The Catalogue! - Separation · 500 ml P30-3301 P30-3302 Fetal Bovine Serum Premium Forte, South...


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T h e C at a l o g u e !

Solutions at PAN-Biotech

Customer request



Business /





We are not


products, but


Solutions !!!

Upscaling (3L reactor)

Technology transfer

Pilot plant


Dear valued Customer

We think that the current biotech indus-try favors experienced, mid-sized and lexible producers with a broad product portfolio, strong research and development capabilities, best-in-class quality, strong business partner relationships and a wide geographic reach. Since 1988 PAN-Biotech has demonstrated its strength with innovati-ve, irst-class quality products and excellent services for cell culture around the globe.

For you, as users and customers of cell culture products, the supply situation has changed rapidly in the last two years. Due to several mergers and acquisitions of bigger as well as smaller companies there were frictions and changes in supply chains. he customer problems and frustrations were highlighted with the question(s):Can you deliver / support us / rescue our production...? YES, WE CAN !

We can supply FBS, media, reagents and all other products presented in this catalogue!We can support you! We can develop and optimise your media and we can do much more...

Our market prediction for the next years are more frictions and turbulences. Some of the recent acquisitions went through the same route: logistic changes, lack of customer responsiveness,

delivery problems, price increases, intranspa-rency and so on. he overall results for custo-mers are a limited choice of vendors and huge international conglomerates with reduced customer service.

PAN-Biotech still remains as one of a few privately owned, ownership managed compa-nies. We value our customers, we value their needs and requirements, we value product quality, we value openness and transparency, we value service and commitments, we value trust and partnership. We followed along these values for the last 28 years and we ensure to keep these values for the future.

We thank all our existing customers, our dedicated and highly motivated staf and our suppliers and industry partners who made possible

Since 1988 Biotech made in Germany by


And we cordially welcome all our new customers, OEM partners and interes-ted international distributors as well as new business partners. We guarantee you the values described above and our personal commitment for excellent products and services.

Your PAN-Biotech Team! Page 3

How to use this catalogue

www.pan-biotech.comPage 4

Rapid Product Search can be performed by

• Examiningthetableofcontentsshownatthe beginning of this catalogue

• Studyingtheindividualchapterindexpage• Usingthealphabeticalindexshownattheendofthis


Please note additional information

• Footnotes: Products with red coloured footnotes are are either usually on stock, the minimum order is 20 pieces or are available upon request as the following example illustrates (example 1).

Bovine Serum Albumin (BSA) Low Endotoxin(1) 10 g50 g


Example 1:

(1) usually on stock

(2) minimum order 20 pieces

(3) available upon request

Fetal Bovine Serum Biotech, Australia origin, tested acc. EMEA 1793 and Ph. Eur. 2262*

100 ml500 ml


Example 2:

* tested upon request and produced ater receipt of order

Our website has an extended search function enabling you to ind all available products, product information, various protocols, certiicate of analysis.

Should you have any further questions than please feel free to contact our customer service.

• Notes below tables: Below some table are additional information to certain products marked with a star * (shown in example 2) Page 5

How to use this catalogue

Liquid media from PAN-Biotech do not include antibiotics, serum supplements and oten none L-Glutamine as well. his refers to the increase of the retention period and gives media more lexible application possibilities.

Supplements of liquid media

Liquid media Adding L-Glutamine solution

(200 mM)




DMEM 20.0

DMEM/F-12 12.5

Glasgow MEM 10.0

IMDM 20.0

L-15 10.25

McCoy`s 5A 7.5

M-199 EBSS 3.4

M-199 HBSS 3.4

MEM 10.0

Ham`s F10 5.0

Ham`s F12 5.0

RPMI-1640 10.25

Should L-Glutamine be necessary, we recommend to use the 200 mM solution.

www.pan-biotech.comPage 6

Since 1988 individual customer focus

and dedication

PAN-Biotech Page 7


1 Sera

IntroductionFetal Bovine SeraSpecial Fetal Bovine SeraFetal Bovine Serum BiotechTreated SeraBovine SeraFBS Good Product FamilySerum ServicesOther Animal SeraBSASerum TestingCertiicates Human SeraHSA

8 - 25


2 Serum-free Systems

Introduction Helping handSerum SubstitutesSerum-free Media

26 - 47

27 293033

3 Media

IntroductionCell Culture MediaCell Speciic Media

48 - 95


4 Serum-free Stem Cell Media

IntroductionProduct NumbersStem Cell Media

96 - 109


5 Reagents

IntroductionMedia SupplementsBufered Salt SolutionAmino Acids and VitaminsAntibiotics and Antifungal DrugsEnzymes for Cell DissociationAttachment FactorsSeperating SolutionsSeparating Solutions Pre-FilledPAN SL-S Product LineCryo Preservation

