edward N .. Hascall, Edward O.H enry, Earle........... .Markey, Charles.....M eisinger, Edward .. Mulcahey, John J... Overholt, Earl L..„

...... Ontario, Canada

...... ..........Akron, O.

........Disputanta, Va.

.............Haulton, Me.__ Worcester, Mass.Mt. Pleasant, Mich..........Genesee, N. Y..............Penville, Ind............ Vassar, Mich..........Camden, N. J.........New York City..............Clarion, Pa.__ Somerville, Mass..Battle Creek, Mich.

Coofcs—W olff, Irving............................................................... .....New York CityP arker, A rthur J ............ ........................................... .....Syracuse, N. Y.


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ADAMS, RIC H A R D ....................................Covington, Ky.ALLENBAUGH, EDW ARD J ...........Baltimore, Md.ANDERSON, JO HN T ...................Rochester, N. Y.BAZEMORE, MARCUS S ............................ Sylvania, Ga.BENEDICT. CLIFFORD J ..................Winser, N. Y.BERCKMAN, HENRY W ........ Williamsburg, Ky.BITZER, EUGENE L...................Frederick City, Md.BOBLICK, GEORGE A...................... Shamokin, Pa.BORGETTI, JO SEPH L ...................... Shamokin, Pa.BROWN. LEROY S.............................Lake City, S. C.BUCHANAN, EDW ARD L......New Melford, N. Y.CARRIGAN, JOHN T ................................Troy, N. Y.CASTRONOVO, NUNZIO......................... ................COMMELLO, SALVADOR........................ Baltimore, Md.CORAN, FRANK................................Greenville, Mass.COTE, LAW RENCE........................Fall River, Mass.CROMLEY, EARL N.....................................Columbus, OhioDANFORD. EV ERETT N.........................Walkerton, Ind,D EIGH TO N, JO H N.... .......................Brockton, Mass.DRZEW IECKI, FRANK........... Grand Rapids, Mich.DONOVAN, JO HN L........... ......... Philadelphia, Pa.

P r i v a t e sDUPREY, A RTH U R............. .ELTRINGHAM , KENNETHFARRIS, GARLAND R..........FISHER, ALGIE L...................FORTENBAUGH, REID A...FREEH, GEORGE...................FRISBIE, EARL E ...................GARRY, LEO M..... .................GOTHAM , LOW ELL ..........

......... Danielson, Conn,B ...........DuBois, Pa.

.... ........ Plasterco, Va.

.....New York, N. Y.

.......... ...... Butler, Ind..................... Peru, Ind,.... .....Hermon, N. Y.

GRACE, FRANCIS M.... .........GRAVES, PERCY L...............

...White Plains, N. Y.

..........Hartford, Conn.GREEN, LOYD J ......... ............GRIFFITH, BELFORD C. ....

...................Stark, Fla........... Columbus, Ohio

HANNA, PAUL D..................HILES, LAW RENCE W ____HILLSON, GEORGE...............HODGINS. ALFRED .............H OTTER, W A L T E R .............HOUSE C H A R LES................. ......New York, N. Y.HOW ER, FRED ....................HUDSON, GEORGE.......................New York, N. Y.

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HUGHES, W ILLIAM.......................Philadelphia, Pa.HYAM, JO H N .................................New York, N. Y.JACKOWIAK, CASPER...................................Toledo, OhioJACKOWIAK, JO E ........................................... Toledo, OhioJELLY, EDGAR.................................................... Lynn, Mass.JOHNSON, IRA...............................................Crunlynn, Pa.KARAOGLANIAN, HAMAZASP.New York CityKIRCHGESSNER, NEIL...............New Albany, Ind.KROTT, W ALTER J ..........................Allegany N. Y.LAPP, EDWARD J ..........................Montclair, N. J.LAUGSAND, HALFDAN...............New York CityLEAKE, LAUREL J .........................................Dayton, OhioLENZ, LEO J ..................................................... Gahlzen, Pa.M OFFATT, LUCIUS G...................Due West, S. C,PACE, W ALDEMAR E ................................... Detroit, Mich.PARKER, FRANK............................... New York CityREHILL, IVAN ..................................... Graton. Conn.SM ITH, NORMAN ........................... Memphis, Tenn.TURGEON, A D O LPH ................................... Lewiston, Me.TURNER, VICTOR H ........................ New York CityVICCARO, JO SEPH ........................New York City


