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Welcome to 6-Figure University, a comprehensive and focused “higher education” for mission-driven entrepreneurs who want a

business that serves them, not owns them.

THE CORE BELIEF OF 6-FIGURE UNIVERSITY If you consciously choose it, it is possible to have significant financial abundance while working part-time.

For some this is 3 or 4 days a week. For others it means summers off or lots and lots of long weekends. Whatever vision of freedom you saw when you chose to enter the roller-coaster world of being your own boss, we are here to help you see it through with ease and grace. In fact, we call this Part-Time Profit Path™ Mastery.

Lisa Cherney, the Founder of the University, has put together a group of Deep Dive Training Programs designed for the specific purpose of providing entrepreneurs the precise skills they need to make $100,000 a year and more, year after year with as little time investment as possible. In 6-Figure University she has stripped away the costly distractions that entrepreneurs fall prey to, leaving behind a program that teaches ONLY the essential skills required to make a big impact and big money.

She has combined the Deep Dive Training with eight other necessary elements that she knows ensures business owners stay ON course and OUT of their own way!

1. Community Support 2. Private Coaching 3. In-Person Training 4. Q&A Opportunities

5. Masterminding 6. Mentorship 7. Collaboration

8. Accountability

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HOW CAN I PARTICIPATE? The 6-Figure University campus features two levels of participation. The majority of memberships available are in the 6-Figure U Main Campus while a small elite group can be a part of Lisa’s 6-Figure U Inner Circle.

THE MAIN CAMPUS The Main Campus of 6-Figure University is for new or established businesses wanting a Part-Time Profit Path™ makeover. You can be a new coach just getting started or a seasoned consultant looking to stop trading hours for dollars or offer a new category of product or service. Or, you may be in a category in between.

The Deep Dive, Training Programs of 6-Figure University cover the following skillsets:

1. Marketing message clarity and focused strategy 2. Selling skills to easily convert conversations into clients 3. Group program development to impact more people 4. Speaking & Lead Generation strategies 5. Using Online Business tools to be more efficient and reach more people

These are the exact skills Lisa Cherney mastered to go from $80K a year and 80 hours a week to a multiple 6-Figure income working 3-4 days a week. Up until 2012, these skills in this combination, with this philosophy, were only available to a small group of Lisa’s private mentorship clients.

Now, with the founding of 6-Figure University, The Part-Time Profit Path Mastery Training is available for the first time to qualified mission-driven business owners ready to consciously choose a 6-Figure, Part-Time business.

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However, well beyond business skills, is the central element of 6-Figure University:

Peaceful Prosperity Practices™

The Peaceful Prosperity Practices™ are about mastering the art of balancing head and heart, strategy and spirit. Through these practices, we acknowledge that logic only gets us so far and then the need for intuition kicks in. In fact, the underpinning of the entire 6-Figure University program is about maximizing inner and outer alignment to maximize income and impact.

You can be sure these Practices are for you if you’re ready to hear this greater truth:

If your business does not feel good, it is unlikely it will evolve into your vision of freedom and success, and instead may wind up feeling like just another J.O.B.

Specific Practices will be taught several times a year during special training calls and at the Live Weekend Labs.

WHAT WILL MY SUCCESS BE? This will depend largely on the action you take. If you have that fire in your belly and a willingness to seek support when things aren’t burning as hot as you would like, the sky is the limit.

By now, you have heard the stories of success from many of my clients and have a rainbow of examples to look at and find yourself.

Depending on where you are starting from, in one year you can have a business solidly poised to reach 6-Figures in record time. You may also start seeing those zeros added to your income within 9 months or less. Whatever the case, you will feel like you have a solid, tangible, highly monetized business that you most desire.

WHAT WILL WE DO? We will be a team, working together to support each other’s success. We will laugh a lot and work consistently toward your goals. The University program is structured in such a way that we will be connecting in some way at least once a week.

If it is not on a Deep Dive training call, it could be through office hours with your Professors or on a campus-wide Masterminding & Mentoring call with me. Then a couple times a year we will come together in person for Weekend Labs to practice our skills, learn new ones, mastermind in small groups and create connections that launch business and lifetime friendships.

