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t e

Iwill <■ WASHINGTON ( U « j - ;

I 'A f.S ta te A lexander Haig tc f H g r e s a on al:-UearliiB WeOiie C U o lted S tates ivould use ? ra n g e of its pow er" If oec i defend Its vital interesti

- -P e rs ian Gulf, •— — - -— A ad In wlde-ranglhg t

H a ig rev ived th e c o m m i^ “ W e o iy . saying El'Salva'dorf

o f a “ h ltlls t"o fS o v ie tp rid ri in C enlral Am erica.

T he secre ta ry , dcfcndlnf m in is tra tion 's request for M to finance a $6.9i billion se<

-program , w as dsked atioi • ev e ry a sp ec t o f U.S. foreign i ' A sked i/U ie administratioj to w hat h a s been called & Doctrine, In which the P e r w as defined by the prev m in istra tion as a “ vital i in te re s t," H aig said " the Per rem ains a vital American

T.'Any change In the-sta tus q


■ W A W l'J 'T JS ti 'tW n ) - S ec re ta ry C a ^ r Welnber W ednesday the United Sla

>need up to two m ore dlvlsic _am »e< M orees^ - — — — 7

W einberger a lso ' said m in istra tion does not plan to < reg is tra tion and he would 1

_ h e s l t a n c y * . : . z l j _ . re c o m n " 'ireinsUtutiontif the d raft If t}

n r c e s could act m ra t Its m

- C I ( \ do n 't w ant to take the- ■ b U i ^ o r a n undennanned , c W eln b is fg e ld •the-defei ■ com m ittee of the House A|

‘ tionsC om m ittee . „ .- 1 W einberger, accom panied

J D avid Jones, chairm an of J

h a n d l i rTWIN FALLS - The Soi

■ B d iu ^ .to d ay will discuss pc -lA m d& 4 vlth-offiolal6-from-the^

;> ub llcH ea lth S c rv ice.T h e 'h e a l th distric t m ay

.-co n trac t to adm inister such ' d ian n e led through existing • p r iv a te physicians and hosplt

a 's e p a ra te clinic, accord ‘ d i s t r i c t health director.

M em bers of the health dist) Uie Region 4 Development Asi w ith PH S officials to discuss se rv ices In the Magic Valley.

~ “ O fflc ia ls"o f 'thc 'S ea tlle re e a r l ie r th is month to discon M ig ran t Council's five dines, a decision concerning a P oca Uon, H eallh 'W est Inc., whichB urfeyclln lc . ------------- T

------ E v en if funded,-the organlp ^ v ld e serv ices untllSeptem

A t th e regional health d isld W ednesday, G ingrich said w co n trac t, counties' indigent f

-would bc responsible for covc fa rm w o rk e rs ’ heailh care.

If adequate-flnancl^ arrang '-h e a ] th ~ d ls t r ic t - to - ta k e ^ o v i

C h airm an W illiam L. Chance;

IMC clinics m aintained in 1 close M arch 27, according lo hi G ^ a ld H urst. He said the p n u n til S eptem ber unless anothe sa id th e d is tric t Is the logical s

r b u t ' i t s h o ^ d be careful SMut v. ^ " I ihlnk w e,flhQ ullstay-a\i

s e rv ice , bui w e could provide H u rst said.


d ef€— Secretary h a v e to be dej ; told a c o n - ' o f p g w ^ a s s e

se the “ fu ll’ fo r anything t necessary to lean ^ r c n ^ esls In the lom atic press

[m w ‘£ S -T h e . sec re t

security aid Ifcut almostgn policy. l*»ls question,itlonadheres w hich b e a rs :r t h e C arter th e prollferatlPersian Gulf intem aUonalirevious ad-* com e to know:ll Am erican “ They m ailPersian Gulf th e Soviet Uian concern .' E uropean saUs q u o ^ u l d which- Dterall

nseger wants 2- Defense- C hiefs of S t

berger said m in istra tion 's S lates may buildup in supi Isions In its po licy stance t

d the ad- q u lrem en tsduI to end d raft w ill bc one of tId have “ no n eeds."m m e n d ln g . T he .a rm ed -If the arm ed couple of 'huiI manpower personnel," h

w ouldn 't needherespbnsl- .m ored iv is ionsned force," A rm ed forccefense .sub- ab o u t two mill: Appropria* an d th ree Marl

only£kelet(H)sJed. by Geii. ' - W einbergerof. the ^ I n l adm in is tration

> i ,

n g x u r aSouth Central H ealth Dlstrti I possible uses of n ira l heall h e^a tU e-reg lo ria l-o fflceo f^

ay bc willing 'to negotiate^ ich funds If th e money can b ng m edical services, such a spital em crflcncy room s instea ord lng 'to . D r. G ary G tngrld

Ilstrlct board m ^ t a t 9 a.m'. 1 Association office In Twin Fall lUss.conUgulngjnlgrant healt,y • -------

regional PHS .office decide continue funding of the Idah ICS. However, it h as yet to Issu Dcatello-bakd heailh organlza Ich applied for funds l o j w th

;anlzatlon m ay not b e ab le -t :em ter, d istrict health official

stric t board m eeting In Biirle; 1 without the m ig ran t councl nt funds o r th e health distric xjverlng m igran t families’ am

angcm ents can bc m ade for Ihi ’overr- 'h ea lth -d ls trlc t-b o a i^ icey said he will call a specla eking up the contract, in Burley and Twin Falls wll0 health d istric t Admlnlstratoi p rogram would be at)andonc( ither agency p icks It up. H urs al agency to offer the services atw halltgetsTSlo:— '“ 7— ^ w a v fro m Jh eJ io sp iiflijc an Ide prim ary hea lth services,’

1 Despile I

“ B y BRUCEHTAJ -T/njesW ew s.H Ti

• -T W IN PALL5 i . ’ A 8 ,> " th e p rice is too A 3 .S . ^ C orps of Engii

S p rings trou t ha

■ a P t j i■ W allai, Wash.,

; . « : A 9 ^ fa rm e r Ken Ell nesday aftemc c le a r tit le to th<

- .76th:veanN

sn ^ <dealt wUbJ>y the full r4nge u ae ts a v a lla b le to U s ." ' tj

ig tha t would project Amer- S 5th, frorfl'TamDtrric-orr<lIp-.— A assures to stra teg ic nuclear

retary w arned -the House "fairs >hA s<tes does not move, to stop “1 of what, he regards a s " isored terrorism , “ w e willlin ou r own borders tom or- ,

ou gel to the botloro line of , ^on, It is the Soviet Union thrs responsibility today fo r ^ atlon and hem orrhaging of al terrorism - as w e haveiw it,"h e sa ld . ot;aln ta ln training cam ps in h iUnion, in their E as te rn f r

latellites, and in Libya, In Airally thousand? of th ird wl

2 m a r e d iv isuStaff, pressed the ad- dr

fi's case for a defense ‘ wi iipport o f a tougher foreign « t(w V d the Soviet Union. ~su .er u l d m a n p w e r 'r e -— ^ during the next five yea rs bll of the m ilitary’s “ g rea test .

blirf-forccs-w U l-requIrc-!ia— hundred thousand-m ore *7

he said, adding, "W e " , ed m ore than one o r two . .

- . sa ' rces strength curren tly Is an nilllon, ihdudlng 16 A rm y ve: arlne divlslon^t, several a t la t nstreng th . ' ;an e r gave no indication the . re< ion plaris Jo resum e .the__poi

> J J _ _ z ••

trlct - ' _ ---------=-

' £ — Z — Seeseiatte^a ”Q be G ingrich said he hi1 as handle th e service, p r tead ble. T h e clinics, provic ® i ~ G isincis and olB cnsm

B oard member_Dr. V. a t ' h a rd to fit into exi 'a lls education a s to exlstlr alth need of th e program .

Cheryl Ju n tu n en , ' Ided d is tric t, sa id som e ru r laho p rac titioners a r e flllli >sue and will a ss is t in Burle ilza- "R e g a rd le s s of wh the (to d ay )," she said, "V

these m ig ran t families e-to - Jun tunen said the dij :lals Serv ices (WICS) aids

pregnan t women, inf< rley m ig ran t fam ilies In Ci ncll .category ^n^ w ill be g rict persons In the Mipi-Ca and rem ain ing counties of

p rog ram provides iq)ti the food to m eet nutrilionaa r t --------- B oard-m em l)er8 -a^clal V alley’s ru ra l health

would ^ v e the district will could be provided wilh Itor - long-lerm te iitra c t. Bc ned of G<x>dln^ Counly sug irs t m eeting be authorized » s , offered. However, the t------------a 's p e c la im ^ ln g ls h e la re H ursfsaidtoday^^sm s , " r n i ty , leaders, count]

' TOlnlstrators and rdeml

2 charges price is

3rps.of_E iFAMMOND— ■writer-— .......

' ' ' Cle

X S — Despite charges - ic ? too high, the U.S. Arm y Lgineers bought C rystal ^ hatchery.W ednesday f o r ....

toicntnUvcii from Walla I., m et with Buhl b o u t 'Ellla In Twin F a lls Wed- . T moon. They received qiie th e trou t farm and filed and

- . / ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

| d a

No. 78 "a

S n i fw orld ■embryo-terrorist i t r a l o ^ .

^ I v a d o r is not the o ^ y targ—A m erica . . ------ ------—--------

"W hat we a re w a ta if lg ’ . phased operation of which

h a s a l ^ d y been complet s e i z j ^ of N icaragua." he si

H onduras and G uatem ala."Asked 'w hether he was spe

n tw "dom ino theory," Haij " I wouldn't necessarily 1 dom ino theory. I .would call

' ta rg e t l i s t - a h it list. If yo th e ultim ate takeover ol A m erica ." . ■

H aig also Indicated tha t a m i l i t i ^ personnel w ill'b l ou tside th a t country eventu h in tin g — h ) ,re 9 dose to t f ro m m em bers of th e pam A m e r ic a n a d v is e r s m' w ithdraw n. .

Uons for Arr.d ra f l -b u t JifWei.-J'There is 1 w i m d ^ 'U « ^ g I s t r a l l o n .

W einberger appeared tM -su b co m m ittee on tbe first of -o f - be arings Into the pro^i

billion m ilila iy budget.. M eanwhile, a House invi .rep o rt re leased W edne^ay billions of dollars of w aste li sp end ing a hd 'reoom m end^ of $2.9 billion alone In the c m issile p rogram .

T h e reep rt said <1.1 billion sa v e d by elim inating view) an d b a rr ie rs for determ lr verify ing t h e ' num ber- of lau n ch e rs deployed In the sys :another $1.3 billion could bo reducing the num ber of miss portersby.TSpercent.

h ^ e e d ilated story Page Bl-

e h as long felt health distric: , providing adequate fund ing : ivlde m'any services handled 1

Dr. C haries P jrk e r.w ld .m ig i existing health-program s.-- stlng h e ^ th services would be

n , ' physical health director ru ra l heailh clinic people such ruling vacancies in the healU m-Iey and Twin F alls, w hat is decided’ a fle r the

, "w ew lll beextendlng_our,se

i d istric t’s Women, Infant aind lids-In obUinIng nuM tional infants and children. She sa ) Cassia and Minidoka countk >e given assistance. She said i •Cassla a re a and 900 In Twin I : of the distric t a re being s e r q) to $31 a month p e r person fo onalneeds.-a g re e d -th a t- la k ln g -u p -lh ( Ilh c a re contract t h r o u ^ Se Lrict an opportunity to see if ^llh available funds beflore ass . Board m em ber Frederick Bi suggested board m em bers al Ized to ac t on a contract shoi he board voted lo delay a decUI held.-----------------— •-e m eeting wiU be a t l e n d ^ v im ty , com m issioners, hospi em bers of the medical professi

is too High ^

in g in e e rith e federal governm ent's 1 d ^ ' w ith the T \^n F alls C lerk. . . . . I

th e C orpT com pletttJ 'a irin -hview of th e sale tha t was pron a federa l investigation sti m onth ago.-The-lnvestlgatloi U.S. G eneral Accounting Offlc underw ay . ; “ •,

T h e GAO examination ) quested by the House Publit and T ransportation Commit

L l ^ g f e (

- Twin Falls. Id


a re being

rget In Latin

ig 'ls~ a 'fo u r-------h Phase one— leted — the ! said. “ Next ffiiiow iii-T jr

pe llingou ta a ig replied:’ call It a lU i t priority you will, for of C entral ' | | |

S a lv a d o r s be trained

> tually ..thus- >ine] — tha t m 'ig h t b e .

mt; ’BHHs plan to S S ^ ^ B

bjefore the oi tW odays--'

jvestlBMiv«............ ' j iay dc:..,.i‘i' - 8 lndef->.i.. ^ y . . . . eaT s5vr!i5 costiv 'v : \ ■

o n c o u iu .. w ing ports ilnation of of m issile-. ystem , and >0 saved by ssUe trans*

S — - | H!------- :---------------cr—S in g e

ic ts should ^O C

igrants a rc r r r •

)r for the By TER R E ch a s nurse .TJmes-New 1th dlstricl - __________

le m eeting WENDEl services to M itchell lel

J a n u a ry to Jd Children— t - jo in o th e r ti ll food for in m aking a sald m any ' "T he 'SC ties fil th is m em b er" i about 700 public telev 1 F a lls and • a t 6 p .m ., erved. The • City) a t 7:4 forspecial (Pocatello)

T h ls th re tIhe-M aglc-------“ show will inSeptem ber M itchell, I if. services Lalne, Mil issumlng a Clooney. ThB ra ils fo rt____ thurG odfrea l today 's Milchcll MUld 11 bc - m ltted to cislon until- anticipation ■ • ~ . " B h o w atthe ' >y commu- Y orkC H v.' [piUI ad- - . " I w as . ss lo n .. • .

ssignsjDproperty supported , by

Is County delegates; ‘. . . T h e Corps hi

dav* a f te r wi

S , S S ' ^ s “ ak e“ R lre ? ^ g ra m , a proje. s tec lhead .inm !

flee te s H I l J ^ in w S te n

• ' e ry re m a ih s a yw as . re - . T he. C orps ' 0

ilic W orks th e sa le , complliltee and in th e C r^ ta l

; d [ t p a g

fdafto-. Tht

g e i ^ u y M i t c h e i l - s t i n - r «

oUd<tmdellTnanfiRELL WILLIAMS. '. ew? writer. ................

>ELL - Seml-relired Guy left his Wendell ranch in to tune-up his gu itar and r-m usic slffrs of Ihe-lSSOs ga'television special.■SOs: Moments lo Re-

’’ will a ir Saturday on levislon channeM (Boise)

channel 7 (Salt L a k e ' 7:45 and channel 10 lo ) a t8 p.m.>ree-hour noslalglc-varlely .I include perform ances by—

P atti Page, FranW e Hitch Miller, Rosemary Theresa Brewer and Ar-

week freely ad- ;o a month of nervous Ion before recording tl\e heW aldorf Astoria io New— ;f. ___ Js 'f f l^ te n e d ," " 'f ie said, 1

d n t h e d c^ I d a h o ’s Congressional _ p i

• *■' ' rn : has purchased the trout rc wilh Ellis' w ater rights, - d -x ea rln g Jn .the JL ow ar^W r F ish Mitigation Pro- di iject designed lo restore rfi uns ...dlsnjpted_ by...four-.'.__ ieni Idaho. < -ct■ p o sseesk m -o M h e-h a lch -^ a year away. bl;' own re-examlnallon o f . ss nplcted Monday, resulted ;al Springs hatchery i|p- s t

f e i

'hursday, March j

Ir I if jf

j B f f lH H

-r«m ainunode6(-«ven-w

foldfeatured ori ^

recalling the "c lass reun . .co rd lng^sesslon ..'!rd :ra tl

ridden the bucking horsi . y ea r. Blindfolded; I 'd pn

m onths that U would tun rig h t."

" T h e p ro d u cers sah w orry ,! ' M itchell continuei yo u 're doing It (performl th e ea s ie s t thing. You don'l w here you’r e a t becai spo tligh t blinds your-Th tim e y o u r p ray e rs a rc ans^ not. T h a i's th e moment < Like a bullfighter."

. The session, recorded lil — show, rolled a Io n g :w I^ u t

a s M itchell’s recent pract h is p a s t experience a il p al felt g re a t once il was'ov laughed . "R ight a fte r th a ready to s ta r t on another."

Best known for his “ Singing the Blues” and

— a c h p s"b y -th e ‘Num ber,''"] .has h ad 20 “ gold records" m em b er o i.lh e C o ljim l^

lo tte d iinp ra ls a l jw ln g low ere tfby i rnlllloh an d . th 'c " '^ !^ pri

.renego tia ted w ith Ellis.E llis, unavailable for

^W ed n esd ay ,= ag rced _ tQ ^ ( ductlon from th e Initially pis rrtilllonsalepriM ^_

J.l_110ur.lrevicw.was cbiiducte -em phasis on th e f lsh produci

:4illi!lf»i-nnd-lhft-ffapitalltatl b le ." Corps ^ k e s m a n Ore s a id W ednesday following th<

"T w o a d d itio n a l eng s tud ies w ere m ade to deter

I '

i i 9 . X 9 8 J

_____ ____ :________________ _ST£\

w U h -2 0 - i f lo ld - r e c o r d s H t

T sH ow o f ’BCunion" re- 'iF a m e . The ! ith e r .h a v e .. . rcm alns-m odes rse of the and p re fers to prayed for trad in g o r his jm out all a ll-around co'

rodeo circu it, hi aid do n 't " I rodeoed. T Jed. “ Once d o ." -M ilchell ming), it 's days. '*1 wante n 't think of ' m oney to get.; ;ausc the u tU e tra in ing c m a t 's the som elh ingelsei tsw eredor A fte r a rod« t of truth, called ; I fh eh ad

fo r everyone t like a live happy. I fh eh ad lut-a-hltch— .-because he neec icticep lus th e nex t rodeo, aid off. “ I M itchell's c i o ver;" ,he -i)egan when, as fiat, 1 was S ea rs and Roc ." pillowcase, hes singles Diide M artin Sh d “ Heart* in San Francii '-M itchell— y e a r s r h e " h a d 1" and is a ' se lle r: "M v Hea EH aT 5i TseeMiTC

le f o r h a tr a lm ost‘? i _ q y an lily of wi irice being C rystal Spring

repo rted . “Al® 1 comment W ildlife-Servic .$75,000 rc*..-..-taclcKl.and a-li ilanned $3.5 from th e servic

_ • a s a coM Ullanf :tedjffith.an__lUes'." : . S Z 3 * -.---A « cr_ C o rp s '

S i r i n germ ine the • S m H AI



) ■

^Os starse 54-ycar-old singerodest.about h is . 'c a re e r______s to talk about horse his ea rly career a s an

cowboy, riding the il. h is " first love.” d. T ha t’s a ll I w anted to lell said of his early anted to m ake e n o u ^(et. a ranch and get a Dg outfit. But fa te had 'Jse planned." rodeo, the ' singer re- - had won, he would sing - >e bccause he felt so h ad lost, he would singleeded m oney to get to ---------eo.

c a re e r “ officially", a s a teenager with a Roebuck' gu itar In a he appeared on the

n Show a t station KYA ncisco; Wilhln a fewhad-hlsT-first-m llllon— .........Heart CjleaJof-You.::------: ---------irC H E L L Pa«eA 3-

i t c h e r y ^ -: w a te r.av a ilab le a l_ lh e " rin g s ' hatchery ." D u ^ e r . ‘Also, the. U.S. F ish -an d ' rv ice In Boise w as am- a - fish -hatchery: m anagar - - - - rv ira was-made available : an t on production capable :

■ps officials obtained r e - .) • th ^ ^ t l i r e e groups^thcy--:-■ - > appraisal to m ake i t ; vilh th e quantity of w a te r ;


- 7k 0 1 H

-----—P andaail•■:--- A g la n t

U aiven a f le r r e

Woman w>r STROUD. Englar

pronounced dead fro ' a T^offin cam e back ti

could see beyond this “ As' w e (ransfere

m o rtuary t ra y I noti " on h e r (acc tha t she

sh e 'co u ld see bcyoE •• W hite sa id Wednesda

“ A l th a tp o ln tU e i ■’ sh e h ad s ta rted lo bt

un it im m ediately.” M rs. R osser was i

- w here she remainec ’ before regain ing com

■ R D F can 'tcWASHINGTON (U

’ m en t force will not h ^ r ' ’M -.T .^ lb eP .ecslaQ ! ^ i " a congressional i

___: sa id .

~ ^ itc h; : •CoDtiouedfromP

• : ^When he1lrsl-w ent “ ba ; irBcord, Mitchell got man: ; ; 9 cond looks b ^ a u s e h ; ; l ^ t 8 . Jeans, snapped w<

------- > a o d b l a ^ cowboy ba t. —; - " I w as a n oddity then

: ; '3 Jo w everyone is ju st ill : j n e a t .” - ' • - In te rn a tio n a lly knowr

-------^speakfr-flvo-languagcs-X. . ; UDlds th e presen t attenda

. . ; . at lh e Pallad ium In Lone• Glasgow Th'ealer in So

d jrd ln g to h is wife; Betty.•: c " trem endous market)

— ' d i e i r s album s, some on ■ i^ r e le a s e d every two yeal

I960)," Mitchell said. “ I tak e it a little easy. I ha

..... ' 'th in g s I w anted singing to cW ithout exception all thc

• -ChanciT w in F a lls , Buriey>Ru

I_____Goodlnf rJ e rom e a re a ;! M ostly cloudy (o3a:

F r id a y w ith a chance of . tonight in the ml(T20s»l

H Jg h ^ o d ay and F riday 40stolow 50s.H aliey , C am as P ra irie , R lverV altey :

M ostly cloudy. toda> F rid a y w lth a chanceof: va lley and snow In thc n Low t o n l^ t in thc uppe tow 20s. Highs today and th c low to m id 40?.

- N ortbem U tah, and Nevada:

• B o tJ r s ta ^ 'I n d ic a te I clouds, w ith scattered r e rs in the v a l l w and sr

• - m oun ta in ston fg lilandF j S yiK ^B ls:"-- -■

M ostly cloudy skies . th c s ta te W ednesday aft

' h igh clouds continued ah ead o f the P a c if lrs to r

______ o lf__thc—California—CO;system is moving east'

___ bring ing w ith it an ichance of precipitation.

------------T h e '- p r e c ip iU t io n - iT u esd ay n igh t ex tend

" PortHUl southeastw ard t^ up iK r snaKc K ivcr vaiie; no rth ern IRah. Amounts e ra lly sm all. Precipltal

NatfohaiMil Uln Pep

Atbuourqua ‘i T a

Boalon • '37 a ” "'....•• • Chle«o ----- IS. D*ii*» ________. U q

■ D*»Molne* ‘ a ' !!".DtUolt-----------------M— .18........Honolulu . ' n U .... Hovtton ■ mm mm ....

'A-2 T Im os-N ew s. Tv^n F


tils— —-----ant a t tbe ^ndon Zoo i ' e r ^ W HoqUtal for i r reportedly sufferlojR from Btc

w akes up in coffi^and (UPl) — A young v from a drug overdose and laid ;k to life smiling — "almost as this life."fered her from our coffin I loticed that she had an elated >hc had not had befbre, almos yond this life,'.’ undertaker ! sday. - rhe mortuary technlclM notice ) breathe and called a resusci

as taken to an Intensive can incd In a deep coma for 24 :onsciotisncss.

rdsfend-Gulf-ape(UPI) - The U.S. rapid d(

)t have thc muscle to halt a S ilatvGulf even when fully open al report distributed Wedm

Import, pw parw ro r thi n

n P a g e l oh "The■ -m em ber"

‘back East" to quaintance lany stares and i ‘.‘What si J he wore his 'everybody 1 western shirt was almos------- - .- . h ilativesll

hen," he said. ' “The firs t like that. It's a couple h

Page,” he awn, Mitchell wllhTherejs-BuenUy-aadS----- Aftcc-hisadance records Miller, the .ondon and.the . failed forev Scotland. Ac- derhonstrat ty.thcrcisstill Just ^ plant ketr for Mlt- vocal!s(.wlt on which are ‘*Gd ovi

'ears. (Faith), " JHeartaches by and cliokcd raTTHiinnrnn cbmdnVsin “I decided lo recorded tJ had done the re tu rn ^ th

lodfiTorme.” fine. ‘‘Wltli theoUierstars.,-'casy.'' MIU

c e o f rainpre■Rupert. aiKl n*tk

iaaTllirpughI of rain. Lows / «-Os»to low30s.- Jlay in the mid 30 .00 «.


day through , ■of rain In thc ^

le mountains. ... los aipper teens to _____. ..andFrlday in woh

id northern

lc increasing vV L<i raiii show- i snow in the

" ■ _ : : i : upi;wi es blanketed nesday' wj afternoon as mountain ed to move hlgherelev rtormsystem Tempera ■oftflst Thls-.'„cantly„carl astward and as colder s i_ increasing the slate, w n. . ’degrt*es al 1T -tha trttl^ J“ 'Grangevlllc ended -from The domi d through the • western Idillcy and iAtO----- HooirwasTlnts were gen- from the s Itation Wed- Treasure \

K»nM*Cily’“ ‘ . 44' ’77 uiv*eM er 4i

Pep LO*AnO«l«i TS STMomsMl . ia ti

. ' *1 . U.... MihfaftM ■ 31 JO' <

MinflMpo(l« ----3» a.... --yw O ridw t_______ 81 M

OKl»rwm*Oly . « . JS ..ocnin* - «■ ^ 44 - n •

..... PhlHdelphl.; • 3« 1« .... PhMfil. ■ «i *g

■‘.1.:--- WtMbUfflh --------- 31----« -

In Falls , Idaho___ tj^ w d a v .-M ;

X) is wheeled into Tbe paoda if an X>ray scan vetscouldi stomadi trouble.

f f i n - Fo reign Affairs, ____ m ay be five to: woman developed.“11?,“ih ! And Jt sold Ih as If sho I, Is „. luispccltlodsma:i d ' L t P^Pare<heRDF

’r I a ' S . r -i WASH^NGTO^iced that an d e r H aig sa l scitatlon Catholic m ission

..been shot In an i :are unit' t r i ^ to n m a mill 24 hours H aig’s sta tem e

th a t the U.S.-bai cooperating in t

= e a ________killings of the th r, . T T w oO nriltart

deploy- investigations wo aS o y ie t 'th C v e h W e d n w l wrallon- , ru n a - x = ± i ? , ^ dnesday ' doing tha t, and U

S c o v e N tu p ! : '

le '50s: Moments To Re- '” a rc old friends and ac- icesofM itcbell's. . t surprised me w as how g reat ' dy looked." Mitchell said. "It lost like golng'back lo meet s lh a d n ’ts e e n fo r^ lo n g ." - irs t road tour I d id a fter I had i h it records was with P atti hc rccallcd .i!‘I did a movie' resa Brew er in 1953 or '54."

iic singer was su re he had rever. M lilei had'lislened to a — ration record of Mllchell'wllh ano, and wanted to h ea r the w ilhanorchestra .’' o v e r th e re w ith P e rc y ^ M ille r had said. Shaking (ed with fear, Guy Mitchell sing a note.' so (he o rchestra

th e ir p a r t and the singer the next day and did Just

Mth the recording 11 w as Illchell said, "b u t to -do ll


1 Y 7 fv = r 'i AHQCLga ~ I ■ V '

EMPeftATUnCB \.4 0 f l


w as ■ confined to a few* n snow showers in thc levatlons.;ra tu re s cooled signifl-arly_W ednesdayjj)ornlng____ _r a i r continued to invade, w ilh lows ranging from 7____a t G alena to 37 degrees a l • ,

im inaht..w eatherJn.south-___ iIdaho W ednesdayi after-

r t h e wihd. strong winds ! i sou theast'bu ffe ted the I Valfey with gusts In ' :

77 i j PoflttM.Mo. » a41 ... Poftl»BU,Ot«. M S3S7 i.i, St. Loult «4 311} /4 3 8«HL»ii»Clly W 77u /..•.• s*nDwco- ea sjJ O '. . . . 8*0 Ff»f»el»co .54 SOa • Sm Wb- •— ;-----—-SB----36M ’SPt**"* « *3

F ~ Idaho1« .......... • M*« UlfM .... Bolto S7 24 10— ----- T— M T ij

-J«l5tchJ9._1981 ....

' •=>..... ——

oda sp en t th ree hours In the 1 il d n 't find aoything wnxig wi tl

Urs Comroitlee by Its staff, i to e igh t years t e fo re the foi

J u ic RD F will cost a t lcast read y Io r use, "not inch

m a ile r procurem ent efforts nc IDF for com bat."

nuns ran roadblcrON (U PI) - S ecretary of S said Wednesday, tha t four iionaries killed In'E l S alvador an exchange of gunflro a s thc m ilitary roadblock, im ent cam e as the FB I reject{ -backed Salvadoran govem m In th c Investigation of th e ] th ree nuns and one lay woman ce-to-suggest-to-vou Jh a l somI would lead one to b e liev e llu ] which the nuns w ere riding)

o r m ay have been perccl id th a t there w as a n cxiAangc

We- cold, tha t was a little b itt c- Mitchell recounted

F ran k ie Lalne 's daught it ' s inger, not because of liII because, while vlsltini !l ran ch several yea rs a- Jum ped-on-an untrainei d c o rra l and rode the bu< 11 successfully.® T rip s to L as Vegas a:

a ro on M itchell's curren b— hfri>lans-to-goon-th©-road Q so , even though hc say a — dem and ing and the schec n goes on, w hether thc entc e like It o r not.^ G iv ing an cxampl< ^ explained. " S o m c jJ a y s ' ? — sing ing along with the ra< z— days-you-can't-even-stan

r _t M u c h 'l l also p lans 16 r 5 tim e In the n ea r future ; I songs h e h a s w ritten rccci

tugh Friday -FORECAST lo r PM EST 3 -1


p . L tan o

exccss,o(30m ph.Clouds and g usty winds

tinue. T he extended outloo w eekend ca lls fo r Im

__ e period.

— H ig h cst-tem p era tu re -i / W ednesday w as, 57 a t . L

* w hile 7 degrees w as rep- G a le n a for the lowest-------

Els6whepe-jn-th»-natioc A riz., had thc h i ^ of 66, ai 2 degrees below zero a t G P a . , for the lowest recorde

a • - Ooodino 4J« ....,• W ihoF.II*, 4SS« L*wl»l(Hi S72- ••-j...PoeiuiiQ________H Stimor • 4SSO ,4« McCill 41

- » ....

. . ------------------Mln Pep .4e24 ..I «

■.■l»~...;7"No(m*l j------- — n

WaMcClure Energy i

' Bolso as

^ The ap callimbo

As cha1 ^ Hesourci

n U iavailable



^ hasestate cxi

This rc — appraisal

million to___ Ellis Ha

Including I iKXDltal but hatchcry

. — Game I>---------------- . last year.a lso said It aredtothc force Is (u lly “‘* “‘ *2 "Wehacst $10 bllilon 0^ J”'*‘vid eluding still water wi necessary (o

Smith of Servlceof

lock? ‘.'From!■ State Alex*' ' ‘ r American / = ^or may have cU / iieir vehicle By United.:ted chargesiment Is not • ^Today ! 1980 rape- thc78thda: an. •• The moime of these ' •Hat pefBaps-------- i-The moJ) may haveHjlved to be- Thcever Ige of fire In —

"^-j-RECK.................. YC

'.V help____ ____________________ iA

~ ^

it too much.’’ .I how he is I -liter's favorite [ his voice, .but ing the l^ine ago, Mitchell

led: horse.ln a - _ w king animal v

and Australia v ? e I ent agenda, as ■ ■

ays It 7s very ~~ \rcdulcd singing— ----------itertainer feels

•vllie, Mitchell s you feci like ■adio and o th e r......................

r ^ ^ r ts o m e ^ e an album of lently.


- 1 9 - 8 1 ,

^B^BTON ........................ ,

29.59 % . J M



^ 5 . S E L- - 5

Is will epn- ook for the- Increasingiw-through___ ___________

- in - I d a h o - - — 6 2 f i_Lcwls.ton,_ _cport'ed ot 2 2 2nn, V nm n . ______and It was T T lBradford,.'


a a ....4s a S7 33 ....

■« Jl .... “ ^,< I._ J2__ _ . ___________Ja 23 ■

S T T " “ .mm

« 40 ;... — • ^'n —

images d j ) a g

o h n s o nS E (U PI) - Idaho Sen. Jam< ire h a s urged the S ecre ta ry i :y to appoint P e te r Johnson < a s head of the Bonneville Powc ilBtration, KTVB News pjports

appointment has been in potit ibo for three monlhs.

:halrm an cf thc Senate Enerp irces Committee. McClure’ sgment v irtu a lly co uld a s su r

\ a tc h e fble a t the trout farm , icco rd in Ig er.. , ■vaS-found that thc cubic feet pe l-of water.was. not a s high a y thought,’''D u ^ c r explained, ger said thc exact volume c

t been released by Corps rea expert? In Washington, D.C. re-evaluation resulted in thi

3al-fae}ng-lowcrcd-from-$4:39i I to about $3.4 million, j ia d a w ater right of 125.49 cfs n g 'w ate r reclrculatlonrforhl! ry located across thc Snake :rom Crystal Springs, which i: north bank. Idaho Fish anc D epartm ent representatftcf

a r m c a su rd thc w ater dellv the hatchery via a steel pipe al Ocfs. •Had received reports from a lol viduals in thc a rea on whal was available a l Cryslhl

tbe Corps’ appraiser. Bob }f Idaho Land and Appraisal of Boise, said Wednesday.

ID those, wc cam e up with our

n • '

y U I fl D } ^ I n ] iC w

ed Press International

i is Thursday, M arch 19, day of 1981 wilh 287 to follow, noon is approaching Its full

rnomlng stars a re Mercury,Jup iter^n fS atnm :— ------------veningstarlsA Tarsr




' ■ I s l E

__. S

5RDICA Boot 30% OFF


SA L O l! 6 wIth-Brakes !2 with Brake=7 1 with Brake .

______T - N E C K S A N D I

S C O T T P O L E S r A L L O T H E R P O I

5 0 % O F t

1 n o m i rimes U ^t Johnson will gel 11

Johnson, ,49i.fiurn>ii iw^r several busi.wL sgrved as president a

live, officer of thc Tr olitl-— wnere-^ne—worKed—

Johnson also put In IC • MacGregorTrlanleCc

erg^_______ - ^ -jre’r in aacmion, Jonnsoi gure Reagan presidential

r y —gftimatpd fiflurft ^of

•Aina ■ *.saia..!‘It was on theli -thanlhelow.”

. ___ "The trouble wllh w. In that area.-iSrlt v seasontoseason.^’Sml

p i . Smith said he wa

Corps because of client ■ yjg The GAO report on (

' — three“ weeks,-"“ accor f.(~ spokesman Laura Cope .■hf: B a ^ o n _ a G A O t . 1, . .House public works c<

26,- Rep. George. Hat a said Tuesday the GAG’; fk„ "didn't appear that, .1(0 Corps'revised $3.4 mill « Both Hansen and Sc

Clurc.R.ldaho, have sa , . . . decide whether furthei ‘J ? of the sale fs needed u .( g examined the GAO stud 3ob

^ AGRICULour i r S Y O U R f l / H E A R T B E A T £

2 A M E R I C A t - r i

"A djusti


T h o o x f

• B a rn t • Enelosod ~ - • Mor* Mot*l( • Fe

• Portablo Corrals• C hu t« f . .

C o l l i

H 7 7 W o s tW" I f . ont/ao

rC SPC_ 1188 B

:--------- ■ ■ IW IN -

J E W T O N ’S M /


------- ALL i

Do«_________________S w e g

»tS ' ■ALL


) M O N B Is W a s ^ $ 9 4 ^ b -

D m E eM A L lL N B E R V

S M F F R e g . $ 2 0 .0 0 . . ; O L E S ....................... .........

«— .

n a t e d tcI the post. ' - - an a W&S ently is a consul^ isincsses. He has P?il

“ S L SAct. John

son M f v ^ o fT th r ■ c jim m ifyII transition team save It fro

• 14bo4Jowt)ri^mlth--------!litgh side rather-

water, especially j 'will vary from Maa>< '

inltlisaid. subicfiivas nol dble . to ^ • ' '7 2ow estimation o r . ^ ^

:nt c o n f i d e n c e . pold in ■

iS:'y"f -p£"o rd ln g -to -G A O — - i j -m o n ipeison. '

briefing to the ■com m itleeFeb— lanscn, R-ldaho,- po«ios« O’s Initial figures Tim*»-Ni t,c lo se ” lo the J ;” ''* " ' llllon appraisal.Sen. James Me- ..s*ciion e said they will fiot - ii h ier InvesligalionI until they have udy.

U F C I R E : T h u r s d

■ H i H M B i notionv

!to P ro d u c ts o f A m oi

(AAERS-RANC“Adjusto-GateG e t R eady-for Sprlngl

x p an d ab le g a te fits any

H iav y sF o ed o n _________ g g lv o n 'h

, _ m ain ten

II Factory For N e a re s t D

OTPRODUCTOF-MI/Vright S tre e t • Boise, Ic good h 6 r i 'e l e n s e t5 ^ e A < l ]




m rW n C o a t s , C o a t s , Bi j a te r s ,_ J u n io t .S iz e s -

■ ■ ■ • 3 0

INDI NGS- ■ ■ ■ ■ NOW^i^ r ; ^ . 5 0 %

?WEAr L^-50% X»FF-N O W $11.88 c

-------------30% OFFt

M ' ■


o B P A^yagrchalrman- of ■ a -grbupzor west businessmen who sop.; j the Reagan-Bush ticket In tjjj i ampalgn. . - :

tm cnid T '^^ f?A7h<nvijl-b(f^^lrongiaaV 6c«^ N o rth w e s t P o w e r a n d Planoinff o h n so o .sa ld h e .b e lle v e s th t* ic l ■ n l f y ih c P a c i f lc -N o r th w c i t a iu j ; : [ f r o m " e n e rg y c h a o s .” ; ;; j ■

- ' ' ~ ' T h*T lni»cN «vift Twin Fall*, Idaho

■m b^tirf Audi* B ti f f lu tA .- _ j C Ireulotlon-and ^ J

n » .d P r S i . I n t . r n a t r o n a l . : .• llthed dollv'ol 133 T h lrd« lr«at^ [ >1, Tvvin'Fotli. Idoho 833QI'. bt>,'‘ j le Volloy N aw tp a p eri. Ine... \ ic rlp ilon Ra««i; Cll^ Homtf*. > »ary S5.00. S I.95 p«r w * « k ;. ! }l Molor Rout* 0«1lvary.$S.40: *15 p«f week Polly SI.SO; ^ n . J__

I In odvoneo (told only wh«r* ‘ l«r dallvory I* nol molntbln»d]C;i ond Sunday. I month S4.95, ' »nthr*r«;83r6-niornh» M 9r70— • - month* .$S?;40:~ Dolly—onlyr"' ' “ onlh $3.45. 3 m onthl *10.35; •Joy only. .1 month *2.25. 1 'Ihs *6.75. 6 m o n lh i -S ia .5 0 ^ - - rnoniht *27.00. Soepnd' Clo»»D0« paid of.Twin Folli, Idoho ' I rt.Navt* (UPS 631-000). Speciot ■ lani and Ssrvicam on ro t* '0 por monlh. OHielol Clly oh<j

N o w ip cp tr pu rsuan t lo on 6C-I08 Idoho Coda, n iu r i- '"II haraby d a ilgno ltd ,o* lha ■ of lha wook on w hkh laijal,,, a» will ba r)ubll»h*d. . . .

rsday, -March 19 th is'^ ; jricu itu re Day 1981 ' ja ro p ro u d to bnnouhc© :’ j-

u r p a rfic ipofion In th e ' Ion w id o A g ricu ltu re Day. :

lo r icd -W es t" - :

JCHERSte" ;n g l I ]any o p en ing •

y st rength-af i — Ijl in ized tu b in g for te n a n ^ e f re e c a re .. . i*:

it D e a le r j,

HERICA ESF 4f , J < ^ o • 3 4 3 » 6 2 4 3 r » ' A d ju ito P roduct*" . P ‘

IORTH-. -■ i!'

1 F O R


rHING 1' ■ - . f •

'OFF^,|! -1B ib s , ■ :

5 s A I s o _ ________L ; | _


- ^

J % O F F : i l ■ __ _ •! “_*i

iS ' I ^68.86 > I

OFF I ; i■■■idJ----... 'I

MON -THURS.-FRI'Y I t----------r9 ;6 “ ' ^ V | - > :

FRIDAY 9-9 , ‘

Hou: • '••"B O ISE (UPIi - T h c 'ld

m illion ^ r o p i i a t i o n fo r h

: ’ -Rep. J()hD BrooksV R^Goo( I '7 lAst m inute lo cause the omi

I rr«ppropriatft)n and forward Ui ]___ LflfflgfeApprgprifltio t^ .CotT

, .effort lo p u tih e blU up fo r am- ■ - Boyd suggested law m aker

V a te r^ o llu tlo n Contro^Acc [ ‘'-Collcge-a n d univers itie s .. H

i C a n a l c o

w i n s

i f o r f l o o r- .:^ B O IS E --- A -bU l-tha t_v

' ^ (ectively reverse an Idaho : Court decision w as sen t i

— Senate comraltleeTVodnesda: . ‘ T he-m easu re would sub:

*• Increase lhe amount of dam: m u s t-b e paid for conden

I ih lg a t io n ^ s te m .: ‘^T he Senale Agricultural : “Qoirimlttee voted 4-3 vole to- |)111 lo the full Senate wlthou- m endatlon. The th ree di 1 com m ittee m em bers wante< ' " th e m easure, Senate Bill 1196, '•> r’T he legislation was sough* Tw in F a lls Canal Co. folld > XdMio Suprem e Court nili

■ .allow ed Canyon View Irrig i i : -the righ t to use the Twin F a lb I A p relim inary opinion by I : A ttorney G eneral’s office sai V. w as unconstitutional becau t te rfe red in a judicial functlo ! ing dam ages in a case using

of em m lnenl domain.: T o m Schafer o f Twin F alls- View p ro jecfm an ag er, said- would be fought on the floo : ^Senate.

" I f Iho bill comes cut : “L ejSslature and Is signed V ••^veirroP .Sve'U lakelttocour ^ t * B ^ c o n s t l t u t i Q n a l . ^ e ^

l\ - The Senate com m ittee to* •: J th a n two hours of testimony.* Vwas supported by the Idah ‘ :3Jsers Association and oppose -^ B e llR a p ld y p ro Je c tr th e Sain- t ^ ^ a n a l ' C6 : , - .a g roup of ' ' r H a g e r m a n a r u f a r m e r s ^ d

S u n Valle\, ii bjectto 2iV r-B O IS E (UPI) - Represent;

s ta te ’s lodging Indust L rSBM nesday a 2 percent s u rd _:2 tDtel and motel rooms and

r c a m pgrounds would, ra ise sla . f f i u e. however Sun Valiev ’ l ^ ^ e r s opposed the m easure.* tM T ie testimony w as m ade c ' ijiCTring before the S enate Lo : ^ e m m e n l and Taxation Coi : * -35^nesday. The hearing will : t ja iu e d F riday.’ :> :^arbara_G w artney ,.execu t

“iSBho R estau ran t and__Bi, " y j s w ifltionfi said the expend 1 ^jepp.OOO fo r advertising (raise I« u rc h a rg e ) . would > produc r S l l i l o n in travel expenditure ' ^ t e ahd $27 million dollar: .^asyenues. ^ ~








Idaho House approved a i ir higher education WednesdL jh o H m In Kmi.M I h .iM I l

am cndm crn m o tio n ^ fall 34-1 tft ftpprove thg gpngrAl-fti

d the m easu re to lhe Senate. Commitlee m em bers Tom Bov cfe Knlgge,- R*FJIer. paced t am endment.

kers funnel som e funds out of t fVccount to boost funding for I . .H e said funding for capit «y1na deqiiBte‘> id n d d e d .-“ li

o m p ^ S c s S e n a t e

r d e b a t e ,t-w o u ld -e f-____^ . - W i l l i a nho S u p r ^ e said , “ The hl( It out of a -h as : ruled thi

substantially ' “ I moslam ages lhal S hcrl Chapmailem ning an Twin F alls

sa id th e Twliral A ffairs “ thought the! to s e n d e e aw ay somethihout recom - tion. Tho systi

disseniJng in p la c e .”tiled to hold “ This Is a i196. Idaho Suprem'ught by the R osholtsaid.ollowing an But K ent Fruling tha t w a te r lawyer,rigalion Co. only unconstllia llssystem . v id e .a "wlndf.)y the Idaho C ana( Co. Thesaid the bill m ak e th e cost 1:ause it in- tion system eqi ction, decid-■ h esa id .Ing the righ t Schafer saii

willing lo payalls, Canyon F a lls ’ H i^ lln c» ld th e bill m ain tenance aifloor of the a portion of lh'

system ,out of - tbe “ One millloiled b y , th e p a s s e s K ir jH to u r t t o ^ l f e'very y e a r ,” ]

have no F a lls , oresldt testified . "Thit

toolc m ore Is to m ake Himmy. The bill -W alkcrargu«daho W aler pu rpose ," to stijosed by the p rev en t o lher 1 almon-Palis—developm ent,^ f ^ young I d a h o 's w at'andothers. C a llfo m la ..

;y m otel ovt 2 % hotel taentatlves of , M rs. Gwartr lustry said , only w este rn s ircharge on such a surchj jnd private expenditure t> sla te reve- .w a s o n e o f th e l

f®. in Kejchum, Je during a ow ners in the Local Gov* , a re a a re oppi Committee ' Lynn said lhe will be con* because the s

p ercen t local c icutive vice___to_the_state .’s

" 'H e M l d U i t S h ^ i h o Iw le llax m lg h

ures in the In addition,- iars in tax a re b hotel own< ------------------ goven iin e n ttd

So little money, nevi -bought-60 muchvSL

Th« iui>>»uio>n»i>eOM-ioi» tiw t -eii -tiW7-dl««r»9»nnWIU» I O TT|- n "?«» S JcoxfiTo' I /1-tMKxat'-iAeMlng inaOUSnlemfltsvsiItnin ««)

■ "j; Novi Only

i l l.2 5 1 M a in A

ppicffiD $67 I A ■ 'isday


it'lhlc34-34. ■ ' . \-mwu ^ Jund . , oo tJa tJ ity a tlh e fiftcn

K nlgge said th e W___ hiKtarv." for favorlnt

1 the - ag a ln s tk ld s .” *■ "T his m ight be our

Jfthe the Repr Linden Batemi ip lta l. funding fo r public te: ■“ It’S' ■ ‘Jo in t F lnance-A ppn

l a t i o n

> O K

!, v o t elam Floyd, R-Idaho F alls,_ highest cou rt In the s ta te .. tha t this is justice, andifissue-w llh tha t:" ------------------

Certainly am ,” replied nan , d irec to ro f the IWA. lls law yer Jotin Rosholt . Pwln F alls w ater users f he Suprem e Court look 'thing without com pensa-' • /stem is worth something

a chance to r e v e rb the ;m e Court on this issue,”I. .

Foste r, an Idaho Falls er, sa id th e bill w as not fel itllullonal but woUld pro- tei id fa ir: to Uie Tw in.Falls_ ye he b ill's pitv lslons would tic ist of using another Irriga- cu equal lo th a t of a new one, co

said Canyon View was vojy for enlarging the Twin boline Canal, the additional elie and operations costs and Inthe cost of operating the to

lion a c re feet of w ater thi.Hill and goes lo the ocean thi” Lloyd W alker of Twin F rlident of 'Bell Rapids, R-

gued the bill had a '^ s in g le-------• slop Canyon View, would- . 1 ir agricultural and w ater < t, a n d -w o u ld - le a d - to -le* a t e r b e in g u sed In ^

wriers ax idea-----irtney said Id ^ o ’w as the d s ta le which did notJiaye charge and lhat Idaho’s i-i;! for tourism promotion ie lowest In the region.,vnn. whft owns two lodges 1, said motel and hotel the Sun Valley-Ketchum . | pposed to lhe measure. Ihe-p rlm ary reason, was- ;i;i } a re a already had a 5 a option tax which added iii: e!s_3.. p e rcen t-sa le s . tax-8p^w m U ««m 4ouri6l s.------ -the .adaiiional. 2 percent I Ight .“ be seen as a gouging guSsls.” ■>n,- 'ty n n said Sun Valley wners " ju std o n ’t w ant the *teltiii)ijui what lu ilGT*'

■ ~g'| , f e f i___

iny Rtw' *

^FUp @ Flash m

IT OANKCAnOLlWl_welcome

iHiiErA v e n u e W e s t .

; ' ; __ • .

J l j W k D

•m U cgcsandim iY crsllteSilL . • W81 Legislature m ight "go ring faw ners’ legislation am

)ur la s t chance to tu rn th a l a n

em sn. R-Idaho Falls, lobbied I : television, w^jjch w as deleti jpnjprhrtionsz”€om m itteef”~H

~ g o g g m p i i - T ^• C.A. “ Skip” S m w e r sal

m a U a g .m oi« th an tb( p a ssiona te plea w hen fc

-spea lrin -U ie^Idaba-H fl- - - •b c a d a y r ."— ----------------------- J 3 ie P a rm i..R q iu m c i

n e rv o w b e .s tu tte re d ai dropped tbe riqg.wfaen

- befo re b is «*nn*»ogno to ‘f . m a rr ia g e to b is glrlfrl

w as w atcblng in shock / ga lle ry above.. • . . .‘ _. —.

E v a n s ’BOISE (U PI) - The Id?!

fell th ree votes short todi tem pting to override the g veto of a_bliLglyLng the slat Uon Board power toprescril curricu lum a l Idaho’s stale-: college and universities.

In sustaining the veto oi vote, Uie Senate refused to board auUiority lo consol e lim ina te academ ic prog tra n sfe r courses from one i toanoU ier.

Two R epublicans went al th e 12 D em ocrats In vollng t Uie^ veto; 'C :i: .^ r r jB e r .J a ir F ru itlan d , and Sen. J . Wils< R-Glenns F erry , said Uiey

-g iv ing—th e—bo ard -su ch rH au th o rity .-

. In o U ie rL ^ is la tiim a c tb n ;• NorUi Idaho College and

- le g e -o f -S o u th e m Id a h o - perm isslon from Uie Le W ednesday to charge a s muc

-i* — ln_gn Effort to of NEV

F o r i F r id a y a iic

' W e a r e - o f f e r i n g c I ' t h e 1 9 8 1 P F A F F ■g ■ S e w i r tg M a c h i n e c >lr a D io l . W h a t c o u l t

a d is.• 2 9 9 0 .

-I —t i F i i n n i n i i

123 E o tt M ain



. com m ercial room .” '■

T s S S-------------- 16 boost the

decried by e__________ . in^Itu tions.

go dow n'ln“ — RcprM orgs md “ voting revenue was^ r t s n r a p p f o faround," he “ Oncc w6 j

going to ah d to rc p la c e P lnehu rst, si eted 'by the " funds from th

l a t i n WsH in an T C ^rla ld b e w a s .claU n g _ ib e b e a v e r a ^ Uie

b t rose to S l o v la a ;^ : HooBe-Wed'— old-UnlverBl....... ................— m e t-on tbe .-iicaa-wa.s bq nyottfln tn te . and nearly

a b e got up A lte r Sta] to pnpoeea n ervously s t friend, wbo fron t o f bis dc from Ute in troduced N

H ouse, h e as)

’ v e t o S UISho Senate in tuition p e ry •day in a l- T he cu rrei governor's ch arg e a t Uie

tate Educa- leges is $200. ' ribe course The House a B-supported 63*4 and forw

E v an s for h iss on a 21-14 Rep. Robert

to give the noted Uiat wit solldate o r d ’Alene, and ( )gram s o r be a b le to boos ! university • increm en ts ne:

• The Idal along wiUi passed $374 ml g lo sustain ' Uie s ta te H a iirch lld i_R j__gartm ent whii Ison Steen, m an a 'g em en l jy oppose^ , ag e n c y 's regie

• T h e ld a lio i vote, a bill 1

o : Inheritance-tajnd Uie Ckil- cu ltu ra l prop( » -rece ived— income-value-^ Legislalure a re calculated, uch a s $250 . T h e House

0 D e term lno th e Efl V^SPAPER-Advertlsi •TW O D A Y S ONL id S a t u r d a y I2 ffia S P E C IA L o n t h e F ir

= M o d e l 2 1 3 . T h is ' d o e s a l l f u n c t i o n s w i i l d 'b e S im p le r & Y o u r

“ w ithout this od ^4S

3 2 4-2792


: mf * su n ;

— ------------------1 --------qual

= l l = 3 d

t M:;~"sbiwn

al Idevision. “ a sewer flowln

he higher-education budget,I e d u c a tio n g ro u p s ja n d adm ij

i ^ n MungerrK-Ola:«tresscd l as Umlled and U iatlhe s ta te (f ^ f f t t l r i g a tT a e n a n e v e l r ^ /t s ta r t robblng'jbesc dcdica alw ays do Uils;*'- Rep.' Wll said in reference to th e pn

1 the w ater pollution account.

U request, but finally be question' to Melinda ' t . M iddleton, a 22-year- r s i V -of-Idabo,6enior-be— - le cam paign tra il in Ca*-------

imyser, r ^ f a c e d and s b l f t l^ - bl8 weight in —

lis deba te microphone, IM lss Sftviaczek lo the asked b e r to m a r ^ him.

L i s t a i n e dsryear. — • jre n t m axim um annual }iie s ta le ’s two junior col-' c

' 1e approved the Senate bill t rw arded It to Gov. Johnis signature. .1•ert Scales, R-Post Falls, cwlUi Uie biU, NIC, Coeur id CSI, Twin Falls, would ioosLtuition chargcs In $25 c nexl year;daho Senate Wednesday. Jmillion appropriation fo r s

flealUi and Welfare De- i:/hich could eliminate aji f !nt p e r s o n n e l - i n - t h e . S iglonal offices across Uie .. r

[io Senate passed on a 33-2 VIt to am end Uie sta te 's Ctax law to appraise agri- v operty on the basis df - • cle-whih-inheritance^axes s ed. ■ise d e ra lle d 'B $2.1 m illion a

effectivenessisfng;----- ----- —: ^I L T ' ' iiif f e S P . M . r

^ I r s t S h o w i n g o f :i:- n e w E le c t r o n ic iji .

w I tF r t f i e * tu r r T o f ~ iiii r c o s t w i t h t h i s ' ii;

i9 9 ^ P

. J o r o m o


T h is o ) Circic K-1

' ' > ,<?ff any pairiinglasscs, regularly $5.00 . T l uallly fo rju 9 tS 3 .0 0 .— —— ;

A n d b e su r i: a n d s e e o i l ie r 1 ieai^' in m e n 's a n d w o m e n s st


. — ~ K "

:ati6p» lng Inlo the living millloi

Rep.a m ajority of lhe Uireat, s.w ere not available move st, which h as been S ta te C lm lnls(raleEi.«f-lhe -commi

1.7te could not run the

licated funds, w e're - approj William Lytle. R- Uie bes proposal to siphon ' Rep.

t. ♦. . ' U g l^ i ■approved taking »0 ’ than^i

p r o p o s■ want, h e r to answ er rls■ because I’m afraid she m

no r ig h t h e re lo fr— everybody ."------ ------------; H o u ^ S ^ k w R alph 0

drew laugh ter before reces low er cham ber for Junchj

S m y se r -Uien went i Where M lss 'S loviaczi^ s

I b y 3 v q tgene ra l-fu n d ap p ro p ria t W ednesday because several

' objected to a 'c lause requii h ea lth distric ts to charge fe< the costs of Inspections.• To rev ive the ‘approprl

. House m ust proceed to ils ai _ ,calcndac_and- e ither -am'co

and r e t u r ^ to the Senate unam enoM and send it U ernor.

“ A bill Uiat would allo' ..forcem ent officers to c ite ju sm oking and drinking In i im pose a m andatory mln fine for such an offense was

- Senale floor for amendm .. nesday.

T— » -Hou se ■ m embers - a pptW ednesday a bill draftee County Prosecutor Jam es f: would stream line the op<

- ' county grand juries, if the ( sy stem w ere to be used in jd

H a rris said the measu allow p grand ju ry to p rtbe

5 coupon n t any partidjjalin'K K-Friod S to re m enns^$2 .00~

)air o f Opti-Rny, metal-fnim e . T h a t m eans Opti-Ray

icr g rea t “Opti-Ray Eye

I r - w n ^


____ ‘T h u r s d a y r

Lfundlon from the fund to help fund oi )p. Mack Nelbaur, R-Paul, sal at. but w arned if Uic bill w asp t e couid DC m ade to delete j u 5 College, w hlch^urvived cultij m lttee. ‘ •’h ts - ls -o n e - (budgeU-wcL-can. greUabty.-it-may-not-oo-cmue

i r sponsor Kep. u an tm c ry -opriatlon “ a decent blU — an h >esl we can with the money we 1 ‘p. C hristopher Hooper, R-Bols sla ture had. "decim ated mai t4U6ckin>;and«ompletoiy«llm

5 0 m a r r'T don 't" ; w us wulung-Jfl

right now . hadn ’t told me.' m l^ t say . “ Well,wbat<: fro n t .of asked._ — ___ llNo.'LflheJo

■Olniitoaa “ s X S l

-L eg ifila ta re ,.lo0 a sk for debate. buthlB

w as “ m ore Im UDBtairs. “ >ysSid she m akelnU ilsH o

t e s i n S e ilatlons bill felony case u ral m em bers look inlo a c< jlring public dpekel. fees to offset •B ecau se in

Idaho S ta te Pc irlatlon, the could not be amendm ent chargcs. the

en d -U ie -b lU _ p assed a bill te o r pass it from misdem to Uie gov- goes lo th e gov

low law en-juveniles for , •1 public and ilnlmum $25as sent to the S i

TW INF, iproved-g w — -------------

9e .m ,ep .r} H arris lha t Admiperatlon of chitdr*ie grand j u ^ ForTobUiJdahO.- - Binghamisure would . ■ ______bcaspccK lc

iL .

rM |— — — " I

I ' '


.yrM orch19.,19fll . Tlm03-N0v

J i n qid o ther program s., said he w asn 't making a . is pul up for amendment, a s ju n d in Y lo r Lcw is-cjark^ulting a ttem p ts In the Joint,

can_llye_with.'i_hc..5ald. . j ____w u g l^ ^ ir iL ’sttB eS cstjw elZ Z Z :

icryr^R-Bolso,^ called the : ' ‘ an honest a ttem pt at doing • • w ehave.”Boise, complained tha t the ’ m any p rogram s” ra th er. Bllmiiiatlng^ewr-^---------------------1-

r ia g em e."la td o y o u sa y ," S m y se r .

e Jokcd ,-lhon .accepted________le a t r ing and a kiss, aid h e b ad r isen d o z ^Jiis ,b ls f irs t y ea r in the .to 'd e llv er passionate b is s p e k b W ednesday Im portant personnaly

)ther deba te I'll e ^}H o u » ."

B n a t ele without being forced lo a county’s entire crim inal

;e inm ates who rioted a l the e P en iten tiary last sum m er ' ' ‘

be h it wiUi felony riot the s ta te Legislature, has 3111 to upgrade the offense dem eanor status. I t now i governor;


6 p.m. — 9 o.m.*6 p.m. l^dml•tlon'S1.S0 IdranUndar lOFrM ibt* R*t«rvolfont Callihem 73 4 ^ 0 8 4 . 336-S66S --------

■Ml by'FiUr Ktwani* Club .

. ♦

....— • - ______ ___ ...s— .1, ^

J • ; "

.Nowft. Tw in Falls , Idaho A-3 * . . ' .

- - - A-lTlme8-Nows; Twi

BOISE - Idaho •stream , fishing arc

---------------s ev c re -d am ag e -o s- i------------- ;d©cl6lon-of-Oie-Repu

;o n the Joint Financc . .. T .C om m lH oonottofunc

-“th e S lrcum Pitilection .. The decision is d sla

:— .........• every-* Jdahoan w ho .fishing, a s well as ev< values the s ta te 's croc

. |iuggos[s iJial the uO g a rd s bolh stream s w ithcontcm pt.

What w lirhappcn?,: anyone who w ants.lo ; w helhcr wiih a bulldoz

-will have free rein, \-------------irc q iUrod, and -rio -m ti

d am age thal m aj/bedo


'• i . '/ . . ; ' ' V ; . - •

t P l t t ^ l w g b P A KJ SIftrii yoIcwjBfe ; m l r m t r a t l 6 r i ; t o m a J J - o r t h e s a k e o f t h e i r a c t i o n m u s t b e ta k e i I f e c e n t a d v a n c e s w d

'd o i t . I n t h i s w a y , doi ^ . W h i l e r e j e

■ ^ 'a n o t h e r V ie tn a m .” j n E i S a l v a d o r t h e m : E l S a l v a d o r i s m t ; t h e l e s s o n . . , s y m b i J n v i te t h e s a m e s o r

; ; a b o u t “ d r a w i n g t h e : ■ j ) v e r w h ic h A m e r i i

l i m i t e d c o n t r o l su g g i l i a s l e a r n e d n o th in g .

, . ; . . . T h e c r i s i s in

r M e n t

: i J L o s A n g e le s T lm e s ^ ~ ; I f t h e y - w e r e n o t 'a v

....... p u b l i c m e n t a l h o s j- j m i k d o t h e i r b i t to h

™ ,3 in ae r= c o n t r o l . T h e y , j> U .S . S u p r e m e C o u r t .

