The Curious KAT


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The Curious KAT explores that relationship that develops within self, the in-

trapersonal, and that relationship that develops between self and others,

the interpersonal, in both the primary and secondary social contexts.

The author is a dynamic therapist, trained mediator; and educator since

2000. Kerriann is also a certified Employee Assistance Programme (EAP)


Kerriann and KarryOn have a sound appreciation that all experiences take

place within relationships of one kind or another, and therefore to improve

in understanding and practice of relationships is essentially to improve in

one’s quality of life and life satisfaction.


No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means without written permission.


Kat waited with baited breathe to get his feedback. It seemed like an eternity before

he spoke. Then there it was a smile, slow and then ever widening. He nodded, stood

walked over to her and said; “had no idea what to expect … but truly have gained

so much.” He agreed that it was worth sharing and consented to publish it. And

now it is available for us all … this contribution and invitation into this thing we call

relationships … welcoming “The Curious Kat.”

It was weeks later that she walked past somewhere and noticed the cover, and so

she briefly recalled how it came to be.

Once upon a time there was … Kat started laughing. She recalled her meeting daily

with Lolita along her usual journey, and there was this smile nod and wave of the

hand. This pattern went on day in and day out but for one day when Lolita just

seemed to be watching at Kat but yet looking way past her. And then the pattern

returned. Kat could not contain herself and so a few days after that odd day, she

approached the lady and enquired into what was wrong on said day. Of course she

had to explain that for months now there was a pattern and that day seemed quite

different. After Lolita explained what occurred on that day, she nicked Kat, Curious

Kat and so the name was born.

Of course, thereafter each time she would pass by, Lolita would greet her with

Pleasant Day okay … Curious Kat and then they would exchange a knowing smile.

Looking into the coffee shop, Kat noticed her friend and her thoughts went to

spending a lovely evening with her friend. They had actually not spoken for some

time as much focus had gone into writing the book.

As usual it was a good time. Kat laughed and had a time and on her way home now

could not help but realize how much of the conversation was taken up with some

sort of relationship or the other.

Bedtime was always a time to relax and enjoy her evening ritual. As Kat looked at

her reflection in the mirror she recalled Chapter One of the book.

Bursts of laughter for her story was well told. But actually it really was not funny at

all. So someone in the crowd, who simply could not resist, asked her how that

made her feel. Kat remember thinking if the questioner deemed herself some sort

of psychologist or something of that sort. Anyways, the girl responded that it was

not a big deal to know that her bearer wondered where her real baby was, as the

girl then was not what was expected.

Silence was all around as she was in tears. No one knew what triggered this, only

what followed. She insisted that it is difficult for us all and recalled how the roof

was the best place to get that perfect hue. The rays of the sun would definitely do

its work there. And all this to be accepted by the family of her lover. This time it

was Kat who wanted to ask that question. Instead she just wondered what it must

be like for both women.

What is it like when the external environment applies such pressure, to make one

reflect and/or even act upon themselves to feel more accepted? And how then

does this impact the relationship one develops within? What does one say to self


And yet KAT thought, is it not all around us, in the magazines, in the movies, on the

billboards, subtle and not-so-subtle. Sometimes it is part of a culture and then we

get the messages directly and indirectly from those with whom we interact.

It suddenly hit Kat, that while these females had stories to tell, their experience is

for us all in different forms and to different extents. She also realized that the

struggle that must have developed for them, is one for us all.

It is the on-going work of building a happy healthy relationship with the one with-



Kat recalled her days in providing guidance for young ones. What struck her was

the commencing of the session series with modules on ‘who am I?’ Surely, she

thought to herself that there can be no real strides made academically if the child

had no concept of who he/she was.

