th Juen AVVVA NEWSLETTER FebruarY 2017 · 2017-02-14 · 0th Juen . Northam Vintage Swap Meet ....


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0th Juen

Northam Vintage Swap Meet Sunday February 19th 2017 Presented by AVVVA of WA inc Jubilee Oval ( Showgrounds ) Northam Volunteers for Sat 18th Feb and Sun 19th Feb contact Murray Sumpton Ph : 0407 299 705 ( For more info see the flyer in this newsletter )


AVVVA Committee Contacts for 2017

President: MURRAY SUMPTON 0407 299 705 Vice President: JIM DONOVAN 9622 2386 Secretary: SYLVIA BRISTOW-STAGG 9622 5932 Treasurer: THEO BEKKERS 9571 8417 Concessional Licence: ANDREW WELLS 9295 1572



Website: Clubrooms & General Enquiries: refer to Secretary as above

AVVVA Postal Address: PO Box 755 NORTHAM WA 6401

General Enquiries Phone : 9622 5932 E-mail address:

ABN 33 053 396 253


The following Articles/Editorials are published as received and are not necessarily the views of the AVVVA.

Deadline for articles: Last day of the month MINUTES of the GENERAL MEETING

Held Saturday 21st January 2017 at AVVVA CLUB ROOMS

Meeting Opened at 10.30 am with President Murray Sumpton in the Chair In Attendance: Murray Sumpton (Pres.), Jenny Sumpton, Fred Singleton, Peter Prytulak, with Visitors Mitchell Francis & Michael Thompson, Jim Donovan (VP), Isobel Wooding, Andrew Wooding, Rob Bell, Fred Plane, Arthur Millea, Ed Fawkes, Theo Bekkers (Treas), Apologies for non Attendance: Barry Bristow-Stagg, Sylvia Bristow-Stagg (Sec), Ben Sullivan, Jamie Prytulak, Chris & Gail Alabach, Glen Beveridge, Brian Young. Minutes of previous Meeting as presented in Newsletter Business arising from Minutes: nil Moved: Jim Donovan... Seconded: Peter Prytulak .. - that the previous minutes, the apologies and business arising be accepted. Carried


In: Vint.Auto Assoc. January Past Times and Events page. National Hist.Mach. Assoc: November & December newsletter Wundowie P&C Motor Mania: Jan 15 2017, Wundowie Oval, $10 per car. Mad about Motoring. Sat Apr 8, 10a-4p Hay Park, Bunbury Show. Motoring Extravaganza Truck Pull: Sun Mar 19, 10a-3p Sth Reg.Tafe, Bunbury. Old’s Cool Car Cruise. Sun 26 Mar 8.30a Kewdale. Enq or Rod 0407 444917 Historic Tract.Mach.Swap. Apr 29/30th Prince of Wales Grounds, Bendigo. Everything Chrysler Day. Sun Apr 2. Mopars at the Motorplex, Kwinana. . Albany Classic ‘Around the Houses’. June 2-4-incl Mt Clarence Hill Climb(3rd) Enq 0417 269477 British Auto Classic Extravaganza. Sun Oct 29 2017 invite, following success of 2016. Retroautos January 2017 now online. Click on this LINK. From Matt and Kristi Lambert’s 12 car Hillman

collection to Paul Aikman’s immaculate 1966 Pontiac Bonneville, from Design to Driveway showcasing the 1965/66 Pontiac prototypes to a restored 351 Falcon ute and two X2 HR Holdens, we hope you enjoy it all.

Northam Betta Electrical. Invoice for Hot Water System. Shire of Northam. Determination on application for public event - swapmeet Counc.of Motor.Club re updates & booklet for Code 404. Thanks also to letter from Member Randle.

Out: CEO, Shire of Northam- re authorised Volunteers camping on Oval, particularly for security. (Ans –Feb 1st. Rare Parts. Sending required A4 Swapmeet flyer Events- How late or no notice can be overcome for Members benefit.

In/Out for General Business RSM re details of swapmeet, including what is acceptable as trade stands My Weekend re invitation to promote the swapmeet on the my Weekend website. Angie Roe re .providing 2 quotes for photography of the swapmeet. Avon Events & Marketing re sale of second hand heavy duty trestle tables.

