Tenants newsletter winter 2012



Tenants newsletter winter 2012

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The newsletter for Link tenants

newshousingWINTER 2012


TPAS Conference 2012

Craigmillar multi-cultural meetings

Tenants love theirnew homes

Link part of Scottishmusic history

L-R Charlie Reid, Craig Sanderson(Link Chief Executive) and Craig Reid.

Link can ‘proclaim’ to bepart of Scottish musichistory after learningthat a seminal Scottishband’s first album waswritten in one of itsproperties.

As part of Link’s 50th birthdaycelebrations, former Link tenantsCraig and Charlie Reid revealedthat getting into one of Link’scluster flats in Lyne Street,Edinburgh when they were 19was “one of the great bits offortune they ever had.”

After staying there for 18months, they secured a transfer

to another of Link’s properties inDean Village, Edinburgh. It wasin this flat as Craig remembered,“...The Proclaimers began...wecould rehearse there, we wrotesongs there and instantly westarted as The Proclaimers ...and it kind of went on from there”and as Charlie confirmed: “theentire first album (This is theStory) would have been written inthat flat.”

Craig and Charlie alsodescribed how they had “nothingbut good memories of Link...they treated us really well... theytreated tenants with respect and(we) were extremely grateful thatwe got those flats.”

At the end of the film, Craig

and Charlie took the opportunityto say thanks to everybody atLink and wished everyone all thebest for the future.

To view the video go toLink’s websitehttp://www.youtube.com/user/LinkGroupLtd

Link Housing – 08451 400 100 or 0330 303 0013 or csc@linkhaltd.co.uk


Welfare Reform – what is it all about andwhat are we doing about it?

In previous issues of the tenantsnewsletter we have told you abouthow the UK Government’s WelfareReform Act became law in March ofthis year. This Act will result insignificant changes to the welfarebenefits system, some of which willstart to happen in April 2013.

The Department for Work and Pensions (DWP),which deals with most of the welfare benefits, hasdecided that Link (as your housing provider)must keep you informed and support you tomanage the changes that the new Act will bring.We cannot make any changes to the amendedwelfare benefits system.

What can you do aboutWelfare Reform?

If you have not already done so, please fill in andreturn the Welfare Reform questionnaire that wesent you recently. It is really important to find out ifyou may be affected by any areas of WelfareReform so that we can provide you with ongoinginformation, advice and support. If you haveaccess to the internet you can also complete thesurvey here:


All tenants who return (or have returned already)the completed questionnaire will be entered into aprize draw to win a £50 voucher for Marks andSpencer.

Don’t forget to read the Welfare Reform Guideso that you know how (and if) you will be affected.

If you have any concerns please get information,advice and support as soon as possible so thatyou know what your options are. You can get thisfrom Link’s Advice Team, your Housing Officer, theCustomer Service Centre, your local authority orfrom an independent advice agency.

What are we doing aboutWelfare Reform?

● We will continue to include any relevantinformation in future tenants newsletters.

● We have issued a Welfare Reform Guide to allLink tenants – which we hope you have read sothat you know how (and if) you will be affectedby Welfare Reform.

● We have issued a Welfare Reform questionnaireto all Link tenants. We will be reviewing theresults and contacting you if you are affected sothat we can provide additional information,advice and support.

● Link staff are attending numerous events andtraining to make sure that we keep up to datewith DWP’s implementation plans.

● We have set up a special team within Link todeal with Welfare Reform changes.

● We are reviewing many of our policies andprocedures to make sure that they will workonce the changes caused by welfare reformtake place.

www.linkhousing.org.uk www.facebook.com/LinkGroupLtd @Link_Group_Ltd


TPAS Conference 2012

The annual TenantParticipation AdvisoryService (TPAS) Scotlandconference and AnnualGeneral Meeting washeld in October at theCrieff Hydro Hotel.

Link staff and tenants wereamongst 350 others from acrossthe country who got together todiscuss a range of issues whichaffect how tenants are able toinfluence and work together withtheir landlords. The conferenceis a key part of the tenantparticipation calendar as tenantsand staff can meet and sharegood practice, ideas andlearning. This year the ScottishSocial Housing Charter andWelfare Reform were hot topicsas they are arguably the twomost significant changes tosocial housing in recent years.There was an excellent choice ofworkshops each day including

tenant scrutiny, welfare reform,youth involvement, funding,allocations and social media.Delegates also enjoyed aperformance from Naomi Breezeon the challenges of WelfareReform and from a motivationalspeaker and stand up comedianfrom the Tree of Knowledge.

