The Breadwinner Novel Guide Part One



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The BreadwinnerNovel Guide Part One

Name ___________________Nate_____________________________

Homeroom Number __________________________

The Breadwinner- Novel Guide/Chapter One (pgs. 7-18)

In this box, track some of the changes that occurred in Afghanistan before and after control by the Taliban…

Before Control By The Taliban After Control By The Taliban1. There were cinemas in town bloern up buildings

2. There was fine clothing before the TalibanNo cinemas'

3. There were shops before the Taliban No cars

4. What is the job of Parvana’s father? _________________________________________________________

5. What does Parvana do in the marketplace? _____________________________________________________

6. What is the view of Paravana’s father towards education? Why do you think he has these views?

His views are that education should have education because he went to unvistry in England where woman also can have education.

Imagine Kabul, before and after the war…here are some images that show you the destruction in this city

7. Describe what Kabul was like after the war. Use Ellis’s description at the bottom of page 16…

It is in ruins and falling apart like house shops and other entertainment places.

Important Vocabulary- Chador- a scarf worn around the head of many Afghan women (pg. 7) Taliban- a fundamentalist group that gained political control of Afghanistan in 1996 (pg. 7) Peddlers- market vendors who try and sell things (pg. 10)Relented- to give in (pg. 16)Burqas- a garment used to cover the bodies of Afghan women (pg. 17)

The Breadwinner- Novel Guide/Chapter Two (pgs. 19-33)

What events occur in the reading to show that Parvana has many household responsibilities?

1. ___________________________________________________________________________________________

1. Swiping the rug ___________________________________________________________________________________________

3. At the bottom of page 22 there is a description of the room where Parvana and her family live. Using that description, draw the room in the space below. Make sure to use the elements from the box to the right.

4. In the box below, describe the relationship between Parvana and her sister… (look at the bottom of page 24 for a verbal exchange between the two)

5. What happened to Parvana’s oldest brother Hossain? (pg. 25) ________________________________

6. What is a Malali? (pgs. 28-30) ____________________________________________________________

7. On page 32, the author writes, “They were kept hidden because the Taliban burned books they didn’t like,” why would the Taliban want to do this…So that any beliefs other than there's would be kept outside so they can't revolt against them

Important Vocabulary- Toshak- a cot or bed (pg. 19) Lavatory- a bathroom (pg. 22) Shalwar Kameez- a dressy robe used by Afghan women only for nice occasions (pg. 24)Nan- flat bread eaten by Afghans at nearly every meal (pg. 26)

a. lavatoryb. platform toiletc. cook stoved. vente.water tankf. wash basin

The Breadwinner- Novel Guide/Chapter Three (pgs. 34-43)

In the spaces below, list off three things the Taliban required of Afghan citizens that seem very extreme…

1. ________________________________________________________________________________________

2. ________________________________________________________________________________________

3. ________________________________________________________________________________________

In the space below, sketch the scene on pages 40-41 of the prison as Parvana and her family approached…

4. In the space below, describe what you think of the decision by Parvana’s mother to approach the prison, what other options do you think were available…

Important Vocabulary- Militia- members of the army (pg. 40) Billowing- blowing in the wind (pg. 39)




The Breadwinner- Novel Guide/Chapter Four (pgs. 44-54)

1. Before control of Afghanistan was in the hands of the Taliban Parvana’s mother had this job… ______________

2. On page 45, Parvana’s father makes the statement, “We are Afghans. This is our home. If all the educated people leave, who will rebuild the country?” If you were put in this situation and could choose to leave and be safe or risk your life to protect your country, what would you do? Answer in the space given below.

3. Why do you think mother is just lying there? Explain in the space given below.

4. What runs out on the fourth day? (pg. 51) __________________________________

5. Parvana is given the charge of getting food for the family, make a prediction, what do you think will happen as she tries to get the food.

6. The title of the book is ‘The Breadwinner’, look in the dictionary and describe what a breadwinner is…


Important Vocabulary- Sobs- crying (pg. 46) Waddling- walking while teetering back and forth (pg. 49)












The Breadwinner- Novel Guide/Chapter Five (pgs. 54-62)

1. The name given for bread that Parvana buys in the market is… ______________

2. In the space below, explain why Parvana should be afraid about her trip to the marketplace.

3. Who does Parvana run into after being chased by the Taliban? _____________________________________

4. In the box below, characterize some of the features of Mrs. Weera…

5. In the last sentence on page 62, you hear Mrs Weera saying, “I guess we’ll have to think of something else.” Now you make a prediction, what is the something else she might be talking about.

Important Vocabulary- Eternity- forever (pg. 61)