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5 Deep Dive Courses

The Deep Dive Courses last several weeks to maximize integration and utilization of your new skills. Lisa Cherney, Lead Professor & President of 6-Figure University teaches three out of five of the courses and will be assisted by the 6-Figure University Faculty including Professor Kim Carpenter and Professor Jane Garee. Natasha Allrich is Lead Professor for Converting Conversations to Clients.

Each semester two of the courses will be taught live and you can choose which one you want to take. However, the other courses, though not taught live that semester, will still be available for self-paced study anytime on the 6-Figure University Learning Hub. The Online Business Basics course, prepared for 2013 by Lead Professor Laurie Cantus, is only available via self-paced study due to the detailed and technical nature of the information.

In other words, the mission critical Deep Dive courses are available for you to take at your pace, on your schedule, at your convenience – a Hallmark of 6-Figure University and the part-time lifestyle that is your goal.


6 Vouchers for 30-Minute One-on-One Coaching Sessions

Specialized private coaching sessions are available with the 6-Figure University’s expert faculty and can be scheduled anytime you need it with our easy automated system.


2 Live Part-Time Profit Path™ Weekend Labs

There is nothing like being together in person! These Labs will offer time to practice key skills learned in Deep Dive Course (like 1:1 selling), offer new training elements that the group needs and provide time for connecting in small groups for breakthrough mastermind sessions. (The Labs are in March & September and will be audio recorded in case you can’t attend.)


10 Monthly Group Mentoring & Mastermind Calls w/Lisa Cherney

These powerful calls are led by the President of 6-Figure University, Lisa Cherney and will be split between individual in-depth “Love Seat” support and small group masterminding, assisted by special conference

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Get Support Exactly When You Need It! On YOUR Schedule.

What if you want to start growing your business now using speaking, but the Speaking & Lead Generation Deep Dive program is not being taught live until the 2nd semester?

No problem! The training resources will be available on the 6-Figure University Learning Hub for self-study at any time.

What if you need 1:1 support right now to get over a hump or to make a big scary move? You can schedule your private coaching anytime with whichever Professor you want by jumping online to our automated system.

What if you have to miss a Deep Dive training call or one of the monthly Mentoring & Masterminding calls with Lisa? All the calls are recorded and available within 24 hours for download or replay. And transcripts are available within a week. And you can even go to the University Facebook group to catch the live

chat that happened during the call and really feel like you were there!

line technology that will divide callers into small groups. These calls are once a month for the months when we don’t have in-person Weekend Labs. (March & September)


10 Monthly Group Office Hours Call

Calls are once a month for the months when we do not have in-person Weekend Labs Questions can be submitted prior and when time allows live questions will be addressed as well. Core faculty will be on every call with the addition of special “Guest Professors” with expertise on video, online launching, copywriting, accounting, etc. A schedule will be made available so you are aware of guests.


Campus Clubs & University Facebook Group

6-Figure U Clubs will be formed based on industry, ideal client group or interest. These Clubs are optional and are intended to facilitate and accelerate partnering for referrals, launches, connections, list building and service swapping. Clubs alone can be responsible for exponential list and income growth, and will be organized around interest areas (i.e. Telesummits, Marketing to Women, Book Publishing, etc.) or by the type of business, you have (i.e. coaching, holistic practitioner, consultants, etc.) Don’t worry, we’ll help you figure out where you belong!

Our University Facebook Group will be like the ‘campus quad’ where there is always someone hanging out willing to study with you, commiserate with you, celebrate your accomplishments and lend a hand in any way you need.

On your path to full time prosperity and part-time hours at 6-Figure University, you will never be alone.

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Here is a sample of what your Training & Conditioning year could look like. You decide what YOU choose to study and when:

Note: There are two Deep Dive Courses taught live each semester. One of the two has been chosen for this sample schedule, but you are free to switch the order to best suit your needs – a special feature of 6-Figure University.