The TPAS annual awardsceremony was held on the Fridayevening. Link’s tenant-ledinspection team was nominatedfor an award but although wedidn’t win, all the nominationswere commended for theirgood practice.

Link tenant Shona said:“The TPAS conference wasreally enjoyable and it’s agreat opportunity to meetother tenants from manydifferent parts of Scotland.The workshops anddiscussions were on arange of issues of commoninterest – it’s definitely aworthwhile weekend.”

If you are interested in attending a future conference pleasecontact Leah Webb, Tenant Liaison Officer on 08451 400 100.

Craigmillar multi-cultural meetings

Craigmillar is part ofEdinburgh’s largest regenerationand renewal project and isbecoming increasingly diverse.

Link is one of five sociallandlords in the area who haveformed a strong partnershipbetween the City of EdinburghCouncil, the Police, CommunitySafety and local communitygroups. The NeighbourhoodAlliance is the communityumbrella organisation, whichprovides support to 11 localneighbourhood residents’groups (of which a number ofLink tenants are included).

Edinburgh and LothiansRegional Equalities Council isworking in the area and isrunning a football project to talkabout racism with young people.

There has also been a seriesof community meetings to talk tolocal residents about ways toincrease cultural understandingsand their perceptions of racismand discrimination. There hasbeen a great response to themulti-cultural meetings and theaim is to build on the initialresponse and contacts madewith people into next year.Contact Leah Webb, TenantLiaison Officer, if you would likemore information.

valuing people, providing homes, building communities, working together


Tenant-led inspection updateWe reported in the last edition of the newsletter the findings of the tenant-ledinspection of our Estate Management service. The recommendations have nowformed an action plan for staff and we will be working to ensure these arecarried out.

You said

Joint inspections by Housing and Maintenanceofficers need to be re-established and tenantsshould be invited to take part in estatewalkabouts at least once a year.

What we are doing

We have re-established joint inspections. A newregister of tenants who want to be involved inestate walkabouts is being created.

Tenants should be involved in deciding who thenext landscaping contractor is.

Tenants are involved in developing the contractspecification for the new landscaping contractor.

There needs to be communication with tenantsto advise on what they can expect from thelandscaping contractors.

Tenants will review and approve communicationmaterials in spring 2013.

A monitoring system needs to be establishedto analyse any formal complaints relating toestate management.

A new model complaints handing process isbeing set up in Link’s new computer system.

A monitoring system needs to be established toshow how service charges are spent, to ensurethat all money collected for estate managementis invested on site.

This is being done and will be reported back tothe Tenant-led inspection team next year.

Some sites need to have investment in theircommunal areas. The planned maintenanceprogramme should include communal areas.

A staff working group is being set up to discussthe feasibility of this as some areas have asignificant number of owners who would need tocontribute to costs as well as Link.

Please set up gardening and best areacompetitions.

A gardening competition was held thisyear – winners were announced in the lasttenants newsletter.

Recurring communal repairs issues, which havebeen reported by staff and residents, are notbeing resolved.

Procedures have been improved and a newreporting system has been established tomonitor the completion of reported issues.A new computer system to manage repairs isbeing implemented next year.

Link Housing – 08451 400 100 or 0330 303 0013 or csc@linkhaltd.co.uk


Annual Rent Increases Tell us what you thinkEach year we review the amount of rent wecharge you as a tenant.

We are very aware of the increasing financial pressure that ourtenants face in the current difficult economic climate. We doeverything possible to limit the level of rent increase to make sure itis affordable to you as a tenant and to make sure we meet ourfinancial commitments.

We need to ensure we keep up with rising costs and that we areable manage and maintain our properties to a high standard throughour planned maintenance programme. The chart shows how weused every penny in each pound of rental income last year.

In November, we held a series of focus groups with tenants on ourrent setting policy and the methods we use to calculate rents. Wewere asked by tenants to provide more information in the annual rentincrease letter that is sent to all tenants. We will do this when we sendthe letter out in February.

