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20  Dip  Road,  Kamo,  Whangarei,  New  Zealand.  Email:  office@hurupaki.school.nz  PH:  (09)  435  0733  FX:  (09)  435  3671    


Friday 23 June – Term Two Week 8, 2017

Tena ra koutou ki nga hau e wha – Greetings to everybody.

We are looking forward to our Whanau Day on Tuesday and desperately hope that we have fine weather for the hangi. Thank you so much to those people who have supported this event with the donation of food. We appreciate the work that teachers Karen Johnsen and Shane Nicholas have put into organisation of the whanau day and look forward to having many of you join us. Matua Shane has had the challenging job of starting to select our kapa haka concert group this week. The concert group will work towards participating in festivals and competitions. It has always been the intention to keep the size of the group to a workable unit, which in the past comprised Year 5 and 6 students, and only the most committed were part of it. We realize that many children were very disappointed that they didn’t make it into the concert group and I accept responsibility for not ensuring that they were adequately prepared for the selection process. I am deeply sorry for the distress this caused for children and their families. However, all of the children are still involved in the whole-school kapa haka group that happens every week, where they have the opportunity to learn all of the waiata, poi and haka. It is heartwarming to see how much our children love and value the time they spend doing kapa haka. All of the children who have been part of the kapa haka performance group from the start of the year will be involved in performing at the whanau day on Tuesday, which we are all looking forward to. They have been practising very hard.

Have a safe and enjoyable weekend. Naku Noa Rob Posthumus

Ruia, taitea, kia tū kō taikākā anake – strip away the bark and expose the heartwood. This whakatauki promotes the striving for and pursuit of excellence.

“Excellence is the gradual result of always striving to do better.” (Patrick Riley)

Happy Hurupaki Birthday to: Steph Davis, Cohen Douglas, Joshua Wainwright, Declan Tindall and Cooper Whittaker!!!

VERY IMPORTANT: We have noticed that a number of parents/caregivers are not reporting to the office before collecting children throughout the day. For the safety of our children, you must report to the office to collect a blue slip that should be flashed at the class teacher. Even though you may advise the teacher you have taken them, the office must also be notified by parents/caregivers. Thank you.

Whanau Day Tuesday 27th June

Thanks so much for all the donations of food for the hangi next Tuesday. They are all greatly appreciated. Also thank you to the whanau who have offered to help with food preparation. Miss Keiran Hackett will be doing this with some senior students at 1 p.m. in the staff room next Monday (26 June) so please feel free to come along and help the students. We especially need 'pumpkin cutters'! We look forward to seeing you all next Tuesday on Whanau Day.

*****EARLY SCHOOL CLOSURE at 12.15pm Wednesday 5th July and Thursday 6th July*****

Student-Led Conference – Booking Close Monday 3rd July

Student-led conferences will take place between 1:15 and 7:00pm on Wednesday 5th July and Thursday 6th July. School will close at 12:15pm on both the Wednesday and Thursday with the bus leaving at this time also. Hurupaki After School Care will be available from 12:15pm until 5:45pm on both of these afternoons. Make sure you book early to be sure of a space. From 5:30pm onwards we will have someone in the library to look after children while siblings have their conferences. Sorry, this doesn’t include pre-schoolers.


Batty is about 3 years old and has been missing about 4 days. She usually hangs around our school office and around school. If you see her, please contact Dannii on 021 1010795.

Netball This Saturday – 24 June 2017 Playing at Team Court Number 8.30am Hurupaki Black CT 04 8.30am Hurupaki Pink CT 09A 8.30am Hurupaki Purple CT 13 9.15am Hurupaki Blue CT 14 9.15am Hurupaki Yellow CT 04 10.00am Hurupaki White CT 09A 10.00am Hurupaki Green CT 07 11.05am Hurupaki Red CT 06 Be there 20 minutes before your game to warm up please.