Online Business Basics

This Deep Dive course is SELF-STUDY step-by-step training that is ready when you are! See the Deep Dive Course Overview below for the hot topics that will be covered. This course was especially designed for members that are not ‘techy’ but want to utilize the power of doing business online.

Semester Month Training & Conditioning*

1 Jan Juicy Marketing

1 Feb Juicy Marketing


Peaceful Prosperity™ Practice #1

2 April Creating Group Programs

2 May Creating Group Programs

June Peaceful Prosperity™ Practice #2

3 July Convert Conversations to Clients

3 Aug Convert Conversations to Clients


Peaceful Prosperity™ Practice #3

4 Oct Speaking & Lead Generation

4 Nov Speaking & Lead Generation


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Power up Your Team, Power up Your Profits Visiting Professor – Beth Schneider

Everyone says you SHOULD delegate – but no one shows you exactly how. Beth will show you HOW to delegate properly so you can grow your business more quickly and easily—with half the stress and effort! Learn how to:

• Make sure you are giving away the right things. So you only get high quality results.

• Identify your natural delegation style and use it to your advantage. (Stop trying to take your square delegation style and push it through a round hole!)

• Prioritize and set a budget so you’re getting the help you need at a price you can afford (even if you think you can’t afford ANY help).

• Create systems that make even complicated tasks and projects truly easy to follow.

• Keep your team on track and you in the know in as little as 15 minutes as week. (No need to waste your time micromanaging)

• Get started delegating even if you have no one to delegate to!

($1000 value)


Creating Successful Telesummits - Cash In & Build Your List Visiting Professor – Anastasia Netri

Everyone says you need to build a list, but few show you a way create a list of 1000s of ideal clients within months while elevating your credibility and making money! Anastasia will guide you step-by- step to create a powerful and profitable multi-speaker telesummit.

• Building the right list (How to choose a telesummit topic that will attract the right people)

• Your telesummit business model (How to monetize your telesummit)

• Creating your telesummit website (Get all the templates you need to create a beautiful website)

• Approaching speakers (How to approach speakers and get the right people to say yes)

• The speaker packet (Create a speaker packet with all the emails and promotional materials that your speakers need so you get the most signups for your telesummit)

• Promoting your telesummit (Learn the different ways to promote a telesummit that keeps the opt ins coming!)

• How to host your telesummit (Learn secrets to keeping your people engaged, keep sales high, and having the whole thing run smoothly)

($1000 value)

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Private 1:1 “Mission Booster” Mentorship Call with Lisa Cherney

In this powerful 30-Min session, you will get a personal injection of rocket fuel that will take you 10 steps ahead, and closer to your 6-Figure+ vision. You will be seen, resistance will melt away and custom strategies will be birthed for maximum results and minimum effort! Calls will be scheduled in March, April & May.

The 2013 Tuition for 6-Figure University is $11,289 The comprehensive program that is 6-Figure University is an investment that will pay you back year after year in both financial and lifestyle abundance. If you choose to pay up-front in one payment you can save over $1300, bringing membership in 6-Figure University to just $9987. See application for details.


Full access to your 6-Figure University benefits begin January 2013, however your Orientation Program will begin immediately in December 2012.

Acceptance is first come first served. Once all spots are filled, 6-Figure University will close this year’s enrollment to new members.

Joint Membership for partners and couples is not available for 6-Figure University, however you are welcome to join as individuals. Or, consider membership in the Inner Circle instead.

This is a 12-month, non-cancellable commitment. There are absolutely no refunds or cancellations and you are legally and financially responsible for the FULL payment of the program.

The application is waiting, your support system is waiting, and so is the 6-Figure+ part-time business you desire. The next step is yours.

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6-FIGURE UNIVERSITY DEEP DIVE COURSE OVERVIEW Each of the five 7-Week courses is a value of $7500 (for a total value of $37,500) and includes:

1. Weekly Interactive LIVE Sessions via phone that include teaching, opportunities for questions and peer feedback. It’s like having a team with you every step of the way.

2. Hands-On Interactive Program that includes live small group sessions combined with structured weekly assignments, audio lessons, step-by-step worksheets and easy-to-follow templates so you get what you need for maximum transformation and monetization.