And needless to say, many have contributed to the discussions, and provided

many an explanation. The basic idea remains that as time goes by the child must

build a concept of themselves physically, socially, usually begins in the family, and

personally, developing likes/dislikes, preferences, intellectually, gaining

knowledge of core facts, and of different opinions and philosophies from which

they choose. All in all this concept is noted by words such as; I am, I love/dislike, I

have, I believe and so on. This is the start of building a sense of self.

On the other hand, if the child is exposed to intense hurt, confusion and distress

in body/mind/spirit, there is this tendency to try to make sense of what is now

happening. And would you believe, the funny thing is that children have an innate

tendency to take responsibility. They wonder what they have done wrong or what

is wrong with them. It is such that threatens an acceptance of the self. For the

child in viewing the self, as bad, rejects self and now wonders what changes can

be made to them to better the situation. This thought pattern leads to feelings

and these feelings lead to behaviours. Behaviours where adjustments are made in

one way or the other to hide the self, replace the self, or repair the self. In such

cases, as time goes and interactions take place in the wider community, there is a

tendency to have an identity that simply reflects the times, and the people of the

moment. The person tends to adopt the identity of some person or persons in

the current social context. Bottom line is that there is no solid self.

One wonders then, what might be done at this point?

There are many factors that come together to help build or rather re-introduce

the solid self, when the prime time for building it is no more. For different people

the factors work and combine in their own unique way. Overall they include these.

The listing is inclusive but in no way exhaustive. It includes:

Friendly Fortune Find—Sometimes life is incredibly kind and the one who is

struggling to find their identity, meets someone who sees them and values

them at their very core. This is usually a very terrifying experience for one who

hardly now knows themselves. But once sincere, and the rejection of the self

was not too severe, and interactions continue with this person, who shows,

firm loving acceptance, then in time the self resurfaces and grows stronger and

stronger. This friendly fortune find might be in the form of a relative, friend,

spouse or therapist, sometimes it is a mix of two or more.

Focused Feeding-In the absence of the former, or sometimes if the rejection of

the self was great, there are benefits to be gained from focused feeding. This

entails creating a diet to foster self-growth. It might include mirror work, self-

talk, journaling. The idea is to feed the self with words and admonishments of

love and appreciation for qualities.

Fact Finding-At other times, enquiring from others as to their views on how

they view self, proves helpful. A few persons in different social contexts might

be selected. What would be noticed is that there will be repeated descriptions

and those would more often than not point to some aspect of self that holds

true in some measure.

It is solely up to the individual to decide which of these three might be best and

to what extent. All though have their place in developing solid self.


While in the grocery, Kat could not help these children as they helped their parents

place items into the cart and with pushing the cart. It was the awesome look of

pride on their little faces that truly got her attention. It was a look she had seen in

different environments, but always linked to being helpful to the relating adult. Kat

reflected on how simple it was that a sense of industry started.

Based upon the idea behind psycho-social development, there are two options

available as this sense of industry develops. If one does not move toward industry

then the other option of inferiority takes hold. Simply put it is the idea of being

lower in quality or state than another. Of course, when it comes to human beings, it

is the idea of thinking of one’s self and feeling lower in quality or state to another

person or people in general.

So it is that if industry is being developed, it moves from working at helping the

adults in one’s environment in some way to discovering a desire and interest in

working toward helping people in general in some way. And when there is a mesh

between how one is helping and how one is rewarded for helping, that look of

pride of the boy or girl is found on the faces of men and women.

But before one can reach there. Most times, to varying degrees, some sort of prior

learning must take place.

And it was here that Kat considered how from very early, some parents and other

attending adults do their children and charges a dis-service. How many have taken

the time to consider why children go to school? Because it is the norm, they are

told to do so. Why aren’t more children being made to understand that student is

their occupation and their job is to learn as best they can and the reason for it?

And so many might well be unknowingly set up to develop inferiority.

With respect to industry vs. inferiority, there are two aspects worth investigating.

