The Deceiving Mirage


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  • 8/8/2019 The Deceiving Mirage


    OriginalOriginal Arabic text titledArabic text titled Saraabun Khaadi,'Saraabun Khaadi,' a pamphleta pamphlet

    published bypublished by Daru-Ibn-al-KhuzaimahDaru-Ibn-al-Khuzaimah, Riyadh, Saudi-Arabia, Riyadh, Saudi-Arabia


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    Halima JibirHalima Jibir

    Halima Jibir

    First Published 2002.

    Kaduna Nigeria.

    I dedicate this work to the policy-makers within all Islamic societies.

    No prior permission is required for free distribution as long as the contents

    remain the same. Please reproduce and redistribute so that the Muslim and

    the Islamic community may know of the absolute danger to the individual

    and society ofriba and riba-mongering.

    Halima Jibir


    Jumada-Ula 1423/July 2002


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    In the Name of Allah the Beneficent the Merciful. All

    Praise is to Allah, the Lord of the Worlds. Peace and

    Blessings upon the prophet, Muhammad, and upon his

    family and companions.

    In modern times a lot of Muslims have relegated the fact of

    the hereafter to the backstage. They have gone, instead, all

    out for this world so much so that to gather and accumulate

    wealth in whatever circumstance has taken control of their

    hearts and mind. This has become the most important goal

    in their lives and the end of their knowledge. Everything the

    hands happen to get hold of, or the body happens to touch is

    considered halaal even if indeed haraam. That only is

    denoted haraam, which cannot be gotten hold of. All that

    such attitude denotes is a clear lack of Fear of Allah in the

    hearts of men, and a flagrant disregard of the religion of

    Allah Most High.

    Associating with Riba (usury) is one such haraam taken

    so much for granted. Riba is that wealth ofharaam, which


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    whoever takes it with the notion that its halaal, has gone

    out of the fold of Islam - a kaafir - may Allah forbid. This is

    because, the fact that riba is haraam is one fundamental law

    that should not escape the Muslim.

    Allah says in the Quran:

    ((Those who gorge themselves on usury will not stand

    (on the day of Reckoning) except as he may stand

    whom shaitan has confounded with his touch. That is

    because they say: Trade is just the same as usury,

    But Allah has made trade lawful and usury forbidden.

    He who receives an admonition from his Lord and

    thereupon desists (from usury) may retain his past

    gains and Allah shall be his ultimate Judge. Those

    who revert to the practice (of usury) are indeed the

    inmates of the fire, wherein they shall abide. Allah

    blots out usury and makes charitable offerings grow

    and increase, Allah does not love confirmed

    disbelievers who persist in wrong doing))


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    Note the testimony upon those who revert to the

    practice (of usury), havingknown and comprehended the

    verdict declared by Allah Most High on the practice of usury:

    these are indeed the inmates of the fire wherein they

    shall abide.

    Allah Most High says again:

    ((O you who believe, fear Allah and give up what

    remains outstanding of usury gains, if indeed you are

    believers. If you do not, then take notice of war from

    Allah and His Messenger. If you repent, however, you

    shall remain entitled to your principal. You shall

    commit no wrong, nor suffer any wrong yourselves.

    -------And fear a day when you shall return to Allah.

    Then shall every soul be paid in full for what it had

    earned and none shall be wronged))1

    1 Surah Baqara; 274-281


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    Allah Most High has not declared a war against the

    perpetrator of any evil as He has declared against the one

    who devour riba.

    The prophet, peace upon him, had indeed made clear the

    fact about riba. He, peace upon him, had revealed the

    ugliness and repulsive nature ofriba, which would make the

    true Believer in Allah and the Last Day distance himself well

    far away from riba, when he said:

    Riba is made up of seventy-two different varieties, the least

    of which is like the case of a man having sexual intercourse

    with his Mother

    How indeed ugly! Is any more admonition necessary for the

    one who has true faith and Inner Wisdom?

