The Bologna Process at the University of Split



Moving ahead with the . Bologna Process in Croatia . Tempus Consortium Meeting . Split - October 21, 2005. The Bologna Process at the University of Split. An ECTS Committee Member’s Perspective. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Moving ahead with the .

Bologna Process in Croatia .

Tempus Consortium Meeting .

Split - October 21, 2005. .

The Bologna Process at the University of Split

An ECTS Committee Member’s Perspective

The Bologna Process


The best thing that has happened to the University of Split

in its history

The University of Split

established in 1974


second oldest and second largest in Croatia

23,914 students, 800 faculty (1,500 part time)(November 25, 2004)

The Bologna Process


speedy restructuring process (curricula)

required by national educational authorities

restructuring : November 2004 – May 2005


2000 onwards - preparatory stage (individual interest, some organized activities)

November 4, 2004 - University ECTS coordinator appointed (Professor Mile Dželalija, Physics)

nomination of the representatives of

individual institutions (“constituent parts”) .

November 25, 2004 - inaugural meeting of the University . ECTS Committee .

(Principles of cooperative work agreed upon: openness, . quality as prime concern, communication enhanced .

by e-mail and web information resource center) .


December 1, 2004 - 2nd meeting of the University ECTS Committee .

(“Key event”, presence of Professor Vicković, EUA representative) .

. December 23, 2004 – 3rd meeting of the University ECTS

Committee .. (Level 1 – summaries of study programs nominated

for verification at the national level) .


February 3, 2005 – 4th meeting of the University ECTS Committee . .

(“Turning point”, Level 2 – more detailed versions of study programs in Croatian and English completed, value

of 1 ECTS credit determined at 30 hours of student’s work) . .

. February 25, 2005 – 5th meeting of the University ECTS

Committee .. (Course coding as a problem – Working group formed

to deal with the problem)


March 14, 2005 – 6th meeting of the University ECTS Committee . .

(Coding problem resolved, the form of postgraduate level study program nominations determined, request to the

student union to nominate representatives to the Committee.) -

. April 5, 2005 – 7th meeting of the University ECTS

Committee .. (National deadlines for verification submissions met.

Working group nominated to deal with the new regulation of studying practices and rules.)


May 3, 2005 – 8th meeting of the University ECTS Committee . .

(Instructions for work with the computerized national data base of study programs.

The first version of new regulation of study practices and rules.) .......................

- .

May 17, 2005 – 9th meeting of the University ECTS Committee ..

(Summary of the work completed. Guidelines for future activities.) .

To be continued...

Who is media literate?

Tko je medijski pismen/-a?------------------------------------------------


Web i e-mail - redovito obnavljanjeE-mail: preko 2000 poruka

Who is media literate?

Tko je medijski pismen/-a?------------------------------------------------

Persons who can read and write

Osoba koja zna čitati i pisati

Relevantni EU dokumenti

Proučili i diskutirali

Functional literacy

Funkcionalna pismenost


Visual literacy

Vizualna pismenost

Relevantni HR dokumenti

Rektorski zborNacionalno vijeće za visoko obrazovanjeAgencija za znanost i visoko obrazovanje

Computer literacy

Računalna pismenost


Reasons for such prominence of literacy?

Razlozi takve važnosti pismenosti?

Zapisnici (30-tak stranica)

Dokumenti Povjerenstva

Zapisnici (30-tak stranica)

Multiple communication channels

Umnožavanje komunikacijskih kanala


Complex cultural realities, lost organicity of communication

Kompleksne pojavnosti kulture, izgubljena organičnost komunikacije?


Progressive technologization of the world

Progresivna tehnologizacija svijeta

Dokumenti Povjerenstva

Kodiranje/šifriranje predmeta

literat, fr. L litteratus marked with letters, literate, fr litterae letters, literature, fr. pl of littera] (15 c):

1 a) EDUCATED, CULTURED b) able to read and write2 a) versed in literature or creative writing: LITERARY

b) LUCID, POLISHED <a ~ essay> c) having knowledge or competence <computer ~> <politically ~>

Merriam Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary, 10th edition (1996)

------------------------------------------------ pismenost ž <instr. jd pismenosti/pismenošću>: 1. poznavanje slova, vještine čitanja i pisanja

2. vještina stvaranja tekstova, vještina pravilnog i smislenog pisanja

V. Anić: Rječnik hrvatskoga jezika, 1996

Dokumenti Povjerenstva

Izgled i sadržaj studijskih programa

Messarits, 1998)

understanding cultural, economic, political and technological constraints on the creation, production, and transmission of


(Justin Lewis and Sut Jhally, 1998)

Dokumenti Povjerenstva

Opći, iPosebni savjeti tijekom izrade


receivers negotiate meaning in media

(William Chirst and W. James Potter’s summary of most conceptualizations of media literacy, 1998)

Dokumenti Povjerenstva

Pravilnik – 0. inačica

Stanje (12.05.2005., 14:00 h):Ima recenziju – čeka izvješće: 69

Potrebne prilagodbe: 47 Prihvatiti: 18

Odbiti: 1

Rezultati i stanje

Being a critical and reflective consumer of communication requires an understanding of how words, images, graphics,

and sounds work (The National Communication Association, 1996)

Sveučilišni i stručni stud.

Sveučilište u Splitu – 135 (preddiplomski, diplomski, stručni)

Problems ------------------------------------------------

- lack of clear instructions at the national level

- university =/= integrated (duality: faculties – central administration)

- resistance and pessimism in the part of thefaculty (older faculty)

Positive aspects ------------------------------------------------

- feeling of support from the European institutions (“We are not alone!”)

- beginning of a true integration of the University(at the level of the ECTS committee)

- quality as a major concern

- reformed curricula

- beginning of a possible snowballing effect
