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The Bologna Process Implemented

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The Bologna Process Implemented. ECTS Workshop Novi Sad April 2006. Implementing the Bologna Declaration: The Bologna Process. Challenges 2005/2007 - Still. Quality Assurance. Academic Recognition. Qualifications framework. Evaluation Accreditation. Bachelor Master Doctorate. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Page 1: The Bologna Process Implemented

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The Bologna Process Implemented

ECTS WorkshopNovi Sad April 2006

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ToolsUser´s friends

Social Dimension

Citizen of Europe


Lifelong Learning

3 Cycles

Learner centred

Academic Recognititon

Quality Assurance and Enhancement

Qualifications Framework

Learning Outcomes

Levels, Credits


Diploma Supplement


Common structure

Standards and Guidelines /


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Implementing the Bologna Declaration: The Bologna Process

Challenges 2005/2007 - Still

Quality Assurance Academic Recognition Qualifications framework


Credit TransferCredit Accumulation


Qualifying Learning Outcomes quantified by credits

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Phase 1

How to get there – an inductive approach by universities (e.g. „Tuning educational structures in Europe): Employability

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Learning Chain

Learnig outcomesSubject related

-Knowledge broadening-Knowledge deepening

Generic-Knowledge access and



(accumulates credits)

Learning space(Teaching and learning, Research

Learning material, Learning methods...)

Change of paradigm

Total Quality Management

Labour Market

Labour Market

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Tuning ProjectWeighted Ranking of the Most Importance

Competences (All Subjects)

Graduates Employers Academics

1 Capacity for analysis and synthesis

1 Capacity to learn 1 Basic knowledge of the field of study

2 Capacity to learn 2 Capacity to apply knowledge in practice

2 Capacity for analysis and synthesis

3 Capacity to apply knowledge in practice

3 Capacity for analysis and synthesis

3 Capacity to learn

4 Elementary computing skills

4 Capacity to adapt to new situations

4 Capacity for generating new ideas (creativity)

5 Capacity to adapt to new situations

5 Interpersonal skills 5 Capacity to apply knowledge in practice

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Fundamental Importance: Weighted Ranking of the Least Important Competences

(All Subjects)

Graduates Employers Academics

Knowledge of a second foreign language

Leadership Ethical commitment

Ability to work in an international context

Knowledge of a second language

Interpersonal skills

Ethical commitment Ability to work in an international context

Knowledge of a second language

Appreciation of diversity and multiculturalism

Appreciation of diversity and multiculturalism

Elementary computing skills

Understanding of cultures and customs of other countries

Understanding of cultures and customs of other countries

Appreciation of diversity and multiculturalism

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Phase 2


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Learning outcomes / competences

Statements of what a learner is expected to know, understand, and / or be able to do at the end of a period of learning

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Workload A quantitative measure of all learning

activities that may be feasibly required for the achievement of the learning outcomes

Credit A quantified means of expressing the

volume of learning based on the achievement of learning outcomes and their associated workload

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Profile Either the specific (subject) field(s) of learning of a

qualification or the broader aggregation of clusters of qualifications of programmes from different fields that share a common emphasis or purpose (e.g. an applied vocational as opposed to more theoretical academic studies)

Levels Representing a series of sequential steps (a

development continuum), expressed in terms of generic outcomes, against which typical qualifications can be positioned

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Phase 3

Link with ECTS – For transfer, accumulation and academic recognition

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Student-centred system Based on workload required to achieve

learning outcomes “Convention” that 60 credits represents an

annual workload of a full-time student Allocated to all aspects of study programme Based on completion + assessment Respect for the Learning Agreement

between student and institutions

ECTS - Key Features

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ECTS - Guidelines

About 40 weeks of full-time learning Normally 1 credit equals 25-30 hours Time to be invested by the learner to achieve the

learning outcomes, including independent studies

Credits are allocated in such a way that the first academic degree can be obtained on the basis of 180-240 credits predetermined in a respective study-programme

This has to be stated in the ECTS documents

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ECTS - Links Workload = Learning Learning assessed = Credits Requirement = Learning has to

be assessed (this must be

possible) „Assessability“ = by defining the

learning outcomes Need = adequate method

of assessment Extension (B/C/M) = ECVET

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Documents Informationpackage / Course Catalogue Learning Agreement Transcript of Records Diploma Supplement Extension within

