TANGKULAP/SG. PINANGAH FOREST RESERVE FMU 17A · the forest while others consist of mixed...


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1.0 PREWORD................................................................................................................1

2.0 TIMBER STAND IMPROVEMENT.....................................................................2


4.0 THE INVOLVEMENT OF PRIVATE COMPANIES IN THE...........................6


4.1 Performance And Progress............................................................................7

4.2 Salvage Logging And Royalty Collection.....................................................8

5.0 WILDLIFE CONSERVATION..............................................................................9

5.1 Opportunistic Sightings.................................................................................9

5.2 Orang Utan Nest Census...............................................................................12

6.0 FOREST CERTIFICATION AND AUDITING.................................................. 15

7.0 FOREST PROTECTION........................................................................................17

8.0 SOCIAL FORESTRY..............................................................................................18

9.0 INFRASTRUCTURE MANAGEMENT...............................................................20

9.1 Building Infrastructure.................................................................................20

9.2 Road Infrastructure................................................................................... ...21

10. OCCUPATION PERMIT (O.P)..............................................................................23

11. COST AND PROFIT................................................................................................26


1. Silviculture tending to date...........................................................................................3

2. Enrichment planting to date..........................................................................................4

3. Royalties collected on salvage logging activities..........................................................8

4. Opportunistic sightings since 2009...............................................................................10

5. Results on Orang Utan nest census by transects in May 2012......................................12

6. Results on Orang Utan nest census by transects in December 2012.............................12

7. Orang Utan population (Aerial Orang Utan Nest Census)............................................13

Tangkulap F.R alone since 2005

8. Orang Utan population (Aerial Orang Utan Nest Census)............................................13

In both Tangkulap and Sg. Pinangah F.R since 2005

9. Accorded CARs in 2012 from FSC auditing................................................................15

10. Revenue collected from “Occupation Permit” since 2005............................................23

11. Valid OP’s in 2012........................................................................................................24

FMU17A – AnnualReport2012 1


Tangkulap Forest Reserve and part of Sg. Pinangah Forest Reserve form FMU 17A and cover an area of 50,070 hectares located north of the Karamuak River.

A large portion of the forest area in FMU 17A is heavily degraded due to excessive logging over the past 30 years. In 2003, all forms of logging licences were terminated and in 2004, a forest inventory exercise was conducted to ascertain the forest stocking condition of FMU 17A followed by the formulation of a Forest Management Plan (FMP), and the Sabah Forestry Department is seen as taking the reins of managing FMU 17A. Subsequently in 2008, a 10-year medium term FMP was developed and approved. Based on the approved FMP coupled with the degraded forest landscape, there is going to be no harvesting for the next 30 years but intensive timber stand improvement and intensive forest restoration are needed to enhance the productivity of the forest.

Map 1 : Forest Land Use Map of FMU 17A

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Leaving heavily logged forests with a high proportion of pioneers, vine tangles,

creeping bamboos untreated, allows sub-optimal growing conditions to persist,

thereby limiting the future wood production capacity of the forest. Furthermore,

because seeding in a degraded forests with few mother trees is uncertain and

unreliable, every effort to secure the survival of the natural regeneration and to

promote their growth by silvicultural treatments would be beneficial. If timber

production continues to be a primary goal of NFM, then silviculture invariably

becomes a central aspect of forest management.

Timber stand improvement refers to the cutting and/or removal of climbing bamboos

and woody vines in order to promote growth of seedlings and pole size trees of

commercial value.

As of 2012, 25,701 hectares have been treated at a cost of RM8,995,300. This

year, the targeted 2000 hectares for tending was not achieved because the

appointed contractor (Bumi Hijau Sdn Bhd) was presented with the difficulty of

procuring workers since 2011. Such the predicament worsened that they only

managed to treat 241 ha this year leading to its contract termination due to dismal

performance. Nevertheless another contractor, Fresh Mumus Sdn Bhd were

appointed late this year to treat 700ha in compartment 41 and 26 utilising H.O.B

funds. Please see table 1 for planting data to date.