The first aspect of investigating industry vs. inferiority:

What is at the base of the dis-satisfaction? Often times inferiority shows up as

one simply goes through the motions, gets into a job and finds that there is a

nagging foreboding dis-satisfaction. This dis-satisfaction is usually the desire

for a sense of industry that is going unsatisfied. This has absolutely nothing to

do with how prestigious or not, or well paying or not the job is. It is a matter

of doing something that one enjoys in a reasonable measure knowing it is

making a contribution to people in some way.

What was the motivation to abandon industry? There must have been some

reason that led one to move away from industry, that is doing or working at

what they enjoyed and toward doing or working at something else. One must

consider; was it a desire to please or satisfy the desires of a parent? Was it that

they felt their area of interest was not as worthy of pursuit as one that another

person might find interesting? It is only when this is done and appreciated can

one now exchange reasons for now moving toward industry.

How to go about making the switch? If there is success during the second part

of the investigating phase, then one can now progress nicely toward career

planning. Exploring options and discovering channels to getting into the real

desired field.

Those who get blocked along any one of these phases, will come to find that they

are either quite committed and hard working in seeking to feel industrious but

resentful of the newbies who have that look on their faces. Or else might find the

feeling of dis-satisfaction spilling over into other aspects of life.


The second aspect of investigating industry vs. inferiority:

Inconsistent Employment– Almost everyone knows of someone who is at a

job inconsistently, to the point that it is their consistency. While it might be

frustrating to others, what is often not recognized is the feeling of some sort

of unworthiness; whether it is the idea of not deserving the opportunity, or

the idea that someone else is better deserving, or of being okay until more

was required with potential for mobility in the company that again is viewed

as better for some one else. And interestingly, often the response is to show

annoyance by belittling the behaviour, when what is needed is an abundance

of patience and attempts at endorsing belief in the person. Belief that they

know what is best, it is helpful then to combine enquiring about the plans and

desires of the person and supporting such.

Poor Performance– Generally employers bring employees on board with the

expectation that given they are within their desired position, they will perform.

Yet there are varied level of performance. What is certain is that those on the

higher end have a higher level of industry. What then is the employer to do

with the employee who has no desire to leave or be dismissed and yet they

continue to perform poorly. As much as the hard-lined approach might be

taken, it is good to have progressive praise as the modus operandi. And this is

for the simple reason that one tends to perform poorly on an ongoing basis,

once all other things are equal, because it is tied to their self-perception. It is

then therefore helpful to highlight the exceptions for this employee over time

along with guides to progressive improvements. Only if this fails, then the

hardline could be drawn.

Investigating inferiority takes many forms, key is to remember that it is opposite

to industry. If industry is absent then it is usually the hidden culprit.

Kat just finished a conversation with her friend on the telephone. You could always

count on her with some weird story to share. It led Kat to thinking of the different

relationships she had developed with ones over the years. And then she recalled

Mr. Grumps as some fondly called him. He too always had a story to tell and it was

really mind-blowing how it always went back to why he chose to be a loner as he

liked to describe himself. Kat wondered at that idea of being a loner, wondered if

that were even possible.

When it comes to how we relate to others, there are really three overall trends:

A trend toward moving away from people which seemed to be the idea behind

the loner. It is the general belief that people just plain out cannot be trusted, so

sure you would interact but eventually you feel there is no choice but to move


A trend toward moving against people. It seems to have the same idea of people

not being trust-worthy but with a mix of being justified in dealing with people as

one would deem fit. So eventually whether as a self-protective measure or due to

the person behaving just as one would expect, ‘wrongly ’measures are taken to

effect justice as one would deem fit.

A trend toward moving toward people. Here no rose-coloured glasses are worn

but people are viewed as generally wanting to be their best. And as for those who

choose to be less than their best, you try as much as possible to consider how they

tend to behave and make decisions accordingly.

Whichever of the three we tend toward usually reflects in our basic attitude toward

our social world. It also determines how well we bonce back when others would

disappoint us, since our trend tendency acts as a sort of default.