U n d e r t h e govC Tnm ;S ;u r i t y I n c o m e p r o g r i S a l p a t i e n t s , m o s t t iS r e c e iv e d t2 5 a m o n th

“ ' : -o n 'c o f fe e 7 " s n a 'c I ts ,~ fe 'y t e m s l i k e p a p e r b a c k >1972 . . . d e n i e d th e m :ftnce g e n e r a l l y p a id s n e n t a i in s t i t f i t i o n s r e

E F o r g :

, ^ B l n n i n g h a m , A la . , F ■z F o r m e r C o n g r e s s m a v h o w a s c o n v ic te d J i i c k b a c k s c h e m e , is C o n s u l t a n t t c t h e C o n g A n 6 s p e c i a l a s s i s t a n t t<

■ " ^ W C o la in b ta T ie le g a tf fV• * . . . F a u n t r o y u s e d

S b o u t h o w D ig g s ’ h i r in J i o w s o c i e t y m a y “ e x t i

“ S o th o s e 'w h o h a v e p a id ; a n d a s “ a n i n s t r u c t i v e• » : o f t e n t r e a t a p r i s o n i r e j e c t i o n . ” -;4-~- . •

H L © if ■ O ut of tuniJ .d iio r , T im es* N w s:~ “ , ^ 1 h av e afwoyfi'clfissifibd my;

- l o a s c rv a t lw -s n d 'a Rcpubllca: jSellghted to see Ronald f le e te d president and tbe R ^ t la lw o v c r ll ie sc n a te ; * • '

" - ^ C l i a t r l i a s - I r a p p e n r t ” 1 Z is is la tu r^ of the S ta te 'o r Idz

_JJlflPCcnt_mjitti*r,_Nevw_. h a j)een a legislative body in tti

-4 R a t- h a s -h ad -m o re -o p p o rtu _lropr6ve-4ito-pdstllon-oW h»-5

Id ah o , and never bas-the legi ■j) c c n m ore out of tune w lth-t

B ayers:-^T W c-(taxpayers)-are-nol-asl ^ lim inate^public services. W] ■«re say ing is scj-vices should I S 'lded -a t the.^most efficient'll S o vem njen t. We know ' the i

'^ V e m m e n t ' is ' inerficierit- ar ■responsive lo the people io S ascs; .Even more, serious js* X ancing o f federal program s It ■ileffcil spending. TTiis iniectl ; monoy-in tlie economy wllhout


Ken Robison

Iho stream s, and The re likely to suffer people » - a “resu ll*-t)f-thc- dous ni epubUcatt-majority— publiea nce-Approprlatlons . Is . that und enforcement o f - - tccting HonAcl.- T avor (s lap in the face for w ishes iho .dnjoys- stream -------Idahceveryone e lse who passed TOlwand r ivers. l t In th e e T O P “m ajority re- afid Ga ns^and fishermen thousan

' . . h a d been?. It appears tha t a lte red lo a lte r a stream , th a t in u dozer o r a d redge,' T he Si 1, wllh no-perm it . anyone '

2 done. they wa

0ilvadbr : Hi t ^ l a z e t t e : 'i w c a l l h i g t h e R e a g a i n a k e a s t a n d in E l S a l v l e F r M W o rld , t h e y s a y , k e n to r e v e r s e c o m m u n i w o r ld w id e . I t i s t i m e to I

e j e c t i n g a n a l o g i e s a n . " s u o n o r t e r s o f a c t in r1 m a k i n g s o f a n o t h e r C ub lOt V ie tn a m , b u t to d is re i m b o liz e d b y t h a t n a m e io r t o f d i s a s t e r . S ta t e m l e l i n e " - i n a - f o r e i g n c p u s r i c a n s c a n e x e r c i s e g g e s t t h a t t h e U n i t e d S t Ig.

in E l S a l v a d o r h a s II,

Ital patieries: - ■------ ----r a w a r e o f i t ^ b e f o r e r i n m o s p i t a i s n o w k n o w t h a t i a h e l p g e t t h e f s t o l U a i i ! y - g o t . th e _ w o td . f r o m . . . rt.n m e n t 's S u p p l e m e n t a r y g r a m , p u b l i c m e n f a l h o t o f t h e m d e s t i t u t e , o

te l e p h o n e c a l l s a n d o t ick b o o k s . B u t C o n g re s ! s m t h e $25 m o n th ly a ili lid to p e r s o i i s i n p r i v r e c e i v i n g M e d ic a id fui

g i v i n g p o c

. ,P o s t - H e r a l d : s m a n C h a r l e s D ig g s J d In 1978 in a p a y r is g e t t i n g a n e w jo b m g r e s s io n a l B l a c k C a u c it t o i t s c h a i r m a n . D is tr : p a l t e r F a u n t r o y . id Jt lo t o f w e e p y w o r r i n g w a s i n t e n d ^ to s h ( i x le n d a h e lp in g h a n d . a id t h e i r , d e b t s t o so c ie ty Ive e x a m p l e ' t o t h o s e w l o n s e n t e n c e a s a l i f e t i n

n e spending good_ tlon. This is

............... .adrhrn istra tlonmyself a s a T he s ta le n Ic a n Jw a s - - re tr iB v e _ so m e d R eagan has . been- usui ;^ubU cans ac tions ov e r th

given th e oppo l ^ l i r ^ h e — affa lrs-o f-th c 'i Idaho is a in terference. 7 has th ere e m asctila te si 1 th e s ta te ,. e r n m e n t s n ; ir tun ity -to — le g is la tu re c a a

legislature We voted I :h-lhe-lax- - t io n a lly becaus---------------- ^ c r f e r c n r e - T im-ask lng -to— spend lng -erod l

Whal we living. Wc vot< lid be pro- s ta tc 'f tv e l beca it'levol o f —-to .m a n a g c J tso le federal taken we were!' and not ■- llB w ay thoy WOI

fo m ost a w a s te la n d ^ v js* tf ie 'f i^ -c o lle g e S j o rpubl s t h r o u ^ those Uie federal c c tio n -o f ^ y default. ju t corre- F b e lleve ifieTi

•Twin Falls. Idaho T h u rsd ay

V ___________________ __

le s tream beds belong to all U lie of Idaho. They a ro a trem e I n a tu ra l resource. What the R iean-3PAe-mcmbers"HreT5aylr )at the"pliblic’s .ln lc re s l- in p r ng s tream s Is to 1» forgotten - 1 r o f the d raire of anyone whes to a lte r a s tr ie a m ;------iho 's S tream P ro tectionA cfw i ed with th e support of sportsme

G am e I> ^ rtm e n rih Q w e d the sands of miles of Idaho iK a m tw e h ^ te re d . Fish production 1 cd stream y was only one-eighli n unaltered stream s, s S tream Protection Act require: l e who w ants to a lle r a stream ti

w ant to do. The D epartm ent o

L ,yU yJ,i^ I I ( j

H a s n ’ t U . S

b r e w i n g f o r g ja n a d - a s I t i s v ic io u i i lv a d o r . a s a c l a s s Wi ly . f i r m r i c h a g a i n s t j n f s m ’s t e r v e n t i o n o n l o d r a w p l a y in to t h e : l i a c e t o '■ w e l l a s C o m m

T h e U n i te d a b o u t S a l v a d o r . . .

u b a .' I t w o u ld b e r e g a r d e c o n o m ic a i d i le is to a r m s . . . th ( jm e n t s a c t e d a p p r o p r p u n t r y — N i c a r a g u a , w h i o n ly a r m s to t h e Si S t a t e s t i o n " o f E i " S

a c h ie v e d b y i b e e n p o l i c i e s t h a n b ;

n t s w o n ’ t €

■ — i f t l i e i r i n m a i m a t e s '— ~ A - f e d e r a l - j i i t t h e y u n c 0 n s U tu t io n ij u d g e t____ S u p r e m e jC o u r t.. . i h e 5-4 m a r g i n . W i

■■ ‘H a r r y . A . B la c r y S e - p h r a s f e , s a i d h o s p i- c l a i m s o f t h e

o n c e C o n g r ^ w a s J

o t h e r H a n d i n g o u te s s in 102,000 ip a tie n ti! i lo w - . ’w o u ld h a v e d r a• iv a te y e a r f r o m th efu n d s b i l l io n b u d g e t .

o r D i g g s , t

D i g g s ’ s e n te n c J r . , p r i s o n c a m p a f

y r o l l c o u n t s o f m a i l i b a s h i s c o n g r e s s io n i u c u s * h f s o w n b i l l s . : i i r i c t h a l f w a y h o u s e i

m o n t h s a n d i s d uo r d s>how - . i f t h a t p a y s hi; I . . . i s v e r y f o r ^ v i n i ety!.’_ ‘ - . h ^ n d , i t s e n d s w h o w o u ld - b e c o n g r e l im e t h e b o y s w ill ri

c h a n c e .

tods and seh^ices Is infla* w,Is the;.thin^ lhe..R c{igan bilon istry ing toe lim ina le . je,! now has a chance to ~ con e .o f_ th e .au th o rlty .ih a l- ,wjsurped by congressional w< • the years. We are being sp iportunily to m anage the c r ie-sta te-w ith-lessfederal“ : . This is not the tim e to- a <

s ta te and local gov- ann J n f o r tm ia t e ly “ th l8T ‘ pniaooot-s^-the-d lffcrcnce— s)hjvefc— ■--------- :--------------------rpnI for Republicans n a - . rlis auso we saw federal In- \ a m l-re s u lts -o f -d e f lc i t— set odlng=our= 8tandard= 0 f— wa ’Oted Republican a t th e law >causc we w ant the stale the s own affairs. How mis- t ) e : 'c! If this legislature'had rev would lu m Ulls s ta te ln to s e r ^w ith o u t public schools, Iublic^Mj[^c<B,exccp.l.for*__ hasT al governm ent picksup pub

______________ U n leTogfcoTthe legfsljiture Ing

1 -•

lay , M arch 10, iM i. "- t -

needs-i11 the W ater R esources rat ;men- tlons on the activity I B R^ . i tm a y d e ny a p w mjt

pro-— stream -alteratlons-v — in th e p a s t . yedr. Som Who ■ d redgesrA no ther 3a

“ - - a c t lv u jc s : - rw as . MosTSpiSncallons i jmcn often wllh conditiomFish Q(^th e n on^rcdgp not_Uiat h ad som e lim itation a;iams T his is not' the fim ln publican-inajorlty -inghth h a s a ttacked the Str

. Act. Twice- in the ilires publican m ajorities pm to would have gUlted

It of a tte m p ts w ere v e tc ^


s . l e a r n e i

r g e n e r a t i o n s a n d i s a s c o u s . B e c a u s e i t i s w id e l ' w a r — m i l i t a r y a g a in s

s t p o o r — u n c o n d i t io n o n t h e g o v e r n m e n t ’s ,

l e h a n d s o f g u e r r i l l a r e i m u n i s t p r o p a g a n d a . . e d S t a t e s . . . c a n b e s i . . b y n o t d c a w in g th e — r a i s p s f h e s t a k e s d r a b e b e t t e r t o g iv e E l S a Id I n s t e a d o f m l l i t a r y .a d t h e R e a g a n a d m i n l s t i » p r ia te ly i n c u t t i n g o f f l w h ic h i t I n s i s t s h a s b e e r ! _ S a lv a d o re § n r e b e l s . Ti 1 S a l v a d o r i s m o r e llh t y . s u c h m e a s u r e d a r 1 b y c r a s s b lo c k a d e s o f C

e $ c a p e a j

m a t e s c a n s h o w f in a n c i a ! - j u d g e - h e i d - t h a t — T T o n a i ly d i s c i^ im in a to ry , u r t l a s t w e e k j u l e ^ t h d r W r i t i n g f o r t h e m a j o r i t l a c k m u n , i n a f lo w o f id h e w a s s y m p a th e t : l i e i n d ig e n t s , b u t d e ( IS J u s t i f i e d “ in v ie w o f t

u t . t h i s l a r g e s s t o a n ( ;n t s i n p u b l i c m e n t a l I r a i n e d ^ a w a y a b o u t $30 h e f e d e r a l g o v e r n m e n i

t h e f e l o n

e n c e w a s t h r e e y e a r s in a f t e r iJ e In g fo u n d g u il

il f r a u d a n d i l l e g a l d iv i o n M e m p lo y e e s ’ s a l a r i e

H e . w a s r e l e a s e d to ie _ r e c e n t ly _ a f te n - s e i iv i r d u e f o r p a r o l e in t h r e e n

h i s d e b t t o s o c i e ty , th e i ^ing . A s f o r F a u n t r o y ’s d s - a “ c o m f o r t i n g m e s j r e s s i o n a l f e lo n s : Don-1

r a l l y a r o u n d y o u - a t f

w a s iu m m e d up-ifl a comm by O D e-ofyour “ conserva leagues in response to ' a

■ concern ing h is proposal to c -w a te r quality program s.H ls w as. "W e will Itfave 'U sponsibilUies to th d 'fe d e e rn m en t.” T hat Is IlberalUm

~ F 6 H u n a f elyTthe l e ^ sla tur a chancie to fund the servicei and J?n ioy^ lfje fflc iency . ca proved in som e s ta te agen should-be-done.-but-you-cfl

■pr ove^the--e ff}dency of an) riism b y d^ing surgery with a

We w ant public televisk

w ater-pcsou rpcs-and -env irt laws. If it takes m ore monc] Uiese se rv ices Uie leglslalur be looking for ways to gonoh revenues, not forcing us to dc se rv ic e s .--

1 do not believe th a t a lc( has_ever_achieved a lower s public opinion Uian Uils o Unless legisla tive actions sta Ing m o j^ sen se T h a in h e y hi

toM nd3iay Impose l lm lta ^ r 'c e c l l A y in the stream . O f* Now >it. • . . rf!' T p p lica tibns-fo r - have fi i-w ere-received-in— withoul )rtie 600. w ere for oiitrtgh 330 wr«fre for o U jc r J u n d e r t

• , . In fa( s a re granted, but - .a lrcad ) >ns o r limitations, c ^ yei

I applied. V., the 198first tim e a R e-‘ UjcJoln in the-leglslaturo— on ham;tream Protection schools! mid 1970s, R e - ' tak e ca1 passed bills thot a irc u a lJ Uie. prolM tlve R?,t iijw. T w ice-these uslna th!d by form er GoV. m ake b

■' ME

Id?! c o m p l i c a t e d ; i y p e r c e iv e d ' n s t .c iv il ia n s , m a l U .S . in - / S m S > s id e w o u ld llls> iS a l r e c r u i t e r s a s -

! s i a s s i s t E i lie l i n e — aa m a t io a liy .--------» ■ ^S a lv a d o r . . .a d v i s e r s a n dI t r a t l o n - h a s ' j l l ^ ^ lf J J .S . a i d l oe n f u m i ^ m gT h e “ s a lv a -ik c ly to b e ’ ^ ^ _ i . ^a n d s u p p leC u b a . .

I X -

la l n e e d .— i a w - w a s - ^ -------- 'Jf, ■ b u t t h e - ©LosAuge O F W iserby-a— r ;= - Y,-„-i7

)f f e l ic i to u s m ight5 tic to t h e We w ant!e c id e d th e Soviets r b u d g e ta r y

. . . and sh ips bi e s t i m a t e d people to m i

1 h o s p i t a l s T he Nav) 10 m i l l io n a have enougl i n f s $ 6 .5 ,8

_______________ J e rs e y ''a n d. m othballs

W einberger I m igh t happe

"CaptaW , n a f e d e r a l AUantlc Fo l i l f v 'o n T q com m and (

l e s to p a y c rew ?" to a D .C . "T hey 'resi'i n g - s e v c n ------- lis ix jn en ftI m o n th s . "T h a t’s a ll

..........................could.Sparc.p n c n n ip tv - sa id Uiey nee’s"h \”s : t a ie s s a g e toi - t w o r r y , Begging

m eaning no t n e - l i r s t Oeshlp calls f

m en.”

jment m ade —fa r r l p redlct t /a tive" col- faces In; Boise a question D em ocrats ci

I cut a ir and tlon; however Ils response • new faces wl lUipse re-' e m o r’s office.aeral-gov.»____ R O BIN WEIim! ____ F lie r______uresllirfaas,-:es we need ^ •

cannot-im*— Edltor^U nes^: uy-m echiF m a recent ila m e a ta x Uie. Burley SSion,- good sta ted th a ru ientrom nraF claim ed a ‘‘lol*ironm ental pfatiesrUie tax.oy 10 fund pay sales tax 01

jra le m ore l„g ^dowlUioul purchasOT clal , , , . _ m ust be redeerr Ic ^ s a lu rc co ln a n d U ia llt ■ s l» '“ to— sales la x payr one h a s . . cannot ! » '

'JSEL“ f e — m etals—T lie .o h a v e m u s cord lng toU ilsa

' j

i S t r e a illA ndrus.5w, U>e: 12 Republican raeml

i found-a-w ay-to-repeal tbe- ou tha> ing the legislature vote lghl_repeal._Tbey_ are, dolnj ir .thepretense of saving mooei fact, a s o f last week, U»esUtel idy collected for Uie present year « 0 mlllion. m ore than

1981-82 projection -being used 3lnt com m iltee. Money Is alrei and-to p rw W e-m ore -for pul )ls and brgber education, « ca re of such basic program s ja llty and stream protection.L thfi 12-mpmhpr.,TFAC-crew ; th e budget crunch a s a cover ! basic policy decisions for i

| S &

W a S I


Ancfigdes Times Syad/cate

nlted S lates Is going Into a ogram to build up its m llilary

nt to be in a posiUon to match its on land, on sea and in Uie v Is only one problem. Oncc lU ie newhelicopters. p lan es . i built, w here do we find the m an them ?ivy, for exam ple, does got_ u ^ crewmen to handle Uie / ’r e supposed to keep on Uie i now. If we take Uic "New intll!lQwa’.lbattlfiships otit o f - s a s Defense—S ^ re ta ry e r wants to do. Uils is what »pen:W, a s adm iral of Uie_North Forces, I tu rn over U ie - I of m e batUeshlp New /ou and your fliie crew ."

you, s ir . W here’s Uie

e standing over Uiere."n for-a batUcshlpTii---------------all the bureau of personnel rc. I.asked-for.IO -but U i^ , oeeded th e o thers to m an a i lk r U ia i wll! e scort you a t

g your pardon, sir. and IK) disrespect, but a bal­ls for a com plem ent of 4.000

ctU jere a lo to f new— j lise a y e a r from now. The ' i can take some satisfac- i

/e r. bccause one of those - - will not be in the-G ov- j

I l l s •. [-------- ----- ---------------S

. . 0

jp e r-m o n e y ^ ces^News:--------:-------cIt news article carried tn

SouUi Idaho P ress, it a

o t" of people a re try ing to ’ ' h ;ax system by refusing to " v con m ajor purchases; ■ fi nent being used, accord- • tax commission, is tha t _ dalm- th a t-U .S _ c u rre n 'cy -^ lemable In gold and silver t it Is not legal to requirelyment if paper m oney.....redeem ed for precious-com m ission- s a ld - (a e - a rU de) Uiat Uie claim s =

' i

__________________ ;•

imProtis ^ t e , without Uie

embers le ^ a U v e d e b a te o n im ittee— :-idaboija8-l5,000-t i»e-lait.—# l t a b o u J 2D perce i'o te:for:s:m llesn‘at«l-as:good olng i t - (class^ 1). In 80-puiey.........fam ilies, someoneiteh ad license. Our stream s Ent fis- o uc s ta te ’s outdoor 1 an th e— a re p a ito f tte q u a lit] a s r to r— *«'«njeUFS(rdeaslOT Md by Um vote by Um Repi Iready of a House coram ltto public— a diversion from Iov 1, an d for a fish farm , Exce ims a s is not one stream tbs fl; T beG O PIeglsIatorat WW la opeu-duur tu U a tn n 'l >verto m iles of Idaho stream sr the U nder a policy adi^

^ '

5S ,

horsau" I ’m aw are of lhat, i

--------w e! w hat we’ve got. I ’m s u n

ry tra in in g y o u rsix -m an cn Job. T hey'll Just have to

ch U ieirw atches.” be "Y ou actually want me cc batUeshlp out of bartxe8_pe^ple?.!:______________He — "C aptain , m ay I reml

getUng command o f .a I ot oon of the highest hone i n ' J a V y can bestow on on le flee rs ."w ' ‘I’m aw are of the honDf__ lt!&J>eco-my-4li^m-to-<■y sh ip like Uie New Je rsey .] )t U w u g h lw h e n lg o to o e tj

c rew would go wiUiil." - h " I assu re you, CapUlo,(

U ifiJiapgJoU t you'll be a w few pM pIe it takes to ru n t

We’ve p u t in an automai e system , so you won’t nee<

' Uie H tee l, and all your i been prepackaged so .’yot

— quir8-a-m ess. crew,-^and I hav e been fitted wiUi coi

. you won’t need anybody II : ' room s. And .w hw you . button you can fire your gu

a ft. So actually the ohly ~ c r e w 'w I U have to do Is i ] pain t U)e ship when it pulls I

" I t sounds very feassu r ) ra l . I im agine my first job

b rie f the officers."

— havfrbeen repeatedly reject s ta te and federal courts anc m u st be paid.

- - 1 believe Uioae persons li such a p ro test (if such Uiei no t protesUng Uie saleb ta i buf a re attem pting to brlj

:=Btten«oircfTtoeA m eflcani! ou r elected sU te officials e lected bureaucrats Uiat

-C onstltuU on prohibits Uie s t m aking a o ^ tn g ^ b u t gold s

' G et a copy of Uie U.S. Co and read Article 1 SecUon

-J>d|clfi.l8 fltlU.blnillng on.Uie Dot'bieei amended, rep

"voi'dedln any way- Of course funny money "legal lender"

. The Times-News wel.......those it CQnsidere llb f

be signed and should ..... - L e t t m j o l n i o r e thanj

tecUomie beneilt of full Land Bo onUMsepollcles. Inches li )-m ile3 -o f-s lream s,— ^^the-Drw cent of Uiose 15,000 Uie onlyod:flshlng-B tr^am sz:y?^*’-tJ percent of Idaho _ w hich Un

e ' has' a ' fisblag- have yoti ns a re a key part of . j." r living style. They ' . Sen. D ityoh ife ln ldaho . made-Uit Ml Isremlnteefettfof— law woul publican rnajority y ea r, Th: tee lo i960 to a llow ' th e door ower Silver Creek also froi cept loUiis case it KenneUi ba t is in Jeopardy. R eps. M sh av e voted fo r^n Law renoH?u o a o f la ii it>.ijw--------------- -ims. Ken Rikipted by Uie State The Idah<

11 J!- - - 5

veigh,s, CapU ln.-But "Officers^0-make-lt-wiU i i^-You-meire wlUi proper m yself?" « w can do Uie "D on’t fe« « double tqi on petty office]

- also.” m e to tak eU iis " W h a ta r^ [ to r wlUi sbc “ You’re to------------------------ d es tro y J ih nmiod you tha t wiUiWashlni i batUeshlp Is acUon,"

one of its of- "W e could H ere Is a bag

onor, sir, and. phone on the I>-command-a------- ‘T hankr oi

But I always . ouso fy o u .” f Ulls size, Uie , :

"M oney IsnI, once you get^ a m a z ^ l^ W to d o w iU i. O

laUc steerin s ^ ^ n ts to put t !ed anyone a tr m eals have l ^ v e h e r e lh i foti-won't re- w rc ra f t c a m 1 Uie engines—

“ n ia lsh o u li In Uie boiler— VNot quite.

I press Uiis p ilots,’' ' ' guns fore aod "W ould yoi y U iin g y o u r crew , s i r ? ”I scrape and ono , Captai Isln toport." p u llu p an ch o r “rtnR Adml- find out Uiey ob will be to boarti.W ecan

Uiem iu m ^ ^ I i

^ te d " ^ boUi— ie g a l-a s - lo n g o d sales tax . paym ent and-

> cur red. When Involved In unbacked papi

ie ie b e ) .a re money, we w oi a x a s such, w e have been ring to Uie reserve made1-puW lC'and=redeefflaW e7Ai Is and non- contribute pap( t ' the U.S. local governme stateS-from— total blesslngof I and slly w _ D o n 't . you . also

^nsU tutlon to uphold the sn 10. This United S ta te s? 'In sta tes , It— It,--------------------eoealed. or . . ; - se ,w e lu v e KEITH SIMOf r " and it Is Rupert

elcomes letters to the editc belous or in bad taste. Eac Id Include the writer’s mail! n.400.words.may l>« edited

A ct-----I Board, sucUon dredges u i ^ s | s In d iam eter don 't come u o d v ; 3redge M ining-Act.-Thl8-means—r nly reguIaUon of Uiose dredges Is I r-U ie -S tre a m -F ro te c tlo n -A c t— h UieJtepubllcaoJF A C m em benl . ' v ,ot?dlosbdye.. ■ r

I. Dean Van Engelen, R-Burley.i-Uie-raotlon, specifying U ia t-U irTTOuldTiot^forcetftor1heTie3tt==^f T hree o U »rs who voted to t ^ n

loor to stream destrucUon are from Uie Magic Valley, Sen. eUi Bradshaw. R-Wendell. and . Mack Neibaur. R-Paul, and ence Knigge, R-Fller. _

) Robison is edJtor^pubiisher ol lahoatlzen.


sailorers? You’re / t ."-m ean—I—hav6 - t o ~ ea t~^by— ~

; feel bad. Your only chief ricer h a s - to ea t by him self ' '

a r^ m y o rd e rs ,s lr? ”'e to seek out Uie enemy and !ihn.at_wllI.-But.fIr»t-cbeck— ^ ihlngton beforeyou engage lo

riin?» . .^rouldo 't ’sp a re a radiom an.bag of dim es. There’s a pay ^

U iebridge."c you, s i r . -T ^ t^ very gener- ^

’ Iso 't bu r problem, Captalo, nore of it Uian we know what n.' O ur-problem Is Uiat Uie>s-the-Defense.Departm en t __lilt U) i ^ , Uie more w e have ' V ou r manpower. After I ! I have to recommlsslon Uie a r r ie r Oriskany ‘wiUi three lof G rum m an flghters.^i-^ --

lould beef iQ) Uie fleet.” ite. They only gave m e t w

you like to address Uie

p lain, I believe you b e ttw ± o r righ t aw ay before Uiey they 're the only 6oes oo cao’t afford to have any oC ish lp ,”

o n g -a a -w e -a c c e p t- it- ln - :----------m d-pay i t to r 'd e b ta io^-----------hen we pay and accep tP fliw J n _ lleu_of_ law fu l_______•contribute to Uie "b ig 'lie"Mn sold since Uie federall i * P3PeL_m-QW y_lr;_____^ !iTAna-ir-you-choose-to-nol_______ ■lap er money to sU te and im ent. don’t you have UieigofU ieirsrCoH stilutlon?------------ •'Um tove.the.b le«stng -o f - . ___ LI jilflciais who have sworn the Constitution of Uie » ? T hat’s Uie way I read

WONS ~ ~

ditor but-wlli rejeci.Bach letter must — - lailing address.Ited for length. ------ ^ ------

Sag{---------- =BrttigTtm es=W c‘ws' —

and U nited P ress Inlem al

BQlSE_^_The Sagebra I the Idaho House of Rcpre:

8 I . The House p a s ^ a i T : :.nMnl, a House com m itt i . jwcond-proposed-am cndr6 I ■ tioJiitcc approved a bill

— ^Jransfcrproceduresr------__ ;!:!ThoHouse-volcd5W54fi

^ MMjts borders. .

-— A m ong-lhe-lands-at-sl P=t=:^cc«lfoUcd-by=lhe=U;Sp^ 1 - ,wWch Idaho rebels w ant ti » H. J h e resolution now goc ' V -juusl get two-thirds appro i • j^ e ra re le c l lo n ballot.I ^...House M ajority Leade

T lym outh , said the consOt-------- iikry M Ih a f H Jdaho cvc

,control of federal land it c .(;pnstUutlon.

He said there was a "gc _ Sagebrush Rebellion litlga

7 Idaho in aiwsltibnto-'-acc( the federal government.

M ost of the House's I -R epublicans voted again -debated against It.

Opponents of the Sagebn a t a House Agricultural W ednesday; a t which a lan p ass- recom m endation an

'final vote la te r this week./ The WJJ. House BHJ 425, JHB200. sponsored by Rep

C lit lt li• • BOISE — H omemalter s

; Idaho’s e ldery will probaT)! ^ 25 tp<^ent in 1981-82

Office* on ‘Aging Dire Bowman said-W ednesday

■'gtam’s exact fate will ’ -Cdngress. \ ^ y

§ u t Bowman said s ta te , I / lo c a l funds appear to be ;! allow th e program to contin j : i " I l would tak a ad>*":;rMj 2 8 back,up. Limping'i

' ,"will a ttem pt tc^gct the stati ; •R epresentatives to increaj : Hin>priation fo r the Office oi •:IJ70.000\

. ; “ I dori't think my chance ' ;^ o « J ,” -K elIysara7''ButlhTi

"■».p i l l oxpialned the House ■ ts jcc ted an attem pt (b it

" nealth and welfare budget;The Joint F lnw ce-A ppr


' X' . . . '.VM

^ F ig h tin g in llu tio n '1 9 2 'o m fc < i^ rr ta iu rf li:

o f s o m e o th e r m a jo r A n d b est o f a ll. >

w ith tl

[e RevoJ"national

brush Rcbclllon,hns como to i )resentatives. •"a proposed constitutional an nlttee approved introduction Tidment7^nd“anothci"H 6use' bill outlining state-federal

34h favor o fa r ^ l i i t ld i i ’tharv CoDStltuUonJanguage.jnjjjhIc: 3 u n ap p ro p rla t^ public land v.

t-s tak e^ re -iZ -m illlo n ac rc s

it transferred to the state,_ goes to the Senate, w here it proval to a ttain a p lace on the

adef Rep. W alter Little^ It- istitutlonal am endm ent wns m e v e r had the o p ^ rtu n ity to it could do so without violatln

"good" posslbiiHy the outcon Igation jn oth e r s ta tes wo~uld it i'c<^pt" unapproprlatcd'lands I

s Dem ocrats and a handfu :alnst the proposal, but no

Bbrush Rebellion also wejie ab irai Affairs Committee mce land-transfcr bill was given a . and sent to the House floor f< i .425, replaces a n s a r i ie r vers tep. John Brooks. R-Goodtng

l a y r e d u cer services for Com m ittee 1 laWy d ec reaw . - « M .6 m in' 82 but not be clderl/^socla

ageniyrequi )lrector Rose S ince '4h« iday the pro* Bowman sai H depend on learned it

^ • am ount of[e, federal and desp ite the d be enough to The progri itinue. about $800,0w Jhree yeara duces federa n iga long fo ra Bowman si ng aw ay with soon If Congi

concept pro j

itate House of d ing by 20-pc •ease the ap- The 25-pen eo n Aging by in the progri

bly reducorfl nces a rc very ' e rs and -the Ih is deserves serve, Bowhi---------------------- —liThose molUse Tuesday ■ will g e t prloi ) increase ' a th e nursing

-■ s ta te ’s six arpprof>riatlons no longer be

1 ^1 ^


a n g l M

— a s E

o n is a th irs ty b u s in e s s - a i r a l l y b r e w e d 'R a ih ic r= b u r j o r b ra n d s . T h a i 's th e c q u II. e a c h a n d ^ e r y o u n c e c h th e flav o r .so ligh t a n d di

Itamicf flrcwinj; Co

)lt bills twould set up proce< control of land m ^rnm ehfinthe'evei

------------ ' DLM laiiUttr t h ^sjllcj!!--------SageHnJsli Rgbyi

said , however, Uid I amend- constitutional amci

pf a li is proposed con w rconF~ m o i^ d rastica lly tl land- L ittie’s proposal -

• and-M eans-Com n jfwoiJd a ^ a r before thea

------------_ ^ w n e r6 h lp -o f- th o f•cs-now countered Wedricst ?em enl;= oxvnersh ip im ore;U i also , . The average lane

the 1982 acresr"alm ostexcl . The State Land E

It-New acquired lands, has tJlfiCCS-, laadgr-Ravenw rof to gain com m ercial and coi itlng its The constitution 1

corporation, and i lome of fo rests and watersh d leave ^ . FInnlly, h c flTguei Js fro m ~ ■ question of states' ri

On Tuesday, Rav( dful of to endorse a resolu 10 ono sections of the Idal

agem eht. absent On a voice voteT lectlng tion Committee sclit i a " d o Com m ittee forintn> r for a T hat Ravenscroft'

of the state Land ersioft tran sfe rs and aff/ie I Ing. St to overturn some Lai

ce homer!C has approved a budget of r In sta te general funds-for .s c ia l services for 1981-82. The . <iucsted $600,000. r4 ie com m ittee 's action, h said the Office on Aging has ti it will receive tlie same s )f matching federal funds e drop In sta te funds. . h g ram 's total budget-wili be Vi 0,000, unless Congress re- ‘ U sral funrttns for 1981-82.1 said the officc should know h ngress adopts a block-grant n reposed by the Reagan ad- 'on Thai would rM iiiy fiin-__ ti•pcrcent. ' gitercent, statew ide reduction ft gram noxt y ea r will proba­t e num ber of homemak: M tj’e geo^aph ica i area they Ic k'hian^sald. ■ ‘rcm ost In need of the service .rc Horlty to keep them out of • p< ng hom es." Most of the a rea Offices on Aging will

be a b l e ^ station a home- sc


' " '

JflKiPrice- a n d 1 t Iceeps g e ttin g tHlrstic u rh a lf-q u jJ r tiW e lv e p a c lM ti q u iv a lc n t o f fo u r ex tra 12-oi e o f o u r tw e lv e p a c k is prem i d is tin c tiv e w e’ca ll it M oiint

C'omjvln\. StMiile^Wj^hitnjinn

takelifiDceduccs under which the stati d now adm inistered by the ( jcvent that Congress o f the com

ebclllon Inc. P resident V cm 1 Uid bill also ncMCd to be accon: imendment.constitutional am endm ent — lly amend- the constltutloii. i al — was introduced by thie 1 )mmlttec W ednesday^momln hcagrlculturaipanclrposslbly is ls -h a v e -c h a r^ - th e -m e a su OTd-womtt-Tivcntnaity-tcad- t)c foderarpublic-iands, but f nesffayijy noting Idaho has k' frthan-7Q pow«ftht-ftT1h!;nrt^ni

land sale over the p a s t’lO yeai exclusively agricultural,” he si nd Board, which would control has rhade'only "intelligent sal jroft-6aldr*fof-agpiculturft}r 1 community development, ion limits sales to 320 acrcs* pc id sta te law sta tes rccreatii !fsheds cannot be sold, gued Jt was Vhigh timeL'-the co >s' rights to the lands be s e t t l^ . lavenscroft.convlnced a Hgusc solution to 'm ake widespread Idaho Constitution governing

tcTuesday, the Resources and selit Uie resolution to the Ways itroductlon.roft's m easure would restric t tl snd Board In m aking land f/ie sam e time give (he L e^slai ! Land Board decisions.

;maker aim aker in every county, ho'

.said .. Kelly argued Uiat serv ic m eals on wheels, transpor hom em aker services a re " tlon wc owe the senior citl] sta le ."

In addition, he sold sue! help Uie e lderly rem ain : which is less expensive to

■‘ Uiah nursing hom e carc.He said he believes Uie h

has not appropriated aJI of rcvenucpr9Jectlon of $422.2: ' Bowman said tw o 'b ills i

-JhR-I.,ngl.slntnm.shniii(i.hrlf gram but 'will not .subsUtui funding reduction.. -

Senate I BIN 1065 w ou Medicaid p ^ m c n ts for In-hi

.Ical services, andSB1054 wl recipients of.t0 work a s a co

.receiv ing • s ta le asststam• possib le .-' ---------

Bowman said such .worke have to be trained 4n hoi services. ..


I j l iP -

- " ■

; W r e p a t-------------- —--------:----------. .^ n 'W o w " w c ’ll sell y o u ^ - fo r th e -p r ic e o f-1 4 4 -o u n c 2-or...bottles, a t n o e x tra co« em iun^ q u a il ly R a in ie r , iin tain F re sh . ............... ..


' 6 E v a

------------------ ---------B61SB—ate would gain sources B<

federal fiov- member.- lurjs tu rn o v e r ' TTeTsGen — wti u' waa-gpi n Ravcnscroft John Evani

The appol- which would- . •LU ian would ■ - ____i House Wavs -ling and will-^------------- ----ly F riday :-------- --------------:sure-wo5 un— i -----d - to -p r iv a te — --------t Ravenscroft ____'k c p T I r F a a t r ' ' “ C l ' In aH fiM Jan d ^

iars was SjSOO 'said.-------------- • -------

rol any newly :alcs" of state^H ndustrta t;— -—

per porson or Itional lands,

Jd. .sc committee d changcs Ir lg land man-

nd Conscrva- ’ CIS and Means

t the abilities ^d sales and la lu rc power

l i dlowever, she -i-j-.*-

ices such as ortatibn and ! " a n o b y u - tlz c n so fth e

ich services n ;'at' home, to Uie s la te

Legislature '3f i ts 1981-82■2 million. m m m5 passed byi>1p np;>.lute for the

lu ld a llow ...•home med-will require _ 1 ___condition of m c G w h e n

-kers would I F E D E lom em akcr '

FirstFl& L o a n AS!


F f l|j ; f V r ,n ~ ^ e v e r

^ . C a n- - — ^ b o t l■ ’ avail

— ol ' re d u


n c c s^ —o s t. ------ -

233 ft

a n s n a m e s

—Thc"-ldaho 'WAI6r Board will have a new

I^M rG fayT S flT of P a y c lte r appmm<><ltm<^wc^kby’G6v. ans along with Uiree reop-.tStoUmtwOTfl.--------- r ----------polntmcnts, which must be

=^EARfspR_-74WTHI R S T : H

. ________________ J

6 M O. . . : 3

EAW *624^® IN'Subslan tlaU nton


; mmSubstantial inlftma

' M i M ~ • .....• " I '

F e d e r a l S a v i n g sV ssoc la tton o f T w in F a lls

1m ' " ' - : l 1 •

F L T R M3 M ain A ve. East

W iB h a v e s o l d b u F i id h o v e to liqu idate , tl- r b ran d n a n ie fuVnltun ert be lo w , f o r I x a n ' 1 9 . 9 S , N e w i O n ly $ i r p e t _ R « m n a i i f f _ O n f ! > t h - f o > ~ 6 n l y - r i 3 e ; 9 S alldblo:. E verything In i o ffe rin g you o chonc< Ju ced p rices.

f u r n SB M aln A v en u e East .

'] . . . . ThWsdai

s P a y e t t e n r

e— confirm ed by Uie Idaho S IW approved Wednesday bv

- S ta te_Affoirs_Commlllcc.‘! e. ■ An insurance ncenL G v. p lace outgoing board p- Joseph Ncttleton of Murph-------Vtitl.H'im dl lhe boal-d. Ubll« - c r a ts :


E f f e c t i v e t i i r u M a

3 N T H C E R$10 ,0 0 0 .0 0 Mlnlmuir

N 6 MONTHS Otoreal penally Iv roqulrsd'for Mtl

a n n u m E f f e c t i v e t h

Y E A R C E R$500.00 Minimum D

UAL YIELD;mat ponalty IslrBquInd foraarly


I ,.„, O F T W, : m j n i V H p ra e Ofiic<

BlueLBk08l - Overland Sh

1C 391 Saddle F7017lhSL.F 125 North Gt

n T U R E

tw in Fblls"O n fh e Downtow n /

F b u l l d i n s M B . i . i: ther.fu rn ltu re tn th e s lire to e v en g reo te r red i n p l « ^ w ^ l i a ^ a t

n r a . . 8 8 . R e c lln e r* n t y .S M - 0 0 . f u l l Blai

In 'our^store will be bn; ic e to buy top quailty

| U i i | U

— • ^ 6 , o 6b .o o in v W n iN A M I B R A N D M IR t

- ■; i - -

T h ' u r a d d i r , M a K h - S h o p ' H I 6 i 0 0 l

M i l E. -1 . Twin Foils„■ J 'O n th e PowritowrTj

lay, March 19.1981 Tlmos-Ni

n a n t o w a t <) Senate, were ReappolhU by^lhi'S enatc Donald R.

--------------- Franklin Jo nGray will n v Rnn«;pn nf d C hairm an publicans. phy. a 12-ycar3U1 are yem o- m e lour aj

.......... -171985:----------


V M H E Y Ar %

\ L S A V I

aB ;.tl.25 ,th -:cr-__ 1

I T I F I C A T Em Deposit

d'n a m o .o o o d i

■rly wilhdrawni on oil cert'llleate

h ru A p r iU s t

R t l F I G A T EDeposit

; i i 2 ; 7 4 ^ % .

Iy withdrawal on at( c#rtlflcataa

r-FEDERALSA -GAN ASSOCI VIN FALLS: ;co :2332ndS t. N., Twin F sBlvd.N., Twin Falie ihoppinq Center, Burley iRoad, Ketchum . RupertQarfleld, Pocatello

- T ^ " V

I F L A 2

Is, iddhb > ;lAAoir'y

f t & RV i Q U i P M I N f ts to re . W e a re g o ing 1

iductipns — so m e c t cc . t e f a . a n d : l e v i e s e a t « a s I b w a f t $ 9 9 . 0 0 x e . m a t f r e t s , a n d I n Rome of th 0 ; tr ern en dp n ;sa le o t s a v in g s o f 20 ^ h o m e fu rn ish in g s a t

• _ B o b a i

iT O « » -O I'r---------— 4I C H A N D I M f c i .

ihJrki' aiOAM.P . M .

■ p t A ills, Idaho 'xfAqW'll,...: ________ , ,

s-N ew s;.T w in Falls. Idaho A-5

i t e r b o a r d

)lriled. to the boprd ,w e re ~ R. K ram er of Castleford, . Jo n es of Boise, and-M. Rced - -

ir a p p o in tm e n ts e.xplre Ja n !

i ^ - F — - =

A T — -


r “ “ “

S . - '{- ■•

DEPOSITMteo .' —



» y ........................: ::

B =Z A

7 3 3 - 4 7 4 7 ■■


r t d N i P A N Y .ig io d isco u n t • , i c o s t — so m e _ , a t t h a t w a s .0 0 . 9 ' X 1 2 '- b o x s p r i n g fido u s s a v ings__n : _2 0 % to 5 0 % , . a t d ras tica lly - .v

I a n d J a n Ellis .

M . . ^

i i r l - - '7 3 3 - 4 7 4 7

A-6 T ltnes-N aw a.T w In

7----—Two I— ^ — r e t m

■________}urorsiicflring Ca_ • million libel suit

' t io n a rE n q u ire r^“ W wlhesaay-for v

. . : Carson dcnounc( ’’ ■ I ^ i J t c r s a s iilla rs^------------------------bos—rtugclCT"

■ Ju d g e P eter S:----------- ■•spcnklngtocachj

'■ ■■ ■ . in his chambers, — .- - - = TT = ^ m ig h u b e -p re ju d

h e a r d ’ C arson-----------^ -p u b 1 lc a ( io n -o n -^ Show.”

_ Beacusc there


:J i ' ' M (

I ; i ;L Effects

' ■3 'I 'l fo i n t e n

; r :3 ' • r a i u a i i d s- 5 ____ p a i d b n i

, > - • i n n t u r i t yJ I 'c q i i i r c a

m i n l n n i n i•: p r a h i b i l c

t h e p e r i o d- E a c h d o p e

- I - - '

I' - .4 S S- • V o iiru T ittcn

~.ii Uj>nk fiL.Ti-usI. a , _________ n co d s o r its 1

op en , tu publ

- - ■

• r r —

— —

.. . .

wln Falls. Idaho " ^ u ra d a y ,^

E n q u i r e r t i

^ a s e d

i f r ^ ^ ? ^ ^ K ~ j u n 3 r e r er 'werc" d l s r n ls ^ ' remairi r wolchihg“Jbhnriy ogreco ince J h e taWotd’S;____ y n _

S: Smilli. a ilo r „

ers. rilled the Iwo hood” !Ju d lced -lo r-h a \^ g — holf.-m>n c r it ic iz c -th e> n -"T h e -T o n ig h t-------C ars

* “ and Iire was only one liars.”

- G r ^ y R a

lo n e y M a C ertificai

2 . 3 4 6:tive MaFch19fhruc r e s t r a t e s l a t e d h e r e d s u b j e c t t o c h a n g e o n □ _ i : c r l i f i c a l e s - - o n I y vvl t y . M o n e y M a r k e t '

a s ix m o n t h ' t e r m u n d e p o s i t . F e d e r a l ' I c o m p o u n d i n g o f i n t o d o f t h e M o n c y .M a r k c t p o s i t o r i n s u r e d u p to

liirniilly nniiilnrd ronrariy i\1llHlni


Idaho Bankc n c o n n n c n tsn re ln v iK H ii^ xiiit’s p u r ru rn iu n c c In satl.sf IS Icjfjil c o m n itin lliu s . /Ml s i ubllu tn sp c c t in i i^

- y ;

.Warning: The Surgeon Gj ■Thai Cigarette Smokinq.IsD

It lU-nlTNOlDl TtW«Ceo CO.

^ March 16,1881 *

t r i a l j u r o r s

t o C a r s o n

ontinuc the trial wilh only l l r s “ He sald“ n ln e ~ o f th c “ i i " airiing’ janJrs'^6U Id1fav«rt(J~ « o n a verdictT’ .................. .i ^ a i s -ah o w —Tufifjriay nlphlpl. jo trtenoim ced m e Enqulrer^s- 'cnt story about an estrange- I f ro m his.wife a sllabso lu tcly ,- ple te ly , 100-percent, false- I” basedon ‘‘innuendo, gossip, ^truthsTindspocuJatlon."” ' *'

irso n ' called ■ U m ^ublJcatlon“ 1 the people who wrote this

a t e ^ ________

a r k e t

i%u March 25”c i s a n a n n u a l >n r e n e v v a i a r i d • w h e n l i e l d t o !I C e r t i f i c a t e s 1 a n d 3 1 0 ,0 0 0 i l ' r e g u l a t i o n s n t c r t j s t d u r i n g k o t C e r t i f i c a t e , t o SIOO,0 0 0 .

ilnitviil i>r<-)irlinivili)!t. .

ur— — ^ —

ik&TrustMrnArrnW:Ii'c(<«nlinglcln1u5 “J.sfyingthorr«f<lil^----------------I . s u d i I t ' I H s r s n r o

General-Has Ogiermined ; Danqarous lo YoUr Health.--------------------— — — J

- - - —


J o h n n y C a r s o n i

Indiana,= T G h a r g e s

By United P re ss Intern

A vow ed, r a c i s t J Franklin , convicted c violations in thc^n iper; b lack joggers in Utah, w ith m u rd e r by authori and Oklahoma Wednest

The charges involv< k illings of four other pc(

Officials in Dklahot Franklin . 30. told his J cellm ates stories ‘‘on

. would have- known” a shooting deaths of a bis

' white woman in Oklahoi The Mobile. “ Aln.,

charged with two coi degree murdeniTBupci Ing lot slayings of M ar 31, and Je sse Eugen< Oklahoma County Dlsi Bob M acy said he will i penalty.

In d ia n a a u th o r it i F ranklin wllh m urder s layings of two black men. ages 19 p.K?.?:i25a

lB u

n t o ld - t f u d l e n c e s s to r y w

I, Oklahom ; against Frmational ‘ months a

— . businesseJo se p h P a u l • Indianaof civil rights seekextro

jr slayings of two "W e'relih, was charged ' Tinder, cirities In Indiana M arlon Cisday. anapolls.ive the ambush Authorlt>ebple. J aod. Kentiloma City said desire' to} Salt Lake City shootings (only the killer In Okliabout the 1979 authorlticj

slack man and a Franklin ulo m d ,' .;Salt Lake., na tiv e ' w as' 'cellmates.Munls of first- • Oklahoffjc m ra rk e fp iF P BIirCewTs”arian Bressette, talking abjne Taylor. 43. h e would rIstricl Attorney gave them11 seek the death tha t he d(

coinmlttedl ie s ', c h a rg c d:r in the sniper a ^ ^ e y cai ck Indianapolis^ a l a notj ^ w e r e shot 14 supermark

I H o i


_ K d g e ^ - c J- before Coni

— Wiih--th( Reagan 's stra igh t dl stock, dalr

---------------------- 1 te e voted 7-


; w a s a 'p a c k o f l i e s '

na file new ■ranklini ago while they stood inside ^establishm ents. - na officials said they would not tradition immediately. - re in a long line," said John D.’

chief trial deputy for the County prosecutor in Indl-

s.irlties in Ohio, Pennsylvania !ntucky,also have expressed to question Franklin In the gs of blacks in^those states, tklahoma City, Macy said ties had a poor case against n until a detecUye traveled to ake City t^.^lntervlew his es.lo m City homicide detective i^s said, “ When he would sta rt about these various killings, d really get Into the story and sm (cellmates) the Impression

definitely was the one who tod them ,” Lewis safd.Ictlms were shot Oct. 2i, 1979, carried groceries to their car northwest Oklahoma City arket.

)use panel \IINGTON (UPI) - A House mlttec Wednesday voted down nt R eagan's request to &kip an increase in dairy price sup- - the administration's first :utting proposal_ jo T co m e_ ‘ongress.-the dairy lobby opposing s proposal for the ^ o n d day, the Agriculture llve-

alry and poultry subcommit- 17-6 to reject it.

^ Senate r e iron I f iri SociB----- -S en a te Budget CommittI rejected proposals to ciI -------rity -benefits^ lS -b illloI ------ 'P resident Reagan reI quickly approved manyI .reductions.1 ^ — r-Thfrpanel-voted-l3-6-eI I _ Il’s the I S6clal Security'retireme I ' -debate in which llben I accused the Southcm

who sponsored' the -a i w anting to cu t benefits

--------- and wijiiimi ijlille; Igiiuwaste.

, - The vote, on the st v com m ittee’s twoKlay co

R eagan 's proposed budg - a f t e r -Republicans tur

Dem ocratic attem pt t< Social Security minimui

Ide b en c |itsfo rcu rren lrec i| C o m m i t t e c " " c h a l r

not . Domenlci, R-N.M., 's < -wants fast congressional

D.’ ' m a ^ iv e budget cuts ai the Republican leadership i idl- th e cost*of*llving cl

Dom'enlcl has supporiei nla recentw eeks.»d Sen. E rnest Hollings, -he sponsored the propost

• Consumer Price Indo lid : Social Security payment fist overstated the cost of to eluding housing ' mortg

nis ra les . He said few elder!- hom es. -

ive ..Hollfngs proposed tyini 3rt _Jo the lower of a wage or I gs, p reven t-the nation's 35 nd Urees from getting bene on fa ste r than wages. He a ho delaying the annual adju

Ju ly to October.79, . Hollings picked up the a r fr-eshmen Republicans ty Andrews of North Dali

Sym m s of Idaho. Dan

votes to reise It then approved by a vn four-year alternative da an s im ila r to a dairy itidustr: Ip- “ I think wc a rc ieglslat ■st Rep. Tom Hagcdorn, lfie__ jected . ” 1 also think we

abandon our first opporti Ig a signal to the American t id Reagan m ay prevbil u e- House Agriculture Comm it' e r s t^e issue a s early as Ti

. Congress and the dairy in

panel re for extra * ial SecuriW l ; ---------I 'h e ^ Indiana and:iltee Wednesday - - The comm cut Social Secu- » . a billion llon-m oro-than—in o lu d ln g ^ r^ c s tc d .~ b u t paj^ments; ; ny other budget Families wi

SI.3 billion 5-egalhetH!hang>— assl6tanco-t( .adjustmenl-for bccause of fi nent flficr sharp '^nfflhc-hfltlc eral Democrats -unemploymc 71 conservative regular 26 w< am endm ent-of The.actlon

its for old jnon ^ e total of

The major a second >of the for federal et

consideration of The comn dget cuts, came commend: urn^^bael<:_-a - ••T he-Sena to restore the which will ai

lUm and student meet total^ s cipients. come tip 'witI rm a n ■ P e te tlons • in M( •said Reagan ^ssscntlallyle

ial action on his....... «A 20-weeland asked the anyone recc

} not to'include ment benefit change., now. It would requ ted the Idea in - weeks of a yi

26 weeks of ;s, D-S.C., who benefits the fl >sal, said the •Adding il lex, on which servfcesblocl m ts a re based, sohic funds a if living by in- functions of lgage interest gram itelim li srly people buy The commi- ......................... lines, rejectei

ing the benefits —To restc ir price Index to minimum So< 35 million re- phase out Soc nefits lhat rise college stud< : also proposed Reagan pro; ljustment from minimum an

year.le votes of four —To rcstp ins — M ark pneumonia ' lakota. Steven wouid save th an Quayle of recipients in f

>taih milk sia voice vote a m ade tiiclr \dairy program ministration, try proposal. Committeeatingblindly.” to forego the-

R-Mlnn. ob- knowing whi'e ought not lo p lansjo proportunity to send program as pj1 taxpayers.” bill. Word orwhen the full expected until

imlttee cbnsid- e s t . ,: Thursday, but The admlnliindustry have ... ........ ..—

11 Ml iii friff ^"Td n o n n n i ii "Tti i t Tr T-LITTLE ROCK. AlK. (UP l i - TM ' " I doh' t ' K llSVa » will hold 'up iri--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- " I ’m thrilled to death,” said the '

l I L v / ------------- ------------------------- T^ihel^rca'n C lv ll~ tibert1cs'~U nron— CoUrt; andw T re going to be happy to, Rev Rov McLaushton of Vilonia.----------^ ------ - Wednesday questioned the constitu* tak e itth e rc .” M s.K uriiakasald. l s ta te chairm an of the Moral d B obK astcno lW isconsin ,.....;. -............. : Uonallty of a-bUl requiring A rkansas. ^ o - b ill,- which- i ^ u i r e s - e q u a l - ' c r e a t S ^ - ^ ^ ^ ^ ------immittee voted 1&-3 to m ake . schools teach the theory that a treatm ent to ‘‘evolution science” and ccneral and evolution is being taughtlon ih social services cuts, • suprem e being created man wilh the ^'creation science” in public cle- a s fact Their theory i s ‘nothing times

a .cap-on-federal-M edlcald------^ i h e o r y o f o v o l u t i o n . -------------------------------------merilary and secondary schoolsrwas — n o B o areq u a lsev c ty tR ln ^ 'T h c tjot-s ; .11 billion from Aid to ---------‘‘l t 's -n o n se n se r 'o fc o u rse .” -s a ld — passed by thciArkaneas-Leglslature' tom l i l ^ a question of ph ilo so p h y -------i with Dependent Children; Sandra Kurjlaka, executiv6 director Tuesday, now goes to Gov. Frank ' k God created man or man createdlon from trade adjustm ent . __ of the Arkansas branch of the Ameri- w hite, who has Indicated W would God ----------- ------ —jo-to-workcrs-whb'-losc-jobs:--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- can Civil Libcrties'Un]on:“ l t 's ju s r a ' sign It. .......... ............................. *------------ -------Af foreign Imoorts; and en d - ' ' Ihinlv veiled effort lo put Christianity T h e leg is la tion ' received- en- " I t vo\j ncceo t'the worldls-most____if itlo n a i'tr lggertha t*n tends----------^ — ; ^ ^ f f p ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ H ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ H - C ; ; t r r t n r ~ s l ! h o o l 5 = a n d = g e t ^ r o Q m n h « ^ ^ u s i a s l i c ' s u p p o r t (rom conservative ' h istorically accurate book: - that’s —ym ent-benefits J je y o n d .th e . . __________' separation clause or the constitution organizations including, the M orS -the B i b l e t h e n you have no problemiGweeks. ....... of the United States. ------------m a jo r ity . ............ wi<h~crea|lonlshi.''M cLaughtoh8ald:" .;tion brought to $21.3 blllloA. ________ lUI o f'approved reductions — —— _ _ 1;............. ................

or L S m n l 'c u i ” ! « billion M e ^ ' s S t o r e s O I T o d a y ^

' Q | E * V n l U f X D n ^ c ~

K * I r o r ° k ' i S ’lrcmont for ” P s v c h l c s p a t t l c l p a l i n g l n a s e a n c e l o f l n d A t r a n l a ’s c h i t d k l l l B r h o l d h a n d s 'receiving basic unemploy- .-------- , ' ■ ^ A *

I s s i , Seance for Atlanta killer lookW c a s u a l gB ^ g r i^ M f passes quietly without lead- w i n d b r e a L i

i i S i n n t i d T S a J ^ ' ’ ' A T L A N T A ( U P I ) - A group Of psychics ga lhe itd in a satonfo |dingchairs.Theyheldhands8ilentlyforabout-35------------------------i n e tjflrtv y d ow concrete room Wednesday night and held hands in m inutes, some wllh their heads bowed, others with their , • f r O n i ’ 1 ^ ^ 7 , • ? v ^ f c .V A W I B H i J — -------

a c r c l ^ s e e in g visions Of the killers of 20 black children faces toward the ceUing. . ' ^ ‘ V / j L M . -------sSre Th^ s m mSi w h i l e a h o r i ^ When they rose. Mrs. C h adw ickJn .a-w hlle4Jjlrt-end- ----------PA'CIFI? W . ^ )l^ m S i ^ u r i t V benefirand th d r silent efforts. - ^ ______ _____ w M c -b lo u ^ s h o o e d th e T re W re ^ c rs out. She said tWe r / A ^ i r i \ - , / / h y - W / \ / /

' T ^ ^ T n S n S i o r^m e L1 . had c p c e n c e d during Ihe .ed lia ilo n , ' & / i | : | \ 'I and college bcncm s ncx( b o p ^ everyone In lh e .co u n tiy -n o t just olher p sy c h ic s - M rs. Chadwick said data collected Iro ii 'th o visions ' B rcji.n lon?iv lt,ln \ V \ - ' -

r J L ’l'n? S r . , ' “L l3 A a r o ^ T r * >- ■ ' lj j^ /i ■' ' ■^ k ^ ™ g t h e h a , „ l n g s t H n g o , c . . e s t h a t S S •

s u D D o r t s Atlanta bladks form vigilante groups pS'ii''" _____.rr iiAw Jnnum In fhn nH ATLANTA (UPI) — Black'activlsls Said Wednesday added, 'w e don’t Intend to engage In a race w ar.” ■ I 'V '' " i W W B r ' 1 / i 'inn <hey re convinced A tlanta's child slayings are racially M ayor JacksonurgedresldentsT uesdayto"low erthelr , r ^ r * v 'T * m > s \ 1 1 " iji W l ^ W W f ” 1 - -tee m em bers a re reluctant »” o t iv a t^ and vowed to go ahead with their own armed • voices” about the possibility of the slayings being the D E X T E R ® ’ A v I ' / ' / it h ^ S l ^ ^ S i r e ^ S S S I Pptrols despite warnings by Mayor Maynard Jackson lhat work of a racist. - 4 V ' - A ' l ' lw h a t' ' the a S ^ v igjlante groups will not be tolerated. __________ . .....— H e said poUce have no evidence to prove the cases “ are e m w ............... X------------------ 1 -I— -A -1 - - ,.

r S f S a l M c T m S ^ “ The m ayor Is wrong in saying the killings a re not o r a re nol-racially m o tlv a te tl''an d denounced moves to - A ' I / \ ' 'S S o f the f J S v M r S S • rac ia lly ^m otivated.” self-proclaim ed •'community ‘ set up citizens'patrols;................................................... - 7 ' \ ' - / ___ ________- ____ -. —l on that D M Ssal k n S o c tM st ch in iurcngaJenga told a news conference. But residents a t Techwood Homes, a north AUanta,.- :— '• I • \ ■until next w S a t the caril- . s only ^ n only 120 years (since slavery was low.incomehousingcom p!cx.saldteen-8ger8prm ed:with— --------------------------- --------- ------- • i I \ ^until next week a t the cam - a ^ l l s h ;^ ) and we've been allowed to keep our children. baseball bats and-some adults arm ed with guns would ' m / wmmJ ;iinictrflifonifiirvint»ink«.n :• W c d o n U n ten ^o rth em lo b e tak en aw ay ag a in .” ---------- pa tro M h e project In hopes of preventing any further iNBOisfceih»ndB*mKKk.vw..Hiii«wt<< ' / \ f I

■ We know IPs raclally-m otlvatcd. said Jcnga, b u t , abductions. . . . w ertg iic^^ lnW l.,iC w h«M »ii,O rt« io ________■\'\

_ __ " ■' ' ' '__________________________________________________________________________________ ■ __________ __________________■ - _______________ . ._________________ 5 mg."tar",0 .5 mg.ntcoiinsav.par.cipreue.byFTCniBlhDii._____---------------------------- - j

.T h u rsd ay . M arch 19. 19ai



__i in f a a i• f '. WASHINGTON ( I

S te v e S y m m s si ' published rei>orts I

------ ^ n iln ls tra lion -H osp il----------s ih ed u led -to be clc

plete ly unfounded."______ N oiroon Brown, a

Q£Cccr^fdr~intn)lfi____ Jic^$rans_ , sa ld_U n

ta rg e le tffo r closurc I - ^ m in l s t r a l f o n 's —t

p la n s . , _ . • ‘‘The P resident 1

defe rred the constn hospita ls laa lread v c wfth unaeruuiiiedV / a r^ no proposals wh

■'~~~**<Iown existing ifacl said.

- r — V >J i e ^ l d ^ t h e ^ P r e proposed a reduction approxim ately 190,00 M edical personnel. 2.5 percen t of. the

! I f one cxamlne&hl: VA fncililles. Symms su rge In hiring, durii m onths. The Office and Budget is urging accep t the proposed work force by hiring T C rso i^ l, hesaid .• Sym m s said the 11

J ____ S re _ c a n c d e d _ o r_ d e^_ _ < ? .am d fin . fU .^ -B altin

o ver, Colo.: New GhIUicothe, Ohio; Wai C^ng Beach, Calif. ;P< E a s t Orange, N .J .; ' St an d G ain sv llle .F la . - .■

' ' Brown claim ed if thi wftre closed, nearly em ployees and hundrec sonthern Idaho would tliediosurc.

- iH e said h e based his Irj&cmation he’s recel DAV national office 1 a|ifl4rom testim ony giv. tH^^acting adm inistrate

------ -q f is Administration:—

,_____ G a s o h o l

c u t c a l l e i

~ Z i m o n s t e i! BOISE (U PI) T- I(

[ ip r ta tio n ch ie f sale r^ s sa g e of legislation <

-------- t a x - o n ' gasohol couli• |fnpnster;' In Idaho bee ta k e aw ay n ecessary fu raghw ay account.‘ D arre ll M anning tol(

T ransportation Board th f^ ijp rre n U y -w a e -p o n d ln g -l

■ g i s l a tu r e (hat would n b I gasohol by 4 cents a t tl:

' P roponents of the me U a t utilizing these funds ll cen tlve for deVelopmet

- p a n ts In Idaho. Congress p legislative provic c int: tax reduction on ga: i^ a m ix tu re of one p a r t a l

. , p p r ts enthanol.' M anning sa id the funds

- C ongress com e from th - T h is tF u n d .

9 } “ C ongreSs'created a n ____ jvfc c o u ld ^ creating the si

liiw ouia take aw ay monli s tq te 's h l^ w a y fund..' Off

:------ a lready Is arsh o ns ta te 's highw ay fund.

r W e shouldn 't be subsli tl& bighw ay fund,'’.Mannii

« e ^ a l d s la te s already nfcasu res a r e expcrienc p fcb lem s, H esa ldJn .theJ

r::^Troi(eralion-lnrIowaTit-cost- h |ghw ay fund $2 million ; tibns this y e a r a re It coul<

“ a f j i f m l l l l o n r ---------- -----{Board—m em b er—Lloyi

. F iir f lc ld . . sa id Idaho’i sJIslom ."can’t afford it," \ pjfesident Cart Moore, Lev l ^ a l s o would h a v e 'a n 't

•■J^act.on counties and cllli jTw o-thlrds of the fuel

lic te d in Idaho go lo the pjirtm cnl of Transportatic rjm a in d e r go to the citiestgJS.,

— Aryans7;Naizi |o ra lly in Boi

- - J b O ISE -(U PI) - The-Bo I^ p a r tm e n t and the Ad

- I f l ^ w a y D istrict have sign'f — allow ing the A ryan Nations

t ^ N ational Socialist Part —^•tqt-hpld-lwo-unreleated-rail

S fclehouse next monlh.. u ^ a l officials said .the

\w u ld allow th e Nazis lo me - -_ t i |.4 p .m ,,the Sl_atehpuse

April 25, and the Aryans ^ dfeiiigU ie s a m ehoufo w A p i

S p o k esm en for both th e j r " p fe f tT a 'c I lt '^ u p s saW -the p

llfc^ 'ra lliM w as to pron __ ny s s a g e s of tb e lr groups, noi- - c ^ m s a g a ln s t o tb e r r a c e s ;-

Boise School Distrlci tS la m onth re jec ted a requi

:.ll)!e;Aryan N ations group, I Itoyden Lake, lo m eet a t Bo Stfhool. A rally, held by lh( f ^ l io n s in Boise la s t y e a r r e

—t& -arrealsd f-6om o-m em bon group a f te r a disturbance at

. . - . i ^ d t e l .- ^ . .^ -----------------

A -flT tm es-N ow s.T

---- 1' • , . - I—

Dital -i r e . L

M U P I ^ W a h b S e n ._______sa id W ednesday

3 the V eterans Ad- spilal'in-Boise-NVfls . c losed-w ere-‘'eom- •-

i."1, a national service ______ _'Disabled American-the—hospital - was ___ ;

under the Reagan (—b u d g elT ed u c lio n -

It has canceled or structlon o f* ir newdyoveriaedded areas________1 VA"faciiiues: there- .whatsoever lo shut — facilities," Sym m s-------------

Presiden t-also-has-— lonof5,000outorihe D,000 nationwide VA J. That represeh ts • le work force, he - •

uhlrtng patterns at .;ms said, e r e Is a ' uring IhS: sum m er ice of Mangement ing VA hospitals to sed reduct/ons In Ing fewer sum m er

! 11 hospitals that- d e fe r r e d -a ro - ln ---------------JU m o re r-M d r^ D e -^ ----------V Orleans, La.; Washington, D.C.; iP a lo Alio, Calif.;' St. Albans, N.Y., --------

't l ie Boise facilityrly . 500 hospital vIreds of patients Inlid be affected by

his contention on xe lved from the c In Washington, given recently by •ator of the Veter* ______

) / t o x e d

e r * ^ — r

’ Idaho’s trans* said W enesday ’ on to reduce the ould created a becausc It would f funds from the

told the .'Idaho ilh aL legislationig-ln-the-sta tc is-------------------d reduce the tax it the pump.m easure a r g u e , - • — nds would b e an tnenl o f gasohol •ess a lready has oviding for a 4 ’ . V gasohol, which

t alcohol to nine

ids provided by the Highway

a m onster and e sam e th lb g io

^ e s * ^ m * to e Officials claim Ijortfall-in^lhe— ' '

bsldlzed out o f nning said, ady wllh such encing severe - he f jrs t y ea r of

on and predlc* ould be as high _

ho’s^'highw ay / ’ while board Lewiston, said n trem endous ' n «w cities.jcl laxes col- the s la te De-ation and the ^lies and coun- • 3.,U i*o

izis------Oise • i'X-Boise PoliceAd6 Counly •'

ignedperm its )ns group and 'a rty (Nazis)ra ilies-at-thc------------------------

.the perm itsmeet from l T c y use.steps o n _ J • ' 3 / ins Id meet " " ' o ' a aT^prihgfc--------------- M .l>e.wW.te,.SU:_____e purpose.of 0 » -V t rom die the '• /["» not lo raak e . _ -------- Cl*

Jic l ea rlie r xjuest fromD, based in . - l aBoise High M ,the A iyan resu lled4h '

jo rs -o i-tb a t— —at a Boise *

s.,Tw ln Falls. Idaho T hu rsd j9 d a y .M jfch 1 0 ,l9 fl1

^ —

r M ■ •

. c o r i i i. open to a ll r« o d erf o r the


i l r i n moy b« iubm lit*d (or mofo lh )l«gory. bu i *och m ost b e on o i< ilry th e e t. .

• o n e tid e of the p a p er o n l / (or ip< riegory. Ingredient*, y le ld i; for id diree ilon t lor p reparing your » no t o b ^ ev lo te . WrUe your .non

leh ih e e t. U«e lypew rlfer. p int oi )lbly ond double tp o c e b e ween

C do not u ie on ofilclol »ntry____O" ® »•'•* o( P«

enlrle* becom e the prop iriy .

_ E n t e r - y o u r -

a r i y o f e l



M a i l y d i r f e n f i y a i

P . O . B o x 5 4 8 . 1

\ ..

^ 6 1

TESTRUr the Time*- Tlme»JJewi..

moy be pub ' (April 26th)

e lh o n o n e originator,o le p o ro te

S. Recipe* need bu t should

ipecliylng recipe* takenor lerv lng .tlon* will not I •ur, od* 6. Judging will I

It or w rite The deciilone en line*. In ea to of .aitry blonk, will be declor<'( p o p e r . .............. . .............. ......

7 . All entrle* mu ly of the N ^ t-b y A p rll


r - f a v o r i t e P €

J i g h t c a t e g c

_______S.iGQI-------------------------6 ^ B E &

8MICF DLLS -----------

aVTle NevK , T w i n f a l l s , I d a h

i .



I • e • I #

u i / y

R l\ V.'/V ^'sJ : ' W

\w \ L

J L E S :<»..ofid,ll i t .u n d e r lo a d tha t they jb llthed In the 1981 Cookbook i) w ilh o ^ com peniotlon to ths

ed not b e com pletely original, J thow tom e originality and en directly from populor publico- » tbe |udged .

I be b o ie d on originality, e o teItlon— oppeoroncB— ond ■‘la t te rn o l the iudge* wlll be final, o tie, the f ira t'en try .received ared winner.

nu*t b e received by the Time*.' r i l l . 1981. f .

e i f i p e i n - ^

o r i e s :

)URMEI-.1~.—SSER T ^ ------EET iZ ER S~ ”:r o w a ve

r(Cookliobk) ho 83301


f " A H e n f r l

rM te recipe t


■ i

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m ^

p i (I— ----------- .I —

jp i io n e : ____■ l._ .

I - ^ j C a t e g o f )

I j N a m e o r

I i l n g r e d i e ith,i . I ; -

3 i =I f9te I' I ------------------------

lie:-------!•----- —----- ^--------------lal. I ______________ _

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r ■ r '• I »

■ I ------------ ---------------.1 --------------------------I ■

— 1 -^ ----------------- -----------• I —

e T W

frtos nn^sf b e receiv. . . . . . .V

! today!____ ' . '. —

1 9 8 1


I I J r

M I - l i

I t - I,*** • - / 1.* . • •

O ffic ia lsm o s i N o w s ( C o o R b ^ R )

N o t t i o ___^


>r recipe ■ en ts : (do n o ta b


■ r____________ 't

af pre porotion;

ved nb la te r fh a n A |


M ^

r —- -

entry blaik)7R O . Box 5 48 , Twjn I

— . . - Z i p



J. ________ ________ -L

rO w b ■ ' ■ _

A pril T. I^ f l l .

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RecBy United P n n In te

- — • - - t h o s e W EDDW C B II wbnT be>aM wo;

R eagao when t e fli ““ C o iisn n Apriir He is

- — som e work such las i......." t h c “ R q)ubllcanf pa;_:l_ d iplom acy - ta lks

P ra sk le iitJo seL d p e i 1; . tr ip w in also inaiide f l On April 24 he will a tt

' p o H iU ^ a u g h te r , M at

. : ■ .B ca g a ira n d academ j L ■ a c tre ss Ja o e Wymi

_ ac tre ss , singer, acllv ^rrr^ -^ -ro d io -ah o w rh o a tess-a j

d ida tc for the RepubI


— I t a l i c

ROM E (U PI) - ^ troversy flared acrc ? nesday over a TV d i p rostitution m ade witl I; th e w om an bu^ not thal ft The adm inistra tiv

Ita ly ’s state-run te le a ijn o u n ced 'lfte Tuesc danceled the prograi

i ; : ■ T h u rs d a y n l^ t.F em in ists called the

m ale a ttem pt to cover r ' and left-wing oppositi(

p arliam en t accused tti tian D em ocrats of cens

In a n official cdh ' s ta te -run television sai i tion w as based on "legj

_ | | H e a r t ^ ! ?

J p rogress• r : ' STANFORD. Calif. (

~ 7 ~ 7 ' p : G ohlkerthe only liv / tran sp lan t patient, ha

firs t biopsy test for re •_ new o rgans. Stanford h

announced Wednesday. Surgeons threaded a ^

• tiriy sn ippers through h( and into ber h eart wl sam ple w asobtalned.