Moved: Peter Prytulak… Seconded Jen Sumpton… that the Inwards correspondence and emails be accepted, and the Outwards correspondence and emails be endorsed. Carried

Finance: Opening Balance $8,251.87, plus $1,266, Memb fees, Chrissy Lunch, minus $1,591.45 Xmas Lunch, supply re-imb, and Bank fees, Closing Balance $. Account in hand for next year’s Lease fee $709.35 Moved: Peter Prytulak... Secnd: Jenny Sumpton... that the Treasurer’s report as given be accepted and account passed for payment. Carried Reports: Shed Report : Shed ok. Vandals smashed 46 windows in locomotive at platform, & small break in 1 of our windows on 10 Jan. Then on 13th Jan (Friday) more windows broken at back of our building & 1 window in one of Platform rooms. Work on our Sprite to be started on 29Jan. As requested a short extension cord purchased for Kitchen. Events : AVVVA Northam Vintage Swapmeet. Sun 19 Feb 2017 Jubilee Oval, 6am-12Noon. Motoring Extravaganza. Sun 19 Mar. 10a-3p Sth Reg.Tafe, Robertson Dve, Bunbury Corrigin Vintage and Classic Motor Show, Sat 25 March 2017 Enq Jackie Jones 0428 632091 Old’s Cool Car Cruise. Sun 26 Mar. 8.30a Kewdale. (Comb.Torana Car Club) Curtin FM Classic Car Spectacular, Sun 2 April 2017 Trinity College, Waterford Everything Chrysler Day. Sun Apr 2. Mopars @ the Motorplex, Kwinana. 0459 325340 Mad about Motoring. Sat Apr 8, 10a-4p Hay Park, Bunbury Show. Historic Tract.Mach.Swap. Apr 29/30th Prince of Wales Grounds, Bendigo. Albany Classic ‘Around the Houses’. June 2-4-incl Mt Clarence Hill Climb(3rd) Enq 0417 269477 Swapmeet – Waiting for answer from Shire CEO re Saturday’s activities for the Swapmeet. Letters to Police and Fire Dept. going. Other paperwork ready to be finalised. Peter & Jamie Prytulak are other Members who have been busy towards and promoting the Club and our Swapmeet, keep up the good work and many thanks. Moved: Fred Plane… Seconded: Rob Bell… That the reports be accepted Carried New Members: Griffin Putland, of Northam with a 1958 Austin Lancer. Griffin has used the vehicle fulltime until recently. Now has an updated vehicle but wishes to keep the Austin as a vintage passion. Moved: Peter Prytulak…. Seconded: Andrew Wooding… That Griffin Putland be accepted as a Member of our Club. Carried. We welcome Griffin Putland as a Member of our Club. General Business: *Trade Stands/stalls re recent queries (RSM) clarification is needed. The flyer states Trade Displays welcome. After discussion it was resolved that “Trade Displays” to be limited to Vintage or automotive related. *My Weekend re invitation to promote the swapmeet on the my Weekend website. Fred Singleton handles the advertising, so his input is relevant. *Angie Roe re providing 2 quotes for photography of the swapmeet. Very good idea, however a no for this year as all is in place. *Avon Events & Marketing re sale of second hand heavy duty trestle tables. No at this stage. *Code 404. Booklets picked up by Murray, faq’s added. Important issue for all Members, whether they are Code 404 or not so Fred Singleton has dealt with posting booklets to all financial Members. Thanks Fred. Also hope that Members have kept us up to date with their present location details. *Swapmeet – some last minute details to follow up. Murray will check with Christine, Rec Centre re lights available 5a-6a and temporary fencing in place near main entrance. This can be erected on Saturday if no other event on at the Rec Centre. Next meeting Sat. 18th Feb. 2017 @ 10.30am. After the bbq we need all Hands on Deck to organise the Oval area for the SWAPMEET held the next morning, 19th . There being no further business, meeting closed at 1150am.

NORTHAM VINTAGE SWAP MEET Presented by the Avon Valley Vintage Vehicle Association of WA Inc

Supported by the Shire of Northam

Sunday February 19th 2017

Jubilee Oval (Showground) NORTHAM Follow the Signs to the Chidlow Street Entry Gate

Selling: Vintage Cars, Trucks, Tractors, Motorcycles,

Machinery, Engines, Used Spare Parts, Collectables, Household Items, etc, etc. etc.

Trade Displays Welcome

Site: $15.00 each (Admits one) Vintage Vehicles for sale ONE ONLY per site

GATES OPEN: Sellers - 06.30am

Public Entry – 7.00am FINISH: 12.00 Midday

Buyers $5.00 per person (Kids Free)


Food and Drink available

EN1UIRIES: Murray Sumpton Ph 0407 299 705 PO Box 755 Northam WA 6401 E Mail :

Bookings not necessary



Made possible with Support and Sponsorship from

MMrr VVuuppeerr WWhhiipppp


Cnr Fitzgerald & Gordon Streets (Opposite Post Office) (PO Box 164) Northam, WA 6401

Telephone (08) 9622 3888 Fax: (08) 9622 3909


*Tyres *Batteries *Wheels *Exhaust Systems

*Wheel Alignment *Mechanical Repairs *Car Service & Tune-ups *Brakes *4x4 Accessories

