Technical Ideas- 19 th May 2021


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Peerless Securities Ltd. Peerless Mansion1,

Chowringhee Square, 2nd Floor, Kolkata- 69

For Private Circulation Only

Technical Ideas- 19th

May 2021

Stock Recommendations:

Date Sl No Scrip Recommendation Initiated at Target Stop loss

19-May-21 1 HAVELLS BUY 1070-1060 1120 1035

2 BAJAJ-AUTO BUY 4080-4060 4300 3950

3 GICRE BUY 203.50-200 220 190

4 IOC BUY 108.50-

107.50 114 104

Peerless Securities Ltd. Peerless Mansion1,

Chowringhee Square, 2nd Floor, Kolkata- 69

For Private Circulation Only

Technical Ideas- 19th

May 2021

HAVELLS | Buy Range: Rs 1070-1060 | Target price: Rs 1120 | Stop loss: Rs 1035

Company Overview:

Havells India strategy is to deepen product reach, with focus on B2C (75-80% of mix). Gradual revival signs are also visible in B2B now.

Alternate distribution channels, E-Commerce and Rural, are gaining traction.

Havells India is expanding capacities in Lloyd - Durables (Rs 3.2 bn capex). Havells as a quality franchise, with a robust Balance sheet.

Technical Rationale: Breakout of downward trendline where it failed to break since March 2021 and breakout yesterday occurred with very strong volume along with formation with bullish candlestick formation in daily chart.

It also took strong multiple supports around 1032 levels and breakout thereafter occurred. This shows consolidation in small range and then a strong breakout which implies strong upmove in coming days.

Indicators and oscillators like RSI shows strength as it above 60 in daily chart.

DMI positive crossover for many days holding is bullish as the stock in near term.

Considering the Technical evidences discussed above, the price looks to move up. We recommend buy in the stock price for an upside target of Rs 1120 placing a stop loss of Rs 1035.

Peerless Securities Ltd. Peerless Mansion1,

Chowringhee Square, 2nd Floor, Kolkata- 69

For Private Circulation Only

Technical Ideas- 19th

May 2021

BAJAJ-AUTO | Buy Range: Rs 4080-4060 | Target price: Rs 4300 | Stop loss: Rs 3950

Company Overview: Bajaj Auto Ltd., incorporated in the year 2007, is a Large Cap company (having a market cap of Rs 114198.69 Crore) operating in Auto sector. For the quarter ended 31-03-2021, the company reported a Consolidated Total Income of Rs 8879.70 Crore, down -4.30 % from last quarter Total Income of Rs 9279.06 Crore and up 22.59 % from last year same quarter Total Income of Rs 7243.31 Crore. Company reported net profit after tax of Rs 1329.78 Crore in latest quarter.

Overall exports are set to grow further from current levels in the coming months. Company witnessed improved demand not only for its premium range of motorcycles, but also for EV scooters.

Technical Rationale:

After breakout of W pattern yesterday backed by strong bullish candlestick formation along with good volume built up, Bajaj-Auto share price continued its upward move.

The move has been consistent following higher base formation at higher levels and such breakout adds momentum in short term on the upside.

The stock price will target 1.68x its longer term W pattern target which comes to Rs 4260 on immediate basis and thereafter it will target it’s all time high of Rs 4300.

RSI plotted can be seen moving higher and holding above 60 which indicate the presence of bullish momentum in the prices.

DMI also has given positive crossover long time back and holding it, indicating up move to remain intact. We recommend buy in the stock price for an upside target of Rs 4300 placing a stop loss of Rs 3950.

Peerless Securities Ltd. Peerless Mansion1,

Chowringhee Square, 2nd Floor, Kolkata- 69

For Private Circulation Only

Technical Ideas- 19th

May 2021

GICRE | Buy Range: Rs 203.50-200 | Target price: Rs 220 | Stop loss: Rs 190

Company Overview: GICRE is India's largest reinsurer, but it continues to make significant underwriting losses. A calibrated approach to underwriting is expected to change this over FY21-23E. 3QFY21 highlights: NEP grew +14.9/-4.1% YoY/QoQ to Rs 91.7bn as crop segment delivered strong 32.1% YoY growth.

Investment book grew 10.7% QoQ to Rs 881bn as equity markets posted strong gains. Realised investment yields (net of provisions) came in at 12.0% (annualized) as the corporation booked equity gains. GICRE provided Rs 0.9bn for bad investments in R Cap and Simplex Infra. Solvency deteriorated to 153%.

General insurer is in considered for privatisation, GICRE claims that it is exiting weak portfolios and moving towards underwriting profitability; we await better performance.

Technical Rationale: The stock has been consolidating for last 2 months having given a strong breakaway gap and extending its rally till Rs 248 in the month of March2021.

In this consolidation, price stayed on sideways corrective phase and it retested its gap filling zone. Currently the stock gave a strong bullish candlestick formation with strong volume built up, moving out of last 5 days closing after taking support at its 55ema. This support zone also happens to be Bollinger Band support line.

RSI plotted can be seen moving higher after taking support at 40 levels which indicate the presence of bullish momentum in the prices.

DMI also has given positive crossover long time back and holding it, indicating up move to remain intact.

We recommend buy in the stock price for an upside target of Rs 220 placing a stop loss of Rs 190.

Peerless Securities Ltd. Peerless Mansion1,

Chowringhee Square, 2nd Floor, Kolkata- 69

For Private Circulation Only

Technical Ideas- 19th

May 2021

IOC | Buy Range: Rs 108.50-107.50 | Target price: Rs 114 | Stop loss: Rs 114

Company Overview: Indian Oil Corporation Ltd., incorporated in the year 1959, is a Large Cap company (having a market cap of Rs 100,919.78 Crore) operating in Gas & Petroleum sector.

Indian Oil Corporation Ltd. key Products/Revenue Segments include Petroleum Refinery Products, Other Operating Revenue, Grants, Scrap, Subsidy, Sale of services and Income From Sale Of Share & Securities for the year ending 31-Mar-2020.

Indian Oil reported net income for the fourth quarter FY21 that beat the average analyst estimate. Net income Rs 8,780 crore vs. loss Rs 5,190 crore YoY. Revenue Rs 1.64 lakh crore, +17% YoY.

FY21 average GRM was much ahead of last year at $5.64 per barrel vs $0.08 per Bbl YoY.

Technical Rationale:

The stock broke out of its long term downward trend line which it formed since year 2018. After breakout of its downward trend, price took multiple point resistance around Rs 106-107 level where it made initially higher top after 3 years of down move.

It made U pattern shorter term breakout and after such long breakout, basic initial target will be Rs 114.

RSI plotted can be seen moving higher and holding above 60 which indicate the presence of bullish momentum in the prices.

DMI also has given positive crossover and holding it, indicating upmove to remain intact on immediate basis.

We recommend buy in the stock price for an upside target of Rs 114 placing a stop loss of Rs 104.

Peerless Securities Ltd. Peerless Mansion1,

Chowringhee Square, 2nd Floor, Kolkata- 69

For Private Circulation Only

Technical Ideas- 19th

May 2021



BUY: A condition that indicates a good time to buy a stock. The exact circumstances of the signal will be determined by the indicator that an analyst is using.

SELL: A condition that indicates a good time to sell a stock. The exact circumstances of the signal will be determined by the indicator that an analyst is using.

A recommendation to buy or sell stock when it trades at specified price. They serve to either protect your profits or limit your losses

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Peerless Securities Ltd. Peerless Mansion1,

Chowringhee Square, 2nd Floor, Kolkata- 69

For Private Circulation Only

Technical Ideas- 19th

May 2021

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