How we spent your money.



Management & maintenance admin, 29p

Planned/cyclical/major repairs, 18p

Reactive maintenance costs, 16p

Bad debts, 1p

Depreciation, 21p

Loan finance,15p

We are considering two options for the next financial year (April 2013-March 2014) Option 1 – Rent increase by Inflation only (As measured by the Consumer Price Index (CPI))Option 2 – Rent increase by Inflation plus 1%

The reasons for increasing rents by more than inflation are various. These include providing more fundsto assist in meeting the costs of borrowing to provide more housing for people in need and continuing toinvest in maintaining your home.

What does this mean for rents? The table below shows how different sized properties may be affectedusing the CPI December 2012 estimate of 3%. The actual CPI for December will be published by the UKGovernment in January 2013 – this will be the figure we use to set the rent increase.

Property size 1 person flat

Weekly increase Inflation only £1.75

Weekly increaseInflation & 1% £2.34

1 bedroom -2 person flat



2 bedroom -4 person flat



2 bedroom -4 person house



3 bedroom -5 person house



To help us make an informed decision on the rent increase, we would like to know what you would prefer.Tick one box only

Option 1 – I would prefer a rent increase by CPI only �Option 2 – I would prefer a rent increase by CPI & 1% �Please tear off the slip and return to: For the attention of Leah Webb, Freepost RRBB-XKJB-EHRZ,Link Housing Association Ltd, Watling House, Callendar Business Park, Falkirk, FK1 1XR.

www.linkhousing.org.uk www.facebook.com/LinkGroupLtd @Link_Group_Ltd


Getting ready for the ScottishSocial Housing Charter

The Housing (Scotland) Act other customers2010 introduced: The new independent Scottish» The Scottish Social Housing Housing Regulator (SHR) is

Charter and responsible for monitoring,assessing and reporting on how» A new independent ScottishLink is achieving the CharterHousing Regulator to succeedoutcomes and standards. Eachthe previous Scottishyear the SHR will publish a reportGovernment Agencyof the performance of each

The Scottish Social Housing landlord against set indicatorsCharter (SSHC) sets standards for tenants and other serviceand outcomes that explain the users that demonstrates how theresults that you as a tenant can landlord is achieving the Charterexpect from Link. The Charter outcomes and standards. Thissets out sixteen different will be known as the Annualoutcomes and standards that Return on the Charter (ARC).Link should be working to achieve The SHR’s approach toin order to provide good quality monitoring and assessingservices to tenants and service landlords highlights theusers. These outcomes are importance of tenants beingdivided into seven sections that involved. Landlords and tenantscover: should carry out self» Equalities assessments on how they are

achieving the Charter outcomes» Customer / landlord and standards. The SHR’s new

relationship Regulatory Framework requires» Housing quality and landlords to:

maintenance » Agree their approach to self» Neighbourhood and assessment with tenants

community » Demonstrate clearly their» Access to housing and support approach to self assessment

» Getting good value from rents » Demonstrate their approach isand service charges being implemented

» Gypsies and Travellers and

» Provide a statement of howthey will involve service users,customers, homeless people,home owners and hard toreach groups in their selfassessment activities

At the end of each financial year,Link will:

» Measure and assess itsprogress towards orachievement of the Charteroutcomes and any localoutcomes they have agreedwith their tenants

» Provide the SHR with some keyperformance information on itsachievement of the outcomes

» Report the outcome of theirassessment to tenants andothers who use their services

Here is what we are doingto prepare

– We are in the process ofsetting up a tenant scrutinypanel

– We are discussing withtenants what outcomeswould be of interest fortenant scrutiny activities

– Do the indicators tell the fullstory – what else do tenantswant to know?

– We are developing ourcomputer system to dealwith the new complaintshandling process

– We are discussing withtenants the format of reportsso they are easy tounderstand

– We will be holding tasterCharter sessions in early2013 – contact Leah Webb ifyou would like to attend.Full details of the Scottish Social Housing Charter can be

found at: http://housingcharter.scotland.gov.uk/

valuing people, providing homes, building communities, working together


New repairs contractsarrangements in the east

We have had to makesome changes to thecontractors we use inEdinburgh, Lothians,Fife, Borders, Falkirk,Stirling and Perthshire.This is because ourcurrent contractor Mitiewill be withdrawing fromits contract with Link inmid December.