One of the most common problematic manifestations of how self tends to move

in relation to others, is the tendency to:

Reduce-Life is complex. This is so because there are many factors imparting

upon us, and it is the interplay of a variety of factors that ultimately goes into

determining behaviours. It is therefore not uncommon to find that persons

with all three tendencies seeking a relationship. However, what is certain is

that even within the relationship, the tendency will show itself. Thus for both

persons who tend to move away from and move against persons, there is a

basic operation within the relationship to do things to reduce the emotional

connection. Moving away tendency might opt for simply crowding the time

for their partner with lots of activities. Moving against tendency usually shows

in behaving in ways to reduce others positive viewpoint of the partner.

Recruit– When one who tends to move away makes a decision to oblige and

enter a relationship, whether due to societal pressures or some other factor, a

way must be found to be true to the tendency. One of the easiest ways to

both be true to moving away and also maintain that societal expectation to

form a relationship, is to recruit other persons. Thus the person can move

now between relationships and feel more at ease. For the person who tends

to move against, recruiting usually carries a story of ‘bad’ behaviour of the

current partner. However, the new eventually becomes the one they would

tell about to the next recruit.

Run-Of course the most obvious response for a moving away tendency is to

just run when the other person begins to move toward a relationship.

Rampage– The most obvious for moving against is the tendency to run but

the split usually is quite ’ugly.’

Kat considered how relationship on the whole are very challenging, reflecting on

how people have to learn each other and continually work at building the type of

relationship they desire. Yet sure enough, even with two people who tend toward

moving toward people, relationships do not work out. Then Kat thought about

how much more challenging it would be if one partner tended to move away or

against people. It was then that she recalled the three measures that might be

used if there is tendency in one partner to move away:

Tackle Tension-The person who decides to enter a relationship and has that

tendency to move away, needs first and foremost be prepared to tackle some

tension. It will be uncomfortable and therefore he/she must find ways to deal

with the tension when it arises in a new way that will not sabotage the current


Take Training-In connection, as a natural follow through, is the willingness to

take training. That training to appreciate that what the tension is, is a change in

arousal state, an increase in adrenaline that prepares him/her for flight. All that

is needed is to be able in that moment to do something productive that will

help release or decrease the adrenaline. The idea is to find an activity that will

not sabotage the relationship. Trust building exercises are also helpful.

Talk Together-This tendency developed over time and therefore it might be

helpful to talk with the partner, so that they can support efforts.

But after all is said and done, no change will hold unless the person has some real

internal motivation to change. This motivation must be tackled while it is there and

the above applied if any progress is to be made.


One big underground topic in organizations among cohort employees that is a

part of moving against people, is workplace bullying. This occurs at a staggering

rate and results in companies losing human resources and credibility. Yet many

go along and suffer in silence. To address this aspect of moving against people

in the workplace:

Breathe–It is best for the target to remain mindful that whatever is being

done or not done to frustrate them at work, is as a result of the bully doing

all they deem necessary to make sure the target pays for some perceived

wrong. No constructive action can be taken without remaining calm. The first

measure then is to monitor breathing and keep breathing in such a way that

the stomach moves and not the chest area. Movement of the chest area is a

reflection of shallow arousal breathing.

Understand-No matter how extreme and/or unfair the behaviours, the bully

is convinced it is deserved. Therefore attempts at reasoning are futile and

any consideration is usually fake and feigned. Once this is understood efforts

are not wasted on actions that will see no change.

Learn-Learn self-protective behaviours quickly and get into action. It might

involve record-keeping, remaining silence unless in the presence of some

witness, or even working to-rule. Also learn more self-care methods and then

apply them vigorously. Bullying is not good for a persons health.

Level-The bully attacks fast and furious and has few if any limits. It is then up

to the target to find ways to level the playing field. Survey what is happening

and then take action. Leveling the field includes leaving the company for

some people.