U ie tesl, wlilcli will w eekly in the near futu

•; sign th a t h e r body's im " ‘4 w as attack ing thc hes

. < t ransplante<»into h er M

■' ■. 'S e nex t few'weeks w]

! period fo r M rs. Gohlke b w hen rejection often ( B ruce A. Reitz, head o; te a m ,sa id . -

If rejection does occi ages w ill be raised in fu rther suppress the 'im without devastating ' M ability to fight off infectli

■ " - In fe c t lo n - ls “ the“ ih itran sp lan t patients, and achieve a delicate bala tha t do one without the ot

S t u d y ^ b

s i n g l e s n <

j v e i y h a p ]

i . . DAYTON, Ohio (UPI) J - _ : s i n g l e life is full of glitf

our? A study by two ' U niversity professors sui

Socio logy profesEoi Cargan and M atthew Me: random sam pling of 400 singles sw ing less, and g

Tieprcssed m ore than mai - T heir survey, conduct! and soon to bepubllshed I found th a t singles — divorced m en — a re m on depressed and think abou

• d rim k o r take drugs.-------‘'T he divorced m ale

-------w ell," Cargan sald .-T he;they get dnink more. A divorced male* makes change. He leaves -the children, the furniture.’^

■' ■. Thlrty-siBven’' i > ^ n t b veyed in the Cargan-N w ere single and 63 perce

--------reflectingthe-natlonal b reAsked how m any sex pi

h ad hi th e ir lifetimes, 55 pi singles answ ered three E igh ty p e r c a t of the

c M arried and divorce -_ :-a sJced rlio w fre<juenUy-th4

m ost commonly answere------- w eek J ' TTie figure w as-le

. w h o h ad n ev erb een m arrii■ B H t^no_m atter_w hat^

m arita l sta tu s, the stud) they thought other pers sam e s ta tu s had sex m ore I

“ They’re saying ‘I 'm no but they m a t be,” 'C a rg a t

"T he Playboys and , would have us believe w<

— 4 h e re — um plng-^rom -iA i another. I t 's Inaccurate to a ll-s in g le s a s being re a when a t m ost less than a thi

a g a n ^ - 0

u ten u iltau C r.... .. : , to th e i. . H a y a k

G B E IX S r num be work for Preakleot about I f nies to _ th ^ W e s l„B is fly lng lhere for WHO? is raising funds fo r Appc p a r ty ,~ a n d “ som e— personi

ik s with Mexldon Vice Pi p e iP octlU o.B uth ls e re d ai id e a labor o f love, policies attend thc weddhig tion .Fc

Maureen, to .D eonlt asked Is ihn flnughtar o f.,-D em oo

>my award-wlnplng M ond^ vm»n. She is an *'No, I ctive feminist, ta lk . m odest 9-aad-possible can^— Mondal ubilcan nomination consldc

ill) pulled from

ia n ^ ln r c- A m a jo r . c o n ^ R om e i icross Italy Wed- reserve f documentary on progam with the consent of evidenc lhato fhercllen ts. Inm akii itiv e council o f T he ti elevlsion network . 30-year- lesday that it had VeronU cram planned for c lients

apartm (th e cancellation a scenes v 'e r up a social evil, m irro r > sition m em bers of b u t witl 1 the ruling Chris- • clients, ensorshlp. . b lanked Kftnmuhique, the , volved a said the cancella* - legal action by the • ,

_ I

a n t _ ~ ^ »

j s i r i g . S

f. ( U P I ) - M a r y living heart-liing ' / / 'has passed the 7 / ^

■ rejection of h e r / / , Id Medical C enter / /ay .' I l a ^ lre tip e d w ithti her jugular vein g

w here a t is su e ' |I- - , %'will be te p e a te d ' |u ture, showed no IImmune system r ‘

h eart and lungs • Rr M arch 9 from a 1

5 will he a critical C(e because that is » .n develops, Dr. 0 * d of the surgical n . (

jccur, drug dos- M -in an effort to fi

'im m une syslem U"M rs. Gohlke’s - ' ■ bictlon. • ; __________ B■ihlef“ k lller~dl Uind the trick is,to %lalance of d r u ^ - ^eo ther. ■ ~ ■ .'j^

f e o w s y ■

n o t

?py WP I ) - T h i n k the SKl. Ij i t te r and g la m - ;.- ■ ■/o Wright S tate '- :r ■suggests not. •:<! ■

isors L eonard !;:i H M elkofoundlna ... P 'l H400 persons tha t ' ■id gel drunk and :■ ■narriedpeople . ■ ucted In Dayton ed inbookform ,

— especially .lore likely to get ! V V iJ i t»ut suicide, get

le didn’t show rhey’re lonelier, " “ : H . After all, the • • ■ » the .'biggest h ■ t ^ hotne, the . ^

i t 'b f those su r- ' n-Melko study H H i ircent m arried, | ' ■ tjreakdown^X p artners they . !. ■ 5 percent of the . ree or fewer. \ he singles In^^___ j i i r f c S I

rc « l f^raons, ■-theyrhad sex,-.— e red “ twice a s-iess for tho9e-> - irried. - . -a t=a=person’8___udy (Usclosed, y.A ersons of the " ire frequently.I not getting II, fji gaasjtid.d Penthouses ' I j

we’re all oul ■ U l

> to categorizereal-sw ingers -I third a re .” L iL ti i iU ii

daughterle U.S. senate sea t now held by S tk a w a . I t -will be m arria iber th ree forTflaurccn. Dcln Jl R evelle a re ha rd tacn m ch y -:

3? Bffi?ip e a r in g befo re som e i,o a n s at~De Anza College, lo rm ! P resident W alter'M oodale deli I an expccted a ttack against U :ies of tbe Reagan Admlnlstr Following his form al talk hc w;

!d I f .h e ..could nam fe.the la wor-atic—ppcsldentifll—nomine dale drew a laugh when he sai , I c an 'l. I 'm overwhelmed I esly.-!-O n a m ore serious no daio-was-queried-about-Tvhal-1 Idered to be the achievem ents <


o fp ro stitle s ta le prosecutor” but said rved th e righ t to reschedule tt am If an investigation found n mce of crim inal activity involve ik lng the film.e docum entary shows a blondi ars)ld .F rench .prostilu te_nam e n lque P a s sa n i e n tc r ta in in ts in the bedroom of a Rom :ment b e a r thc Colosseum. Th !S w ere filmed through a one-WA >r w ith the consent.oLthejwomai without th e knowledge of hc s . Producers of the film hai ed out the face s .o f those in d and dubbed over new voices o

^ |;gj^Cosino-« Di I

pa#iT h u rsd ay Sp

Irish Bul1 Irish Stew w

biscuits ah< * B eef Pot Roc ’ V eg etab les & S<

A I I Y o u C a n E a t . . . . . . .

_ _ j a c k S t Z Z K t t ^ ^ H S V A D A ) %

Ni)CAV4iJn1liTttiRu<ifL ' OsnACHT._____


^ 11 WIN 1*11.'N,T?

R O B E I t T V

- D E N m o l i

r a c i n g ^

f=rr OAiiTi g »UM.I,3

[ t w in I

Peoirtomai>y S .I . ' th e Carter^ivioadaJo •riage S a id ‘Wonda l e ' ‘We e l a l i r o b e y ^ ttre law an d ^

__ _ _ L O V E S E T _ _ ^ .W hen R obert HoUi

1,000 Ha v s w ereiim 'arrie irm cr, E n fie ld ,. Conn.,.. th- d e l iv ^ throw ricc . They thr 5t th e D ressed In jeans and Istra- T - s h l r l s s a y in g Bwas ''G ro o m ,” the couj

racq u e tb a ll court i

said, quetball every day. ■d by n ice th ing to do,” sa n o te . , of South Windsor, w

al-hc— raDked-34lh''hal!onw Its of quetball p layers 35 ar

itpte-stirilid it th e conversations of e the Ing a rran g em en ts wit Id no D eputy S la te Prose )lved A rm ati Issued 12 sumi

a g a in st five televisic »nde, seven w om en Involve

ning The sum m onses w< ;ome law th a t m akes it a c The lap e incidents In peopl

•WflX— ^without th e ir consent. m a n ^ c h o rg e d = w ith itJw ^ fl h e r requ ired to appear I had se c u to r lo help him for ■ in- w h elheracrlm d!w asc iso f T heprosecuto^w as;

Dining • M otel' « Z 4 n o t m s — ^

• p e c i a l ^ ^ ^

iffet tw/ith , 7 5 ^ i h d

o a st S a lads .


T h o B e s f F o o d I

ENOS SOON 1 ^ ^ ^

1^ 1Alir 7i00-ti}0 Bb-ilni<uI. iiao.7iB»»iao f -a lijj ir '-

• O " '

- T T E j ' ” " "

pie MIL' Move

= ;■= ncw-Ildirect-

i r r y :_ to th e

ae Administration. ,;nlddl<y e_ _ tp id jh e jru p j.__ single.1 kept t f i e ^ c e ; " -------nalia“

. .J jr iv a c______________ . _ r : . - , - “ Se(llUoder a nd M argy long ai• ied -th is-w eek- 'in and thth e :-g u ests-d id n ’t .in g . ovhrew racquetballs. P a r ty tnd green-and-whlte “ TIk5 " B r i d e '’ a n d replact)uple was wed a a w ay

a t the Sporting delight

f. " I t seem s llke.jT . sen ta tl said Hollander, 42, com pa who reportedly is nearly

t i^ d e am ong-rac* p a r t i e and over. ■ housev

s^contro)f the clients mak- de te rmirith Veronlque. ting prisecutor G iancario un d e r im m onsesTuesday th ec lo sSion officials and T he '

in the prpduc: schedul

w ere based on a th e re q1 crim e lo film o r ' lance cc>ple’8p rivatelives: in r e sIt. The 12 w ere nol c a n c d lt o ffense-but-w ere— o p p d s ii• before the pii>- feminisi'orm an opinion on . announcicom m ltled ,. — T hursd tIS also expecled to when th(

^ 1

J In ^

H p W h--------- — g a r

------ -II______ gor

m kli'nf* U# m( Pr»ml«r»

j— fj

M a g n i f i c o n ^ ■ :n t « r t o l n m » n t H n » W e « k O n ly l ■

DAILY a.-OO ■•SUN. It00~4:30-8:00 . ■

----- T""*------------------- ------------

IILL VALLEY. CalU. .(UPI tre over- Tupperware. There ri in ^ 01 merctuuKUse makinj !ct-hbme sales circuit with ap success — “ sex a id s ." _ rom coast to coast, the "P lea ty " business booms - accor tie purveyors — o f ^ n g yous die-aged women, in a jT i^~ Lle,.aiLarTay_of.&ex'uBLparap a“ which~can"be^bought~in acy o flh e irh o m es : —Sdc toys havo been around fo» ag p»nplt» hnvff hoan A ilng.Mth a t 's forever,'” said Kate li ow ner and <^rator*of-Ple«j

ly of M arin County.---------- 1-rh ese toys a re not deslgne< ace anything o r anyone. They ay of expanding ou r repertoir ghtor” . . ' •

a tives- o f her eight-month pan y a r e a lready booked •ly_elghl_ weeks In advance l i e s g iv e n b y . s e c r e ta r iewives, professional won

rm lne w hether charges of "al prostitu tion” ' could be brou

r a Sb-year-old law tha t for losingof bro thels in Ilbly. e T lbcum entary was origlni ju led 'for a irin g la s t Thursday is-canceled a t th e lasl-mihuU e q u cs t o f a parJiam entary v J com m ittee.response to an outcry against siiation b y Communist and oil s i t lo n —p o l i t i c ia n s —a n d - l is ts , the television authoril iinced they would show It t sday. But they canceled it agi th e legal action started. -


or su re to inform the

.com m unity

.vour'naraf^fi ‘sale! Invite

'■ ' n e ighbo rs ai fellow “ local to th e event aC la ss if ie d And be prep, to g e t down

----- business-w hthey arrive! "

I / h e n y o u c o m e i n t c o r a g e .5 a l» .a d i= w c a r a g e - s a l e s l g h s . F n

i s t o l e j i m s m M l ]

-- ^ f r o n t i e r L ove7toi

i _ _ y _ — ^

_ f J m » d J f t M o n f o n o ___ — _

I**/ \ ^ k J |

SexJP I) .— ■“■people like you a r lerp’s a , M^; H^riing. 38. Ung th e th ree t e e n - a g ^ a; I appar- blgh socW studies

sells an average of ■leasure a fe a c h party . ’ w rd in g T hese Include ■oung to o strich feathers, b ed and. o f alm ond and r irapher:— L oveii-tha t-w on’t - in - th e — m ai5 ra> rt,w lth je t

v ih d l n ^ . t a ^ “ Kai i for a s B a im -^ .t^ tin g o fp g J t . i= := = .T h e —Pleaiure= l e Hari- sw eeping not j u s t ''

— said;---------i s ”!Md to In Detroit, a m id hey a re o„„nnrtS u :toire.of

n tp r e :-------- — Tmlh-oid ■ •ted up 1—Ke fo r I U ^larieTT.vomen, j

M E l lL O W C-------------------- M e N f E R P r


i 5 i V w i s q o N s i hforced N E W Y O R K

finallylaybutluie a t - ---------------y vigi- • - I------

8 oz. Sast the - joiop£1 other Gaiiiid - b y - — — --------------Poorilies i - - S iIt th is I ' • 'again- j - 1 0 : 0 0 - 5 : 3 0 Mo

s f -------------- -----------------------

sinessto9 • - ly ofa e _______________ rte y o u r - ' .--------— r; and . ca ls” • nt with Jda«d. spared /n toA/h.en......... ...................^

to th e T in f te -N e w sw e'il^g ive-vS rtw zrfB F re e ! -T — ^ ------


. . . c m ________ .

0 JIROMt 334.B07S p i ;

I E N O S ■" I T H U R S D A Y


I 'H E A V E N 'S ^*on,\ d o o r *

I 7 :0 0 4 :5 0

I fPl’i 1


Wicpapti0 ie a ip e

I b H e e p n

blacihjbf^Tupgia n d m ? .''s b e sa ld . “ Susa B. divorced m other of prftrt.. and a form B rjnnlor— in a r ^

ies teacher, said she in N of $400 worth of goods 800 re . • . > ' e s t gr,! pink and purple and er body lo tlonsjasting Lesscj m aralpani “ Oil of expan

i’_t sta in the sheets, -. - ■ et-age speed conirol.:am a S utra P leasu re

I ''lib e ra l” C alifornia * '6n la tion—M s:-H a riin g ^ . 'y o u :t— I----------- -----------------sexualIddlcKilass suburban in te re >usan Gould, o perate to s to r


C H E D D A R ' *jY -d A e K --------------------------- :• R .......................................... ;•

IN S H A R P .1 K S H A R P ...............

ie D D A R . I r

2 .9 9 IB ^S P R E A D S

iponoPoppor :rllc& HerbsPortWtno-------------------------- -

• 3 9 e a . - t

^ o n .-S a t; - 7 6 7 2 n d A ve. W


■ n ■—

5 c l a s s i f i e d c o u n t a r

l a r g e , c o l o r f u l . o ~ t tm

JAN1-: ro N iiA '...... -


DAIlV7iOO-tl ■ SAT-tUN. l2i4S-2i

DONALO /SVTHeftLANO-------- 1~/MAnvmewMQOHe________ j

DAil'SAT-tUN. IlilO-I

i f a l S i


T h u rsd a y . M arch 19,,19fl1. "1

Susan’s P e ls ," nam ed for' their nnrt mofifinppn^

ftip u rr .’’ ^In New York, Justifor P lay Ltd. has ) representatives U m ost of them I graduates — who sell "sex aide’-’ d erotic lingerie, said owner Marcia s se r . She says the company plans to- pand to California this sum m er. ' - W osrb f-th c 'p a rtic s-a re " fo fw m cn - ly.-Occaslonally, Ms. H arilng.said._ i will hold parties for couples o r all srij_____________________ _________

■Oiic th ing about tills ]ob7 ' she Saldr ou :certa ln ly-leam ‘JiBouhyour:owtt: cuailly. And4>esidcs, it’s a lol more cresting than showing women-how' s tore leftovers in contairiere:” — ~

!R Is a l e

: 7 9 [ b , !

* 1 . 8 9 , b . i

3 GdORS . ;B U D W E I S E R _ L

IL . . — _______________ 1

■ W; , Twin F a it? 7 3 4 -6 8 3 9 - j ■

a r i O - P l Q c e y o u r ____

ton tlon-gortin^— : —


“ NomiiTofrd’For ^ -------SAeodvmrAworidt :

ilO-Ii3}-4:SO ■

H O fd ii l . f e .H h-'i :

"T lm es-W ew s, Twin Falls, Idaho A-9

.-.r*: ■ • -------W NDHOEK.SouttiAfr]

-A frican fightcr-bi

• m if a inside Angola, miliU

^ ^ a s o n M f the deepest lbeil2-year-oId w ar for co rftlliernl-rlch territory of N

—-fS o u th A irlca ii officials s took ,p lace Tuesday agal

' m anned by- about 1,000 , fr6m the Southwest Afrlc;

= Q i ^ a n t z a t t o n 7 = = = = : - A tth e sam e time, Mozai n s irroops 'k illed riw o 'S o l<u MlPP«i In n horder_haltscSslde resort-of-Ponta i T t i ^ a y . • The Mozamb

IColoiit iM y the entire high cc C ^m b ia 's^ m o st active lof

_ l a l r a u p has been killed or a SWecping m ilitary opci t l f e o o rd e r wllh Ecuodo

' i - ( ^ t c d Wednesday. MiTny com m ander Gen.

^ ^ a z a b a l told-reportei h ^ b c r s of the April 19 1

• - - i c g ^ s - M ^ 9 , WUl CT aptt E c j^ in c lashes-that als<

■ ^ e r n m e n t soldiere dead J

>-M (crlor Minister Germa n & o d the prisoners Inclui T S ^ o P lata , a form er i gm lsm an and founder of th g | ^ p , and Rosemberg Pab

__ ?.'Bphimandante Uno" led

B ^ b l i c . Em bassy in Bi

• tAh 'M»19 sqiia id ^ ig ^ -th ' . liJBogota on-Feb. 2 7 ,19S0jm ls from 16 countries, Im

, lK& am bassador, who wen

f tccption. The guerrilla: r hostages unharmed i ana“wlth~B~rcported" o m 61 days later.

-S f f ic o h lirm '^ press refl ^ r i i i a s killed.Jn.fcUa".•IfflDuded ■aiiOiner^xSp W-

— iM h -M a r ln o ■ Ospina, an< I t f f i p n a . Jhp-w.pmi!n_gu^

i i l t . E t n a !

i r o m m a s

lANDAZZO, Sicily (UF la spewed a fiery s trcan a down its slopes Wednc: cano 's most dcstructlvc i iecade, burning, farmi

tQ ireatcn lng tocngu ifcn tirc ^ O f f ic ia l s descnbed the e : ^ a ' s most serious since , r t e volcano blasted rbcl;: f t ^ 'its c ra te rs intcrmittei

i In dam age to road;. l u i ' f a r m buildings.;. ^ n u t h o r i t i c s prepared fot ' ♦‘ f tc u a tlo r is but no on was

n ^ r e d by the deadly flow ' ‘'C^K700 foot .mountain, Europ

m ost active volcano.— “S ^ c le n t ls ts a t the ne&rb>

^ T te rh a tlo n a l Institute of Vo 3 a l d som e of the lava was f ^ ^ t a s 328 feet an hour. Tl

3 IndA r o l l i

• In d o o r /o u td o o r• P o u r .o d p o ly u r o th a i

. . I ^ ^ |.* .S m o o th .a n d E a s L L .B E A R IN G S '• S m o o th a n d S o fo • L o n g G l ld I n gSK A T E C H A S S IS ■

- ^ ^ ^ “• O n 'o -p io c p 'tro d ro t ' — ilght-ond-dow ble-n '

^ ^ ^ H l r K o p i a c e a b l o lo p o &

§ 9 e d

A-lO T im os-N ow s. Twin Fa

^Vfrica (UPI) — agency AI r-bombers o t- ., . so ld le rw as rjlia“T)asc 19^ . R ad io re f liitary officials w ere inflic

K>st a ir ra id s of - - m iles north • control of the Form erly If Namibia . d e ira , Lubi Is sa id th e ra id — m unlcatioa Igainst a base southern A OOO-gucrTlllas— region’s fev [rican Peoples’ garrison of

—- zi.-r:rr:— by SOVlOt bll )zamblque said South Al South 'A frican T B osm ah , H inttle near the— bom bers^h ta do Ouro on lunch tnnir mWcan’ news Irfium ' dar

mbiancI command of em bassy sie I leftist guerrli- A hard-lin lo rcnpturod ln_^M rI9 k illed ; )pcratlon - near C heste r Bltl Qdor, officials a f te r kidnap

m ain leader icn. Fernando .denied any rte rs tha t 75 crim e.19 Movement, N either th ip tnrcm m dnc— the, in lerloF also ieft four count of th< ad Jrv^u lhern followed a n i

on th e town man Zea con- T e r r ito ry i eluded .Carlos border, fr leftist con- T ha i ra id if the guerrilla by leftist gi Pabon, who as Insurgent gi led the two- om bl^ 1964

ie Dominican P re s s ' repo Bogota last troops rush

pursue- the — L ' .............m ad e most o:

Hhe-embae»y— ite - ra W -b u tSM wllhdlpIo-. un til Tucsd in c lu d in g Uie began lom ei vere allending lead e rs ' lllas freed all a i least «

w hen Uiey c dT B T nllliO il^E cuS aoF B ir

they w ere In r e p o ^ said Itandazaba lr

L n m ay iiav e the Colombi M '-l9-lcadcr, addition to a n d ' Carmeiv—Inside ColomI guerrilla who Ecuadoreai

[ spew s m o ssive gasfT(UPl) — Mt. a rm y moved cam of molten into the area Jnesday in the T he lava w ive eruption In a 2,296-fool- rm iands and opening high ire villages. la te Monday e cruption a s the lava had ceJ971 when m iles down iCif and lava destroy ing a illently for 60 and fa rm bu s M lm a te d ^ — Onrvlllages 6 )ads,“ bridges Kandazzo.

P o lice brie; for possible G u ard ia ’s 25(

tvas reported n ight but alh low from the th e ir hom es rope 's tallest w hen th e I

bypassed th e 'irby-C alan ia------By-lhe-aft<Volcanology less th an two

IS flowing a s town o f Rand! .T h e I ta lia n - 't lo n oflS.OOO.

d r e n ' s . R o l l e r A ' l

d o o r /O u td c

l E R S m



t e r s eta in a t 3 rd E ast, T w in Falls

1 Fails. Idaho T hu rsday , Mai

^ n c cAIM said one Moiamblcari ^as wounded. - — • reports (Aid heavy b ^ua lU es . n ic ted .on guerrillas a t the hnspnonr i.iihfltiyn, npnm lai. rth of thcN am r ly known as Sa Da Ban- ubango is the, m ajo r c»m- on and com m ercial c cn te r in.— Angola. J l has one of the

few a lr strips and a sizeable " of Angolan troops supported ; bloc adv lso rs ;^^ -^ -—African Air Force Brig. Hllyser s a id ' thc~ fighter-

-h lt- th e '-c a m p - d u rin g -th e— lur-Tuesday to cause max* lam age, but declined to

giierrilli^W »^>egoH ftloM uFint4h6—siege. '-line dissident faction of theidA m erlcan B iblejranslator__Jitterm an March 7,-48 days . lapping him In Bogota. The lership of the m ovement h as • iny responsibility for the

. the a rm y commande r nor or m inister gave a full ac- ihe arm y operations lhat

in M-19 raid last Wednesday wn of Mocoa In P utum ayo ' n ea r th e E cuadorean

Id w as Ihe largest operation guerrUlas since the first ' groups appeared in Col-

964. ' . .iports said more than ^.OOO- ished, In to 'P u lu m ay o to ie fleeing guerrillas and ;t of the arrests.shortiy a fte r tn it-the)H ver^kep t-secre t— 'Sday when new spapers nentlon th e cap ture of M-19

’48=gucrrillas w ere seized <y fled inlo neighboring i u t i r w ^ n ot'c lea r w hether included jn the total of 75

al menHonedTircoptured by— (ibian a rm y .- r . ,- ; i ; ; r :s s i5 S0 the insurgehls'lirappM

e a n authorities in Quito

ore lava iTiiTsideved soldiers aad equipment •ea.} w as reported pouring from ol-wlde c rack that began Igh o n fltn a ’s northern flank lay night. By We(lnesday, ad rcached more than five m the m ountain 's slopes, '; apple and nut orchards buildings and 'th rea ten ing s of Monte La G uardia and-

riefly evacuated Monte La 250 fnhabltants during the allowed them lo re tu m to ies Wednesday morning1 lava - flows narrow ly He village.iftem oon.-the-flow s-w ere - - wo m iles from ihc m arket ndazzo which has a popula-10. ---------- •• - “

Vction ’loor


2 9 ; 9 9 “ ONLY—

m - s ^[It ' - .

m a m

March 19,1961 '

I •

ri e s ilm a te casualties or dan "T he a ttack cam e as

s ..p rise th a t llltle anll-ain e w as encbunlered. All i

A rm y chief Gen. Const • sa id th e ralc^ was ore- Angola l^ o red n u rae ro u s 1 —s to p -g iv in g , s a n c tu a ry - i g u errillas fighting for co } - territo ry -S ou th -A frica-ft 1 deflanceofU .N .resoIu tlo t

- South A frican m ilitary i th e Mozambique Incident >

. -Ic m is t^ e * ' caused whei w ^S oulh-A /ricaaT palroi-sirf- th e unm arked border- -J • "T hey were- strolling

la leadeI— s a id ' Uiey wer e handing

cap tu red guerrillas to Ihe - ^ r m y .

____ .The El-Uempo id th e captured guer tra ined in Cuba, arm ed

- and en tered Colombia by M ira R iver in ndrthem E< n ew sp ap e r cltbd "ver;

- ' V




Ro^ ^ 9 5 T 2 5 .5 0 NO W 3 .96 -20 .40

- ----------

TERRY ROB14 .9 9 - 1 9

. S o lec lod te rry robi -----------$ 2 8 . m ozzan in o___ _

AAISSE:COBBIES C(1 3 .9 9 - 2 3

E asy -co ra p o ly /g ab -w hito o r b luo. W ero

UNEN-LOO1 6 .9 9 - 3 9

' C lasilS lm on:lcfok-b M issos *1x05.

PLAID BLAZ3 9 . 9 9

_ ____C lassic p a tch pbckols lack s . Rog. $56 .

___ HAbiOBAG;9 ^ 9 9 - 2 1 :‘A sso rto d le a th e r ori G tso v in g s. .

SPORT SOCI 2 / 3 . 9 9 -

, .G re a t se le c tio n of ii c o lo r s trip in g . Fit slw

CASUAL SAI1 4 . 9 9 ™

C om fortob le , ta n som

c 6 b b ie c u c

2 4 . 9 9C o m fo rtab le w dlkini

-------- y ppoV:-Ton o n ly .-----—

A ^ 'S D R E S!

- 3 9 . 9 9 -^F re e m a n 'E sse x ' d res

a n d u p p e r , s t r e e t flop



-T s ^ ^ w o - to n e - 'n ^ b n jocRi w e .-o $ 2 5 .

"ETOy'S PLAID9 . 9 9 -F am ous m a k e r long S izes 8 -]6 . Ih ird 'floo r

Shop"doiry i 6'5;3Q

i s in tia m ag es .. beach anc^ s such a sur- fire wlthou irc ra ft action said . “ The

a trc ra fl ^ 'wIlHoirt n j^

(Stand VUjoM h u r t." irdered aft^r T h e g u e n jswamlngsito,--* low-keyed t '_ to ..SW A PO — for-4he-paB control of the w re s tc o n tr b a s -n iled -in — froiiiSouU i ona. o f Angola ay sources said— ‘nie--Ur^;haj i tw a s ‘'a tra g - allow the fi l e n a 50-man achieve ‘ In [ ra y e M c ro s S ^ A fr lc a h a s i

Afi^ca was tg along th e— tro lo f th e a :

ers caphe Colombian T he M-IS

g u errilla gr iper.of B ogo ta__ lt_w as,o rg i errllias w ere n am e from d in P anam a o f April 19 jy way of the G ustavo RoJ Ecuador. The and h is youl ery re liab le . . th is a s a s ig i

r . . .



I ‘ ^Salo o n d s A pril 1 l . 'l9 B

- R O B E S - - BES9 . 9 9 —b o s in a s s o r to d s ty le s a r

E S S P O R T S V '

rOORDINATES3 . 9 9jbard in© jockots, p a n ts , > ro $ 2 0 .$ 3 2 .

3K COORD INA'9 . 9 9•btu i o is. po n ts,—ond-ait-tft!


.ot>.blazers J o m p i im o n t

lCCESSORIEiS_____■;_______.9 9 ■'arid vinyl c lu tch es o n d sh


■ la d le s sp o rt so c k s In y/h Iros 8 '/ , - n .

<NDAL ’ ^

indoi w ith w e d g e s ty le rub


ing sh o o w ith ru b b e r Si


e s s s h o e In .b ro w n o r bla 3or._______________________

: h i l d r e n s

)JA C K ETS ^ ^

:k d « " w i!h ’ p o ly /c o tro n -fir


9 s lo e v o p lo id sk ir ts In r


io T F r l . t i l 7 . S u n . 1 2 -4

g G f l a ix ^ lh e Mozambicans ^>ened MUt w arning," one source 1)6 patro l turned and ran Irlog.b'ack. One m an w as hll

lerriUas have been fighting a d bush w ar along the border jaat-l2 -ycar8 -ln -aU em pl-lo - Qtrol of m ineral-rich Nambla llh AfrlcarNHinlblti b ouUth~ a and north of South AfHca. hastonJeredrSoulb A frlca .to - : fo rm er G erm an colony to

Independance, but Soulh ts refused,AfIer.W W llSouUi- as given adm inislrativo con-; •a re a u n d em UN-roandate.—

>tured■for 'lls rtp(jftr1-19 Is one of five m ajor groups active In Colombia.

rgaQ lM dJnJ973._laklng_lts_ im the presidential elections' 19, 1970. F orm er D ictator

Rojas PinUla lost the election outhful leftist followers look Jgnal lo go underground.



981 ~

a n d co lo rs. W ore to


s, ond sk irts in red .


trtft-in -w h ite -o r-r-9d____ _

nf spring^-sklrts o n d


s h o u l3 i r bags, now

yvhite w ith o s so r te d

u b b e r s o ie .

so le a n d le a th e r "


b lack . L e a th e r so ld

l in in g ; 'S l j « : - 8 n 6 7 ^= "—•

In w e s te rn sty les.



fill _

“ " E Rlla . ^ U i l Bth— — —:a.to__: :=__loIh

— - C A L L R O

A R M C (

- \ / ^i l s _ .O E H C E j;3 3 r4 ia B _ “ ■ H O M E :4 2 J-< « M


I Z KNIT s p o i ----------------^ 1 3 v 9 9 —

• L inen-look s tr ip e p u llo v e r w ith coll<

PLAID SPC9 . 9 9

R eg. $ 1 5 . s t r e e t t l i

SOFA PILL 5 : 9 9 —N o tu ro l 'to n e so fo

SATIN HA6 . 9 9 s e t S tE legan t, sc e n te d s

SO N A TA !■ 3 . 9 9 bo th

Soft, a b s o rb e n t i< ro g . B.OO, 3 .9 9 . Ha


~ S A N G O SI4 9 . 9 9 so r^'O rb it ' p a t te rn stor

INGRID PL9 9 ' - 9 . 9 9B right d u ra b le pic Choos>> p la te s , be

CUISINARl1 9 9 . 9 9

Sovo on c lo se -o u t > th ird floor.

“ “ ENDSjH A L F A / I



— * 2 1 9 - *S te rlin g f la tw a re 4-

- TOWLE/GORh— _ ^ I N _ T E R N />

BONUS N o. l :W r th y a 9 -cu p s liv e rp la fe d c BONUS N o. 2 : W ith y a y-cup c d ra re r 'p lu i re ta i l v o lu e $ 9 0 . ’ BONUS N o. 3 : W ith y

- a 9 -c u p C Trafe. on~op H ^ .tt£ y Jc fL lf il( i l .c e la lb u ' ~ SPECIAL'BONUSrW it

S_; r j e f ; p i u T ^ f T O 'O ^ ^ s te r lln g 'f lo tw a re * As

:_____ e x te n d e d crecilt-p lan j__ __ ^$100 bonu* Cf»du» or« r— w o r t 1h» purehcM* o t t t * r l

Concallatlon ol ord*r oll«f liond)org» .





• s C U L V E R T P I P E Y O

O Y I S I m i 6 ’' t o 6 0 " i

■k----------; ^ A l w r W * I D I B^ 6 '’ l o »; n . MS-SEWI

. n u n c i i


. 1790J<ln^beri

m £ H i


0 k n it sh ir ts fro m M iste r Hor.


^ 9 V e p la id sh ir ts of eo s ' t lb o r

-.....LINENS-l o w s

Fo p lllow s in th ro e d e s ig n s . .

VNGERS - -if 5 '1 sa tin h a n g e rs In se v e ra l cc


lo o p ed te rry to w e ls In > iancl, re g . jS.OO, 2 ,9 9 . W ash ,

-lOUSEWARnrONEWARE—rvice fo r 8o n e w a re In b lu e o r b row n b

LASTICWARE9slo stlcw aro In rod, b lue , ) bow ls, .m ugs, p itc h e rs anc

:t f o 6 d p r o c e

t of 1980 C u isino rt m odel 1

MARCHS^ILLIONJDOBONUS LING SIL\ rWARE S /'■539'p;r;-7c . p la c c 4-pc. p lace se ttin g s , o rlg . fnmAM/REED& BARTON lATlONAL/WALLACE/LI y o u r p u rc h a se of tw o 4-p< i c a ro fe . R etail v a lu e $ 40 . y o u r p u rc h o se o f fo u r 4 -pc

u* a .3 iq t._ » H v erp ia ted Io p (

I y o u r 'p u rc h a s e o f six 4>pc apen b a k e r , p lu s o 4-pc. sIh■vqIub.116'S._____________ _/ith t h e W c h a s e o f elBh*w p - c o r W » p ir r ^ p .en :b q k w r e d l f ^ o o d i a w a r d - f h e ^ ^ ^sk y o u r s a le s p e rs o n fo r d< ns.__________...............................I pot r«dM mobi« fo r ' cash and m »rling flatwar«. Cradit m uil b« ui l«r bonui cr«dlt It u iad will r««yll

PHONE THE BON NEARECTy»-Toll-ffee.calM •8(D0'426-0i AT THE BON. A UNIT OF

irou needf^ = =) " I n s t o c k . ~

» ' i m o i U I E S! » '■SEWEIPIPEtItUSSIIHIIHm K— -------------

a c o , I N C .

^ 0 _ D U C T S .P iy jS I0 N ______le rly Rd., T w in FellSf Id.

m i wTW IN F A L LS

^ _______

te r M an. S hort siloovo

ea sy -c o re p o ly /co tto n . r

n s ..v -f . ‘y ■ ' r ' ’'

ll co lors, fhlrd flo o r ,

In viv id co lo rs . Bath, ash, reg . 2 .50 , 1 .49 . •

RES ___

/n bonds.

. -i'e, y e llo w a n d w h ite , a n d t ro y , Reg. 2 .00-

: e s s o r

iol 15LC7^ Rog. $250 .

2 2 n d OLLAR

.VERALEa c e so ttin g ' . •>. from $ 4 6 0-5678 '3N/OWeIDA........ - ........ ..........E /L U N t .

(-pc. p la c e se ttin g s :.0. '• \l-pc. p la c e s e t t in g s : _ ______open _ S ak e tQ L _ _______

l>pc. p la c e s e ttin g s : -5 ily e rp ia j» .d e o ifM _ . j ____

'teBriCL^lPtLlCOffBB__ r _____- p u F a r o r e - ^ f - y ^ f - r d e ta i ls o b o u t o u r

id moy b« u»*d only fo- i« Utad at point ol ial«, •tylilnaSIOOcancello-

ECTYOli16-0822—-------------—--------- -------r OF-ALLIED STORES

-1 , ■ '

- —

Survey il G erm ans

-dislike Jc— Thirty-six y ears afler

' .tlo n of-Adolf-HJUcr’s T anti*Scmitism is stiii s tro n g in West Germ any. i a public oplnion‘poll-pub

--------- nesday,------------ i----------- 1------------T he-p o lh -o n e-o f-tw o ---------anti-Sem itism conducte*

. sh o w cd U a th a lfo fth eW c surveyed were prejudieet

n g a ln s t^ cws. th

’ O f ^ o s e surveyed,Ton pronounced anti-Semitic thcpoiifound .

T he S tem poll, based c '' conducted by sociologist E

c lo s e d * ^ o n i ja y ^ ^ * ^ n ^ Eter Spiegel. T hat survey p c rcen t of W e st' Gem iTCIiGvc Germ any w as bett

-------- H itle r I h a n i n s i o d a y : ^The- su rvey ,' conducted

c611or;HeJmut Schmidt, dl “ a la rm in g fac t" that G e rm an in seven is

D er S tem said despite t a ls of Nazi a trocities in su shown film s a s "P laying th e ‘'p rejudices against hav e not died out.

"A t-the sam e tim e, man h a v e reservations, -aboi w orkers In G erm any," It ac

A n ti-S e m itism w as am ong o lder people. In th group, 61 perccnt held the s p re jud ice tha t Jew s are ce m e d with money, than otl

B ut D er S tem s i ld neo•^ a r e trying to inculcate pi children too. In one re'

- — neo-Na2is_ ln_ lhe_c itj' of d istribu ted leaflets to cHlia th e Nazi m assacre of 6 m during World W ar II w p ropaganda ."

D er S tem said 27 perc W est G erm ans surveyed be “ som e races a rc p r^ isp c m ore

o c l v '

"^takeover-. — MEXICO.CITY ( U P I ) .- : . reu sed th e CIA Wedne

m asterm inding last month’! of th e Ecuadoran E m b assy : In o rd e r to sou r relations be C om m unist Island and t A m erican nation.

C uba’s ' Acting Foreign R icardo A larcon said the < n ized the storm ing of the £ E m bassy on Feb. 13 with he

.P o rtu g u ese diplom at,, th govern m en t;o w ,n ed -n ew s

— P re n sa L atina reported.T he Portuguese dlplomai

___ c alled to Lisbon where hi_■ W ^ h e ^ ^ A H d^ortogaU n

. ly expelled Cuba’s ambai re ta lia tion for H avana’s chai

T he am bassador's expuls only two weelts-afler--W ) charged Cuba with prove ou ste r of four U.S. dlplom M ozambique, - a form er-P ( A frican colony, and sever a f te r Lisbon e)(f^llcd-four

— "in th e country’s in tem alnffal--------R elations-betw eeiv-E cua

Cuba plum m eted when Ciib£ ■ ly forces broke Into the Ei

E m bassy a 'w eek a fte r it w. , la s t .m o n th artd arrested I

dissidents who had held fo m a ts hostage while dema: leave the island. .

E c u a d o ra n — P re s id e n t R o ldos,ls^ ing” Cuban police dip lom atic im m unity, has Ihi b reak re lations with Cuba ui dissidents a re freed and ret th e E cuadoran E m b ass/ln H

------- C uba 'said It'would nofoon;Roldos’ dem and.

' It I s to o la t e t o d a h n a

---------------d e d u c t io n o r c re d io v e ito d K e d b n a 1 9 7 7 » o x re ti im .

□ TIt m □ F a ls e__ ____ l6»uJwwia|jpuj_am«!dlnga

____ rcium, yog probably know thanswer. If rou don i. maybe') need >UR Block. B e a u x »&R.BIocii Itnowii-ax tawi th:

— ytxi not KovTYmrCTn

= ------tl<Hluni>iii.-giHi-tmimup-m-' —three jw fstfieM hc-nilng-.—

.deadline So the an.nwr to ^ — Ihc ouetilon l5 FAISE. .


;h«r b l o c ki.JME INCOM6"TAlmOPLe

TMlUt ' ( H ’ w n \— •mshi.n—inr*iin—■turt-'-nin m '» .B i PHR1


Finds ■■■ is~stitt~l— ' ew s 1

[er the destruc- H> Third Reich,- H •111 alarm ingly ■ ~~:i- )y. according to ' H —published Wed- ■

Ivo -B urvevs-O n-^B - cted recently, ■West G erm ans ■

iced to varying H ‘ . th e m agazine

~one-third had-'-*B • tic prejudices, ■

}d on a survey . H st Badi P anahi, ■

iew s m ^ a z in e H ^ey reported 18 ■ e rm a n , voters H je t t e r ^ f f u n d e r _ H

Ited for Chan= H idisclosed the ■ $

at one West ■is ex trem ely ■s a id : ‘ .. M " "tc the portray- H) such recently H ing for Tim e,”Mt J e w s - s t i l l - : ® . . .

lan y G erm ans H ^ ibout foreign ■ . ^It added. ■ . J IS s tro n g e s t ■I th e 5 0 ^ age ■he s te re o ty p e H ^ire more con- ■ ^I othe r races .___ H•o-Nazl groijps ' ■! prejudice in H Mrecent case , ■ ^of E rlangen H 'i

H l i a f e n s a y i n g - * ----------A; million Jew s f l c ^ 1 was "lying H

ercent of the H ^ 1 believed tha t ■ ^ is | e ( l to be H

; s ■ 1 ;-

ind B

I —-C uba 'ac* - H — • dn esday of ■ ith’s takeoverisy In H avana H . '5 between the ■1 the South H

Ign 'M in is te rlie CIA orga% H “le EcuadoraiVi ■ —1 help from a H . ' 7 7

the_^Cuban ■!ws -a g e n c y ' H '■ z r-

m at was rc- H .! he arrived H l^m m edlate-— ib a s p a o r 'in ' ■ H ■ :harges. . ■ " A n r )ulsiort cam e-W ashington-- ■ - s r S T i , : ovoklng the; ■ n O T l lomats from H ’ • .■ - P o r tu g e s e —■ 1 1 1 - 1 1 ven months H ■ :our-mlddIc- ■ O G S I■■Intnirflng’' M .

iffairs. ' ---------- —cuadot; and - H liban s c c u r i- ' H ' t Ecuadoran ■ t was seized H d 13 Cuban ■I foiir dlplo- ■ manding to H

•nt J a im e - B ~ .......- •lice violated '; lh r c a te d to ' ■ a u n le ^ th e H returned to H

n H a v a n a .,__ _________lomply'with H

I J - Ae d f t A - ■ COII a - . -m. ■ .Isa " 1 ‘ 'ngatax _______

be you ■

5 that H

Ttookfd-------------1 ------------------ :-10------■- ------ •;------

u m

£ I ^" 1 4 6 4 V^ Mn

II.M H .......................


iricu lture play f io¥ rW e 're~ p l th e o g ricu ltu rserves i i !


330 Fifth S tro o t South ___ 73 3 -6692

i WOLVERTOn I INTERNATIONALI 161 Tiiird A v en u e V U . 733-9112


l2 9 C o jin e y S tro o tr

— —


T 7 3 3 -4502

Washington S tre 3 3 : ; i - 7 3 3 - l 7 I 5


«bi | - Jays g v ita l r< p“r ^ “d to.’Kor ira l b u s in e s s

M W . — .

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I L I N C .e W ost -

JS T R U C T IO N rin c .LERCIAL BUILDING .>t N orth >

T ’ ... ■ERS -

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•ole m th e g >nor oil th e I s . . . a n d to i

72 9 C om m .rclo l


_ _ _ _ _TRAKimbe

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— 630-RollfoL - _ • ■ ^ ___7 ^

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g ro w th , e c pi hcirdw orkirt

I s e e th is ins

M W F p ic:lol Avo.; W n Fails 733

BURKS:act0R-C0.-KHaerly Rood East 733-5543

C RIVCR TIR€m 1275 Btuo Lakes


lOACHFEEDCHSUPPLY_A v en u e South '

LS LIVESTOCK ISSIONCO_ _ _ _rood A v en u e —3 . 7 4 7 4 ’ ~ ~

i i i i i i i i i l

P ' V ^

ortom yT^and ng p e o p le of n d ustry g e t 1

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Kim berly Road 734-4121 '

3 l i o b e r t -

9 J o n e s R <

1766 A ddison A v ___. ._ 7 3 3 :p 4 p ;


85 6 R usset 7 33-5664

M G IC lA lirY “TERNATIONfttINC19 F ourth A v o n u o W est

■ 733-4266

fiN FALLS TRACTO in IHPLFMFNT COtK # _ . i lT i i_ t ;k i i ib i1 i r . u u-1935-K im berly^R oadr_ ; . . . ._ 7 3 3 r 8 6 8 7 ^ - . .^ - ^ W

: Fourth A v e n u e South 7 3 3-1373

yT M 8fcM 9rl981-------^Times-N-NftwJrT-win-FaitsrlcJafio A - n r - '

f e t

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T 'o f 'o u r * ^ c V a lley I n itlon it I

I j

leali^A vonuo fa s t.

S :. . - . f l i

'./SKXEB T'•v »i« ie s t^ ^ -C H .r

TOR a j

h h h i h ^ h I ' 'I

F i r e'M E X IC O CITY (Up D -

’th rough a luxury hotel pa A m erican touri^ls In W Tuesday, killing a t l e ^ t t

•X and Injuring a t least 6 ffldaIssaI4 .

. .E m p lo y e e s of the i9-£ M aria Isat>cl Sheraton sal ryared through th e top thr

; on lo "b a lran i« to cscapc I sm oke.

WARSAW. Poland (Ul w idest W arsaw P ac t w an

— th e invasion of Czech(Jslo' ■' I n p oiand-WedneadayrgR

c t, C jcch, E ast German troops in cxcrclscs vlcw£ c e m in light of Poland’s la

Few details of the dObbed "A lliance ’8 i;” nounced. In te rm s of tc ex ercises w ere the. large; 1969 m aneuvers tha t fc Soviet Invasion of Czccho: previous year.

However, th ere were^ th a t the num ber of trooi

Talks I"-W ASHINGTON (U PI) • m in istra tion has opened < w ith E gypt and Israel

. m ulti-nation peace-keepin . th e S loat, but th e talks d<

I ' th e possibility of an Ame li ' th e re , a S ta te D cpartihent'

sa id W ednesday.I . T he h istoric peace trea I E g y p t and Israe l calls fc

ixatlon force to serve a s ' 1 sc reen betw een the two a r

' -s tra teg ic desert wasteland.- Israe l Is to complete its ’

T — ftrom the SInal In April iftp lacem ent o f the security ( fo rces m u st c o T ^ t tho sa

^ th e peace agreem ent will dlzed.; T he U.S. h a s new agreci

A frica for th e use of m llltai w d supply facilities by

-------Deploym ent-Force-lf-lt-is.• th e .a re a to p ro tec t W ester

- — e s ts .- .................... .........■ Is rae l approves-the idei

, _ m an en l A m erican m ilitary M iddle E ast;

On Capitol Hill, Secreta------ A lexander H aig said there

* b llity of a UDlted Natl< keeping force In the Sinai I Soviet Union would veto I th e Security Council;. *‘B ut. I doubt Israel w

IT’S — « E / I


- ' . Agricuituthan one a n d hop of Idaho

_ : ______ idrgesLjevery ye(


^ Joddyi tl: " iPeD.the

' ddirymei_ ____ some_dc, sure the'

I . innitatlon. f M —

U N I '

A-12 T in ie s -N e w s. Twin Fa

( O a g i) — F ire raged____ D r.-F cmI patronized by rcscuc squ

Mexico City blaze, said s t th ree people fjro and tql

ast 15 others, A m erican.T he num l

19-story Hotel by spokesn' said the blaze, bulancc ser th ree floors of n u m b e r o

>c the- fire a n d - - t ion rangK i "A t first

(UPI) The. w a ssm a lle /argam cs since ta ry official Slo v ak ia began In WashI :«RHiptog-Swi.— thoy- wofe-l lan and Polish b le Soviet ewed with con* they w ere 1 s labor unrest: o f S ta te Ale le m aneuvers,' concern ovi i ; '— w ere-an*— huge’* m il

territo ry , the Polish bordi rgest since ihc Although

followed the . th e duratloi :hoslovakla the announced,

ficlal said I ire in d ic a tio n s involved no rooDS Involved " I t appca

begin on[) — T h e a d - - 'w i th d r a w f i sd discussions secu rity for ’ael about a som e comi iping force In . therefore su } do not cover, .som eA m eri >m erlca^ base P resident ‘nt'spbkesm an ' ' In'g'the'pcac

reaty between 3 for a multi* a s a security I a rm ies In t h e '

its withdrawal 19^, and the

ty o r observer ssa m e tlm e o r vlll be Jeopar-

reem ents with

I ta ry a ir s tr ip s "3y the Rapid -is-ordcred-to—Item oil Inter*

idea a p c r > ' l ' ^ ^ ^ B s ary base in t h V _ ; ^ H | ^ 9 f l

e ta ry of § tateere is no p ossl-- | H B H atlons i^acc*al becausc the. B B B B H to the idea i n '

I would ever

s k i diYOUR


IS A Cture is the heartb ne. It's o n e of ou apes for the future lo ’s econom y on „categotiesi_^cor

'ear to our state’s

J l ^ r e ' o f e “ 6 v e r ;

ley produced 2.0 len of Idaho urge dairy_productsJt ley are the REAL >n.

M D--------------------------------

O l

I I T E D D A I R '

I Falls . Id ah o . T h u rsd ay .M ar

e s ^ t i r‘m ando Vlnas, working with iquads a t the scene of th e - r lid th ree people died In the told U y i ^ e o t the victim^' ruiaim r whu "IM Ke^Jike" an n.m ber of dead w as confirmed fsmen for Mexico City 's a m - . service, but estim ates on the

of v ic tim s hospita lized

iKTfrom 15 to as m any as 65.— s t wc d idn 't believe It.” said

Her than what W estern mill- ilals had expected. . shington, U.S. officials said

e t invasion of Poland then •e last week, when Secretary \Icxandcr Haig spoke of U.S. o ver w hat he said would be n lllta ry m aneuvers along th e — the num ber o f troops and tion of the M crclse was not !d, a S tate D epartm ent of- d It. seem ed the maneuvers no m ore than 25,000 men. tcare a t this tim e thCrc Is ho

ri Sinai p€'•from the Sinai-w ithout a • force in which they c an take im fort,” Haig said, and ' such a force "m ay require

erican participation."•nt Jim m y Carter, In arrang- 2acc'accoi^s'bctw& en'Egypt

U L T U.........

I .................H i J M: . « ■ ■ ■ «


■ . .2lV —-- .

toeat of America it lur country’s great* re. Agrlculturels th( jnd dairy farming i oQtiibuting_oveL_! (’s econom y.

• 2;ff00 ddTrymen .053 billion pouridi ge you to enjoy al theiiLmillc-ptoVlde! VL thing, not q di:


\YMEN O F 11

.la rch 19,1081

h L a rry Rubin of Clevelam e - r w a s 'a t a cocktail party c house when the flre -b r

Rubin said the party gi 1 Xor th e s ta irs a s sm oke 1 I’ . the.hallw ays. He said h e ' c. th e bathroom with anothe i w et towels.

‘ ^ u l d n ' t m ake IITT — bathroom . The sm oke v i you couldn 't see throug

- m a jo r troop movement w ith th is exercise,” anot

3 ficlal said. " .

fl new spaper of the Pol / forces, sa id the Alliance

v e rs would take place In I e G e r m a n y , S o v ie t Ue — C zechslovaklar— ------

“ Alliance *8i is a test o 1 ba ttle rttadlness of th' t a rm ies . We shall ope- shoulder to shoulder.on . 3 se a and In the air, dei

unyielding will an d tto fa ) fo r th e defense of thb So

>eaice for<I. ' 'a n d Israeli- committed ! S ta te s to providing i t ' e s tim a te d 2 ,000*membe ! force If a niultl-natlongro

be established. Israel has any intem atlonal force 1 un less A m ^ ric ^ tn w p s ar

A griculture Da

71S!SWIeSi ?

I R E :■ a i n K B ^

H ®p i r .

'I -

I in'more ways 3test strengths fhe.backbone ; g is one of the L_^00:_mllllon__

T in Iddho^ln ~ ids of milk. The all thew hole-leS_and_tbJ3e,__disappointing


I M e xmd, Ohio, who w ent back y on the p e n t- ' door behln( b ro k e o u t . , " I balcony.'f." m Tnut^ Were ' " 'H e s ^

guests dashed balcony .B began filling "T he w e w ent back to 'h y b ln s a ld h e r m an to get if he could

again. W et USCKTi'uiki the of theoncs- w as sd th ic k - . FJrem en

ugh it. So we o th e rs on t

le ’ in Pnt associated . m onwealth, lother U.S. of- A m llltar;

m aneuvers . ,thff,.nfflftlaL— when-troo|> >ollsh arm ed th e ir traUilr ce '81 maneu* ..I Poland, E ast T h e c U n io n - a n d ' Czechoslovi

-------- . .^ •• thcW est:b i; of forces and v is iting C; the fra ternal Bohuslav « pera te again th e re w as r n .the_ground,_ . P oland nbv lem onstratlng ig^s ' failing abilitySocialist com- The Sovli

____ rep eatly w

' g ive r ise tL • o th e r refor

^ a s t Bloc.d the United

a ll of th e r securityroup could not S S Sas objected to ■ V . ■s In the Sinai P I f j ■areincluded . ^ ^ i f "

' 9Bh3ayl981 ^ V H H

^ HIBBBi * Ol

• O l

' O '

■ O l

E 9 Fi M ' S r a i ---------------- t i l

- M o’m S S • O lS S m - $ 4

II A g ri* . P T 'v J

. I p rou

S a '



■ ' 0 ^

o c a f f ick to the room, 'Slammcd the lind us ah^w aitcd it oUton the

id~a m a n rw wiie ana two

w o m a i t 'w a s ' h ^ t e r i ^ " Ud. “ The husband went to sec lid get out. We n ever saw him fc th ink he m ay have been oneerw jiow as killed ---------------:en rescued Rublri and the n th e bajcony, and led them

ith," the newspaper said.;ary source said the full scale •rs .would conlm ence F riday,

jiing a r e a s . .

, c ’0 m p a r 1 s 0 n w i t h ovakia was draw n not only In ;but:ltJWoscow_ltself^wh_erei Czech Foreign M lnlster_

' C^hnoupck said Tuesday s m uch In common between ibw and C ^ h o s lo v a k la in

)vlets, for their pa rt, have w arned . tha t Poland’s In-

it labor m ovement m ust not J to political I liberties and form s unacceptable to the

■ r r f ^ i r i P " r : z . ± _ ^ _____ V A U i

:S iS 8 !EA RTk e a m in u te o n tl

O u r N a t i o n ’ s I n

O u r N a t i o n ' s * 1 E i o v e r 1 5 m i l l i o n p e (

O u r _ N a t l o n ’ s _ f X I n F i g h t e r — p r o d u c t i v

t i m e s g r e a t e r t h a n I n d u s t r y o y ^ e r p a s t

O u r N a t i o n ’ s * 1 E x

$ 4 0 b l l l l o n J n J 9 8 q

[ r lc u l tu re — th e he ;w hat m a k e s A m eri )ud of. Let’s sa lu te

ive t im e With A

f e — .

7 M E U a n u i

P.O. Drawei

the out of the burning hotel, the Oya DIQuadlo, 23, of

she saw th ree pMple !wo w om an, and a sm all t>0) hjg— the roof of the -hotel-fr

' . th rea ten ing to Jump 01 ITT' sec

1 s t in Feai T R f i - R f i

liely. U ■vWB'

I From *3lR A D IO SH A C


I a g rIT ’S '

rBEATt h i s s p e c i a l d a y I

I n d u s t r y — Tl

E m p lo y e r —■ eo p le .

I n f l a t i o n

t iv l ty g r o w t h 5 m n b n - f a r m ‘I t 5 ’y e a r s .

E x p o r te r — 'J a 3 0 . of

le a rtb ea t o f o u r nat :rica_strong. A stop :e it on A g ricu ltu re

i In th e Ifi ACME Til ad e o f Sp

, ■ ~ - 7“ —Vou'llrspe . -- tools w h e n

tilli A

•4 ^

^ to o wPOIIlfSA>YOURtO

— O u r - n a n r

M fa c tu rm g C

« e r Z F i le r . Id aF io 8 3 3

;1, Rubin said. rcscued by of Chicago, said T here w ie .-r- a man:, a causc •oy — trapped on official sa l -s c F e a m ln ^ o d — fiF »««»p( off. They w ere w ith tho cn

S l la t u r e s , P e r f b r m i

i q 7 ^ l o r C O M

Speclacu r j B B Graphics1 1 ^ 1 Sound :1 1 - I Plug-In PI M B - ------- E n l f t e i w■ 1 0 m Use— * Write You

And Save Cassettes

------•'E asy forE. - Expandati g g




M C O L lYOUR'A M E l' t o t h in k a b o u t a

The efficiency of G.S, ac

our after-tax Inccrne on Food Items in less tim e t in o ther nations around

-o r exanriple: the typital vorks 16 m inutes to-edr )irloin steak — com pare -ranee, 60 In the Soviet Japan, iand.455 in the P< >f China.

atioh’s ecohoT rT ^It’ Iry tha t every A rtier

D ay , 1 9 8 1 !

■iddllage Sha| pace-A ge

a e n d - lc s s - t im e re p ia c in g -b y o u s te p u p tQ .A cm e 's

iliage s h a p e s m a d e w ith s i ALLOY S tee l. C H R O M E /

a n d n i.ore d u r a b le .th a n <

T h e y 're so s tro n g an< -------------:------ a r e o f f e r i r

“ A ny A c ^ e 1 b re a k s o t

_____ .u sefu c h o ( ti-

is w o rn off] H / . f r e e o t .cWi A c m e G e n e ra l P1/f So s e e y o u r Io m I A cr

g u a r a n te e d to tjg h tl] ; w h ile y o u 'r e th e r e , ;

— --------- r—r ~ — - c o m p le te

im E mND SWEEPS ICAL DEALEin e - M V & - w e ! r e - t h e - b e s

and o u r pro

C o m p a n y^ l i

3328 Phone (208) 326

r i l l e d ^d by firem en, Ms. Gaudio said, e W9S no official report on the of.the fire,.but one Red CroSs sa id th e hotel lacked sufflciept

oemergcncy.. ________

s s e oi f l B U T E H S r : —

mance, Price!M P U T E R ^ ^

icular C olor’ ^ic s and E x c itin gIn Program Paks for Blom»n l, Pc rto nal------ ;--------

four Own Programs' ave Them onItes_____________I__________a r B e g in n e r s to U ie r~ -------- —dable for Experts;tour own color Ti/nnO ■0 iCCC'doj or Bo»r OOtJ - —

1-80 C O M P U T E R S M $ 2 4 9 T O S10;000 .


TQRE:I -:r i c a !t a g r ic u l tu r e :

. ag ricu iture heipsi&4©-«pend4«ss-of________on food and earn le th an consum ers nd the world

ital”Am47ican’ 'e&rn-1 pound of----------------;ared to 3 4 in'let Gnion, 174 in 11 P eop le’s Republic |

---------^lerican can be. ‘ |

a p e s ;

e M e t a l

ig-broken:cuitivation—r e's new heat-treated ‘ !• h superior CHROME •IE ALLOY is stronger an other steel alloys.

. So it lasts longer, and-durable that we ering-an ouistanding— . -- ;r e - a g a ln s f b Te a k a g e ;--------------- -

ie TiilaRe Shape that ____ .5 or bends during its (ul-life (l.e.-before VS i the cutting surface off) will be replaced ot.charge if all other i..; ai Product Warranty ' provisions are met."Acme dealer for pur 1 tillage shapes.*.and re, ask about Acme's • ete^tacklng'Systemr^----------

I F !SAT__^ ■ _ n ,

lest - ■ :__1 ^ 1i r o d u c ts ^ ro v e it.

. i

I n c ,


In 1980. total gros" f ■

Jackprlmes-News writer

__ Ji^ K P O T . Nev. - U is ta te of N evada cclebrati

--------- to d a y . ......—- ....... ...........Jackpo t, southern Idah(

h a s gam bled' for only tii u p s ta rt border town seen ttie p ld c s th o tsp o to n th c l

l l i c s ta te may count g billions, and Jackpot on) th a t greenback river haj tow irto perpetual h ca lth -

L as Vegas and Reno; ' N evada’s gam ing industr;

sp e c ia l go lden ann iv Jack p o t’s casino owners m a jo r events. Yet the

.benefit of legislation Ic

Shortc''^Health distriBy BONNIE BAIRD JON

Z _____

■ B U R L E Y -A 1981-821 - C entral H ealth District

^ ' $94,000fortheyear. ^

D istric t A dm inistrator tr lc t ’s estim ated revenue and h e is proposing a bud]

H e said la s t y ea r reve _ short rif an»«pa1bd ravei

abou t a 20 pcrcent incre _ d iffrerence. Exependitu

based on th a t budget, wii ■ w ithin $180 or the actual r

J i u r e t M id 'th e Jo in t F Com m ittee h as r ^ m m e th e s ta te ’s, r e ^ i ^ 67 p hea lth dlstrfcts.

________T his should.glve.the loc

O akiey woman i• BURLEY - An Oakley woi

ry condition W ednesday nigh ' (al a f te r a one-car rollover 151

- -C ass ia -C o u n ly -S h e riffs c W agner, w as nortbboun H i^ w a y 27 when tfie c a r sh< tim es and stopped 17 feet wesl

*— ^W flgnets-was-thrbwn-lhni receiv ing a head Injury and tx

Two children tah— T WIN PALLS - T WU' Chll

c a re w ere taken from the Lini — Bnfti‘Hftnn~TwinrflllgTX)Hcg~a

Don Joy, fo ste r fa ther of H H olland, 9, sa id the childre school a rea . Police said tl m em bers of th e children’s m

— actlon a s th e resu lt of a custod Joy , o f.R oule 1, Twin Fall

.. tak en from th e playground h* H is s is te r w as (aken while en i close o f W e d n ^ a y ’s c l a ^ , h a s c a red for the children sin ch ild ren w ere In a c a r reportc theschool.

Minidoka County Magistral, been Involved In the custody i

OSS g a m i n g r e v e n u e s fo

—- ■ Stat

yoicas^3RUW ----------------------------

Legalized gam bling In the ra tes 'I ls 50lh anniversary

laho’s own gam ing mecca,I half tha(<Ulme. But the eem s to hold its own with . ie Las Vegas s trip . 'It gam ing revenues in the only in the millions, but- has nourished the desert l h - - •no; the g randparen ts o( istry^ have geared up for a • n iv f r s a ry c e le b ra tio n , srs have not planned any lie town has reaped the

legalizing gam bling on -

-------------- ----------- ---------------

agetrict budget topi(ONES

82 budget proposal for the Sou ict shows a shortage of abo

itor G crald .H urst said the di nue for the y e a r is $1.18 millli m dgeto f$ l.28m lllion .,

evenuw w ere about 10 percei»vpniii> Th>> rtlfitrtfl flntlPlpnt* icrease in fees to m ake up .(I iitures for tbe cu rren t yea “wiu tbiw 51.14 miaion7comir al revenue, h e sa id . _ it F lnance 'and Approprialloi imended enough m oney to g ie 7 percent m atching money fi


l y wgillllcI injured i n crashwoman w as listed In satis/act light In C assia M emorial Hosf ' 15 m iles south of here, s officers $aid -R honda-L yr o u n d 'W ei^esday m orning c she w as d riving rolled sever

vesto lthehighw ay. J i ro u ^ -th e -d r lv e r-’s-windov dbodylaccrations.

aken from schoolcmHlivirtm npoiaiH y In fu!>H Lincoln School a rea Wednesda

^H eleh Holland, 11, and Bruc dren w ere rem oved from th I they Suspect one o r mor i natural fam ily undertook thtodym atter.-------------------------Falls, said B ruce Holland m d between 12: JO and 12:45 p .n en route to her h o o l bus a t th ses. Mid the foster'fa ther, wh since March 2. Police said th

ortedly eastbound' upon leavin

ra te Judge Ron Bruce, who hs dy case previously, said hc hs

f o r E l k o C o u n t y . w h ic h I

ate celebrates gbi

hes in o— M arch lU, m i ------- -----------

Gross gam ing revenues whichMncludcs.Jackpot;:lO)

. from lOT9tol980,from $32,8] N aturally, the s ta te govei

chunk out of these funds;___ alone_ (there .a re a . variety

E lko County took In $1,812,2 16.6 p crcent h igher than

. figures provided by -Steu Nevada G am ing Control division. S ta te law require revenues and operatlngexpc

B y,com parison, in,C lark ta in s L as Vegas, gross gai

— $l;619,001;31 l-;in-198^-;up- • previous year.- The- take of

w as only up by 12.7 percent.T h e increase in gross gai

o n stra tes th e phenomenal g industry, a n industry Jackp

OS incojiie projecisaid . O ther p a i ^ of t

_________ from county. ad valotra c t services, $57,9

“T T - ch arg cs , and $4,600 fn

Ibout i'l funds contributed - H e sald-lhe d is tric t’s

de te rm ine how'm uch som e o ther w ays of b s ta ffo ro th e rc o s ts to l

Gooditi^ County rcent Brailsford said there>ntM------ partlcipatlon~this~ye;)U je since county a s s e ^ n I'ear. population and assess iiing— =— Han>t~5Uld~lii~ra:i

revenue levels frozen lions'— rev alua tlonchanges- jiee t procedure, asking Insi f for F inance com m ute

budget proposal a n d j 0^e^^-th« .fu llM ardJi9 .a_bM d

I f l z — —j I i authorized law enfort

the children and the p< thcm 'from the school £

ospi- ’P assen g e r K aren L c ritica l condition at

-ynn W ednesday n i ^ t . La S accord ing to officials

adm itted following tn ^ Hosplta] in Tvfin Falls Bow r-;— Pflsscnger’B ennyG

condition a t MVMH.R passenger. Cliff Bora

q I ■ re leased , MVMH offici

iStCT-----------'----- ----------------------3 infured s>

^ ---------TWIN FALLS -the ■ c ritica lly , when the <

lo re rolled ov e r nine m iles: : the Idaho S tate Police i------------tw ice and then-rolled-was leav ing th e pavem en p.m. . Junc tu rcw lthF oo th illl I the * The accident occurr who P risc illa Reeves, 17,01 I the of th e c a r while trying ving said . They said Reeves

following the appareni I has in to a d itc h 'b c fo ro o v e has o ffence.

f l c ^

h I n c l u d e s t h e t o w n o f J

(olden anniversc

onIS[0i)i: T q

ues fo r E lko County, ii :li)creascd 'H ;7 p tie fe n tv '[2,813,767to$37,636.416, . i jvernm ent takes a huge A Is; The percentage ' tax " vety 0 / other^taxes)_for.:____12,206 In 1980. T hat was a an l979_accordlng to EUeward C u r t i s , of the___ arol Board’s research ' i ulrcs casinos to report • . h ‘xpenses to the s ta te . a ark County, which con- F gam ing revenues were 'jp -o n ly -l3 .7 -fro m . th e ___ p} of th e percentage tax C n t. t’gam ing revenues dem- c

al growth o f the gam ing s ckpot sta rted lo cash in

’ctions by $94,0Of the local budget inciudc'$4 'alorem money. $412.500 fron }7,900 In fees, perm its ond0 from dona tions.. v . . udget calls for a 5 percent Inc ed by the distric t’s eight pou : t ’s financc com m lttce will hi uch to increase fees, come up Jf boosting revenue o r cu t s e r1 lo balance the budget.I ty b o a rd , m em b er F red ere m ay be some change In c -ycarbecause-of~the-new -cc i m e n t s a re figured on a 'b a ;esscd valuation. ______

izen by the 1 percent law and ;e s '— the d istric t has rcvise( Instead for a percfcntage Incre littcc m em bers will revieu ndinake a final recom m endat budget,can be a dopted by May

forcement officials to take ci le person or persons who alleg w larea.n Lancaster, 26, of Kimberly a t St. Alphonsus Hospital Lancaster suffered multiple

lals a t St. Alphonsus, where ( treatm ent a l Magic Valley f alls. ty'GuhreT720, ot Hansen, is n L Reeves Is In fa ir condition ai orah, 23, o f Hansen, w as tre fflcialssald..

1 '

'A O M th j> fJ L m J o J E i- Three persons w ere inju te c a r jp which they w ere I les south of Twin F a lls Wednes cc said the c a r rolled over ! led -from end-loend -lh ree tin nent of Nat-Soo-Pah' Road Iill Road.:urred a t aboUt 6:42 a.m . whc 7, of Kimberly, apparen tly Ips f'ing to guide il around a curv ves intended to d rive the c a r n rent loss of conlrol, it went c overturning and knocked dow

V v t t t

f J a c k p o t , w e r e m o r e tti

l a r y

adagaon w hen the Horseshu casir In th e 1950s.

T otal gross gam ing reve 1980 w ere about $2.2 billion.