3. Private 6-Figure University Learning Hub makes for easy interaction with your Professor, downloading of materials, peer support, direct feedback & masterminding.


Stand Out & Be Juicy™ Magnetize Your Marketing Blueprint Program

• Add thousands of dollars to your bottom line by claiming your Ideal Client(s). (Focus your marketing on the ones who are ready, so you to maximize time, effort & income!)

• Communicate your unique approach using a step-by-step method for finding the perfect words for ANY and all marketing needs.

• A Rockin’ New Expert Title, Program or Company Tagline. NEVER have any comparison to any “competition” ever! Say good-bye to “Life Coach” or “Business Consultant” or whatever standard title everyone else in your industry uses!

• Attract tons of your Ideal Clients by using powerful marketing strategies that fit any budget.

• Articulate the outcome of your work with clarity and conviction. This is the #1 thing clients want to know! Get their attention with the result they can expect, and they will invest in themselves through you!

• Market any product, service or business you ever have by implementing this simple system you can use over and over!

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Converting Conversations to Clients™ Feel Good Selling without Sacrificing Your Soul

Finally a system that will teach you step-by-step how to effortlessly, Convert Your Conversations Into Clients. You will learn:

• Exactly what to say without selling your soul or selling yourself short

• How to show up powerfully and ask for the money you deserve with ease and grace

• How to confidently address your prospects concerns and objectives without hesitating on what to say, in fear of losing them as a potential client

• The ‘conversational based’ Strategy Session model that speaks to your unique selling style, in your authentic voice, and keeps your ideal clients interested to hear more about your offers

• What are the magic words to naturally build trust and rapport, and exactly what words to avoid that will create negative triggers in your prospects mind

• How to generate Strategy Sessions, have fun enrolling clients and keep the sales you made

• What to do after the sale to avoid refund requests and retain more clients

• Discover your Unique Sales Personality Style, your strengths and blind spots that may hinder your selling success


Creating Juicy Group Programs that Make Big Money, Get Results & Double Your Time Off

• Transform the genius of your 1:1/hourly work into curriculum for a group program that gets better results then your 1:1 work!

• Determine the best tool to use to deliver each part of your content (audio, worksheets, teaching live, small groups, etc.)

• Learn to appeal to all adult learning styles so the program is not just information, but transformation

• Birth a juicy name and juicy benefits that communicate the value of your program

• Ensure you love teaching the groups as much, if not more, then your private work, by designing the format to fit your strengths and passions

• Learn all the ways to build community in your group so they “get hooked” on the support, lean on each other and exponentially increase their transformation

• Create the perfect kick-off pre-assignment to inspire immediate action and ensure they stick around until the group starts.

• Determine your price and craft a juicy offer that makes you feel confident

• Build in an accountability system so they get stuff done and stay engaged

• Capitalize on your Juicy Marketing expertise and new selling skills to fill the program within weeks! ©2012 Conscious Marketing 10

#4 - Speaking & Lead Generation

How to Use Speaking to Get Clients and Other Simple Lead Generation Systems

• Create a juicy Lead Generating talk that results in dozens of highly qualified prospects asking to talk with you!

• Get tons of resources on where and how to find speaking gigs focused on your Ideal Client group

• Create a Juicy Talk Title and speaker kit that has promoters jumping to book you because they know your talk will bring in tons of participants

• Understand exactly how to modify your talk for teleclasses, telesummits and radio interviews that ensures maximum lead capture

• Create a rockin’ freebie that inspires sign ups and builds your list (including the juicy name, seductive benefits and hot content).

• Maximize all lead generating opportunities by creating a solid follow up process that transforms their interest into an investment in working with you.

• Learn the top 10 ways to capitalize on your juicy freebie and add 100s and 1000s of names to your list in record time


Online Business Basics to Amplify Your Impact This Deep Dive course is SELF-STUDY step-by-step training that is ready when you are! These are techy topics for the non-techy person. Each lesson includes diagrams, videos, checklists, hot links to resources and expert recommendations so you can easily utilize Online Business tools to be more efficient and reach more people

Topics include:

• How to Create a Squeeze Page

• What is a Shopping Cart or Merchant Account?