Treated area of Compartment 26 by Fresh Mumus Sdn Bhd via aerial view

FMU17A – AnnualReport2012 3

Silviculture treatment in progress in Compartment 41

Year Compartment No Area Treated (ha) Contract Fee (RM)

2004 12 143 50,000

2005 12,13,14,15 2,000 700,000

2006 1,2,3,16,32,33,49 4,000 1,400,000


32,33,49,50,60,51,48,52 (AWP 2007) 4,000 1,400,000

52,36,46 (addition) 1,295 453,250

2008 36,46,45,44,7,22,23,37 4,000 1,400,000

2009 5,6,8,9,24,25,26,40 4,000 1,400,000

2010 18,19,20,21,34,43,53,57,58 4,000 1,400,000

2011 61,62,29 1,308 457,800

2012 84,63,41, 26 955 334,250

TOTAL 25,701 8,995,300

Table 1 : Silviculture tending to date

FMU17A – AnnualReport2012 4


The management plan specifies a target of 2,400 hectares of enrichment planting to

be carried out over a period of 10 years in areas that have been determined to be

poorly regenerated. Enrichment planting involves the planting of commercial

indigenous species, mainly dipterocarps, as single trees along corridors cut through

the forest while others consist of mixed Dipterocarps, fruit trees and fast growing

indigenous tree species.

This year, the appointed contractor Bumihijau Sdn Bhd had their contract terminated

due to dismal performance since 2011 hence the figure of 830 ha of planted area

stays. Nevertheless, all planting ceased in 2012. This is pursuant to evidence from

the direct results of the research of Continuous Forest Inventory by experts from the

Forest Research Centre that, regeneration is doing well in its natural form. Young

seedlings on forest floors were found to be regenerating well as a direct result from

good practices of liberation treatment. This is also taking into account the expensive

planting activity and its maintenance. The Sabah Forestry Department opted for the

cheaper measure of liberation treatment and its proven effectiveness. The FMP was

revised in 2012 to accommodate this new finding.

Compt. # Planting

Block Size (ha)

Species Date Planted

22 12 BInuang, Laran & Sepat Nov., 2006

15 4

Sentul, Bako-bako, Keranji, Obah, Mata kucing, Kayu

malam, Kerudung dan Sengkuang

Nov., 2006

47 A 37 Mixed (Dipterocarps & fast

growing indigenous) Feb., 2007

47 241.16 Mixed (Dipterocarps & fast

growing indigenous) Feb., 2008

35 258.84 Mixed (Dipterocarps & fast

growing indigenous) Dec., 2008 & Feb., 2009

35 250 Mixed (Dipterocarps & fast

growing indigenous) Feb., 2010

17 27 Mixed (Dipterocarps & fast

growing indigenous) May, 2011


Table 2 :Enrichment planting to date

Forest Restoration however is concentrated in an area of 35.4 ha in compartment 76

of previously encroached area by irresponsible individuals and were then planted

with oil palm. The oil palm were demolished and the whole area restored and planted

with mixed Dipterocarps, laran, binuang and bangkal species by the appointed

contractor, Akal Maju Enterprise in 2012.

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Encroached area of 35.4 ha in Compartment 76 after clearing of illegal oil palm

Planting in progress Planted seedling

FMU17A – AnnualReport2012 6


The forest operations For Tangkulap/Pinangah FMU 17A is managed by both the Sabah Forestry Department and two private companies. However, the Sabah Forestry Department foresee and monitors the management of awarded areas to the companies and ensure they comply with the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) principal and criteria.

In FMU 17A, 2 private companies (refer Map 2), Lebihasil S/B (SFMLA 01/2005 –

Compartments 55 and 56 or area ‘A’) and Maxland S/B (SFMLA 01/2007 –

Compartments 70 and 71 or area ‘A’) of approximately 1000ha each have been

awarded long term (50 years) licences to carry out Intensive Forest Restoration

Gauging on the good performance of the 2 long term licence holders, Lebihasil Sdn

Bhd was given an additional parcel of 1,000 hectares of highly degraded forest for

intensive forest restoration within FMU 17B (Sungai Pinangah Forest Reserve) and

two additional ones of 1000 ha each to Maxland Sdn Bhd in the same year (refer

map 1) under the close supervision of Sabah Forestry Department. FMU 17B is

actually under the purview of the Tongod Forestry District but for these specific

areas, the jurisdiction were given to the Deramakot Forestry District. The long term

licence holders are:

1. Lebihasil S/B (SFMLA 01/2005 – area ‘A’) – FMU 17A

2. Lebihasil S/B (SFMLA 01/2005 – area ‘B’) – FMU 17B

3. Lebihasil S.B (SFMLA 01/2005 – area ‘C’) – FMU 17B

4. Maxland S/B (SFMLA 01/2007 – area ‘A’) – FMU 17A

5. Maxland S/B (SFMLA 01/2007 – area ‘B’) – FMU 17B

6. Maxland S/B (SFMLA 01/2007 – area ‘C’) – FMU 17B

7. Warisan Majuria S/B (SFMLA 05/2011) – FMU 17B

The intensive forest restoration is being done adapting the mosaic system of which definition of Mosaic Planting is ‘forest restoration planting method which uses mechanical removal of unwanted vegetation whilst keeping the natural potential crop trees’.

Lebihasil area C of 1000ha and Warisan Majuria of just 92 ha for rubber planting were awarded this year.

The efforts in intensive forest restoration activity was seen to bear fruits in its endeavour as wildlife in the form of orang utan were spotted nesting inside the previouly degraded areas inside Maxland Tree Plantation Sdn Bhd area A. This proves that the area is coming about to become a good habitat in that, the wildlife starts coming back to resume its occupation in the previously logged and degraded forest.

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Map 2. SFMLAs issued in FMU 17A and 17B for intensive forest restoration

4.1 Performance And Progress Area A and B of Maxland Tree Plantation Sdn Bhd and area A of Lebihasil Sdn Bhd were planted prior to 2012. 320 ha of Area C of Maxland Tree Plantation Sdn Bhd and 63.9 ha of Area B for Lebihasil Sdn Bhd were planted in 2012. Maxland Tree Plantation Sdn Bhd managed to achieved its planting target of 320 ha this year whereby, Lebihasil Sdn Bhd only managed to achieved 63.9 ha from the targeted figure of 561 ha due to insufficient workers. Warisan Majuria concluded this year with targeted site preparation of 82 ha. Area C of Lebihasil Sdn Bhd is in the process of ground truthing and boundary demarcation.

Mosaic Planting area (light green) in Maxland’s area A is seen coming about the NFM areas

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4.2 Salvage Logging And Royalty Collection In the course of the intensive forest operation of the mosaic system in degraded areas, salvage logging was conducted of which royalties collected were RM2,514,420.56 in 2012, as depicted in table 3 below. Please note that in 2012, salvage logging was only conducted in area B of Lebihasil Sdn Bhd, area C of Maxland Tree Plantation Sdn Bhd and Warisan Majuria. Except for Area C of Lebihasil Sdn Bhd, the rest of the areas were completed with salvaging previously and have since been planted. Area C of Lebihasil was awarded late this year and it is currently undergoing the process of ground truthing.

Licencee Production

Royalties Collected

Logs Volume

Lebihasil Sdn Bhd 7,362 13,370.27 1,274,921.34

Maxland Tree Plantation Sdn Bhd

5,009 10,444.72 923,332.22

Warisan majuria Sdn Bhd 2,677 4,257.44 316,167.00

TOTAL 15,048 28,072.43 2,514,420.56

Table 3 : Royalties collected on salvage logging activity

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The presence of wildlife in general is synonym with a good forest. In general the forest condition is determined by the abundance of wildlife in it. Wildlife management is an important aspect in FSC certification whereby it indicates good forest governance. Efforts to upgrade the wildlife management system for Deramakot Forestry District that consists of FMU 19A and FMU 17A was undertaken in 2012 of which consultation with Dr. Marc Ancrenaz, a renowned wildlife expert especially in Asia was sought and focused more on enhancement of the system. However, such efforts are time consuming especially when such projects require numerous ground survey and capacity building enhancement prior to formulation of the right system. The existing wildlife management in FMU 17A is defined in 2 methodologies of assessment, namely through opportunity sightings and Orang Utan nest census.

5.1 Opportunistic Sightings

Opportunistic sightings and camera trappings are a form of wildlife monitoring in the

management and conservation of wildlife in FMU 17A which was started in 2009.