>the s ta te levied a gaming ' w e fe lls ti^ a t $2415 million. __.The.gamlng.reYcnues.gen

alone a re unavailable from Board.-whlch declines to giv

..a liow ns, say ing this could I individual casinos in one^s

. h a s th ree casinos: Caclus and Barton’s Club 93. Ca( Horsehu a re owned by Ihesa

G am ing revenues general . percent o f jh e total, revenue

C ounty's seven m ajo r casini two in Wendover, and two com es from boarding, e services, beverages and



n n / i ^U U U ■ chance to ven wrifinn approaching (

students.------------ Some-M agI,

“ ______a lrcad y jlo scc‘ ^ c a t i o n while

S “ la te a s April 17 T ta Coltegc

? classcs In the

I county ^ ^

basis o{ ■

S ^ lT h i s - -TWIN-FALC reasc. tion continuedcw the during Februc atlon to p ort from Fl ]v Idaho.- — — — The“ bank’s

R eport, survc Idaho, found issued for new

------------- ------ a ry . This figuifrom th e num t

--------------------Fcbmary-1980;custody of ■■■•"> “ I to a l

egedly look housing consti

rly, was in ___II at Boise- D S i a mle ln ju r |K ,' she ^/M em orial

; Inl e rious--------T W IN ^ A Xa n d a lh lrd ^ flocked lo the reated and W ednesday fc

s ta m p s dem ar • ra tes .' Bill, Brady,,

- ^ • ^ - r : - : r ^ t h e j ) p ^ fficc Ju rc ^ one doubled a s pc i traveling mall, le tte rs i esday. ■ ■ ra te .

T ^ n ^ a s .

hen driver “ We had a 1(pst control- o f purchases,'rve, police w ere very fev* north, bul awa|t> of, probt east, slid predestined U)wh 50 feel p rice increase

P osta l offlcli

N«-.t h a n $ 3 7 m i l l io n

imiifig' ~\isino opened in Jackpot

Ijvenues for Nevada in j tn. In 1946, the firs t y ea r (ng lax, lotal revenues__ ' • in. ...................“ ■ ” 1>eneroted from_Jackpot_ ( im the G aming Control i give totals for Indivldu- id Identify p rofits of the ] C asino (owns. Jackpot . t JS Pe te ’s, lhe H orsehu.- .. < r a c l ^ P e te 's and lhc.r 1 ssattlecorporatiop. t rally m ake up about 63 ( lues generated by Elko sinos (th ree in Jackpot, , c :wo in Elko), the rest /

entertainm ent, food d miscelloneoiis. The c Y P a g e 2 . .. t ________________________I .s

chools tc.LLS - T hat m uch-needed - ( : books and classes and a ' J rent spring energy is fast C g for most Magic Valley

igic-Valloy-schools-havo— B ^ fo r jh e annual spring ■ A llle others p lan to close, as117. • gc of Southern Idaho and 1Jie Buhl and F ile r school 1 i oul of c lass until Monday, lu la r holiday dales are tJ y; April 17, ihrough-J3?n- v 20. These “include Camas I

n n €-con sLLS — Housing constroc- , v led a l a Vvery low lev e lV H ruary , according to a re- F lrs t Security Bank of ii

dr r ° I d a h o — CdiMtruclIon— 5 rveying 54 locations In e id 191 building perm its N lew homes during" Febru- a gure is down 27.9 pereent m ber of p e m its issued in heo.7----------------------------------sinated ' value M the now fl istruction is $7 ,6 million, y

Tips cost 18' ‘

V p o s t a g e s

AXLs — Area resfdD nin '” [he Twin F alls post office •

fo r "B ” and threc<ent landed by Increased postal

ly, supervisor at - ice, said 'counlcrbusiness • people sought stam ps to

5 u n d e r 'th e new 18-ccnt

asc.takes,effecl_M arch 22.... w stam ps were available tim e Wednesday,

a lot of inquiries arid a lot M,'* Brady said. "There few-com plaints tha t I'm - v -obablybbcauselt'sbeena r

thing. People knew the 1 ise was coming." eIclals In Washington have b

> 1 w mr r r - — R i s e - i n - n

l e a v e s , j a

- BvMARTYTRHXHAASE Timcs-Scvrs writer .

TWIN FALLS - fh e J Counly Ja ll is nearing its r

“ I f T i h 'lh e num ber 6 1 'p custody. - •

In the p ast month, tlic p risoners being .dclalned

— bond-and.thosc.scrvlng.Jai has increased to nearly 50. Counly Sheriff Jam es Mun:

M unn said the increased p risoners under his car ou tstripped the ja il’s desij of 68 beds o r ra ted capi which includes lhe eight c ble a t the Twin F ails Poll

— m e n t . ....................................But the increase has plac

dem ands on the sheriff dc; resourees, r ^ u ir ln g a doul num ber of aKendants' a t n h e sa id .

As of Wednesday, 47 inr ~ln custody, m ost of them b(

_ lieu of bond, M unn said!— ‘‘None of them are-alien!

going on fo r a month,” I “ They’re all p re-trial deli

• 'sen tenced prisoners.”

S h e r i f f o

t o c u t t r e

- TWIN FALLS - Twin-Fi Sheriff J am es Munn has t; h c say s w ili-elim inate sm

MUnn said hc has reccis tions of a growing numb< aulhorlzed" Items, includ d rugs, being smuggled to

'^v la com m issary item s left ’ ’ fo'r 'th c m by friends an . C om m issary Item s include*

sham poo and deodorant. • As a result, Munn elim

p rac tice two.ivpcks ago m c . t>egan .sellipg cdmmlssG .. d ircc t to p risoners. A $200

fund fo r (he com m iss approved by Twin Fall 'Commissioners.

Munn said sim ilar Jail co operations ex ist in Jerom e, Ada an d Canyon couiillcs.

The. county provides inn -clolhes. laundry dclcrge toothbrushes and toothpasl

.and friends can continue

to break j— County, T h ree Creek. I ' Je rom e. Shoshone. .Rlchi

Cassia County schools.'Twin F alls, Wendell ai

County a re oul for a week —Monday^—w ilh—dasse& —^ a r c h 3 0 . ^ , , ; . _________

K im berly a nd H ansen set Monday but resum e classes H agerm an classes adjourn T uesday until M arch 30.

M inidoka'classes will be ( through 5. B liss schools ai week of M arch 30. Valli D istrict w ill.adjourh April 1

s t n i r t i o n

which is down a lm ost 19 pet • the figure a y e a r ago.

The dollar value for all co in the a rea s of- (He s(ate during F eb n ia ry -ls ' up fro:

“^ o T d u e - lo th c s la f t 'o r ih 'c S expansion project a l Mag M em orial Hospital In Tu according to th e report.

That p ro ject represents r half of the $27 million worl

—slructlonunderw ay-in-F ebi figure about 10 percent mo y e a r earlier.

s t a m p s m e

. w arned the public the i8-c( m ailing a le tte r could be si Indications a re splraiing expenses will boost the p: before long, officials said.

------------■ |'h u rsd ay .'M arch 1 9 .l9T im es-N ew s. Twin Falls, I

i9 sl— — r O tr n n w r t i,Idaho ' • C o m i c s -... - - • S p o rts

i F a n ln u m b e r o o f c p ;

a i l w i t h - f u l l t

5E -------- - i / tc a l offici'th e in c rea se .

-------------------- rscT cT arpS i• by court Jud

s Twin F alls and posl-com »raled capac- defendants ai

own recogn lt defendants isrES

iall-sentenccs— -»<r

jnnsaid . w ere being hexlnum bcrsof said,a re has not " I think Usign capacity d if fe re n t a tlipacily of 50 w u n n sa id .; cells avalla- Others, incliolice Depart- Public Defen

ils in g 'c rim caccd growing d c fcn d an ts isacpartm enl’s th e increase.)ubllngDfthe "No, I havinieal limes; changing'* his

] - noticed any .nm ates were dep artu re ,” Wbeing held in Twin F a lls (___ __________ G ray - said_ lh;ns. I f s been tertw ined, adc

Munn said, p ressu re of thelainecs and, system is b u d

a little m ore st

j p e n s c o m r r

a f f i c o f c o n t :

F alls County socks and un; taken sleps w ith h is office, imuggllng o f - . C o u n t y comv ia ll. - C o v c rsa id lh e3ivcd Indica- to tw ice a ,we(iber of "un- exchanges ofjding illegal accounting,to prisoners Supplies wllill a l the jail said , ad d lr tg jand family, purehasesuppleclgarettes, “ N o .w e’r e r

C over said . ‘m inated the m ake is a peild last w eek rounding off lhisary item s Munn said100 revolving prBvalenl theIssary w as ' th e re w erealls County p rocedures w

fcctivc. . .com m issary "W e h ave ae, Minidoka, going on peri

"W e 're going Inmates with w e 're su re thaigent, soap,' w e handle a |isle. Fam ily know th a t it hJC to leave w ilh som e kind

fromclaiM uriaugh, 20, while Die

:hfieid and . c lasscs April l( Castleford sc

and Blaine today and reop ik te ^ M ln g ^C^ lngCou

I— ,— The Im m ani T w ihFailsw lU

cs March 27. 21 and thorn ‘ P-"’- A cadem y Iron

. * ^ 1 . resum e M areh e oul April.1are 'O U t'the ' The S ta te St

illey School Blinci in Goodil 16 through tfiroughG.

1 down irwrcent f ro m ........Even -with I

p ro ject, the vi construction th e s la te durin [e surveyed of the y ca rd s rom a y ea r th e first two m( f$ r4 n n ilIo n ~ to th T F Ire rS e c agic V alley-rwin Falls, In Twih Fai:

perm its for nc > m ore than during th e f ir arth of con- year, accordin fbruary-T^a— This-represen t nore than f » m the f irs t t

when 34 perm it

o v e s w i f t l y

•cent.cost o t : .V.'hjlo_raleshort-lived, deliberation, t

g operating dered the “ B" Ipricc again of s iam p s -usa

' final price.

s j a i lp r i s o n e r s —

h o u s e —

fficlals give two reasons for-^-.ise. ...........■pSTnt to a-sfffcter tendency Judges in'pre-trial^ release conviction sentencing. Moro -,Is a re being required to post

jn lzance and piore convlcl(^.IS a re serving Jail term s if serving probations, they

T p c rto n s 'in 'ja irW cd n esd ay T ^ irving sentences and the rest ■ g held In lieu of bonds, Munn ~

k lhe judges ju sl have a ' - ' a ttitude on sentencing;” - -!

I.including Twin Falls Counly jfender.M lke Walz, say a me ra le Jnvolyiog-mulllple' ' s i r chiefly responsible for se.haven 't nodced any Judge , •h is positron. I haven’t ., ny significant change or . • ,” W al2^1d.ills County Prosecutor Tom . ■ ■ L lhe_lw o_factors .a rc _ ln :_ J ._ a d d in g " . . because of th e ,...

if the community, the court . .. buckling down, is becoming re s lr ic l , ' 'h c sa id .

m i s s a r y .

Y t r a b a n d

: underw ear for prisoners V. [ice, Munn said. rommlssion Chairm an Annr the sales have been lim ited - ..-;

!>veek in order lo' cu rd o w n ' of cash and to minimize

will be sold a st, s h e '. . . ; J h ^ o lf ic e w ill^ robably - . . ;

'ren o to u tto m ak em o n ey ,” , . d . ' “ The only profit w e 'l l , ' ,I penny o r two from just ff the prices." , . Vaid he did not know how - ; th e sm uggling was, but- . . «

rc indications screening 5 w ere becoming less ef- - j

c a feeling (ha( i( has been periodically." Munn said. n g (o (his becausc this way, " th a t It Isn 't going on. When : a pack of cigareites, we :

it h asn 't been adulterated k lndofcontraband." , ^

SeiSTD ietrich wlll close after rillO and return April 16. -d sch o o lsc lo sca tl:lS p .m . ' ■copen Tuesday.County schools a rc only out :• ld o y ,A p ril3 ''---------------------- i -

lanuel-Lulheran School-ln— 1- wiU be c l O ^ ffom April 15- / the Twin F alls Christian ■ :

from Friday until-classes : irehSO. ;

e School for the Deaf and • tooding will close April 3 ^

in s ta te jth the hospital expansione value of construction in • ;u ring the first two m onths <H s down 8.4 percent-from » - a m onths of 1980, accordingSecuflty report. ;

F a lls (?ounty, 23 building 5 r ncw homes w ere Issued

first two months of the ^rd ing to th e bank re p o rt ' >ent5a-32-percent •decline—rst two m onths of last y e a r , i•mils w ere Issued. ;

y i n a r e a

lie increases..w ere under n. the-" postal service or- B" Issue to assu ro a supply^^, -usable regardless of th e " '

Jerf ly B R U C E HAM M O T^m/.c.Vnu.-c M-rltnr.

■[ ________ •

J E R O M E - M 6 i• prant and *a t a t c I

' approved by the Je roAnother inspection

win be conducted t<^_______ ■ Tho review ts Intend

w ork is needed prios ta r tu p d a te . .........

At the sam e tim e— ----------- d e c is io n J iQ tto g r a n t

F alis a worl

. } lo n dcad U n c.M ayor M arshall 1

D cparfm ent of He

^ Ralph G______ £ OAKt.FV — RntD

^ Onkley. died Tucsdi ^ a fto ra llnR crln slllm 5 ^ H e wos bom May

and a ttended school Oakley. H e moved chUd, moved lo Oak

" y i - S a i f l i k c c ity , then In I973.w hcrchehad

<1 ■ He m arried Corol !! o l York. S.C ., and v,

.............. ■ th e Holiday Inh'foy®• ^ h e opera ted the Tav( • r t C irc le a t Oakley. He ^ ■ Ihc LDS Church.■{j H e Is survived, by

----------i..........W aycross, G a.. am

•2$ O akley: tour dough S herry Sm ith. Trilbj

'X'- Sm ith, a ll of Oakley H orry (E m m a) Wyi father. G ale SmlU

- Calif,: ond two brot a n d I3cnnlsL. Smith,

:& Services will be a <5? th e Oakley LDS J ^ Bishop P au l Woo( ; P B uria l will be in the ^ F riends m ay call at

th is oltem oon and t — ^ p lacc o f serv ice on(


^ Margaret E5 ^ JE R O M E - M ar• 66, of Je rom e, died 1

■ St. Alphonsus Hos]

h c rtw m c., *■: She w as bom Ju i

F a ils , w here she rt tlon. Shc m arried Cii

^ 8. 19M; a t C a ^ n ( J ? been employed a s a i

.-andch lefopcra to rfo I • 21 years . They liv

JL I California, then mo - .r 1959 w here they had r

She w as a form er n £ S ig m a I ^ ^ n i

’ T o as tm is rr ra s^ . aod ' > • th o MeUiodlsl Church

Surviving a re h e r h ' a d aughter. Cindy L.

; w stepson, G oylord,D. j b Calif.: and th ree gran g G raveside services • C F r id a y In the Twin f

• t - th e R c v rR ay Wright.• 3 H a t th e Hove Funeral

to s lg n th eg u e s t'rc g is S - 9 p .m . M em orials m« % A m erican OlobcIcsAi

^ Kenya LoFa^' r t - J E R O M E -K e n y o

-------- i y : in fan t daughter dt Mi_____ j w __ N .-Jac k so n .of Je ro i

■ .T uesday , afternoon.. ^ M em orial Hospitot.

^ Surv iv ing a rc hi g ra n d p a re n ts . Mr. Jackson and Mr. an

J - S ) M. B U n t^ V - - Servi

> d le d T u esd a y .w illb c f- t h e S ta r LDS Chapei.

. Ihc Gem M em orial (_n jay.calU L M cC uU ocb

K to th e scrvlccs Friday.

^ S RUPERT -M a rt in '‘J o e " Vanck, I

^ f C dfcd-M onday, will b e ) . th e H onscn.M ortuar;

; f - f f f l S :

■ f e :• . S

' IxrnoraG chrigon 'dC yn

'1 S-"' S teven J a c l ^ n of Je ro t

i • - GOOfiINt

•C.* M rs. W aller Beeriyand

I i*v* M rs.JIm M ltchem and i---------------------------------

A son to Mr. ond M r^ E

' ^ M r r K c i S B i b b y o f G o

• , CAJ

■ - N athan Holland, Dennii r : Ing, A lma Grace,^ and Vii

S im m onsofR upcrt.

M onuci UaCila of Buric> S " ; M nncias, Douglas Reno.


I Joe [>olan, Steven M illero llo fR u p criiM ary P aln tc i

— —:— ;-8 -2 T im o s-N n w 3 rT w i

rome c<M OND

dditlonai work a t Je ro m e 's r e Increase for g a rb a g e 'p Ic erom e City Coiincil Tuesday nl tion of the new sewage trcatn today by.federal, s ta te and oil: Glided to dcternilne how m uc> iriot-lo .lbe p lan t's M IM I3Q I

m e, c ity officials are-suppor ant project contractorNeilBcn york extension. They will <

ill E v ' & ^ ^ reported both Heallh and Welfare and

,G .Swith H»,llllph_G.'5mlih."M . o l. Willi, csday a t Sandy. Utah, G r Illness. toda]lay 28,19M. a t Rupery* Rev. w ots In Califomla and of the ’ed to California os a F ri 3akley In 19S8. ia le r to short Iwn returned lo OakJey had lived since. • roi Wood May 19.1970,Id worked as a chef a t Rn oyscvisrai years: Later Pavcm Cafe and Arctic . He was a m em ber of pj

cs#by his wife of Oakley :. ) h -G i-S m lth J r . o f -ijnjte and G alen Smith of

ughters, Mary Smith, riiby Sm ith. M d Sandy u n itj Icley: his mother. M rs. n e t W ym oreo fS andy rh t*— . i . j . m ilh of Cucamonga, ^ liy Drothers, DannyiSmllh jtth. both of Oakley.» a t t p.m . Friday In ^ D g , S Stake' Center with :/oodhouse oftlciallng. the Oakley Cemetery.

ll a t the Payne Chapel^ g " ' Id evening, and a t the' f Z * ' one hour prior td the


Eller, Toler'ita rgare t E llen-Toler. H®"’*ed Tuesday evenliig la .Hospllai a t Boise ofp llcattonsfrom .afaliat chlldi

\ - ShowJu iy 1. 19M. a t Twin *>rtlhi t received h e r educa- IC iay lonE .T olerN ov.>n Clly. Nev, She had {^oei s a telephone operator,>r for Mountain Beil for ‘

lived five ye a rs In 8;™moved to Jerom e in *® v‘'

a d resised since. - e rm e m b e ro f th e B rta i n d —th e ' J e r o m eaod was a \m em ber'of HEirch. • ■ Goodic rhusbandof Jerom e; Tuesdy L. T tiler of Boise; a Hospi,D. Toler of Redding, Shetrandchlldren, "burg.Ices will be a t 11 a.m . graduin F a lls Cem etery by taughig h t; F rieikts'm ay call high ira l Chapei In Jerom e activeig is tcrtoday from 510 holdln: m oy be m ade to tbe booid:sA ssoclatlon. . . led ci

m arrii

'aye Jackson Mieminya L aF ayeJackson , Marcl:[ Mr. and Mrs. ja rnes- - - - S u r6rome._w o8.8tlllbbm ___ H eybiin .ln .M a g lc .y a l le y :____ of_We>1. Badge

h er pa ren ts: tie r • t e n .•Ir. and M rs. Bill U tah,

and Mrs. Melvin E . broth<

e r v i r a for H annah will be. t<j.' O iH iifity , Wb6 . m u y i’ib e a l l p .m . F riday in*, bourpr pei. Buriai.wili be in ai Garden^.. F rie n d s-

wliirbeIervlces for Joseph 2nd Waek, 69, o f Rupert, who Pleosarbe a t 2 p.m, today a t . ca ll a tuary Chapel. Burial service:

D g j p i t eST. BEN ED ICTS

CynlhlaGalllm ore, both ofShoshor DlcmlaMd



and Mrs. Doug Butier, both of Goo(

indsono^G o^lng.- *- **•

s . Doug Butler o f b ^ l n g , and dai

rGoodlng. . . ^


nnl6 R ioehart, N orm a G ulierei, J V irginia Sm ith, a ll of Burley; ai

D inhiM edricy : Sharon Clegg of Hcybum; ac no. Belly GibtHTand Alto Jenkii

N m O K A 'iiE U O R IA LAdmitted

Her, Afton “n iom pson, and Henry 1 n te r of B uriey: anc( Kent Rush of I

Tvrin FaH3,.ldaho^— T hursday^

rounciliEnvironm cnto

--------------------:— to itj r c t a t t n g Uhextension In pi

O rleinallv s s new sew er tiuiiipli pfckup were resu lting in Je ynfght. one-monthexU atm ent p la n f , p la n t Super cily officials, c racked concn uch fW shlng__ . p a in ting rcm ai

“m = - c a ) . »


" approved havi 111 th e Idaho— H lll-oI-Boiscfiid the U.S. p ln n lto m o o tS

unter, both of Jerom e; and h reat-grandparenlB, M r. and Mt 'ililam A. Jackson of Jerom e. Graveside services will be a t II a.i day in the Jerom e Cemetery by tl ev. R ichard Gosnell, under dlrectli the Hove Funeral Chapel.F rien d s m ay gather a t the cemetei « r iiy before service lline.'.

Hannah A . BowersBU RLEY .. .- . .H a n n a h . . . Andcr$< Bwers, 83, c f Buriey, died Tuesdi om ing a t the Cassia Memorial Hosi lo falingcring llinessA ,She w as bora M a i^ 13, 1898, Isted, Denm ark, and cam e to U nited S tales with her family when sl 05 4 years old, settling near Riverio lah. In 1914 they moved to Idaho to tl nily a rea . She m arried E llas Bowe et. 2, 1918, a t Burley, and the ir ma age w as solemnized In the Soil Lal ,ty LOS Tem ple March"2, 1934. Tht m e d In the Unlly and S tarrhs Fen -ea. She was an active m em ber in tl DS Church, a Gold S ta r Mother, and em ber of the Cassia Counly ch ap tc r ' a r Mothers.She is survived by h e r husband < irley ; Iwo daughters, Mrs. Mi Jlce) Pelersbn of Pau l and Mrs. Be loris) T racy of Almo: two sons, Ne iw ers of San D le y , Calif., and Clyc

hn (Em naa) Ashcraft of Burley as rs. W ilber (Rebecca) Vance i >medale: two brothers. Martini idersen of Salt Lake City, an lorwat A ndersen of Burley; 2! g ran lldrcn; and 31 great-grandchlldrei e w as preceded in death by a son. fi« b lhers , and four sisters.Services will be a t 1 p.m . Friday I e S ta r LDS Chapel w ith Bishop Ne iderson officiating. Burial will be I e 'G em Memorial G ardens. Friend ly caU a l M cculloch’s today from 3 1 » p .m . and Friday prior lo 111 rvlCcs. , .

Florence BadgerUEYBURN - Florence Marvell lodilffe Badger, 69. of Heyburn. die lesday afternoon In Cassia Memorii ispilai a f tc ra lingering Illness. . she w as bom Aug. 17, 1911, a t R u rg, w here she a ltcnded schools an idualed from Ricks College. Sh Ight school a t H ibbard. Preston, an Ih school a t Rexburg.:She w as a Ive m em ber of the LDS Churcl ding m any positions on the stale u d s . Shc taught piano and organ, an

choirs and musical groups. Sh irried H arvey Badger June 18, 194' R exburg and Ihe m arriage wo

em nlzcd in lh e Idaho Falls Tempiirch 31.1948._____________________lu r v lv in g - o r e h e r - husband o y b u m jjw p sons. Norm an H. Badge W est Jo rdan , Utah, and F a rre ll G d g c ro f Springvllle, U tah ; Iwoddugf s . Carolyn-W allingford* ot O ren [lb, a n d 'K arm a-B ond of Provo; )ther, F rancis Goodllffe of Ogden

be in the Rupert Cemetery. Friends r c a ii-ni me HanyiirMurtmtry~gtie r prioi;i^ifJheflcry]cct____________

&VBURN-^Servfces forL eah-Jean n. 33. o f Hoyburo. who died Monday, be a t 2 p.m. today In the Heybum W ard ChapcL ^urial.w ilU ieJlU lK . isanl View Cemetery. Friends may

a t McCulioch's- p rio r to tbe ices. The family suggests memori-

Lhone. Bu*Jfe'*^dNiil”

Thelm a Moon,, ■ Chrislensen, M n ■•oill"*- mi of Twin F . ------------------ ‘ “ McCllmans,

“ M n s tT l l l ia r^ Btidaughters lo M elissa Maalaugl M tfrM E Z snr of B u r i ^ ; ^ ^ 9 ' M rs. Joe BJorosi

G lenna Christoffe

; . . Guy A ll«^ Jtt, Ja n Mann- sinknechl. M ay I ; and Karen V anE alon, Donal

M rs. T hom as Co - C haries Andrus, t

; and Arnold o fK lm b eriy ; Brs n k ln s ;a llo f M atthew P ra tt , ai

M rs. J im m y Sch' H arralofC asU efo

................. Sons to M r. «ociry Montoya, M onrroy of Twin ofileybum , , C hrlstensenandW

ftyfW arch-19.-l98t--------------^

:n ta l P ro te c t io n A gcncy h a v e s j4 h o .a g eoc lcg w UI oo t s upp o r n p la n t c o n s tn jc tlo n . ’V sc h ed u le d fo r s ta r t-u p Fcl

J J e ro m e o ffic ia ls g ra n t in g e x t c ^ o n .pc rlD tertden l B i ir T a y lo r : i^ p n c re te , loose bo lts , m in o r valvem ain ed to b e done._________ _

iO -a-d ay -ch a rg e - lB -a p e n a l t j e y -fN e llse ira n d Co;) signed;**.' i c irc u m s ta n c e s ; I d o n 'l .see "B h in « e ls e :"

lav lng th e c ity ’s ,c o n su ltin g ei ie rd e sig n -a-n e w '-ro a d app ro a c nt S ta te H ighw ay D e p a r tm c h t j

J her and 10 grandchildren. £ Mrs. : in death by h e r parent

four sisters, and a 1 a.m. Services will be a t 2 1 ly the Ihe Pau l LDS Slakeho edlon LaronW flUfcufficlalinj

in litfTfiverslde C m el lelery Friends may call at'M c

f n m 3 to '8 :3 0 p.m ., an nobo. and a t the churt hour p rio r to servlc

S suggests m em orials (o

^ 5 .....A

"“ P'' EariGrM, a t GOODING - E ari0 Uk Pom ona. Calif., formei ;n she '> a s killed Sunday in t erion, a cc iden ta l tbe Survivors Include th rowers G ray of Wendell, D<' m a^ P o m o n a , a n d R o bLake Ellensburg, W ash.; aThey Lee (Dora Ann) Esiep <

Ferry a brother. ValdoGrayolin the Services will be a t 10and a the Alsip Funeral Home)tcrof m ilita ry r ite s .

nd of

David B .RN tjl BU SS - DavM B.

Clyde Bliss, died Wednesday - « » ; — M PmortaiHospitah—y sod Services a re pendin« of announced by D em arrtlnus Chapel a t Gooding;

andTand-I d - ElvisUt

TWIN FALLS - El» o y ln Twin Falls , died Tuesdj ' Nell Twin F a lls Clinic Hosp

Illness.■icMS .. -He w as bom Nov. I " 3 1 0 Counly. Mo., n e a r Bull ) lhe cicdo R. M urrow Sept.

Mound, Kan. He w as ar farm er In K ansas, movi In 1939 and did farm i until moving to Portion

rvella h e worked on Liberty ,d le d : shipyards closed In 1945. loriai He and his wife' worl

Branch of U.S. National Rex- of I9S7 a t Portland, at

s a n d retired and they returoc Sbe He w as a m em ber of the

, and - a t Portland, the Mas IS an Kaifics, and the Mounta urch, InT w lnFalls. slake ..S u rv lv ing ibesldes hii I, and F a lls a re a soa, Carrol

She F a lls ; a daughter, Lconc 1947, of M eridian: s ix . gra was great-grandchildren: a

mple great-grandchildren. H« In death by five brot)

1 o f - s is te r s , , .- ;ideer S e rv lc c s w iilb e a t llaill G.------Whlto-MoHUary'Chapela u g h - " Gilbert M yers offlclatin >rem, caii a l the chapel until 9 ro; a Friday , and until 10 i (den; Burial will be InSunscI A

•nds ’ a ls m ay be m ade to the ■OTC------- Cnro F oundutlunrP rOrB

—• -- - RU PERT - Services•________e r. 89, of Rupert, who die

B c a f i r ’pImTTFfiSS?”tayt Assembly of God Chiircl:

In the R upert'C cm eterjilM--------cail-«t-U >»-H ansen:^<”?>' noon and evening and j ^ serv ice on? hour p rio r Icoo- ^ d a y . ; .

(j D fm ia n d ■

ch of Heybum, Al S |rsughn of Blj lealA ldridgeofR upert.

U A O ICV A il£V M E M O RlA l----------------- -A O m ttM ---------- r*)on, Robert Schuler. Charies Moi Mis , Howard Fisher, and M rs. W Falls; G. Blake Hall o f G m

^uaoo Porter, y d ghelly 'CariM n

^ B i i ( a > ^ a i n ) t “Je rm n c :-P a tr i aughlln. Arien P i ^ l . 'and W f3 :J nmit P o v ^ of Rupert; R e u B n n m stad of Coeur d’Alene; and Mra of fenon , aod Jam es Garrison, oil i

D to n f w l , Jenn ifer Linford, M rs. Albe ay MItcbeii. LJada Oltoo, Marie I onaid Phinoey, Tbclm a MOon, H Good, a ll of Twin Falls ; Mrs., L

Its, both of Jerom e: Mrs. Max^Dui Brandi Cole of Rupert; M rs. Rot t , and M n . Davfd Fk>res aod dauj Schvaneveidt and daughter o f H Jeford; and Mr*. J im Strickland of

aod Mr*. Daniel P e hnon of BuH 'win Falls, and daughters to M r Ml Mr. and Mrs. G ary Dennis, allp l

0ksrs€e se n t le t te rs to th e A s f i■ort any .ad d lllo n al____ th e _ v ii

h a i a r d^eb. 6, th e , se w e r “ W e' fn tcrrarsn u rtH g cs; .a g r a nN eilsen a n d C p n i-------im m e d

F e d e

e p o h e d ih e n th a tIve le ak s a n d som e N o c

r_______________ u n l i i a

I ty b a s e d - o n - th e ' I n ' 61:**.E ver} ieartsnld:------- is^ p e rci^ n y .w a y J h c ,c l ty ____b y .R arl

.......... • . - - T R ^

e n g in ee rs , CH2M ' E a r l l lach fo r th e se w e r th e J e r i t j e q u lr e m e n t s . , . s e v e r a l

T W I________ _______________n e w 7

. ^ ^ w i n ^I. She was preceded co n cu i mts, four brothers,a granddaughter.2 p.m. Saturday In V?®-house with Bishop w ee kJng. Burial will be q u e s tnelery a t H eybum .. m e n tsMcCulioch’s Friday to s h o iaod Saturday unUl T h e ccirch a t Oskloy one d a t e ffl?lces. The family wiH i totlKLDS/oreIgh American Cancer

.........M aIri Cray. 62, of B O IS leriy of Shoshone,,. .a p p e a l 1 a train crossing - d r iv in g

hree sons, Charies- Donald G ray of .Dbert G ra y of ‘e n d s 5 a daughter. Mrs. M el E d p of Gooding; and to n o t : 'Of,Gooding. T w in .F10 a.m. Monday In p e a le d me ot Nampa with T h e ro n

C islon. I n h is

. . H u g h es R o b b i n s d ls c re t l

i. Robbiiis, S2, 0( ay a t Uie Gooding________

ling and will be o r .y « ■n.ompson T W I^

W cdnci th e ca r c s u l t i r

J t l e y s p o ra d i

Slvls Utley, 92. ol Kioy evening In lhe e w t r i c spilai a lte r a long ^ le c tN '

I, 1888, In Batesulier. He marric<r . . .II.27,1911, at'B lue VV on auclloooer and t w i n oved lb Twin Fa lls J l i tl and daily workand In 1942, where ly Ships until the • c ond itlc45. . . j . ' ' A lphonjorked for Citizens n e sd a y . tal Bank until Moy > T w inot which lim e he M oon , 2Dcd to Twin Falls. q q |-os>IheBaptUIOrorch ^ h i r d j(asonlc Lodge in q, " , » . ta ln R x k G ra n g e -

his wlf?-or Twin M oonroi Ulicy of Twin a c c o r d)ndlneW catherble A lphonsTondchlidren; 12 follow in

and Iwo greai- M e m o riHe wos preceded p o llc (others and three T h ird A

r? S ,:s i l« n l .y ln ^pel wlth the'R ev.— — p e a e s i rling. Frierids-may...........i M u r a n19 p.m. today ond w ith e x i ) a.m . Saturday. ' M oon ft Memorial Pa rk . a s h e a t

■ A v en u ep o lic e s ]

= = - M ithe Cassia Health .- BorTiBrBuriey;— r - --------- n

e for E tta Farm - -- to ta l r c \died Tuesday, will in f isc aj^ n B n w i s C T i e n d in g .Jrch. Burial will be H ow e'

d a l Uie place of -

■ '» 'l» '““ ,a '" n S f o T im illio n I

. . , th e n . Cl-_ 1 -------------- --- — :— th a t-w c r

S o abi__________________ ' g e u e ra t t

. w h o go t b e in g rc

f . E lk o (' p e c u lia r

R l^ y . T lni Rubio of T N ic k e l s

^ _________g e n e ra l '

iorrison. Mrs. Gene Massoud Ghadlanl,

Doding; Mrs. Gary s t r ip am onTall-orKImBcrly; In fis

tricia Maglaughlln,' g r o s s i

rKoch“bm eybU nil "Sl p c rc cIrs. Daniel Pehrson, h u a r t e r dlolBuhl.

btrt BUIne, Jota j j j " t NWdon. Charlcei.Helm Saulcy. ind 1980 werU rr y Pollard and S ta te - '

>ur(ee and daughter s lo t s w eIon Wright and spn.- jn fisc alugh lkr.a liofB uhl; . Q u a r te r

ofBuriey. g e n o ra tt

luhl, and.M argarila ’Wr. and M n. Gene- p e rc e n t lofTw lnFalls, ' th e s ta tc

Bwerwtsfsali hill adjacent to the plai ■vie^. .o f-o n co m in g -tca ffir^ irdous by Shoshone Highway D Ve’ve been told tha t this road \ -ant expendllure, so we can | iediatciy;“ -EJvcrheartsaid:— »Jcral and s ta te funding was « n to fth e?4 ,730.000 facility.J cost estim ate for the road LCH2MJlUlcompletesitsdesjg ■ 6lh‘cT~action.- the^-councUfti erccni ra te incroasc'for'coinn larks and Sons of.Twin Falls.^.^. i ^ c o m m t rclal rotes va ry ' ai

irlier this month. P arks and i lerom e Cham ber of Commerc ral modifications in their g art

W i d e r s t r e eWIN FALLS - P lans to bui / Twin F alls Clinic and Hosi g th is s"unirnb~r~wili nol- Inc current widening of S ixth Avj it.h e Twin F alls City Council !k granted hospital officials' s t for deferral of city reqi I ts that the Sixth Avenue appre hoshone S treet be widened 121 I council did not set an expire e for the deferral.Widening Sixth Avenue E a s t a pital frontage would demand

an appeals d n)IS E _-t: A Twin F alls ma tal of his Jail sentence fo r d n Ing went to the Idaho Supre 1 Tuesday.Drge Michael Hughes, 38, c s Sth D istrict M a ^ s lra tc Juc Edwards e rred in sentencing ti 3t more than six months in 1. F alls County Ja il. Hughes 3d to 5th D istrict Court Juc on Ward who affirm ed the n.his appeal to the Suprem e Coi ies charged Ward abused -etlon in failing to modify

VIN FALLS — Idaho Power nesday attem pted to de tenn cause of service interruptii I ting , in blini«|ng ligh ts i adic losses of injorm atlon sto m puter systems, r r y N ielson , Idaho Pov rical superintendent in Ti 3, said Wednesday custom

IVoman hit by c a rk IN FALLS - A se-year- an struck ^ a vehicle in Ti. s Tuesday remained in crltl itlon with head Injuries at onsus Hospital in Boise Wi ay.In Fails Police said Theli 1,245 Fifth Ave. N., was on fool osswalk a t- th e Intersection j Avenue N orth-and Shoshc ‘t.Norlh Tuesday .afternoon wfi kup truck struck her.»on suffered multiple injurl ird in g to o f f ic ia ls a t : onsus, where shc was admit! Aring treatm ent a t Magic Vail orial HospifaTirrrwin F a l l s . . . lice said Jesse Hernandez, 27,' I Auff N forIg to yield the right-of-way tc B trian .-fallirig -to^ow - proof- ■ance. and opcrailng_a_ vehii expired registration, lon was hit by Hernandez’ vchil I a ttem pted to tum left onto Thi lue North from Shoshone Strc esa id . ‘

l o n e y — ^-K saU H T iefftro iirP agn—

rovcnucs.from.the seven casin :cal 1980 (that is._fQ£.thR_y,c Ig June aorii>tWJ w w e $53,959,0( bvever, revenues do not me ts. A fter pay ing o pera ti ^ sc sT ^ n n ram n o can ax csrE ) oslretalned only about 19.8 pi of their revenues, o r about 5H >n in fiscal 1980, Curtis said . A Curtis estim ates, about half

vcnLto federal incom etax------about J5 million in profits w •ated by the seven casinos. J i ;ot how much of that profit isi ; released by gaming officials. :o County seem s to have quir la r to sm a inow n^gam bllr il'sldl m ach h ie ra re m uch me lar than they a rc In larger cltie; siot m agh incsjn E lkoJJour

•ated 57.5 percent' of revenui I the one-armed bandits gem only 32 percent on the L as Vcg and 44 percent in LakcTahoe. fiscal 1980, blackjack o r “ 2

; gaming revenues in El ty; dollar slots gRnerated.dbt ree iit; n lckelllo tsT lc:? W c e «e r slots, 15 percent; craps, ;nt; keno, 5 perccnl; and pok< than .2 percent. Total gamj lues for Elko County In fls< verc about $3.5 million. - te-wlde, blackjack and doll w ere the b make seal 1980, with c raps and t c r slots generatinj? m ore re\ than the nickel slots. Cra

•ated 15 percent; quarter-slo irccnt' and nickel slots, only nt of gross gam ing revenues a te . ,•

7ork, gap lan fscn tryw ay obstructs c. aod ita< taoon doomed . ly D istrict engineers.-. sd work will be ihSluded os ari proceed wl(H’Hi6"W61'K-----

^as obtained to financc 90

ad work will be availablej s l ^ t u d y i ____________ ____ilf ten taiively ' opproved 'a" — Tnm enrtal'garbage'plckup—

___!________ ' 'y acco ifling 'ty the 'type of h llsposed-ofp c i' Uny: ;Id Sons officials met wllh iercc*andflgreed to m a k e - [arbage serv ice if the rate

; e t n o t p a r tbuild a ■ m oval of five m atuthospital p lace the_ s tree t wlincinac m ed]c il officcs'w irAvenue said .

Representing <hcii [this clinic. Dr. Donald (als' is no foreseeable•equird- A venue to be widenc>proach Im m ediate a rea api12 feet. . long-term occupanc

miration law offices which ' - sign ifican t Increaa

it along said .and rc- P ica said the ciir

runk driving sem an 's sen tence and that drunk w as im proper beci prem e d e te rm ina te .— -

The Suprem e Cou I, con- e a se under advtsemc J u d g e - Twin F alls Pollcc ig h im Ju n e 22, 1979 for dri in the Icated. The defendc es ap- w ith a misdem can Judge Incident m arked h he de- offense. Under Idaht

DWI offender can tx C ourt,. felony.>d his H ughcspleadedgu fy the Ju n e 2G, 1979.

pijort-cause-unlcr Co. spanning the width <*rmlne w ere affected by riptions ruptlons of power.> and “ A blip on the s;stored som e blinking, but v

cau se ," Nielson saPow er problem could exlsl

Twin sy stem 'o r In the sysom ers nectingutiiities.

r .... .................lar-old. B ___I Twin Britlcal | . *a t St. iWed- I

heim a i .

i'"‘S Ia o n e II When E • " H e lh a t O a

I hie lha l- believluries, n • h a th n o t beiieviI S t. IS ' l l ' J I ■' "A s m an y a:Volley I ,o

n 2ffi I • " H e lh a l Se.gfriiy h e th a i l^siieve y to a ■ ' oT G od ab idelRoot-ot ■-------- . - j^ H o w ^ h a l l -e h lc lo - . ... w h ich a l lh e li

c o n ftr jn e d untc chicle • **Third>trMt,

isinos....- y e a r -^ h » ie l lo w in g jA9,000. B uilding on thom ean • _ _ _ _ _SATUIB S A L E T I M E i: 510.7 ^

Phlleciobtofodlo lalf O' . —-Hor»« collor* - ________ _old.woodon.cholf».5 was Clgoroilo tint •• >

i,,.< eheeie culler with; lots of slenwofo {t ISn t — Copper boiler-lls. 3 le lt^ l horneti.iu irks - ■ . -

• Hov»i«roldkltcKor,™ re eololncounidr lop,Ities. ployer. wind up typlOUnty wllhupholitered*.inues---- —fobjo — lo iio f dre:jcner* ~Vegas-

.. . Chevrolet »to— Are wolder— lc

Elko frlgerotor — Oetk lan — Elotirle molo

rccntl— “ M OTiT-Moirof Itljp j g Irem hit oun»'»lok'cr.

LOLA Oldollar I Clarencakers

' S a lo m onbgocJ''l ■ A u c l i o n . . r . p _

,S'Vlies ih I ' ■ ___

ariag^in c rea se w as approved.■ Tho counoll approvod. th

P a rk s a n d Soris oiflcials fl p lanned serv ice changes'.- i ne two m ajor'changes

— b c r s -a n r fo rh o l id a jr ^ rb a of additional garbage pi( pickugs involving addition!)

A fter th e m eeting, the — £C&{__L o w ,.c h a i^ ^ with threc.oo— e tu s e of fo rc o _ ------------ ti.___ “All thc'.cxecutlve sesslo

th'c'suspension.of Del Low__ w nsthnri.” F .vprhpartcxpl;

Low h as been suspcndc< such tim e th a t the.trial rcso s a j d ^

t o f c l i n i c e ::ure trees and would $550.00within eight feet of q u a rlevinBows, the council should

The'{he hospital and y e a r d1 G. P ica said there gu tte rle need for Sixlh sum m tincd. Property in the a re a atippcars destined for w .ncy by m edical and. RichI will nol generate th e nu JSCS in -tra ffic , he city-rci

will b<iinic and hospital's en tire i ....................1-................ tion-no

lentence ' .Uie senlencc llsoll

^ a u se U w as in.

ourt has taken the Indefinnent . . -------- , require;c a rrested Hughes ■Iriving while Intox- idant was chargcd ^ anor - a i th o u ^ the his seventh DWl “

Iho law, a repeated obe chargcd with a ^ ^ ” cy

guilty to the charge

iknnuw___|h of Southern Idaho I

m ornentary inter- |

system is causing I fit wc don 'l know the Isaid. He s a id ,lh e !sl in'M aho Pow er's | biiiw;ystems of inlercon-' | _

EteTnRlJt. b e fo re you life a n d dez

) e l i e v e th o n him (C hrisi) i£ 9 v e th n o t is c o n d e rn n e d ' !ved in th e n a m e of tn e only

a s r e c e i v e d him ’('Christ) l( to b e c o m e th e s o n s o l ( jo d t i e l ie v e lh on ih e S o n hatl^ v e th no t th e S o n sh a ll nolIh o n h im ." ------------------- =”

i l - w e - e s c a p e i -II v j e negle> lirs i;b eg an ..lo _ b e sp o ljen

Ito Os by th e m ih a i h e a rd hi

6 7 8 - 7 3 5 4 o r 6 7 8 - :

IJW lU ^ so ld a t P ublic Auctl< IO c o rn o f 'o f Idn h o & M aIn Sl

IRPAY, MAR4I I 1 0 i 3 0 A . M . ________

. N T I Q U E S & O L D Eo — Amorlcon Botch Mo{)nolo O

— 3 old trunkl — Lonlortit •— r».<..'-W fonchos.^FroiLlof»_=.P - Kitchen ^ m p — Old hond loc th 7 b lodot — Hond w othor — k0 (vo tet. p lotet, 101 ol d lihe t, ca— Old lom p i -. Bevel ed g e mlrr

A N T I Q U E F U R N Iiei> ookcupbbord , h a t flouc.bln_s ip, gbo’d condition — Edlton ype. good condition — Round ool'1 to a i t — O ld wooden ice bo* In v re ifo n . lo m o w lih m irrori — Oo<

S T A - r i e n t m i r c iM I S C E L L A N E O U Stioiionwogon. run* good — Wrig la th e tool* — ■/," copper cab le -JooMOf-----PM% A nnnA , Jnh lr.ik — Hot p lo le i — Creopor — O }lort.i t i e l l a m n i r r f ro m Clorvnee ErO

il't e tta l* t lom e he ho t collected

T E R M S : C A S

(LOVER ESTAwe O lb v er, Bu

. P h e n e 6 7 8 * « 5 4 <il''by W a ll A u c t io n o e r s anc

^ K a y o W all D a n W o 1 4 2 3 -5 5 9 6 . 423-484

K im b e r ly H a n so i

-pickupH.lh» 1 t■p rf»nt_in ^P■•>t!p ponHtnplls filing a list With the city ofMhc *

--r-ij_________iges requested by cham ber mem- irbagc-pickups-and-priorapprovai—-

pickups ra ther than automatic lonai charges.the council w ent-into ex ecu tive- suspoheion-of-^!lly.polico-8gt^D cl^ c.opuntsinvoW ng allcged.lm prop-....

;sslon was for was ciarlficatlon on Aiw so that everyone knows wherexplninr»flWrdnPsrin.v . -------- -------

nded indefinitely with pay “ unlH resolves Ihcsit'tation.” E verheart

e tydnsion0.000 expansion will provide new ' arlcrs for cl>a)t existing bcd.s. Work iul3 be c o m ^ c le ih lsy ca r. nc la ld .'h e council also authorized one- ir deferral of sidewalk, curb and te r improvements reloted to this n m er 's conslniclion of a dining ta atSkyvlew Monor, 640 F ile r Ave.

lichard Drake, adm inistrator of nursing home, said fpnding the

i '- re q u lr^ frontage imprtVements 1 be easie r In a year when the— ire cost of dining facility construc-i-noiongerlooms. ............................ .:ity.. Engineer C ary Young said Ike has indicated favor for a ved sidewalk allowing preserva- 1 of sliade trees next to the home.rlier this. monlh.-Drake,.soughJ.:__efinlte deferral of the sidewalk uirem cnt on grounds that a .con- itfonal sidewalk would deniand loval of the trees.Iso this. week, the council waived a Iding perm it fee for construction of 'w in F alls County shop building th of county offices next to Magic ley M em orial Hospital,

Jwi'^Falls botmty Mutual j Fire Insurance Co. (

.J___ 10t.Saiilli,amiiJ«i.> -I -----. Buht. Ideho ' ' i

RICHARD McNEW, *----- j

Serv ing Y our Rurol |Firo In su ranco N oods '

S in c o l9 1 1 I

nil Wright....................... 733-09621)ate Chrlttenien___ . . . 543-5S38 j .

m t r a ^ m ^ r a H n m m n n n r a

d e a ih , th e re fo re c h o o s e • DevteronomvSO-.IQ

I) i£ h o i.,co n d em n ed :. b u t, e d 'a l r e a d y , b e c a u s e he inly b eq o ite n S on of G o d . ' ‘

J o h n _ 3 :1 8 ‘ it) to th em gavG 'he povi/er jO dJ" Jo h n 1 ; 12la th .e v e r la s tin g life: a n d lo l s e e .l i ie ; but th e vk-ralh:,

■g /ecf'-so -g reat-salvation :-— - ;e n ,b y .th e Lord, a n d w a s d him , Hebr ew/ s2' : 3- ■ ' •

' 8 - 2 4 6 5 ;

K Tjc tlo n ioco tod o t Iho G lo v o r InStr.oot.In .R oulrldoho;------- —

BCHai, 1981_______lu n c h w ill b o So rvod •

B E R I T E M Sto Corp. rodle — U.S. Apex rodio t ^ Cnildt blackboard — Lett ol— Pore too kettle — Old eon* —1 loolt — Jugi — Crock* — Old— tee eruthor — Thunder jug* — t. carnivol glott. arid much moro) mirror — Large colUo'grinder —

N I T U R E ----------------- -in_su‘ooLi)lQ_ipieo rock-..ond por^Iton diamond needle phonograph look toble — S oldrockert. tome < In very good condition — Library . Oooeont boheh — Floor lompt. .

I S I T E M SWright chain tow — Floor tender lie - Camptiove* — Coll eoddlot ibir A cliolr to tt — Kfllvlnptor re-— O otheoter, 160.000 8TU with j

ErOlbver'rnioth*rrw»ttrtf.-»om»— :


ATE— O w ner lu rley , I d a h o5 4 6a n d S a le M a n a g o m o n t C o .

W all R o d n ey A llo n . C lo rk 484 9 438 -5944i s e n P a u l , Id .


^ N ^ v a ^ a r t

W a t e r m a nWASHINGTON. D.C. -

of the Interior Jam es W --------- M wnrrri.thn nppointmcnt. . • N evadan lo’ head the

■ . , Powor. RoMiirrrs.SRCYicc. Robert N. Broadljcnl.

--------- m ayor of Boulder City,■ in stru m en ta l in negol

tra n sfe r o f th e Bouidcr C . .......from the D epartm ent ofth

The transfer involved..........of .'/ederal land, a nd Uic

sew er and electric utilll for tho new city .- - ^

' A p h a rm a c is t by

C ountyT T N evrrB o^ o f i e r s fo r the past 12 years

' G uy L a n d ; s u g a r up yo


i 2 5 . .-Only 40° I

iNon-Fe ,Extra



f ■3 - ' ”*: L arge S ta lk s F o r . . .

t z m pt -CpUINI

rtappoinien d - ^ w e r l

— Secretary P h a rm a c : Watt has an- 1965-66, ai lent of a fellow d irec to r c ie W ater anji W ater Distice— ^ ^ _______T h e .W fnt. 54. form er B ureau ol ity, Nev., w as offices In igotlatlng th e agencyovi T City townslte e r a l dair if the In terior In forecasts ti

___ • Broadbced 20 .000“ acres , m fnistrato th'c~s«iCirmR~of '^ r c g r o u s t tilfty confracls supervise.

...................R obert Ey p ro fe ssio n , c a ttlem an

of'Cormrilss!oni^~ l^ is la T o r 1 ;ars, was presl- teSifigd th( • v a d a S t a t e m ent. '


PTHL om bardo I S w e n se n 's

ir . . . a t t rour s u g a r

b. Bog- - --------‘ per pound .. .

Fat,-Non-lhstari1 a Fancy GradefDERED MILI

W este rn F'dmilyMACARONI or


a * . $ 1 '_Pi<g: • • ■

C ase of 6 ■ ■ *! 1.*

---------------------- A f t t o n ialb.B


m z = s ^

^ P T z e M A l N A V ^

B l WeekdiC lo s e i


dtcyhead-Re^ur s

a c e u t ic a l A ssoc ia tion in and served for a tim e as

• of the Las' Vejjas ValleynsTFET------------ --------------------- =W£RS. form erly called th e ■

of Reclamation, has local^ In Burley and Boise. The

oversees 'theoperatlon o ffed * - a m s and provides w a te risto fa rm ers;____Ibent Is the second key ad- atoO V alf~ hasT ilred“wlth“no“ 5 ties'Vo the agency he will se.1 Burford. a w estern Colorado an who Introduced a Sage- ftcbe» i0n3 :b»b :^ 0 T flta te - }r there, was named recently the Biuieau of Land Manage-

smU S !h a s th e swc

's h a v e th th e s w e e te ' b a rre l noi



9 5i i ^ . w .

n - ^ O C

I * * Gallon . 1.94 Case of t

ria-Wnk---------—I. Bag

— M ^ a o -


>r B

I g l i S

• s - Ifdays'frSP.M. ~ Msed Sundays r FIVE POINTSC N T T O n ^ ^ J ^ P

. ■ ____________ lv_____ _

S - P f r a n^ - LOGAN Utah (UP]

fic . S alt U k e Clty.and Sial-------- BflBfiy , p n a fd t-n fanDC announced Wednesda;d — ------H e I d the firm haser Sun Valley ski resoft

. and will cdmmcnce d- betw een the two areas10 — ——— — ^-------------111 — -B ag iey said the re

daily, flights to Siin Vi Jo got in g ea r w here ] tj. Mountain West Just ‘j

_ tioM to Sim Valiev. ly H e said the schedi :e- ________' •

EETISID/ e e t e s t mus h e s w e e t c

^ t p r i c e . I o w a n d s a



I Vi Tin. . . IVestern FanMlylOKINGC

. . . . . j a .

16 : . i . .

— ---------------F 4 = <

^ _ W H i


_ _____Fresh



--------- BlueMii

H DOGF^ 5 0 & - ; . v

i E i e i

* I W E S T 5 P O IN I




IS WesP I) - Trdns W estern Airline egtriftr night i ervlce betwcbn- Sun Valley April IS rG w rge

iay. , ■ . ’las been flying cha rte rs to the ft a rea for the p ^ t 60 days •e a regular dn lljl.5chcdulc; ias the middle of next month.

reason for the-delay-in-the- Valley was “ it takes tim e to } .Mountain West stoppfjd.” , t recently suspended opera-

idulliig w f l s '^ f f ^ th a lT d a r

i i itE Osic, w h ie s t tak (Fill bu llave p a n

Western Fai

su<2 5 lb .B a g

JNaH *ater -f t o c 2 ! ^


» S• W W G 'r««n

Split P

^ esh -G rad ^O L E F R ^


^ Lb.

h Complete Gn


• M o lc » -v o u r o w^ b r « a d « d fliH "piB fo r f i th to n d w iir Ibi f l ih f o ro n y purpc

iiiilaiFS^ — ^FOOD 1

JumI - Roll


I ^. . -- -----------p ,

■■■" J a r . . .n s — ■

EIrivE S I R U m 1 0


stern pine ■ tionq]f1ightscou]dbcs(

g e 8-passenger .N avajo ■

when they a re received

he The Beech will travi ,ys' ■ m phand Carrying 15 paj

-------H e said m ore lhan oi------was-not-scheduledbeca

to .^pe rlo d u n tilth em ld d lecI." • u s tlm a lo m a k e a d ju s tn •a- B a ^ e y said the orlgi

f l l ^ t leav ing SaU.LaX re tu rh ihe from Sun Vall

r s iIF Hlile th e pric ce ad v an tac Ik fo o d s 1 n try rep le n i


& A Ri g . . . . . . . . . . .

^ E € ml- „NOO

o f 6 V . . . . . . . ■

J V K I C (Small Re “ and G re a t

lb. Bag . .

P e a s . ■ . 25^^


Y E R S _

T o d e ' A ' ___________

~ S 9 \

iVfn^iattmTmd or p o r t io n s . G r e a t

w iches. V frsa tl l* rp o se ; ' .......................

r - G enoric______


I I . . . . . j y o a .

" H u n t ' i ^



10 oz. $ 0 9 9


lahs Hae scheduled. / . lilv servke would begin wllh |o ’ Chieftains,, but those »pi«e«(i-by>B«Mh-00-plan«fr—'Cd in June. ' ,-------------

ravel at approxim ately 300 • passengers.

1 one daily illght originally—

lie of May ond " th is will givestm ents."_ __ ^ _____rlg lna l.^ hedu le cttlls-for a * ■ jkc-C lL y-at-2:20:p.m ^nd— Galley at 4 p.m . '

9^1K Aice is low . / ig e _of low I fo r h o m e

lish m e n t!

& G “ " ' DOLES1 . 5 9 5. .*6.15

Reds, Pintos a t N ortherns)

9 . 9 9s.*6” S'------- -------- We

BONELESM- -Fully c o o k o d - --------

y y a s t e f r e e . . . . . . j

B_ E

From Independei ..Meat C o m p an y ..

N e w ! W e

p i ;-----Homburger>5'ausi

W e 'v e tr ie d I to y o y il lik

King S


-------- ^ W e l e h s P u i


, W aterSOFTEN!

SALTE x traC o u rse

r ............. ^

i^qyr^ C j ^ . j 9Bt—_TlmQ3-.t

ailey s eLater. .Bagiey said the

— wardB-to th ree flights rinll m onths a'nd up to five duri

— w lli-avenigcihrccrbutihD aslheseasoncM anges,” he

T he Logan-based airtine ab ou ree yea rs and cui n igh ts from Logan to Salt

— Junction.-Colo.-----------------

Sun Valley traffic ." He sd . dem and for servlcc to the

an d the company already I — ord er, b u t Uioy.probably w<

' couple or years. '

MA nd th is w p rices on o > s to r a g e

I .S--------Hard-Red

W H E i



estern Family

I M S $ 1I b r = l


_ .

estern Family

H A Ii s 'a g e . ' .B s p p o r o n L ------ 1o n d v y e ’r o s u r e k e i t t o o .

Size K«rmc

g r />

Jre---- ; ------—„I IY AME

SIN» M -y "

~ ~ m X o :

O n e* P o u n d


e r \ ^ e —the company plans up-

■dnllv during the sum rher during the peak of the ski

ih e jn v lll be up and'down ’ ’hesald .lin eh as been in business - currently has scheduled '

Salt Lake City and Grand

pan y -w ar“ looklnglo-thc----------e said he was certa in the the a rea would increase •

idy has larger a irc ra ft on y would b e d e l tv c r ^ f l r a — >—

e ■ • . •

N!w e e ko th e r

a n d

med---- ------—





□ l h a -

KeebloFlONEY^!AHAWVi5. _ $ l * _ 4 9

)X . . ■ ----------

-K ra f t— —


i b z . .

lue Bonnet




“ ==T 1 . ,


L a o s lull m uch he

~ B urffotc' . ' (JK N K ItA L TKN J_____________ tIu- prottH'MH viiu hii

ond huppiiu

A H IK StW ar. i< informnliiin you'nci'i rolii-vftonsiejns.vou * T A U k U S IA p r . 20

' ’ Vtniim'dkMnoffptiiry"!—-^^-^VT4i=^w<wl<-'<iUl-Hno:(or-ya:

__ GEMJJsXlMoyJil■ ri-(|iiirc'il. lO Rfllnyou

fiuri' U) im prove you NUJON C H lI.D iU

«u<ly of w hoi is roo iifliT you r nim s in n

i.K O l ju ly 22 to ; iii'lp lo you du ring t uvi'iiinK. M uch plcaa

----------------------- ^VniGO-lAuR'. 22rcKuhition th n t appli <if othors. Ho poised

1.1 IHIA iSi-pi. 23 t o u t u!t fa» l BS you wc m aiU Ts. o r you cjyU

SC O K P lO lO ct. 23 !iuddc-n situQ iions to< vvt'ninK cnn bo 0 mo:

S A G H T A IU U S (1 otlitTS 09 much un p ncs«. T ok f lim e lo m

C A P U rcO H N lUci honiilinf{ or im porto

. could brinK trouble 0

' ■; A < iU A IllU SU «m .' ’’ ii> forcc you Into som t - ' ' ' for VOU. Bo poised u t

w hen colk 'd upon to II"., Como lo u fine occord

- • n - ^ U H C H I L D t:------ -------- Ik' uiil.- Who c‘iin cuiiily

,, , _ n u n - to give th e b est c iiucccss h a ssu red . C

‘ S p o r ls ore d m u st in I


'' ip he said V •' ' wordir

.;‘yV : LATIGO

, I s o THATS THE NEW ._ , , j , ^ ^ F R lE N D cr MJURg


v ? fS .v ]... .. ^^WAg H lN g : THIS .VI.. ’ CORTATRETSCEFJE

...... 'N O T B6"51JT’W B l 6,.r. ' A «SE S"


- - t iS B l:i j r *

1, 'Okay,Now 00 stick

nil f in d friends le/p in evenint !: during dayK N DKNCIKS; A jioodH im i' lo 1 hiive mn iliijiu h i:.p u ai-fln tU iirrntt^mKT«)MMHn>ih»4u4,ur»-4tp in i'ss.-.. ^

!l lo A p r . laK Jo '10 th i- r ig h t soi nct'd. Tiike tim e W'Visit w ilh frii 'OU urc under.'. 20 lo 'M oy 20) You m ay find it

ry a L u c iw ia c Z — i—L

’ 21 to .)uno 2 U Radicnl cho'nKu: ►-our m osl chcrishcd oimfl ab lh,is you rapp fo rnnce .3U EN (June 22 to Ju ly 21) Moi reolly im portan t in your life one n a ponitive manner.

to A ug. 21) F rien if ' c anno l be lg thc 'duy . bu t can b e relied upi I ca su ri 'is vours Cbnighl.22 10 S ep l. 221 Follow every

pplica to you today ond gain ihi led a t alt lim vs.

23 to O ct. 22) S itu a tio n s m ay r I w ould like a t ihis^lim e. b u i do 9^ 1d get into trouble., 23 to Nov. 211 Com pose yoursel I today will not g e l th e b e st of j m o s l huppy one.

S (Nov. 22 lo .D e c. 211 T ry I. s possible todoy und ovoid unF0 mediiou-.lUec. 22 to Jan . 20) He carcfu i r to n i w ork ut th is lim e. Takii le o l th is lime.

:m. 21 lo Peb. 191, D on 't perm it :>m esituation ih a iy o u know isn1 u t a ll lim es todoy . ,0*to Mur. 20 | E x p ress yoiir''.?^5 't o do no lodoy and please higl :ord w ith aasocloi^s.

D f s HORN T P P A Y . .~ h ^ r l isiiy g e t ujong wcl) w iih o thcra s t education you con offord ond I. G ive e lhicol tru in ing eorly in th is c h o n . )

I t w a s s o '

nWK iJw v^

^ k 00/V\K OIF IW AUSdHAU. IlAIV AN' 0«CJRS. BOSS T ^ ------ ..IP AH KAwe ^ tiSND. IT IS J

jo A B . l i f r ' l T

m mMIS P R O S y M ^ ( c „ i ' j




^ ---------ioriooM-------- -........................ .7H6SUIAI

is '3 2 i _ —

G o r o o A S u

so u ^ c ^ for' “ ‘ friends ond ' I I CA N T J

? THAT HIG1 it diH icull

iKes m ay be . . ___h,istim c”Be

0and then go

b . of much ANDYCAPP- - upon in th c ' '

TCH.'B«?£AK,yr»to«na bkSr|Pwth e ri-spcct - ••• T p - S f A LOO

y no t w ork 1 ,d o n 't force ^ ^

• s e lfso th o j. Iof you. T he f ^

< lo p lease . ' -jnp lcosan t- DOONESBURY

efu l in th e •' -------ik ing ' r isk s ’" 'C A im n C K /:

■ ' M ni& SA Ii VIATIF£C

t i i iu n v o n e L ni/SCOMHr.♦ M m m m . isnoL xJght /R E C m

ligher-ups. | J

■ fr% sor she will r . ,icra. ao be iT'W/ ■m d fu tu re * - ■ I— , p ~ly in life. . .. ^

oT riry it again,Doc • J L'Maybe it was a

' Ik


I S S A R S 6 ^ )


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HuPOHBRlOPOSeiOPOWSt = mLswf^AVNSTHnee n f A H M J A X a n sv A V & fT M ote/Poua.AO JKsrop * Oer&MAmiN. A MASSIF I'MAfVBUBXHIP.AfJPA.




f AHA, hteRg ^



\]^ a « o u a tfr-o o m p o M V ^ T o flJJD IDLENESS TO OO R X T>

PEOPLE! ‘ ■ j-m i -----rf K ----

EiSSfl iJ*TH0USHT.1ILI JI j f f I \FORAUTK»J.CAPS^Ll> - < q ; ^ -\

^ X T 'S FB “ IA Y ® u , c l u B. t h e Ba c

. « J O i n E d e n M /

V N l t £ T „ ^ r I PONT THINt J I s ^ u L P Evsi?

___________n _______

..’ r -^—

“ 7 “ N£EPLES

J ' ' " '

GRUESOME, 6U T^ ^ ' G L O R I O U S ^

i H ) i l 'M NOT S O m u c h )( IN T£R ESTEliJtJ_T ( I aJH A T 'E \S ,A S <Wvws^jer^


1 ■ . - A d iS /VWMT \ Uw^l*

) 1 &b , VP

50 DEATH P U E L S / HOLV ypi?p .-prftTCra ( MagvFPFi 1 _ -TO-SNTEgTAIM—y . ----- - , ----- ---

M A ssE s .y ^ ^ - ; ; ^ ^

> o R F A N

f tO G A & E ______


AP XSE. 'TmA ^ ' J-i-J

Hill III 'SB

^ ~ f w M '

• / ,

, ' » ■■ W a itresse

"T i^men giue iWaitresacs like to 'ser

' m u t k m a tte r from 6ui -■ — = m en l f te 'a lo r lJla [e! UtJl

Q. Did you evcr-figi women de ep on thc lr sidi backi?

A.' il>ve been-advised woniejg b u t n o l by rqen b

^ - R cincm S cf^ you jcan l- -• - biuiness, o r a device that

-■- ------- Mlmad, m ad , mad? Whate« before going in to battle, w ord “ b c n p ik ” c«rhet frt

Q. How come caU I welcome aboard ithipi? L(

- --------Ai -But d o p d o n 't-h *, roug}i weather.

______ T n lnen .o ie r-w ha l. w ear those ileek black we ' XJUer w hiles dine on dee)

D<MHow do you sccouni

D urham a r n in N orth C d o c to n o f philosophy? C o the r univetslty tow n lo

... : Ph.D .! per capita. T hat’s 7

Q. "I t h o u ^ t bam b o o ' ■ A. TTiat can’l be HghL be eaten IBce atparasui. btead. Even th e Juice fron B am boodoe talm ostaU of

T hai Moses hod ■ spe< heard. But do you know I BlblicaJ a u tho rity , w hen h an Egyptian Pharaoh’s cou and burned his tongue.

Q. What proportion of w ere athletes in college an<

A . College, 15 pe rc en t.'

<n*ll dalhrtry^ Mno p*ymtni v t St'ndlcau. (ne.. No. 9 Crown n


/ Nc?RS»V \

W/,1 )\ ^ 7K47-/

iboR uew\€ r '

\ /ri' i

N ib •./ i

SOOD h e a v e n s ! t h a t / ;


\ r

" J e f fy 's m ak ing Ic

--------n — "------------ ::----------------

se s f in d so lo , ^Bigger ftp s ^I Mrve lone m en. N o , this, is n o t a ro- I'o u r Love in d W ar m ah’s n ie irL o r ie t lp n l n i iu ih e r H )n su f J t i i m , t l m *ia n . .

-figure o u t w hy fa r m ore m en than r sides and stom achs instead o f on th e if-

fcn becauie m en d o n 't have Iwbles.

can’t .p itc n t an Mrn, n w ay,'of-iloing—th a td o e m ’t.worit.-- - : ------

-MUSHROOMS--'--------*ih room is it-tha t-w b«n^l*n-d(iv«— latever, it’s th e type the V ik in p liked ittle. i t gave them haliucinatloos. Our )t from tha t V ik ln ^ fi l^ .

RU bu t n o t dogs have alw ays becoI? L ot o fdogskU l rats , t o o . .......................t-have the h a n g -fu t gear so handy, in

w haletJeam ed.a few .years a g o .o o —^ ( w et suits on th e Job. Look to o e d ib le ., sleek blade s e t lions. V m told.