• How to Host A Teleclass

• Creating a Simple Website

• Choosing a Hub/Forum for Your Group Program

• How to Capture Strategy Session Applications Online

• How to Add An Opt-In Box To Your Website & Grow Your List and more…

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The Inner Circle is for you if you are ready to realize the biggest version of success you can see, and need support to make it a reality. Or it’s for you if you feel you are on the verge of a quantum leap, but don’t see all the details yet and need expert assistance to bring it into the world in record time. You are already making good money, but you may not have a life you love. You feel like the time is now to make a big impact. Inner Circle members are ready to transform any remaining self-doubt into the fuel that will create a quantum leap.

Lisa’s Inner Circle is limited to 8 members only.

WHAT MAKES THE INNER CIRCLE UNIQUE? When you are with Lisa Chreney as mentor and guide in your business, you will always know the truth of any given situation and how to handle it in a way that feels good and teaches you something along the way. She is a master at navigating the ups and downs of business in a way that always yields growth and permanent changes.

Your time in the Inner Circle will not be just about the best strategy, the best system, and the best marketing, it is about the best way to be yourself in your business. The best way to BE in your business. And when you are “being” the best version of you, the doing comes with grace, ease and joy. There is balance and a flow that comes when you are connected to your higher purpose while at the same time connected to Source. This is what Lisa has done, year after year for herself and countless clients and it’s what she shows you how to do for yourself.

WHAT IS THE POSSIBILITY? The result of membership in the Inner Circle is a business where you feel in total alignment in all areas. This means that you will have a flow of money and a flow of time. This means that when you look at your day and see what you are to do you will be excited and joyful.

When Lisa is your mentor and your guide, you will not want to go to any other place for guidance except yourself. You will trust yourself and that will yield unimaginable results. You are on a path of self-discovery like no other you have been, because your business will be at the core of that discovery. Your business will be a reflection of your purpose on the planet at its highest level.

The results are beyond what you can see for your life right now. That is why you join the Inner Circle. To see yourself through Lisa’s eyes of possibility; to embrace your business as the spiritual boot camp for an accelerated path to your highest self and highest version of your gift in the world.

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ALL THE WAYS YOU WILL BE SUPPORTED ONE PRIVATE INDUCTION MEETING WITH LISA It all kicks-off with an extended private 2-hour session (via phone or Skype) where Lisa gets an immediate opportunity to focus 100% of her attention on you, the current state of your business, and more important, your 6 or 7-figure vision for the coming year. Then Lisa adds her vision of possibility with the intention to create maximum flow! Prospective meeting dates are January or February 2013.

10 ONE-ON-ONE PRIVATE MENTORING CALLS Inner Circle members will receive scheduled 45-minute coaching/mentoring calls every month (except when Lisa will be seeing you at a retreat) where you will review your advancement one-on-one, answer questions and ensure you are on track toward your goals. Lisa’s guidance will be strategic and “sourced” to ensure breakthroughs.

ONE PRIVATE MID-YEAR STRATEGIC PLANNING MEETING WITH LISA It’s never too late to course correct. During this 2-hour extended coaching session (via phone or Skype), you will evaluate your progress toward your goals to ensure you are on your intended Profit Path. Prospective mid-year meeting dates are June or July 2013.

TWO PRIVATE INNER CIRCLE RETREATS WITH LISA Two times a year the Inner Circle will come together for these carefully crafted 2 ½-day events featuring in-depth business training as well as structured masterminding. You will also have the opportunity to be featured in the “love seat” for a live personal business makeover. This is where strategy will meet divine guidance. Our prospective meeting dates for the first retreat are during the weeks of March 4th or 11th 2013 and for the second retreat during the weeks of September 16th or 23rd 2013 and will be in Southern, CA. (Dates will be firmed up before mid-January as the locations contracts are finalized.)