110 - 127





6 Biologicals

IntroductionHuman Cytokines and Growth FactorsOther Species Cytokines and Growth FactorsChemokines

128 - 135




7 Molecular Biology

IntroductionPolymerasesMolecular Biology Reagents

136 - 149


8 PANsys 3000

IntroductionPANsys 3000

150 - 153


Page 8


Chapter 1

Introduction 9

Fetal Bovine Sera 10

Special Fetal Bovine Sera 10

Fetal Bovine Serum Biotech 11

Treated Sera 12

Bovine Sera 12

FBS Good Product Family 13

Serum Services 14

Other Animal Sera 16

BSA 17

Serum Testing 18

Certiicates 19

Human Sera 22

HSA 25


Page 9


he function of serum in cell culture

• Stimulatescellgrowth,proliferationanddiferentia-tion through hormonal factors

• Adhesion factors facilitateandenhancecell attach-ment on culture dishes (bio-matrix)

• Transport andbindingproteinsprovidehormones,minerals and lipids

• Inhibitionof toxic substancesbybinding to serumproteins

Advantages of PAN-Biotech

• Own raw material resources in diferent coun-tries: Brazil, United States of America (USA), Australia

• Certiicate of Suitability (COS) no. R1-CEP 2002-167-Rev 00

• LicensedaccordingtotheEU-decreeno.1774/2002with vet. no. DE 09 275 0001 14

• We ofer special types of serum: charcoal absor-bed, delipidized, dialyzed, gamma irradiated, heat inactivated and gamma globulin reduced

• Highest production and safety standards for serum manufacturing

• Best references from industry and research• Extensive analyses and tests are presented in Certii-

cate of Analysis (CoA)

Animal sera

he dose of serum added to a cell culture as a nutrient source depends on factors such as cell type, primary culture or cell line, adherent or suspension culture, and usually is in the range of 5 % to 15 % of the total liquid volume and most times used at 10 %.

Serum is produced from animal blood and fetal bovine serum is the most widely used because it contains an especially high amount of growth factors due to its ori-gin – the blood of fetuses is a by-product of slaughtered cattle.

We warrant the submission of a complete documentati-on, consisting of a certiicate of origin and a veterinary certiicate, shipping documents and a certiicate of ana-lysis. Furthermore, every single procedure during an individual production process is documented and then summarized in a production protocol.

Production site:

PAN-Biotech GmbHAm Gewerbepark 1394501 Aidenbach / GERMANY



You can ind more information about our serum services on page 14.

Serum Services

PAN-Biotech ofers a variety of services and test procedu-res for your serum. We deliver these services fast and cost eicient, using the latest up-to-date techniques.

Proit from our expertise! If you need further special tes-ting or particular services please contact PAN-Biotech. In most cases we can ind a solution.

www.pan-biotech.comPage 10


1Bovine serum is the blood fraction remaining ater the natural coagulation of blood, followed by centrifugation to remove any remaining red blood cells. he production of bovine serum at PAN-Biotech is tightly controlled, from the collection of serum at the slaughterhouse and throughout the whole production cycle which is

performed without exception in our own production facilities in Aidenbach, Germany. All serum lots are virus and mycoplasma tested.Fetal Bovine Serum from diferent countries of origins is sterile iltered and quality tested.

Fetal Bovine Serum Premium,

South America origin100 ml500 ml


Fetal Bovine Serum Premium Forte,

South America origin100 ml500 ml


Fetal Bovine Serum Premium ,

USorigin100 ml500 ml


Fetal Bovine Serum Premium,

Australian origin100 ml500 ml


Fetal Bovine Sera

Fetal Bovine Serum Standard,

South America origin100 ml500 ml


Fetal Bovine Serum Standard Forte,

South America origin100 ml500 ml


Fetal Bovine Serum Standard,

USorigin100 ml500 ml


Fetal Bovine Serum Standard,

Australian origin100 ml500 ml


Standard Grade

Premium Grade

Special Fetal Bovine Sera

Pansera ES

Our specially developed, proprietary processing methodology for serum enables us to ofer a special fetal bovine serum for embryonic stem cells (ES).


• Reproducibleconstantgrowthproperties• Improvedcloningeiciency• Moreundiferentiatedclones• Permanentstrictqualitycontrol• Noneedforfurthertestingofdiferentbatches

Pansera ES, Fetal bovine serum, special desgined for embryonic stem cells

100 ml500 ml


Pansera ES, Fetalbovineserum,USorigin,special designed for embryonic stem cells

100 ml500 ml


Pansera ES, Fetal bovine serum, Australia origin, special designed for embryonic stem cells

100 ml500 ml