Check out these websites: http://whangareinetball.co.nz/competition


School fundraiser - Around the World in 80 Days Trivia Night

We are raising funds for all weather turf for the children and this year we are holding a Trivia Night on August 11 here at the school. We are busy gathering sponsors and prizes for the auction to make it a fabulous night to remember!

But we need you. The tickets are on sale next week from the school office, teams of 6, $120 per table, so get your most fun (and clever) mates rallied up to attend. Oh, and it wouldn't be a Hurupaki night out without some dress-up involved so this year the theme is Around the World in 80 Days. Your country will be given once tickets are bought. There are prizes for the best dressed team and of course the 'winning' team.

We would also like to thank our major sponsor Laser Electrical! Thanks!

So look out for the posters around school and gather ya friends and family and come on over for a night off from the kids, for the kids, we bet you deserve it. See you there.

Hurupaki School Support Group

Step Ahead is a beautiful, homely private Kindergarten for 3-5 year olds in Kamo. We currently have spaces available. Pop in and visit us at 13 Grant Street or phone us on 435 2825 for more info. Visit us on www.stepahead.co.nz for more details. Whananaki School – Polynesian Style Dinner Night. Three course gourmet meal and entertainment. For more info please email: emrsamara@gmail.com or or ph: 4338 231

Tuesday 27 June Whanau Day Wednesday 28 June BOT Meeting – 6.30pm Staffroom Tuesday 4 July Special Morning Tea – All welcome. 10am in hall. Weds/Thurs 5/6 July Student-Led Conferences – SCHOOL FINISHES 12.15PM Friday 7 July End of Term Two Monday 24 July Term Three Begins Friday 11 August Trivia Night Thursday 17 August School Cross Country Thursday 31 August Whangarei Cross Country Thursday 21 September School Photos REMINDERS:

• PLEASE call before 2pm for any messages for children or changes to the bus or afterschool care. (Messages are dispatched daily at 2.15pm.) Also please DON’T email absentees or messages for children to Louise or Paula. Rather, use website, PTC app or leave a message on the phone system. This will ensure your message is received, especially if Louise and Paula are absent themselves.

PLEASE REMEMBER: NO vehicles are to enter into school grounds to drop off children between 8am – 9am and 2pm – 3pm; this includes no entry and NO PARKING in top car park or at

driveway entrances and yellow lines. Please help us keep our kids safe. PLEASE INFORM YOUR FAMILY AND FRIENDS WHO DROP OFF OR PICK UP.

Sore Throats Matter – Newsletter Information

Sore Throats Matter  Rheumatic  fever  is  a  serious  but  preventable  illness.  It  mainly  affects  Māori  and  Pacific  children  and  young  people  (aged  4  to  19  years),  especially  if  they  have  other  family  members  who  have  had  rheumatic  fever.    Rheumatic  fever  starts  with  a  sore  throat  that  is  known  as  ‘strep  throat’  –  a  throat  infection  caused  by  bacteria  called  Group  A  Streptococcus.    Most  sore  throats  get  better  on  their  own  after  about  four  days.  But  if  strep  throat  is  not  treated  with  antibiotics  it  can  cause  rheumatic  fever  in  at-­‐risk  children  and  young  people.  All  sore  throats  in  Māori  and  Pacific  children  and  young  people  (aged  4–19  years)  that  are  living  in  Northland  need  to  be  checked.    If  your  child  has  strep  throat,  they’ll  be  given  oral  antibiotics  for  10  days  or  a  one-­‐off  penicillin  injection  to  clear  up  the  infection.  It’s  important  to  take  the  oral  antibiotics  for  the  full  10  days,  even  if  they  are  feeling  better.      Otaika  Pharmacy  and  Kensington  Pharmacy  do  FREE  throat  swabs.  Your  school-­‐based  throat  swabbing  programme,  school  nurse  or  family  doctor  can  all  do  free  throat  swabs  too.  

