Ted Talk Analysis Activity for End of April


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Dominique CainTED talk analysis activityChoose any three ted talks dealing with a topic in your field of study (engineering, social science, etc)Social and Neuro Science Talk 1: The Danger of a Single Story

Chimamanda Ngozi AdichieTalk 2: The Mysterious Workings of the Adolescent Brain

Sarah-Jayne BlakemoreTalk 3: The Real Reason for Brains

Daniel Wolpert

How long is introduction?A few secondsLong; it takes her about two minutes before she actually introduces the topic of her researchVery short

How detailed is it?Quick and to the point Very; she explains how the development of the brain changes over timeQuick and to the point

How does the host introduce himself?She introduces herself and her topicShe doesnt; instead she immediately starts talking as the video startsHe says his occupation and states his topic

What background is provided?No background; just her speakingPhotos and short sentencesPhotos, diaphragms, and short sentences

What initial research was completed?How things earn bias: Stories are defined by the people who tell them, how long they are told, when they are told, and whom they are told toCognitive neuroscientist Sarah-Jane Blakemore compares the prefrontal cortex in adolescents to that of adultsWhy the brain was evolved to controls movement

What supporting stats/graphs etcThe perception of Africa vs. the reality of AfricaStructural and functional MRI photos How animals that dont use movement eat their brain because they dont need it any more

Point one?The younger you are the more you are influenced by bias perceptions of societyWhy teenagers are so much more impulsive and less self-aware than adultsHow robots or robotics without brains cannot generalize motion: For example, one can built a robot to pour water, but they have to build a different robot to do a different task

What second research?Western culture vs. Eastern cultureHow grey mater increases during childhoodReverse human movement

What supporting stats/graphs?The childhood of those who move into the west and those who are born in the westA graph of boy and girls over the span of 22 years and how frontal grey maters volume peaks around pubertySensory feedback, movement command, and tasks

How long for point two?ShortAbout 2 minutes About 1:30 minutes

Supporting statsPersonal and impersonalHow we read others behavior through sightGraphs and 3-D imaging

How longShortAbout 1 minuteAbout 30 seconds

ConclusionIf we hear only a single story about another person or country, we risk a critical misunderstandingTypical teenage behavior is cause by the growing and developing brain The brain

How many points were made?355

VisualsNonePhotos, short sentences, diagrams, and 3-D objectsPhotos, short sentences, diagrams, and 3-D objects

How long?The entire video was 18:49The entire video was 14:26The entire video was 19:59

Do you recommend this talk? I recommend each one of these talks