Ted Nicholas - Magic Transitions



Magic transitions by ted Nicholas.

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Magic Transitions

97 Magic Phrases That Almost Compel Readership

These transitional phrases can dramatically improve your copy

nyone who does any kind of writing, especially sales copy, certainly can relate to the difficulty of going from

one thought to the next smoothly. A

The professional speaker has the same challenge.

Special phrases and words which motivate the reader or listener to keep reading and transition easily between one idea and the next.

Some refer to this process of an easy and compelling communication technique as the “bucket brigade.”

I could not find a good list of transitional phrases.

So, I put together a list of 97 of them.

These can be extremely valuable to any writer.

I normally use them as separate paragraphs.

Or subheadlines.

And to grab the readers so he/she keeps on reading.

My experience is they will almost compel readership.

Especially if used in the right places.

When writing your sales copy, your response will be much greater, of course, if your copy is read.



1. And that’s just the beginning 2. Wait, there’s more 3. And that’s not all 4. And here is the most important factor 5. And don’t forget this 6. And I’m not done yet 7. Please remember this point 8. Here’s even more proof 9. But I’m willing to meet an even higher




10. Does the system work?

11. Thousands of success stories are the best proof of all

12. And here’s the kicker

13. And here’s the fatal error

14. Warning: All calcium is not equal

15. Let me tell you more

16. Plus, there is something else I’d like to send you

17. This offer will not be repeated

18. Act now or you’ll miss out

19. Please don’t take my word for it

20. What people are saying



21. What about you?

22. You take no risk whatsoever

23. Free bonus for early birds

24. Don’t hate yourself for missing out

25. Can you put yourself in this picture

26. Here is some really good news

27. What lawyers (government…rich people) don’t want you to know

28. Act now

29. Ted Nicholas back in Switzerland

30. Case in point



31. Hang on…because I’m not finished yet

32. It’s even better than free!

33. At last, a solution

34. Yes! Yes! Yes!

35. Finally, an answer

36. The flip side holds the real key

37. At last, you can prevent and even cure (arthritis, diabetes, heart disease, cancer)

38. No! No! No!

39. Here’s the important point

40. Frankly, I’m puzzled



41. Suddenly the answer came to me

42. You think I’m exaggerating, don’t you?

43. It just keeps getting better

44. We’re not done yet

45. And that’s just for starters

46. Let me spell it out for you

47. Here’s the fatal flaw

48. You may be asking the wrong question

49. Are you sure there isn’t a hidden agenda?

50. Hold on to your hat



51. You don’t have to take it for another moment

52. What’s the real lesson here?

53. The simple truth is this

54. And if that’s not enough

55. Can you relate to feeling uncomfortable?

56. Does this feel right to you?

57. I won’t sleep well unless I’m straight with you

58. Here is the shocking reality

59. Please don’t misunderstand my main point

60. What does this mean for you?



61. I’ve never been more serious than right now

62. Let’s pause right here just for a moment

63. Lies, lies and more lies

64. The exact opposite is the shocking truth

65. What is the source of my information?

66. Here is an example of what I mean

67. This advice can save you a fortune

68. Ignore this advice at your peril

69. Let me clarify…



70. Some costly mistakes in my experience have taught me this

71. This important stuff should be taught in school 72. I’ve saved the best for last 73. There’s more to the story 74. Just imagine the implications 75. You could simply walk away,

but… 76. One more crucially important point 77. But, here’s the clincher 78. The right question is this



79. What’s the moral of the story? 80. What’s the bottom line? 81. In a nutshell, here’s the secret

82. I’m willing to personally guarantee that…

83. I’ll stake my reputation on this program

84. Here’s the unvarnished truth

85. Here’s what I discovered by accident

86. I’ll give you the same advice I gave my son

87. After 27 years of costly trial and error, here’s what I discovered



88. This is not based on my opinion but on actual tests 89. Here is the most important secret

I’ve ever found but few entrepreneurs seem to get it

90. Remind yourself of this important truth every day

91. You’ll be dazzled by the results 92. Here is a common quality most

millionaires have in common 93. You may have to find some new friends when… 94. Put yourself in this picture 95. I can’t imagine more convincing




96. This discovery changed my life 97. The right words at the right time

make all the difference

12 © Copyright MMVI Ted Nicholas