DOCTORATESo u n t for the fact th a t th e R a le l^ . th Carolina a ttrac ts an abundaoce o f y? Credit Duke, o f c o u iw rB u t in no- n In -th e coun try are there so manyf s 706 per 100,000.............. -

boo w as p o i s o n o u s '[ght. Bam boo Is ra ls^^ In th e O rien t lo '[US. Bamboo seeds are ta sty , t(w . In ' from the seeds is tu rned In to a drink. lU o f its growing a l n l ^ l , inddentally .

speech im pedim ent you’ve probably low how he go t it? A ccording to one en Moses w as an In fan t In th e care of 1 cou rt, he p u t a h o t coaliln h is m outh

1. o f the ‘ o r t s w ri te n In t h b countiye an d Ihe pros? ____rnt. T T irpros, 3 p e rc e n t

I ooa F.41.." Sl.MIng Publlinlng Co.. Jne.., OKKing. nm ailn;—te u i . sjo. For rtiurn*#n« wlin ordtr to "Doya'i Oeok." Crown wn Roia.W Mtrnrtotg. TX 7 c o s a .. '

' .............-............ ; L . .

■- (W)LErs'\

/ R O M A N ^\ ANOTHER CIVI*4\ - a AMCS...? A tZATIOW.TH«rT-*<AD--------------


0 Ico c req m s o u p ."

.. o

Wes' * SAl.T rAtfF._r_ITJ

• K ansas S late has" fou advance through the BaskelbaJl Tournamei

T he unrankcd Wile 1 , ■ _ la c E g - tc .a m - iD - th e J

g ionals, "lulled" the ' •- opponents into thinli

■ ■ iiu tl* Cfllua DO ocatcn,......... Coach Jock H artm an.

And H artm an hop< - r s t r a te ; ^ will work li ;; ■ ■ K ansas S ta te plays

Illinois In a rcglom gam e a t the UnJvers Spccial E vents Center.

Tenth-ranked Utah • - N orth C arolina in

• - W estern "Regional scn igh t’s two winners wj

•. v ' «. .• ■ r.'-' I ••


:j: - I R "

M ix ed em oW hile Carlton F th e uniform hli s eem to b eso m i te rC a r ly n ls - ^

; fo tonight’s N il

d f c z M r------B yU nitcdP resrlp tcm ation .

Oh, m an! Could West Virg Jcny-W cstoiLH olRod Hundl

■ J P ^Cui;rcnt Mountaincj!r_sta . ^good, but nothing In the

H undley c la ss and that’s the p la y e r W est Virginia r

= a U v a n c c past-fai>ored-MJni th is ‘ycirr^s—N ational IiT o urnam en t..........

West V irginia’s basketbi — w ere rejuvenatedM onday-n

Its 77*7.6,overtime nail-chewi ry over Tem ple. That was

:___ti iu »j.pijJiow^vCT.-m«.rv tn___ jS ufiO y jn jrisn irM oi^n tow i

I t ’s anolhb'r s t o r y 'o n 't l w here W est Virginia has wor seven gam es.^Tonlght the show m oves to Minnesoti quarterfinal engagement. Mi a t Syracuse In another gam ing NIT survlvo’rs in the i

' *^*^riday night, Duke is at P u . -South A labam a visits Tul

sem ifinals a rc scheduled i Y ork’s Madison Square G pr M onday n i ^ t and the cham

' g am e Wednesday night.

Regiorst Regi<:iT.Y (UPl')_^= S a t u r d a y - found a way to gional till* the I981- NCAA— Fom-. - m en t—Jhefl. ‘^urv iv i Vildcats, an at- '4 £ a ^ s t Saie...Westfim Be:___ S S I^ iL s athe ir first tw o ' goftd^n-de linking Kansas then we si en; according ld“ “ Sld!6'lhe'fij an. The 234lOpes the same San F ran clt_tonight_whcn___ Np_2iranky s 18th-ranked- th 'eplayoff Ional semifinal . th e ir m a te -erslty of Utah S alt U k e C ter. “ We’ve cah hosts No. 6 fa r ," H art in the other certa in ly i semifinal. To- com fortabl

} will then meet «Sce

f -

. :

\otionsm Fisk m ay be delighted with his son is displaying, there

om am lxed emotions. D a u g h ^ r a i l in g , but young Courtney

[IT q u arte rfin a l

rginia ii~Nn

N rglnlauseamdleynow. _ _ n iT Q Us ta r te r s a r c ------------------jp tih e West or (allIhecaliberof c p .m . — , , n e e ^ f^ to S yracuse (20-

Inv ita tion M lnncsd'a (I£

jtball hopes fip .m . — Di ,y-nlght-wllh— (ig -io j. lewlng vlclo- . 7 p .m . ‘— S vas a honfe atTulsa{23-7,

r the ■ road,- • ;- ."O u r- hoifte' won three of. dous ail seasOi lhe Mouhtie record- wouldn so ta foe a and the chancc Michigan Is N IT field v

a m e fealur- d rastica lly ," le round of Coach Gale Co

session In Mln Purdue and- tenioon. " I t h Tulsa. The earlier. ! can*' d for Now play In Morg jprden next - crowd doesn’t lampionshlp Just too good t

them and the

mn al s e to h a l ^

> y ~ a f tm jo o n ^ o rH h g ° r r ‘ °^ ilie and a berth in the F inal.

/ive, th a t’s whal we did San Francisco and Oregon

.said;Alartm.1n.. VWc-wcrc___■defense in bolh gam es, and -j - I sprinted ot the finish and ?gam cs."53-8 Wildcats knocked off ncisco S4-60 and then upsetnkcd^£cgon-Stato-5(MR-in____offs a t Los Angeles to earn itch'up agalnsi the Illlnl In eC ity.e enjoyed our season thus arljnan said, "an d w e’re / proud of it. This is a Ible team , .wilh ■ sm art. . «eW E S T P ageB 6


h seem s unim pressed will e . h is sw itch to the Ch J- official Wednesday wit y • •

In troubT pairingsJUARTERFINALS M;!oday*6G an>cfrr..- ---------—allUmesM ST) ----------- Michigan (I9-I0) a l h i 20-11) of "W Kt Virginlfl (22’0> a t------- m(I9-10)_ q iH d w 's Gam es a tDuke (17-12) a t P u rdue . a

T l--Soiilh-Alabama (25-5)----------W )___________________ la:

^ ^ ^ -------CJl\e 'c ro v /d s 'w e re • irem cn-' isdn. If not for them, ou r ' Idn’t have ,been a.«i good qu nces of us nol m ak lrtj^he— Bl

w ould’ve bveen cu t be ’ says Wesl Virginia (hi C allelt d u r in g p r a c t i c e i llnneso la Wednesday af- 84- . helped-us bea t Tem ple " ’co m ’l believe anybody can Gc >rgantown and say ou r n i n’t affeci them. They’re po d lo Ignore. I ’m proud of N i they w ay they behaved ‘

m ifinc'

i J T w


_ _ _ R E G I O N A L p I I F I

^ ..................SSSJSWest Regional

. a l Sail Lake Cll] 7::«J p .m .-U ta h (2M]

Carolina (2G-7)9:08 p.m. - Kansas SI


wilh 11 oil. F isk m ade enc Chicago White Sox day w i t^ a pres? conferi^____Pa*

ble with-tlurlnglljfrMason?^^------------

West Virgi.ola feotured a i a tta c k in beating Temple i McCoy. Greg Jones and Phi

■ “ Bm I saw things ouT haven ’t seen all year,” admll of som e shoddy Mountlc pi

-m a y -m a k e -m i8take9,- but-v quit. This team has a good about them that Is going to ca a long .ways in this toui T hey ’ve already come a long

— Minnesota,- runner-up lo_ la s t y e a r in the NIT tounia

cha'rnpionsm p^^'.tiic oddsmN evada ........... - '

At any ra te , with three of i quarte rfina l team s hailing I

"Blg'-Tcn'C0nference,'0ddsma betting lha l the NIT title wlr th e trophy room of a midwest . M innesota—ripped- Conr

84-66, Iasi Monday, a n d .. 'C oach Dom Perho prcdic G ophers would be tough to be NIT . T rcn l Tucker’s career points took the spice oul N utm eg bid to rcach the (Inals

Syracuse Coach Jim' Boehe

ii¥ ^ - lls thu

vs. Illinois ( ^ ^ •___

N Tennessee (— -7 :3 8 -p.m,

W : § ! ' !24-6)vs.Nc

544 -—— ^i> '^ y "M ic

• fltRii5;08 p.m.

vs. Boston C FINALS 7:38 p.m.nes— -------------- (23-«)-vsrlmT ) : Midal a tlily 6:08 p .m .--4) vs. N orth K ansas (24-1

8:38 p.m.State (23-8) • L S U (2 W » -

K ' f e

^ I

^ _______ J .

nee." A com plete roundup t a y ’s baseball actions can t age B7. ----------------- :

h Minna balanced M ichigan des] ) a s Diego played before >hil Collins angem en fans.

It there, I lh a l can score i n llsC atle lt- B o e h e im so play. "We M ichigan’s? ! .:

od attitude and Duquesnecarry Ihem m enl.jurnamenl. _ Syracuse b<igw ays." M arquette cno_ Virginia finals and is 16- nam enl, is Boeheim knc

;nmkt»R>‘ln~- offensive oppor " ' \ ■ ' Agaliis'l Holy If the elghl com m itted 2 5 1 I from lhe 2l-polnl, 10-rc nakers a re sophom ore Le< krln^.up in C anada, to s st school. S yracuse’s fav{nn ec ticu t,-------Michigan-helI ..N u lm e g c spacious D- llcted lhe afternoon. Wi b ea t In the F rle d c r is conc «r-)jlgh 35 h av e a lot of ul o f the quickness a l g »Js.. . .g a m e , but « helm feels overeom elheol

ck en 1Is (21-7)

EastR egioaal a t A tla n ta _________________

m ,-.V lrBinla_(26r3}_vs.____<5(21-7).m.^------Brigliam YoungNotre Dame (23-5)

tV tday’a G am es-----------—vlideaslRe^oDalRlnomlngtnn Tnrf

m. — St. Joseph^-f24>?)------n College (23-6)m. -r Ala.-Birmlngham’Indiana't22'9) •Aldwi»tRegiODa]a t New Orleans

n . -W ic h i ta St. (25-6) vs.’4-7)^:; •n . — Arkansas (24-7) vs.

•f. ! • ■ 1- i

J* ■ ‘



? pf Wedncs- t1 be seen on (

— ::-------------- -(- f

________ • • ••_______ ctII

' ............. .................... a

lesota jV

re-a-tough-U m 'e-agalnsl— tl lesplle tlie gam e being ore 20,000 partisan Or- k tis. - V,■ n - g r a l - o t ie r a iv r tn im — 0 re a lot of points quTckly,” H s a id W e d n e sd a y o f -

.3 .season shooting per- • si noppltid'NlT-fM^-TOjcoo— ^ ne in this year'sT bum a- e;

wbeat Holy Cross and ir

en route’ to lhe quarter- l< 16-3 at home for 1980-81. \> knows his team can 't af- H [>w MIClllEflnTlQO- fflflllV - '-~portunitiea:------ ------- — B6Iy CreM rlhVOrahgemen a turnovers an d 'if took a wi-rebound e f fo r t ' by 6-8-----Leo R au tin s 'o f Tbrenlo, in 1 swing the gam e In , g< avor.held its firsl-w orkout-at— si ; Dome a ren a W ednesday- -h i Wolverine Coach Bill pl

>ncemcd his team doesn’t ot of size and not a lot of pl t guard for the Syracuse -Jt

thlnks“ h i r “ (w w can ai e obstacle. fo

. . .T h u f!

ATLANTA (U P I) - ^ “ Coacn uiRgcr n ie ip s

.......... nesdav the Enst is thglonal“ ^ l h c NCAA playoffs where no one I

I---------booiecourledgo,— --P lay in the E ast tod.'

ranked Vlrfelnln nea

9lh;ranked Notre Dan • 17th-ranked BrlgJiom

in the regional finals S 1:30p.m .

"F o r this regional rif> one has nn edge.’,’ sn "T h a t’s nol true In lliec

-------- whore.U tah and lndiaiirihg oh the ir homo courl;

= is v irtually a lliom c play:

A l l s-C S I to

all-sthnTW IN FALLS - (

Southern Idaho^ baskctli c rank it up one last tim e nc

Coach Dave Campbel charges will go agalnsi a i. lineup in the first Region basketball game Marclf28: is hopeful th is will be an ai and the reception of the

. here probably will foretell i i f l t i f iV tll l lJ W lu p a m i

cham pionship team hosti s ta r s from the o ther 15 co designed to help fight tlic

‘ cost of interco lleg ialc -7 specifically lo help offs(- housekeeping costs and In

fset som e of the expenses— bl-reglonal years.------------

CSI participated in a playoff la s l week and In

. losing- to Mesa College, also w ere forced to pl expensive travellngblil.

Wilh Cam pbell in t V K T insTforlhtfT iationai-iut

tournam ent, assistant C Hovey is heading up the p work for the ail-star game Is due back in Twin Fails week.

"W e've glven-our youn, week off from regulated | Hovey said. “ They’ve been fo r the past six an dT half n only' a few days off at ( They’re still pretty weary

• season and all tlial tri Phoenix last week. We’ll sti it up again Monday."

Seven of the'rcglonjrt all­appeared in Twin Falls thi: to the surprise of no one. lli

—0anyoTT in tonigl'EDEN-HAZELTON - If

rn n 't pm vnlf tho Canyon (.' '“ ‘coiild well win a p a lro fa ll-s

lonlgiit. ------->T he A-3 alignment, its bo>

a big boost from the state Glenns F e rry Pilots and lls G o i n g ’s 18-2 squad, figun favorites against their M»| counterparts. That will be the Valley High School gj lonlglit when the girls coi|id<

-and the boys take the court a " I thlhk probobly we'll n

down lhe" floor.” said I Coach Skip Pauls of his Mai team . / ‘They’re much toller

-w e'll^have-to-w ork-to-gct-ir We’ll try to se t up one-on-(

T he Magic Valley reboui look -was weakened con w hen 6-5 E ric Jones, Hager

--tainK ! injrDRGirrtfgTaTimi fl H e'll again be on the sidelli— a s h e w as when Hagcrma s ta le and when the Magi

—Ka6ler-i>eai-all-slar-gam^w ea rlie r Ihis week. Sitting bi will be team m ate Doyle Ov in ju re d ^ n ankle in lasl we< tournam ent. His spol onilie i been filled by Robert Eth Hansen.

“ Good.' we can use that.' w ith a smile.

— Echoing- P au lsrB row n“ s instructions to the players '

jg o o u ta n d h a v c fu n .”"W e certain ly don’t have

-s p e c la l-p la n n M r^ ro w n s -h av en 't had a practice.-Mo p lay ers a re out for track a o ther things. Some of Iheir played for a couplo lhrec w«

-Jt should t o o,fun niglil for th and som ething they can n fo ra lo n g llm e ."

lu fS day . M arcn 1 9 ,198t . Tmii

A p lo tt ReqjoNotre Damp ■ O rleans. The

'S suio m eans we all the only rc- "T ire-last \ haskotbnll w as for. the e team has a Fortunately .

--------liay pits :ird- Youni* C ond ealnst ifim-

ame aRalnst Arnold sal:i Youni' nt of .iip se ts 11 n e rsn iw tin g .— o n en in p -ro iSaturday a t pjayoffs " a n, • ■ • advan tag e li

•iR htnow .no h;ivc played said Phelps. > .( ijr lg liam V? oiher threo___ jUc_second-na a re play: Princeton in rls and USUlylnghiN ew •• , . s e c

s t a r sm eet Rec

's in TwinC ollege of dom inated by

ithall Kagle.s Coach Roll next week. hoad m an foi >etl and h is th ree of h is t ipow er-laden 6-II G reg Wi on l» L a li-S ta r_ -h e rd 'a n d ' 6- 28..The region Jo in ing them annual a ffa ir l lc y w o ^ . he Inaugural 'fh e rem ain II its future, -f ro m Ihe Ore, II uiu regional -conlerence. itlng the all- They indue L'olleges. It is M ount Iloo he increased C hem eketa: ( le • a lh le te s , O re g o n : G- f s e l. regional C hem eketa: i hopefully of- w e s te rn Or

’s Incurred In B rouchet, Im-------------- - O f t h a ta bi-rcliional M eriw eth er n addlli.on-io— nam ed-lo thc •. the E ag les th e regional pick up an w eeks ago. C

M ichael Ingn Hutchinson, N am ed a s ;

iun iorco llege—coachesnvere Coach E ric Sm ith, both of

! p relim inary ' ‘It deflniU ne. Campbell te am we've pl Is early next a sm ile. " II r

W illiams dec ing men the Heywood and 1 p rac tices ." tim e. T ha t’s 'a ;n going h a rd would m atch ; rhonths'witfj coun try ."

I Christm as. "1 would si iry from the will be going traveling to and Couch (C s ta rt picking du the sam e tl

__ ;____• Hovey said^li-slars have' Hovey sald'^ his y ea r and to a rriv e in Tv the rosier is have their lone

rgrtmps^fi ht’s prep (If quickness Castleford, I LCQii(t:micc.-.Uie.nfLli d ls ld l-sfar g am es the p layers I

Conference gli oys draw ing d u d e s leadini [e cham pion .d laga plus tl Is g irls from Coach J e r rv / jre lo Ik* t l ie ' Wolves. lagie Vaiiey ‘ M ngie Valle: w tested a t height undern gym nasium C onference she ld e a l7 p .m . . th ere . The feel I about 8:30. on both sides ii run up a n d ’ e n c e c a n c H agerm an penetration ani

lagic Valley g irls should witi ;r than us so But the tean -in-position,— :playnjan-to-m f n-one sltua- the g irls have

unding oul- d lag a a very ronslderably gam e, erm an. sus-

Jln'e loniglil Tc-m cnmioni.nan went to Si-iiiunu ami juii

iglc Valiev . .“1*. ""'''”* . ]°''-

Murlnujui, niul'ruiKDwsley whoveck's s ta te ’ m»,c ro ste r has. iiri.iii Kui'ii n«i ithlnKton of Krick»on. il.-ill |{|

^ MnmnWiirr. OiiVlwll. MurlmiRli: J

It-factor--------- Uw-tir/.- lIJKtTniai.1." he said liiJurlw.roacli.Ski|

“ sa rd '" 6 u r ; C*5y5

■ Jouii I'icrcy. Kim IC anything Hokpw ami Jtamsqld. “ Wc----»lc>. Wctxtell

dost of lh e • « ‘«;f‘.^"iiic<ips.Ki and doing cmm

3in haven 't ' i>cnn)i« n« weeks But crtiu>cr*. KinUicplnycrs S l f ' • C m ; rem em ber ' rM .


m os-N pw s. Twin F iills.J(faho D-

The four ot us being here . ^

ast time 1 was In Atlanta the final four (In 1977).' ely, this lime. I have iny w jttrm p :'‘7saId-Urighnm— uaeh Frank _

It Omni:— ---------- ------------ rsaid lie thought Ihc rash

s thal occurred In the ‘ . -rounds—o f- th c —NCA-A— "a ro over uiUi. It was on i ;e in Ihe second-round lo j lyed in.: the first round j 1 Voung upset',UCL(V In : nd- round-afler-beatlrrg—1 in Hound No. 1 where j

SecEA STPageB 6 j

igion 18 n Fallsdby North Idalio.i^ollie Williams, who will be.] for the all-slars, will have - lis North Idaho Cardinals in ' Willjer. Wi Warren Shcn- i'6 -4 “ Charlcs M eriwether. . lom will be Ricks’ C -ii/'itm '

la inderof the all-stars come Oregon Community Collcge :c. • • —iclude (M Jason Cawthorn, Hood: 6-4 T e r ry Lee. a : 6-6 Greg Brady. Central

6-1 P a u l V o n ru d e n , a : M Borry Bokn, South- Oregon and 6-4 GroR l,.ane.a t n u m b e r . . W lU J e r , ’ ier nnd Brouchet w o ro _ -the ailUournomenl team in nal finals played here two :o. CSl's, Frank Baines and - ngram rounded out that llsl. a s allcrnotes by the voting .•ereScoibPackcrandC raig— :h of Ricks,initely will be the tallesl 'e p layed," Hovey said with - It really woijld be if Coach decfilbd lo play. Wiltjcr,

and- Shepherd a l the sam e ;’s“a back Jine that probobly Ich any NCAA school in the _

d suspect Coach Williams ing with a plaloon .system I (Cam pbdl) probably will le thing with our p layers,"I . ______________________ ■3ld the all-stars a re slaied < !i Twin Falls March 27 and lone practice that evening.

lavored” I gam es .rd, the enlry to s ta te fromii>lric_t..wlll.prQ^de.fnur nt___r's” for' the Magic Valley ? girls. Thai contingent in- iding scorer I^ u r ie Gan- ' s the inside strength of ry Allred's regular season___

alley will have rcspc,ctable lerneoth but lhc"Canyon ! should h d d an advantage feeling among the coaches es is if the Canyon Confqr-

co n to ln G a n d ia g a 's I and scoring, the the A-;t iwin, . . .cam s will be required to unandefeiiseand-n ianyof— ! lave spent their c a reers j

ry real factor in tiie glris

n i« tfc y ia i^ G ir tr ! r '(onl. tjurle GanJIaRn. Hoc Aim

Jullc l4)tl. .Catllclonl. Sherry - ' vonnc IltrrlnRlon. llncrrmiin; Tin;i

trTtinll lUvcrf Jcaiirfle llrcnlmli,I condl. Jerry Allml. Ca»tlctorU.

M»KleV«lkyBoyi. niKl Dob Jay. IbKenn.-iii: TodilII lilvfr: mil Kinyon. CnMlrlord; OaVlcy. >>jul Crair and Kyle Uun-;li: John Conner. Craig Daw nnd-----

i.Skipl’auli.lla'Rffman. '

uyoaODofereoceClrtf •In. pecio: Shannon Cafraway and • l>h<M)wne: Drnida Crinl. Valley:Kimberly: CmvM.. Uawna -;

canne Clenwns, (iooilliiK: Nnncy ;odcii;."iafi::(Ki» k-i‘; i-iU'/.-aiwi—p4.Kiler.. . , , . . . . .

loyoa Ooofetcan 0«yi - ) neeki: Scoti l’(.irrwn.'Sh<»lionc:..

. Kimberly: l>oufi iktiunn. Itol)I Mrtcalt. Vnllcj; JcH Clrt«ier. ’ uck. mil Stletil and Dan iilinimf Md coacli. Gonlon llrovk-n. (Jlcnns

O D -S’

" . j r f l a s

_________ TWIN FALLS - T]S outhern Idaho biii begins host of its owr today w ith two game;

_ — — F ie ld ................. .........------------------T he Golden E a^ es ,

— U tah Tech in th e opc] toefore m eeting Trei Community-Coliege in

_____ a t S p.m!_____________________ j . ____ T h e -^ ^ -d a y - l- ln v

• sum es F riday with ■ m eeting T reasu re VaI

and CSI m eeting ,Utal •• a tS p .m .

-------- -------- T he-lw o-lraveling-m eet for a sccond timi

Bruin•• . TWIN FALLS •• l<icks off .its Gem Stal

' V b a sc b a lL -S chcdu le- c SIcylFne th is afternoon

T he varsities will scven-inning battle i 3:30 p .m . today -flt J

r • T he sophom ores will ^ o n d h a iro f th c tw ln b li

■' j: "We excited to get p. s i^ r t in the new confe p a con tender," Coach : sa id . "W e’re leaving ; .we did in_Bolse (la: - a l th o i i^ we!re.^very.

' i w h a t w e accom pli ' I J (threew lns.onelofis).

' H e antic ipates a lot J w ith Skyline.

IWest------ j3---------------------------------

, r{ •ConU D uedfronrPiPcoacbabi:. :7:t3 'ers.. Now ^ O n o u r firs t two toum an ^ e ' r e p lanning on No. 3.’’

And H artm an isn’t - th

' ^ ‘i t cam e a s lio surprise K a n s a s S ta te defeated Oi G They’r e a fine team . Thej

o f b ea ting anyone," lillnoi! 5 JH en so n said.

Henson say s Illinois is g( • • ^ 0 p lay *’a n outstanding gi I K an sas S tate . We lu st hai

lE a s t-—5— — ^ n U n u e d i r o m ^ a

Z U C L .A hadabye].That'sn< , c a se ."

^ A rnold sa id he’s anxloi I people s e e 'h i s te am pis- ■ " N o tre D am e, obviously, h C m o re national rccognltioi p h av e .”

P h e lp s '-b ig g e s f concen t condition of 6-foot*9 forwai k W oolridge, an honorabU- All-Am prica who is suffcrl : th igh injury.

T "O rlando is tryfng lo _ ;_ sa ld ,P h e lp s .J^ H fs_ p ro .y e r

• notlccBble when he tries te length o f the court o r retx)* Jusl have to w ait and .see t!

_u_ CM go and ho\('^we]l_he c a n j _ t_ ^_ A m 6 1 d _ M id IW o o ld d g ^

- - - -fc'- k ^


■" D e n v e r ’s G r e g G l

E * - ^ — 5------ ^

. yn .FallaJc ia tio ___..BiufadaYjMj

s e b a itonrnpy-D- The College of 11 a .m .baseball team V alley j

Dwn tournam ent fina le at.,mes a t Frontier- . . ' i l _ sh

ies , 4-0, take on - du rin g p i )pcncrat-i-p im :— T ech bea 'r e ^ u r e Valley ' and we e In the nightcap aga inst

Invitairo'nal-fiT ith Utah Tech be belte Valley a l 1 p.m . accord in J tah Tech again 'w hat I h

little ,” Wlng-6chools-wlll— scrappyJ time Saturday a t ■ Sophor

:is beginXTwin F alls . . "T hey

State Conference m ent wiiJe_ J)y _ h o s lin g ----- yeo r-so -oon. sen io r Uwill meet in b enced ," le beginning al tw ice las it Jaycee P a r k / . . .b e re m e r .ill^p lay thesec- ■

je lo / f to a g o o d J a f f ' . / un fe ren cean d b e f A ‘V, uich Ron Watson l ^ e r 'Wg behind what E l , ,(last-w eekend)s ry .h a p p y .w ith .. d a v [^ « ®iplished th ere

lot of problems . T h a t tr th e Brul

rPHfffBS things lha tow^lhat we’ve The Willnament gam es, sen io r gu.V a v e ra g in g :•th e only one ' H artm an

riseTo rnlTthat ‘ totally-iuns ; Oregon State, w ish h e ’d si hey’re capable But Blai noisCoachLou K ansas SI

Tyrone Adj s going tb have bothav.^rai g gam e ,to beat , th e W ildcat haVe lo do l h e _ . .Illinois,-;

:^age^B5------------ problCTiHoi■s no longer the fully recove

P h e lp s’ m xious to have Y oung 's 6-5 play bccausc A inge )vho i:

/ .h a s h a d a lo t p e rg a m e . Ition than we “ A inge w

UCLA.” sai cem" was the -R ose of tirel w ard Orlando hustle . H e’s ib le ' mention NCAA playi ferlng from a A lnge from

hope is tha lo practice,'.’ s p d ls when ^em _ is_ m o s t_ h o p ln g h e h il cs to go the Although cbound. We’ll d idn’t p lay ic how fa r he Coach D on Ean p lay /;_______ to_expect_s|i}e _ w lll ' tx> fl V trB ln ln r n.i

G o n d rez ick lo se s t h e I

llm. and CSI and Treasure ! p lay in the lou m am en l' a tS p .m .should be a pretty good

LCSLCoadUim_W alker-Said._ 5 p rac tice W edne^ay . "U tah- - >eat us th ree of four last y ea r - ^e lost m ore than w e'w on jt T reasu re Valley, so I ’m ting som e good baseball, & ?6U i!e^il6ynB ^fiupow a3o= Ite r th a a d t, was last year Jing. to its coach, but from I h e a r Utah Tech is down a ' W alker said. ‘‘They w ere ajy -b unchJastyca ti:-----------------lom ore Clay Carter,. 2-0 ,

G em Stat(le y g o l to the s ta te fouma*. w ith a bunch of juniors last. so -S ky line-has-baslca lly^a " ' team . ,that will be experl-

he=kaid. ‘‘We beat them la s t y e a r so 1 assum e they'll lem berlng that a llltle, too."

I'rc going to try lo get a little for m ost of ou r pitching

W atson said when asked his' anticipated starting

r. “ We’ll probably open with <ravil2 bul Tm hoping to gel e o r four p itchers during the get us ready for ihc Elko

tr ip com es Saturday-w lth— ruins m eeting Elko In a

lat gQt us this fa r .” Vildcat»7?.T:>led by 6-foot-6 guard Rolando Blackman, ig 15 points p e r game, lan calls Blackm an “ a con- c. pJayur; Hu's' com ple te -and" jnselfish. But. som etim es I dshoo tm ore ."Mackman is "only p a rt of

S ta le ’s .balanced offehse. %dams and Randy Reed arc rag ing 12 points per gam e forc a ls a n d E d N e a ly l i . - ------------

-21-7.- I s -m ore like North

-foprhls-leanvevefHf-lie^s-not— jvered.’ next conccm was Brigham 5-5 All-America guard D anny ' lO is averag ing over 25 points

w as unbelleveable against sai(l Phelps. "H e 's Ihe Pete H eir-tcam , the sam e so rt o f . ' e’r t h e hottest, thing in .the • ayoffs. W e've got lo keep m getting h is 37 points. Our h a t even a .460 h itte r has le iy he hits .120 and I’mlilts.120.against us,” _________Jj V irginia and Tennessee ay th is year. .Tennessee n DeVoe knows a b it of what ^..s|nce_he_paired.off_agalnst__rQach~Tcrrv_Hoirand during__

W -

e ball a s h e s lam s in to k1

M arch Ifl. iQfli ______________ ^

e draw s the s ta rtin g b[ i t ' aga in st Utah Tech..Log

a Tw in F a lls producl d s ta r tin g assignm ent ford ___gam e._________________

J ';;_ -'n itL _C ol(ie ii_E a£ l{ s_ from a double-header

^ B righam Young’s Junli squad , biit^ W alker says

f==hiUlD6=^en^t=&iiaQ>=:ir ____

1 "W e had a good h 1 p rac tice ,” he said. “ E 1 h illing doesn’t im prove 1------- lu e lrc -nougo ing -lo -im i


te hid tod.1- . doublehcader beginning t. (MST)-.

— ”We’re‘l(5eK Ihtrarasl pionship te a m s 'th a t Tos

1 p lay er from last year. 1 . s a i d of Elko.

A fter the four-game > Boise, Watson said he si ; pluses from h lsyoung let

I “ I saw a pretty good ' ball team and I saw son: ' d id n 't think I w as going t

1 saw a p retty good pitchi the coach said. "W hat 1 1 and w hat I wanted lo s llltle be tte r balanced i

— lack . W e lefUoo m any du pond." - ■

Carolina and U tah. The -6 on sen io r fowards Eddie n, M ark Sm llh f o r morc-t/Pt

Johnson Is averag ing 17 n- gam e fo r Iliihois and Smii Id— Nortfl Cflroim a caach I soys h is 26-7 T or Mrel

' (25-4). "m a tch up aboul }f both of us using inside pov J. "U tah poses a g rea t.c e, us because w e’re lilayi ir the ir place, and they ha — rthielr-aM na-in-l+ 'gam es h__ Sm ith said.

t— a-thFee-year-spanjUUlffll " I ’m sure his phll(

\ changed a bit with Ralph y " s a id DeVoe. "B u t;‘ a co s rea lly change th a t much.'

DeVoe said Tennessee t “ u p se t." •i ‘.‘W e 're com tnerin-w it f 'attUud(r. Being the undcn ) •*role for us. We play betl ) ahen 'l th e favorite.” - -

V irginia also has an inji ; F o rw ard Lee R aker, who t ttench to re scu e the Ca\ . ..elim ination ..when lhcy_ ! behind to nip-Viilanova, ! doubtful s ta r te r ag a in .'; •. " I hope to p lay R aker;___ tirsU ialL and .asJong asivi;___ficcon(khalf.lliSald:;Holii

r K T n g ’s J X T M e f i w e a U i - -

bid lor CSI oean Easley,id , -h a s the i v u / i)r the sccond ^

s _ a r e _ f r e s h _:r sweep ofnior varsity,-s h is crew ’s glSl?-in-Wodnp^^— -

-------------------------- Whard, long ^

“ But if oar e from todaytnpcess-any- , __

_____________■ ■ ^

l a y ^ _________

ig a n o a.m. . ,. OOUMSUIC■slate Cham- ost only oneir ." Watson 'mmOHl

pJSs'ifrSile stand in saw mostly

. N B A IId dclcnsive „)me power I8 to sec. And & S i£ :hlng Staff,”I didn’t see, *4a.*«hjj«i I see, was a i» * . ou#foSn

hitting at- duck so n th e—. :

IC m ini depend B : . S £ .Ic Johnson and . ,."? S a !" i ,fPtheir scoring, wSLi.r'A-“i!S 17.3 points per ’J. n ilh i4 . -

iels and' Utah:. lul even, with ow ergam es.”..chailQnge for lying them a t m!mw.i« fiaven'l lost in. e s -th is-year;"—

- ■ -1^_____________ . n w S ; ; S

......................... ■SiniaTech,---------Sf'r:illosophy has - • \ ” ph Sam pson,” m j r * coach, doesn't . j W ^ | J

ee ik thinking- - • RUPER1

positive ' ralll<id wltl: iTTdog Is a good defea t tlie etter w hen'w e Gerh S tat

W ednesday iju rypro ijlem . . M inico Ji jo cam eoff the w ith-phe im lavaliers from fought fo r : / . c a m e . f ro m _ .scv cn th for

54-50. is a B rock Wi ra lly w ith i

ir some in the took o v e r tli i.w illand:------TIT— — T cacy Wc


off-balance j ^ and Alex Et

v ic to ryover K ansas

two free th r by English tl

^ ^ ^ ■ _ _ B p S T O N I I iinii lill ll I d a y to 108-97 upset (

T he loss V

th ird q uartci P H H [ ^ H | ’T(?<{rii"uiiu twi

D rew . Drew Shelton all i

^ ^ ^ ^ ^ H _ J H a w k s d r e s s


scorcd 28 p' Russell 23_W

ii lu l l ll ' 111 II; i ; : 3 ^ ^ | '~ d e c i s l o n i Q v u t i ^ ^ ^ H _ M i l w a u ^

played w iU k ch ln g s,b o th (


poihts_W<^hi ■ ^ ■ ■ - ' i67>95 victor]

UPI th ree-gam e UT he trlum p

. . . ____________ lhcJ5i.BA:&J\lwho lost to At:

A s ta n d in g s .iMWm ConlvtiK* Ow»«r


■ iiil UJSS/SSSr''^ !!3’.;SS

ii a a s fxsvs.

. V P ' i s

-----------s s i r *________ ^

t ’ ■ iPI boxsco res

i g s s s a ' iM i i i r - t i ™ JVJ;

S S bmI 'S

^ winima 7 M 14,

S ^ « s s

■ S i . W A i - v . a 5 ^ 1

ISinico ove:RT - The Minico Spartans /ith th ree final inning runs to tie Skyline.Grizzlies 13-12 In ta te . C onfcrence lay. ...I Jumped-oul-40 a 10-6 lead inning left,'bu t1he Grizzlies

}r six runs in Ihc top of the'ora.l2TlOJead.______________Winmill s tarted off Min(co’s h a walk, but Johnny Miller r the base running duties and ito .th ird oiLtwo p a s s ^ balls._ Wodskov;> walkcdJQ-DiitjheiL_ — ^ ^ • v "

)enver II twokSClTV.Mo. ( U P D - li l l ly M ce lum p shot from 17 feet with English scored 4 2 '^ ln ts Wc(

s Dcijver Nuggets a 126-124 dc /erlheK ansasC ityK lngs,Clly led 124-120 with two mln

throws by Glen Gondrezlck ai h tied I[i2^!24.w iih l;04rem a

lawks 108, CelticsN (U PI) - t : d d le bL^poiDts in a Uiir^’qifarlct: a rk the injury-ravaged Atlani c t over thc.Boston Celtics, s was the Celtics'’ first In B '■ 7. a span of 29 gam es. Johr i c r w as only two less tfianlRe "tw irlcss'than'theteam record rew. Dan Roundfleld and rII m issed the gam e due to it essed a league-minimum eight

nicks m l Bucks 1UKEE '(UPI) - Michael Ra

points. B iirC artw rig h t 24

I .their fourth straight victo ccniicJifllw aU K 5FBtRK 5== (ee. which Josl. its second st iffiourSiancy~H6ncrref“ and’ Lh out with injuries.

76ers 107, facers)ELPH1A ( U P I ) - J u l iu s Erv d n ^ a y _ n ig h t . to .lead Phila o ry over Ihc Indiana Pacers closing streak, mph gave Philadelphia a half- ..Atlantjc.DJvison over the_B< A tlanta 108-OT.

-JD,'OmDii n 1‘knnKM-Ucii A lUrut'

..........V.TOtiAhsXiSih ' sumtxiijM* iout>ii7i.iii}t. rja

fliy/ r ni null M

r .! !S S ;IS

■ ■

l^i'ftS>>)9:oit,i»io«*9- -


» s t e s . n . i ; w s 4 ' SI'

5 ? ! ^ I

SI<iJCAA sco re s **'

•Miltllmi ie2Si5“ '&i«* iSyt

l<A,<l.lOi«0l>lFUI ■ll»<(«J.l»».A/M»IMn|5Cl FOI

'wiVIrr^^^S'VujMiAru 1 *•’*"

C AA pa irings fJIS tSSfifiS esST^'''

•a5 S « s r

= S . - : M

® 'i lS ;W “ ^ - g j .



ins oh first and th ird and L} I to singled lnMlnico‘s flrst iIn , 12-11. ___

all Je f f Schow bunted tl second a n d . th i r d . an(

■ad - W right baiting . Wodsko ies to m ake it 12-12. VanEvi he and-W right reached on_____scored IhCAJnning run._o’s _ Mijjlqo, .hadt-e-^-chanc Ier Grizzlies aw ay in 'the nd seventh, but" Schow.Is.___basem an, dropped.a.roue n _ s h a l la \O J ^ tJ I o jd :^ j lh i i _ ________ — IV.'____ .-i2__ _

beats i )^ertim</ M cKinney hit an ‘ --------’ith 23 seconds leftiVednesdaynlght;------------ ■1 double-overtime

ninutcs to go. but k and a field goal _ _m aining:------------------------ f9 *

points________■ lead IC S 9 7 N e ts Ixscored 20 of his B ob ti Lco-alliLWejlHis- lanta Hawks to a

[) Boston G arden SAL ohnson's 20-point 48 poll Ihe entire L'eJtics ~ n T e b io rd rh d d -b y -Jo h n -------lo a -J2 id reserve <7rrfig Dan0 injuries as the th e thi ght players.__________ a n d f<

.103R ay Richardson' PHC

ctoryi a 116-103 _ v lc to rj

1 slra igh l gam e. th e NE nd’ Horvey t?at— - p la c e t

2 ^ ------- ----------------J i A l JErving scored 25 po in tshilade lph la ilo .a____ rem ain;ors, snapping a S ta te \

Rocketlalf-game lead in K ing•.Bpsl.qn.Ce»|cs,_____ tow ard


. _____ r _________ _

/ ' S = ^

ua^iWniTrwiTiRjrirtr 7

■ViifltiMJIHOlfi tcnrxilMin-niCtpn. D,ioUm Towvg IMI «i. Naut Owr.* liui


AIBuxS^*'- ______(H.nTSiJwi Cob cmi W ) r* vwuiu ip«

U10W£STMOO«»l ■ Al

p a ir in gTjK»iajjt.H4«iii

K K i a s S S s K , , .

s t s S n ' f

^ J ^ B a - s e b a l l -----------

B a seb a ll resu lts .

i^ s r i>uitMiCii>r.6r>(iivuu«iiiiA'iiAgti

s s t f e s r " ’ • -

s s .S S S S 5 S ? "

iS S iin- _ . r I


UoiUg «r_eom6» in.

S^FsatBSil: i'

s SkyliniLynn V anEvefy Skyline p r it run to m ake it ahead runs

Dave Hothe runners to outing, pic

ind with Russ S tu a rt was kow sto le .hom e,. Minico i Jvery-stole third" '.Wednesday jn a single that. Skyline, w;I.________________agalnsLthenee *to put thehe to p ' of the .........

'• J K ^ n V s i i iV5uline.nyj5alljn_iieck.icad.i5). th tw otx it^ and ' w-Hflok».i.i.

Kansasies7l26■^r~~NBA rounc

P is te s 118, NeONTIAC. Mich, ( U P l ) - K e n Its and Phil H ubbard added 22 1 D etroit t o a lie-115 victoryo s in a g am e m arked by Ihc reti McAdoo,

Ja zz 120, MaveriikLTLA K E CITY ( U P I ) -A d r 3lnts, Including 31 In thesc(oni ibDunflS'WcdnnsdHynighliirtc: 120-113 overHfie-Dallas Moverii in tley put Utah ahead for goc ihird q u a rte r w ||h a Ihrec-poli foul shot. • L _

Suns 126, LakelO EN IX ; Arlz. (U P I ) - T r u c l is and Dennis Johnson scon

try over the Los Angeles Laker (TtnompTnPiacHcg iBfi'SJftS' h >JBA Pacific Division to 4'-i gi ? Los Angoiet::--------- --- -r r~ '

Warriors 118, Roc3 and h ii a 12-foot Jump shot ilnlng_W ednesday-nlghl - th a l

W arriors a 118-117 victory e ls . ■ ,Ig look a pass from guard J rds the baseline, and put up icesho t.' '

• • C*iaom<t“ ' OiKK trnn

r-~ ei,n.««._________ I_____________

,, FttAMiri i5i. Sio«*iS ' l*i.


h o c k e y

-— ^ N H J L ^ s t a n d l n g s ^ — ^f________*■— . f-ftfiiafMw ™ - t>_____

Pjl/iaOMijjn J Q, Qjj— sii s' ! f -Ealwniwi' ' » 2 1 !l m ^

3 i l s . S S I I S S S

W :iT J lX i

.....C4i«>iriio«uoii ^

MUA«I4U •! £4ino«IS'l

:P '“' iif Ilf-—i I ii i! a I!!— 1ST IHiiSi-s

— fJ a > 8 ffi

& «li* i i l

1 ;— J T r a n s q c t lo n s —--------

OoM*n Sui* SM'4 JOMUim Iw tru i»tl o m» y too Stn.Jou - liMU raUMpn Cnilt Turntr lo let aao*mi lof-tonrwa Out£in»rlfwlon: »>gi»4 —Jimmir __ueAuiBfMtDn^mtcwutci.______ __

l e , 1 3 - 1 2f proceeded to score *two go- Tins. • —

Hanks, a fte r losing his f in t picked up the win and Jeff

S/dstheloserforS^cyiine.:o upped its record to 2-3. ;dn>’s gam e, was the first for . which plays in Twin F alls -Ih tB ru ins t o d a y _ ______L,.:_____

......................20i ou 8 - 1 2 12 ^

.................... :.X3 m 3 - IS II sStuari i6> and While: Fcrrln. Smith Ui.l-l5)..H#nluu7t-ond-JIflnlu.-WriBlil.i7r___>■ l-l. l.-Sluart.O-l.lllU-none. ■'

s City .6^t24n~m dup-------------- —

Nets 115Kent Benson fired in 24 ■ — d 22 Wednesday niglit to ry over the New Jersey - • re turn of forrher Piston

e r i c k A l l SAdrian Dantley scored .

i?ondhalf.and g rabbed 'n-lcadlnplhe-l^tah-Jozz-^-------------^icricksr- -----------good m idway through

•point Dlav on a basket

k e r s 114ruck Robinson. W alter!Cored 23 points each_____ ____

ik e rs .__________ ;______________ii‘ nola on lirs t place In ^ gam es ove r second-___ _____[

ocketsll?lernard KInp srnr/»ri _______ _ihot with four scconds . ____ _ihairffavT ihe Golden iry over the Houston • '

:d Joe Hasscit,' drove L up.the.w lnnlnfi o f f - _________

‘ Stroner% . PONTE VEDBA. Fll }j strongest field this year b - IT ouraam en t P layers Cha u : Along with tlic field, H prom ise to m ake the over

-------- — Tlic-Nationol-W catljcr- . lio u r w inds and g u s t s m

\ l h e richest tournam ent < ;;cxpcctcd to. continue in -S a tu rd a y and Sunday.

- A ddlngJM lie^Q es-oLt forecast of tem peratures

: : “ Those wtio tee off rea ' :h igh w inds), but not tomi

tom orrow ," said m etcrol The field in w hat the P

_ to u m a m p n r inpltiripj; nil----------o f-a ll 'to u r events for the

B ritish Open champion (1 Among those who. will

— ^-y e a r’s M aslers winner-------veterah-G ary-P iayerof-i

— .second s ta r t in tfie Upited “ II can l» very tou

'[B allesteros, who called I •■Open, w here he finished 5- " (J a c k h N lc k ia u s H te "should be the favorite f.B allesteros said, not only -a lso because they 're piayl , “J need some compctit: jilB ^ ^ g in the wind, alth

' anyone, ” \sa’W Piayers, '

- CapeLAS VEGAS. Nev.,(U

— -h er-gam o-is-startlng-to ' today in the opening ro Pro-Am.

t I t is th e sccond-richcst: A field comprised of th(

y e a r and 264 am ateurs 6,237-yyd D esert Inn Cou Vegas Country Club toda

« will be played Saturday a " Country Club course.

won the 1980 - tw o -u n d er'p a r 28C and p<:h J ’h e r into a position to bec( ^.golfer. T he sam e first pla

. . She is off lo h e r typical ‘'S u n City Classic last week

p—Brief!Queen cHni

■ • KIMBERLY - T and Sunday, not F r i

S atu rday’s sessioi C enter. Sunday’s is

— I------€hTcinrmtt. CINpINNATI (Ul

" th e National Leagui R iverfron t Stadium

' ■ . The Reds will hosi league opener:A pr

- > invitation to attend.But the g am e m a:

'- c o n t r a c t wilh the'cl s tr ik e vote if negotia

— . O vertim e pay rep between.theRecls"a

.■ Office and Professlo ‘ " T he ushers, who r

g am e, oBject to^K reg a rd le ss of the len ' R eds m anagem en

____to $2.15. bu tth eu sh e

K enty to dt-------------- A T tA N T IC -C m

ll^ tw e ig h tch am p io O ’G rad y in a lS -ro u i 12. hotel officials am

T he fight, which-v 4}rcscnted in conju

, sp o R ^ m a n s^ 3 !K enty 's rccord i s :

w ith 65 knockouts.- ■ "T his Is going t o t

and|O ne of the mos___............ -R obertA rum _______

T he bout will bo p T h e Pack P lace si fighters, w hichw ilU

^ U nseld offic.LANDOVER, Md.

^ ‘ o r (Jesired, during hi: U nseld officially ann

— . ---------- A lw ays-a4nan of 1-----------r— goodniaiuredway;^)!

' c a re e r by m issing tl have m ade theplayo

. . _ —Bullets owner Abc _ _ _ r B ullets'_captain. wil

becom e a yice-presi C apita l Centre, lhe h

T he club p lans a “ < season. M arch 29.

— B a lllm o re -o n d ^ lld dofievoluntecrw ork

—PhilsrBrav- ............. CLEARWARTER.----------------B raves 'unhappy lell

------------- ^ P h U l le s t - ----------------T he two clubs hav

__________ riglit:handedpilcher - rT hc-acquisltlon of

G reg Luzinskiall the a lso figure in a fu tun

----------------agentr^n-November-^ft.S -m lllioncontract

' - adam antly’ refused Insisted upon being t Cox to bench l)im.

T h eJJrav es lifade___ _____ sp rin g antJ-lhoyghljh

D ave Collins but the

P r o jw inds,'fi

Fla. (U PI) - The PGA ' :a r begins p lay toouy m theChampionship. • _ .............:ld, the fam&l winds of Sau vent one of the toughest on the h e rS c rv ice forecast 20-30 mi ■m uchlilghcrtorthc'openlng ‘1 nt on the tour. The high wine

into F riday , subsiding som

oLthose.who m ake Frlday-sj:i res In the m id to low 30sSalurd real early wlll-mlss some of I omorrow — ll.w'Ill be strong a irologist J im Dudley, e PGA llices-to call "the fifth i i all d ia lenatcd playcrs..the.wl the previous y e a r plus the cin (Tom W atson),------- -----------vill be playing in the TPC ar c r Seve Ballesteros of Spaii «f-South-Africarboth-m akingted S tales th is year:--------------tough if the wind blows.” Jd his play Inst-week at th e xl 50th, “ ju st fa ir .” rtjee)-Trevino-and-(Tom )-W r i te s - to win this lournam nly because of their expertent laying good — playing well. Btitlve p lay , I enjoy tho wind, ilthough I c a n 't say lhe wind s 7W o T a y r f i e has-plflyod'f

loni starts,(U P i) — Donna Co{)onl..,con -to com e-aroundrdefends-hei : round of the $200,000 Desei

is t st9p on the U.S. LPGA tour. ' the 88 top money-winncrs froi u rs will a lte rna te play ovc Country Club and the 6.0a7-var 3day and F riday . The final 36 ly and Sunday a t the host Dcse

980 Desert'®Inn. Pro-Am w, p<:K:keled $30,000, which catap

»ecome th e first $1 million woi place m oney is awaiting this y

!cal slow s ta r t, fin i^ lng39 lh I eek .

F l y i n s p o r i

nic se tftfrS a tu r i- The Ja n Dc Queciis Clinic ' F riday and Saturday aS report Sion runs from 9 a.Tn. lo5 p.m. > is at lhe Chuck Jones Arena b

R ed usher^fKr(U PI) - The Cincinnati Redi igue’s 1981 baseball season w nm ushers.lost the World Champion Phila \p rll. 8 , and President Reag id .may be missed by aboul 200 sj J club expired March I and w stiations bog down, reportedly is the main issue ir Is”an d lh cu sh c rs rrep re sen te i Bional E m ployees Internation 10 rccelve $16 for worWng five " lh e te a m 's policy br”paylii lenglh of overtim e they work, len t offered jto increase the an shers re jec ted the offer.

defend WBA croiT Y -N r i—( U PI)------ ^World-ipion H iim er K cnty will defend ■ounlbout a t Bally 's P ark Pia announced Wednesday. • :h-will be nationally televised njuncllon with Top Rank.

is 20-0. w ith 15 knockouts. 0 '( I. . ’lo be one of thc jnosl outstand nost even f i ^ t s . " predicted

lO port of'A BC’s "Wide World ! spokesm an said the .tra in i 111 begin on M archSl, will be o]

■iclallp announcetid. (UPI) — Amid more hoop ; hia 13-year career, Washingt< announced his re tirem ent Wed of ^ fspo rtsT vrltc rsrU nse ld r33 ; g the NBA playoffs for the fii syoffs cach of his ptpvious 12 s |\bc P«Hin announced.Wednes will rem ain with the ciub a s residenl of Capital Centre, al lie home of the Bullets and the r a “ day" for Unseld a l the fina S . Proceeds will go to the >lldren-&Hospltal In-Washingti jrk tfurliigh isN B A career.

tves agree on Ma5R. F la_ tU £ lJ_ = _ G ary _ M jleiififcigcr rnTTfliiy is m ovme o

lavc agreed on an even one-fc her Bob Walk will go to the Bm l of.M atthew s makeSwBfiillles the more expendable and quit< [ure deal. _ ' _ippiness w ith the Braves, who

fract over five years. Ted Turne. ed to a g ree to thal-figu re-j lg trad ed /T u m er angrily ordi

ide an e ffo rt'to trad e M atthc' lt JheyJiad a deal glBetwith'U : ihcdeal felfihrough.

g o lffid(d n : i a k e\ Tour’s U nited S tates onl• $440,000 August.

. This is the last; Jawgrass a n oceanside coi lhe tour. N ext y e a r , the to milo per fa r th e r Inland to. ig‘day-of fu ture perm anen 'Inds a rc “ The first time 3mewhat m uch for it;" saii

___ . - la s t y ea r’s first ps m l l'i.i ' w as llic law csU iiirday.--------- iJ la y e d a t Sawgraof it (Ihc "B u l I finally r g a ll doy said . “ It not only

a c c u ra te driving th m aror ' - "Y ou have to.I LW lnnccs-..-W jtH.thcw|ndMQ! ! current T here is an adi

a re last — by the sponsors 01 )ain and - If Doral winneing-their:------ w ould-gel-anadd------------------- If-Inveran^ijv ln is.” said th eT P C hew ouId1C Doral------f irs t and third of t

O ther nam e pl -W atson - Arnold-Palmer-r-l am ent." Johnny Miller, I ence bul G reen and D avid

“ While tournami id. 1 like on- the scorebdai Ind suits ■ ■ rav ag es of I'b laci d 'fn the Ihan5(h tnm d50fl

s title defe;onfldenl . "T h is is the liraher title Caponl said Wednsert Inn “ I w as so t i r e d ;

w ell ^ th a t it m iur. sea so n ," C aponisrom last She w as secom)vcr th e earn ings, with $22^ardLas "1 d idn 't do mui36 holes s ta r ic d th a t I be

3scrtlnn s ta r ic d to hit the confidence in m y 1

with a ■ T he tournam entapuited tour, including LoA'omen’s • ’ w inner Amy A loIs y ear 's B radley.

lh in the S andra P a lm er, £ LPGA w inners alo

r t s

rday, Sunda})lc win be held Saiurdayorted earlier.m .a t the Kimberly Civicabog in ingat2p .m .

treaten s trtkeeds m ay be ushering in I wilhout the services of'

liladclphia Phillies In the •agan has accepted an

JsJ^odium ushers, whose1 \ ^ o have authorized a

e in the conlraci dispute Ited by Local 375 of the. ional.ive hoUl^s'during a Reds yn i^ th em "$ l“ ovcrtlm e •k.'amount of overtime-pay • -

■own A pril 122nd his title againsi Sean ^iace Hotcl-Casino April .

;ed by ABC-TV. is b e in g .<. Inc.. a P a r t P lace______

O’Grady’s m ark is 74-2. j

inding fighls of the y ear ed Top Rank president

rid of S '^ r ts ” p r o ^ r i r ^ ^ lining sessions of bolh Bopen to the public.

: e s retirem ent)opIa than he attracted, igton B uilds cen tcr Wos Wednesday. •Kl.agllator..usually_in.a_______^Srprobablyw ill-cndtis-----------t first time. The Bullets2 seasons.nesday lhat Unseld, the . .a s a vice-prcsidcnt and_______, also. Pollln also ownsleNHLCa'^ralsT-----------------Inal gam e of the regular he Kcrnan Hospital In igton.-wherc-Unseldhas- ,

faithews.dealMatthev^s, th e . A t la n ta ______

s-for-one swap in which3rayes.______________________lies, vcterans.outfieldec_____uite likely m eans he wjll >

'ho signed him o s a free> fnpt hn Ufnc .w l t in g j t-----------•ner, the Braves’ owner, ^ e -and when M atthews — rdered M anager Bobby

hews to Cincinnatl this iiThe Reds for outfielder- ~ ~

e TPonly oncc sincc the Worid.Seri

asl year the TPC will be played course feared for its ea rly i

2 tournam ent will move acros; I lo.the new P layers Club, thdicnt'sile. _ --------im e I saw Sawgj'ass, I rea lly d said defending champion T rei s t p rize of $72,000 wilh a 10-un< iH riiir.m iind Inlnl •ilTiri-I1II-I.1g rass In 1977:— ------ -ly realized that il is my type c inly requires good putting, but Ing and good pin-point iron shcl to.know how'to hit different I blowing the wav It do(i.s." . . . addc^ m onetary incentive foi

•s o fthe Inverrary ,D oraT and l nner Ray Floyd word to wip

vinner^m -K ito-om crgos-asJ uid pocket an added $100,000 foof the th ree tournaments;------: players competing a t Saw( .r-^Bon-CrenshawrJerry-Pale r, Bruce Lletzke, Curtis S tn I 'ld G ra h a m . '• am ent officials were bracing )dard, it would be difficult I lack F riday" in 1977, which pj o f 50 or higher5c0rc5 azrisomi

en se to(dalim e of y ea r my gam e s h lf ts tednesday. ............ - — - ........ed a t the end of last year — be< m ust've carried inlb-lhe beg!

nisaid.:ond to prayer-of-the-Year Be $220,619 in 30 events. much this wlntftr flndJLwasn!L began working on my game

the ball well now. and I’ve gi ny p u lling /'nent has the strongest field o : Lopez, Daniel, U.S. Open and Wcott and the tour’s putting

r ,* V a * liy 'S ttin S ^ ”aU ^H ay(alonf^with Alcott and Lopez.

:_B^rown_liv in g Ol ‘dre;am ’


drove Kevin Loughery oul It h ^ n 't been much ;

M acKinnon cither, biit Brown, it’s a "dream desp ite it 's mixed bag enced rookies and troubi w ith the th ird worst ro league. ' —

“ U 's a thrill lo be’ h J e rse y ," Brown said Wee

’ news coiifcrehcc to Ini fo rm er UCLA coach to an am v ery happy to bc|ablc Coach MacKinnon a h d +

. ou r o rg an l^ tlo h . H e's a w “ This Is a dream come

from th is a rea and i^sback ."__________ -

I Brown. who returns t coaching ranks a fle r tv UCLA, signed a multl-y(

------anrTcported*S200;000-pcthe N ets.

MacKinnon, who has in terim coach since Loi slgnatlon, will become g< ager. Current GM Chari

— w ariram crexw B tlv< rv ic 4 in charge of-*busincss r

coordinating noxt-scaso •g am e a t the Nets’ .ncw

---------B row n.lndIcated.hcJs Ih iring form er UCLA ifssl O 'Connor and Donnie Wai NBA skipper, a s assistant

C hairm an of the Boai Cohen said Brown’s abil well with both'youngstcR ans m ade him the perfe< coach the Nets.

" L a rry Brown Is one - — CTai±M Jw ho-A antS—t

“ He relates to young po has th e experience to n vets. Ho’s a leader of youl

____ti'InnP** "------------------------. Brown will have to use ta len ts to mold the Nets, ing Wednesday nlghl's Philadelphia, Intoacontcr

. • .Tftr^y, w h lfh -firsi-round choices in lh< d ra ft, s ta rted thfec rook th is y e a r but also-acquln Foots W alker and, last

— McAdoo.acasUoff^corinia "W c have a good bunc

— p lnyo fs uond^"W»»-h«w - cholccs." said Brown, wh(

— D o P -au l^—M ark—Aguli - Johnson of Oregon Stal

' B lackm an of K ansas G eorg ia 's Dominique i possible d ra f te e s ..

— ^ r o w n - a ls o defended the^ ofMcAdoft. ..............

"Bob McAdoo cen be a to th e young players. An have an NBA leading sc he lp ," he said. "-But Bob n

" work befo re ,h e_ can .b « i NBA p layer In all form s. I m ake him tha t \yay.

Q ,B y United

i i t e o f C o i i l a s T ’ S ^ S l

c d a lS a w p a s s . e JU S 'w h ■'reT th lng

ossF lortda-A A P a rrish Id l o u r n ^ m r s ru n s and

, didn 't c a re too■evmo, who won m dcr-par278.It. P a rrish ■iTPr ,wat.,ilrti— h n n m s .ol — =— .-- Juinped-al; c of course," hc a f te r the B lUt It takes very in th e seve id s . lak e an 8*7t lypes of ^ o t s back In th

—for lwo“pIayers, A cker fo r t

IT PC evenls. theh sco r /ip th e TPC he M ackanin lg tw o in;a row— the-M lnne i-thc-winnec-of— over-the-H I for winning the in the eij

------------r ^ - W alker wawgrass include s ta g e for E lOrAndy Bean,— Sarabilon* trange, H u b e rt. M ackanin

:^?m 'Sfch*“. S ' W ahc

MOSCOW Of 'Idaho ' tu rn ed ' frc AIAW Divi

■ * y two.natlons.n a tio n a l ral

Sid high g ea r,'V N ancy 1........ - .......... naitonal r tjc c a u se ld id so freesty le « ’ginning of this freesty le Wl

Beth Daniel in • • • •

I'f iintlHh***^"^ ' ne. I’Ve really % 4 W l gained a lot of ^

on this y ea r 's • 5 1 I id V arc Trophy # 1 1 ng-cham p P a . - ,

loAnn c Oarne i^—® — ' u lyes - all 1981 • : ,


lU lotlherjB A . —1 fun for. Bobut, for L arry1 come -true"g of inexpert; •iblcd veteransrecqrd in the , •

here In New ^cdoc^ay a t a Introduce lhe area m edia. “ I •le to work with •I-want-him-in- A I winner. / [ .le tru e .Ic o m e '’s g reat to be'

i to' th ^ N B A ~ tw o-years a t ■ \

-year contract i \ perzycartw ilh--------------— ?

as served as \ Ixughery’s re- \ general'm an- V

aries Xheokas ^ 7 lc ^ re s ld e n t7 ^

m atte rs and ' „ ■ son’s All-Star.^}w home, the M

s lnterested-in_ _______ Lsslstant Kevinalsh. a form er T h e Flnt coaches. H a l f t h 3ard Alan N.blllly to work C hO O S(ers and veter- .a n d - S ifeci choice to 4 0 % P

le of. the few A rrow - to ^ o n t i n u c —'^^Coheri M id. .jcople and he A rrowm d lv a te th e . S o lld S H

.u lh a n d h c 's a ^

tsc both t h o ^ ' S trip e ss, 23-52 enter-' —. ,I's game a t' A rrow IIcndingclub. . ' Golf Sh1 ..has. iHroa.. i >,p the upcomingOkies most of P erfec tilred v eterans. ShirtS. st week, BobPR champion.________ -inch of young M \

/ho m enfioned

iale, Rolando ’I S la te and

W ilkins' a s

Jifracquisition -

a g rea t a s s e t - ^nV tim e you H s Rsclfrer, I t 's a ■ - m eed s a little . K om e ,a ..tru c . -<— 1.1 think 1 can ^

ed P ress International

ffered-through-a-dlsmaMOSO a fte r an’ early-season :w risl Indicated to the Montreal

Vednesday lha t those old wom Ing of the h l^ a p a ir of.-two-rtm home [Jd tho Expos outlasted th e

B raves • 12-a-in'-\wid-blown >al Stadium.

sh h it his third and -fourth nf thR ."iBrlng as tlie J x p o s

-ahead-7-3 tn;the sixth^.'nien, c B raves rallied wilh five runs jventh against Steve R atzer to8-7 lead, Toijimy Hutton cam e the homeTiSlf of the seventh

Ihrce-nin, homer against, Jim j r the winning runs. -E ng le -d o u b led -in ^ ru n -an d jored on a single b y 'P e te lin in the eighth inning to lift inesota-TwinB-to-a 3-2-victory (-Houston Astrosr-Wllh on^out eighth, the Twins’ Johnnie was safe on an erro r to set the r Engle 's double off loser Joe h-Afler-Jesus-Vega filed out, in got h is sccond single of the

10 sw im m ers a t n a tio n a ls 'ow lU PIl- The Unfvcrslty Cl women’s swim team re* from the recent National )ivision II competilion with [>nal records and a fifth place ranking.■ Bechthoidt se t a new

record of 52.77 in the 100 i evennt and in the 200 !W ilhatim eofl:52.85.

FULLTIME I BinniMRSIONS*I C n ' Instollod •I3U Br“ •LLEY AUTO PARTS-'*H om H on. Idona-----------

8 1 9 - S 7 9 4 2

V A L U EThurs.


First G re a t D e s ig n e r th e M en in A m erica . )se from Arrow Tour S trip e . R eg. $14 to P o ly e ste r fqr^extra c o

« S u m m e r Lite A irweto a a b le = B e g ^ S-16------w B o a rd w a lk D a c r9-and P laids. R eg . $14 N .RascheLK niL -aQ lM e s - B utton F ronts..R ec «P in -H i.L aC oste Solid Shirts. R eg. $ 13 . S ina ie iii v a lu e "PaT:w

Fitting, Skillfully Te

__ N ow $9 .25 to $1- ^ h u r r y i n T o d

•e-F rom -------j

Y6u-Know : Right!

"V T W IN F A tl

arrishs y s W C

......■ . S p f f lrisL ____________i^l ,oes- — -—

game lo drive in the wjm ime Ncw York Mds’ ri^t- the Swan, who pUchedexce; iwn-'in f fT u ^ ay “B".-8flua

being sidelined since las a diould<5r injury, mis

^ day's workout due to a g len, .uns Swan, the highest pi rto-^^lets’ history, has beei m e_ this type of stoma nth . throughout his major I<UlQ__Hfi-hnsJiecn Wflmpfl n

■spl9yfoods. "ISWah"" Is" ln~Uic“ sec

f,,? five-year, $3.25 million . seems to have recoverc

rotator cuff ihjuiyiu ‘ iRoulder and throw his

3j°__wilhoutpain.________Joe .. Jim Rice hit a home i >ut, in four runs and Dwight lhe a homer and three RB! t

ity M are*lal . -1thice

w T r u e100 . ■ ■•00

{ Front End All • - -oi^Brake-Set• Includt•


IksSlI GMauujivJ

t p t u s. - Fri. - Sat.l o r t S l e e i

0 1

^ / j

ier Lable W orn by 0 \

)u rnam eh t. Knits, Soli :o $ 1-7 . (6 0 % C otton, com fort), w eaves. Cool an d

ic ro n /C o tto ni1 4 .

)lid s_ao(J ____________le g , $ 19; li(j Color

jKBU Atjtjonni.ain of ' Tallore(j E asy C are

O F F ^S14.25) D ,A Y — O N S A L E F

C t S ' B U R t E Y

........... T

• • ■ T hu rsdsday. March 19.1981 Tlmos-

oes for<i r i g t r a i n i n g r o w

inning run. a tta c k that ht-handor C raig Sox to - a cepUonally well ’ Philadelphi a fle r— Scored in e' a s l Aug. 27 with they jumpe. riissed Wednes- R uthven foi I gastroenteritis - .four tn rting

. . Phillies,paid player-In Non-rosle:en plagued by of (he Tex;lach prob lem b a tte rs In t

.................iolcs’ ish^Eiecoiij y c a r " o r '“ ® ^^J 'i^® ‘ 3n contract. He . red from a torn ° ^ J Z o f T i L s - r i g h t - J t ^ ^ . ^ is three innings

---------- ---------------S ir Louis Ce run and drove also h ll a tl Jit Evans added T orres a Ito pace a 20-hit P ira tes.-

ifc h S p eH e av y D u ty

c k S e r

lignment y l ! t v l c e - ^ _ A i lJos 1 to n up to 3 ax l

IV IRfU f 1 C f f i

^ F A S H[. Only Allv e S p o r t i

4 i





/ • -R U P E R T * IJ . .

les-Nows! Twin Falls, Idaho B-7


that carried the Boston Reda 15-3 .comp over t h e -------

Iphia Phillies. The Red Sox In every inning except two a s ~ ~ nped on s ta rte r and loser Dick 1 for eight runs and l l hits in ings. Mike Schmidt socked his bome:ruiHiLthejprlng.for. the ■

oste r rookie pltchcr Jim F a rr Texas Rangers walked three in the n th inning to force in ning run and^^lvc Baiumorc a ' •• m pfc4neludod^m ona4ho .0 r — —I h its were l o honicrs by Dan»and^Terry€rowley------------- --•.—le catcher Tony Pena, biddinga Job with P ittsb u rg , hll ain hom er and two singles and-------3Ut-two~base"stefllers”a s ' t h c ~ — defeated a split squad of the „ .

is Cardinals-U>3. Dalo B erra -------a three-run homer and Rusty a two-run -homer- for' lhe-

e a d r ^f

r v i c e - -

ix le units

v c v n o i c r ~kKI»KeMH«l<a »OL(llNlflO*0

II Ourt s S h i r t s

.T 3L -r .