Yield-Accept that there are thongs out of your control!

Again human dynamics are intricate. The thing is that behaviours usually occur

on a continuum. They are viewed as productive or counter-productive based

on how extreme it is along the continuum. And so it is important to really get

that people who move towards people when applying wisdom know when

and/or how to move away from some persons. They also get to the idea that at

times it might even be necessary to move against some persons, not in the

sense of attacking the person, but working to prevent some of the might be

impacts of the negative behaviours that the persons are engaging in.

It is then helpful for reporting officers to support their bosses at times. There is

the odd time when a boss is so committed to moving towards persons that

even when needed the necessary steps are not taken to move against office

behaviours that are impacting staff negatively. It is helpful then to:

Recognize-Appreciate the orientation of the boss and desist from nagging.

Report-It is imperative though to report the behaviors. Be sure to have hard

examples before reporting.

Register-Be proactive. There are steps that can be taken on a direct report

level to improve the situation. Take those steps and then register them with

the boss. Given their orientation they might not indicate but actually be

very much appreciative of the support.

Reflect-While there are some things that are outside the jurisdiction of a

direct report, a boss with this orientation is hardly likely to frown upon a

well put workable suggestion.

In situations like these a systems approach and good team work are essential.


Kat and her friends enjoyed guy watching, really watching what they called the

oh so cute guys.

When it comes to the physical self, can anyone say Money, Money and More

Money. By far across the world this is one aspect of self that is given very high

importance. What is interesting though is how over time the industry has been

able to work more in the area of physical self-improvements. One wonders. One

must surely wonder.

This part of us though has a high level of uncontrollable factors. And while it is a

standard now that man can re-create his physical self into the preferred look,

one wonders at what this says in the psyche of man. Is the new psyche that we

work to be our best physical selves? If this is so, then one wonders again, is it

then now standard to be comfortable with being dis-satisfied with some aspect

of the physical self, once there is the opportunity to alter it to the satisfaction of

the person. So is it that we are now more satisfied with our physical self? Is it that

we have developed a ready-made dis-satisfaction action plan? Is it that now

there is no such thing as being dis-satisfied with the physical self? And this

would be because we now enter the world knowing it is either a) be satisfied or

b) accept dis-satisfaction and use the action plan to experience satisfaction.

Surely when it comes to the physical self, we are now in very interesting times.

Times that have crept upon us so incrementally that we have taken no time to

consider what it really means. But trust if a girl child begins crying because she

does not like herself and it causes problems and her mom who incidentally has

had jobs done, seeks to reassure her, and it fails, then thoughts are given to the

above. Yet with changing times it demands that we consider what it means for

how we interact ethically with those who are newly arrived.

That image that stares back at us in the mirror, is all in the eyes of the beholder.

Whatever we see reflected is a reflection of:

Single–Some people are near-sighted and some are far-sighted and their

glasses are prescribed accordingly. With regards to the self-image, we are

either single-sighted or whole-sighted. For those who are whole sighted the

reflection in the mirror is a reflection of a human being. For these persons

their outward style tend to reflect their individuality in some way. For those

who are single-sighted, their physical self is the be-all-and-end-all of their

existence. The way they look is what they are. Needless to say there is a kind

of obsessive focus on self-presentation.

Enemy-Sometimes as a result of an abuse upon the physical being, this part

of the self becomes the enemy. This puts the person at increased risk for self

-harm, anorexia/bulimia and other such behaviours.

Lifeline-Happy feelings can endure when taking in the reflection, when it is

the one thing among other disappointing aspects of self, the brings a sense

of satisfaction. In such cases, the person might be considered beautiful by

societal standards. Although it is a source of pleasure, here it is a hindrance

to the person experiencing a more meaningful life.