Since then, 55 wildlife species were identified, and 16 of these species are either

listed as endangered or threatened under the International Union for the

Conservation of Nature (IUCN). This year, (refer to Table 4, Oppurtunistic Sightings

since 2009), 15 out of the 55, wildlife species that were identified in FMU 17A

previously were not sighted or seen. There are:

Otter civet (Cynogale bennettii)

Proboscis Monkey (Nasalis larvatus)

Smooth-coated otter (Lutrogale perspicillata)

Black cobra

Black Eagle (Ictinaetus malayensis)

Blyth's Hawk-eagle (Spizaetus alboniger)

Borneon red muntjac (Muntiacus muntjac)

Brown wood owl (Strix leptogrammica)

Collared mongoose (Herpestes semitorquatus)

Giant (Red) flying squirrel (Petaurista petaurista)

Large flying fox (Pteropus vampyrus)

Slow loris (Nycticebus coucang)

Small-toothed palm civet (Arctogalidia trivirgata)

Thick-spined porcupine (Thecurus crassispinis)

Western tarsier (Tarsius bancanus)

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Table 4 : Opportunistic Sightings since 2009



2009 2010 2011 2012


1 Binturong or Bearcat (Artictis binturong) 3 4 3 2

2 Borneon Gibbon (Hylobates muelleri) 7 11 16 12

3 Clouded Leopard (Neofelis diardi) 6 2 1 2

4 Flat-headed cat (Prionailurus planiceps) 2 1 1 1

5 Great Argus (Argysianus argus) 10 15 25 11

6 Helmeted Hornbill (Rhinplax vigil) 8 6 22 3

7 Marbled cat (Pardofelis marmorata) 1 1 2 1

8 Moonrat (Echinosorex gymnura) 5 8 18 3

9 Orangutan (Pongo pygmaeus) 10 14 21 2

10 Otter civet (Cynogale bennettii) 1 6 12 0

11 Proboscis Monkey (Nasalis larvatus) 1 0 0 0

12 Pygmy Elephant 154 123 105 78

13 Red Leaf Monkey (Presbytis rubicunda) 3 1 2 2

14 Smooth-coated otter (Lutrogale perspicillata) 2 0 1 0

15 Sun bear (Helarctos malayanus) 1 0 1 1

16 Tembadau / Banteng (Bos javanicus) 2 5 7 4


17 Banded palm civet (Hemigalus derbyanus) 9 12 5 2

18 Banded linsang (Prionodon linsang) 17 2 1 1

19 Bearded pig (Sus barbatus) 101 97 105 55

20 Black cobra 55 0 1 0

21 Black Eagle (Ictinaetus malayensis) 24 3 1 0

22 Blyth's Hawk-eagle (Spizaetus alboniger) 0 0 1 0

23 Bornean yellow muntjac (Muntiacus atherodes) 17 23 15 6

24 Borneon red muntjac (Muntiacus muntjac) 7 11 11 0

25 Brown wood owl (Strix leptogrammica) 14 18 3 0

26 Collared mongoose (Herpestes semitorquatus) 9 0 0 0

27 Common palm civet (Paradoxurus hermaphroditus) 83 53 33 20

28 Common porcupine (Hystrix brachyura) 83 37 17 7

29 Crested Fireback 46 22 19 5

30 Crested Serpent-Eagle (Spirlonis cheela) 73 53 23 6

31 Flying Lemur/Colugo (Galeopterus variegates) 3 2 1 1

32 Giant (Red) flying squirrel (Petaurista petaurista) 8 0 1 0

33 Greater coucal (Centropus sinensis) 0 0 0 15

34 Greater mouse-deer (Tragulus napu) 43 27 15 15

35 Large flying fox (Pteropus vampyrus) 25 3 2 0

36 Leopard cat (Felis bengalensis) 68 59 55 18

37 Lesser mouse-deer (Traulus javanicus) 55 44 35 9

38 Long-tailed macaque (Macaca fascicularis) 28 23 55 12

39 Long-tailed porcupine (Trichys fasciculate) 3 0 0 1

40 Malay badger (Mydaus javanensis) 46 55 44 4

41 Malay civet (Viverra tangalunga ) 134 150 60 15

FMU17A – AnnualReport2012 11

