The Birth of the Modern World. The Middle Ages Period in Europe from the fall of Roman Empire (late...


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The Birth of the Modern World

The Middle Ages Period in Europe from the fall of Roman

Empire (late 400s) to mid 1300s Because of political disorder, warfare,

shortages, etc., feudalism arose Feudalism- system of government in which

people pledged loyalty to a lord in exchange for protection.

Feudalism A) Social System strict

class structures based on land and military power (serfs, knights, lords)

B) Political System king controlled political life with the help of nobles

C) Economic System manors – included lord’s house and peasants who worked the land in exchange for protection

The Crusades Crusades: religious wars between European

Christians and Muslims for control of the Holy Land (1096-1221)

Effects of the Crusades: A) new ideas and products- silk, spices, use of

zero B) increased trade C) growth of intolerance between Christians and


The Renaissance Rebirth of interest in the

arts and learning, especially those of ancient Greece and Rome that spread across Europe (mid 1300s - 1600s)

Around 1450, Johann Gutenberg invents the printing press with movable type revolutionizes spread of knowledge

Migration & The Age of Discovery Migrate: - to move from on place to another

Reasons Why People Migrate: A) political- Nazi Germany, Soviet Union B) economical – 1848 Irish Potato Famine, Gold

Rush (1849) C) adventure – Vikings (1000), Jamestown D) religious – Puritans, Mormons E) social – outcasts, Pilgrims

Migration (Cont.) Native Americans-

come from Siberia 11,000 – 30,000 years ago. By 1500, 10-15 million in the Americas

10% (~1 million) lived in present U.S. and Canada

Quite different from Aztecs, Incas, Mayas

Migration (Cont.) Those who came to

America before Columbus:

Vikings c. 1000 Vinland – Leif Erickson

Egyptians, Phoenicians, Irish Monks unconfirmed

The Age of Discovery Reasons for exploration 1450-1650: A) spirit of the age (Renaissance) B) new navigational instruments: compass,

astrolabe check position of stars to check ships latitude

C) search for passage to China (sea route) D) thirst for gold ad wealth E) national prestige and power F) religious persecution and zeal

The Age of Discovery (Cont.) Prince Henry the Navigator: - great military man - devotes self to study of navigation - did not travel himself, but promoted work

of others - sends ships to Africa Gold Coast - Bartolomeu Dias, Vasco daGama

South Africa

Christopher Columbus Spain searching for all water route to India Columbus felt he could reach it by sailing west Gets idea from Ptolemy, a Greek scholar and

map maker 3 August 1492 – receives three ships from

Ferdinand & Isabella 12 October 1492- lands in Bahamas (San

Salvador) – then goes to Cuba and Hispaniola (now Dom. Rep./Haiti)

Columbus’s Voyages

Vasco daGama 1498- reaches India Goods brought back sold for 60 times price

paid spices/jewels Breaks monopoly of Italian city- states

Amerigo Vespucci Sails for Italy/Portugal - “four” voyages to New World claimed to

be first to set foot on mainland

Vasco deBalboa - crossed the Isthmus

of Panama - first European to

gaze at the South Sea (Pacific Ocean)

Pacific “Peaceful”

Ferdinand Magellan Sails for Spain with 5 ships and 243 men (1519) Reaches Rio de Janiero (spends winter there) Sails around southern tip of South America One ship lost in a storm Reach the Strait of Magellan, fearing the ice a ship turns

around and goes back to Spain Reached the Philippine Islands and are attacked – Magellan

killed Only one ship remains – Victoria Crosses Indian Ocean, rounds Africa After 3 years, 12 days, with 18 men left, Victoria sails into

Seville, Portugal (1522)


Gold and Spain 1513 Juan Ponce de Leon – seeks

“fountain of youth” Discovers and explores Florida 1519 Hernando Cortes Aztecs (Mexico) Francisco Pizarro Incas (Peru) Hernando de Soto southeastern U.S. –

Mississippi River Francisco de Coronado Grand Canyon

Conquistadors “conquerors” Pizarro/Cortes

conquer Incas/Aztecs, fall of great Native American culture

Also Catholic missionaries are sent to the new world to convert the “savages” to Christianity

The Northwest Passage Search for a quicker route to the far

east Explorers: John Cabot (sails for England) –

discovers Canada Sir Francis Drake – combines

exploration with piracy - steals from Spanish ships - first Englishman to sail around world - 4700% profit! Henry Hudson – Hudson Bay - hired to find shorter route to Spice Is.

cloves, pepper, nutmeg - crew puts him in a small boat and

leaves him

Spanish Settlements Colony: a settlement that is ruled by another

country Encomiendas: large estates in which Native

Americans lived under colonists care Aristocrats: people of high social standing Mission: consisted of church, living quarters, and

workshops Presidios: small forts to protect colonists Vaqueros: Spanish cowboys

French Settlements Many became rich through fur trade Very few settlers though – mostly trading

posts Louisiana territory/Canada

Dutch, Swedish, and Russian Settlements

Dutch:- New Amsterdam (New York)- Excellent farmers

Swedish:- Gives us the log cabin

Russian:- Vitus Bering Bering Strait- Alaska and west coast of North America