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R o s t e r F i e l d

Commissioned Officers

First Lieutenants—Comfort, Charles W., Jr. M. C. Conn., Commanding Officer.........

.......................................................... New Haven, Conn.WlLMERDING, WlLLIAM E., M. R. C.......................................... Selma, N. C.Tait, Charles H ., M. R. C............................... .Philadelphia, Pa.Shaul, Elmer B., M. R. C................................................................ Scranton, Pa.A bernathy, Eric A., M. R. C ................. ....................... Chapel Hill, N. C.Davis, A rthur E., M. R. C .......................................... .............Scranton, Pa.

Non-Commissioned Officers, N ational Guard, Detailed as Instructors

Sergeants, First Class—Hanway, Clarence R .......................................................... ....Baltimore, Md.Crawford, W illiam W ...... ....................................................Columbia, S. C.

Sergeants—Connell, A ndrew F ................................................................Concord, N. H.HarRISS, John E .................................................. Boston, Mass.Houser, T hurman F ,................. Rutherfordton, N. C.

H o s p i t a l N o . 2 3

Acting Non-Commissioned OfficersW ilson, F rederick H ...................... . ..................G illians, Edward L ...................... ................ .......Bremer, Karl H ..._____ ___ ____ ___________H ennessy, W illiam H ., J r..................... ..............Vale, M ilo F .............................. ................. .............D rake, Elbert A ................ ................. ......... ........Ladika, John R ..........................................................Crighton, Donald J ............................... ................Duncan, W illiam B., Jr.......................................

......................Tampa, Fla.

................Hawesville, Ky.

.......... .New York, N. Y„

..Wellesley Farms, Mass.

Cooks—M cDonald, Bernard J .................. ........................M iller, M ike....................... ......... ......... .............

...............Elizabeth, N . J.

Horseshoer—Hallcren, Martin J ............ ........................... ....... ..... ......... Youngsville, Pa.

Mechanic—Robinson, Harry S . ............ .................................... ..............Roxborough, Pa.

Company Clerk—T ieger, Max............................ ........... ................. ....... .......Elizabeth, N. J.

Musician—H ughes, Emerson I .................................................

ACCHIARDI, LENARDO.............New York, N. Y.ALTSCHULD, HARRY.....................Cleveland, OhioBAX, ROY W ............................................. Gerard, Pa.BENSEL. EDW ARD R ......................... Lancaster, Pa.BERG, ROBERT C....................... New York, N. Y.BISHOP, GEORGE V .................. New York, N. Y.BLACKBURN, EDW ARD F ..................Todd, N. C.BOYER. JO HN N...........................................Knox, Pa.BRANDT, EDW ARD.......................Philadelphia, Pa.

P r i v a t e s

BROWN, CAVINESS H ................... .Lillington, N. C.BURGESS, JAMES L......................Broadway, N. C.BUSH, FREDERICK L„ JR ..............Syracuse, N. Y.CAMPBELL, GEORGE L......................Lima, OhioCAPIN, SAMUEL S........................... Harrisburg, Pa.CLANCY, HARRY C......................... Antes Fort, Pa.CLARK, BENJAMIN T ............................Bristol, Va.COHEN, SAMUEL..........................New York, N. Y.COSTELLO, CHARLES J ..........New Haven, Conn.