42 Monitor lizard 73 66 36 3

43 Oriental darter 28 55 32 10

44 Oriental small-clawed otter (Aonyx (Amblonyx) cinerea)

5 7 17 10

45 Pangolin (Manis javanica) 12 7 17 2

46 Pig-tailed macaque (Macaca nemestrina) 43 36 46 10

47 Reticulated Python 14 12 7 5

48 Rhinoceros Hornbill (Buceros rhinoceros) 79 83 63 4

49 Sambar deer (Cervus unicolor) 93 115 155 76

50 Short-tailed mongoose (Herpestes brachyurus) 53 0 0 1

51 Slow loris (Nycticebus coucang) 2 16 9 0

52 Small-toothed palm civet (Arctogalidia trivirgata) 10 0 0 0

53 Thick-spined porcupine (Thecurus crassispinis) 25 2 5 0

54 Western tarsier (Tarsius bancanus) 5 6 9 0

55 Yellow-throated marten (Martes flavigula) 3 1 1 1

A lonely elephant at the roadside at Main Road 1

FMU17A – AnnualReport2012 12

5.2 Orang Utan Nest Census

The aerial census methodology by counting Orang utan nests from a helicopter along

permanent transects, is being used. This exercise is carried out twice a year and the

results are shown in Table 5 and 6 for both Tangkulap F.R and Sg. Pinangah F.R


Map 3 : The permanent transects for Orang Utan nest census for both FMU 17A and FMU 19A

Transect Length (km) Right Left Total

Aerial Index

Nest density/km2 OU Density/km2

7A-7B 16.98 78 85 163 4.80 526.5 1.89

8A-8B 22.03 45 60 105 2.38 265.2 0.95

9A-9B 12.36 4 2 6 0.24 28.3 0.10


0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL 51.37 127 147 274 2.67 296.1 1.06

Table 5 : Results on Orang Utan nest census by transects in May 2012

Transect Length

km Right Left Total Aerial Index

Nest density/km2 OU Density/km2

7A-7B 16.98 68 35 103 3.03 335.8 1.20

8A-8B 22.03 48 24 72 1.63 183.2 0.66

9A-9B 12.36 1 0 1 0.04 4.9 0.02

TOTAL 51.37 117 59 176 1.71 191.9 0.69

Table 6 : Results on Orang Utan nest census by transects in December 2012

FMU17A – AnnualReport2012 13

A total of 1.06 and 0.69 Orangutan nest density per square kilometer and a total

population of 531 and 345 was recorded in May and December 2012. This exercise

is carried out twice a year and the results (Table 7 and 8) of the long term data do not

show any clear population trend but rather indicates a stable population. As such the

forestry operations and activities do not show any negative impacts on population of

Orangutans in FMU 17A.

DDaattee ooff

CCeennssuuss ## ooff


## ooff OOrraanngg--uuttaann

iinn TTaannggkkuullaapp FFRR

JJuunnee 22000055 00..8844 118899

NNoovv..,, 22000055 00..9933 221100

JJuunnee 22000066 11..0011 222288

NNoovv..,, 22000066 00..9900 220033

AAuugg..,, 22000077 00..8833 118877

NNoovv..,, 22000077 11..1166 226622

MMaayy 22000088 11..4488 333344

NNoovv..,, 22000088 22..0077 446677

MMaayy 22000099 11..6655 337722

NNoovv..,, 22000099 22..0000 445511

JJuunnee 22001100 00..9955 221144

OOcctt..,, 22001100 22..4488 555599

JJuullyy 22001111 00..5588 113311

DDeecc..,, 22001111 11..1100 224488

MMaayy 22001122 11..8899 442266

DDeecc..,, 22001122 11..2200 227711 Table 7 : Orang Utan population (Aerial Orang Utan Nest Census) Tangkulap F.R alone since 2005

DDaattee ooff

CCeennssuuss ## ooff


## ooff OOrraanngg--uuttaann iinn

TTaannggkkuullaapp && SSgg..