Brugges/Copenhagen/Maastricht(B/C/M-Process) Europass

CV, Language Pass, Mobility Pass, Certificate Supplement, Diploma Supplement

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Phase 3

The Learning Chain in Terms of Bologna

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Learning ChainTools - Documents

Learning OutcomesSubject-related

-KnowledgeDeepening / Widening

Generic-Skills / Competences

Knowledge opening / developingQFR-NQR-HQR-SQR

LearnerCredit Transfer +

AccumulationApplication /CV /

Learning Agreement/TOR / Mobility Pass

Language PassDiploma/Certificate


Learning SpaceTeaching and Learning,

ResearchLearning Environment

Information Package / Course Catalogue

Change of Paradigm

Quality Assurance/ -enhancementStandards & Guidelines / Register

Labour Market

Labour Market

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Bologna in ActionIndicators


EmployabilityLearning Space

-wherever-Information Pack.

Trainability/Learning Agreement

Award /Diploma Supplement

Transcriptof Records

CreditTransfer /Accumulation




Learning Outcomes





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Bologna in ActionIndicators




Award /Diploma Supplement

Transcript of Records

Transfer /Accumulation


Dublin Descriptors

Structure of a Module

Learning Outcomes:Subj. rel. /non subj. rel.•Knowledge widening•Knowledge deepening•Knowledge accessing


Workload-Effectiveness - Efficiency


•Interview•Portfolio u.a.







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Phase 4

Qualifications Frameworks – Bundles of learning outcomes to define a qualification – an overview

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Levels of Qualifications-



Min. of EducationHigher EducationQFW for EHEA


EU-CommissionQFW for LLL

Brugges-Copenhagen- Maastricht-


Described by bundling learning outcomes according to the „Dublin Descriptors“ with Credits

Knowledge and


Applying k&u

Making judgements

Communication Learn to learn

Levels of Qualifications

1 – 2 – 3 – 4 – 56 – 7 - 8

Described by bundling learning outcomes

according to descriptors

Knowledge &


Skills Competences

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41 The European Qualifications Framework for Higher Education

The Dublin Descriptors

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Joint Quality Initiative – Dublin Descriptors

Knowledge and understanding– 1 (Bachelor) [is] supported by advanced text

books [with] some aspects informed by knowledge at the forefront of their field of study ...2 (Master) provides a basis or opportunity for originality in developing or applying ideas often in a research context ...3 (Doctorate) [includes] a systematic understanding of their field of study and mastery of the methods of research associated with that field

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Further criteria

– Applying knowledge and understanding– Making judgements– Communication– Learning skills

• http://www.jointquality.org

See the following slides:

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1 (Bachelor) [through] devising and sustaining arguments2 (Master) [through] problem solving abilities [applied] in new or unfamiliar environments within broader (or multidisciplinary) contexts ..3 (Doctorate) [is demonstrated by the] ability to conceive, design, implement and adapt a substantial process of research* with scholarly integrity .. [is in the context of] a contribution that extends the frontier of knowledge by developing a substantial body of work some of which merits national or international refereed publication ..

Applying knowledge and understanding

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Making judgements1 (Bachelor) [involves] gathering and interpreting relevant data ..2 (Master) [demonstrates] the ability to integrate knowledge and handle complexity, and formulate judgements with incomplete data ..3 (Doctorate) [requires being] capable of critical analysis, evaluation and synthesis of new and complex ideas..

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1 (Bachelor) [of] information, ideas, problems and solutions ..2 (Master) [of] their conclusions and the underpinning knowledge and rationale (restricted scope) to specialist and non-specialist audiences (monologue) 3 (Doctorate) with their peers, the larger scholarly community and with society in general (dialogue) about their areas of expertise (broad scope)..


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1 (Bachelor) have developed those skills needed to study further with a high level of autonomy ..2 (Master) study in a manner that may be largely self-directed or autonomous..3 (Doctorate) expected to be able to promote, within academic and professional contexts, technological, social or cultural advancement ..