10 INNER CIRCLE ONLY SMALL GROUP Q&A / LOVE-SEAT CALLS The calls will answer your questions and provide the opportunity for everyone to have time to receive strategic and intuitive feedback from Lisa. Group masterminding will be highly encouraged, as all members come with their own expertise!

10 SMALL GROUP ACCOUNTABILITY CALLS With your Inner Circle member peer-to-peer to motivate consistent action and support each other outside of the structured, time with Lisa.

EXCLUSIVE DIVINE JUICE INNER CIRCLE FACEBOOK GROUP To interact with other Circle members on a daily (and hourly) basis, ask questions, get feedback, share resources, offer your services, be accountable, celebrate successes (and “failures”) and have each other’s back.

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Be featured to over 15,000 of Lisa’s loyal subscribers!

Lisa will send a solo email to her entire list, featuring only you. She will personally help craft your offer to maximize the opportunity and you will be promoted with her endorsement. The lead generation potential alone can launch any program or product overnight!

(Value: Priceless!)

Inner Circle Only BONUS

Complimentary access to 6 Figure University

Inner Circle members receive Complimentary Access to ALL 6-Figure University

Deep Dive Courses, Bonus Courses, Live Weekend Labs, Office Hours Calls, Mentorship/Mastermind Calls and University Facebook community for 1 full year.

($11,289 value)

The 2013 Tuition for Lisa’s Inner Circle is $34,040 The intimate and enlightening opportunity of the Inner Circle program is an investment that will ensure you leave a legacy. If you choose to pay up-front in one payment you can save over $6000, bringing membership in Lisa’s Inner Circle to just $28,000. See application for details.


Full access to your Inner Circle and 6-Figure University benefits begin January 2013, however your Orientation Program will begin immediately in December 2012.

Applications are considered on a first-come-first-served basis.

Acceptance is contingent upon outcome of a personal interview with Lisa Cherney that will occur within 1 week of receipt of deposit. Once all 8 spots are filled, the Inner Circle will be closed to new members.

Joint Membership for partners or couples focused on one business together is available for the same $34,000 investment.

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It’s time to make a conscious decision…. Is it 6-Figure University Main Campus or is it the Inner Circle?

Are you going to “go it alone” or are you going to fill the gaps in your skills and get the support you need?

Decide what you require to stay on course and arrive in record time (loving life and not burning out). If it’s focused training, private coaching, a juicy community and skills to help you stay out of your own way, then you have found what you’ve been craving.

Only you know if it’s your time and only you know if Lisa is your mentor.

Remember, the investment is in the only sure thing around…YOU!

The options and terms are outlined in the application. There are no refunds or cancellations once you’ve made this commitment to yourself. We won’t let you turn your back on the wide open door you put on your path.

So if this feels good to you, select your campus and then complete the application and scan (or take a photo of it) and email it to by Monday, December 3, 2012 at 1:00 PT.

Your Application must be filled out in its entirety. We will not consider applications with missing information.

Spots in 6-Figure University and the Inner Circle are limited, and applications are considered on a first-come, first-served basis. We look forward to considering you for membership.

To Your Part-Time Profit Path™ Mastery!

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Confidential  Application  for 2013 Membership    




Please,  Tell  Us  about  You    

Today’s  Date:      Name:           Phone:          

Cell  Phone:           Fax:          





Company  Name:          

Street  Address:          

City/Town:       State/Other:          

                 Code:       Country:          



Assistant’s  Name:      

Assistant’s  Phone:      

Assistant’s  Email:      

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1.     Describe  your  business  as  it  is  right  now.  

2.     Briefly   describe  why   YOU   are   a   good   candidate   for   Lisa's   Program   and  what   you   feel   you  would  bring  to  the  group?      