We have entered intoarrangements with two newcontractors, Morrison ScotlandLLP and R3 Repairs Ltd.Morrison will cover the Falkirk,Stirling and Perthshire areaswhilst R3 will cover Edinburgh,Lothians, Fife and the Borders.

Although the newarrangement formallycommences on 13 December

2012, we will be phasing inMorrison and R3 Repairs soyou may find that they attendto repairs before this date.We also have a number ofother contractors who will beavailable if repairs demand their introduction.

If you live in one of the areaslisted you will receive a letterexplaining the changes.

We regret that we have had tomake this change but we areworking with the contractorsinvolved to make the handoveras seamless as possible fortenants. Our main priority is tomaintain the repairs services andwe would like to thank you foryour cooperation as thesechanges are put in place.

The updated emergencycontact numbers are on theback page.

Hello to thenew TradesOperationsManager

Link has appointed RabStevenson as TradesOperations Manager to leadon the establishment of ournew in-house trades team.Rab has a proven trackrecord of deliveringexcellent and marketleading repairs services andsays of his new position:

“My aim is to create anin-house trades team thatwill provide a first classrepairs service to all Linkcustomers and I will workto ensure that ourtenants have theopportunity to shape theservice accordingly”.

The first phase of the newservice is due to start inStirling and Falkirk in autumn2013 with the service beingrolled out to other areas infurther phases.

Link Housing – 08451 400 100 or 0330 303 0013 or csc@linkhaltd.co.uk


Tenants love their new homes

Link tenant Jacqueline Main with Link Chair Peter Foreman.

Over the past six months Linkhas completed developmentsin Chapelhall, Kirkintillochand Larbert.

At Taig Road, Kirkintilloch, the 16properties consist of 10 twobedroom cottage flats, with oneflat specifically designed to meetthe needs of a wheelchair user,four two bedroom mid-terracehouses and two three bedroomend-terrace houses. The newdevelopment also included theprovision of a new play area (withsafe grass mat surface) toreplace the existing outdatedequipment.

At Gibb Street, DarrochCrescent and Gowan Place,Chapelhall, the 36 propertiesconsist of 16 two bedroom flats,19 two and three bedroomhouses and one housespecifically designed to meet theneeds of a wheelchair user. Thenew homes also benefit fromsolar thermal panels which heatdomestic water which in turnhelps to keep costs down for thetenants who live there.

New Chapelhall tenant,Jacqueline Main said of her

new home:“Being offered this property waslike a dream come true. I amdelighted with the standard andquality and I especially like thebig living room with bay windowand garden. I am very happywith this property.”

At Kinnaird Village, Larbert, thefirst phase of 28 propertiescompleted earlier this year,consisted of two, three and fourbedroom homes. The secondphase of 21 two-storey terracedfamily houses was completed inDecember with new tenants justmoving in recently. Each homehas gas central heating and hotwater systems, high thermalinsulation and double glazing tocreate warm, comfortable and

energy efficient homes that willbe easy and economical to run.

New Larbert tenant, LindaCornwall said:

“I was living in Falkirk in a Linkproperty and have been lookingto move to Larbert to be close tofamily and my child's localschool. I was overjoyed when Iwas told that I was successful ingetting one of these properties.This has had a positive impacton me and my son and willimprove our quality of life. Thehouse meets all our needs andwe have been advised will bemore energy efficient so that'sgreat. We are so happy and Ican't thank Link staff enough.”

We worked closely with NorthLanarkshire, East Dunbartonshireand Falkirk Councils respectivelyand the Scottish Government onthese developments. Each sitewas acquired using funding fromthe Scottish Government and theproperties meet Link designstandards for affordable housing.

Taig Road, Kirkintilloch

Kinnaird Village, Larbert

www.linkhousing.org.uk www.facebook.com/LinkGroupLtd @Link_Group_Ltd

Basic Bank Accounts


Welfare Reform is going to change the way your benefits and tax credits arepaid and it will give you the responsibility to pay your rent and other bills.