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DALTON, HENRY C...... ................Brooklyn, N. Y.DEGUTIS, A NTHO NY ....................... Jackson, Mich.DE SANTAS, A NTON IO .................................Detroit, Mich.DEVINE, W ILLIAM .............................Paterson, N. J.ECKLUND, HAROLD R............................Coatesville, Pa.FALLS, LAW RENCE A ............ ...........Central. S. C.FEIN, ABRAHAM.....................................Brooklyn, N. J.FEIRO, GILBERT S................................ Du Bois, Pa.FISHER, W A LTER M........................Providence, R. I.


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R o ste r F ield H osp ital N o. 23— Continued


FOLTZ, J O H N ................................. New York, N, Y.FORD, ORVILLE W .........................Philadelphia, Pa.FOWLER, CLARENCE B.............. Philadelphia. Pa.FREEMAN, CHARLES H .............................. Toledo. OhioGALLAGHER, JO SEPH H ........ New York, N. Y.GOODSTEIN, M ORTIMORE..... New York, N. Y.GROSS, DAVID ................................Philadelphia, Pa.HALL, ALFRED R.............................................Lowell, Mass.HANCOCK, H ENRY.................................... Columbia, Ky.HARDIMAN, RUSSELL J ................ Paterson, N. J.HARPER, REGINALD H ......... .Blackington, Mass.HARTLEY, JAM ES......................... New York, N. Y.HEVER, JAMES F ...............................Orange, N. J.

HINTENLANG, PAUL A.................. Lockhaven, Pa.HOOVER, ROBERT ............................. Ashland, Pa.HOW ARD, GLEN A.......................................Swayzee, Ind,HOYE, GEORGE F .........................................Taunton, Mass.HRESKO, JOHN ................................. Hazlebrook, Pa.HURD. CHARLES A._.................................. .....Boston, Mass.INWOOD, CLAYTON L........................ Cannonsburg, Mich.JANELLI, JAMES J ..„ ................... Jersey City. N. J.JECELIN, W ILLIAM ................................. ...Baltimore, Md.JOHNSON, MONTGOMERY......... Weeksburg. Ky.KARAKASHIAN, THOM AS......... Philadelphia, Pa.KINSEY, EDW ARD H....... Perth Amboy, N. J.KREIGBAUM FREEMAN L.........................Elkhart, Ind.

LANE, HARRY J ..............................................Rittman, OhioLEACOCK, FRANK H .................. Manchester, N. H.LENTZ, W ALTON K............................ Williamsport, Pa.LEONARD, ROBERT W .................... Corning, N. Y.LEONARDI, JO HN L.....................New York, N. Y.LEVER, HAROLD B.............................. Ilion, N. Y.LEWIS. DAVID F ........ ......... .....................................Mantello, Mass.McGILL, HARRY J ............................ ..Newark, N. J.MOORE, FORREST S.................. Haddonfield, N. J.O’BRIEN, JO SEPH A ............New Brunswick, N. J.RUSS, JO HN G .................................................. Eustis, Fla.VON WYL, ARNOLD.....................New York, N. Y.

R o s t e r F i e l d H o s p i t a l N o . 2 4

Commissioned OfficersFirst Lieutenants—

NlCOLLE, H enry T ., Commanding Officer..........................New Orleans, La.PlERSOL, George M ., Senior Officer.................... Philadelphia, Pa.F reeland, Frank, Quartermaster........................................ ..Mayfield, N. J.Cole, Charles J., J r....................................................... .......Elkins Park, Pa.KiLDUFFE, Robert A ., Mess Officer........................... Chester, Pa.B rant, Noss D ................................................ Pittsburgh, Pa.

Non-Commissioned OfficersFirst Sergeant—

.Sharpe, Silas E .................................................................. Radford, Va.

Sergeant—H enry, George F ............................................................................ Clover, S. C.Kaplan, Edward....................................................................................... Boston, Mass.B ridgers, Samson K......................................................................Louisville, Ky.R.OLFE, R ussell E .....................................................................Concord, N . H .

Acting Non-Commissioned OfficersFirst Sergeants—

A rcher, V incent W ...... ............... ..........................Black Mountain, N. C.M iller, P aul W ...............-..............................................................Tampa, Fla.