3.    What  is  the  greatest  outcome  you’d  like  to  see  from  joining  this  Program?    


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4.    If  you  could  wave  a  magic  wand  and  change  three  things  in  your  business  or  life  over  the  next  6  months,  what  would  they  be?                                      

 5.    What  is  the  future  vision  for  you  and  your  business?  How  BIG  or  “on  your  terms”  are  you  

willing  to  play?                                        

6.    Who  or  what  do  you  think  are  your  biggest  obstacles  in  reaching  your  current  goals?    


7.  What  was  your  approximate  gross  business  revenue  for  each  of  the  indicated  years?                          (Please  note  this  entire  application  is  completely  CONFIDENTIAL)  

2013  (forecasted)      



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6-­‐Figure  University  Payment  Options  OPTION  1:  Secure  my  spot  via  a  $2,500  deposit  and  divide  the  remainder  of  my  tuition  into  11  equal  monthly  payments  of  $799  beginning  January  5,  2013  and  continuing  through  November  5,  2013.  

OPTION  2:  Pay  for  the  year  in  full  up-­‐front  at  $9987  and  save  over  $1,300.  If  you  select  this  option,  secure   your   spot   with   full   payment   via   credit   card(s)   immediately.     Or   pay   a   $2,500   deposit  immediately  and  we  will  accept   the  remaining  balance  via  credit  card,  check  or  wire  within  5  days.  The  full  payment  is  due  within  5  days  of  receipt  of  deposit  and  will  be  processed  on  the  primary  card  indicated  below.    

Lisa’s  Inner  Circle  Payment  Options  OPTION  1:  Secure  my  spot  via  a  $5,000  deposit  and  divide  the  remainder  of  my  tuition  into  11  equal  monthly  payments  of  $2,640  beginning  January  5,  2013  and  continuing  through  November  5,  2013.  

OPTION  2:  Pay  for  the  full  year  up-­‐front  at  $28,000*  and  save  over  $6,000.  If  you  select  this  option,  secure  your  spot  with  a  $5,000  deposit  immediately  and  we  will  accept  a  check  or  provide  you  with  wiring  instructions  for  the  balance.  The  full  payment  is  due  within  2  weeks  of  receipt  of  deposit.  

NOTE: Anyone who applies for Inner Circle and is not accepted will be given priority membership into 6-Figure University.

* Only check or wire will be accepted for pay up-front options for Inner Circle. NO CREDIT CARDS. Up-front Payments for Inner Circle must be received by December 14, 2012 or the payment plan option will go into effect.  IF  MORE  THAN  ONE  CARD  IS  LISTED  WE  WILL  DIVIDE  PAYMENT  AMONG  THESE  CARDS.  IF  YOU  OPTED  FOR  MONTHLY  PAYMENTS,  LIST  A  2ND  CARD  FOR  US  TO  KEEP  ON  FILE  AS  BACKUP.  

CHOOSE  ONE:                  “I’M  PAYING  IN  FULL  TODAY”                      “  I’M  GIVING  A  DEPOSIT  ONLY  TODAY”    

PRIMARY  CARD:  (CIRCLE  ONE  )    AMEX    VISA    MC    DISCOVER      CARD  NUMBER:        ___________  -­‐  ___________  -­‐  ____________  -­‐  ___________    EXPIRATION  DATE:  _________________    V  CODE:_____________      SECONDARY  CARD:  (CIRCLE  ONE  )    AMEX    VISA    MC    DISCOVER      CARD  NUMBER:        ___________  -­‐  ___________  -­‐  ____________  -­‐  ___________    EXPIRATION  DATE:  _________________    V  CODE:_____________  


(CHECKS  NOT  ACCEPTED  FOR  MONTHLY  PAYMENTS)  You, the buyer, may cancel this agreement without penalty at any time prior to midnight on the third business day after the date of this

transaction. See Cancellation Notice on reverse side of agreement for explanation of this right.

Please  sign,  scan  and  email  application  to  by  Dec  3rd  at  1:00  PT.  We  also  recommend  calling  to  make  sure  we  received  it  and  ensure  your  spot  is  held.    