    The fact is that riba has gone far beyond all forms ofzina in

    ugliness and prohibition. This, despite all thatzina entails of

    undermining ones faith and state of life in general. Zina

    involves a great betrayal of trust, and leads to dampened

    character, immodesty, and results in confused lineage


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    against the offspring of such act. Again the penalty for zina

    is stoning to death, or strokes of the cane plus

    abandonment, depending on whether the case is fornication

    or adultery. An onward consequence of seething skin in a

    roaring furnace is the punishment in the hereafter. Despite

    the resultant punishment, the Prohibition and Offence

    attached to even a small quantity riba far exceeds that

    which is attached tozina. The prophet, peace upon him, has


    One dir-ham (kobo) of riba consumed by a man (woman)

    while he knows it to be riba is a greater offence with Allah

    than thirty-six acts of adultery by a Muslim. (Ahmad)

    If this is about one dir-ham, then what about those who

    consume thousands, nay Millions!

    Riba is a dirty gain, forbidden, and an empty gain consisting

    of no good or blessing. But instead causes harm and decline

    to the benefits of religion and life in general, both in the

    present and the future.


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    The evils of riba affect all who get involved in such

    transaction, from those who benefit directly, to those who

    offer services for the transaction to be accomplished, and

    those who merely assist or even just are comfortable with

    the transaction. To be involved in such transactions is to give

    support to a rebellious illegitimate transaction whose main

    reality is, actually a confrontation and a battle-ready stance

    against Allah and His Messenger (peace upon him), coupled

    with absolute impiety against servants of Allah. This is the

    fact of the deal, its evil is certainly wide and tremendous, its

    consequence no doubt overwhelming and excruciating, both

    on the individual and the society as a whole. The society at

    large, which condones riba, refusing to make amends at

    such would be seen to suffer the prevailing consequences of

    riba, as does the individual:

    1. Acts of Charity would not be accepted from the one

    who devours riba. This is because the source is dirty:


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    ((---And do not aim at the dirty source, giving

    charity out of it----))2

    Verily Allah is Good, He accepts only that which is


    2. Allah does not answer the prayer of the one who

    devours riba:

    Make your source of living good, you are the one whose

    prayer is answered

    3. Blessings get ripped up from the life and earnings of

    the one who devours riba.

    ((Allah blots out riba and makes charitable

    offerings grow and increase))

    4. To devour riba is to enter into war with Allah and His

    Messenger, peace upon him:

    ((---If you do not, then take notice of war from

    Allah and His Messenger---))4

    2Surah Baqara; 267


    4Surah Baqara; 279


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    5. The one who devours riba has caused upon himself the

    curse of Allah and His Messenger, peace upon him.

    Curse here means, to be flung far away from the

    territories of Mercy. Jabir was reported to have said:

    The prophet, peace upon him, has cursed the one

    who benefits directly from riba, the one who gives it,

    the one who writes it, the one who is a witness to it;

    while adding that they all bear the same burden.5

    6. To devour riba is one reason that results in a bad

    ending (i.e. of life). This is because therere sins, which

    strip a person of his faith. Riba is one of such sin. It

    comes to haunt a person at his deathbed so that his

    farewell from life and his meeting with his Lord is

    haunted by riba: a disobedience to Allah and His

    Messenger, a rebellious stance against Allah and a

    wrong against His servants. The person leaves the



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    world in the worst of conditions to face the worst of


    7. A hadith has it that the one who devours riba shall

    begin to suffer the evil of his deed in the grave. He shall

    be made to swim in a river of blood with his mouth full

    of stones. Pieces of stone are thrown into his mouth

    each time he attempts to escape. Furthermore, on the

    day of Reckoning, he shall rise from the grave as does

    the Epileptic:

    ((Those who gorge themselves on usury will

    not stand (on the day of Reckoning) except

    as he may stand whom shaitan has

    confounded with his touch))

    The condition could be interpreted to be because of the

    suffering they had encountered in the grave due to the

    evils ofriba.

    8. The person who dies while still involved in riba belongs

    with the hellfire. Allah says in the Quran:


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    ((Those who revert to the practice (of usury) are

    indeed the inmates of the fire, wherein they shall


    The above consequences are enough admonishment to make the

    Muslim, sincere in his Iman distance himself away from anything

    riba. The one whose motive is to be cleansed of riba should as of

    necessity put his complete trust in Allah, knowing that indeed

    Allah shall make his task easy by the virtue of his sincerity of

    intention. Note the verse, which says:

    ((-----And for the one who fears Allah, He sets a way out

    for him.))6

    And also note the hadith, which says:

    The one who leaves something for the sake ofAllah, Allah

    compensates for that person with something better.7

    6Talaaq; 02.