Duncheskie, Lawrence ....................................................Shamokin, Pa,H oyt, Martin E .......................................................................Jersey City, N. J.LeBlanc, Elm er ......................... Lynn, Mass.MacArthur, John.................................. .............. -............Groton, Conn.Manly, Clarence H ......................................................... Greenville, S. C.Schroeder, W illiam C.„_....... -Philadelphia, Pa.


Rash, Benjamin.......................................................................Philadelphia, Pa.H ilton, W illiam L..„...................................................Manchester, N. H.

— 29—








ALLEN, JOHN D ..................................... .Dillon, S. C.ARCHER, VINCENT W ......Black Mountain, N. C.BARTON, PEARL.......................East Liverpool, OhioBEAHM, W HARTON P .......................... Luray, Va.BESSETTE, FRANCOIS...................................Salmer, Mass.BLANK, ERIC H ...................................... Pike, N. H.BORTHIG, GEORGE...............................................

..................... 330 Lexington Ave., New York, N. Y.BRADSTREET, CLARENCE F ............................

................................... 217 Main St„ Metuchen, N. J.BRUSH, FOREST H ................................... Sheffield, Pa.CALANNI, JOE............. 250 Main St., Oil City, Pa.COBB, THOMAS S.............................. Lewiston, N. C.CONNOLLY, THOM AS.........................................

...........................601 W. 144th St., New York, N. Y.CRAIG, POW ELL E ................................................

....................... 65 Delaware Ave., Pennsgrove, N. J.CULLENS, JAMES W ..............................................

.............................22 Chestnut St„ Philadelphia, Pa.CURLEY, JO SEPH D..............................................

.......................................127 Market St., Pittston, Pa.

DARLING, RAY H ............................ Interlaken, N. Y.DAVIS, JACOB R....................................................

....................... 2nd and Railroad Sts., Statesboro, Ga.DELOZIER, BEAVER B........................................

................................... 523 Rosedale St., Pittsburg, Pa,DONAHEY, HEBER B............................................

....................................... R. F. D. No. 1, Clymer, Pa.DUVALL, LESLIE...................................................

........................... R. F. D. No. 6, Valley Station, Ky.DORLAND, JOHN M....................High Bridge, N. J.DUNCHESKIE, LAW RENCE...............................

..........................1035 W. Walnut St., Shamokin, Pa.ENZ, WILLIAM F ....................................................

.................... 1442 N. 28th St., Philadelphia, Pa.FAW CETT, JAMES H ............................................

................................. 148 Sargent St., Holyoke, Mass.FEDE, VINCENT..84 Elizabeth St., New York. N. Y.FLEMING, GEORGE D ........ 70 Jay St. Troy, N. Y.FRY, LLOYD.............................................................

................... 6142 Kingsessing Ave., Philadelphia, Pa.FULK, LOUIS 0 .........188 Olney Ave., Marion, OhioGESNER, CHARLES R..........................................

....................... 336 Stafford Road, Fall River, Mass.

R o ste r F ield H osp ital N o. 24— Continued

P r i v a t e sGODDARD, MYRON C........................................

.................................. .24 Maple St., Fairhaven, Mass.GOTTLIEB ABRAHAM .........................................

............................1541 Webster Ave. Pittsburgh, Pa.GREENW OOD, JO SEPH B..................................

................................... 913 Bergen St., Newark, N. J.HAGGARD, VERNON M......................................

.................. 230 East Broadway, Winchester, Ky.HAMILTON, ELIAS R ............... .Campbellsburg, Ky.HANNA, JAMES J ..................................................

............. 331 East 58th St., New York, N. Y.HERBERT, WILLIAM J ........................................

....Stag Hotel, Bank and Halsey Sts., Newark, N. J.HEALEY, FRANK E...........................................

........................... ..229 Hampden St., Holyoke, Mass.HILTON, WILLIAM L............................................