Conscious Marketing, Inc., 27 Ironwood, Mission Viejo, CA, 92692

42-­‐I-­‐AM-­‐JUICE  (424-­‐265-­‐8423)  ■ ■

©2012 Conscious Marketing 19

6-­‐Figure  University  tInner  Circle  Mentorship      Participant  Agreement  

By   signing  where   indicated   below,   you   irrevocably   agree that, if Conscious Marketing, Inc., (the "Company" or "we/us") approves your application and accepts you as a 2012 Inner Circle Mentorship Program (the "Program") participant or into 6-Figure University, then this Program Participant Agreement (the "Agreement") automatically becomes a binding contract between you and the Company, and applies to your participation in the applicable Program. By signing below, you are acknowledging that you have read, agree to and accept all of the terms and conditions contained in this Agreement. We may amend this Agreement at any time by sending you a revised version at the address you provided above. By completing the Application and signing below, you authorize the Company to charge your credit or debit card, or cash your check, as indicated above, as payment for your membership in the Program, if the Company approves your Application and accepts you into the applicable Program. Furthermore, you agree that if you are accepted into one or both of our Programs, you are responsible for full payment of fees for the entire 12-month course of the Program, regardless of whether you actually attend or complete the Program, and regardless of whether you have selected a lump sum or monthly payment plan. To further clarify, no refunds will be issued and all monthly payments must be paid on a timely basis. If a monthly payment becomes more than 30 days late, the entire balance becomes due and payable immediately at day 31. We are committed to providing all Program participants with a positive Program experience. By signing below, you agree that the Company may, at its sole discretion, terminate this agreement, and limit, suspend, or terminate your participation in the Program without refund or forgiveness of remaining monthly payments if you become disruptive or difficult to work with, if you fail to follow the Program guidelines, or if you impair the participation of Program instructors or participants in the Program. We respect your privacy and must insist that you respect the privacy of fellow Program participants. By signing below, you agree not to violate the publicity or privacy rights of any Program participant. We respect your confidential and proprietary information ideas, plans and trade secrets (collectively, "Confidential Information") and must insist that you respect the same rights of fellow Program participants and of the Company. By signing below, you agree (1) not to infringe any Program- participants or the Company's copyright, patent, trademark, trade secret or other intellectual property rights, (2) that any Confidential Information shared by Program participants or any representative of the Company is confidential and Proprietary, and belongs solely and exclusively to the Participant who discloses it or the Company, (3) you agree not to disclose such information to any other person or use it in any manner other than in discussion with other Program participants during Program sessions. By signing below, you further agree that (4) all materials and information provided to you by the Company are its confidential and proprietary intellectual property belong solely and exclusively to the Company, and may only be used by you as authorized by the Company, and (5) the reproduction, distribution and sale of these materials by anyone but the Company is strictly prohibited. Further, by signing below, you agree that, if you violate, or display any likelihood of violating, any of your agreements contained in this paragraph the Company and/or the other Program participant(s) will be entitled to injunctive relief to prohibit any such violations to protect against the harm of such violations. We have made every effort to accurately represent the Programs and their potential. Claims of actual earnings can be verified and examples of actual results can be provided, upon request. The testimonials and examples used are not intended to represent or guarantee that anyone will achieve the same or similar results. Each individual's success depends on many factors, including his or her background, dedication, desire, and motivation. By signing below, you acknowledge that as with any business endeavor, there is an inherent risk of loss of capital and there is no guarantee that you will earn any money as a result of your participation in our Programs. By signing below, you also acknowledge that you have represented to the Company that payment of your Program(s) membership fees will not place a significant financial burden on you or your family.


Print  Name        Date  



Thank you for your application and agreement. We will personally review it, and a staff member of 6-Figure University and the Inner Circle Mentorship Program will contact you within 7 business days via email or phone to let you know if for some reason you are not approved. If you are not approved, we will not process your deposit or payment in full for the amount indicated above.

Please  sign,  scan  and  email  application  to  by  Dec  3rd  at  1:00  PT.  

We  also  recommend  calling  to  make  sure  we  received  it  and  ensure  your  spot  is  held.    

©2012 Conscious Marketing 20



                  ______________________________                 Buyer’s  Signature                  

Print  Name:  ___________________________________  

              Address:  _______________________________________  


              Telephone:  _____________________________________    


©2012 Conscious Marketing 21