Learning skills

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Phase 41

At European level - Idea of the European Commission within the Brugges Copenhagen-Maastricht Process

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Readability – horizontal / verticalKnowledge & Underst. Skills Competences

L 6

advanced knowledge of a field of work or study involving a critical understanding of theories and principles

advanced skills, demonstrating mastery and innovation, in a complex and specialised field of work or study

manage complex technical or

professional activities or

projects, taking responsibility

for decision-making in

unpredictable work and study

Contexts - lead groups in work and study



highly specialised knowledge,

some of which is at the forefront

of knowledge in a field of work

Or study, as the basis for

original thinking critical

awareness of knowledge issues

in a field and at the interface

Between different fields

specialist research and problem-solving skills, including analysis and synthesis, to develop new knowledge and procedures and to integrate knowledge from different fields

demonstrate leadership and

innovation in work and study

contexts that are complex,

unpredictable and require new

strategic approaches take

responsibility for continuing

personal professional

development, for contributing to

professional knowledge and

practice and for reviewing the

strategic performance of teams

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EQF level 1EQF level 1

EQF levelEQF level

EQF level 3EQF level 3

EQF level 4EQF level 4

EQF level 5EQF level 5

EQF level 6EQF level 6

EQF level 7EQF level 7

EQF level 8EQF level 8Country ACountry ACountry BCountry B






















Michael Teutsch EU-Kommission

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Phase 43

At sectoral / discipline level –Example: Bachelor in Business and Management

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Bachelor (180, 210, 240 Credits) has acquired the following knowledge, skills and competences:

Orientation:German Qualifications Framework

Benchmark Business and Management

Knowledge The graduate can …

Knowledge broadening

Knowledge and understanding of graduates build on the university-entry-level and go far beyond of it. Graduates have a broad and integrated knowledge and understanding. Graduates have demonstrated a broad and integrated knowledge and understanding of the academic basics of their disciplin.

Organisations (Enterprises, Plants, Institutions) and their elements define, differentiate and understand the relationship. e.g.:Objectives, aims, structures, functions and processes, respecting the individual organisational culture, the individual and institutional behaviour and its internal and external impact

Recognise, realise, differentiate and understand the context of the environment of an organisation and its elements .e.g.:economy, environmentt, values and norms, issues of law, politics, society, technology, including their respective impact on management at local, national,and international level.


Der Absolvent kann…

Sie verfügen über ein kritisches Verständnis der wichtigsten Theorien, Prinzipien und Methoden der Wirtschaft und sind in der Lage, ihr Wissen vertikal, horizontal und lateral zu vertiefen. Ihr Wissen und Verstehen entspricht dem Stand der Fachliteratur, sollte aber zugleich einige vertiefte Wissensbestände auf dem aktuellen Stand der Forschung in ihrem Lerngebiet einschließen.

die primären Aktivitäten einfacher Wertschöpfungsketten definieren, erklären und die Zusammenhänge kritisch hinterfragen.Dazu gehört die Orientierung an Märkten: Entwicklung und Funktionsweisen (Ressourcen, Güter und Dienstleistungen)und Kunden: Bedürfnisse (Erwartung und Erfüllung), Pflege der Beziehungen

die unterstützenden Aktivitäten der Wertschöpfungskette definieren, erklären und die Zusammenhänge kritisch hinterfragenDazu gehören:Finanzierung / Controlling: Steuerung der Finanzströme, Informationsversorgung durch internes und externes RechnungswesenHumanressourcenmanagementInformations- und Kommunikationsmanagement (Inhalte, Systeme und Technologien)Organisationsentwicklung / Change Management

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Können Der Absolvent kann...

Wissenserschließung Instrumental Kommunikativ Systemisch

Instrumentale Kompetenz:- ihr Wissen und Verstehen auf ihre Tätigkeit oder ihren Beruf anzuwenden und Problemlösungen und Argumente in ihrem Fachgebiet zu erarbeiten und weiterzuentwickeln.Systemische Kompetenzen:- relevante Informationen, insbesondere in ihrem Studienprogramm zu sammeln, zu bewerten und zu interpretieren - daraus wissenschaftlich fundierte Urteile abzuleiten, die gesellschaftliche, wissenschaftliche, und ethische Erkenntnisse berücksichtigen;- selbständig weiterführende Lernprozesse zu gestalten.Kommunikative Kompetenzen:- fachbezogene Positionen und Problemlösungen zu formulieren und argumentativ zu verteidigen;- sich mit Fachvertretern und mit Laien über Informationen, Ideen, Probleme und Lösungen austauschen:- Verantwortung in einem Team übernehmen