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    And then bring to light the fact that there are many other ways,

    halaal, on which to build wealth. Its not by riba alone wealth can

    multiply. Its important to earn halaal even if that halaal is

    considered small in the eyes, for indeed, halaal is always better in

    value than haraam however the massiveness ofharaam:

    ((Say: Not equal are things that are bad and things that

    are good, even though the abundance of the bad may

    dazzle you,-----))

    Its incumbent upon the Muslim, who is true in his faith and

    guards well his faith, to certainly look for lawful ways to build his

    wealth. The Muslim must refuse to be lured into unlawfuldealings

    in pursuit of increasing his wealth. The Muslim should instead

    learn to be content with the provision Allah has given him as his

    share. It should be remembered that all good and comfort

    enjoyed as a result ofharaam earnings would soon be forgotten

    with the first pang of death. The wise Muslim understands this

    very well. He goes far away from all that is haraam. He does not

    allow the love for wealth to make him forget his Lord, his faith, his


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    purpose in life, and his ultimate end. The wise Muslim knows that

    whatever he feels he is, he would not be able to stand the

    punishment from Allah. All conceit and stubbornness on the

    wrong should therefore be checked.



    A lot many people in modern times do get involved in riba-based

    deals ignorantly at times but deliberately at other times. Among

    such deals are:

    1. Loans received (given) with interest: e.g., where the lender

    borrows out =N=1000 now to be paid back at a future time

    as =N=1200.

    2. Loan given without interest to be redeemed at a particular

    period. On the expiration of this period, grace period is

    granted but on the condition of interest added to the original

    value of the loan.


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    3. Credit cards, like visa and the rest, where the bank receives

    interest depending on the value of the card. The fact that

    the card-holder agrees, by commission or omission, to pay

    interest on failing to settle his bills on time is also a way of

    giving support and agreeing to riba, which is haraam. Even if

    indeed no payment of interest is subsequently made, the

    fact that suchhas been consented to right at the beginning

    of the agreement is enough haraam.

    4. EenahTrading: This is the case where a person goes to buy

    a certain commodity from the market for no other reason

    than to sell money for more money (riba). He offers to sell

    this commodity to someone seeking loan from him, someone

    who doesnt indeed have the money to buy the commodity.

    By nothing more than word of mouth the borrower agrees to

    buy the commodity at, say, =N=1000. Now the Lender

    comes back, offers and agrees to buy the same commodity

    at, say, =N=800. No money has exchanged hands so far. But

    now the borrower agreeing to sell something he really does

    not own receives cash of =N=800 from the lender and also

    agrees to pay back the =N=1000 he had initially bought the


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    commodity by word of mouth. This type of trading is

    classified riba and is haraam.

    5.To buy or sell shares of riba-based banks or shares of

    companies and/or organizations, which derive their earnings

    from riba-oriented businesses.

    6. To open and maintain Bank accounts in riba-based banks,

    and to receive interests from such.

    Its mandatory upon every Muslim who believes in Allah and the

    last day to really beware and therefore guard himself/herself from

    riba. Its mandatory that the Muslim does not go into any cash

    dealings without seeking to find out the true position of things, in

    the Islamic perspective, from those who truly have the

    knowledge. It should be established whether the dealing lies with

    halaal or haraam. To do such ensues that one does not fall into

    haraam while he knows not.




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    A lot of people who work at riba-based banks are at a loss and

    confused about the situation. They receive a number of untrue,

    doubtful and, sometimes, manipulative ideas that make them to

    assume that their work in these banks is not haraam. It is

    necessary for the one who works in such banks to seek and

    search for the truth if indeed he wants the truth. Below is a

    special Ruling (fataawaa) on the subject by the Permanent

    Council on Fatawaa and Research (Saudi-Arabia) under the

    distinguished chairmanship of Sheikh Abdul-Azeez bn Baaz:

    Indeed the majority of transactions in the present-

    day banks revolve around riba, and riba is haraam

    by the words of the Quran and the sunnah and by

    consensus agreement of the Islamic community.