PPiinnaannggaahh FFRR

MMaayy 22000099 00..9966 448811

NNoovv..,, 22000099 11..1100 555511

JJuunnee 22001100 00..5555 227755

OOcctt..,, 22001100 22..0066 11003311

JJuullyy 22001111 00..3311 115555

DDeecc..,, 22001111 11..4444 772211

MMaayy 22001122 11..0066 553311

DDeecc..,, 22001122 00..6699 334455

Table 8 : Orang utan population (Aerial Orang Utan Nest Census) in both Tangkulap and Sg. Pinangah since 2009

FMU17A – AnnualReport2012 14

This year, 3 spots of Orang Utan nests were spotted in Maxland’s intensive Forest Restoration area of Area A (FMU 17A). This proves that the intensive restoration efforts bears fruit in that wildlife forms are starting to accommodate the previous degraded areas of compartment 56 and 55.

One of the spots : Orang Utan nesting at the Dryobalanops lanceolata (Kapur paji tree)

Spotted nest

FMU17A – AnnualReport2012 15


FMU 17A which covers Tangkulap Forest Reserve and part of Sungai Pinangah with

a total land area of 50,070 hectares, was certified as a “Well Managed Forest” by

Scientific Certification Systems (SCS) under the Forest Stewardship CouncilTM

(FSCTM [SCS-FM/COC-00136N]) certification scheme on 01 June 2011. The ensuing

year in 2012 saw the surveillance audit being carried out by SCS of which the

management saw the accorded CAR of 2 Majors, 3 Minors and 6 Observations of

which the detail are presented in table 9 below :

No Status Non Conformity FSC




One of the contractors BumiHijau had recruited 15 foreign workers who did not possess legal documentation. This was in contravention to the specified conditions of the licence agreement and the laws of the nation. The frequency and nature of this regulatory violation is

indicative of systemic non‐compliance with applicable laws and regulations related to foreign workers.



In the nurseries of the restoration planting contractors Maxland and Lebilhasil, pesticides with active ingredients (Cypermethrin and Mancozerb) banned by FSC were used.




In the nurseries of the restoration planting contractors Maxland and Lebilhasil, pesticides with active ingredients (Cypermethrin and Mancozerb) banned by FSC were used.



The publicly available summary of the FMU in the web page of the Forestry Department did not include growth rates, regeneration and conditions of the forest as specified in the Indicator.



The annual monitoring had been conducted but did not focus on the effectiveness by which HCVF management and protection measures were enhancing the pertinent conservation attributes.




Copies of the FSC Principles and Criteria had to be made available to management and field staff as well as contractors and a briefing on these specifications made to the field staff so as to enhance their understanding.


2 Management activities and policies would have to be modified, as necessary, in response to the results of social impact assessment. 4.4.2


Planned management activities would be modified based upon the results of the environmental impact assessments. To avoid or limit any potential impacts day-to-day activities would have to be modified in accordance to the environmental assessments.



Used engine oils and their containers from the forest operations were stored in the base camps. These would have to be disposed of, off site, in conformance with applicable legal requirement and in a manner that avoids adverse environmental impacts



Forest managers would be able to demonstrate a working understanding of the HCVF concept and definition and endeavor to comply with the spirit of this principle.


6 The conservation attributes of each identified HCV area would have to be described in the management plan. 9.3.2

Table 9 : Accorded CARs in 2012 from FSC auditing.

Nevertheless, all issues were successfully rectified and later approved by SCS.

FMU17A – AnnualReport2012 16

FSC SCS Surveillance Audit in progress

After the conclusion of FSc SCS audit in Kg Tamoi (Social matters)

The two private companies of Maxland Sdn Bhd and Lebihasil Sdn Bhd went through

another set of auditing of Timber Legality Assurance System or TLAS conducted by

SFD’s appointed GFS Sdn Bhd of which the former scored 98% and the latter 100%

in its auditing endeavour by GFS Sdn Bhd.

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Forest protection is vital to ensure the security and stability of the forest area. Where there is access like roads and rivers, illegal activities such as poaching, agar wood collection and illegal logging tend to follow. To curb these illegal activities and also forest fires, scheduled ground, aerial and river patrols are conducted. The main logging road (Yayasan Sabah/Maxland OP) which runs through Tangkulap Forest Reserve and part of Sg. Pinangah Forest Reserve provides easy access to poachers. To curb illegal hunting, all usable in-roads into the forests are gated and scheduled ground patroling is carried out by the management of Deramakot Forestry District and FMU 17A Range Office.