Link’s Advice Team is looking atways it can help you withbudgeting your money. One ofthe products you should knowabout is a ‘Basic Bank Account’.This is available to people onlower incomes or to those whojust want to use a simplebanking facility.

A Basic Bank Account is verysimple to use. Your money (suchas your benefits or tax credits) ispaid into your account and youcan then use it to pay your billsby direct debit. The accountdoes not offer any credit oroverdraft facility. Therefore, if youdo set up a direct debit to payyour rent and other bills youmust make sure you haveenough money in the account toavoid bank charges.

With a basic bankaccount you can

● Have your Benefits, Wages,Pensions, or Tax Credits paiddirectly into your account.

● Pay in cheques for FREE.● Make easy cash withdrawals

at the Post Office or cashmachines.

● Pay your bills by direct debit –you may be eligible for adiscount!

Additional services mayinclude:

● Paying for your shopping instores or online by debit card.

● Paying your bills by standingorder.

How to open a basicbank account

● Visit the bank or buildingsociety you have chosen andask to open a basic bankaccount.

● You will be asked to providetwo forms of identificationsuch as your passport,driving licence, a recent bill orproof of address to open anaccount. If you don't have anyof the above, the bank orbuilding society shouldaccept a letter from aresponsible person such as adoctor, or landlord.

● Before the bank offers you anaccount, they may run acredit check. Don't worry ifyou have previously beendeclared bankrupt, you maystill be able to open a basicbank account.

Things to consider

If you open a basic bank accountat a bank or building societywhere you already have a currentaccount and are in overdraft orowe other debts, any moneyused to open the basic bankaccount may be used to pay offthese debts. Open a basic bankaccount at a different bank orbuilding society to keep yourmoney safe.

Some accounts are onlyavailable if you are over 18 –Please check with the bank orbuilding society.

Having problems openingor using a bank account?

Unsure about the typeof account the bank isoffering you?

The bank won't open a basicbank account for you?

Not able to get out moneyfrom your account yourself?

Contact Link’s Advice Teamon 01324 417174

valuing people, providing homes, building communities, working together


Spread some festivecheer by helpingolder peopleWe need volunteers to help olderand disabled people in Fife, NorthLanarkshire and Edinburgh.

If you have one hour a week to spare you canhelp others achieve a greater independenceand a better quality of life.

RealLiving is looking for volunteers inDunfermline and the West Fife Villages tospend time with someone over 65 who issocially isolated in their own home. Volunteerscan either speak to the older person over thephone or spend time with them at a location oftheir choice.

If you would like to volunteer then pleasecall 01592 644048.

North Lanarkshire Care & Repair run byHorizon Housing Association, and Care andRepair Edinburgh are looking for volunteerhandypersons in North Lanarkshire andEdinburgh. Volunteers provide practical helpsuch as house repairs, improvements,adaptations and small household tasks tohelp older and disabled people live in theirhomes in comfort and security.

If you would like to become a volunteerhandyperson then please call 0800 0482882 (North Lanarkshire) or 0131 220 7630(Edinburgh).

If you are over 65, or know someone who is, andthink you would benefit from receiving one of theservices listed above then please call the relevantnumber for more information.


Remember, you rent is payablein advance on or before the 1stday of each month. You can payin a variety of different ways tosuit your circumstances:

Direct debit: This is the easiest way to payyour rent if you have a bank/ buildingsociety account. You can decide which dayto pay your rent each month but rememberthat you may incur a charge if the directdebit is not honoured. Call us on 08451 400100 if you would like us to set up a DirectDebit for you.

allpay: You can use your allpay card to payyour rent via:

● telephone – call allpay direct on 0844557 8321 or call the Customer ServiceCentre on 08451 400 100 (office hoursonly) (credit or debit card payments)

● the internet at www.allpayments.net(credit or debit card payments)

● your mobile phone – just download theallpay app from Google Play or the AppleApp store (credit or debit card payments)

● Any Post office or Paypoint outlet (cash,credit or debit card payments)

If you have any problems in paying ormanaging your bills please let us know. Wecan help!

Call the office on 08451 400 100 or0330 303 0013 (from your mobile phone)or text 0755 718 3553

Link Housing – 08451 400 100 or 0330 303 0013 or csc@linkhaltd.co.uk


Win £25 store vouchersWhat would you do if you arrived home after anight out or a trip away to find out thatsomeone had broken into your home or a pipehad burst and flooded your property?

