THE ADMINISTRATION OF UNION TERRITORY OF LADAKH … · District Informatics Officer, (NIC), Leh for...


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:l?H:IY=yryN ormffoN rEnnlronr oF r.ADAKrroft eeorchairma,n,pjgllqil;;,Lil'i"ixirT.ffiff*nzDisffict Magish.atc, Ire.h


1. The General Manager,BSNL Leh.

Yours faithfully,

,3r"-- 'o1Addl District Magiitrate,

cEo, DDMAy L+h

u.{The Director,Airpoft Authority of fndia, Leh.

3. The Chief Engineer,NHpC, Leh.

4. Executive Director,NHIDC, Leh.

5. CPWD, Leh.

6. NPCC, Leh.

7. NBCC, Leh.

8. Wapcos, Leh.

9. PGICI Leh.

10. NTPC, teh.

No: DCVPS/MISC/2g21 - I o30Dated: 22-04-202L

sub: Negative RTpcR test repoft mandatory for all labour arriving inLadakh-reg, )


Enclosed kindly find herewith letter No: Divcom/UTLlzozLl3sls-lg Dated:2010412021 and the Minutes of Meeting regarding Labour Management issued from theoffice of the Divisional Commissioner Ladakh

In the above context, you afe requested to submit Action Taken Report (ATR) inrespect of Leh district by today 04:00 pM positively.


. t .,Tir..{ ;fTr


OFFICE OF THE DMSIONAL COMMISSIONER, LadakhTel/Eax: !1982-255567. ?55568, e-mail:

1. The General Manager, BSNL, Leh.2. The Director, Airport Authority of India, Leh.

3. The Chief Engineer, NHPC, Leh.


5. CPWD, Leh.6. NPCC, Leh.

7. NBCC, Leh,8. Wapcos, Leh.9. PGICL, Leh10.NTPC, Leh.

N0:Divcom /UIU}OZL1 tSr 5.8 Date:2010412021

Subject:- Negative RTPCR test report mandatory for all Labour arriving in Ladakh-



In view of the sudden surge in the COVID19 positive cases in UT Ladakh, it has

been decided that all labours arriving in Ladakh by air or road has to mandatory carry a

negative RTPCR report.

In this regard, I am directed to enclose herewith a copy of minutes of themeeting of the meeting chaired by the Divisional Commissioner, Ladakh to review theissues of Labour managernent in light of COVID-19 pandemic for immediate complianceon the decisions taken in the meeting. Action taken report in this regard may kindly besubmitted to this office within next two days.

(Encl:- 4 lvs)

2. Deputy Comrnissicner, LehlKargil ior information ancj necessary action.3. OSD to Li Go'iernor, UT Laciakh for kind information of Hon'ble Lt Gcvernor.'+. OSD io Ad:risor io the Lt Gorierncr. UT Laiakh ior iniormation of the A.dvlsor.

Yours faithfully,

2-o+A, Ladakh.


Disaster Management, Revenue, Relief, Rehabilitation & Reconstruction Department,

(State Executive Committee, Ladakh Disaster Management Authority) Tele/Fax: 01982-255567, 01982-255568: e-mail:

Subject: - COVID-19 Management - Guidelines/instructions -reg.

Order No: - O-DM(UTL) of 2020, Dated: - .02.2021

Whereas, the National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA) vide No.40-3/2020-DM-I (A) dated:- 26-02-2021 had directed that guidelines for Surveillance, Containment and Caution on COVID-19, issued vide Ministry of Home Affairs Order of even number dated 27.01.2021, will remain in force upto 3ls March, 2021.

Now, therefore, under the directions of the aforesaid orders of NDMA, GoT and in exercise of the powers conferred under section 24 of the Disaster Management Act, 2005, the State Executive Committee, Ladakh Disaster Management Authority hereby directs that the guidelines issued vide order No. 03-DM(UTL) of 2021 dated:-28.01.2021 (copy of the ibid order enclosed) will remain in force in the UT of Ladakh, upto 315t March, 2021 with the following partial modification to para 1 (i), (ii) of the said order:-

(i) All passengers arriving in Ladakh both by air and road are advised to get themselves tested for COVID-19, not later than 96 hours before their arrival in Ladakh from ICMR approved test laboratories. The Tourists arriving in Ladakh both by air and road must have a negative RT-PCR report not older than 96 hours. Such person(s)/Tourists who is/are without a valid COVID-19 test report of not later than 96 hours before their arrival will undergo mandatory quarantine at their place of stay for seven days. Such person(s) may have to undergo a COVID-19 test and will only be released from quarantine; if his/her test report is found negative.

(ii) Labourers are advised to come through contractor(s) or labour agencies with COVID-19 test report of 96 hours before their arrival in Ladakh from TCMR approved test laboratories. Such labourers who arrive in Ladakh, without any COVID-19 test report shall have to undergo seven days mandatory institutional quarantine after which they will be tested for COVTD-19. They will be released from institutional quarantine only after his/her test report is found negative. The detailed SOP regarding labourers issued by Labour & Employment Department will remain in force.

Sd I - (Saugat Biswas), lAS

Member Secretary, State Executive Committee,

Ladakh Disaster Management Authority.

No:-DMRRRR/UTL/SOP/COVID-19/2020/ Dated:- .2 .02.2021.

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Copy for information to the:- 1. Joint Secretary, Jammu, Kashmir & Ladakh, Ministry of Home Affairs, GoT. 2. Joint Secretary, Disaster Management, Ministry of Home Affairs, Gol. 3. Additional Director General of Police, Ladakh. 4. Commissioner/Secretary, GAD/R&B/H&UD/Schoo! Education Department Ladakh. 5. Commissioner/Secretary, Health & ME/Civil Aviation/Tourism/, Ladakh. 6. Divisional Commissioner, Ladakh. 7. Secretary, Labour and Employment/YS&S Department, Ladakh. 8. Secretary, Information Department/Higher Education Department, Ladakh 9. Deputy Commissioner, Leh/Kargil. 10. Sr. Superintendent of Police, Leh/Kargil. 11. Director, Health & Medical Education, Ladakh. 12. All Heads of the Departments, UT of Ladakh. 13. Chief Medical Officer, Leh/Kargil. 14. OSD with the Lieutenant Governor for information of the Hon'ble Lieutenant Governor. 15. Pvt. Secretary to Advisor to the Hon'ble Lieutenant Governor for information of the

Advisor. 16. Pvt. Secretary to the Chairman/Chief Executive Councilor, LAHDC Leh/Kargil for

information of the Hon'ble CECs. 17. Director, KBR Airport, Leh. 18. District Informatics Officer, (NIC), Leh for uploading on the UT Ladakh website. 19. Assistant Director Information, Leh/Kargil for necessary action. 20. President Hotel/Guest House owners Association, Leh/Kargil. 21. All Heads of religious organizations of Leh/Kargil. 22. Order/Stock file. (w.2.s.c).

(Deacher(Chondol) KAS, Under Secretary,

Revenue, Disaster Management, Relief, Rehabilitation &

Reconstruction Department.

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