■ ■fl—

' ' 'h i ' — -• .......... —

- p ^

y 'S - O N L Y

v -^ U se -Y -o u f-R o p e fi© - -------Opilon C h a rg e or

B j . Y our B an k ca rd s

» B U H L - - p ^ -

= = : - Gl— ~ fo

■By STU MURRELL ___ _ Special to the TJmes-Ne\

T ^ A ~ fccent—hellcoptc — — m ounta in goais by Gary

Cw ildlife m anager, show th e seven goat manage R e ^ o n 4 . .......... '• .

w as m ade in a n attemp th e s ta tu s of goat p(

. -fu tu re m anagem ent. StudiM of goats in

' h u n tin g p ressu re and ^ 'ha irvested if accurat

1 tre n d records a re not l(c : R egion 4 m anagem er

------ ^ b een closed to goat hun— T jecS Q seonh irM ncem :

Lon Kuck, goat resei--------saJd -thaL aJicB llh iL go

' 'sh o u ld consist of a t iei- - ju v en iles . If th e ra tlo k

p c rcen t, then serious should b e given lo reduc a unll to hunting until T h e three-goat sub-unlls

" “U nit 43 Had 20 to 25 per< b u t th e rem ain ing areas

i th re c to 17 percent. II :co n cem fo r these units w.

. ~ WiU found two differ 3 v in te ring populations, ■the e a s te rn side of Rci

V -H yndm an P eak and tribi ^ - B J g ' and-L U U B rR lvers ). h ig h e r elevations on

ro c k y ridges. Some were 11,000-foot elevation. Tha th e headw aters of the d ra in a g e moved dowr

C A P f u n. r. BO ISE - M ore than $2

____ .C lth e n s . Against Poacl^ rew ard fund. .v

I - I t 's been (oss than-.twp r •the organization was-.l ■ 'contributions continue I

. Taccordliig to ' trea su re r I : ton of Boise.

. , • T h e CAP program is------ Tcltlzen-organiiation-and;

ag a in s t fish and game ■ “ TM lnlmum'reW ards ranglr

• to $500 a re offered for 4 lead ing to the a rre s t of vl

(Jrst rew ard . $100, was i

’ A u d u b o n S c fo r p la n n e d !

TW IN FALLS Pra:--------Audubon Society; membei

' In g u p sm n so rs fo ra lo c a l T he event Is being held

tlon w ilh th e National Au> , e ty . F unds raised will b , local .an d national conse

fo rts,-sald Doris Couch^oM den t of th e I x a l organic

.tribu lions a r e tax-deductlb T he B lrdathon • is sch<

-— “ A pril'ZSand 26:— :------------Couch sa id persons who i

- B - | 7 ‘NEW^* at—

E H j i B WesnBjS|j Su1331

FROM THE OLD W/EST. . , A NEW FASHION FnONTlEH ' Tho,Old W ost makos

11 b ig now s Ihls soQson. Z H ~ ~ i n a rotfival.lhciOnspltcisr

. - Jhis m o sl Impoftonl ouii lo o k .- , , W llh sty llng iha ico ffo is

-■ Iho b e s l otwestorc). tailoring: Icont

----- -----nod bock vokolniorosipo ck et f la p d o la i^ ---------

• -1 0 0 % P o ly o s to rS w o d is h .. Knit Twill InTflupo

and2 5 % w oo)/75% Polyesio

----- ----- Inn PInlpWenvft withSlubPaitoTii-----------------C oot, v est on a trouso rs . R egulars and Longs $195.00

• d lh o f Haru±iomo— “—

by M anchester— zzz^2SjQ04ittdSi3SJH

B o s u r e io s e o o u r ' W este rn Suits .

byLovf* a rx lF arah*trou,se9.BS


■ ■

---------1 B-6-Time8-M bws,-Twln3«ln3Falls, Idaho-!—TiiurAday,M

' s h & G a m e .

3 0 a tcen g o n p ro p p i

southeastNews ... ; low ero lo '1__________ ___ • T he ln\, - ; - flying a t

p te r -c e n s u s —of— boltom -o ary V/Ill, regional' h ig h est el lowed 161 goats In th e goats agement units In w here tl

g o a ts a n

mpl to determ ine overhang populations for e lk do. Tl

a s a kid

bunting s l n c c - l S T S - J ^ ^ 'J j ®

' ve&clalloijsearch biologist, su rv ive li Lgoal population rhoirho^ least M p e r c e n tu T a t allow

0 falls befow this— ^ a a f e a i us consideration— K u c jfs t d u c in g o r c lo s in g c a n s u s la'‘1! ' m o r e U i i tn ils In B ig G a m e t io n . T h eyK rc c n t ju v e n ile s th e e a s ra n g e d fro m

I t a p p e a rs th e 1, 5^ c a n s w a s lu s t l l le d .I leren t ty p e s o l iM p u la tlo nB. G oats a lo n g W l ld l l l iRegion 4, n ea r ex trem elyributaries to the m anagem ie rs ; 'h io v e d to' productivH on windswept,ere located n ea r Stu Muirhose anim als In servationhe Boise R iver office of Lown to steep. Departmer

nd su rp asstl S2.100 { ? , |r . .^ .^ a h ls mpnth )achihg. V tAPj 7 / f c f e W |^


«-.iorm ea ana wpnHfv wi e lo come in.T Dennis Grat- ^

. .. G am e offlc is a nonprolit, ble ca ses;;

ind :it-ls-alm ed— se n ta liv e - l ime v io lations.' w ards. FIsl nging from SIOO ’ e r , a r e nbfl for Information Contrlbut if violators. T he"" C itizens Ag as paid ea rlie r Boise, ID 83

\soc ie ty^eek incrSpriI^5^26T?ralrife Falcon counters, wibers a re 's ign - s p b n s o rs ^ lcal Blrdathon. specific amield In conjunc- spotted d u rlAudubon Socl- Local prlzI! be used fo r M tso n ra ls linservatlon ef- t is th e periofBuhlrpresi- species, Couinizatlon. Con- donated by I:liblc. she said,sch ^u led f o r . ' P ersons li

— — “ ~ s h o u l d ‘conlaho agree fo l » in Twin Falls

\L a X - ^WesternSuits J w £

ds.——~ - I t f F Jtl H

lls ■ II • « ■ V




y jQ ____________V ^



isu s v ita l »r c o n tro last and west facing slopes a t jlovatlorisi . - — - • InvcntoFy-methnd-Conslsted of a t 200 foot Intervals from the i-o f-a 'drainage:upw ard-to-the t elovatlons. T htetcnds to move 3ts oul lo m ore exposed terrain

they a re v isib le.. Mountain a re .a f ra id .o f helicoptere and nsUnct l5.tfl.lildcJn.a,caj:<L0L mg ra th e r than run a s doer and This probably stem s from fear

Ud when they are ex'j^sijd lo a ttack by golden eagles.

naDitai and nave learned t o 'u ^ ;tecp slopes, that shed snow r and .a re u s ^ relatively little e r big gam e because they a re {ged. Goats have also adapted

tlon which enables them to 2 In this Inhospitable terrain. icayy.coatJsjlso .an adaptation lows them to live In extremely eas during the winter months.' " : suggests tha t mountain goats y a ln an annual harvest of no lan four percent of the. popula- icy have been numerous; even the w hite m an cam e lo Idaho, nparisoii; a healthy mule deer in be cropped a t a 25 lo 30 level and still maintain a good b io lo g is ts m u s t be. 2ly cautious in mountain goat •ment because of their low ivlly. .... ■

lurrell Js the regional con- <n educalbr for the Jerome f the Idaho Fish and Game rjent.

ses $27ftT(r[^^^^o}lowing a co'nvicllon for • S ^ f o n o f a gam e bird, le wishing -to provide in- w m ay dia l—a —tooU rco— 1-800-632-5999, and his o r her will be protected, Grallon

Departm ent of F ish and Yicers a re assigned lo possl- 4; and a departm ent repre-, * -h an d lc s -p ay m en l~ o f~ T £ r" ’ish and 'G am e funds, howev- jfln v o lv e d r ' 'Qutors can send donations lo Againsi Poaching. Box 7533, >83707.' "

l a s p o n s o r s

B i r d ^ t h o n

, w ilI„so llc lL 4iledgcs from - ^jho prom ise to contribute a imount for each bird species u rlnga 24-hour period, irlzes will be aw arded lo thc ■ Ising the m ost money a s well - person spotting Ihe . most 'ouch said. Prizes ju£j>eing y Book M agic of Twin Falls,

1 interestod In . partic ipate ita c fC o u ch or"3uayT rom e Ills.

- - - - -

f l t f -

------------- . ■CHARGE...-CARDS.

~ H P '

_ _ _Spccia! to Tbe Tlmes-J i . a t ____________________^

I o f .. . T he annual Lions Clu the - S a tu rday a t Pom erellet the-:— - T ^ slalom race Is op< ave— agb of-fi to-18, accordii aln coordinator, aln T h ere will be five age m d ' boys and girlsdlvlsions.

fi-9, 10-19, ta-ISflnH Ifi-lfi ind ■ “ The ra w Js n ^ ' ^ ear ra c e r ,” Williams expla

lo • r^ :rea tlona l skier t o ^ In racing ."

l e r - InlcrM ted-aklers-nee' use by io ;ai.a.m .- Saturdaj ow refundable upon'blb rc ti i lle ' T he coursc will bc scl ire sk ie rs under 10 skiing th' ted over 10 skiing the full-lcr io fr::;i;ln o p j[ile s"w lir b e 'a v t o , second-place finishers in

in. The Fourth Annual He lon sch e d ^ e d for Salurday. jly The dual giant slalom i. SKI Team >m em bers, v Its B aldy 's Lower W arm Spi no

en __________IZ._____ 110.c r _____

1 - ^

a t I -----------iw__


RUGE• • 22 LR S «m lgulo

r 7 - — r* - io -s h o r ti ip —' • H a r d w o o d Sfoc

i — $99.50 ____:rn

d .^Afg. A d lo

L . S p r ln g f lo ld M idi

If R om lngton Ml

^ R u g e r Ml

I. - C o l t - " iitinil

R e m in g to n

R e m in g to n Idi

~ t 7 c B iS rw

' ’" W ln c h o t to r ' Itll

} - S o k o Ml5

S o k o . llJiiidii'Cu

i ; M o H In '..........twAflii

; f e r o w n ln g - . iHtr

R em ing ton ^

— — R e m in g t o n -------- *»«-

R o s s i - f»m

= TT" M f g . A cfle

D o n W e s s o n In^n

s a w imln

W in c h e s t e r loll

W in c h e s t e r

, ^ W in c h e s t e r u t

H e r t e r s letiWSc

R e m in g to n It^T

W in c h e s t e r _pp*

R e m in g to n h e i l i

M a r l in . idl

— — R e m in g t o n — Owr?m»

B r o w n in g ' Sktlilri

B errv ttti--------- 'SUpiftj

_ _ S _ a y o f le ftm M



1 1 3 . 6 B j u e a a k .

O n t^h e s h p e i

^ N ^ s n o w i m p n


:iub sW race Is set for ll a.m, :e ski area.Bpen to Junior racers from the d ing:to-B ?^liW ilIianrs,-ra«!

igc groups offered in cach the is, Iho 'age groups iriclude S-7,

les ig n ^^ fo r the c o iS p ^ tiv e ilalned. "T he race' Is for the [ive tha t p e i^ n an experience

eed-to-reglster-'al Pom orelle Iay7'briiry Im is » with fa iturn.set up on Instructor run wilh the shorter coursc and racers length c iu rse . '• aw arded~to~the“ firs t--an d lincachagedlv lsion .Hobson M emorial ski race Is

jm’racerooen to-Sun-Vallev- "w iii begiii a l 10 a .m . on Springs. . . •


ER 10/22 (lom a tic Rifle

H I F I t llion M odel Cal.

Idloi . Kl ' m

5i w in

i r , JJ a a j i o s j j . ;

B’lc ii-ts ' mriiDii joo in , 2Ji

il IDOIDl a.SmoSD.S

RnkH ■ 'SDtM

il ■ JOXII. ~ f i:2 0 l i» .S

<1 f flltS iE

CiAlM - , K t m '

\m: a i s u

tr . I in 2M -

V 57a. - a i

9 • Wlin . _ n t i

Ho n M odel C al.

•Iw - • r .22 !

tiK B ssr 6 i c f " :

oil - S2H .n i

'l im J l ' • J94S i

Jl __ Jl _ *0 _ 5

lio n ii.j _ i

r f r 711 . GMI j

m >7______ 12 Sl,_____3

ILJL 171 I2ti. S

11 (M a ta I2b.

»Tfi»-------}2W -^-------120,------S

ilr« 119 UfiL.r-,$

iftip------- . -------

m M wm S



< es B ly ^ N.


> r o u e s s / d i n q H

gig^ p io n r-------- *6w n .d lv ls lo n -P ee Wc_ sk iers. Novice skiers

- In term ediate sk iers wl .m . ■'An aw ards cerempn

p icnic a re a on Lower the— Revcre-bow ls-w ill-bc ace .— B kJcreln'cadi c l a s s . -

T he t>oy and girl p. Uie have Ihelr .names cngr j-7 , a l T rophy. • --

=Lhcice Sold ierJlountalD i-G

four Inches of new snaJle npon Ih k u»w»lfOn/<-fmr^ ^ ^ u l e d to rernain Of

adequate MOW.

>rs “ W arm daytim e tem cold, nighttim e temp

nd— m ain ta ln -n lce -sk iin g - Hinkle, a rea m anager.

Is L ifts in operation t . n u m b e ro n c ^ a lr .

ny-on “ RedQcetfllft'UekelsaT

the rem ainder of the ski

H E 8 ]


ALE $ 7 9 9 9

E SR etail SALE

S14J.95 » I 3 9 ”

■$239.50 » I 8 3 ” '

I . S 3 2 5 ^

$474.50 » 4 3 9 ”

S419.95 » 3 a 9 ”

it $389.50 * 3 2 9 ”

$ 2 5 5 . 0 0 - » 2 W * ^ - K $4l2.iso ; * 3 3 9 ”

$692.00 * 4 6 9 ” :

J825.00 » 5 9 9 ”

$209.50 * 1 6 9 ”

- $219.95 * 1 9 9 ”

$154.95 * 1 2 6 ”

- $ I 4 8 , 9 , 5 - M 2 6 ^ ~

$169.50- * 1 3 9 ” I


$199.50, * i r 3 ’?*

$349.50 * 2 9 9 ” .

$349.50' * 3 0 9 ”

$«7 .50 * 2 1 9 ”

$289.50 * 2 3 9 ”

$199.50 * 1 7 7 ”

$177.50 * 1 5 9 ”

$199.88 * 1 7 7 ”

$259.95 * 2 3 9 ”

$87.50 . * 6 9 ” .

$795.00- * 6 9 9 ”

: $449.50 * 3 7 7 ”

$199.50 * T 6 9 ”

■ Jd 5 2 ,s .(> _ !L l.a !l!!_

federal::------- _ i < [ f

• H igh V e lo c I^


— U f —

• r ”

7 ;

1 0 - 3 3 3 0 1 - - —

e s

>cli>g g a ln st«membeffr4n’4he Wee skiers will ra ce P ee W< :rs will race Novice sk ie rs ar s will race Interm ediate sk iers ncny w ill follow the ra c e a t 11 i'er W arm Springs w here sllv( -b c -aw ard ed -to :th e - to p - th n

1 posllng thc fastest tim e wl ngraved on the Hobson ^lem or

:-Good-skllng.Js-report©d-witl Enow. Soldier M ountain will b<

4 pTm-anrf lI open next w eekend If th ere I:

em pcratures and'cool, but no m pcralures have helped t< n g -cond ltions,"-sa ld -C iaud( ir.n this weekend wll! be the

5 a iy / a aay will be In effect for ski season.


II G U I! ' DA

L i

^ 9 R eg u lar$24.99 ___ ___

1 - S I, Mtfl.

MottlMrg ■ Mi^rMp

W in c h e s te r ib(,

R em in g to n^

R e m in g to n . -

R em in g to n iini

B row ning

B rbw ning ib |.M i

- B row ning Hit, Mi

. B row ning ihtrAI*

S te v e n s qbUi

i th tc a iiti

Ith ica

’ Ithtco— tm

7;B ro v « iIn g “ naUi

B row ning - TrjuliH

_____ _ _ A ction

D a lsey CC

B row ning »

- R u g e r ImNr

R u g e r im iw

R u g e r Imliv

T /C SkitiCBMtf

_ S & W ' UkMIC' ,

s * w t a . r

S f tW ftr.l-1/l

- - C o l t - - : — Iw r W ’........

R u g e r tn .r '

H igh S ta n d a rd D errinc

_ C o lt .■ b f . f

' 33^

■ - ' ____________ - I '

heir— W eticem M rarsm tP'iVee season, and P om erelle : I t mightre. Is s till w inter In It,lnc Anderson, co-ownerofIver Poracrello-rocelvediree . -neportlngTxiw derrand

o S All lifts a re operatfc . iTm. except Sunday; v,

a .m . to 4 :30p.m.

^^M on 'd^T i^T ls '-fS m e m b e r p ays the re®

,ith— second_p£tson-pays43 be pay s$ 6 andeachaddilii

i -u — -Bus se rv ice lo Pome: i i s . '•ays only; . "

, -■ Sun V alley; Packed [joi w ith^fourlnchesofnew to I from 9 a .m . to 4 p.m . da

Id.,— Skiers a re Invited U perfo rm s on the deck of

h e l to 4 p .m .

■ Magic Mountain: W or— ow ner, re p o rts .th a u a c

closure of Magic Mountj



Z .S A L I

ffO T G xr:n ■ M o d e l C a t . .

ip . m .

» iMB n t i . _ $:

« i j i . . . m r s b . $ :

I - ItH - 12e 2l b . $i

' t in 12v 2ICf

F IFL ' l i s t . . ' $ :

I '~ m • " i i i r a tL u

I lit tS 12r20b. $ j

r CIWI 12*210. S6

J I U , i O ir2l '6i. $2

' tti. t . nsa. $6

I , IsIeJJ 12(1. $ 3

D inFatm tl(kt 21b. $3

IJS ' - 1 2 r 2 I C r - $ 5

■ - 1 ib .$ 5 M .^

j:jSJECi3iiM odel C al. R<

taifflla I I %

22,1 . $1

f e —i u * ' IB $3(-«V

------- - J M ----------- a t — $21

sktitS'i 22/zte $11

IbcUant 3SJt« $l<

S-ltxttnk 44 $ 2 :

tn $ 2 :

___ a __________ W _ _ $ 3 J

'2 1 .JI7 $26

U ^ M $26

- -y y f - - ,OT - $4 9

te . t e .W $21

n g « r u m - $ 1 3

' .22 $ 3 4

■ ~ , RUGER J

BOLTACTIOI;-------:-------------2 2 i2 5 0 ^o r5 3 »

2 3

OPEN 7:30 A.M. >;00 P.M. EVERYDAY

Saturdayight be sp rin g In the valley, but ll 1 the mountains, safd Sandy ' TofPom erelle.ved close to a foot o f new snow and-packed-powder- ski ~condl - ~

rattog daily from 16 a .m . to 10 ly; when h fts a re o p en Jro m JO

;^fm lly n lgh tr The flre tT am liy ^ regular ticket price- o f $8 . ,The

's47^ tbe .th inU am iIy -n«sm ber--------Idilional m em ber pays $5.* jm ere lle isschedu led fo rS a tu r-

;ked-powder skiing is reported ' ‘ new snow. All lifts a re operating I. dally.

d to listen to the band which :k of North F ace Hut d ally from

: Woody Anderson, ski a rea . J a c k of snow has forced carlv . luntain. ------------------------



L E * < y »

R«tal> SALE

, i» .s o " ♦ 1 4 9 - '

$323.00 *249” I $369.95 *309”' ■$ 4 7 2 .5 0 *388” I$431,95 *34^$334.50 *299” I $474.50 • 3 9 9 ” I —

$544.50 *479” I $689.50 *619”$214.50 _* 187“$649.50 ^ 9 6 8 ” I

$319.50 .*277”$339.50 •299” I $549.50 *49i9n|-

M 95 *396.88


$29.95 •19”$1190 *107” I $369.50 *333”

- $ 2 3 4 ^ 0 ^ 1 9 9 ? * ^ ■ $157.60 *139”$197.50 *169” __$228.50 *199” I $235.00 *199”A3A9.50 *333”____$269.50 *227” .$269.50 *199” ^$494.50 *439” I ----$2,1.50 *188”$139.50 *117”$349,50. *a99”~ _ _ ERM77 'ION RIFLES

1 4 9 ” . — I


SUNDAYS tti 6 :00 P . M ______

- ; _____ C o n » f tM E llo O _ c o n‘ S«*M>na»>;.4diu*i(K». F. W. 1

a o L , ' . ---------: . ' ^oor .'".' . '■ ;i 19o| .^ -.i' - ^ - , ,

P i l feff; F M A M . 'j J

CfiJoTlnM 0>a(in<

“f ■ ' J


------------------- T uesday reportefo r (he q u arte r < q u a r (e ra y c a ra {

AT&T said net billion on revcnui

-------------------- rcvenu& sorsirs i_____ . . The J>er shafe

com m on shares ( ^T & T stock is the

____________ K o d a kROCHESTER,

I b u t em ployees oii g reen on Friday.I Com pany officiI bonus, o f about £I 85,700 em ployees)i -------------•-------- T he-bu lk -o f thI K odak 's hom e t<I distribu ted to aboi

L ast y ea r, Koda to about 52,000 Ro o t Kodak instaiiati

A Kodak worke: from 197&-1980 WOI

J a p a n tU - -------

autom obile cothp w here nearly one m ad e In Jap an .

------------------------RokusuKe.Tfln,Industry , told pai legislation but woi lo resolve w h a th betw een th e world

Jap an ese auto r I c a r m arket in 19M

auto w orkers uner ciitexports.

F a c to r itb e lr potential cat Ju ly , th e Federal F

T he ra te for m theoretical capaclt fo r Industrial mate

■ p ercen t of capaclt> T he operating n

parts^declined m percen t o f capacity

P roducers o fd u i th e ir capacity in F< th e previous month

Energy compan: m onth, reachinges,

S h e l l , S i........;----------B y United P r ^ I h l l

Shell Oil Co. am gasoline p rices by s

--------- m arke ts .----------------......... Shell, th e third 1

gasoline prices by 2---------------- B r o o k l y n . ......

, Shell, which last ^________ cen ts a ^ lo n jn ^ th f

" to reflticl current "m arkets.'.’ ,

- Federal official

recessi• - WASHINGTON (U PI) -

[ C orporate promts rose in the ; F ed e ra l Reservfc Board n

serious recession this y e a r Is H elped d o n gT)y sm aller

. au to Indusiry. a'fter-tax corp -.grew by 3.1 percent In the fot 8.6 pe rcen t increase in the tl

' drop in th e recession-struck s . . F ed e ra l R eserve Board m

" '." v ir tu a l d ls a p ^ a ra n c c of' recession" and " th e consens

. a serious recessio n th lsy eari , of the y e a r profit

— :percenti'thc*fourth=quartBr'< fourth q u a r te r a y ea r earlier.. G ram ley . speaking to the ] expectations a rc now tha t " f

— “ Howevc i.-O ia in lej 's uytljii• >w anU ng tbe fuel of the p a s

: -recovery the very inflatioi ' '-trying to fight with tight ^o i\e

“ The steep but short i« e s , ,;IltUe e ffec t e ither on the undei . p u b l ic ’s perception o fth e ouU(

Surprisingly. Gram ley said, • less gro'

-"Avork with. T be c ^ n g ln g -•econom ic activity and-prices,• loecrease th e am ount of m one

,) volum e o f transactions," mak j even harder.

W. Do<Jg® >fxJ«» 1872.100 t.o

■ {~l 1.0-

~ ~ ~ " F f i.o(

m \ - hJ- A s Q N n I UP

X___________________ _

’i s q u a r t e r e a tK (U P I)— A m erican Telei irted marginally^higher-eaml e r ended Feb. 28 com pared t r ago. But Bell had a decrease I net incomc for the q u arte r ro» inues of H3.2g4 billion, com pa i.Bito blllidiTduring the w m e p< are earnings w ere based on ' e s compared to 705 million sh the m ostv ld fly jie jd of any

f c b o n u s e s i n i:R, N.Y. ( U P I ) - S t . Patrick '] s of the E astm an Kodak Co.

facials said Wednesday that-a It $224.2 million wil! be p aid IM« s nationwide.-^--------- ----------: the bonus-paym ents will b J town - where about *146 ibout 54,700 Kodak workers; odak paid a wage dividend of i Rochester area w orkers ^nd £ nations nationally, rker who made $20,000 in ead would receive a bonus of more

I t o t r i m U . S . iP i)- ''~ Japan said Wednes rm pan les 'to 'cu rtrexports^o* one out of every four cars boI. ■'Pflnakar mtnlBtgr-Of Intomn parliam ent the government m would rely Instead on "admlnl it h as become the m ajo r soup grid’s two largest trading partr fo m akers captured nearly 25 [980 and. with hundreds of thou jiemployed, Washington has pi

r i e s a t h a l f c c(U PI) - The'natlon 's fad

capacity in February , the fli al R eserve reported Wednesda ’ m anufacturing was down t aclty in February, a drop of 0. la teria ls producers decreased city.J ra te for m anufacturers of n'

moderately, the/. Fed repor city, “ a ra te far below its histoi durable goods m aterials iitiliz n February , down 0,8 of a perc nth.)anles increased-their p i ^ u ;65.8 percent of producing cap)

S u n c u t p r i c eInternational ^

and Sun Co. Wednesday lo' >y as much as 2 cents a gallor

•dJargest.U .S.:'gasollrie::m ar >y 2 cents a gaifon in Long fsI

ist week cut Its wholesale g as .the Midwest, s a id th e la te st i •ent competitive conditions

3/ believes. ■

)ratcpr ;ion in i- While, the government sf

the fourth quarte r of la st year 1 m em ber said Wednesdayr Is “ unlikely ." ____ller-than-expec te d «Bsses in t n rp o ra te profits a t annual ra t : fourth quarter. This followed 1 e th ird quarter and a 20 perce ck second quarter]J m em ber Lyle Gram ley said e paBi nine monins has t&md of forecasts o f a -double-d

ensus among forecasters is th orlsun likely ." . ifit perform ance trim m ed to 2 jr'decllne*B 5'com pared‘to"tI ler. - . •he B ostoa Economic Club, sal I "following a lull in the secon omic growth will pick uo aeal

past nine months of economi itionary e x i^ ta t lo n the Fed 1 oi^ey ss io n of 1980 had relative! iderlying Inflation ra te o ro n th utlook fo rp riccs," hesaid . aid, the economy is learning i j r o ^ l n U i e "money s t^ p ly i ig; relations am ong “ money I e3,'’’ h e said, “ have tended ti aney needed to finance a givei nakln^ the F ed ’s Job of contro

_ _ _ ^ '

.......1,040 ^

1.000 — U • _ _

t r n i n g s u pilephone. & Telegraphm lngs of $1.97 a sh a re ----------d to $1.93 in the sam e se in re turn on equity.-ose 8,9 percent to $1.52 ipared to $1.4 billion on - ' e period a year ago. m 756 million average

U.S. company. ^

I m i l l i o n si k T D a y m a y b e 'b v e r ; '■:o. will still be seeing

t-a-w age-dlviden^oi--------------I M arch 20 to Kodak’s ‘

I- be-ln~Rochester .....r ~146.7 million will be ^

ofabout $134.6 million Id about $203.3 million

lach of the five years re than $3,000.

. e x p o r t slesday it w lii-o rd c r— “to 'the-U nlted-S tates,--------------bought last y e a rw a s

t was nol considering ilnlstrative guidance",(urce o f trad e friction „ irtners. ■25 percent of the U.S. lousands of American s pressed for Tokyo to

c a p a c i t y ~actories used less of ,first decrease since 1

sday.1 to 79.3 percent of0.7 percent. The ra le ,e d 0.5 percent to 81.2 — '

f m otor vehicles and ported, reaching. 57 storical n o r m ^ ilized 77.2 pcrcent of 'srcentage point from

jduction during the ■. apacity. ’ J

e o f g a s ;

Alowered wholesale Ii

Ilon in selected U.S. S........................ ........- --P

iarket, -reduced-lts--------—IiIsland, Queens and _______ C

Sasoline p rices by 2 ' olstac tibn -w astaken - • . si IS In the affected t>

•"______ J ' m

rofit h it 1981 ‘uisaid B utthecontinu lng(

jar, a ■ F ed policies a re nol tc ay >a G ram ley praised _ cu(tlng.but.called:.tb!Llhe____ llworrisom elylargc.!!ra te s -A spokesm an fo r ti ed an business advlsoiy co rcenl Uon profit Increases w

. Tho beard ’s Ken G a th e incrftOKA. hiiR<nM<

wo.® in te n n s o f p r ^ b i l l p ro fit m a r ^ a re

Ihaf recession.

0 2 4 O nedayafte rrepo ririh ft------ produclion,-tbo-Fede

A m erican In d u s tr ie '( firs t dip since last

cond ; T he ra te for manufa gain theoretical capacity ii

T he ra te fo r industrialed-a-------p e w ^ l t o t l k l h ) e ^ t

T h eopcra llng .ra le li ® “ and p a r ts - declioM , . reachlng.57 p e rcen t c

h istorical norm ."® Viewing still unpubl

-Tbe auto companies I slow er r« te than expec

ven Auto Industiy profli trol secoQd-quartor d m , fo __ . th ird q u ^ e r . ._____

■ ■ I ■

I ■ - :■ -I , M o

h-14— ___ -■■■■' ■ <inh I

IS » 77 ' • IS » 77 Ote.

By United P re s s In tenu

Thousands of miner--------collapse“ of"nalIonal“

- o thers em broiled In lo coal m ines in seven sta t

. o f a nationwide strike se-----------Roving plckets-wearli

som e m ines and kept > Jobs; coal com pany offic

a s trik e by 160,000 soft c c e rta in a fte r the cur expires a l midnight M< w ildcat s trik e rs to re tu n

Church ordered his ba coal fields from Washli

- d ld nftt co n trac t offers.

^ -T h e re w as no sign-o

Surge fads to

. D o w ,

’ n e w YORK (UPI) . Jo n es Industrial average flirted .w lth the 1,000 level

_ i l ^ c r a c S i t - a s th e stock 1 to ra lly behind a drop

- - r a te s rT ra d in g w a s fa ir ly jT he Dow a verage, dowi

3 points a t the o utset and- a t ^ h iadHyr manflBetr n r

994.06. The Dow skidded- T uesday a f le r clim bing t)

M onday. Its h ip e s t level Jan u a ry .

T he closely watched av< p ie rce th e 1,000 level because m any Investor:

. ' s tru c tc4 the ir b rokers to 61 'D o w approaches or, cross level. - --

B rokers said Investon c o u ra g e d th a t Cheml low ered ils p rim e lending

_ p o io t to 17 p e rc fn t and C th e ra te It charges brokers 15 pcrcent. __

P a n a m a p i p t

c o n t r a c t t o _ N

BOISE (U PI) - MorriS( Go. of.B ofse an h b u h c ^ T ceip t of a contract by a sut des.ign, p rocurem ent and & of th e principal features roleum pipeline tha t w

—ftcrpsiE flnam a.__________T he contract w as av

M orrison-Knudsen Interna Inc., by Petro term inal de S.A., a Joint ven ture bei

- P anam an ian govemment,- —I n d u s t r ie C^rp.'of M dville,

CBI Industries, Inc. of O ak!L. N eal Spencier. m anaglr

of M orrison-Knudsen Intc sa id tho contract'lnvolves type and fixM -pnce wor* in itia l estim ated In exces

' million.

kem akinlikeLyng ecdnomic growth, h e said, g ot too harsh a fte r all. sed Reagan adm inistration L tbe jteagan .deflc ll.o f.$45 .b

. . . » ....... ................. -)r the Conference B oard, a pi ' council, said fourth-quarter te w ere “ very, very sm a ll." n (joldsteln said tha t e ^ n co

ibillty, a s opposed to p rofits." r e still lower than before

■ '/ > porting a half percent decline 1 ederal-R eserve-said-the-utlll Id capacity had in Feb ruary j ^ r ’srecession. lufacturing w as down to 79.3 p

»nl-of capac ity :-------- ------------le for m u u fa c tu ro rs of motor M m oderately, the Fed 1 Qt o fcap ac lly , “ a r a te fa r t

)ubllshed fourth-quarter aufo Commerce D epartm ent anal

les stUl lost money, h e said, bu pected.

wflts had shown a nearly $! }, followed by a $S1)llllon declli

loney sup p ly (Ml-B) ■»..


i '


lere, some angered by the contract negotiations and

local squabbles, dosed soft :ates Wednesday in a preview se t for next week. ■*

t wiUing workers from thclr. flclals chargod. ' '

E coal m iners nationwide was urrenl th ree-year contract Warch 27. But h e urged the im to work.bargaining team back to the blngton Tuesday when coal )t-req)ond .to thelalest unlon-

of when the coal talks In

0 c r a c k 1 , 0 0 0 l e

gains ii- The Dow Also, fee

ge Wednesday cha rg e on<'cL-r bu t/a iled loans declir:k m arket tried m onths ear)p in Interest well for IhKy active.------------is cheajJcr t<iwn m ore than- : The New

!d 10.^ polnls A dvances : to 1.002.79 on am on g 'th e el since early p .m . EST.

Big Board iverage didn’t sh ares . do\ el p rim arily trad ed Tues< ars have in- B rokers s »sell when the and the largi ases-the-1-,000—in d i c a t e d ^

- m a k in g ai )rs w ere en- portfolios foi Tilcal ;B a n k quarte r.Ig r a te a half Also, ma Citibank cut borrowed si

rs for loans to p r io r to Tuei ____ ' .Jen d s to b lu n i

l e l i h e ^ 1 !

ison-Knudsen /Tuesday re- 1 9 • /

ubsldlary for -I1 construction 1 8 ■ V cs of a pet- > will \ extend 1 7 •

aw arded to - 1 6 • national Co^ ' de Panam a, 1 5 - aetween thet,-Northville---------14 ■-------le.-NjYirand— - —kBrool^III. ___1 3 ;;____jn sp lre c lo r ilernatlonal, -to .es-bolh-fee- ----------- j — :irK wiui an—

c e s JE*a r a n i chain

w ' ordered to/ ■ reslau ranb

- ^ Tse tss 'tg p i

]_______________ T he com iprcsllBloBS

e r c o n t r a . ^ u ^ a n ^


w ere black, e ln fac lo ry -S am b o 'sb c!llizatten-of----------- Thc-decisy taken Its '---------------------

TuqbcrgflsoH 0 5_____SEATTLE (

' tugboat crown o r vehicles seagoing com

reported, s ta te and Alas»■ below Its-------Union officle

c o u ld s p re a ro Industry v C alifornia. _ >alyst Ken ~

but a t a fa r .. W aah ln^onan tb e s trik e o s ni

^ p residen t of, t » billion Union of the I

dine In the .m em b e rsh ip s ] --------------- app rova l of the

- - ________ _________, J.

| . . ' [ b o m m o




id iy , March 19~. 19S1 Times-

W ashingtort would res^u S ervice said it was kee

^ e_buL w t"actlv .c ly .iD md White House P re ss S( oft federal governm ent Is r ew th ere w ere no plans j

R eagan • o r administrj

elr. " I t is som ething w e ) som eth ing th a t we hoi

^ (p ro sec tso faco a lsrrik ( a s Church said the majc ict , cu rren t industrywide pe be w orkers to m ove Irom r

benefits. ie "E v en though we d al Inevitab le ," Church sak)n— to su ffe r .” - ........ .........

Union leaders and. co In le a s t 12 m in e s cl<


inactmfederal funds ra tes banks one another for overnight :llned tdlhel^'OiWest level in ja rly in the day. This bodes h le rcsl ra te s because moneyir to o b t a i n . ____________ew Y ork. Slock Exchange ned0.l8to76.99 and the price rage sn a re increased 6 cents.5 topped d e c lin e T '927-619 [i.e_J.ftWJssucs trad ed -a t 4

)rd volume totaled 55,740,000 d ow n..from _the^65 ,920,000-lesday. --------5 said the heavy turnover rge num ber of issues traded -m o n e y —m anagers—w e rc -

ad ju s .tm e n ts In th e i r for the approaching second

n an y . investors replaced shares They sold eariier

u e ^ a y ’s m arket drop. This unta-scvere'decline.-----------

I I M E R A T E -asic Businoss f l ,of>dlnB Rato . II '.............

-a § ? n d v f M) . 1 9 8 1

estauran'IDENCE, R.I. ( U P I ) - T h e J aln. In a ruling released W to changc the nam e o f Its foi

mis on grounds the nam e In> blacks. - :----- • • • ' •official of the California-base jpeal the stat<f Commission on and w asj;onfidcnt It will be’o\

f i^ ls s io n la ld lt '^ 'M n c lu 'J c d e Sam bo's had the effect of that" they wero unwelcom

nts becausc of the ir race ." lame is found offensive by of the ch ildren 's book “ Little trnlsslonxalltxM hatlink " a n I public accomodations to black a survey of 238 persons, 89 pc ck. showed 214 u i d they woul becauscof ihe-name. c islom io ted 'there w as noiivli

b o a tc rew swmen virtually halted all“^ ammeree in Washington aska Wednesday. {icials warned the w alkout' t ea d to O regon a n d £

f a re proposinp is to shut x

and Alaska and lo expand___li} n ecessary," Don LIddle, o f. the Inland B oatm en's p e Pacific, told the union> shortly before it roared r the w alkout.-------------------------

m o d l t y ‘l r » d e x ^ \ (2C-100 . \

r n z E S t i T r ™g n M r. ■ e V /

.SpolCwTieOtyliWilPv V_3I

"I ■ -

I03-N ew3. tw in Falis^iflahb

es'ume. The F ederal Medlatloi keeping an eye on the situatloiy.invoIyed.H________________s Secretary J im B rady said th( Is m onitoring the situation, bui IS a t this tim e for Presldeni stration officials to bccomcfut ure cuntruct la lks:--------------ve a re monitoring now ... It is h.op.e_is settled. I think it Is rike) a serious situation .” m jor s tum bllnfftlock was the 2 pension system , w hich allows m m ine to m ine wUho.ul losing

I don’t w a n t,a strike. It Is said. “ I don’t want m y people

I. coal companies reported at c lo se d in- so u th w e s te rn

)e tradliks T here w as little else

—'background lo Influence in e ith e r direction. .

les Published reports I ey som e trad e rs a re conce

slowdown in th eeco nom’ ge tfiena ilon IsT ieaaeafofl ce belief tha t w asstren g la t J. Bbl Lyle ijram iey , a' 19 ' se rv e Board m em ber, s 4 ■recession this y e a r Is “ iir

Composite volume of00 listed on all UiS. cxchan M th e coun ter a t 4> .m . tota

sn ares , down from ' tl Jr Iraded Tuesday.(d . - T he Am erican Stock 1 ■c— dex-rpseO.-76 to-345;00nn Ir a sh a re Jumped 4 cents._ Id A ssociation of Seciirll

- NASDAQ index of O TC 1 d 0.8HO2O4.T . U.S. Gypsum lost I Is com pany sald-Jt will ha' —:— timcHn boostlnglts earrm

Chemic its prim

NEW YORK (U PI) - Bank W ednesday lowere lending ra te to 17 percen p crcen l and th ere ’were o

- th e lowei^ ra tcco u ld sprci banks slashed the ir brokei

Chem ical, which last wi firs l la rg e bank Id move p ereen t prim ei a level tl

■ Industrywide Juesday.~-st ra le would be e f f ^ l v e Thi

— ^ltibank ,-the-na tion !6 -6 e s t bank, signaled other p rjm e cquld_bc Immlner s lashed the ra te It chargcs for loans using stock a s col 'A p ereen t. underciittl m oves by other banks on tl

nts musthe Sam bo’s restau- d iscr1 Wednesday, was basis four R hode Island Tht

s Indirectly denies P rovi— ---------------------------^ f i clased chain said ll , w as fI on H um an R ights Rhodie’ovcrturned in the - indivi

Untg d il ta u h e .u s c -c f___ _un tll_of notifying b lac j^ muini om e a t S a r tib o 'r oratic

s t a t eby .som e blacks Art]

tie B lack Sam bo," the San in d irw i'w ay o i-------- cEIon»ck persons.” • th e H } p ercen t of whom ' objeci ould not patronize “ W(

any I:cvIdence‘Sam bo’5-------- co m ^

s trik e he"W e wHl pipkcL ev e ry

m oves on w ater,” Liddle vo W ages and fringe benefi

. key issues in , the strike, about 25 ships stranded Sound p orts and shut down S ea ttle , one of the counln T>ccan term inals.

— thcjiexL tw o-days-m ay-ha ' out the s trike o r proceed ports.

B arge deliveries of oil I refineries w erestoppcd by 11

— P ort-o ffic la ls-in -A laska

v<«.u, . - I J - m o r“ r = r ------

— **— ♦•••—j--------^ Ok j

• C lasslfle it,—

Ion Pennsylvania, six in V Ion tucky, th ree each In Oh-------- in-Virginia and AJabamithe In Pennsylvania alon 3Ut off the Job. In Kentucky jnt w ere Idled and in Illlr Tie em ploying m oro than 1.3

jg , M ore than l,ooo mlnei I . F iv e of lhe m ines w ere s

of the coal ta lks and the che roving p ickets_________A-s "W e walked oul pri Ig com panies w alked out

H arper, a New Lexingtoi Is About 1,500 miners le so u th easte rn Ohio.

“ W e'Jumped the gun b at . back until th e contract is n w as sim ply som ething t

1 3 5 B 1

se in the news , c e th e m a rk e lin

Indicate that icemed about a O I O S < m y.M anyth lnk Q Q ^ I r ra re£ & slo n rff-a te last year. X ~■ F F ea^ rS T K er:, sa id a serious n r unlikely." I f)f NYSE Issues anges.and o v e r ' i l a lc d .6 a .S 7 9 ,5 0 0 ^ ^ H ip H the 74,710,300

c Exchange In- ' ■— and the-p rice-o f- - 9 2 7 -s.JThe N ational •------------- ^rities D ealers’ ' I s s u e r: issues gained-

t to 37 </4.The - C o m rlave a difficult____________ inings.mis year. ”

cal Bank ne rate tc

- Chemical Irv ing Tn red Its prlme_ b ro k e r ra te a t (rom (7 'k N ational Bai ! o.Uier slgnalfr- nounced a J5 r i o d a s m a jo r o F T i i ^ ler loan ra tes , m a jo r bank week w as.thc . lending fa te ™ ’? t percent..that.bccan ic____ __________sa ld .th e new - '

■hTiiia5ir---------- o lten - 'p recei-second-lanh— P tim c .ra le . ;r c n u Inlent. Citibank g ra fo rsh o rt- c s brokerages The recen collateral to 15 following a si [ting- e a r iie r by business* Lthis key rate , a n easing in I

tchangecrim inated a g ^ n s t any of It; lis o f race.h e R hode Island restau ran ts a ivldence.Sm ithfleldand W arn he M m plaint against the Cal 5 filed In D ecvem ber 1978 by t] >de Island, the local N AACP ch ividuais.'nder.lhc.ordcr..Sam bo:s ofJUi ll^ p rU - lS - to -s to p using-tho inicatlons, signs, notices, pror tions, and advertising, o r lo f lecourts. .r th u r Dowd, vice p i^ id e n t fo S an ta Barbarn C n llf .h aw j

on “ w as not unexpccled inasr H um an Rights Commission

active group.Wc intend to appeal to a highet

lim e thls.m aller_has-gone-l ipany h as won." E)owd said.

a k i n q - c o m j

ry thlng , i hat— sir ik e -p ro b a l vowed. ta n k e r op en efits a r e lh e m arin e o lH en

i t p d S ! • o th e r .unio, a iU icp o rto rtry 's busiest g ° a o ° n J i "5T5-5PfIy5Tjj— B ren o u 8 en iB lave lo-w ail— Liddle said ed to o ther m em bers in V

w ere Involved I to several sp read s to Ore I* Ihe strike, m any a s 2,000 < a-6ald -the— b e Involved:—

n o n t h T r e a s u r y b l i i scom. wwilOy ’avaraoo lnl8fo»t f«o'" .

r a - = .tt -------

t a X c Sin West. Virginia, five in Keii- I Ohio and Illinois and one each

alone about 6,000 m iners were icky an^estlmated 2,000 m iners I l l ln o ^ a t least th ree mines, n 1.300 miners, w ere struck.

liners s truck in West.VlEglnia. ire shut because of the collapse the other was closed because of

p rim arily because the coal out of the ta lks," said L arry ig ton,O hio,m iner.-r ._ . _ lers w ere off lhe Job in

un but I don’t look for us to go c tls ra tIf le d ," H a rp e rsa id .‘i t ngjhe,_men.chose^,_

) ^ e

J . 0 6

^ U p „ . 1 . 5 3 ~ “i . M a r c h 1 8 , 1 9 8 1

► D o w n U n c h .

F l | 6 1 9 i f 3 ^ ~

j e s T r a d e d : 1 9 1 9 ', e x : 7 6 . 9 9 u p 0 . 1 8 .

t m o o s i t e V o li in M ----------- —6 3 , 9 5 9 ^ 0 2 0 '

k cuts o l 7 %

Trust posted. IS '4 percent ■ate and-Contlnental Illinois. Bonk i TrustrC hlcago, an-

a ]5% b roker rale, esday. most of the notion’s lanks lowered their p rim e •ate to 17 percent from 18 ,

;s-ln;rthe-brokcr'~ loan ra te " — ■ ecede-m bvem ehls in‘” theile .th aL b an k s-ch a rg e -th a lr-------ditw orthy corporate custom- -lort-term loans— _______________(cent reductions have come a sharp drop In loan dem and

icsses and corporations and . . ; In the cost otbank funds.________

3 nameif its employees on the

Its a re In CranSTon, E astfliicn.________________ ________C allfom lp -bas^ chain

by the Urban League of ' - P chapter and two black

fJlhodcJsland-Inc.,.has_________-the-nam e^in-its-com — — : promotions, menus dec- lo file an appeal to the

It for public relations o f : - - igiv< finri said-tho dc — lasm uch a s the body-of Sion Is not e ;u c tly a n y

ghercourt. Historically, . . .no-in lo-courtroom rthc--------------1.

nm erce —obably—w ould -og trrfl/fe rt---------ix ratlons a l ' t ^ ' Valdez ' term inal. ^nlons prom ised to re^>ect ' ies se l up by the Inland i Union, a division of the n ^ ^ ^ n g ^ o r e m e n ’s and ^

B id -1,000 to- 1,100-union - j ‘ ' : in W ashington and A lask a ' . Ived in the strike. If it ' Oregon and California, as ,000 union m em bers could

; , r-r'lFiIiini!;NEW ron* ‘

[ i”i i n r o i ' tS '

- - - - S k ^ • £

WtdMidir C______________ lanai—U -.-lW ____ C


.' fissi'- l i “ ',1 hjL i___________ AtU . Faifl*L_ ___ (Con TB H.7J157B

.......- - S■ s r . ; j K S i 1


8nd r* - 1 1

1 0 7 . 1 1“ AO - EfM t u n m

0«n Ei ■ « .» N.L IOralh a O N l. I

• g■ AO V«n » t>S .n 0•• !5S!?.S g:-------------Huix" — ;i:o7iiti— i

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_ _ ^ E - 5 - iE L J, : AmKI Ot 471 <« £J

- . i

- - : f c j | l 1 -• ■ ; : f J * f i i

■ : W “ F S r^m » .L J.' -w FM 10J9H.L HI

;: • ■ Metal pri

. . ..An{lmony.dom«aile,t«nn»dln ^Ccvper, ■iKIroiyllc, UillTAfM

; - i ^ u r y ‘«ib,oo4«».coniB.ii: i S . S i , “ S S ! r. M PilUdlum. N.Y. Affl. ' M<

■•” ? a r , ” ”. s r ' w r e r ,- «Midr«u,ro>..UtS.004a.00pot- J110*(»^11J.00 ptr’ ton jMMum'* Am. Met. Mki. eompoalit locap

■ " Tln.N,r.Am.M«I.Mkl.«llov»rE

“^D enver Bie* > DENVER (UPIl — Beina W< ; «olo.*MN«b..».OO.Ote»iN9rih


i r ^p " -7 3 3 : 2 6 7 s ,

‘ . C -2T lroos-N ow s,.T w in

• BuU « E ’ra’ 1 li?!, ^

B ' , - ■ j s i i s g . g. C411I sni i m m r Mtsim

Cnift Fd (lj (II Uuncpr.MNL som f

Coionltl rufkJt: Thiifl■ G ^h FW-^-PiC

HI YrtkJ r a ru fw DthInum . IM a n Fm M

A18 ' 1:1 IW Onti Fd

I-1 liiia s , 'C p g

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f f i . ^ ? . K f S

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; r 3 ' j l f r

i T i s i r0* t l ' ,««(»l' Iw

)ricesK itsi m»Ul miiiiai ' NEW YOn

- 8 ? . S n Sp .r « n .p ,« a p « , .» l ^ o n

ino«l ia .M c lb.................'-E n o ^ * i) .cam baiM regular unlaorlcaiea <

. .««a. 1.0.6, Poo Col-• M«i Mkt. daaiat________ ____•. p(04ue«r (475.00;)potl(0)fognca.- NEW YOP

W ' ' "ocap p>lce tiU .IJ por ^Engaltiatd 1 ieiek S50M c Ibr— ---— pf!?M o^/l§


B e a n s ^ | T KWadnaadiy: Pinloa, Daw-Jonoa

i#rlh»fn».N#e..a,00. S 4 P SM


: ' U '

o f t a b l e j

J l

F uel ll

Hebu d l

: _ 2 1 7 2

win Falls, (datio .T h u rsd ay , f

EH0#@—I a s s t < om

IIHNL ^ ) ! '

g V ' j c i K i y . , a . s g £^ « L ’ JP uSS' ’fS 'lJC

f ItiHL. John Kawoc*:

f r i

i ' l ” ri"iEim ;V, 11*'— uj '

ll—' SII IW- Cull ■ B2 'lU IJU d.’ SI! Sf IS, If.

“ .74 111 irni Fd 4.U 4MT r ^ O T 8 - 4 I S ‘- i i - ‘, W “ 5 ■ i:S S 'S * ® !! .« ii!,!S -ffif- ,i:SS:t

&!’• a"'*' „ '!S»"{:SM 971NL. Ula kih 19.ait.«

Pk IIJINL Clp Dr tl.UH.L Opi 1I01NI. MulUI UI7N.Ua n g s t '

Am r.llN.L MJO . IS'BIU}

“ • ! ! ; « ! ® i r aEl 1.17 ti9 UMB 7Jt LUSS " .s 'j ,! ; - f f l , a i ?Ml— LZ7-£n— uonu . ipich: - ----- -

lYI. .174.U0 ..HI . OPtl 9.H1L4)S.,.,!:S'!S a . ’K_SS'!i.u iJi 30 Uun HY a.a JS'

^ s s s , a , s i s , a s a " s ' i i " s

lA i a 101 lionv Fd i2en ts .

W o r l d g c 5 l d : : : .rORK (UPI) -;ea quoted'In Oolltra par irey ounce

&=L.. Irn SI2.0O us 10.U.

- ____ ^M7.»_UP_ 13.00. ■ai«~Himian--------60d,00- up__ 12.75,

'K«. rieiiMiM gSid 3mI4 up (3.2a pat

— S i l v e r ---------- --- 'YOFIK (UPI) - Kandr and-Haiman ay quolea oM( al tl2.95 par tine ounce

S f f i s S a ”® * ! -

l a r k e t i n d e x e sJNITEO-----PRESS— IKTERNATONAr-!.r - .S:S :S !:S19 Ind ' (94.08 up I.MSOI Slack* m n up 0.N

i . ’ ^

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pow er SI

ctricaljndJnjectionuildingindf i d n < j e = ^

I W H © "^ n d A v e . ' N o r t h

y. M arch 19,1981 '

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.il nf-£ ["!!- £:IWL Uuiual el OiMt: coi

lifl' Inema ' l.ti IU n rLJ< I. , . Tu . Ft___10J14U1___ M<

Uvl Shfi M.nNL kiB •t<9 Hm Th a.CBN.U InnSS ■■■sr !S:S!t -ffi

H ! i S . - £

s s i S i st4.2S N«« . EnoUnd Ut: . Opt» « -----

lUd-----ftEn—tql—l|jn«JlIZlcce7M . TU i r ^ «.«J Ul Oat

Is H r g sst - a

isn Sr^ vw? ■ *iitoo ^H.L . NlChlU 1I.77N.L S«lc

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g - S '° ™ " ) 2 fs- BI.L n« Fd i4.ts;)n w«ld

g | i i ” r

iii'ffl’V ' i f i f r i rI w,s z t 'ssi F,ts >_Pro^.S«frlCM: dMdan

,U t« ,

. Valley beiKeT*.' Croat N arlhrnuHdealert S'

n ' Small Kcda; ]4 dealers at 30.i :«; otMhcmartcl.'


Aiioclatlon ine. f'hec* arc ne Idaftotjcan tax and flora({Prtiar

C H cag o gCHICAOO.(UPI) - C««h oral

Oats No. zailra tiaavywniia}.: Soyboina No. 1 yellow 7,44

ir* ' Birleymaltlnai.900Je:laa43. ' Basis (tne Sirierence Detween I.7B price ol me moai curreni luit

,:S - w a - . •;,

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no loM. 141- ■Mnd. iHiuiii. H

leans I 'iatS9.00,7dealer*«lindtpix^nurfcet.I4al3o.o0snd4ortlhe

30.00. 1 at 29.00. and 4

names,- " ----------------------------- ;

grSngrain prtcea Wednes-

f i ^ T z : r :i}.39N.14 «N; Chicjgo mob _

) 3.10-2 JON.r r . ’. “c : ! , t e s ■

m1979 F condill 16.9x3

___________ — _nDd.ob.. _ __ 244Q.d

• - — pow er__ __ or>d wl<

•---------------------------'d lm or

' --------- -------- ~ — 7 Z ^ .fjroin b •C-750- fool co\

M on ir log..olf

^ cuilom

> r . V 'Truck li Of>d >10

- ..' - - - . . brokos, ’ 'plar^lor

_ JL-. -tohn D.

(( ^ dr?v°o -V. - / J . • . lion b«

t“ ” ” - on ruW“ ' solid to

■■ ond 3 p

,,l__ __ ___ Acmo^TT' point h- i tubopil

______ __ J ': 3 » w c D (

____________ ^11 wl

__________ : _______ M O Unk4ing

F o r



* - II. mm -m m '?

to th in k a• — O u f N a t i o n ’s ' '

N a t i o n ’ s *

• “ O u r N a t l o n ^ s ” *

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• O u r N a t i o n ’ s '

r h e e f f i c i e n c y o f U

s p e n d l e s s b f o u r a

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o o f c a f h o w t h e s e 1


'U n ite d S ta te s 'B razilC h ina(P R C )F ra n c e , .1 , ♦ ____In^liaJ a p a n

—S o v ie t- ( Jn io n -------- ------ ~-

a) — consum ption o f-food Item i

A g r i c u l t u r e . — t h e

D a r t o f w h a t r n a k e

: a n b e p r o u d o f . L

i r’’ ^ ^ T R R C K

^ £ r £ Q U I P m £

5 5 9 1 2 th Avo 543-6413

j ^ ^ P T

^ L v L o c q t o d o f tho a n d tho


TRACTOI9 Ford B700 dloiol iracio'r,' f 10 dlllonlng. i>owof brakes, power Ix 38 rubbpr. 540 8 1000 PTO, 51 .obso!utfl[y.peilcci^al»pj).i,ot-oLr Q.djoiol.trocior—720.hour.a.^.pol 'o r sioering, hoa roll bo r ond-c wido (ren t — Moisov Fpxgu»o_ri.2 111 wKool. pow er broke*, powor , l5.5x3B rgbber, wido front one

:6I trSctor, pow‘6r~»lo'oflng,"l 5.5: ’ PTO — Sot oM 1 00 k 16 from llrei

d- T ? ? o5 ? i? i~ior. 46rooo'rSlles a"nd'KoT^Sco n bod-wlth-hcovy duty ho ls t 'on 5 0 ’ Fofd-cobovor 3 ’/» ton iruci covered von wllh roll op dooiT’9 . pow er sloerlng. runs oul like ' 1 iruek. <loibod. with 7S0k1 6 dui oir conditioning. 4. apeed IronsmI }m bulll (lol bed — 1969 Chevr (. 900 rubber. .4 & 2 spoed, wit I « ro ln ond slock rock with o h< k livestock rock for coltle. 18' l< >topl — C ootoneck IS' mochlnej lOS, lop slo roge ploirorm — 191 itor with hillors.


p 660 sell propelled combine, "B<. pow er s to ^ n g . with o bell unk 1 D eere 95 self propelled combln >ring. 12' h eoder — Sun 1 1' boo e — Innos 10' pickup —.John Oe boon cutlor o r culiivotor — Ini

v b b e r dollies with o 0 HP B 8 5 1 tool bora 14' long w ith 13 heovy 3 point hitch. ■ ■ • '


it hitch ond Is o cup type plontei I pile w llh molor. on rubber.

J O H N D I K E O K iiID e« r« .N o ra a0 -M 4 io le - j:U p a

wllh gr'oln seede r oiiochmeni

U tl lh i ^ M ^ m A d e L J o lu i^ M X Ilk* new , sure don't lel this oneI n g . . .o r M o re Info • Coll G oo M o

Owner: Fl--------— S A U M A N A «

m n O H E E R S : J O H N W i' W ondol

------ CLERK! j.W ; MESS

IL IMPLEM DRT NATJ<iin u te o iHa b o u t agrir " ! I n d u s t r y — a s

! * 1 E m p l o y e r — o

r ^ 'I n f la t i io w - F ig l : r t h a n n o n - f a r m i > * 1 E x p o r t e r ^ $ . i

CI.5 . a g ric u ltu re tw■ a fte r-tax in co m e c in iu m e rs - in -o th e r r e c 'o rhparisons stac

M in u te s o f W ork J ________ 1 itj. s ir lo in st(?al<

- 1 6-1354 5 5

________3 4. ‘ (a)

.1 7 4--------------- ------------ 6& ---------------

;m Is nol applicable; (b) — data I

ie h e a r tb e a t o f ou kes A m e ric a ' s t ro n . L e t's s a lu te it on

.......P re s e n te d l o y o


E Q U IP M E N T C O . ' E


l e n T r i n G r -

v e . So: ~ t:----- ^ ~1 3

^ Alod 1 m llo w o t t o f th o no rth 0 M o to r'V o C ornor on KIml h o a u c tio n fs a t th o -‘ O ld Re

kTURDAY.: l O t O O A . M ^ ^

O R S . ' .10 HP. full-ccb, storoo, olr 33

wer sleerlog, 3 polnl-hltch. . j „, 517 hours, used 1 season ,j,,.oLntt¥'.du,Qlt.=John.D.ooro__.polni.hllch..pow er-brokes-----id-conopy. 15.5*30 rubber)n_2S5_c(jesol_lrqctor, pow er_____«or slooring7'3 pSlni hitch, . . ond only h o i 945 hours — ■

— Inlem ollonol s io ' j - i5.5«3B”rubhor.-wIdo-|ronl,----Ilres on 6 hole w heel.

lU C K B l p S , S :

Scofo 'Paclflc'l'8 '’oirm ol'ol •and stock rock's — 1974 f,g, ruck, 1000x20 rubber. 30 . 1, rrS 8 2 speed . 390 V-B en- k e o charm — 1976 GMC °ub dual rubber, powor tt«or>

■evrolot “050" hoovy duty !^V with o Kniophplod 16' oil

0 heavy d jty rorn hoist — ifn(8 ' long and m ode ol w ood p«rInefv trailer, londom oxie. hoi19B0 Plckoll 6 row boon mO'

■ A U O iR S «lT O R S ^ PIcI. "Bean Special ', w ith o full 50 unToader. reol cleon unit —— fonl >blno. new ovorhoul. pow er .140 boon pickup with hydroulic — D eere M odel FM combina- ‘ sior Inlernotlonoi 3 bor 6 row Insu

8:5 gas englno — 2 - 2 ’.'. " - twir ovy duty J,D..sprlng shonks fylli

■......... — .■■■ ■ ■ ino<dou


nter, good one — SpudnikBorl

KAIM DRILL mln«p a dng .daub lo disc g ro in — tonl leni arid hydrau lic , lilt on

ia *xe-^u lpm «nt-1»-olmo«l— jn e go t by wllhoirt ottend-. witl

W orkle a t 733 -2518

FRAZIER LKOIMY'MltSIRSAWERT IRVIN EllERS . doll K Im borlyESS'ERSMITH. TWIN F A tlS 'g "Si'lliiiu your h'lixini’ss in

V .


ricu ltu re :s s e t s o f $ 9 2 7 b i l l

o v e r 1 5 m i l l i o n p

3 h t ' e ~ r — p r o d u c t i v i

i n d u s t r y o v e r p a i

? 4 6 - b i l l i d i n n 1 9 8

tielps mal<e it p o ss on food ah d earn

'n a t io n s ^ r o u n d 4hi 3cl< up:________

rk T im e R e q u i r e d ^ b r Sel ak 1 Ib. w h ite 'b re .a d

,4 3 ■ • . (b)8

4 67

-------------------- 8 - -------- --------

a Is no t available.

u r n a t i o n ’s e c o n o n

ng.:A _story_that_e\ i A g r i c u l t u r e D a ;

7ou by:' , ■

BUHL [MPLEi l l 1 'A Mill

ANDY & BOB'! J I O M P .



k U ^ T It h w e t t co rn o r of'K Im beriy, m borly R oad , Twin F alls, Id ^o sq I H om ot M fg. P lan t" .

'/MARClil. . Lunch a t th o Chuc

dj>ubio .augers, w ater cooled eng Ferguson 124 siring tie boler, PTC 262 siring llo boler. PTO operate (Iring lle ooler, hydroulic tension. ;opacliy unft — Donohue all tto i ipeod-950> lfr.S -S -p ly-reor-llres Mhoolor on'rubbpr=-John_Ooor«-(

- S R O U N D - W O R I IJohn Deero No, T034, tS 'e" hoov ivlth 25" blades and dual rubborVf lo hr?, 0 0 0 r 0_N d I, V_l}?oyy_du J y_ r I p Mlih 7”x5 " ond Dig 3 polnl hlich Joltom 2 woy plow, hydraulic rol rosh turners and 3 point hitch — ollof harrow, crowfoot both rolllydroutlc-fom-mount— .B rfinJiio )ydrai.itlc_controller.. lold up oxio 101 0 brand neW .extra sol of bloi I bar w ith spring line (quivor looi ind laid up oxtonsions — .Oliver 1 ubber wlih hydroulic ram moun ntornoiionol 3 U , 3 bollom plow, um — IHC tumble plow on stoei lolni hlich — John D eere 10’ fond ut-O'Woy fronts. 18" discs — Jol Ino horrow with folding draw bar erguson 55. 3 bottom plow, shei leovy d^ty londom 12' d lic on r nounL-^.KIrchnor 61dijcher w ith : om mount. .

C A S T A N K S W A G O N S - M 1 S 4Ickupgaa pum ps — 180 goilonpic <0 gallon squa re oil lank ond pi.

V00x24 tTre 8 rim — 3-5!_25!l20 ti - 2 Hooted autom atic Kdg woiei lonory wogon on rubber — Trocto isulotod sliobp herders wogon —,el*^IU and4-----Hoyaeale*. 17 1wine-— Plpo tb[^eoders - Hydro yllnders and lo ti ol good miscell lodo horso iM der — 4 Indlvldu* louble d ltc openers on tool bar lonter units, shoe type on tool boV

I R R T C T C t I o Iorkloy ongino m ounted Irrlgotioi IP diesel ongino wllh hool oxchor ilnule wllh 150T.O.H. — PX . wee ank.-22:boom s& 3polnl hitch____

<lth Ford Industrloi engine - -In te r

TERM S: CL A N D & C ilr M I T H - A U C T I O M ^ E R.- JOE BENNETT . JIM ME:

' W ondoll Ja

! 0 I l ( W 4 ! 5 O Q H a m s Z l i

lL E R S ~ ^ ^

^ D A Y !! j:ial day —i

H i i i o n .

I . p e o p l e .

I v i t ^ g r o w t h 5 ~ —

p a s t 5 y e a r s . i

9 8 o ; — ----------- :

issible fo r us to :-n food iterris in , ; theTVorldTTdusr---------1

Selected Purchases ; _____ 1 doz. eggs ;

P 6 ^

73 -205

O .13112

----------------^ - 1— ---------------- -- -

o m y . It's a b ig _every_A m erican._. > a y , 1 9 8 1 !

LEMENt C6if l i l e E . o f B o h l

i 4 3 - 8 2 3 2


i i M D t 7 9 m r A t - . - _ T B A C T O R e _ ^

AYS. ^10 . ■ j

L L IV E ^ O C K I

t& Hriy , Idaho , o r g o 3 m llo i oa> t, Id ah o , th e n '/} m ile so u th

m , 1 9 8 1

huckwogon by Aileon

engine with a cob — Mosioy PTO opero led — New Holland

iroted — John Ooore No. 466 ilon. PTO operoled, ond a lorge stool sw othor'irollor w ith hl-

o r« '6“mower.-fwng'on'lypo': ^

R K I N i B E O U I P . . - ^ —hoovy duly tandem o ffsord lsc orVfith hydraulic rom mount —y ripper 13 fooler or_5 *honk._ ___ich — John D eere No. 4200 4 ■ c rollover, ipring trip shonk*.:h ~ John D eero No. 950. 12'

oxtonsions, nevor been ..u iod^ ___blodos — Aco 16’ ronovoior. tooth type) with 3 polnl hitch

ver t 2'6 ~ tonde'm disc on duol lount and cul-o-woy fronts — low. 3 polnl hllch & hydroulic itoe l 4 row corrugotor w ith 3 tondom disc on rubber. H.R.M.- • John Doore 4 section spring bar 8 3 point hitch — Mosiey sheor pins S 3 point hitch — on rubber ond hydroulic rom,'llh 3 point hitch ond hydraulic ’

: s - S H E E P ISCELLANBOUSnpickup goa tonk and pum p d pump — SOO gallon d le te i ;2 0 llro — 2; i-4:9x74-flre s '— V- ----20 tiros on solid rim t {1 n e w ) ; - voierers — 4 w heel comml*-.•actor chains — Metol covered ' n — Choin holsl C ultivator! J

ydroulic ho*oT-=:-3 h'ydrsulle ' ^ scellonoous — Cuslom m ode , vlduoi Liiroslon planter, units ,’ bar — 2 Indivlduol llllpston

lboV w ith3poln ih itch .. ;■

ON P U M P ^ 7 "otion pump with Detroit 3S^Changer, will riin 700 gol. per w eeiJsproyer'w lth 100 gallon

Internotionol 275 ,14' sw o lho r •

CASH ^lA T T L EE R V i C E ................. ^MESSERSMITH I . . . ,- L . I

J e ro m e j

aIH .q h .Q ' , . :___

- - ^ . — - y v e s

‘ mttinc** ot btino SO e«nt( to 1.001

I*^Hog» 1.100: l;id«-tcura: btitowi

.;E Grain-futuri■ CHICAOO mpi)-------goainQ.yf

• on int CMOdS Bo

«,:""c» 'i3“— "TjirOS * » ---- «S W- «„ A - * * * ”* * >"

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* .Aua a m jidso nrta z.> I 8«p 2000 2M0 » U Z ' ; : " 8«tti«m*n1pric«*oncloM.

