Teaching for Transformation Teaching for Transformation NURTURE INVITE Peculiar Teacher Promise I...


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T e a c h i n g f o r T r a n s f o r m at i o n


Peculiar Teacher PromiseI can design formational learning experiences that

Peculiar Teacher PracticeI can use the 3 W’s to sharpen my teaching focus

INVITE every student to explore their role in the Kingdom story.

NURTURE every student to desire to be a pe-culiar person.

EMPOWER every student to practice their life’s expression.

WONDER: Invite students to see God’s world with wonder and awe, evoking thankfulness and gratitude.

WISDOM: Invite students to discover wisdom and a deeper understanding of God’s plan and call.

WORK: Invite students to respond to God’s call to work in the world, with action in love to God and our neighbor.

“The primary goal of Christian education is the formation of a peculiar people, a people who desire the Kingdom of God and thus undertake their life’s expression of that desire.”James K. A. Smith

S e e t h e S t o ry L i v e t h e S t o ry

“God is sovereign, and Jesus Christ is Lord over all things! That is the biblical truth that must gently whisper and boldly resound in every part, every thread of a Christian school’s curriculum. It must serve as the core curriculum in every Christian school classroom.”

Every Christian school classroom must have an articulate and inspiring student profile that in-vites every student to imagine how to play their part in God’s story.

“The primary goal of Christian education is the formation of a peculiar people, a people who desire the Kingdom of God and thus undertake their life’s expression of that desire.”James K. A. Smith

Every Christian school classroom must provide authentic (real work, real problem, real people) opportunities for students to practice living the Kingdom story. This practice becomes a habit, shaping who we are.

“It is nothing but a pious wish and a grossly unwarranted hope that students trained to be passive and non-creative in school will sudden-ly, upon graduation, actively contribute to the formation of Christian culture.”Nicholas Wolterstorff

If you would like further information about the TfT program, please contact

Doug Monsma, dmonsma@pcce.ca

TAKE A PEEK!Teaching for Transformation Information Site


Core Practice 01: Storyline

Core Practice 03: FLEx (Formational Learning Experiences)

Core Practice 02: Biblical Throughlines

Every Christian school classroom must have a powerful and compelling vision of the Kingdom that creates a longing and a desire within every student to play their part in God’s unfolding sto-ry of creation - fall - redemption - restoration.

“And once you live a good story, you get a taste for that kind of meaning in life, and you can’t go back to being normal; you can’t go back to meaningless scenes stitched together by the forgettable thread of wasted time. The more practiced stories I lived, the more I wanted an epic to climb inside of and see to its end.”Donald Miller