Aerial surveillance in progress Night patrol by staff to check on entrance at gates

2012 saw the formulation of the Deramakot Protection Plan to further enhance Forest Protection in Tangkulap/Pinangah Forest Reserve FMU 17A and Deramakot FMU 19A of which frequencies of patrol to an area will depend on zones ranging from high to low risk areas. Despite aggressive patrols and monitoring, 2012 saw 1 illegal logging case recorded of which trees were felled inside the riparian reserve of Sungai Tangkulap Besar and the culprit convicted in court.

Aerial patrol : The detection of illegal logging inside the riparian reserve of Sg. Tangkulap Besar leading to the conviction of 1 accused in court.

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The Tangkulap/Pinangah F.R FMU17A Social Forestry Committee was formed in 2007 and its members comprise of 4 villages in the fringe of Tangkulap/Pinangah Forest Reserve of FMU 17A namely Kg. Tamoi or Kenang-kenangan, Kg. Keramuak Dalam, Kg. Keramuak Luar and Kg. Tenaga Baru. Previously, with the inclusion of part of Tawai Forest Reserve in the northern part of FMU 17A, Kg. Entilibon Asal and Kg Entilibon Simpang were part of the villages surveyed in the social baseline survey as the villages were located adjacent then. With the current material boundary of FMU 17A (northern part), of which the southern part of the Tawai Forest Reserve is no longer an entity to FMU 17A, it was determined that the villages of Entilibon Asal and Entilibon Simpang are to be of no significance to the management of FMU 17A. This is due to both of the villages being far away (approximately 30km) from the nearest material boundary of FMU 17A. Revision relevant to the matter were made as amendment no. 7 in the outgoing FMP in 2012.

Map 4 - Villages In The Fringes Of FMU 17A

Other committee members consist of the various and relevant government departments and NGOs.

FMU17A – AnnualReport2012 19

Social Forestry Meeting in progress at Kg. Tamoi and Kg. Tenaga Baru

The main principle in the forming of the committee is to instill awareness towards the importance of forest restoration and conservation as well as to instill cooperation among the villagers with FMU 17A management. The committee also serves to enhance their economic capabilities at the same time. This is translated into the various activities subsidized by both the management of FMU 17A and others in the form of infrastructure, of gravity pipe installation, gravel stones to maintain access roads and work opportunities in the form of boundary maintenance and hiring of workers by both Lebihasil Sdn Bhd and Maxland Sdn Bhd. Several capacity building courses were also organized in 2012 participated by representatives from the four villages. The Social Forestry Committee convened 2 times in 2012 as opposed to the target of 1 meeting per year in discussing the various issues that arose.

Handicraft Course Organized by the management of FMU 17A

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There is a need to further develop appropriate infrastructure for field personnel to cater

to the ever increasing workload of enforcement and monitoring activities in FMU 17A.

Although the management of FMU 17A comes directly under the District Forestry Office

of Deramakot, it is necessary for infrastructure to be established for the smooth

facilitation of the various management activities there.

The existing infrastructure for the FMU 17A management area consists of:

Generator sheds with 2 Yanmar (20KW and 35KW) diesel powered


Water tank (7,000 litres).

Pump house with 15 HP electrical pump.

20,000 litres holding tank for diesel.

2 Single Cabin Toyota Vigo pick-ups and 1 Toyota Hilux Double Cabin pick-


1 Fibreglass boat fitted with 35hp Yamaha outboard engine.

Telekom Malaysia Satellite phone with Internet.

Staff quarter

Office building

Forest Checking Station at Tamoi

9.1 Building Infrastructure

2012 saw the building maintenance being done to the Forest Checking Station at

Tamoi and basecamp office. New infrastructure constructed in 2012 are : the fuel

storage building and oil bunker shed costing at RM80,000 on both new constructions

and maintenance.