Fail-factor-On the opposite end, the reflection might also be the one and

only aspect of the self considered to be failing. Here the person usually finds

means of compensation. The good thing is that there is now easy access to

remedy any perceived fault. But for this person though the pervasive sense

of insecurity, creates an anxiety factor in their life, that is always with them.


Re-imaging is often a long and tedious but worthwhile task. It involves:

Search-Searching out all those likeable traits that come together to make up

the entire being that is seen in the mirror. Interestingly, enough this sounds

so simple, yet it is so often difficult for persons to easily flow with their

strengths in all areas. But once this is done and held it helps to keep that

much needed balance in our ‘outward-looking’ society.

Empty-Other times it is a case of out with the old and in with the new. This

is when there is a lot of negativity. And one actually now must discover how

to let go of that way of seeing the self and fill up on new ways of seeing the

self. An easy exercise is to have another act as the mirror and reflect or tell all

the positive things that they see.

Leverage-The way to turn the negative lifeline image around, is to flip it to

leverage. Already there is an appreciation of the existing physical strengths,

so take the time and acknowledge them. Of course this will not be tough.

From there now think about expanding available assets. Make it fun, and

think through other aspects of self that others have identified before. Pick up

a hobby around this strength which would then allow for others to now

move the primary focus away from the physical and toward this other aspect

of the self.

Foster-Re-imaging is at its base an exercise in developing self-love. To be

effective then deliberate foster self-love by engaging in activities that help to

celebrate different parts of the self. Do things that soothe, relax, energize,

help to encourage or motivate the self and that have positive results for you

and your loved ones.

Kat found herself recalling some of the popular quotes from As A Man Thinketh

by James Allen. One in particular that always stood out for her was:

“A man’s mind may be likened to a garden, which may be intelligently

cultivated or allowed to run wild; but whether cultivated or neglected, it

must, and will, bring forth. If no useful seeds are put into it, then an

abundance of useless weed-seeds will fall therein, and will continue to

produce their kind.”

Kat appreciated hot the quote reminded her to be the gatekeeper of her mental

garden as it were. It also highlighted the plight of many, who go about their day

to day tasks, neglecting to either recognize or remember to be the gatekeeper of

their mental gardens. The result is that some of their efforts ultimately end up

being undone. The reason being that all things are created first and foremost in

the mind.

People hardly really understand just how powerful the mind is, and that is why

Mind Control is such a powerful manipulative reality. Ironically, it is a reality that

takes place while people go through life as if in a dream. And so many without

realizing it, give their lives over to others. Many men are not even living their

own lives but that crafted by someone else.

Self-Perception is the key that unlocks the doors for outward manifestations in

all arears of a person’s life.

Kat took some time to consider how she was doing in this area.


Another name for Self-Perception is Self-Thought. Self-Thought either works

for us or against us.

Taking-Our thoughts might without even realizing it take away from us the

capacity to produce our finest and best.

Transforming-Our thoughts have power to point the way to the things that

need to be done to shape our lives for the best possible results.

Hindering-Our thoughts might create road-blocks along a road that other-

wise seems quite clear.

Harvesting-Our thoughts are able to help us navigate a difficult course or

period in life and yield extremely positive results.

Outdating-Our thoughts might act like a broken record keeping us locked

in the past.

Ordering-Our thoughts might help direct our lives by expanding on what

we thought we were capable of with every new experience.

Undervaluing-Our thoughts might overemphasize our weaknesses.

Utilizing-Our thoughts might help us use our strengths well.

Gravitating-Our thoughts might create depressing feelings.

Guarding-Our thoughts might help us to think about how we think.

Hitting-Our thoughts might be abusing and hurting our social life.

Hoping-Our thoughts might fuel us with optimism.

Taxing-Our thoughts might be draining our energy.

Tiding-Our thoughts might help bring order to a messy situation.

Kat and her friends were having a fun time hanging out. They were particularly

taking pleasure in exchanging parent stories. It led her later to thinking about

the way people relate across generations. In this way culture also speaks to that

family culture that develops, the way that communications take place between

the members both verbal and non-verbal. The subtle unspoken understanding

when a particular word, tone or name is used.