—fj-Bvestock-fnt ; i f e r ' c r f s , =,';!,

^ z ^ r £ - i■ "* &l. u lo i 3JB7 contrKU; Tuatdiy':

- - ;3 p n U.eo M.OQ _ 44.40 4• •iM*i'»4f«44.«44.OT*5i>” *

uiM 11,ou eontrceta; Tuai

!:-kUl 44.7Q 4i.S7 42.90 4

‘'••_;-r~^U»m*ftlprtM« on ckufl ind g jjr t

S u g a r f u t u r

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~ " i ; K s ; c K a ^ ^ '® 3 s : ! 5 » ; ?CsiimjiMuiM I02conirtcu.

- - i S V r .:::i , r £• ; ;B#o.... ..TTTrrHJ8 a .»j ; Dom!»lM5^rNo."lloS5lMBrMl'

; r Whgt-markets: = f f l - c S S

■ I ' l

I - i^^^ m m oii* 'liocii indoi -7S.WWHAT THE MARKtr E

By Unlltd P ttli lnl«mill .AMEX 4

•N*w Hljh* "*37 “***N*w Low* ^ ^

i r ’‘« : * r g

— t S a i i s s * — 7—— i-UneJunoM-------------------- XS—— .io u i . -----------------

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— -'NEW----rORX— WPTt~~- ~T >l«—'■eihr* Ilock* lf id « Ofl m«_^_pT

i t - . ' S c

^Oompoillt lnd«« 204.00 up ' ?NA3D Volumt ..Today »,M,300

__l_*n—A*li>d aaoutlon nol «ppl>ci

i s j ^ k m a ]

1.00 highsr: hittstii S V . « o f f i ! no™ salt

.“ ■ i S * £ f f l g _ : S . V K W 5m v n lm ------- dehcth jopi) .

. NO.zSIrtifB.W

............... 500™ -

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a tn res— :— ^ "tingo ot meal ^

:«nu% ExctunQd .CIO** P f« / .T S ';, " ' . . s

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«E ^ra£N D ’ ' 'VOLUME

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i t S K s s r ^ f8.40 cwl.

; u x F s s t t i s ‘.» , - — -ln3.UBu.dOwn2c«nli. '

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— L o o k a r o u n d A m e r i ( l a n d . A n d j u s t a b c

s t a r t s o n l h e t a r m ! O l


— 1 8 7 4 H I G H L A N

P o t a t o e s "

Mvkat iiMdy. lOWb. u c u «ur>M (- A g K ^ S S f f iB S S f jT c n n i j

nu*Mii Him t>u $-10 to. ut*d ne 2we, U.S. NO. 2.£0»« 2.73. kuno F minimum 17.31 11.90, 3Mb. ctrtoAi 1 12.25-ir^^8aj^12.7S-1J.00, 100

HBfiri'DafcoM W-JBS“a»u"i'i5"oo“ - "

- - ^ - ^ e s t e m ^ g r cPORTLAND, Ora. (UPI) - Pt

• 'ofjin; eoMt eoltrary Wil»:

- _^o« -----------------

m j ^ s i

B k B h i t


iS A L llT I

s r i c a r - W e 'V e a n a b u n d i a b o u t e v e r y t h i n g w e ’ n O u r A m e r i c a n f a r m e

F E D E R A L L A N D B- A S S O C I A T I O N 0 1 T W I N F A L L S

^ T R I i

liMUIUHUO/f*_______ •' •


. N D A V E . E v , T W I N



7 3 4 ^

noMU. A 8.30;

_'_N£W-Y0RK-1UP O incti 17.80. W maAat irandorBrajmucnd »<«

r a i n ‘»rg.8B.7l;«ro.«.

r ? f i ----- K ----- NEW VOBK-iUPPortland e**h ind m«/K»l traivJ:

’■ PlWM WW »M.

. . . — 4.44 . . tofo«a»-7i!mna«»■

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E T H E T ll u i i u i ^ i

i d a n t a n d p r o s p e r o u s - n e s d ' t o l i v e a n d e a t

l e r s a r e t h e w o r l d ' s

B A N K '

. . ■



< S O N

I N F A I L S - ^ —

M C f

3’7 2 7 2i U H L _ . _ -------------1*4392.14050

P r o d u c e ’ .pij •— Rill** fKfftI Ot DuiIoT^ortM by USOA W*dn«*d4r:

ptld ta dalhrory unclungad. p(Ka»^».>.

iiw) d«iW(»a 10 Naw Tom itor#-

• ed-70*n<]mMiumt8l-U— ■'

(UPl)”^“ C4>tw aoo" lin*r piicaa and* M.taportM Or m« usoa mt.daiivarM 10 N«w YorV *l6i»-~ tnd daiirarad lo (auiim: Eitta i»7a*ndm *d>m »ei4 l.---------------

wm FAIB n f f V U a

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i s j G ^ S ----------- —

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‘ ■' -CHICAOO----- lUPir ------Foiptieai on ing Midwasl Siocx

------------------------------% ”U w— m i .......Mien tW 9 » » -

K "™ .io ‘ '' '- ' i s ’I s ^■ “ 'P p p ll

“ Aldanfel lm' *""""itV siy# 2 ClKO NoCp I . IS 1CoaiUI „ C 4 r . . . 1M51S-185I Colum Ctvi) 2 4VtCouncl Com 11 mCuWorn -Ally; ___ 14-tJM 1OaU . A Y thter--------16—7H~□lAItcn Exp 20 1H E4»im4l> - - 1__

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) \ d d e r s o f . f o o d _ a n d - . f i t n e r y a n d m e n . . . a l H e l d o t a g r i c u l t u r e !

OLLI NS IFertilizer arid Pe:

Kimberly, 4;


' Z r ^ W P P i S a ' ^ ^ R - B -KIMBERLY A


lidwestr-Bosten-FoiiOKina ■■ ira— £*oion' — Co — CX E.cRanoa |PM®*®T«chni

3 s r aS2<i»- Vt — P enn- Canif

! * 1 5 1 5 : a . _____ ^

S t. s . '® " -13 13 - H

S5HJii-ifl*t-ia 11 . «.m________I }W 4J» Noon

n ^ ’i s r f : .

■ 3H 3^^« Ul. . _ P e ^ T ^ l ______

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f i b e r . . _ E e e d . _ f e r t ll i z e r . a l l j o i n t o m a k e u s “ I

&SONSs s t l c i d e s , Inc. 4 2 3 - 4 1 1 '1


' TWINFAILS7 3 3 8 4 1 ) 678-9402


M g ^ T I

•Nflws. Tw in Fall9, Idaho d 3

n - s t o c k s " : — ^ ^U i~ - .. . l-12w' 12U. I2U- --------18 10 m I M8 *U* JJ

3 ' l i S f e ? s i S - - -Ilr ■ UNO 44 4SH- 43M+- H—

^ f a w e ^ n e s — ^'Wiad P»|iu ^ntanuiionit^

i i i f f o I K W i im .to ,4».2$ tra.71 3&3.30

. H e i S i i............ ♦ o .i3 --o ja^ -o iij!^;? ttZ __

' '

!____ t


jfc I '

f - ' ■ '

e r . - c h e m i : , _ _ : : : _ _ ; “ N u m b e r • T .

S . I , ' :

IDAHp" ";i:rcREDiT ;;;

GOODINC__ -_ • •• 934-4475 i . !

^U S 'f I _

' ■ — :— ::— 7“ !— '

------- C-4Tlmps-Now3,Tw

i i l V l C l o s i n ;MonUiCommo

, A pr. Moines-^ a y - ld a h o E uA pr. live cottic

----------- ~ ~ A u p iivopflTTTt• Apr./fi<jderca1

. F eb . livchogs . . • : , Dec, w heat

• Dec. corn............. M ar. s ilver

’ A pr,gold “ • \ ^ . s u g a r _ -_______________ JVftr. soybeans

; Quotations frbr

-StiiBQ uotations (rom

k prox im atcly noon. All bidsJ' In tc i^ca lc r qu Includc re ta il marku cam m ission. These

■ , provided by F o ste ra r

B ank of A m er. .. I ’s tS ep .C o . 26

I ’s lJ d a C o rp . 11'S t. Not. 21Ida . p w r. P /d . 25In ierm n . C os lO.e KellwoodLprtg, F ib e r .35.,

* i • - r '

i PEEI___

: ■ - ■- • •


3 0 i





O n 6 - M o n t h {-------------------------------r E f f e c t I



T2_____ b n 2 % » Y e a r Moi


ng commoc"f...........'P iw

im odlty C loee H ighIS J4.78 . 14.95R u sscLs 22.00 ^ 2 2 .0 6

itliC ■ 6 1 .^ . 62.00

'caftie S S "gs . 51,87 .51.50'

4.T7^4 4.80 3.7044 , 3.73',^i

- 12.76 , rt3.12 - 509 ,00_ ~5I6.00

■ - — ~ 2 0 ; 9 3 ' ^ ~ r 2 a 0 “in s________7.48i4_____ 7 .5 5 _from Sinclair and C o ..

m NASD at op* P ac il A llbids Intqfdealer T nis- quotations'do not . Consc

ricup, markdown o r .Quan :se quotations a re : Mlnrl ra n d Marshall, I n c . . • U tah

■ Did ■ ‘ Aak— *— A m ai28.50

26.375 26.50 1.75 - 2.125 ■

21.00 21.5025.00 30.00

10.625 10.875 W im i

,35..«l I S


day , M arch 201

FEEDERCs ^ f ^ T i t s Co" S Q lS H e a d A lex Bil

3SM00 pounds 300W6S!iStark Esh■ ,.i-:35CS500 pounds - f g g S ie e 'r s V lc K I n

400-600 poundsLEtTm E 12:00



^ r i ~ i I '

>34h $ 1 0 , 0 0 0 M o n e y M a i c t l v e - M a r c h 4 9 t h t h r u i n 6 M o n t h s y o u w i l l

^ 6 2 4 : i

^ . 0 0t^ o n e y M a rk e t C e r t i f ic a te le e t i v e M a rc h tQ Ifm T M a

A n n u a l Y ie ld

w r mi> itW o«to«aT « •im ilar toTraasi

tfMrage yield on tn rhifCdM nU are subjoct to sub

. Twin Falls, Idaho - T hursday

•dity futuresa « s ■

i b L ow , P.M.15 14.70 14.8336 ' 21.90 • ^ -- '2 1 .9 0 ------<0 ■ ,W .^ .

ti- S .30 M.30 "O '. 50.60 5L50 -0 4.75'/4 C79'/« T,I'/i 3.69^4 3.72'^2 ■ 12.62 13,08--'>0 505,50________ 5<W,50___0 ........ 20.45............. 20.49'_______7.46_ J___ 7.55____

,c: St. Life • 4.25' - 4US-JoiSt 24.50 25.1nsd. Food 29.(lantex ' .20n rl^ y c s l‘ • ^-J5625 .11ah P ow er - •• ' 16.:r a h ^ g a r ----------------------------


Kv^al Mistc Vsllr)r deiicc-qv



CATTLEd n s i s t ^ f :

JilbonJssterday 'JsJnnev______:___is_ _________ :__________ :


EStOCK ;iON_ _W W 9 ^


f • I

6%la rko l C e rtif ic a te siru-M arch25----- ---------III e a m161%M es. M in inuH T rssoo .

asury Bills. Intersst rales Tftawjry BUla:iBriy ' •.lubstsntlsl ln te f« J r^ m m y .-4

,IMQISTRATE[XVISK In m e Mailer olttivEaU

'^ ■ pro ta tecS w N S ”------- N ^E *T O C H B §fT O

— _ .^Notice l»^hefet>y.t

fe"p*fe5e n iitiie? o f life V named decedent, persons fisvino cl.

■ - aoainst the decedeni 0 ' . eaiaie are required lo t

/ en t .ttielr claima wimin(4) moniha altor tfte dal

------------- a a f f l s a aforever barred. Oalnia t

____ __ . either tw presented tounderalgned at the add

— '______ NoDEANE K _M cl

4.50 By: SCOTT O.ALLE^ oe/v) Trust O lllcer. ,

Co-Personal Ro

. f r a r d S o ^;± :- • -733-17220 .

.1875 pAULT.SMrrH .

i l E u - - E ! a S m ! ! ! ! ! z z iT ^ ^ l l s . I d a h o KWH

■ NOTICE TO CREDITO— ...------------Final---------------------- PUBUSH; Thursday, »Ed m ln . - 12 .1 » -« n d 2 6 ,iM i._

s s j s T s s b f s e i i s

pursuant to Ihe Idaho N b u s Weed U w Section 2M4, Idaho Code, lo ev person who owns or c Irols land In Twin Fi

on sucf) tand ahall be <

- a C ’. , , r t a a «olher eKaetlve tfi«thoda, combination there

-often as may be required prevent the weed <n blooming' and nulurl

' seeds, or spreading by,ro rooistalka or other means

Upon failure to obsei th is notice the County We Control Supedntenaent required lo proce

. pursuant to Ihe taw and ha w eeds destroyed by su method a s he finds: neci sary. the expenses ol whl shallconalltu tealtenand ' entered a s a tax against t tand, and ba collected other real esU te Uxes a collected or by olher mea


PubllcHearino will be hold the31st day oT March J981

•• City Halt,. I m l e d a l ^ f S Falls. Idaho, upon the C

i i 5 a , M „ r o S ? ^as follows: (t) Qenoral

f■ -. ' r . - ■

- — f

- . ' I

----------------------- -----------1-

: - - L , ' f'


^ ^ ^ ^ ^ = ^ t E G A l - N 6 T KCOURT Annual Hatoflbioh JWCIAL A uslrlanFlerdCress ATE OF , Biennial Poison Hemloc

k L ii” ^ ‘ C*'rnellhorn---------------SKJN Canada Thistle^ ^

W eidBlrSweed

J I ! !!" Lnr”^ '? r ’

claims Perennial Ground Cherr I o r hlS '” Perennial Milkweed

10 the SNvor-loalNlghtShade*

,EN YallowToadliax

K :

J - '; P u a S f ' S r12 . a n d 1 9 . l f l f i i ------




plalntilf ■ ____ _


? o J S “ '• " " ■ " U . N . , ■

)n 22* above-named defendant, overy YOU ARE HERI

con- NOTtFIED that a compi

, or you ara hereby diractafl

V o rna'ero"l},V .a3S’t t

i . - “ - and you a ra further notlt M to hat un less you do ao wit

urinp tha plalnllfl’ wlll' ta£rju< root, ment against you aa pra^

J o \ e .he Cl.•{)»'"*• you la to obtalr

It IS divorce and (he custody ceed USA ANTOINETTE JEFFflf have m lnorch lldo lthepartles.

:5 m > •» ■ « •/or F . t

3 ' : ;) a re DIatrict Court Bans by: SHERRIE BROYLE


/ s ? T £ r n a ? . , r a i ‘d2^oj?tSi

I Second Avenue East, City of Tv Comprehensive Zoning Code a

f ol Twin Falls. Idoho. Among otti I consists of e ighteen chapters tltt al Zoning Provisions, (2} ’ ZonI

■ ___ I

) -------------------- - J ' .

/ _____-' ! — -


' t»

-I ....I - . .



~ ‘ s . . « « r a■ cely^ u mi l2« ^ | | M on

Islle Bulld?co,‘ 315 FaltsVvJlerry Twtn fa ils , Idaho, and

-■ pub lic ir opened-eed or rumlshlngatectrfcalma

- S m_____ Idaho. . . . .

' ' " All deUlls ol the bid do- cedura, including spec

.tions. may be obtained M^. - R o ^ f t Jo i ^ w * Bo»^l238. Twin Falla, ltl

iieion No proposal will be ' cbpted unless accompi

by a certified c h e X —---------- sn ie r 's check or bid bon

t . Idaho case th a successful bi Mar. tails, neglecta, or reluac

ol c w u ' y oonua “ t COURT failhlul perfom unce ol

i S i 'S t x s s s r s s : ' *

The college resenres FFBESS. " • S ' M f f f l S l i ;

to accepi Ihe bid deeme INS the best Interest of the

0 ® '* ® " li^ R L L .f iL A C l^

i S B l y o , S ,

mpufm PUBUSH: Thursday. I 19.and2B.1981. / •

« , A p ^ a s r a ^ p i gby tha ' ' ' 02-7231 fl and Nollca Is horeby gl

0 that Apoilcstlon lor Pei No. 0 2 tito in-tha nam<

nolaM- ’ Pilgrim - trrlfui

a s i S ■ i ' i w a v . S t S f f l«ltled. Source: Snake River tri

|udg- UrvolColumbURIve >rayed Amount: 1D9.1 cla Divers

italn a 50,400 AF Storage lor 3dy ol rigatlon from Jan 1

es. ' S D ^ ^ A F trrigatlon fr d and Storage from Mar 1 )istrlct' Oct 31 Febru- 10S.1 cla irrigation Ir

> MarloOct31 :E' Total Amount: 105.1 cli

Olveraion Polm:'^'.>)Me: YLES T7S, RUE B.M., T'

FallsCounty , Feb. Lt 10, Sec. 7. T6S.-R- ^d IB. B.M.. Elmore Counly

----- t t . a. 8eu._». TB9 . fr

Design Review Dislrlcts.i ;onlhg Zoning Districts and Subc that a Required Improvements.

I Twin mliilslralionand Enforcen s a n d Three copies ol the Zor

r . i .W a " d 'i3 < l? e i" s -S

aI Sub- and published simulUnec s. (S) Code and ol the Map ai


I-. ---' I ■

I' .II . '• .II ____

~ r - ' • ' ■ : - 1

*— 1“ ^ :—J >

T W '■*----------- 1— '

- - HP";

.. .■ - - I ■' Ii z z z T t


...~t" - j —--\ • ■

^:|>TF I F G A I N O T I I

f e - 5 » | l 5

Vvenue*! • NEW. wlS^wU. EWand t h e n ------ s a c . 33d- -for NEU^ SHNWU^ ! I material -EUSEU. s«c. U refon>»~-' SacM .T S .m iE ..- ^utJiem WV4SWU,

bid s " *

E i L J S f cU IC- n f T H ,T 0 .U < .8 « ;

- i - n ' 1- o . i .a L M .s t t .

ip'sas "Eus " - h ' i W i i S K

■ves the ^ E U . W hNW t*, SV4,

les!iS«! wS n I u nwu «5wemed in W w N tw , N W w .Sn.

r «

K 8; 1 .V ? S ? s e « ,

& g f e . ^ % . . :

S iS i S p - '

WV4NEU, NVE C l'tS w » |» / l » , s « .3 3 .1

lor ir- Ut.S\«NEU.Lt4,SV4NV

L « eV u . , .S .n from - Sec.4ir 1-to L t1.U 8.SU N EM .Lt3.l

SW USW H,Sec17 cIs . NEV*. ■ NHNVt

l i t e ’20 . Twin WMNWV4, SEUNM

' " ' u j l f ,

:ts. (9) Arda ol City Impacf, (10) Sign iubdlstricu. (Ill Oll-Straet Parking, tnta. (13) SuW vlsloo SuWeilnea. ments and Rezonea, (18) A nneui :allon8 and Dedications, and (IS)

^oriln^C ode arid a copy b l the Zon e C llytlerk-a Olflce. City Hall, al

ineously wllh th is notice. C opterol p are avalUble for public review i

T W IN l% L L ID A H O


I \

I- ^

r■ ' I


~ \ .....~

riCE. ; LEgA lN OTlCI County ' E M S E U ,S ec .tt

i T ' ”’« ' LM '«.30 • ■ .NWV4, NV4S1

i , ' * ) 4 Tha water Is used fe “ j , 3 rtQatlon of 18.1S8.J1 *

. s w u P«nnlt must ba filed wlt^ I '* " • Idaho Oepanment-of w


_____ r rt r s s c : T O u s r e ^ ^ t ^H Sac • . 9 " P{S*y- tfa 17th di «•*»«• July 1981. at tha hou liSWU o'c lock a.m, of

. dale a t the front door ol ’'S ' l * Twin Falla County C«

house. Twin Falls, sta t *SWW “ ‘ fo- TTTLEFACT, INC, |tf,ho corporatloo. a s Ti

feH S w aS sthe United SUtes of Ame

^N w u payable a l the time of

- K ’c J i r o f M p i

A parcel of Und locate< it.S ec . the NWM of Lot 3

HOLOHAN AOOmCN. T Falls County. Idaho.

------------- cording to the offlcui :thereof, recorded In Boc

f i K i K i r i S- described aafollowa: .

A, SM BEGINNING al a pointtha Nortfv.Soulh center I of said Lol 3 Soulh 00'

« t t ' = r i S L S is T ^N C E , North 8SM3‘ W

N o ^ b o u f K ^ o f ^ M li

■’* THENbE. Soulh 65‘30‘ El .S a c . 1S4.7Sfeat;’ THENCE. North 0*2T Ej NWW. 1W.5 ^ f a e l .a long it. TTS. North-South ne oT U■ ■ to tha « IN T OF 8 E0Mwu NING.

■ EXCEPTING THEHEFRCSEM, the following, descrlb

3. Lt4, ^KQINNINI3 at a point the North-South center II

E ol Lot 3. South 0*2T W« '137 fae{ Irom Ihe Noi

uu iu Boundary of lAt 3;SWW. THENCE North 85*24' W«

<WWV' * i n W u ^ o u l h 2*45’ We . 5 ^ 7 feel along strc

gna in . inspection. Copies can b< g, 12) copying fee of Ten Cents (i I. 0^) An persons are invited

l?Ad^ ffis8ton*wliIwnsWerBiB'p

■ . m■ liS " 'S K ? 5 ? S S S » K n iZof me---PUBLISH:Thursday. Malct

l i ^

: t

" > >

_____ _

*Bkl- 1 '^ ^ 1 ^ I

- r ' p

I ■■■ ..........

J ■ ■ \ .

TICE l e g a l NOTICE— :■ THENCE. North 0*2r East '

^ 5 ? 4 , U 2 ! « c S ? f f i a -■■m S W » . Said sa le will ba mwJe *c- 3*. wiay>ut coyenant- or w a r -_

)d for ir- •posaSasion****^'^ n acrM cumbrancea to satisfy the

iw lththe .PAUCETTE^ ^-JA CK SON .?i ffi - ssf.'rT.eiFtgt.n Falls. Idaho corporallon. as Trusl- r_belox?_ • • • lor tha bane ltt^ i^d^^^t^__

'S R a u E F U ^ e '^ 'E S U N G '^ '

" '•■ “ • ^ '■ ^ k " ' l ? o W o ? g . l S - L " .Page 21W. a s Insirument '

----------- Tw in ^ lla Ca?^'------------------ fT ic f le ra u in o n S ito r tfi ii™

, ssle is lo be made U asth day ol . follows: - ------------hour o l 1) That the monthly of said p a r e n t of S200,iX) due on ,

S i -s ta te of 2) That ^ the monthly , .

K f - :

ioney ol. 31 ^ a t the llrst hall ol m eAmerica 1906 taxes 'In the sum ofle ol the $384.41. together with Inter- 'ng da- e st and penalty, are now -troperty,- delinquent and unpaU.---------- --ol Twin The principal - baUnce hIn Falls, owed a s of this data on the


u ' r.g^iPLLA’S ' i r Mtio ac- with interest at the rale ol

' t e ' fS s : ■

“ is3 ,s :: AND 10/100. OOLURSMint on (t20.10) aa o f February 27.

i 'w * 2 r ^ liT E O tftfs 2nfi d«y of

' t a r ’’" ■ 'f s c fe js s t . iN o .

i ar East ARD B. CTIVEHS. known to. ' a ths me 10 ba the Vlc»4>resldenl

s u . & w .^ s . „ k :the person who executed

B conu the instrument on' behalf of .r^ i^ H aaid corporation, aa truslea. ; Kribed acfcnowledged to me » i n t t f i a t auch corporation

'W S y W E ’sl^SSEREO F, I .

n" ™ 5 ; r , K " : ° , ? r , i ; . x .and year lirat above written.


W ..,,street at Flier. Idaho. Com- .

mission expires: Uie.O’ East PUBLISH: ^ u ^ a y . Mar. 5. -

in l»^obuTi»od for personal use lor a

vltM to ^ m r V d ba hoard at tha pUca a s above se l lorth. The Conv the proposed Zoning Code and Zoning

cfcuncll™ llhol^P?bllci5M ^^^ '

ELO .<alcH 12.Tnd I B . ' i g e i . ...........


- ^

• ! ' , • ' ____ l i L ,

.......................... -

- ^ l E O A L - N q T l C E -

Notlctt .ta hereby .'given that Applleatlo^ lor Permit No. 0 2 -n « In tr>e name ol Llttl" • Pllflrlm IrrlMllon- -

__ -..C om pany o l. Twin Tails..Idaho has been amended by the applicant on February 1l . lM 1 t6 readaaloliow 8:

] Amount: Ifl.fl cla Diversion to storage -Irom Jan 1 to

i K ^ s Irrigaiion Irom Mir,

■■^8W0 AFb?6rag#‘ro7'lcrlgi^

............. S tonge Irom M an toOcI31

: TotaMmounl:-19.9 cla 9540 '

Diversion Point: Ll 2 Seo 16 ]7S. Rt3£ ■ Twin Falls

- = = T fT k e T 7 -Y « s rm 2 E T ^Eltnora County

- • L lB S « 9 T & .h l2 E -T w ln

WV^SWU; SEUSWU,s w \«s e U , s w . m n s P11E J

S W .S e d Sec3_

” NViSW*. NWSE'A. S e c :-

J E^MSEU,Sbc.9

> NEW. NVtNW'/..SwUNWVi,Sec.11.T6S.R1tE

" Tha water Is usod lor Ir* rigalion ol 2,870.S4 acces lrom M arlloO ci3 t • " Diyeralon Means: Pumps

Any. protest against the approval ol the atuve ■mended application lor permit must be Illed with the Idaho Department ol Water Resources, 1041 Blue Lakes Blvd. North. Twin Falls. ' Idaho 83301. on or belore M arch30 .iu i.



---DISTRICT O ^F T H E S m ioF ^

TV/lN FALLS BANK S TRUST COMPANY, an Idaho. - corporation, Plalntlll,

dants. ’

3 H L -Under and by virtue ol an

Execution laaued oula|j*'<r^~> «t>ovMntltled Court, In vro'*'* above*entltled action, dated February 27, 1B81, wherein t h e ' abdve-named pialntlll obttlne d a j ud^ men taflali^^^

the 11th day o l February, ie a i. lor the sum ol

S f R o t a ; :atMve-named delendanis,. o l, In and lo Ihe loliowlng described real estate, situate In the County ol Twin Falls. SUia ol Idaho, in tne

described aa follows: .' Easi orie-hall (EVk) bl Ihe North' One Hundred

a M C T l ' e r

( u Rn I rS ADDmON. ^fly ' Ol Kimberly, County oi ■ Twin Falls.S laleol Idaho..’

H f f l ° G I V E K t ^ n t , ! t 30th day ol MARCH. 1B81, al

M dunlalnSlmL oi aalf'day . a t Ihe Iront door ol the Twin

FaUa Counly Courthoute. Twin Falla, Idaho, I will, in obedience to said Ordor ol Sale, sell al public auction lotha highest bidder lor cash,------

— lawlul ffloney 'onhe'U nllod— Slates, all rlQhl.'title, Intor- a a l a n d 'Claim of KAREN L. CORDIER, one ol tho above nam ed delandanis, of, in and to Ihe above-doscrfbed real estate to satisfy said Judgment togelher with all coaie that have accrued or may accrue.. .P A I |D : This 12lh day ot

" “ "ja Hie I 'r m u ™Sherllf. Twin Falls

_ pubS I ' « . V ^ ^12,19, and ;M, 1981.

On Monday, m e eih day ol 1

day at the Twin Falls Counly Colifthouse, County ol Twin

corporallon, as trusloe. will se lfa t public auction, lo ihe hlghesl bidder, lor cash. In .,

time of sale, (he-follow ing- described real proporty,

and described a s lollows, to* wit'

Lola 5 and 8 In Block 2 ol

County, Idaho, according lo i th a plai thereof recorded In - -

Volume 8 ol Plats, page 44.------ racords-ot said County.--------- -I " Said sale will be mado I wllhoul covonani or [___ warranty f_ogardlng lltio,

I ' c u m b ^ n c e s ^ ^ s a l l s T n M— obllgation-seoufod-by-and------' burauani to lha power ol

sa le conferred In Ihe deod ol trust execuled by Ronald C.

PANY,- as irustaa lor tha

S f s ’l''F E 5E S A L T A "A s°i 'LOAN ASSOCIATION OP

7- TWIN -FALLS recordod .August 12, le jS i . * » . '" • “ strum ant' No. 0 8 ^ . Mor* iQsge records ol Twln-Falls

. County, Idaho.Tha dafauU lor which Ihls___

l_ I :# a ie I r t o Be'm ade is lalTure lepay :-----. --(IJ-M onthly -p a y m e n ts r " ■ colloctlon charges and lata "

IhfniiQh C»hfiiify

’ and the balance owing as ol this dale on the obirgallon ■

• secured b v " » a ld 'd e id ' ol — trust Is $23,148.47, plua in­te re st . and . loraclosura ,

'By MsrK E. Wilder. V ice-..


Attorneya for Trustee

^univol1**(Tn Falls H

■ N . ‘ •.........................................


F eb ruary '.'W ^ 'belo iV me!

........ - SS2r/d'*'2<.,E'’.'f''*W.ld‘e?:a.- known lo me lo be a Vice- ■r President ol JITLE & TRUST 7 COMPANY, the^corporallon

aiknfrwisaflM ‘Ift >n ' such corporation executed0 'the same as trustee.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF. I ir, havo hereunto ael my hand____ andalllxedm y olllclal Mat,_I* tho day and /^ear- In (his

. cettn icita Jlrst above T) written.:i v - JANETL'.KINO ----------- ---

Notary Public • Slate ol

al Twin Fails,6 Idaho.8 Commission expires,


'. In the Matter ol the Termlna*

. yon ol

TE^RWNATim’o i .____ PARENTALRiaHTS..... -

■ COMES .NOW, Iho pell* herein and alleges as

1. I. ■ Rickey ' W yns * . Reynolds, am the natural ’ fattier ol Richard-Wayne

Reynolds and I currently re- aide at Mho lollowing

» address: B33 Shoshone ) North, Apt. f24, Tyvln Falls, r Twin Falls County, Idaho.> 2. Richard Wayne r Reynolds Is a male, born on 9 , t h o -9 day ol September,

1978. Wa ara a t this lime t asking lha Idaho State Oa-

s ,?needs by llndlng losler

. placem ent torihecKiia.— ^^_3.-Th«-basl8— for— th ls - . Court's luriadlcllon Is the

lact that Ihe minor .and , myself, a s petitioner, aro r residerils oT tw in Falls L County, Idaho.: -------<,-Tha -relationship be-: tweon tha child and myaell

Is thai ol lather and son.S. I am the natural lather

1 of Richard Wayno Reynolds,)• 'm y currant address Is « 3

Shoshono North. #24, Twin Falls, and my date of birth Is


CITYOFTW> Notice Is hereby olven b] '^t>Comml89lon for tha City of T* ' Hearing will be held at lha hoi


"1 • . _

\ ' I

- ^

— - i i p r , '. . - .V .

« I

------- tE G A T N O T lC E "

ol •"'■Novum pSQ n r iw g rsn ifg iT "'8 . u v e l ie Faynoida is the nal*try ural mother ol Richardity Wayne Reynolds, whose. >P* ' curroni address Is believed9f, to ba in Bremerton, WA and

her. data ol birm is OctoberST 31,1948,on e. At.Iho present time, j

»at over, 1 am seoiifnn tlie aflop^ Ad ' tlon ol this ch ill to other

Individuals residing oulslde ' .1 the State ol Idaho, l am nd utilizing the Idaho State

___Dao*flm enLol.H ealth a n d ..lis WQiiare ilifough the in* ve . to rsu ie compact .in .

coordin#i(no-ihls adoption a n d . as sucn, I have asked

ol mat the child be piac«d in a - - foster home during Ihe

is, pendencyofthlsactlon..7 . I am seeking the lerml-

e s nation ol- the natural ' .^ :.:i,^o thef> ar'Shafon-L aV elle— ch - Ravnoids,. Dtrentai-rights

- unde rldahocode is-200s.(a) in lhat specilicaity

^T tha mother has last seen (L the child In approxim ate 3F the month of May,-19711.HE and that lhare has been

absolutely no conlict whatsoever between the

la* mother and Ihe child Irom ol mar date^to^ireseni:

of any value.ruar I9°imis ^^ *R?CHARO WAYNE flEYNOLCV

________Potltloner____ ______ :___

l i S T A T E S a f ™18 Counly ol Twin Fallsat Rickey Wayne being duly sworn, says;e- That h a 'is tna natural fa-ig ther ol Richard Waynale Reynolds, lhat he .has read ~s, the foregolna Petition lor

InvolunUry Termlnallon ofle Parental Rights, knows Ihein ' contents thereol, andir, believes the sam e' to bele true.9- fifCKertVAYNEReVNOLOSId SUBSCRIBED . andjr SWORN to before me mis 3sr dayolFebruary,1981.


d Twin Falla


Notice is hereby given mat the following

^ for permit to appropriate the n p^ublic waters o fthe State ol

'TWINFALLS <by the Planning and Zoning |

r Twin Falls. Idaho, lhat a Public > hour of 7:X o'ciock P.M., on melesday. In Ihe Council Chambers, (acond Avenue East, Twin Falls, \nenta lo the Comprehensive Plan__ ithraurroundino Araa ol Impact. I

J * ‘ !

i J

■ I ■ - ,

J ' :

^ ■ * 1 *---------^ ------------ -

-------1 : --------------;lJ:---- u—, I '

; I ' '■'— I : - . . ; , i

• DtSKN^I .• ' eouMeHi

- - ~ ~ ~ ~ DCSICHA\

— — i . / r - -------------— I, ■ • > A ^ -a rp

-•>1 •* «. AHO Wf. , < i -

—r---- j----- -----------~-r-^—CMO-U.■ -h- pnope/t

— I - : 1 - - - I cewHMi

', ' cohtac ....... - , , r - ---------------------fUTHCff

- ^ T E g A l T N O T r C E

IS->d .Source: SNAKE RIVER tribu-'-

" O a ? e ^ [ i ° e 5 : % ^ i W ' '^ " -I 11,00 CFS ItOO.O

fl.m LOT08Sec09T0ASR12E,le TWIN PALLS Co.

in IRRIQATIOn' STORAOe- in (1100.0 AC-FD Irom 01/01-d to 12/31

-k W 2 E ° 't l1 « .o /c " ° F T ^I rom 03 /0w t0 rt1 -------------

ll; . DIVERSIOWTO'STORAQE ai^ 1,1.00 CFSt Irom 01/01 to

ts Place ol Use: SWSW SESW • NWSE SWSE Sec 14 T 08S



» - R11EFOR1500ACRES1 Diversion Means: PUMPS, PIPELINES 8. RESERVOIR.-



i LAKE*^ MURTAUGH 3 '-OateFllQd:02/11M981 r Amount:8.40CFS


• Place or Use: SWNE NWSE

1 S ? S iN % f s W I ? E ? iNENW NWNW-SWNW

' *^pipiLrNE“ ®*"“ '


g K s a v " - " -Amount: 0.04 CFS Diversion Point: SESE Sec

'fV usS " ™ " -Use; COMMERCIAL (0.04

C F S llro m 0 l/0 lto i2 /jl

Among other things. Ilia propos changes incluOff, bul are nol adluaiing the Araa ol Impact boi ol tmpacl boundary lines to mile profeBslonji overlay areas and

Comprehanslve Plan, will allect which the-City grows, and wilt p

— 1— t------------------

' ! '


ZZZZjZZZIl- . ^ 1 , '

■ V i.

• V A ”

W^ieiTSsyyfiecveeitrL------ueWIAL ZONC AND OTHCK ' QHAteo AKAS. *reSSIONAL-i/VtPLA* OH-ADDISOti- amtcs TO ALL or soi/th s/et wesT or HA/nt/soft STWcrlO/fTH stoc. . •

’Ouseoouno*mes-APgjKiT----- ^

TAcr PLANmne ornci ron .* »eit--inroi*HATioM.~ ~ —— •— —

1-'-. I. ' ;

. t


^ D ivision Means: WELL i

^ 47.77M i; . S & S LIMITED PART--


r •'olver's'ion Point; SESE Sec IS T MS R 14E. TWIN*

' Use^ POWER (M.OO CFSl ) - Itom 0l/0l to 12/31 . —

Place ol Use: SWNW Sec 14 ■ —T09SR14E ^ ___ _

t PENSTOCK&TURBINE.1___ 47-7701 ' ■

— Bourcy-—— •— UNNAMED— I STREAM tributary to MUD

I Oa*feFlfed:02/i0/i9ai I Amount; 2.00 CFS I Diversion Point: SWSW Sec

14 T 09S fl 14E. TWIN.• . FALLS Co.: Use: FISH PROP. 12.00 CFS)• Irom 01/01tol2/3l

S 4 S Y i’mITEQ PART-NERSHIP---------------------------RT. 3. BUHL, ID 83318

. ^ I^ A M Irlb u ta 'fy ro ^ iJS g

’ DaleFlied;'02/i0/i9ei I Amount: 10.00 CFS

U a ^ 'r o w E R % .0 0 CFS) from 01101 to 12/31


KimberlyI^ u r series

S E e s . c :14 T 10S R 17E, TWIN

■ UB' '‘^OoiSMERClAL (0.20 CFS}lrom01/0ttol2/31 '

Place olUse:NENESec14T

' blvers?oVMeans: EXISTING WELLS & PUMPS

47-77IMSNIDER, C.H. JR. 4log<AY

losed Comprehensive Plan Map lot necessarily Ilmlled to: (a) iMundaries by conlormlrtg Area lla roads, in addition, additional * md commercial areas ara pro-

•Map,- In-conjunction witi^i'nJ - SCI mo direction and manner in 1 place certaln/aqulrementa on h that will occur. The Map.cail8 nment and the orasarvallon cl

, . / I /

■ ■ " CC


I ■ - -

' r L— ' ~

t f W L _ j r . jT r i *,

r —V ----- .............. ....................... .. .

, • 1 . - -

] - r . \ '■ , ■


^ • RT.1. TWIN FALLS. ID83301 4 Source: QROUNDWATBR

D ateFlled;02/ll/lB8t .

T-- Dlver's?on°''polnl; LOT-0 1 - (NENEl Sec M T 11S R 17E, TWIN FALLS Co.

___U8<KiRRlQATON,|Q.08 CFS)

IC Place ol Use: LOT 01 (NENE)N *

>) Diversion Means;.WELL &----------PUMP14 47-7705

i; RT.3, BUHL 1063316^— ' Source; GROUNDWATER

■ Date Fllnri-0?/i0fiQHi

. Diversion ’ Polnl; NWNW


c HEATING (10.00 CFS) Irom N. 0W01JO12/31

POWER ( 25.00 CFS) Irom >) 01/01(012/31

DOMESTIC (0.38 CFS)■4 . lfom01/01tOl2/31

• PECREATipN _(25.00 CFS)

4 ' 'p i a c e 'o l^ o ? NWNW SWNW

r- Diversion Means:WELLS ^ -------------------- 47-77M----------^

D g ? . ^ 8 '^ » ) ; ^ V |0 « 3 0 1 D Source: SPRING tributary to

SNAKE RIVER OateFlled;02/12/1981 -

V o!ver8"on°Polnl:\oT 05 See

f "^sco ^I)' U^e: IRRIGATION (0.12 CFS) '


Place ol Uae; LOT 09 See 34 T09SR17E F0R4ACRES

Olverslon Means: CHECK DAM. POND 4 PUMP.


— S a ' 3 . 'B 0 X 185, pUHL. IPSource: MUD CREEK trIbu*


' g±tSiV“’“’ ■I Diversion Point; SESE Seo— • -15 T 09S R 14E, TWIN


I Irom03/15tol1/15

Diversion ^Maans; CHECK.

highly productive agdcultural 1

environmental quality'Ol the t * surrounding area.

The Comprehensive Plan amendments, include ail land w

- ol the City limits logsther wlt^ *i Area ol City impact. The plannln are as shown on the accompan'

"°An*i>'e'r?ona'*dealrlno ~io cor





F p = i | ^

E 5 E E :

. } ’ ~ - . !l .

T hu rada ;


gp*R^kKLERS^^“ ^ *II issued, the permltfs) will

be subjoci to all prior watgr 01 - rights. Protests agalnsl-Ihe— R granting ol any'permit must

be filed with the Director ol =S) the . Idaho Department ol - — ^ V a te L ^ ^

.Pjils. laajio a ^ i and re* iE) celvad on or belore MARCH


4 DirectorPUBLISH: Thursday. Mar. - 12. and 19.1981.

• W a S S iC tINollcS la hereby given

water riflht(8) n m o e e n . iW established by diversion and ec applicalion lo beneliclat

” ' 47-4217

Source: GROUNDWATER im Prlorlty0ate:0l/0l/l938

Amount: 0.157 CFS im Diversion Polnl; SESE Sec

. 12 T 10S R UE, TWIN S) FALLSCo.’ ^

IW ' from 01/01 to i m i ec Place ol Use: SESft.Sec 12 T

^ O iv o rs io n Means: PUMP, WELL------------------------------

""sT r’e AM '^ry^ 'M SCREEK

S S t t K S I ' s " ” " "Diversion Point: NENW

S) ' . SENW Sec 23 T 09S R 14E.

i) IJs H s' h PRO*^ (e.OO CFS) IromOKQl'lo'IJ/llsN.r... ..

K Diversion Means;■ HEADGAT^^DITCH

)r FLO Y ^M Rs!^RVEY

>■ Amount:0.08'CFS

“S fW " ? ! ™fN0 — Uae:"OOMESTIC.(0.08.CFS)__H Irom 01 (01 to 12/31

Place ol Use: SWSW Sec 01 I) T10SR17E ^ Diversion Means: WELL 4

47-4220 <. CARLSON.W.ORANT

ral lands. The Map attempts lo th consistent with the current he City ol Twin Falls and the |

Ian Map, and the proposed I Id within the current boundarlaa i lip •K »»-^„-rr‘'^ » e8 tab llah e d i inning oBilsnnioiT Ib ru id lands ipanying map published slmulU-

■CQm%enl_UDQn the prppoafld I

4Cr AJNDl/E plan'' MA P

____________ —

p : i . '

L - ^ J i _ - -

‘ 'I •‘|" iv r r '4 /« /7 5 ^ \

p I I

. '" t f "

_______ __i------------ J--------- ^


jay . M arch 19,.1S8l' T>mss-N<


‘ . s " ; i : i . " :* " S E “ “ a!TERI tributarytoSNAKERlVER

1 - s r o ' M . f f i S V i ’ ' " ’"I Diversion Point: SWSE Sec - I 13 T IQS R 18E, TWIN 1 - FALLSCo; ' >

. Piacao lU se:S W S ES ecl3T .I 10SRieEFpR5ACRES

Diversion Mwn^; DITCHES I

SKEEM.DANC.- RT.3..BljHL.10M3t6 -

Source; UNNAMED “ ____ STR|AM:nibu!aryjo,MUD_,._

Priority Date: 00/01 (1900 i I Amount: 2.00CFS .

I . 14 T 09S R' 14E, TWIN1 Us^^'lhllQATION (2.00 CFS) I'P la c e ol Use: SWSW Sec 14 I

------- T 09S Rl<e-FOR10 ACRES - - -


i s"Ju?« : ^ '-°*’n"naMED 1 STR|AM tributary to MUD

Diversion' Point: NENW SENW Sec23T0SSR14E.

, Us^iKR?^AS^^N°',8.00CFS)------ Irom 03/1510 l l / t 5 - - ---------

STOCKWATER (1.00 CFS)..... ■from01/01to12/3l

P la c e d Use: SWNWNWSW .' ~ S W S W S ec l4T 09S -R l4E -

FOR95ACRES IDiversion Means:


® S eb°*« !RT.3. BUHL.IDS33te Source: UNNAMED F

' ' STR|AM tributary to SILO /

Priority Date: 08/01/1910 Amount;1.00CFS

— OSffTIHRIffATlOfrn.O'CfST from 03/15 to 11 (15 D

P l jc . |^ „ . . :S E N » S .c »

-•'“ i s l A T E r m T c l J E r T BEGBERT. cV ke” tH ' . ' lc RT.2. KIMBERLY. 1083341 Source: WASTEWATER

i 5 ® ! ; M E a ' ' . , 5 ' ' ' - ‘-= I

am endm ents to ma Area of Impai Map may appear and be heard place. The Commission will cone m snls. all Input lharaon, and m Known to the City Council. The Cii


P l , a : X r . d . y . . M . r - l 2 , . n r

. . 1 ..............-1j . .

.- I —AU AC r^t

ISee_ — — :----------

f . - ——- ^

is-N evv^ tw In Falls, ld^hoC -5


R Amount: O.M CFS — . 1 ■ I Diversion Point: SESE Sec-

32 T 10S R 10E, TWIN FALLS Co-

c -Use; IRRtOATION (O.eO CFS)-------^ Irom04/01 lo ll /d t

>Place ol Uae: SESE Sec j2T .

^ P ^ l ^ w .^MJlUiy iAuMLUUr . DAM4DITCH



V ^ ^ i T w r S T E WATER } tributary lo TWIN FALLS

CANAL1ATERALI7------ :— r —PrlOTltyData^05/14(1908' Amouri{:1.[MCFS_______________

* 18 T 10S R' 14E, TWIN FALLSCo.

.) Use: lRR10ATtON.Il.00 CFS)



3 -^IributarytoSNAKERlVER - Priocily0ato:04l01/1946 Amount: 2.00 CFS.


i) Irom04/01loil(fll " .. .P Iace -_ o l-U se i_ L O T -0 5-------

V S o c O U l0 5 R 1 7 E F O fl3 5 ..,‘:

Diversion Means: CHECK "'*• DAM4DITCH • .

PRESCOnVMARVlN L. r RT.3, TWIN FALLS. ID 83301 . - -

SourceL SPRINGS tdbutary ■ 5 to SNAKE RIVER *** ~ - t

I PrlorllyDala:04/0l/1649 I Amount: 9 00 CFS

° » ) S « l ° o S s ^ ^ i1«e, TWIN FALLS Co, ' S

Use: STOCKWATER' (0.03: 5 j

I s ' ^ r T , r ' ( ^ o ^ " i v s , 4Irom 01 (011012/31 •

r - ^ l s W 5 « - 3 2 V 0 B S R ib" - Diversion Means: PONDS*

Any exception to any I .claim ol water right may be

filed with the Director of the__ ldaho_Departmeni.ot,Water

Resources. 1041 Blue I jk e s > ■


I Director - Sf i ! K , “ • ' ■ 3

mpact and Comprehensive Plan ^ lard at the appointed lime and I H consider the proposed amend- ^Id makes Ils recommendaliona 2 18 City Council will hold a Public - 2 i]ect matter pursuant lo luriher

ih.1981. _ ^

r t: - X l Si ' ■ '- ‘- Z i1

" s - 5 -

• - • • , . : . S __

'itfkcTLimTS ^

I ■' r ; ■

-- >:-------- j i-- ---

; . . ... ; i

' ' .

_____ _ i J

■ C -f lT lm e fl-N ew sJ' l e g a l N O T



, - - , £ S S

‘ SiYUQH?'TIME” *on^

' n tte d tor cultlno. 8 <

■--------------- “ nrhbBf, lEo conditionsale in d auDmisslon ol ahould bo otiialned fror

- ..>t< abovftOiBlrlci Manaoor.

' ;flghl to waive any IrtloriT . In bida received whan

, 8uch waiver la In iholnt<

, : M E ’R ® 5 a T Y r . K

S ^ ^ ^ ’y^SEvl Ol S e ^ l '. anONEViNEUiolSecilo 4 andWMNEV&.NW'Aof:

,W V ,O T S d ° '„ ' " » ofor leas than 110,676.81

7 b e conaldored. Mlnin - 'depoallw llhbldSI.100.’ PUBUSH: Saturday, Mai ; Sunday. Mar. 8. Monc I Mar. 9. Tuoaday, Marr

W ednesday, Mar. -

Mar ["faVfeaVurt wf'M ar

, Mar.‘**V. Ti‘esday’ fSar.** ' W ednesday, Mar.*’ - V iu M ty . Mtr. IB, i ’ •«Satufday.M ar.20.l#a i.


---------------g s a - ” a a a “ »s

Baggelt upon the ullowl described property:

S W '^ ' ' ‘ol ° SecMon ’

conalsiino of . appr( u * Imalely 20 acres. Al

‘ deacrlbed a s bel » localed 2 miles north a

•V Vl e ss t of Ihe norihoj corner or Buhl.

Tha Intended use is

' part lime labor working .another site. Exlsilng hout

- ; belng'^uselTbMetianV?at»

■ Q ® f h l , ; i u b . i « will be held before me Twi Falls Counly Planning an

- ^ • « ? i § o " ’p « , * h ' e ‘9'!

;.Any and all persons Intei e s te d may appear al sal

= = = h e B r t n o r a n d = « g i s t 8F=tha

-ff."a6?;,r=r« s

•Avenue W^osl. Twin Falla J d a h o before said hearing.

----------- ^ O y e d ^ ^ lhls ie day o

C.fc.LANTING , .

I21M7 '

trusS-e e I sa le

TrT2 ^ t : A « . : ' * i n t t........ comorallonr^s.Truai«ft^lU^ '■ hfghfsfbiddo*f“U '?M 8n.'^^

• - - - tiatad In tMif r n y n y n /^ l> T -________ Ratlftr*9tare 01 Idaho, and

described a s follows (o>w|i:

— ws&‘ f n s r « -

» . ° y ' ' W n ‘ ‘‘”F aCounty. Idaho.

:rz^ := :i,S a ia-5a leL w m rb6-m ado= wilhoul covonani o r war-

_______ tw ty ''fegard ing • utio,-------- ^ o s a e s s lo n or en­

cum brances to sallsfy tha obligation secured by and

Sale conle*r‘red*’Pn Phe^Oeed

8'.s?a’' t s i i “ r . : ; smar), and rtobort S. Lawrence and Janel Lawrence, husband and

! wile, to Tli efact. Inc.. Trust._____2 f- « r2 Viola., Casper, «

divorced woman,- g«neflclary. recorded May ■

21. 1074, a s Instrument No. WS8W, records ol Twin Falls

Defa'ull /orwltlch this sale Is to M made Is failure lo

. month, lor the monrns of January and February. 1S81.

. .The baianco owing a s of Ihis - . dale on m e obligation

—i;^ i e f e a l . jm i l__ lomclflauta__

DATED Ihls 6in day of_____M arch^ieai. . ' . .


COUNTY OFTWINFALLS On this flih day of March

1 981, before m e a Noiary--------Public-ln and for said State,—

personally appeared Ricn- . , . . i r d B. strvers. known lo mo

m e ^'co^ora(loy*'^""mal

3p?aH'Sfziinal - such corporation i

DIVENA WILDMAN----------- ;.SNotary Public for the

. SU te of Idaho. Residfno I? !'!»'>'>• MyCommission expires: id

" p u b l i s h : ^ u rsd a y , Mar. 3/ » . and-A prrS,— - | |


-s, Twln_£allSiJdflho' T hursd OTICE L E G A L N O T


f l ® a « a a i ° i

SSn"?;,!!M Mon- to Storage Mar 1101, for all ' es.o cfs Olveraicr dftjlfl-- • ‘’StorageN ovi toFs

SjBlor o a^O^cfs Irrigalion M

I) of bids T7S. R13E • Twin

o o r ^ ^ o ' LMO^^ec. 7, T6S, I

lofmalll? W ^SIsoV lJ rhonovor so e .l3

‘SS' S”"'!ORAL & The water Is used|ji [tf** M i ° y

DIveralon Mean»;Pum

, A r s r rhV'"'n 5« ? am ended appllcailor

a ' w ■ permit must bo tiled wl n u v ,5; i - -- KJaho-Oepartmonr ol

i, O T . :

i f I - a-------- " 'M W & 'b N T A N


I tof a A petition under theOleen mlnation ol Parent-ChllclowfnS has been llled by the

. *. parlm ent ol HealthIn «h. Wellarv. The merits ol' ' ' '^ 0. petition will bo examine

1M - k -louse ■ The above-named Indl' I not uals are lurthernotllled t iat>or. Iheir a re entitled lo be r

FHER they are financially unab^

, r i i 'c ." ; ; ; '; . " '

■ '1? o, . S K S ersllson Deputy Maglatrale Dfvlslor■alls___ PUBLISH:.Thuf«day, Mar.ig. 12, a n d l0,iM i, ’’ ot__________________________

. ____ - N O T IC E y TRUSTEE'S

10: « o'clocluATM.-of-sal r k = - - day at'the Twin Falls Couni

Courthouse, Counly ol Twi

— corporation, as trustee,'wl ■ se ll at public auction, lo thi

hlghesf bidder, lor cash, li lawlul rrioney o l the Unltei

m e S lates, all payable at mi .«{___time ol u i e , the lollowini

K S i s S S " ?>ho a n d ^ s c r lb e d as.follows,.lo

m e- - The S o u th -^ o o 'i 'b r m a , In W est one-hall dt Lol 7 ol Qd MILNER ADDITION. EXCEPT

h|P‘ XWd '^EXCEPT the East^ZS

sHSsMsfi!,3 , sa io sale wTil be made )N. without covenant ot [<0| . warranty regarding iltlo,

tn curnbrances lo satisfy the 28. obllgaiion secured by and Ills pursuant to tho power ol

_____sa lec on le rred lnm edeedo ldo~ ~ fp js t execuled~by~*Ahdres p Galan, Jr., and Irma G. lo. Galan, husband and wile, in- Grantor, to TITLE-A TRUSf he Co m p a n y , a s trustee tor nd the bonoDi and security ol

^ ™OustS. sirument No. 743159, Mor-

W n v v r . ” '

'1- j . " ? . ' i ; r m ' W ' i ! i K -lo w y :

y co llL llo tfch arg esV S ^ia te

r - I S

0 and tho balance owing aa — of tniroate^n-ihe-oBiioalion' n secured bv said deed ot <f— tfu s n r i i f l :4 t3 7 7 r p r u 8 in - “

lerest and loreciosure

Attorneys lorTrusiee Residing a t Twin Falls. Idaho

— S T A T E 0 ^ A H 0 j_ 7 - 3

Counly Ot Twin Falls On this 29th day ol

1 Fobruare, 1981. belore me.

— In s tru m en t-- ?— a SS- '

such^cOrporalion executed me sam e a s trustee..

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I' __ .have.herounio se t rny hand

. cerllllM ie*” ftrst*^ above . — — —


' , ^ » n r J r T ° w r K l I s . I

iscjay. M a rc jiig . I 9 8 i . ‘1 . . : . . L : . . 5 U C E ' L E G A L - N Q I llENDED • NOTICE OF.<n PERMIT " "PaBOCHEAHlRl 83 Notice is hereby gi>Sby 0lven_ -th e Plannlna and J for Permit _ Com m issJonlor the () name o l...... Twin Falls, Stale of-, Irrloallon that ■ Public Hearings vln .Tails, held a t mo hour 0:

rabrSi ^ . of * ^ ' o i T " IDCt*!”

s i > “~ a r a i , " s i » ‘ ', W 5 , " ? r ' S

7(S nslty to R<fl PUD'dflni

S, R12E • property Is moro parllci described as:

SJ112E -_____Lol 20 OrchaliraSc — dlvISipn' ^^TwIn—

, S n ' t e ”Plals,_page 61, recon

NWSWW, Twin rtlfs County, lc 14 T8S, EXCEPT me W eali20

thereof and EXCEPT ed for Ir- east 120 feel thereof. :re» Irom • - A getym lnatlon has I

'“ '"P* ■ • request'- 'la'ln''conform!alnsi me. wlih the CompreherI above Plan tor the Clly olitlon for Fails, Idaho,a wim lho Tho proposed u te olol* Water propenytsdevelopmeniue Lakes shelter laclllly for IomIn Falla, come senior cituensir belore handicapped persons.


M.,.DATED This 3rd day

March, 1981.:______ . WILLIAM HOLLIFIEL

m iiR T Chairman ^uaciA L.

s! j ° ' P U B W S if& o,h ? “c ' , w s w r c

'ANO, of Twin Falls, State ol Idal \0 that a Public Hearino willilflhteen he^d J g y j>jI I U 1',' In the C ouncl ChaAND bers. City Hall, located at 2ARING Second Avenue East. Tw the Ter- Falls, Idaho, lo consider t ;hlid Act application of Price 1

Ih* a%* zbhllNG DIS?R°CT CHANC

JifE N O M is?'",? .™'Ing on Counly Commercial Genei p,m, In . density to Cl PUD densi

rt, Twin for oroperty located on tl Ihouso, w est side ol the 1200 bloi

o t Blue Lakes Bouleva ivlduals North, Twin Falls, whli >ear at . '’"^ 'e particular

Jnlano._ J h e ^ . N o f th lH a l l -o l - t l ' hlld N ortheast O uarter. oL tr 3l aald Southeast Quarter ol Se<

tlon 4. except Ihe Easl <

f j”S ; r , S W . M J ! S . r

» ! ! ,“ - - s S S l J ' ( U r a l 17 l l t t u

le ss , ol 'unimproved tana

. . ■ gi f f y t f m asub fec tlo .the excepilons ti

, ' title that a re se t taTTrr in tha

IE erence number T-iasja.. A determlnallon has boei

. made that ihe propose) request Is In conlorm*nc(

slon wllh the Comprehonslv<

, f f i . i a i f ' »'The proposed u se ol m<

------- — w ^ rr» M » o o n 8lruetlon-ol 1

i-5I'l{} PUBLI^: Ttiur,ai^. Mir.

S -the Notice Is hereby given

ving that the'lollowf()g-ap^lce«

'the n i c e w a r n e ' ^ r n e ^ ^ '

2S Dale Filed: 03/0211981

and 47-7709^01

' s ' - g s i s s a s ”iie. Dale Filed: 03/03/1981.............1ST Amouni: 0.09 CFS


1 S S S ’ '”s'c;s¥isA‘ir™™

s - ‘” a ? r p i p ’j s r



ot Amouni: 20.00 CFSh-— O lvaraion-polntrSE N rSoc“ ™ - J “a l I s 1S S Z J 2 1 J H } -

^?Sl!i'5 '9 iT i9N STO flAG E tl- jiTO.O AC-PT) Irom Ot/OI •-

f^ P iiS T o n -

POWER (20.00 CFS) Irom -01/01 to ii/31

I “ W I S pW nT ’ ‘ sil issued , the pormlt(s) will L

___must P

aW b S S iA 'r 'sC. STEPHEN ALLRED . Ui

- -------- -L E G A L -N O T



(in t^alls a n d J o ro m o ~ C o u SUMMARY: The toUi

! i S i S S i Sj ; ^ P Z : i e c i l o n ^ .iL m e J «s r a aI whichirtlcularly g ’" rira <!uK. Merldliin; Section 15

w a •

j y | “ ;5 ____ormtnco SEWNWW. % ° " a ahenslve 320.00 total icro,

rESSt’ i:.si3f;...iSbn..o J S &■ear and Canvonflim 106.59.1 ipolnled Beimaplds ' 370.00 a

.1 a i § ;

lELo . u i 5 . " a ' " n = . a “ernmeni will acquire

t , . Mar,... oarcel ol non-Federallar_____ Elmore Counly Irom Jos

Davidson ol Jerome, Id0 . describedasfoiiows:

i?'E!mo(i s t ?

Cham- ' „ And a parcel ol lane Jat321 Socllons 1, 11, and 12,

Twin being more apoclllcally far the scribed a s follows: e In- , Commencing ai .

R-2 & NINQ: Thence norihieneral along the oast boundaryenslly Section 1 to the normein tho corner of S\6SEM rSectblock 1; thence along tlie no

levard boundary ol the SV^SEwhich' Section i ; to‘the northw:ularly corner ot S«iSEW, Sect

- 1: thence aouthsrly ale

'n i ; r , : f iS s E r J o = i i s ! ! " f .7 . i .S"Si i S S o V Z S 't i f " ^ ^ - , r 5 o o i X 7 o S ± ' t » o " i it the tiona i and 12 ana Section:

f e . f’i i t 'S ,V o ’,”i s s i ang ol w est boundary ol '6 or S ection .ll, to a point on tl land. apMpximale southerly rl

ns to . 2SOT.99 feel from the,sou1 that quarter corner oi Section 1

Thence along the appro hnnn '"**<e Southerly-.rim i oaoS • Clover Croek.'the followlr

courses and distances;

I'lhe '»« .M Im

ILsssilliii!:--!!!!"s i i - ' i i s :s S i r llKi

1 i l l i l l 1 W^lho^OMlerly boundary o

il*} ’n .0‘22-24" Wost,s o l 258.89 leot along tho_____:g»»l«fly- boundarV- ol-»aia

pg^NTOF BEG°NNIN6 ,” ^ ‘' . Tt>e gross area enntnln«fi

above Is 547 acres more or

i^fo purpose ~ot iiio

™ S r= 'r /„ T ,? .I ”. 3 1 ' S ! K

« M S i " » ? , s r . ! t ” „v. . . well served by makmg me I®' exchange. This Noilco ol ■-S - Realty Action Is subject to

® the Shoshono Dislrlcl Ca- nyon Planning Unll Man- agement Framework Plan amendment noii««

= ^ a rfle n d m e n is ra n d - lh o lr ap^

..-,_.Tilo.vaIuo.'ol me lands to-

„ s,”.»”t;“ a ' ■ . «

" . ■ S 7 S V S 3 ' ’ S .(Q eqijaJlM^ tho^ values upon

<5, pralsalol me lands.The terms and condlilons

applicable to the exchange

t,- - t . ,T h o ResoTvalion lo 'iho .United Slates ol a right-

M ol-way lor ditches or canals constructed by ihe

: aulhorlly ol the United

3 ■;o 2. All valid exisllnoriflhls as

shown on me Master Tlilo -- Plat on tho dale mis

E tace on both me non-

■ DATES: Delailed'inlorma- 1 tlon concerning tho

exchange, IncludTng me

i - p l l i s -Monday, March IB. tBBI. al—the Jerom e Counly Court-

: house,-Jerom o. Idaho, tie- -

. 60 daya Interested parties may submli commonis to

Any adverse comments will < ' IM evaluated by the Secre- /

S M f s S r ‘

J j C S j - L E G A L N O T■ d .n r ro w .t l o m o n

TEBo'a S 'H L t a j .H A titWOH Olslrlci Manager« N T

S S . . -“ f S ' E ^ r f g

r t . : :


ollowlng- A M ncv: Bureau ol

suilawe. .r.-)M:tlonf ftoMce o l aSCDanoe--------A m endm B iino {h/lu n o e r nyon Planning Unit

} U.S.C. . public parllclpallon.Summary; in accor

J . w im 4jC FR ieoi,3{{1, B o i s e B u r e a u ol Land Ma 19, Lol 7 ' ment, Shoshone Ol

public lands • desc herein. The arnenc

1. Bolae would change Ihe >n 25, .decisions Irom ono

acres: lentlon lor (

' /C ! l E P I s t"acres: ^ posal, lileNo. I-i6i57,

Date: An .opon houa J public, moeling w1l

Boise h o ida tm eJo rom oQ

- a ; ; ”. , ' . , ; , " ? . !,ECTED • may be submitted al

limo or mailed toI9.icres Shoshone Olslrlci CC acres 'no laler than Ihe do:iS aces businoss.3 acres Address: Comments sti

Ihoao P? sen t to the DliGov- . Manager, Shoahone

e one trlct. Bureau ol U nd I

j s s s . , j B ’o " n V r b W

Boise Jacl( Durham ounty. Bennett Hills Area Manai ’ Shoshone Dlatrlct Olllce

SWW: Burewj ol U nd Man,


r . „ ' 3S u^^p ,.t..„u ,

m ust bft.approved bo:

o* 'lhS ' Se'’^co°n” ma*ed?"il" PniM. opon houae — pu

i n ' s s s r a s ' c V ,“1 “ | » * " . ' ( p ', " .V 'iS

f'®©*! AMENDMENT> the A. Current Decisions ol

1 the ••• Rolaln In public owmrim • ship except lor a portl

>olnt abovo the rim that-m"W_____needed _ lo r. ,iioulh . '> expansion ol iin i l ; Jorom e Country CiiI N. Gotl Courae lor rocr

rner— b.j:to s(i.8roaJadiapoaai- - ■ common variety mine

irox- Bl3. Including roiol rlohl.ol.way. .

*lng •OfReftabllllate dlsturbi

lael; t*- Area io remain opon ■ feel; mineral leasing wl:

!^{|___ ^POHS^iltiLwimdrVwalr

[” {; ■ livosiock °allowod” 't---------

•Bl' tormpermii.„ : 2. Area <le and 26A ,s i: Jerom e East U nds:

S ! ! ■gg|. acres;l13.63totalacros Ml a.. Rolain In public o«mer

shlp-and mako availablt

— s t t i s z s a r i ' - ' " - '

rH to establish ono sito al this—kw allorh-lor-m ia

:s-b. Allow i^fo removal ol a

gh. . cp '",i^°n.varleiv^^iTijn^r-be paVb?e^*to" hem*'” / ? ' no above.ol c. Area opon lo mineral to - • leasing end -mining

laws.n- d. Aller removal ol com- sn - mon variety minerals. e . _ .. .provide lo- rohabiiiia. P*-- — tlon-m oasuros.'Th 'oTo'

m oasurosto beorlonlod. to- - - ipwBrdwiidlH''h«hii?‘II- e . Graiing ot domosiic le . livestock allowed to if extonl compallblo to 0 . iiom " a " abovo. and not n dolrlmonlal to wildlllQ >- h a b M . issue - lorm'

s L PnUnsfly.lIro pcoiocllon“0 becauSD ot sanitary

. . . a ; tS f f , t t ' r .sponsible agency.

f g. Interim management wilt , . bo primarily Tor wlldlile1 g hM ltatand open space.

• to m ^ ^ x ? 8ling"’M"F^*D{hI ' cislonaI 1. Area *19 ~ Canyon RimI lands. ’I _____Dlsposo ol this enilfe' canyon rlmlract lh‘rough

^ exchange, l-lfi57. ' ^ r- jlote air previous MFP

■5— J e r o m e ^ t lands:----------—

. -..T hrough-ih la-partlcu laf— • exchange 1.16857, dis­

pose on .o ta 1 and 2 and NEWIHWW. Section 30.' T .8 S ..R . 18 East. Boise , Meridian. Deleio - ail

- previous MFP decisions - -

, ■Retain lho MFP do- cislona on the remain.

---------Ing-publlc-lands within-.lho and 26A areas.

- - v M ’S H i f ™ jS f e S 8^“ oS~~

12,and19.1981.- . ~

NOTICE OF TRUSTEE’SOn Friday, the 3rd day ol

July. 1981 at Ihe hourol 10:15

AvoDuo" CMyoVlwln FaHs” '

o llda'lio? TITLE AND fifiJST ' •COMPANY, an Idaho Cor-

•octlon. 10. th.o nfctiBst 1

)TICE------- lE G A rN O TM h e . 'o e . |~

JASJIEB' " ■ .T " p V „ " tf ’. t ' ' ' t t ' ’

" ■ 3 5 f e ,p .d " '? . . i i l

and doacribed as loilc

P U N cording to the plat 1 « i 'i“.‘ .< focorded in Volume

jffl mS ' ! ! ” •■ ' “ m ir ol u M i " I ’s f " hence Easl along lho

S v a .n c . so ':ih fr„ .'°„ i‘ j'i3'"L'oiJD® , feel Eaai ol me Soul

ihoreol: thence ihL feet to said Soul

! |J ._ u ! ; * ~ ’^ e r rT h e n c r N o r tn -

«ndM nt wiSf,i2 t ” '%ovoflam n« nl r« warranty regarding

possession or

S“b * S V u r e * 5 " “bi

■ 7 r p K K S w

c lo so o l „ , | ,U „ ,„ | ’no. ts

' s a inS '

w" S ’ IsS?'' ■

S K f f i s r r f f r

fi’S “' i l l s r i 3 , « “ s £ “

^ ated February 23.1981

o i i h . v 7 c i r a i 5 ; i ” °"

i r ' " &“ r a v 5 i : a , i a "

Boiis " n o t ic e o f t r Os t I F s

J oly"^M 1a[lhohQ ufon6:

o " K i f V ‘ " ’s

, £ s 8 ' o ' a « r » j " 8 ;ocfO- porailon, as succoss<

-"■s . s s s s ^ o a , “ * , . i " s &Ifbnrt P»y*ble al the time i"Ood saio_

oa •'Jd d o saib o d as follows, t<

Said salo will bo madi without covonani o

O'*-} ? o S / l o n ' “° “T “ r .