Your belongings are not automatically insured byLink against fire, theft, water damage and otherhousehold risks. So, if you haven’t thoughtproperly about insurance cover, you could be in fora shock. However, Link can now arrange forinsurance for the contents of your home at aspecial affordable rate.

The cover has been designed to help you insuremost of your belongings as easily as possible. Theminimum value of possessions you can insure isonly £9,000 (£6,000 if you are aged over 60) andpremiums start (for standard cover) from as little as£1.33 a fortnight (under 60s) and £1.02 afortnight (over 60s) and 82p a fortnight for tenantsand residents of sheltered housing.Extended accidental damage and optionalextensions such as personal possessions, coveraway from the home, wheelchairs/mobilityscooters, hearing aids and buildings cover forsheds, garages and greenhouses are available foran additional premium.

For further information call the Link, Larkfieldor Horizon office, for a free information packor call This Tenants Contents 0845 601 7007.

There are 16 words to find in the grid below. Canyou find them all? If so mark them up clearly andreturn with the slip below to Leah Webb, WatlingHouse, Callendar Business Park, Falkirk, FK11XR before 31 January 2013. You could be thelucky winner of the vouchers. The winner will be thefirst correct entry drawn.

Name: ........................................


Telephone number: ....................


Address: ....................................








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www.linkhousing.org.uk www.facebook.com/LinkGroupLtd @Link_Group_Ltd



All Link offices will beclosed on 25 and 26December 2012 and 1 and2 January 2013. Link’sCustomer Service Centre willbe open on 27, 28 and 31December from 9am to 5pmto take emergency repairscalls only. As there will onlybe a small number of staffworking, the office will not beopen, but it does means youcan contact a member ofLink staff if you have anemergency rather thancalling the emergencycontractor. If your repair isnot an emergency, we askyou to wait until the officereopens on 3rd January 2013to contact us.

Emergency contact Call Morrisons on 01698

numbers 403146 if you live in Argyle &Bute, Clackmannanshire, Eastfor when the office isRenfrewshire, East Ayrshire,closedEast Dunbartonshire, Falkirk,

For repairs to all new boiler or Glasgow, Inverclyde, Ncentral heating systems that Lanarkshire, Perth & Kinross,are LESS than 12 months old, Renfrewshire, S Ayrshire, Splease call the number shown Lanarkshire, Stirling or Won the front of your boiler. If no Dunbartonshire number is shown, call Devine

Call R3 on 03000 999 247 ifEnergy on 0131 660 2299you live in the Borders,

For repairs to central heating Edinburgh, East Lothian, Fife,systems MORE than 12 Midlothian and West Lothianmonths old, call Saltire on

Call Lochaber HA on 0139708451 400 100 pressing702530 (Fort William) or SkyeOption 5& Lochalsh HA on 01478

If you have any other 612035 (Kyle of Lochalsh) ifemergency repairs: you live in the Highlands

Tips to protect your homeduring cold weatherWinter is coming so make sure you know how to protectyour home from the cold weather.

● To prevent flooding and wastepipes freezing, check drippingtaps and overflows. Report any faults. If you are waiting forrepairs to a dripping tap, keep the plug in the sink or bath toprevent water freezing in the waste pipes. Note: there isnothing that can be done about a frozen pipe until it defrosts

● To avoid frozen or burst pipes, keep your house warm day andnight by having your heating on low

● If you get a burst pipe: 1. Turn off the water supply at the main stopcock, the electricity

supply at the mains and the water heater 2. Turn on all the taps to drain your system. Collect water in the

bath/sink for washing and flushing the toilet3. Warn your neighbours in case it may affect them4. Telephone Link (or the emergency contractor outside

office hours)

Link will produce this information on request in Braille, Audio Tape, Large Print andCommunity Languages. To find out more, please telephone the Customer Service

Centre on 08451 400 100. Link Housing Association Limited is a companyregistered in Scotland. Company registration number SC216300.

Registered Office: Link House, 2C New Mart Road, Edinburgh EH14 1RL.Part of the Link group. © LinkGroup Ltd 2012.

valuing people, providing homes, building communities, working together
