The 22 Rules for the Will by Hermes


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  • 7/28/2019 The 22 Rules for the Will by Hermes


    The 22 Rules for the Will by Hermes

    (According to Christian)

    1. Life, with its innumerable trials, has as its goal, in the Order of Eternal

    Wisdom, the education of the Will. Not to will and not to act, is as fatal to man

    as to do wrong. Man must, like God, act unceasingly.

    2. It is through the that the intelligence perceives the various phases of life

    unfold. If the will is sane, the vision is true.

    3. To affirm that which is true and to will that which is just is to create. To

    affirm and will the contrary is to destroy.

    4. Nothing resists the man who having discovered the Truth wishes to

    perform works of justice.

    5. To affirm that a man is or has been happy or unhappy, seek to discern the

    direction his will has taken.

    6. A chain of flowers is more_ difficult to brook than a chain of iron.

    7. The will of a just man is the image of the Will of God, and in accordancewith the robustness attained by it commands the events of the future.

    8. Intelligences whose wills are not equilibrated are like erring stars.

    9. Accent relative evil as a means of arriving at absolute good, but do notwish or ever commit it.

    10. To acquire the right to possess always one must will patiently and long.

    11. Brave the lion and the lion will fear you, know how to command sorrowand it will change into happiness.

    12. To anticipate death is not suicide, but the apotheosis of a sublime will and

    the attainment of the crown of eternal life.

    13. To pass one's life wishing for and in pursuance of perishable things is to

    vow oneself to eternal death.

    14. To will good with violence is as unjust as to will harm. Violence createsdisorder, end disorder is the rout of all evil.

    15. To will evil is to subject oneself to death. reverse will is the beginning of


  • 7/28/2019 The 22 Rules for the Will by Hermes


    16. To suffer, is to work. all sorrow accepted with obedience and resignation,is an act of progress accomplished.

    17. The more obstacles the will surmounts, the more it grows in power.Experience must therefore constantly unite itself with pain.

    18. Fear is but a lethargy of the will. Perils but frighten aborted natures.

    19. Light is an electrifying flame consecrated by nature to to service of the

    will. She illummines those who know how to use her, and fulminates thosewho abuse her.

    20. Every will that wars against the divine decrees, is reproved by eternal


    21. He who creates phantoms for himself, engenders vampires. Whosoever

    delivers himself unto error, becomes its prey.

    22. The Empire of the World belongs to the Empire of Light, and the Empire

    of Light is the Throne of the Will. Thus in the measure that man perfects his

    will, is he able to attain to to vision of all things, that is to say, to the

    knowledge of all things, within an indefinitely expanding circle. Happiness forsuch a one is the fruit of the Science of good and evil. I.e. the science

    represented by the central tree of Eden, but God only permits the man

    sufficiently master of himself not to covet it, to pluck this fruit.


    Force of Truth No 2