TechStars for a Day - Seattle; Getting Started



Preso covering getting started and getting to market delivered to TechStars Seattle 6/3/2011

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Getting Started…

TechStars for a Day - SeattleJune 3, 2011

Robert Pease, VP Marketing @Gist -> Marketing at Research In Motion


About me

• Formerly VP Marketing @ Gist (acquired by Research in Motion in Feb -> the BlackBerry folks)

• 10+ years of startup experience; product & marketing roles; some success/some spectacular failures

• My preso is (mostly) about what happens after your first release

Plan vs. Reality

Your plan is accurate until the other guy moves…

Twice as long, half as much

Your goal is to accomplish twice as much in half the time

Always hire better than yourself


Find people smarter than you to join your team

Mitigate technology AND market risk

Will it work? vs. Does anybody care?

Know your target customer….by name

Get outside the self-reinforcing loop for true customer feedback

There is only one silver bullet…

Do many things, not one thing

Create fans & take them on your ride

Love everybody equally & make them part of the adventure

Relationships matter…

Customers, prospects, advisors, investors, competitors, journalists, vendors, partners, mentors, strangers, classmates, bloggers, etc., etc.

Exit is the end of the beginning…





Robert Pease, VP Marketing @Gist -> Marketing at Research In Motion


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