Qualitative und quantitative Methoden und Techniken anwenden Dazu gehören:-Analyse, Synthese, -Problemerkenntnis und –lösung, -Planung und Organisation -Informations-technikhandhaben -Informationen aus verschiedenen Quellen aufbereiten, verarbeiten und nutzen - eine 1. Fremdsprache sprechen (Niveau B2 des Europäischen Referenzrahmens)-eine 2. Fremdsprache sprechen (Angebot und Niveau profilabhängig)

Effektiv und effizient mit Personen und Gruppen arbeitenDazu gehören:-sachlich argumentieren -aktiv zuhören- kritisch und selbstkritisch sein-mit allen organisationsrelevanten Gruppen wertebewusst kommunizieren -Verantwortung übernehmen und tragen -effektiv und effizient in Gruppen arbeiten (in einer interdisziplinären Gruppe, mit Experten anderer Disziplinen kommunizieren, Verschiedenartigkeit und Multikulturalität anerkennen, in einem internationalem Umfeld arbeiten, Arbeitsgruppen einrichten und führen)-Entscheidungen durchsetzen

Komplexe Situationen erfassen und bewerten und daraus geeignete Verhaltensweisen ableitenDazu gehören:-selbständig qualitätsbewusst arbeiten-wissenschaftlich arbeiten können-Wissen in komplexen Situationen ergebnisorientiert anwenden-neue Ideen generieren / kreativ sein-reflektiert und kooperativ lernen, -ein Potenzial zum lebensbegleitenden Lernen entwickelt haben-sich auf neue Situationen einstellen-sich der Kulturen, Sitten und Gebräuche anderer Länder bewusst sein; sie prinzipiell kennen und verstehen, -Projekte entwerfen und leiten-initiativ sein und unternehmerisches Denken und Handeln entwickelt haben -Entscheidungen durchsetzen

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Phase 44

At university level – Example: Osnabrueck University of Applied Sciences, D

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Learning Outcomes and Levels Bachelor Degree 3 years

Level 1Descriptor

Level 2Descriptor

Level 3Descriptor

The ability to demonstrate and / or work with

Knowledge and Understanding

Knowledge widening

General a broad knowledge of the subject/ discipline in general

a broad knowledge of the scope, defining featues, and main areas of a subject/ discipline

a broad and integrated knowledge and understanding of the scope, main areas and boundaries of a subject/ discipline

knowledge that is embedded in the main theories, concepts and principles

understanding of a limited range of core theories, principles and concepts

a critical understanding of a selection of the principal theories, principles, concepts and terminology

an awareness of the evolving/ changing nature of knowledge and understanding

limited knowledge and understanding of some major current issues and specialisms

an outline knowledge and understanding of research and equivalent scholarly/ academic processes

Module related

Knowledge deepening

General an understanding of the difference between explanations based in evidence and/ or research and other forms of explanation, and of the importance of the difference

detailed knowledge in some areas knowledge that is detailed in some areas and/ or knowledge of one or more specialisations that are informed by forefront developments

Module related

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To acquire knowledge:define, describe, identify, label, name, outline, reproduce, recall, select, state, present, extract, organise, recount, write, recognise, measure, underline, repeat, relate, matchTo understand knowledgeinterpret, translate, estimate, justify, comprehend, convert, clarify, defend, distinguish, explain, extend, generalise, exemplify, give examples of, infer, paraphrase, predict, rewrite, summarise, discuss, perform, report, present, restate, illustrate, indicate, find, select, represent, name, formulate, judge, contrast, translate, classify, express, compare

Example Accounting:The student can describe and explain the role of Accounting within the Information Management System of a business organisation

Accounting:The student can critically discuss and evaluate the various Accounting systems …

Accounting:The student can identify and critically evaluate the strategic options of the Information Management Systems of a business organisation

Knowledge revealing/ opening and developing

General Instrumental - ICT and numeracy skills use a wide range of routine skills and some advanced skills associated with the subject/ discipline - for example

use a wide range of use standard applications to process and obtain a variety of information and data

use a range of standard applications to process and obtain data

Use a range of routine skills and some advanced and specialised skills in support of established practices in a subject/ discipline, for example - use a range of IT applications to support and enhance work- interpret, use and evaluate numerical and graphical data to achieve goals/ targets

use a range of numerical and graphical skills in combination

use numerical and graphical data to measue progress and achieve goals/ targets

use and evaluate numerical and graphical data to measue progress and achieve goals/ targets

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Terminology use, apply, present, formulate, darstellen, examples: present, worik out, calculate, statistically present, statistically underpin, and collect data, evaluate, assess, rank, present graphically, compile, match, put in order, merge, summarise, diagnosize, categorise, propose, work out hypotheses, verify, falsify …

Examplel Data processing:The student is aware of some of the general characteristics of data basis.