................................120 Myrtle St. Manchester, N. H.HOFFMAN, JAMES F ............................................

......................................19 Hayes St., Norwich, N. Y,HOW ARD, BARTLEY C......................................

............................... 603 W. Bine, Mt. Vernon, OhioHOYT, MARTIN E„ JR ..........................................

................................. ..59 Union St., Jersey City, N. J.HUME, A RTH U R C...................... Hunterstown, Ind.

ILLINGWORTH. THOMAS L ...................................................................437 42d St. Brooklyn N. Y.

JACKSON, EARL ..-133 Warren St., Roxbury, Mass.JACOBS, JO H N ................ ........................................

....................... 2nd and W. Abbot St., Lansford, Pa.JENSEN, OSCAR E ..................................................

....................... 68 Montauk Ave., New London, Conn.JOHNSON, DAVID F ............................................

................................... 21 E. Steam St., Rahway, N. J.JONES, THOM AS J ....195 Plane St., Newark, N. J.

KEEFAUVER, CHARLES L................................................................. ........R. F. D. 3, Waynesboro, Pa,

KING, FREDERICK R....R. F. D. 1, Romulus, N. Y.KLUCK, FRANK N................ ..................................

................... 329 Imperial Ave., Painted Post, N. Y.KOENIG, JAMES C - ....................... Tyler, Pa.KUGLER, A RTH UR S.................... Somerville, N. J.

LAWS, HARROD W .........................................Cecilia, Ky.LAKE, W ILLIAM W ............................................

........................I l l St. Marks Place, Brooklyn, N. Y.

LE BLANC, ELMER..................................................................... 10 Sherbrook Place, East Lynn, Mass.

MANLY, CLARENCE H ......................................................................202 Coffee St., Greeneville, S. C.

MANN, GEORGE G ................................................................................ 13 Torrey St., Dorchester, Mass.

MAC ARTHUR, JO H N ...............................................................................108 Thames St., Groton, Conn.

McMENAMIN, JO HN J ..............................................................1718 North Front St., Philadelphia, Pa.

MILLER, PAUL W .................................................................................2904 Highland Ave., Tampa, Fla.

RASH, BENJAMIN............................................................ - ................106 S. Olden St., Philadelphia, Pa.

RASKIE, W ALTER S........................................................... -.........241 South Beech St., Mt. Carmel, Pa.

REINER, JACOB A ....................................................................................... 159 Starr St., Brooklyn, N. Y.

ROBBINS, CHARLES L............................................................................. 129 Willow St., Plymouth, Pa.

ROBERTS, GEORGE H ................................................................133 Highland Ave., Taunton, Mass.

ROCKWELL, GEORGE W ................ Liberty, N. Y.SARSFIELD, JOSEPH C....... ............ .....................

....................... 721 North Sloan St., Philadelphia, Pa.SCHAFF, SAMUEL E............................................

..... -.................319 Bainbridge St„ Philadelphia, Pa.SCHAFSTALL, ROY W._....New Washington, OhioSCHROEDER, WILLIAM C..................................

...................... .2019 St. Albans St., Philadelphia, Pa.SIGOURNEY, DONALD C...Chicago Junction, OhioSMALLEY, CLARENCE.........................................

....................... 35 Coldington Ave., Plainfield, N. J.SOLLOT, JACK R....................................................

................. 450 North Marshall St., Philadelphia, Pa.STACY, WILLIAM H.-..32 King St., Holyoke, Mass.TARANOW SKI, MICHAEL.................................

............................. 1415 Junction Ave., Detroit, Mich.TEDFORD, LLOYD.................................................

.................................327 Market St., Harrisburg, Pa.WILLIAMSON, JOHN W ..............Salladasburg, Pa.WORMSER, MORTIMER.....................................

..................................2273 85th St., Brooklyn, N. Y.ZORILA, IO N............... 1147 Russel St., Detroit, Mich.

— 30—

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— 31—





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