The Do’s and Don’ts for Dress for Success · for-dressing-for-success/ Title: The Do’s and...


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The Do’s and Don’ts for

Dress for Success By: Stone Crews

Male Casual Attire


1) Be prepared (Conduct a small research in regards to the company’s dress code.)

2) Invest in an iron (The way you dress yourself each morning portrays your attitude to work and life.)


1) Don’t show up to work Unprepared (This can also help to eliminate any stress that can arise in the likely event that you will miss your bus.)

2) Do not, not iron your clothes (Your creased and crumpled shirt is telling your boss that you could care less if you got that promotion or not.)


3) Dress like your boss (The best way to gauge the dress code of the office is to emulate the people who run the place.

4) Polish Up (Polish will take years off your leather and instantly signal you as a serious player in the company.

Don’t3) Don’t Dress causal (As the

saying goes, ‘dress for the job you want, not the job you have’

4) Don’t forget to polish (You have no excuse for not being able to see your reflection staring up at you when you peer down at your feet.)


5) Quality over quantity

6) Overdressed is better than underdressed


5) Don’t be underdressed (dress as if you are heading out for a night in Kings Cross.)

6) No jewelry in visible body piercing (Other than your ears.)



7) Keep the cologne to a minimum

8) If possible, carry a briefcase to the interview


7) No visible foundation garments

8) No T-shirts, Lycra™, spandex, midriff tops, tank tops

9) Be yourself

10) If in doubt- DON’T WEAR IT!

9) Don’t be somebody you’re not

10) If in doubt- DON’T WEAR IT!


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