Some of this we are aware of. It was this awareness that provided the laughs

when Kat met with her friends that evening. But then there are those that are

ever present and some members might be aware of while from others it remains


Whether aware or not, we are impacted both in a negative and positive way and

there is always room for improvement.

There is an aspect of this type of relations that makes it extra tricky. If there is to

be any adjustments it requires that the members make the adjustment and yet

the members operate within a system. Understanding systems is to understand

that systems maintain themselves. And so if one or more members attempt to

do anything new, it is a systems law that one or more members will behave in

such a way to help keep things just as they are. It is this type of dynamic that at

times frustrates members who try to introduce new positive ways into the family

system. And as such, a very common part of this type of relation is the trend to

cut off family members and start anew.

Now while it might be positively impactful at times to reduce contact for some

period and then slowly re-engage, to totally cut off members is unproductive

for it introduces the moving away from people paradigm in its extreme.


It is held by some that the initial inter-generational interaction between parent and

child forms the blueprint for the partner the adult eventually selects. Modern views

might suggest that it is the most prominent adult figure be it parent or other the

creates this blueprint. Either way what is a regrettably common occurring dynamic

is that, the person who develops and maintain an issue with a parent be it the

mother or father will unknowingly and unwittingly select a partner with the exact

traits that they do not like. Often that person wakes up to find that they and their

spouse have become his/her parents. And so an inter-generational pattern is born.

Unfortunately though this is not one that is pleasant. In fact it is a pattern that

tends to often decrease the making of healthy relationships. In such cases, the one

who was selected, was selected as a sort of parent replacement. Such situations are

remedied if there is a move to:

Inspect the factors that really led to choosing of the partner. This is sometimes

grueling but it is the only way to open the gateway to release from negative

emotional ties that have shown up in the current relationship.

Navigate the course of the current relationship by considering what are the

traits that are unique to the partner. Traits that do not tie the partner to the


Travel back in time and recall how the relationship dynamics played out. Then

travel again to the present and search for differences in your relationship.

Educate yourself now very deliberately on how to build healthy relationships.

Look for couples that display aspects of what you would desire.

Re-create now the current relationship based on what you value and want for

your relationship as opposed to it being a current reincarnation of the past.

Kat had just signed her final book, the book signing was finished. Next they were

moving toward the area set up for discussions. As Kat walked toward this area

she thought of how many times ‘The Curious Kat’ could have been but was

not. She thought too about how it almost never came to be for there was this

pull for months but she kept pushing it aside. She had to ask herself some tough

questions then, the main being, what was her real objective? Once Kat kept at the

fore front her guiding mission, she realized the book was destined to be created.

The mid-morning discussions went well. It was an interesting exchange and Kat

learned as much from the persons present as they seemed to from her.

This led Kat to feeling a deep sense of awe now at how there is always this on-

going Universal flow of energy. Too often many forget that nothing is ever one

way or unidirectional. We impact each other.

It was a rainy evening. Kat took to the verandah with her cup of tea in hand, she

was enjoying the evening as she looked at the relaxing raindrops. Reflecting how

the raindrops did its job of refreshing and nourishing the plants as it hit upon the

lush green leaves and the rich brown of the earth.

And is it not true for us all, that we too like raindrops have the potential to enrich

our world. We have the potential to use our talents, skills, training, expertise to

nourish and refresh our world in some way. Helping it to move in the along in the

most positive progressive way possible.

Kat could only hope that in some small measure this is what ‘The Curious Kat’

might do now and continue to do in the future. She smiled and released all

thoughts of the book now freeing it to go where needs be.

As Kat lay now in bed, she took a moment to remember all who contributed to

her being and felt a rush of happiness. With these thoughts Kat ushered in her

much needed rest to embrace fully the new day.