*Suspension - Shocks, Springs Bushes (Inc. Old Man Emu)


A great way to live and learn Making friends that last a lifetime Kathlyn Rowlands PO Box 98 College Manager Inkpen Street Northam WA 6401 Phone: 96221488 Fax: 96222814 Email: Our Dreams will become our Future


(Membership due 30th June each year)

Couple or single……………….…..........…$30.00 Newsletter Postage…………….….......…. $ 15.00 (no fee if on e-mail only) Machinery Insurance……….$20.00 per person (for Stationary Motors) Monthly Newsletter Advertisment……………$35.00 Bumper Badge…………………….……….…..$25.00 Concessional Plates”Historic” (2 per vehicle)$ 6.00ea Cap……………………………………………..$ 8.00 Embroidered Badge…………………………..$ 5.00 Name Badge…………………………………...$ 15.00 Shirts and Jackets…………...POA Ordered in sizes

For all your fine See The

70 WA Phone (08) 9041 1340 Fax (08) 9041

BYGONE SPARE PARTS AND RESTORATION Yesterdays Motoring Today Bruce Sharman

PO Box 1505, Toodyay, WA 6566

(08) 9574 4905 M: 0408 88 92 79 Email:

• Vintage Wiring Harnesses , manufactured to Original Specs

• Chassis up or Part Restorations • Preloved and new parts • Consultation • Rewiring • Memorabilia • Motoring accessories • Parts finding Service

Valley Ford

New & Used Cars


Fitzgerald Street Northam 6401

PHONE: (08) 9622 5588

This Space is for Sale

This space is for sale



SATURDAY 18th February 10:30am SATURDAY 18th March 10:30am

BUSY BEE DATES FOR 2017 SATURDAY 18th February 1:00pm SATURDAY 18th March 1:00pm

Sunday 19th February 2017 AVVVA Northam Vintage Swap Meet Jubilee Oval Northam Ph : Murray 0407 299 705 Friday 24th & Saturday 25th February 2017 Ballarat Swap Meet Ballarat Airport , Ballarat Sunday 19th March 2017 Motoring Extravaganza and Truck Pull South Regional TAFE 10am – 3pm Robertson Drive BUNBURY Saturday 25th March 2017 Corrigin Vintage and Classic Motor Show Ph Jackie Jones 0428 632 091 Saturday 1st April 2017 Narrogin Restoration Group Open Day Swap Meet Fortune & Fairbrother Streets Narrogin Sat 1st & Sun 2nd April 2017 Northam Flying 50 See flyer this newsletter Sunday 2nd April 2017 Curtin FM Classic Car Spectacular Trinity College, Waterford Sunday 2nd April 2017 Everything Chrysler Day Kwinana Motorplex Saturday 8th April 2017 Mad About Motoring Hay Park Central 10am – 4pm Bunbury Sunday 23rd April 2017 Classic Car Show Sunday 23rd April 2017 VAA Swap Meet Guilford Polo Grounds Ray Smith 9309 4837

Sat & Sun 29th & 30th April 2017 Historic Tractor & Machinery Swap Bendigo Show Grounds Sunday 4th June 2017 2017 Albany Classic Albany Contact Vicki : Rallywest 2017 September 10th – 16th 2017 Veteran Car Club of WA See flyer this newsletter Sunday 29th October 2017 British Auto Classic Extravaganza 2017 El-Caballo Resort and Golf Course Contact : Saturday 18th & Sunday 19th November 2017 Bendigo Swap Meet Prince of Wales Showgound Bendigo

________________________ For Sale Plastic Storage Boxes $5.00 each or 5 for $20.00 Peter Prytulak 84 Burlong Road Northam Ph : 9622 2019 0407 444 754


IMPOSSIBILITES IN THE WORLD 1) You can’t count your hair 2) You can’t wash your eyes with soap 3) You can’t breathe through your nose when your tongue is out. Put your tongue back in your mouth, you silly person.

I couldn’t find my luggage at the airport baggage area and went to the lost luggage office and reported the loss. The woman there smiled and told me not to worry because she was a trained professional and said I was in good hands. ‘Now,’ she asked me, ‘Has your plane arrived yet?’…… (I work with a professional like this.)

Have you changed your postal or email address recently?

• If so Have you contacted the secretary with your new address? • If not I would appreciate it if you could do so now.

We have recently had difficulties contacting some members.

Many thanks to those members who have kept their contact numbers up-to-date. To the other members, it is probably just an oversight, but if you could rectify the matter it would be


Many thanks for your co-operation.

While working at a pizza parlour, I observed a man ordering a small pizza to go. He appeared to be alone and the cook asked him if he would like it cut into 4 pieces or 6. He thought about it for some time, then said ‘Just cut it into 4 pieces; I don’t think I’m hungry enough to eat 6 pieces.’