    The prophet, on whom be peace, had indeed issued

    a curse upon all persons who participate in any riba

    transaction. This hadith is as reported by Muslim

    and others, that Jabir said:

    The prophet, on whom be peace, had cursed the

    one who devours riba, the one who gives it, the one


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    who writes it, and the one who participated as

    witness, adding that all of them are the same

    Those people who work in banks are indeed helpers

    to the lords of the banks for the fact that they man

    the jobs of drafting, certification, witnessing,

    transferring papers from one place to another,

    receiving/giving out cash etc. All these are jobs that

    signify assistance and support to the real riba


    It is clear from the hadith that indeed to work in

    interest-based banks is haraam. The Muslim should

    indeed avoid such work, and seeks livelihood

    elsewhere, from the variety of other means made

    available and halaalby the Mercy of Allah, Glorified

    and Exalted. The Muslim should fear Allah, his Lord

    and Cherisher Most High, and avoid putting himself

    on the line cursed by Allah and His Messenger.

    Its obvious from the statement that to work in the traditional

    interest-based banks is haraam. One should not therefore try to


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    condone that no other work is available or that the pay in the

    banks is higher. These are flimsy excuses from the web of the

    Shaitan. Indeed a lot other means of livelihood are available and a

    job doesnt have to be a white-collar job. Its necessary that one

    looks for a means of livelihood that is halaal however mean it may

    appear against a bank job, or however more tasking physically.

    Fault lies in what Allah and His Messenger have forbidden and not

    what the human being is arrogant or greedy about. Where a work

    that is halaal is difficult to come by, still that is no excuse to

    indulge in haraam. The Muslim is expected to be patient and

    remain calm, and to continue to seek for only halaal. Indeed in

    the difficulty the Muslim encounters is a trial of faith from Allah

    Most High in order to confirm the truth of his faith and the

    strength of the trust he has in the Lord Most High. It is likely that

    on the aftermath of the trial of faith, a halaal and most satisfying

    job gets to be secured. This is a blessing as a result of the strong

    faith and perseverance against haraam.

    To starve to death is indeed a better alternative than to deal in

    riba. Hunger at worst ends in death, while riba is a fire and a long-

    standing chastisement that is beyond shading-off. And, No, never


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    will starvation be the end of the one who leaves riba in obedience

    to Allah, for Allah says:

    ((--And for the one who fears Allah, He sets a way out for

    him. And provides for him from (sources) he never could


    And the prophet, may he be blessed, says:

    The one who leaves something for the sake ofAllah, Allah

    compensates for that person with something better.9

    The promise of Allah always comes to pass. That person knows

    who sincerely accepts the Pledge from Allah Most High.

    Patience/Discipline is the keyword. The servant of Allah shall not

    regret taking in halaal but shall regret immensely if he allows

    haraam to enter his belly, and his regret might be too late!

    May Allah guide us to all that, which he loves and accepts. May

    Allah enrich us by His halaal against that which He has declared

    haraam. Allah is the One who advocates such and is capable to

    8Talaaq; 02-03.



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    cause it to happen. Allah knows Best. Peace and Blessings of

    Allah upon the prophet, Muhammad.


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    The prophet, peace upon him, has cursed the

    one who benefits directly from riba, the one who

    gives it, the one who writes it, the one who is a

    witness to it; while adding that they all bear the

    same burden.10

    One dir-ham (kobo) of riba consumed by a man

    (woman) while he knows it to be riba is a greater

    offence with Allah than thirty-six acts of adultery by a

    Muslim. (Ahmad)

    It should be remembered that all good and comfort enjoyed as aIt should be remembered that all good and comfort enjoyed as a

    result ofresult of haraamharaam would soon be forgotten with the first pang ofwould soon be forgotten with the first pang of




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    The wise Muslim does not allow the love for wealth to make himThe wise Muslim does not allow the love for wealth to make him

    forget his Lord, Most High, his faith, his purpose in life, and hisforget his Lord, Most High, his faith, his purpose in life, and his

    ultimate end.ultimate end.