Building of oil bunker shed and walkway in progress

FMU17A – AnnualReport2012 21

Finished Oil bunker and walkway towards the new fuel storage

Building of Fuel storage in progress Finished and ready to use Fuel storage building

9.2 Road Infrastructure

Road maintenance in 2012 were emphasized mainly in reshaping the existing road

leading to Kun Kun of 10km. Kun Kun is an area worthy for development as it has the

potential to be a tourist attraction area with the beautiful surroundings and river. At the

moment, Kun Kun has the basic facilities for picnicking and camping group and will be

further enhanced in its infrastructure.

Other road maintenance carried out was the re-gravelling of Main Road 1 leading to

Deramakot FMU 19A basecamp.

FMU17A – AnnualReport2012 22

Road maintenance to Kun Kun in progress Gravel stones on standby for road maintenance at

Main Road 1

Majestic view from the air of Kun Kun area

FMU 17A – AnnualReport2012 23


2 Occupation Permits (O.P) were issued for the year 2012. The purpose of O.Ps

issued ranged from roads for log and oil palm produce transportation, log yards for

temporary log storage, campsites, nursery, saw mills and quarry. In total,

RM61,750.00 were collected in 2012 henced a total of RM616,914.08 in fees

collected since 2005.

Year Fees (RM)

2005 86,914.08

2006 81,500.00

2007 91,750.00

2008 63,500.00

2009 75,750.00

2010 80,000.00

2011 75,750.00

2012 61,750.00

Total 616,914.08

Table 10 : Revenue collected from “Occupation Permit” since 2005

“Occupation Permit” for campsite and nursery in FMU 17A

FMU 17A – AnnualReport2012 24

Table 11 : Valid O.Ps in 2012

No Registration No Purpose Location hectarage Validity

from to

OP Holders:

Rakyat Berjaya Sdn Bhd(Kontraktor Maxland Sdn. Bhd.)


01/2004 Logging Road

Tangkulap/Sg. Pinangah F.R

37.00 12.03.2011 11.03.2012


01/2005 Log Extraction

Tangkulap/Sg. Pinangah F.R

79.50 21.03.2011 22.03.2012


04/2005 Camp Site

Sg. Pinangah F.R

0.35 23.03.2011 22.03.2012


04/2006 Gate House

Tangkulap F.R

1.08 01.01.2011 31.12.2012

OP Holders:

Maxland Sdn.Bhd.


02/2009 Kuari

Sg. Pinangah F.R

1.30 28.05.2012 28.05.2012

OP Holders:

Lebihasil Sdn.Bhd.


01/2007 Sawmill, Camp &

Stumping Site Sg. Pinangah

F.R 1.99 11.04.2012 10.04.2013


02/2007 Nursery Site

Sg. Pinangah F.R

0.99 11.04.2012 10.04.2013


03/2010 Office/quarters/gate

Sg. Pinangah F.R

1.69 06.05.2012 05.05.2013


01/2011 Quarters

Sg. Pinangah F.R

1.97 03.01.2012 02.01.2013


03/2011 Stumping Point

Sg. Pinangah F.R

1.86 01.01.2012 31.12.2012

OP Holders:

Kontraktor Malaysia Sdb Bhd


02/2005 Sawmill & Landing

Site Tangkulap

F.R 2.18 01.04.2011 31.03.2012


01/2006 Nursery

Tangkulap F.R

1.26 21.03.2012 20.03.2013

OP Holders:

Usaha Teliti Sdn Bhd


02/2010 Road

Sg. Pinangah F.R

7.00 19.02.2012 18.02.2013

FMU 17A – AnnualReport2012 25

OP Holders:

Yapidmas Sdn. Bhd.


01/2012 Road

Sg. Pinangah F.R

29.00 20.02.2012 19.02.2013

OP Holders:

Toniting Properties Sdn.Bhd


02/2012 Road

Sg. Pinangah F.R

7.46 14.07.2011 13.07.2012

OP Holders:

Syt. Bumi Hijau


02/2006 Office & Nursery

Tangkulap F.R

2.00 23.03.2011 22.03.2012

FMU 17A – AnnualReport2012 26


The government allocated budget for the year was RM 2,700,000 which is also the

actual cost of maintaining all forest management activities in FMU 17A (refer Pie

Chart). Revenue from Occupation Permit fees and royalties was RM 2,576,170.56.