Data processing::The student can assess the various alternatives to implement an information system

Data processing::The student understands the various activities which are necessary to implement technological change.

Interpersonal / communicative - Generic cognitive skills and competencesThe student has the ability to

present and evaluate arguments, information and ideas which are routine to the subject discipline

undertake critical analysis, evaluation and/ or synthesis of ideas, concepts, information and issues which are within the common understandings of the subject/ discipline

undertake critical analysis, evaluation and/ or synthesis of ideas, concepts, information and issues

use a range of approaches to addressing defined and/ or routine problems and issues within familiar contexts

use a range of approaches to formulate evidence-based solutions/ responses to defined and/ or routine problems/ issues

identify and analyse routine professional problems and issues

critically evaluate evidence-based solutions/ responses to defined and/ or routine problems/ issues

draw on a range of sources in making judgements

use a wide range of routine skills and some advanced skills associated with the subject/ discipline - for example - convey complex ideas in well-structured and coherent form - use a range of forms of communication effectively in both familiar and new contexts

use a range of routine skills and some advanced and specialised skills associated with a subject/ discipline- for example - convey complex information to a range of audiences and for a range of purposes

use a range of routine skills and some advanced and specialised skills in support of established practices in a subject/ discipline, for example - make formal and informal presentations on standard/ mainstream topics in the subject/ discipline to a range of audiences

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The ability to / is able to work with ….

An awareness about The developing and

Dynamic type of knowledge

and understanding

A broad basis of the subject area / of the disciplines in general

Knowledge which is embedded in the essential theories, concepts and principles

Level 1


-describe and explainthe role of accounting as part of

the information management system in an organisation …

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Phase 5

Quality Enhancement :

Accreditation and Evaluation

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Quality Enhancement

- Measures- Qualitative measuring is pursued through the

achievement of the learning outcomes in the time foreseen (performance) (ex-post) – What?

- Qualitative measuring is pursued by grading how the student performed (rating) (ex-post) – How?

- Quantitative measuring is pursued by allocating the workload expressed in credits (ex-ante) – How much?

- Consequencen of the results measured lead to a formative evaluation, i.e. help to support a continuous quality improvement

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„ECTS-Grades“ = Rating Credits = The learner was


Grades = How (to which extent) was the learner successful in his


Two systems = - Local Grades - Rating in relation to past cohorts (3-5 years)

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Assessment / Rating

Of the successful students

The best 10% The following 25% The following 30% The following 25% The following 10%



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Assessment / Rating Of the

unsuccessful students

Amendments are required before the performance could be considered as „passed“

Significant amendments are required




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51 External Accreditation and Evaluation

Example: Changes in Germany due to Bologna - New Forms of Governance

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Accreditation and Evaluation

Essential for public funding. Variations in the federal states.

Accreditation Prior to the start of a study-programme Related to a definite point of time

Evaluation Ex-ante / formative (on-line) / ex-post Related to a period of time

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Accreditation 1 German Accreditation Board 6 Accreditation agencies

Broad / regional + transnational Specific / whole of Germany + transnational

Each accreditation agency has one general committee to decide Members from universities, business, organisations,

students Supported by the administration of the agencies

Several agencies also have subject oriented committees

Peer review

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52 Internal Accreditation and Evaluation

Example: Osnabrueck University of Applied Sciences, D

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Evaluation Internal Quality Enhancement System

Description of modules and all learning and teaching relevant information on Intranet

Learning and teaching material on Intranet (comparable to open-source facilities: discussion groups, mailing lists, etc.)

Every semester: evaluation of teaching and learning (student

questionnaire) – not yet published (teacher receives the filled-in questionnaires)

Evaluation of workload (student questionnaire plus evaluation in module oriented working groups

„Watchdogs“: Internal Faculty and Study Boards (all groups of university members, incl. students are represented)

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6 Achievements

So far

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Where are we in terms of Bologna?

„On the road“ (shuttle service) Regular stocktaking Regular conferences Bologna follow-up groups,…etc.

In short Many stakeholders Not a top-down approach THE reform of the past 30 years


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Join forces