[§;gg' Sbirga\ion"ocured"by’' aSl. pursuant to lho powor o

salo conlorrod In tho dood o

5?L!issil“S ICorporation, as successor

' Iruaioe. lor me bonelit and

nO DC^T'P „ !l!^oo° *

'I a “» Instrumonl ' no ,!“m ' j D l ® H l M * o 3 s «A” by Aaslgnmant ol Dood oT

Trusl rocordod Morch 1 .1979

“■ I S S . - ”' *,m. The dolault lor which this ,lj sale Is to bo mado is being lla. tho lai uro lo pay whon duo,

lod-.O eA O -O L Ifust-N oieFebruary 12. 1979,. in lho

„ie amouni ol $193.00 each, lor to mo months ol March. April, (0 May. Juno. July. AuQust.

,01. Sopiombor, Oclobor, llQ November, and-Docombor, , 1 - 1980, a n d i^ u a ry . I96 t All

oH how 9uo; plu'8*a?c*umule?od

cw ts"’" ® ^ o‘ x"pVns« e . associated with this

loreciosure. The accrued ,111 Inlerosi Is at the rale gl Iq 6,675%-por--annum Irom , February 1,1980. --v18 and the Ulanco.owlng as 0. ol this da te on the oblioallon"

„ f . ; w , a : s . a j s

]i----- Dated Feb ruan33 .1981

■p- J f l t l N V . T 'd o


h i Z H S i l

noti^ \ o^c r^ to^^ ^

I GIVEN that Ihe undersigned.— has boon------ ippdrnTBd—

Personal RepresenTalive pl

persons having claims - against m e said deceased are required lo preaont tholrclaims within lour (4) monlha alter the dale oi me llrst publication ol this notice or

— Si n J ij '* 'n ?± y I! ___


■ PUBLISH:' Thursday,'M ar.— i 12.19.and26,1981. ■

O T I C E * ^ L E G A L 'N O T


V o »

> p ^ w l n '~ T q TEODYV

lat tn'oreol that a oe illion l« sto« ume 5 ol in.lhe above captionet |ecyda

the Nor- above named minor Mid Lol 2:" nearing to be conduc IheN onh the 22nd day ol April, 1

25.11-leeii— thocourtroom ol-m oSoutherly entiilad— court__ a;^

Int on tho o'c lock A.M. Your tall Lot. 11.11 appear and conlesi

joumwosi - matter will result in gr )nce West ■ the roilel sought in m< Soumwest lion. ’j r t l ^ o n g — DATED-THI3 -?3 -d

• C hZ rL M 8 RUMB

.“n”, ” “ o? p u a » ' ' s : 8s ; ,ng tlile. 13 .19,and26,1081. '

S W ^ M # f c f S ;

ailon a s • '’'L'“ l'e. Deceased.

s ; ; . o n . i X ™ . . ‘n f f s

i f S . K A i '% ; f .™ 5 1

r SI S a - " “ " K ; . * a ofSr^ Ihl! *"5 ': >'’» ‘ *'e o> Ife

■ K uI ziI K n

F 2n ' ‘om . .,9 - ,n j,2e_gn(j^pf_2 ',j8

^ -eS S Z S

'110:00 ostaio ol Poior M, Carls

I'r irfH’iFH C,“si.

" » - - i ' i i ' . " ; r a 8 ^ s s '" K J “ -pOlllioS0 ^ ; s s " p W , i , r

I S S l S5orty,- 1s t day ol April. 1081, In tlK hS l.IS, to - Falls County Judicial Bull

J i l l — p o r jo n J o u j - ^ .p o M r - . ;the show causo why said Pel

iunt)o tlon shou d not bo graniod.



Fiiaar. mo 3(d day o

f f l S - - a - S o f ' A i M “a

a f noshono'Slroetjind Fow^

No, pprallM, a s trustee, will sell

cJi-hlg ifoB t-b lddo?,''?^^^^

m , lime ol sale. Ine lollowing w^n descrtbed roal - property,

m , ■ ? a ; ' ’Fiiii,'; S o ^ o ^ t iS h S s a “ ' o"o«, . 10.

?od-.--of^U5i ”5 ‘ ln * B io c P V '’o}lho CATHEDRAL HEIGHTSlor .SUBDIVISION Twin Falls

irll. County. Idaho, according loJst. the plai Ihoreol rocordea in)or, Volumo 6 ol Plals. page SO.lor, records of said County.All Said salo will bo madearo without covonant__ orled warranty— regarding tljle,'lo r possossion or enllos eum brancor-to -satlsfy 'tho"his obligation secured by andlOd pursuant to tho power of


»c- PANY. an Idaho Cor- of goration, a s jru s lo e , for m«

5 s ? . x , d ' ’„ T r ^ 'S i i a

H — records— of - ‘ -Twin ^ a l t s -

- ' “ T a i f f i , ? ' , o , . » i . i , « .}T Mio IS lo be mado is boing L jh e lal uro lo pay whon due,

IE- D eedjo l Tfusl^Nole da?ed^ March 4.1080, in me amount

3___accumu1aied_taia_enjjga'ii’ -0 . plus , an escrow balance

s - mis loreciosure. The ac- ? OIUM m ^ o i l 19 al I ta lalo: S ' p i R S * '^

; o i i s a i i M S o t t t ’ sr— a ec u feO iby-sa ld-dooiJ-o]—

29.M arch5.l2andig,i«81.

T I C E L E G A L N O T i

l i i i s i

^ I n G ' "^O RD Eff^

Reynolds, a s the natu

n g IffS p 'S wcounsei-llled -hen

and in--accordance.

ar.?p!;.’,w dK S E m i i & f e l s ; ? ;

__ noKcfl tO -Shafon—U-521LE!___Hevngl^oOne.TllinBj:<BACK' f f l f S T o r t . ’ s l s i i r '!

M „. M r y i S i


i f " ' - Eslaios ’ '^ ^ ‘-ViN EDWARDS.

• Invitation f o r bid :2200' The Twin flails Hou

^ S F S s l wa r r ™ N W i i i f s S ,

‘ ifieirio°"/rll a Pfoposod lorms p l-c

S r S S S v

^ /tcertltied check or bi IN drall, payable lo the T\

F a lja fio u sm g Authori 27 U.S. GOYOrnmont-bond#,

M-r . . . a . satisfactory bid be

“ • ■ t i u T . » k s s ? vs o s t S f f l i i y v i E ”»'5l

r - l p i s si* 'oe^ ■ Ationllon is called to tl

provisions .. lor. equ

H r a J i1!!'," w reiect’anVora” or"l

« d d ' a ^, No bid sliall be withdraw lor a period ol 30 days sut

Jf*’" , o „ o J ,'i '2 ^°JJ'*= ''o ilO ''l‘:o S e p

5 . s T ® t | | p ? r o N

s S .


lo^o*co^n3t'rM?od:2,060 Linear lool strooi

----------- construction wilh -curb,” , . • •• •, 5, 1.600 Linear lo e io l pipe

culvert lor irrigalion

r " : anValUolaled woik

£ - W / | l M o ° d ‘^r32^'oor Second Avonuo Easl, Twin

ifth .. tirSe°% prU ; S

s l ^ o p o n o o ahd?oadaloud .^ -?^ iS T ^ - -The Inlormatlon lor- Bid- f t f ders, Form_,ol Bid. Form ol

- s ; s ’’i 5 ! d " a « ? ;

»! aS .

A ssociated General Con.

r s e n g in e e r s , me;,

in Copies may be obtained al

r & S s S "I(r‘~ r A " ” s '“«>errupori-folu7n-'' Id ing such sot wilhln thirty (30)Dt days In good condlllonrwlll

I ?n“d^ r!rn ‘l."n‘:bfi'd*or‘ S?n“3!;

I . [ r « i i o ‘e r ' 5 -0 aiS.OOj. Subcontractors and . I. ayppllers wm be conslde/od

5 Tho' City ot ^w ln Fallsreserves lho righl to waive

lj anvinlorm alitlesortoro tec t •

l_rM aQlC-Valley.M om orial Hosi

’ 08itmato0 annua™ sogoonhe‘’f' OASlYPfc U J' St0»lll20rG as ^ . f. Com pressed Air USP Grade-------1 Cornpressod A lrUSPG rade-

Oxygen USP Grade Oxygen USP Grade NltrousOxlde

- — Nitrous O x id e _________Nltrooen

------- CQ .^USM r*de-------------------C C '-W (T '

Oxygon WO

' H otpilalow nstanks

Eachjiroposal should include and experience, price per pou

PUBLISH: Thuraday. Mar. 12, and

D l iC E / - L E G A L N O T IC E '

' K ' S r ; .: STATE OF with hls Bid. securlly iH h o

j S ) i " L . ; 7 f f a d '5 i o ”„ r s , ; ! f e ' i ;

« a . , ’" S ! 5 lK " ° o " , '° ^ i§ ? , r j . . -.fiSW f particularly called to the WoiOS. fenulrflmnnKi «« tw rnnrti. _

"UB0"n-|H8 ,7,0 Conlracl, __ ____________-------^ o -a w d B r-m lfW lid fa w

3 c d .y 01 'I B “ ■ 'Sa i'^criA N O L E R

'a nd good Cooply. Idaho,

i S ' f J“ 8 .r o 'i ' - i i . .r f f i ! , i , i ; a « r „ ? i T , .

1 day ol

1 0 5 .

'y .- «» '- .- A°m“ m n , l ! o l a ....................— ■__ ____ ‘Prioflty:Apfll1,.iB50

'Sss .

J l i j f e S S L iS i i d - i «ned and Amount; 4,12 cts

f o i sons. are County I ol the Piaceo lU se:N ochange

- Id a h o — poSaO-Change"ol the right '

" ” d ' ‘S?i h •'i?hI»L -parlm ent ol Waler Re-

.dfcom ■ ALLRED

» . S “ _ - J o " ' : “ s ™ ^ T E E ’s ----------- r•ondor On Monday, lho 6lh day ol

i s g i l- " f i 'S s x r p t e » ; r , .ausino I" • .f r a SlatesT atl p a y a b le s iK

‘• ! S r c , t 3 " ”; . r »

B _

"""■ without covenant or warranly regarding tlile,

[S— possession or on- ' cumbrances to satisfy the .

. Price and Patricia A. Price,

vix lS K H“S ' f e fF E D 'iS A L ’ S W o S ' i ' - - -

, c _ . t r - P A f s » . s 5

t™ „ M ™ « . : ? i a T r o M i:urb, -Twin Falls Counly, Idaho,

Tho delauit for which Ihia - r P po sale Is to be mado is failure

“ flr^M paymanla.._ . . . cciloction-chargea-and-late------------

f f i f x M K s U f f i - a .

i 321 arid the balance owing as of rwln Ihls dale on tho obirgatlon " -

Son lo'rest * and®’ ’®fore'cloaur« ' '

n o t PANY, Trustee

rPo '•••AitorneysrorTrusloo

g f j ' f t t o " " " ' " - ' " ' ■. Counly of Twin Falls

fsLi“a .,fr‘Sai that execufed lho lo^golngol— icknowfed e d - t - ' ___•______

lor such corporallon executed

...."T N nSfN 'E '& ^rE R EO F. I ■ -S I i M s r y f f l f f l Knl. lho day and y oar-ln 'th la a . op jm ca'l, a «

ifa — JANET L, KING ---------------—nd ,jN o ,ao , t a l l c - S I . , . 01

Blr *’ Twin . Falls, . . . .5^ 0 o ™ r l„ lo n : .splro-i T - ^

WJNlAiNtR -Ar»rtwAt.Ua««i;135 3

ido . K 24Ide----------- R-........ 3 - •.

E* 300 ■R . -38

• . E‘ 63 ---------_Q — - ........— n - - ----------•-

------------ e-- • - -10

— ----------------

— f — — T -

ludo the company's background

•'•nyiasplieablo Stale or Federal

:'ii5‘ . » " d y c i r p . ' " o ' S ; 3 s "

i a s ' j a s t t s r a e - a v . .

,and1B.‘l98t. j

LEG ATN briCE ^.|H b"Iii5rH iu> CuUBt


■ S f „ W % * ! f ? 5 r T S ECOUNTY OF TWIN FALUS

PAMELA k : lin n . Plain- tifl.

a n o t h e r m m m o n s


, ; '. haa been Illed iqalnst you la'

iti« District Courlol m i Film Judicial Dlslrlet o( itio SUlo

>abovs named PlilnlKI; and, you ara hereby dltectod to

. 1118 a written answer or • wrllten motion to said Com-

........ - m o n s-U D o rry o an n d ry o u - are lunhor noillled tnat un­le ss you so do within the lime herein spocilled, mo Ptalntlli will take ludgmeni

^WITNESS MY HAND AND THE SEAL 01 Ihls District . Court this 26 day ol Febru­ary,1S81.


PUBLr^H:*^Hursday, M sr/s, 12, 10, a n d 26. 1661.

MAGISTRATE DIVISION -In the Matter ol lhe Estate ol



GIVEN that Lawrence A.- - N ya,.R ichard L. Kloppen-

buro and Jean Abby DePew have IlledJierain a Pellilon lor-Formal Probale ol Will- and Appoinlmeni ol Lawrence A. Nye and Rich-

Hearing h a s -b e e n r sa l "-------- upon said Petition on the 15

. day o lA prin eai. a i 1:30 p.m.In the Courtroom ol the above-named Court'In the

S S ”. 16404 N.E. Bth PI.Bellevue. Washington SM07


19,and2e,andA pr.2;i98i.

thai°he"l6»ow!rfg ^ ' w aler rlghtls). Tiave been established by diversion and - aptAcallon to benellclal

4t5 S ".GARDNER, HOWARD &/or


Prlorlly0ale:04/01/1915 Amounl: 3.00 CFS


Place ol Uso: NENW NWNW ' SWNWSec 10T 10S.RISE'

o 3 ? n * E . : CHECK I DAM. .DITCHES, POND. ■ < PUMf>SPRINKL^H IAny exception to. any i

' claim ol water right may be ' tiled with tha Director of the Idaho Department ol Waler Resources. 1041 Blue Lakes ■

____ a tw l_ N o rth ._ T w in _ F atls ,- .-Idaho 63301

C, STEPHEN ALLRED ; ••OIroctof' ' ‘


.........Sealed bids 'will' b e _ re - ;' oelved Unlil 2:00 P.M. on- -

Thursday, April 2, IB U ^ n - lhe Ollice o f the Business Manager, Room . l l , ol the

— Admini9traiion-Buli(}inQ,-3i5-------Falls Avenus, Twin Falls, Idaho, 83301. and men

Southern Idaho qna .Digital Video Tima B aseiofredor.

For bid aMclllcatlonscontact ElalO i-Snhm idt.at____

-----(208)-73MaM,-«TTr2B4-or--------M n Maitidln. at. a * . Bids mav b« mailed lo P.O. Box 1 ^ . Twin Fails, Idaho,

. a33(1, but must be received___lnJlriioJi)f_it!«_Put)i!c^b!d_____

--openlna.The Colietia reserves the

rlghl to r^ e c l any or aii bids,— 10 w iiveiinyiorfflaiiiiesifla" ■

to accept the bU deemed in. the bast Interest of the Cot--

, " " 'k A n L L B U C K

- PUbW ' W W " ' Mir,10. and26.1M1.

A n n o u n c e m e n i s

MARJORIE'S FLOWERS (or tess;- deliveries, All oc> caslons. S45 Sparjis. 734-

LOST: On the street In'

■ $S0. Cady Auto me. 637-4M1. PICKED up by m isuk rby Ull man In blue plcKup at 'the Ray Stewart sale- last hllch

- adapter for Intl. Please re­turn to auctloneers-no

---THE R LER x ln y Twm ^>at |

bag near rallroad-traci(-in i_ F U a r - iU o « a ( J -x a l l ,^ n 4 - —

Davis, 32ft-5610. iy^y^to^jjet^more^wortdorie

• C lassllied lo r^ irM lm eheip rl■■ ■ - . L -

• 003 Announcemant'

- :Q04 ...........SpecUWOtle^ I —CONSUMERSI I Be an IN­FORMED Shopper.. Save

■ hundreds t l • Thousands IS* yearly. Befora you buy . anything call P.O,C,A, 73i^456Q morninos oieyenlngs^

, Ypur skills are .ln,demandl_ i Watch our emk.>«ymenl it»H|ioa.73.‘U>tt3l. ■. __

E ‘ _ I-------- ^


u a = - ° ^ '

z Ii i t - 5 _______ateI h e ^ .......................... - — — — —

to 002 Lostlfound

17s' ____CHECK DAILY.._______ HJR.CURRENI____

HOUNDPOUND SS NEWS .jnt _____.In--------------iHM syourliSO'

lleenseaxplrod? im f^n iiu n ’pn n 'j-


jct - -LOCATED: 1396THAVE. W.

1. Malo ■ Oernian Shepherd-HuakyXpuppy.

■ Z F em tia g n y i ■ bnw n

'5. 3 .2 blaek 4 while ehlhuahut pupplea.4. Female brown Shepherd

n p u p 12).VL 5. Malo black i brown

IN i f ^ l i e r ^ l t ^ a ^ p h e r d mix temale(2). .7. Female Sl. Bernird, black

9J brown A whllo.T a. Male terrier typo wUh

loather collar.9. Male black & whllo bordor

10. Femaio 'coek-a-poo.■ 11. Female Chocolate brown

Irish Se ller X.S HOURS J^TPM ONLY Y M o n ^ Ihru Friday; 733«M

*- .B a u u s e Doga are broughl ? In every hour, and SOLO Of n . . DESTROYED alter 48 hoMrs,

p lease call or vltil the pound I daily to check whether ypur , p e lhasbeenplckedup .T lils {. Is not an u p - lo ^ te list, n Mixed dogs are hard to de-

acrlbe, com e to ihepound to " ,l - -#ae If your pet Is there.5 Com e and pick out a puppy

o r full grown dog- they t would love to have a home.) FREE iralnlno classes lor I H ound 'P o u n d Dogs. Call

733-1887on Obedience c u s s Information only.

I • • • • • •

J E R O M E D O G L O G-------------LovMble and Loyal--------

Companions . Seeking Good H om es-

Hours: flam-epmmon-lrl

1. Female Cocker S u n le l/B o rd e r Collie X.

••Dlack.-brown"A whita,'iV4"years

. z. Male Lab. yellow, 1 year 3. (1) M, t )F) Golden Rs-

___ txlever cross, black t wtiiter-sm a n m s ------------------ --

. 4. Female Lab, black. 10 m onlhsl^MjUe Lab, Slack, cross, t

t . Female Lab/Australian sh^^hertx .^ltt^^eajs

hard X, various colors. 2

6. Male Terrier X, 2 years,■ g ray iw h tte ,

Y o u |^ ^ Dog licenses have '

Dogs may b e seen a l ms Animal Shelter at lhe end ol

• 4th Avenue, Weat In Jerome. For liitormallon, call 324- , M 3e:Hno^answer,U4^13.

LOST in Kimberly area-fflile -•.-black-|8brvyr.-<fid, wearing

sliver chain collar. 423-S5ST .or423-488g.Rewardollered.


GUAR" ^ O r

• P riv a te P arry A ds O r• R ea l E s ta ie Excludet • A d M UST b e p a id for

5 d a y s a f te r it is p lac• _P le a s e c h e c k your ac

_____ jlr£L day .iifun& as-ifa(T im es-N ew s will no t. resp o n sib ility fo re rrc a f te r .Ib e (irst In sen in

" 3 L I N E4 lINF5 L I N E


Times-News, Cl .......... .S ta r t Date__ _


Print Ad here; .

I ___ Check

^ 004' Special Notices

■ MEOiCALHYPNOSisTM yrs experience. . Oreat ' lor nerves, welpht loss, sell-

----------im provemenr— educaironTa ches & pains, & olher ^ik. menls. inquiries welcome,

___ _ callJohn324-72fll--------- ------Need Health Insurance?

_ j s i a i i a a » _LS 423-5329

320-Adama. KImberlv ID • W. THE DEPARTMENT ol

Heallh & Wellare. Is now ^art accepting bids lor bw n and

. ground maintenance at our '•m Twin— Falls olllces. For

specincations please con- U ct Pal Madarlela a l 734-

• - 4000. Deadline lor submlt- ird ling proposals Is 9:00 p.m.

AorlM0.l981„ s s a s a s E B S » B s = c = s

n/x, 005 • MemorUlNotica? . . . WE WISH 10 lhank our

Iriende-and neighbors lor .1,^ their kind love and sympathy " f during the recent joss ol our . . . loved . one. We extend " " , special {hanks (or the msny

. .cards, calls, and beautllul- liorai tribules. These expressions . have been deeply appreciated.


Jf Mt_______ ' Pinoiiili

w MONEY MAKING reports” reveal secreisl Free in-

i lormatlon. 1291 Locuat Ln.► - Provo, UTAH.____________, NEED a woman to help wllh,y housework 1-2 days a week.,S now. U te p o o 7-8 hr/day on’ .Ihru canning season & Inlo] , M . Houk Retirement Center:ti T S i m , ________________ :IS PALMISTRY READINOl All-

readings are private & con- . ndenllal. 1566 l l u e Lakes N.

733-4099. • • -

\ - —



--------- -------------------

T O P t A C E Y O U R

T I M E S - N E W S

W ANTAp^■ n sn p r, Mil n ilf t“ ^ r ; = l D l l i r M — = iJ H L f £ S E j L b ii-j h : j L e s -53


) r Your M oney Refund

Q nly„,.,_ . _ .* ,l(y o u r ,iie mj e d ' - m a y g e t a r if o rw i ih tn t h e a d 7 d a ’a c e d • R e f u n d s o r '' a d th e b e c o N e c t e i t b e — — ..—•Jviou-vk'ill-noto t a s s u m e r e f u n d if ther r o r s . - w / h e t h e r o nilQ n_-_ - _ T im e s-> Jew !

IES 7 DAYS ESZ^DAY-S-* E S 7 DAYS'figure 4 words per line)

Classified D ept, Box 548,

.. ' -Ph,gna......... T o w n

M o n e y O r d e i

8 - L .I

' r _ _ _ _ _

nt IL«» 00«___ , ___ Personal

] f / ■' A LC O H O LIC S- b^i-------------^ANONYMOUS-—af\l. Cail73>e300ne, ■

APHRODISIAC Is Included n9 w"h our special recipes to

>7 on your loved one. Send

) . AS OF today, March 10,1961

CharlesGowev. ________5ur ^ „ DISCREET :^r Conlldentlat investlgailonsjn . C a ll.......................... b4.l7M34. IWILLNOTBE - lit- RESPONSIBLE lor the debts m. o l Carol Qonialez or Carol

^ C a b e Irom February 1,

Saul Qonialez.___________JOBCORPS--'

S ' ..YouihJobTralning1!; ; “ MO^RACBE

LAWSHOPm Unconlested divorces, i n .

,h a " ’' « r M . ; ? ? r S i ,. - - o r d e r available. 33M732r S' Boise.ts I-----------------i PREGNANCYHOTUNE

Pregnant? Need help? f, Call 7344091

1. PRIVATE ROOM, board & laundry for retired person,

h -tloipoy almosphere, 734-, 7783._________________n WANT A NATURAL ' ■0 childbirth? Learn breathing ir & e x erc ises .' Cali..Patty

Phillies 42346SQ. * ’ i r Wanl Fun And New Friends?I- Call Piamates West (4tS)I. 36t-1W8.' Galsl Register

Free, •“


.................................. 'I- ' I

I . : .r.s - J

I_______________________ _l

\ \• . I

"■“ ' I ' s I ' ' !Filer a l l t

• ToIirrM. I


SUJJESi____ _snded ‘ n

;__________ L _ _ _C

e m .d o e s n ' t s e l l . y b b ra r e f u n d o r r e r u n Hd ay .s I r e e ^o r a d r e - r u n s m u s t " ir

: t e d w ith in 3 0 d a y s q n o t b e -e l ig ib le - lo f -a — *th e i te m s e l l s ^o r n o t b y t h e rPVJt;


S®8®“ :- I


I'48,Tw lnFalis I £

— I . J,m-------------- i

; |~ ■ \-— : S-------------------------- '■ ffi

______i *I •

—----I ■ti________ I ^

“ “ “ ..... - - la i________________________ I 733-

^ T 'L L & g j : , } H b R y s . IN T E R E efT IN Q -

S T P g y g E H I N P T H

------------------------------- c:?----------

W ~1*. I S e l e c t e d O ffe rs

I 007__________ JobiotlftUfMlI A GREAT J 0 a ,.,l0 0 0 D

— ^ P A Y T G uynrtiT fliinm sisT lun job. We need lots ol

___ te lephone-ta lkers 'lo r duradvertising promotion. Must

to have good voice and-raad nd well. Day and«evenlng op-

r ' K y " S ’ g " a gr , A pply In person. Campus

AEROBIC DANCE tnslructor,- ’ I6,00/hr. Will train. Work In , , ow narea ..T ryouta3m .9am L I aharp. Ramada Inn, Boise, ? ' Those hired will train sat.

3/21 10:304pm. & eunday'ts 3<22,9am.5om.___________o' ASSISTANT MANAGER '• needed. Experience helplul

but nol necessary. Top sala­ry & benellta. Apoiy in.

. person. SAMBO'S, f « BlueLakes Blvd, N.. 734-aTll.......CHILD CARE needed In my home, evenings. Cali 7 ^ 3771 or 7334313 atler4Dm. COMBAT ENGINEERS

. . needed. FulMIme'training availabie. For more Inlorma-


Musi be sUbie and have de»ire to learn 'about line

a i . y n P '>COOKS ' needed. Full-time iraihing available. For more

: inlormation on how you may * qualify call ARMY RESERVE OPPORTUNITIES. 733-2071,

COUPLE to manage 7>unils in exchange for 2 Bedroom

, home. References required.733-0874. _______________

' DEUVERYI People -wim

evenm^i work available.' Must be neat In appearance.

Oood daily pay. Apply in

. S j u i aDEPENDABLE person

. needed lo Irrlgale ipprox


Interviews .s ta r t monday,- ‘ Mirch 23. Contact Ike.Smlm *

at Scotts Relrigeration, 902 M adrona.. 7 » ^ , drlno

- - reaumeA-aamolecl work.-----

■ .ELIOTRICIANWeyerhaeuser Company has an opening lor an eieclrician at Its Longview

. Washington operation. -Applicants should have a

jourtiey level ratmg and prior■ «»»p<«rl«*nro Iw ^

sawmill electrical work. Electronics background ' helplul, excellenl benalit package. Qualified appli­cants- shouidlsend-fesum e- - to Mrs. Belly Phillips. Em^io^ment ^ ^Repre*

Company, P. 0 . Box 188, Longview, WA 96032. Equal

. Opportunlly Employer.------EXECUTIVE SECRETARY BOOKEEPER.. 11,000, Call -- Wait _73iM 49,- Acme Personnel Service, 833 BlueLakes North. ___ j -EXPERIENCED In chemic*la ' lor Posl Control operation.- Salary DOE. 7330208. •

lEXPERIENCED-------Irrigator' n eed e d rtip h o n tubes, all hay & grain. House & uliiitles Included. Group insurance,

■432-Mai."®"'*- '* '** ' *’’"’' ' " EXPERIENCED farmer with

_knowledgo_el_#Bflnklera,aL. _ maintenance o l same. Year-round job. House &

. utilities Iurn, Salary negot. Eves 702/064-2566, “ EXPERIENCED furniture & . appllknce salesman. 40 hour week. Paid health & accident

.. lnsuranca-lnqulre:-B*nner------Fum lture,-137-2nd-A venue—

W;_________________FARM EQUIPMENT serviceman. Pay according

a i^ r le n c e . Good benefits. Alt replies con> fldentiaL Phone: aft-5220.

733-3713 lorappointment.HEAVY EQUIPMENT OPER. ATORS. needed. Full-iime ' training available. For more inlormalion on how you may

_ a l M L 5 S E S i -HOUSEWtVEB. Work own hours and gain conlidence.734-2783. .

“ c o o r d i n a t o r OPENING- ~ High school 'g raduate wllh minimum 2 years experi­ence In Slock control re­quired. FulMlme employ­ment wllh -excellent

rial HosplU1,737-2ini. EOE.IT'S FUN TO SELL TO FRIENDS- No experience needed to rep resen l'T he . Fuller Brush Co., II you en*_ J _ joy visiting, calling on neighbors,-this Is a lun way to earn an atlracllve Income based on sa les volume.4 3 6 - c a i O .____________tE G A t------------SeeflETAfiY------=-WANTED. K neeland,.


jp p ly ja t Ja ta i 2 yearIfxpe-1 '

l r ln » tM n o lit^ jip p ly v Dick Dey Oklsmoblle/Butek.M k lor. Cliff. 712 MalitAve. .

MACHINE' operator lor ail ^ Idnfls ol larm equlpmam. Experience neceaaary.

EmD*o r 3 2 4 4 1 & ^ ^ '‘^

« ^ t unneeded vacuum.

__ 007 .Job! ol Inlerest

m l m a t u r e - experienced— menaware salesperson.0 0 _Qood_wdrkIno_-oondtilons. i*» Pay depending upon expe- -O'- -flance.-AppiyTn'peraon. The

Mode LTb,' Blue Lakea u#‘ 'ShopplnQ Mall, Twin.

MATURE : experienced

i t i l . K |U ***.!!m ~0'v ..vA Im!?*: conditions. Pay depending

— U k e s Shopping Mail, fwln. 7 : MATURE responsible

woman to care lor 3 small children, part-time in my home. References required.

I ,J Own transportation. Cali 7 3 3 ^ 1 .

ER MECHANICS needed. Full- ,,ul • time training available. For I ., -more- Inlormation on how

JS » E » R ? J N g


Large seed processing llmi ^5 is In need ol msn wllh good HQ mechanical and weFdlng ,a” akilla. Looking lor a man lhal Ily knowa how lo work and can f i aupervlse.large crew. Send'

reaum e to: Sox M-29, c /o■ Timas Nawa. PQ-BoifW:------

-NEED part-time - sales ” person or couple, to travel ? northwestern su te s a eou- "*■ 'p la ■ o f weeks per month.- -Vehlcia -lurnlshed.— pay- le commission, all expenses.•• Excellenl lor seml-ralired or ly retired couple. Caii 4364066 fc a»er6pm ._______ ;______ _. NEEDED- General larm IS worker with gravity Irrigation n experience. Close to Twin J. Falls, ideal for retired man

on ;aocla l security. House' h ^ v T d y . Call733420Qjlayff,

d NEEDED experienced con->. Crete peraon lo aet Sim-I. mona forms, build footings,n ate. Saisry DOE. Conlaci:

3 a»S70S°"''™ **'1 SCHOOL YEAm twi=ar X Vocational agriculture In- n struclor to leach Vt time

voc .^g and Vt lime Industrl* al a rts . Must have Idaho Certlllcatlon. 9 lt month new '. -go*^lon-Openthrough.M ay

'Requeitt application 'form

> pr. T.R, (Dick) Fibres,- S “ IT— p - i"' intendent

Bliss school District «234 , Bliss, Idaho 83314

r tlJ '.'B 'i L P .N .'s. all.shliis,, EXCELLENT.Irlnoe benefits.. Shilt d ifferential'3-11 50*.I 11-7 75«. Call Director ol r N u r s ^ , Twin Fails Clinic

i ' --------------------------- -




I t ' s e a s y (

n e w s p a p (

y o u r s e l f 1

q a t e a n e < . T h e n _:a t l s

— — - c a r r - y i n g - : c a n h e l p ;

. N e x t t i m i

h i r e o r f i n

w h o c a n

__________a d i n C l a !

......................t o d a y . -



Sl|V _ ■ Tftursi

✓ .............

_ : _ j C l A S !



>. 004bp»«.olNO',l»«

^ ...... ,-SELtCTEDOfHRS - —

____ I . oo3 jo b » o n ,...„ i.

^ 1 ' ,


I 030Mom,»Fct Solo’I"* 2?.'5 "O” 037form .i Bomhci»

in . , 04J Vo<oi-on piopoir |U|. -044Coidom,fi,umtroiSol« - ,H 04} Wob>i« Hom«| lat SqI*X - -W N T A L 5-------------------red o so ru 'n 'tun iu 'x Heuv«t^ • i 0}}ru>r< opi> aoupic*>

OJiUnlw.n 4pl.--- 0)6Hooii,iForR*ni‘ull- 0S7R«nrolMob.l«Hom..For OSaOllie«aB»»n«.<A«nrollow 061 CotogalXanlolt'MV 063 Wanud To RtniS ' . 06S lourmaT.oitoHtn.ol

-O UM obJthom,5poc«------

MERCHANDISE 067 Mt|C«llan(ou>»0'Solt 070Wonl(d1oSur o n and C'efhina

^ OrrAfl'iiqu.. . ..LJ) '074Wutieallniirwm«nit[’•> 0»y»odio.tvaSi«>.o■•n 078 »w*ritu«» 8 Carptlifid '07*App(,o'<e.»,!/0 ' __T l. ..OSiCatDatSolat *

OSftfitawood 0S7Plonii8T>**l

U-- OSSC«odthiAg»teisllh. 090P»>tasvppii*i ay- - 093Au<i.eAtIS.

“ A d v e rtis in g

'• 'Wdtaeslay.. .. . '.......H»ala)i.................

............. ..................I S..d». . ..................

V- 007 .iobsoflnlersst

1- Raglstered Cosmetologists 0 needed, call 733-2321.M' RN'S &. LPN'S NEEDED,

n DNS or Administrator, MounUIn View Care Center, KImberlv. 4234501. ■

* WANTEOI Sharp organized ‘ parson with parts experi- ence to hsndie paper Ilow :' clearing Invoices lor psy-

t, menl, processing work or.I. ders for billing, mstchlng

purchase orders, Invoices, I if packing slips. Qood c benelUs. Reply to Box 1747,


[ i n i


y t o t a k e t h e l i t t l e ip e r f o r _ g r a n t e i

f I n t h e ' p o s i t i o n c

l e e d o r a w a r r t ' t o i

t l s . n i c e t o k n o v

g - y - o u r - m e s s a g e ^ t p y o u ' .

m e y o u w a n t t o

I n d a j o b . c o m m u

n h e l p y o u w i t h l a s s i f i p d . W p ’II h


ONE 733-

rsd ay , M arch 19,1961 .T lm ca

FARMERS MARKETOflSf..i,l„«.*top5o.'

;• .0»6forfT-S.«d0«7 Kor G'Di" t F»d O «e»o..n,for«.-0»»Po.iui.»ro.B.n' .100 l->ft'o<>> Won>«d

I 10l'Qol>'r»«^ol.b.>» l]I..,.ja>>on__________ - '

V ecreationai

I j j Spo........133Sti„o,|gu.n.......134 Sno~ V>h,<l«t I3i I.n.«lt.o.l.M

I, 136Co'mp.M»Sh«ii.

* 13«u“l.*-t.o."*.v ----------- -I* •


'O' l33AuioPa>it8Acc*Mo>>ti 133AwioiWflni«d l34Auloi^er*«ni

:!___!lSCy(lM8Suppiift . •136M»ovflquipm»«i

. I40frut>ii __U3lmpor|.Jpont Car*

p l444W h*«IO,„„ . l48Aniiqu*Awlai

. USAulei'AMC tJSAulot'SuKk1S4Auio.;C9daiac . .•S6 Ayloi'Chrylii'

- 1SSAwie».Ch..fol,t l60Aioi.Ck>de*'

----- ----------------------------------- --- .'>e«Auioi.M«rcurv U8Auloi,OI<l>mobil* 170Auio».Pe«liat----------------l73Auis(.Ponllac-l7}Aula>.fl|'moult>l7SAu<e0*oUi>

ig D e a d lin e s

. . . . . . iO O m Moniljj............. 5:OOpTiigsil»

------- S:IXpWHlll>all)f5 .JB p H iirs ilij ,

. . . . . . . 5:IM(<iifrlilar

i007 Jobso lln lsresl <WANTEDI RN lor part-llme '

- ■■ Ioge____________People \

_ .THANK__ .YOU___ MAQIC. _i• VALLEY--lor. m sk ing-cur <

business a growing auc- i- cess . However, due lo in­

creased business, we des- ,

f?heiV reneve mV'buSen!'ll ybu hava lhe desire lo be a s u c c e s s , we'll show you how...caD M a m Realty &

_ JCaeralaair734.}a3S,------- ' ---------

i p ™ .

F U i l l

l e a d s i n t h e b a c k

o f h a v i n g t o c o m

> a n u n k n o w n a u c

i w t h e y a r e t h e i

t o - t - h e - ^ v e r y . p e r s o

3 b u y , s e l l . t r a d <

u n i c a t e w i t h t h e j

1 a l o w - c o s t , f a s t - h e l p y o u p l a c e y <

:W SO /g X D


nos ’ 'Salaaoeopl** WANTEOI Commission

salesm en or women lo work

” ” cn snce lo advsnce Into m y ^ e m e n t position, •

coi - EmptoyiftentAoeodei

“ NEW*— H O R I Z O N S - t z



OPERATOR i..^ I700-I900up

Extra good skilis^re sought

!S!,s'.‘ K ' % r a s ‘r .additional d»tlB!i in nr/M.py____ _about Vi ol lotaj work.. Computerizallon la in ths

' expsnslonprBn$,mskIngiis good career opportunity.

ELECTRICIAN- W i r r a r o “r W o ‘~ '

get One. Top benellts.

SALESI860 4 Comm

Commercial sales . Travel Msgic Valley & No. Nevada.

. Successlui sales record necessary to get this very good position'. Company will train on products,

SALES (BURLEY)- ^ .laoff-kaM -t- -Candidates selected should' — live In Burley-Rupert area to avoid unnecessary travel

.costs, Qood product Iraining- - provided.-— __________ -


18904900 General accounting & book­keeping. Lite typing. Train­ing * experience needed . lor this position open In M ay,Gooolringas.


Lite* • computer work necessita tes accurate typ-

- Ist. Ability 10 get along.w ell- ' and enjoy working wllh public, and wide variety of


1990-11,150r -WBtdrn{rwp8nenc»:+"6i8et.-------

equlpl repair required to be I f°r th^s oulsUnding


tU -com m lsslon .A g - o r l e n l e d / a a a e r t l v e --------person wllh proven trac k -------

, record In sales will be the - successlu i candidate m this

-above ayaraae-hloh-lnleorllv--------r com patty.' •-----------Vehicle• lurnlshed. Qood benellls,

• • FEE BASEDON SAURY» Virolnla Bancroft, Owner —I 409ShoshoneSlreelSoulh

; 734-8844


c k o f t h e ' - ' -

) m m u n T -

l u d i e n c e . l e r e . . .

s o n w h o .

i d e , t e l l , - - V-

e p e r s o n

3 t - a c t i n g

y o u r a d - ^

m ca-N ow s. Twin Falls, id aho C-7

- i i *


. -Pol1 L a v f r

— ^ ^ -------------- = i © ^ e -

. 'F f

: f e


006 Salaipiople

■ 'W A N T E D !YouHQ. «ogre»lve. am* blllobs salesperson. Unllm* Iled.potential and Income. M sell mollvaied and have« neat appearance.

' EiD^llenl pay plan ' •■Oeuipnsifatof provided

•G epd fringe benellta

' ‘IjQHiiPcigjsMiSTOflS__ ■ _^flo3'h’lo_ckMalMven&ell'‘*

015’'" : -BibysltUn

PflBSCHCWL ACTIVITIES. SM/HLLOROUP.734.?178, BABYSIT In my home weeK. dayay any age. BeMnd Ace

BABYSITTING In my dome. Poltv iralned . Cloae lo Har-

- - r laolsehool.734.<M2. DABYSiniNQ, m y-hom e. anylirne except Fil nighli,

Drop-Ins welco(Tie._

BA&YSiniNQ In my home. Any. ag«. hot' lunches. M o r^ g a jd e School DIst.

BABYSiniNQ IN My home. anyatfe. Phone; 734-5g94,□ Vffi'SITTINO- any aae. Hoi

BABYSITTING, m y , home, j

' 1 CHILD CARE, K-mart area. [

Largi fenced yard, ^lot^lun- *■ cTilLD CARE, my home. !

. .K lm berly.jfea. Hof lunch « Sanacks lurnlahed. 42?.fl306. pRELIABLE CHILD care In rilicensed home. Any lime, q

• anyaoe.32<-M49. ^

SlluitlouWinled - ' n o w HAVe-your allefaHona- - o

dono or new clolhea made, vi Q u ick ' service. _ £ n e In osllm ates. Kathv733-4»6, e

_ PERSONAL_compuler_pro- . -ofamminq js ils la n ce .- Call- ^ , 734.1480 l o r more InJorma- ^

• ' R o fO -flL U N o' & i ^ n Gpow lng . Jack Waiion 733< t(7415-Oralterllam733.973Q. hROTO-TILLING. call 423-S8S9 P

- alter3pm.----------- - "0.

— y T im n r t y 't-vinri-i T n

f O N L Ir y i l H

""[7 Ones 21I - ( • *« , • Iterris up to $ 100

• P r iv a te P a r ty ods ° « A d M ust Be Poid

•. o Fill o u t t h o c o u p o n b Q ~ o r i t o p by o u r o H Ic o o o d ^ -

. I . N o m o ............* ,, . A d d r o s s '

- r - ^ f r r r T — — —e I Mgk* ehvckt peyobi* lg® • I Moil to: Timoi.N*iyi Clo

■ • P.O. B o . 548 2 _ , . j T « ln fo ll« ,M fl3

( i s' t t Ensloi

*_O_q_P_<>:0 e fl 0 B g P p g.p_0_p 0

> ' •

C ^ T Im o S 'N o w a , Twin Fa'

;l y l e ’“

PoN'TWbHsy,^ s ^ e w o R K , a u f u N e

F A V o R iT g " ■ S o A P O f e R

. ____ / l

J Q I y

I Oia SItuallonaWanled

ATTENTION Ba~chetor'a, w tves'ind hustundsl la too' much housework getting you down? Do you miss

'* eating those home cooked li m eals? Need help wim thal 3 bio party? Want more lime

with your lamlly? Naw Rent-A-Wlle can help. Call T J .& Co., 73^4309 or 734-4081 and lorgel tha dally burden olkeoplno houae.CONCRETE FUTWORK: Driveways, patios, garage lloora. aldewalks. Oor^S

. CONCRETE a«M7ia.HONEY DO CO., Need a handy man? Do you have

hand laiterlng. mlscella* neoue artwork. Chris Van Neat.’m 0 7 l l . .B tile 'C hrluIins wlih reler- e n e M :T .m a n m « 1 7 .

017 Businttl'opportuniilai IF THE MONEY crunch Is

= Jiurtlng.ypurJ>ualneu & you^ need custom ers try PDCA's guaranteed program. CaU

_____Z--MAKE THE MOST WITH THE BE8T...U-HAUL II you leel you’re a cut alwve Ihe averago and have Ihe de> ' alre. apace & lime to be a . .

- -U-H aut---dealer call ,Phll achnee , U-Haul Company ol

' ~ldaho, loll free 1 -m - to -

OWN YOUR OWN 'BUSINESS, looking lor mature tperaon l o . be' ballbonda agent in local area. Very Inlereated In al­ready licensed' casually a gen ts. Send reaume & In- guinea to: R. S. K. Manage­ment Group. P. 0 . Bo* 23re~ Pocatello, ID B3201. Small . relundable investmsnt re- quired.

WARNINGI' The tlm u .N ew s re-

-com m ends__tn a t_ y o u —ln*_ 1vestlfjate. ^every pnaae of

eapeclaJly those?rom o u l^ l SUte or offered by a peraon

-tfoinq business out ot a tocil_; -' molel o r ho te l.. > i

We auggest you consult i your own altomey, Ihe Bet-

-ter-Bualness-B ureaurtdaho— - Consuirrer Allalra or ask lor a freo pamphlel and In- lormallon from Ihe Attorney .General's ConSurner Pro­tection Dlvlslonr- State- house. Boise. Idaho S37». Phono 334-2400 or 1400- |

■ M2-5937.------------- -------------- J

P i j

m mDAYS . . ;• x t r e lin e s a t S1.0Q «ach)0 0 ■ _______________ids_ori7y ■' . . . . _L..Id W h e n it is P la c e d

n _ b o to w a n d m o ll it In w ith Ico o t 1 3 2 T h ird S I r o o t W o

— S I . , - - — T P'• lo Tlmci-Nawt Clo»iUI*dO*pf.------- r ■

}M 330I

e loi* ch*ck o r rnonoy order

I Falla, Idaho . T hu rsday . Mar

by L a r ry Wright

: , B e b ( ? e ■v a r ^ j v _______ :

E i e s - y o d f e . — r - ------------

S R A .

(, & e c m m } r m w / {

io i r H c y T _ . ______

- 2 ‘ A U -M Y y s K iT T g N s .y

— %-----------:-------------- *

d 017 BuilnaaaOpportunltlss

.CIRCUUR & HANDSAW >0 . sharpening .eoulpment lot ;0 aate. Phone: 7^.2402.S FOR RENT; In Carey, Cafe,■<i 8 0 S -equipped. Needs few * ' diahea & cooking ulensiia.

For more Infor: 823-4317.J. 'n o tl Income Proptrty

DUPLEXES- .2 or 3; bedrooms, sprinkling. .

sysiem a, heat pumps,10 Iireplaces. . EVERGREENS REAUTY. 734-3200. C.

• LEAVING COUNTRY priceI. reduced to $70,950 on a 5- i

unit apt. houae. Ideal loca- ,

c 3rd Ave. N. Twin ^ 11400 8 0 . F r. building on I approximately - 1 Acre.

i allowing you plenty ol park- s Ino lor various uses. Now - se t up-wlth 8 smalt ofllcea

and reception area. Ideal location south of Jerom e on

I busy highway.. For sale or consider lease opilon. G ood . .

• te rm s with owner. Four - ’

'*— 020 -------- MoneyToLMn' ,b BUSINESS. Commerclar.'’' 'i ;; and 2nd Morlgige Loans, i , Call Oon Ecker. 733-1088. 1 ! - -AETNAFINANCECO,-


■ S — I.According to tho new orle la- | o t londers Aave praelleilly clo sed up shop. Not us. . W o 'n got plonfy o f m on ty .

' Dla'l Finance 733-7202 []


The equity In your home can be turned Inlo cash through a last Homeownera ' loan

_ ;from Jranssm erlca'Flnanent------Services. Your money can - be used to consolidate bills, buy "big ticket" Items, re­modeling, pul . into Invsstmenta— you* decide, - D oes 'ho rd lslu rb your llrsi " m ortgage. To s e e how much . you can borrow, call: - R

” . ' in Twin Falla 733«M4 ui In Jerom e 324-234T t<

. tn Rupert 4304787 ^ ri

T i c o m M ^ T 5 « r Ij

No polnla. no jne-paym ent * _ penalty; Aetna F1nrO3-l0W.~ i J '

------------------------— ■ - tu

r r r r m r r r r r r r n n ~g ,


!»)' ' : _ _

^ - - i ' s i. S lar

i ’ t* y ou r po y m o h t;........% _ [Volf fo ”pieTeo y ou r - J -

• i - L g-------------- J —r p K T T " T ; iiH

_________________ I . .- «»- MilI * pai

I “I : rui— ^ — I : ' S I

—- ' - --j—I 2 fin*

------- :— ; ON________ .1________ I wltl

• ■ e hor• Rot

JU U U IJU U L A JU U U U JL ^ 733

A srch jg , 1961

I I I I W I I f l l 111 T

o a • , InYSitmsnl

028’ - ' - M u i l ^ ' ^ rGunrARai BANJO

le s e o n s - ' beginning or • advanced,,7 3 ^ f a . _______

after 2pm.

R e a l E s ta te __________ F o r S a le

~ W ........ 6per>HouM

' ‘DM ' Homes For sue BY OWNERI Lux 3,000 aq. ft.' Brick rambler. Lakewood

.O r„-4-8dr,-1W -balh .-lam room + rec. room. 2 fireplaces, dbl garage, mn II iaund, many extras. - No agenls. »84,S00. 734-0978 or^fft-5543 or 1 (80t) 255-

_ by OWNER- no agents^ Ex-_

r ’ "'!!bedrooms, 3 fireplace-1 In m aster bedroom, formal liv­ing' room w/cathedral cell­ing, maln'lloor lamlly room, format dining room.» t29 .C 00 .73*i^.________ .BY OWNER- large assuma- ble loan at 9.9%, low pay-

1 - _mentt,JJO O -equare-leelr-*- ~* '■t«droom72<*T>alhs7gloantlc’' family room, ' llreplace,

hobby room, utility room, f pantry, Jenced landscaped I yard, auto sprinklers, auto

E e door opener, cusiom s, 2 yeara old, prime »SI location, HOW 10

year warranty, perfect lamlly homo.»7a,800.?M.2542.

I LUXgRyUviN& for $98,900I plua a s aasumable 9% and, owner will carry some.' I303BL.

' GEM STATE REALTY925 Blue U k e s Blvd.N.. .x735338

■ NEAT 2 bdrm7 b rick r air condHj, basemenj, gatage.

good terms to quslllieci uver. Realtor owned. Days 7 3 ^ 2 3 . Eves 328-M67.

NICE TWO BEDROOM older homo on a lenced corner lot In Kimberly, large counlry kitchen,-com lonable living room has Franklin llreplace,

- -partlal-.v'^basement has'' paneled den and Irult room.

^ ^«6,500. CairEd arMARKET^ ' INd_A_SSO_ClAIES-734-4a7S.

; . , OLDER 2-BDR.. lull base- m e n l.. llreplace, commer-

• -734-7573..OLDER 3 bdrm -home, excellent cond., $41,000. 10% down, assum e .9V«% loan. 733-3440.733-4157.

- BY OWNERi'S bdr, 2 ba, 1825” aq.n.. wood stove. Jii.500-

- $4,000 down, carry contract 11%. 734-1282.____________

CALL TODAY lor Iree market aoslysis on your home.



' RIGHT FROM THE UVING- -ROOW-lhemoetepeotao----------

ular view -you have ever s e en ; Very appealing rusllc-style homo. 2 spacious bedrooms snd the master-i13x20) has a cozy fireplace. Dellghllul kitchen with allthebuill-lns. Eleclric heat---*—double - garage. -

-Atmost-2acre9-andlhrloc«=------tlon provides complete .p r lv a c y .-L ls te d -a l-m w .------

.S e e tnia unique properly and you'll love It.- TAKE A LOOK TODAYI

^ A M L E n

R EALTY _ 7 J 3 = 4 0 7 9 — -J a y f l e Co l t - — . D av e H am le irr .. . . iJWU3IJ- "

: • • • • - '

COMFORTABLE ANO COZY.4 bedrooms, lots of sto rage ,- - large utility room, covered palio. nice landscaplno. oarage. $^.000. »23BL.



home located on V4 acfttJn_ _TU/in Fi n « - - ~ Pnnl,11H •

payment and owner wilt carry a t im % . Realtor ownedi Call Lynn Rasm ussen al 733-2807 or at ?em State Realty 734-0400. DESPERATE- musi sell 3 bdrm house on fli2 2nd Ave.

ONLY, $217 or $270 month with very little down for 4 bdr home or Tax Shelter renui. RockyvM I. Realty'a V.E. 7 3 3 - 1 ^ ^ 9 2 0 anvtlme.

t T I M E S

,030____ • Homes For SiJe

* O N ASCA LEIrdm iiolO this ,, home Is dellnlteiy a 101

Beautllul 2-atory home. II


■ SPRING CREEK , ' REALTORS : 734-0600

? BYOWNERAlfordsble home for large

e family. 273 Sunrise North.;• •TrMevel with basement.H *7 targe bedrooms, 2 bitha.n • FIrepisce. central vac.___2 • All carpets, wallpaper.II •G arage has aulo opener.

" 734-8789or7344474.



I NO SPRING HOUSE I -CLEANING needed. Neat as > a pin. 3 bedrooms. 2 baths.I and a good assumable loan | . a ti2% .H asm anyextrasyou ' lust must see lo appreciate.

Call and aee the beat buy in lown-$ea,000, ' •

Larry L. Jones, BrokerC a ll..........................

BDRMS, 2 baths, iaroe sun- ^r<-:-Jk?'Wood burning flrepi in

living room. 824 sq. It. basem ent wM BDRM. Freshly painted Insld04 out. New lu?i? r$49,900.


&APPRAISAL :- - (Across fron^ Court House)734-5650____

Doug Vollmer, Broker Alda S t ro n g ........... 73^0909

-De^a^pjune^^^^ r

REDUCED FOR QuiCK SALEI Owners leaving slate alrd'Kiusi sacrlllce Ihelr lux- urlo'ua 2 year old home. Amenlllea sr« endless throughout this dellohtlul 3 Bedroom, 3 balh home. Full wall rock.flreptace In family room, loimal dining, and lhe kitchen .!eevery^_womans dreamt RV pad, patio, lenced -y ard , -over alzed garage and much m uch^ more. NE area of Tw^. $77,900. Call Jack or Carletta Cok Realtora. 734-0400 or 733-2080 eve 's & weekends.

'SMALL DOWrN7 Laroe fami- - ly? This assumable loan will make ll easy to move into this: attractive double brick home Jusl west ol clly limits near Robert Stuart. 4 Bedrooms; 1V baths, 2 ' Iireplaces, well, pasture and room lor much more In'lull

'parliatiy~unfinished ' b a s e - ' ' ment. Priced below market at $91.900.7334019. i




“ F E A 7 U R E S ~ 3 ” Bi-di=; c a th o d r d i c e i l i n g In llv

__L a o Q a ^ I s h w a s h o c _ a l c

— "CAU-FORDETfl734-4rM

A ^ w I u S . i M

I f m ile 0 » - HomasForSale

I FOR SALEI 4 Bdrm house on lls Cento Drive. $99,000 or olfer. 101 For Inlo call 1-<509}-79W>403

II on-743-filSS. Bvowner.

.W ,900-_Clean_3_t»flroom.. walk downtown, metal aid-

.breakfast nook, easy care paneling throughout, steel aiding. 68.

----- h W W -flo o m y rW W le lw Lolder home. 2 bedrooms. 2

]o bathe. Family room. Im- m edlatepossesslon.B38. $48,90D- Lovely 2 bedroom al

I, Filer. New carpet, lots ol bullNns, atorage s h ^ .

-------som e furniture avallabie.'On‘U acre, ideal for gardenerl

- ERATRobert Jones Realty

733^)404 o r .5 4 M 2 M

GET THE LOW OOWNII on this sharp cape cod house on president alreet. Central

3 f c - d ’ - r . ™ " . n r t aIireplaces. 1100 square leet

g - -piu8*partialba8ement:L-ow-- ~down-1>aytnent'and-as8ume~

exlsllngloans. $42,000.^


li • • • • . .■HOME- FOR SALE lo settle estate: 4 year old home. 1723 Oaterloh. Reasonable price..

8 Low Inlereat. 733-8771.-733-2220. OR 733-0809.

: IDAHO RRST■ trM I p• -Prestigious location,- 3■ Bedroom home on .84

y r e s HIghlawn O'lvo-

3 baths, lamlly r u m , lormai living room, and game room. Heal pump; - . sprinkling system . Sale price $118,000. Assumable toan approxl- mately$50,000 at 12% inter- ost. 2nd deed of trust llnsn-

-Ing-avallab la-to -quallliad- buyer. Call Idaho First Na-'

i tional between 9am-5pm. i 733-7260. • ' '•

- KINQSGATE Subdivision, 2200 aq. ll. home, 9 bdtms,

I ZVi balhs, 2 storage rooms, panlry, llreplace,w oodstove. forced air heat, garage & lenced yard. A

belore It goes to realtor.734-7192 . •LARGE older 3 Bedroom- home: Excellent condition. Partial basem enL-U aL«Z

„ Bedroom-*ouse In-bick-for - rental. Both for $59,900. Houk Realty, 733-0017. Open 7davsaw eek . .

. .2 BDR home. 1 acre, on N onh Street In Filer, $28 ,500: ' $9,000 minimum down-owner will carry balance. 326-5410. $27,000 Assumable 8h% In- te reat loan on this 2

'bedroom 'hO m e. Price has been reduced by $2,000 and . owner says - bring oilers.

' -VIcklJones733<32!orT6Wft- ~ and Country R e a l t o r s r ^ 0718.

) e n

i s e s :

N D S O n ^7 8 ® = = ^ ; !

d r o o m s , 2 ~ b 6 f K i T ^ ” li liv ing r o o m , k itch en

i*o o d f tf ffp lffco, __aliL co n d itio n in g -------- — —■

nr/lllS TODAY! ' P 4411n



iN C .- 2i00“7\0Op.m. d- b

'i. £vanin'g« A Sundoy* h' FICE . 703-8440-734.6346 6 1'.- 734-0269.734.6999 ^


I m i l Iiw

ale 030 ■ . HomeaForSale

SOLID 2 Bedroom, llreplace, fer. new carpet, good presi- MOS denlial street location. Only

^ DiQwooaH

-aUPfiflS-FAMlLirHOMEt-a . bedrooma, daylight base-

,m . menl, extra large garage and , r e located In excellent focale. V ,| $68,000. »3BL. .

I. 2 929 Blue U k es Blvd. N.. .I'"* - 733-5336

t r a d e YOUR EQUITYop. For this almost new. 9 dn‘ -bedroom-home-^llh-bullt^n- lerl appliancea, h e a t ' pump,

o pen beam celling In TivTng room, glassed-in llreplace, Inaulated double garage, lenced back yard and un­derground sprinkler system. Owner will Irade equily for duplex. $56,900. Call-Narfsa

- • 733-1082or324-3354on -------------- ---------------

ral YOU'LL LOVE this darling (n, contemporary A-frame In the HO N W areaoltow n.lncludea2 let .Bedrooms and lamlly room )W- -loftr-A II-for"O ftIFW 5.000r ne- - 181-201;-----------------;---------—


734-0600_ $107,000 U RG E ASSUMA­

BLE LOAN with low Interest ratel Very lovely home In

Us prime NE area. Loaded with " fop quality amenltlesl Onlyl 5 - year .old, extra Insulation,'■ heal pump, 9 bodrooms, 3V4

baths, formal dining area.' dining area In kitchen witn bay window, built-in appli-; ances including microwave, central vacuum, -luuiar- ground sprrnUHngdn-mTnrln

1- GEM STATE REALTY f ADDISON OFFICE*' 1605 ADDISON AVE Eig 734-0400;1- = r- $31,500 EASY OWNERSHIPI V Small cash down and the d- owner-wllt carry the balance - i- on this cute 3 bedroom I. - home. Full basement, large _ (25x14'} Shop wilh _2_

overhea'd doors, plus 1, garage. 1681-A.


A 1609ADDISONAVEEn 734^MOO' y -------------------------------

$38,000 ONLY $10,000 CASH OOWN and owner will carry

n- paper on ..Ihls lovely con- I. 'dominium. O ecorated In'. 2 earth tones<jnd leatures 2 ' r -spac ious— bedroom r— IW*")• batha. prlvale Aaloomr oil ' n dining* room. 6uill-In"leoll-

ances, plus relrlgerator.- Tolal electric with air cond i- .[< -Honing'. Fireplace, yard

care, and M O REjl507.A.._ J.

GEM STATE REALTY i ADDISON OFFICE . ", ' 1609 ADDISON AVE E 1 734-0400 ■ -•- -4-BEDROOM,.2.atory,home.' on 1.3 a c re r in the country.

P erfod-'vlow dl.valley, and mountains. Only $U.OOO. LoMoyne Realty 7334874,

■ Bill Fullmer 543<W . _____

■ $44,900 SUPER SHARP ' HOME In excellent- NE

_ _locallonL-Com pleto_w llh_C bedrooms. 2 batha. Nicely decorated, double garage, fenced. Assumable loant Must see . .good pricel 1027-A.


---------- teOS-ADDISOFrAVE-E-------• - 734^00 •

5 BEDROOMST2 balhs. step saving' kitchen and extra large lamlly room with cory llreplace and bullt-ln bar. Priced below m xkot value. $59,900,181-191.


73^0600 _ _ _ _$0000 WILL GET YOU Into ! IMS large * R^^trpnm i«mi(Y_ _

—hOmerindTOU'carrW aume Ihe existing VA loan. D on'|_ ;

—lel-U hls-ona-pass-you-byl— 1 #60-192;- — ■----- -j


- ~i

$88,900 BEAUTIFUlTBRlCk- I HOME a l a fanusllc pricel 5

: bedrooms. 2 baths, large ' ' laniliy room with carousel i

llreplace. f^lus conventional _flreplacojnj|y |ng 'room ..loi»_ J - o i-a to ra g e , full b a se m e n t,- - "pallo . large garden spot. ^

GEM STATE REALTY . n z s u D i s o R m c E z z H-------iftOiAO ^ ^ AV&E---------a

PRICE REDUCtioN Irom- F$38,000 lo $34,000 on this ^cute 2 bedroom home. 'Hm akes for a real good buy. |(VA aaaumable loan o l ' m$30,400 at 1114% makes this athe buy oM hq,w eek .^_Cail- h

Town and Country Realtora, 77334716,, . ________ 'iQUIET LOCATION- Neal 3 h

■ bedroom, 1<4 bath, close lo i< high .school. J37.900. Call ' EVERGREEN REALTY. |c 734-3200. Kolar. 733-6848!., H Perkins. 7334480. I 7


*"#*<* inM m

" I ■ im ^ j f

le . 030- ■ HomasForSale ie, PIERCE ST. "locallon.- 3 s i - , Bedrooms, 2 -baths, full tly . bsiiit. oarape. $52,900. Main

PRESTIGIOUS AREA- large -9- -ym itg-brick— 3~ ia ih 's , r e- ^replaces, electrlo heat, luti id basement. $78 500e. EVERGREEN REa Lty

734-3200, C. Perkins 733- 0480. Conner 733-4019. Kolar,

$73,500 EXCELLENTLY LOCATED 4-LEVEL home In the best'srea in Twin. Very

. livable lloor plan wlih super___fam lly_room _2_'llagstono_

I'' fireplaces with large lire ^ boxes, 4'bedrooms, 2 baths,|0 Iota- of storage. Double »< carport,' beautllully fand- ^ fenced yard.


$92,50irBFiAND NEW AND Q COJrtPLa-ELYGORGEOUSI ; Another beauty by Lyle 3 Frazier you must seel n W estern style 2 Slory with 4- -b e d n jo m sn w -M tn srf im iiy------ roomr-atudy,-llreplace,-de»-

luxe kitchen with glaas cook / top, quality bulll-ln appli-’ ances, p lua ' Microwave, garden window, wood entry,- neat pump, tots ol Insulation & storage. Double garage. U f^ e lot In^pMme new NE


1609ADDISONAVEEL 734-0400

P I - OutOtTownHonie» BUHL- Clear Creek Mead-

, ows Subdlvlilon. New 3 I Bedroom, 2 bath, 2 car

gsrage, immediatepossession at only $48,900 wlih1JW % down. 11% Inler-

“ ^5t.-W esl Gnd'Realty,'130 G. '

BURLEY prbperiy'foysale or irade. 4 Bedroom home, full basem ent,' ^ Acre. Cali678-1605.________________EXTRA CLEAN & nice 2 atory home in Kimberly. 2

-bedroom,-2-balh8.-D>yllghl- - basement could be used lo r 3rd bedroom and family



Handy Realty-610 So. Lincoln '• ■"

CLEAN ■& COiY 'this ’ 3 bedroom family home haa

■ everything you need._ $39.TO. Call Ja y n e ,-_________

SUPER SHARP homo .with approximately 4200 square feet. 9 large bedrooms with bulll-ln drawera, and' aepa-

' rate family' room -and game rponi. $12(J,000;

ON ACREAGE 2 story, 3 . bedroom. 2 bath home, large

utility room, family kitchen. ' carousel fireplace, plus oul- buildlngs for horses. .

- »0^.500-BAREGROUND

. iV i ACRES wilh assumable <’ loan,$12,000. ■ • ,

2 ACRES, north ol Jerom e,• ■ $10,750. -------

- 2.38 ACRES west o< Jeromo,--^11,000---------------- -------,------

OFFICE...........32W311 1Suzanne W arr........ 324-5669 >Bev MorettI ........... 324-9334 (John K o ett............. 324-4057 iDot Handy ............. 324-4339 3Jayne Fields ......... 324-5836 •

' IN WENiTell- 3 bedroom. ' m bath, oa£aaB.-storaoa <

■ -shedrTruifTreea, & berries, t$39,900. FHA llnaneed. quail- Efled buyer assum e 8% loan ia t $192 monlh. 536-6514. eLEASE-w/Opllon to buy- tsolid starter, In Jerom e, t$18,250. Jim Volk, BIg.Wood aReilty. 733-5605. " SNEAT LITTLE 2 Bodroom bhome lor amall family. Only 'h$23,000 and owner will nego- n Ilate on terms. 324-3700.

-N0RTHWE6,T-BUHL-r-m odr —’ern 3 Bedrooms, 3 Acres, _ J

't a c h e d lo i a r green house. -S tw ^^flrep laee ._Jenn-a lr..

’OLDER 2 Bedroom home on2 lots In Eden. By owner. iGoodiatarter home. Priced ,to ael^. Cali 825-5303. 'ONLY $24,000 for a 2 3bedroom home In Filer. S Covered paUo.-shedrlenced-back- yard. See it now.- A Excellent renui property. - ..if,

BIG WOOD REALTY 7 3 4 ^ 1 I Barbara51>aw....... 7344387 w

? R w I a l” » Juafreduced ' Jf '$2S 00-on-lM s-1090-sqr-ftr - & home with a full basement. 2 ' n

‘bedrooms up and 2 down ,pl ^ t v- la ro e - re c - room end‘ -uiniiyrAfoW HIvlng^fea^nd- ‘-® -a-auper-buy .-Farm -H om e: -*»' ^00%'^ln«ncl^g^Calt-Tom:o^ irOi Ll2 al 734-1377 or O em 'Slate ^Really 733-5338.__________ . wTHIS 4 BEDROOM Home In Bl Kimberly has an extra large « lot, work ahop, llrepUoe and - P' wood-coal atove lor heating, ty And sewing room. Lots ol house— lor - th e - ^money.— Bl W jO O ^ h ro - ta k e a R etify lu

3 BEDROOM, all alec(?lc 0« home. Garage, nicelenced-ln backyard wilh va- 73riety of Irull trees. Nice 73locallon In 'Jerom e. $41,000. o 'Hou» 7JM0I7. Op«n i l7davsaw eek . 73

I m

I LUJIds 031 0.utolTownHomsi

~ 3 1W SQ.FT. Ihfing space, 1Vi fuli baths, excellent eond, ■"

lain garage, garden, Irult trees.

raa 3 BEDROOM home with full ' - - ^2 ~ 'Unfinished— Basement— l i r ^ tuii Kimberly. FMHA llnanclngi iOO. Call42^32or733-3243. , TY, • •S; ro FimiitRiimni ■;~ rigation farm, 3 bdrm home'- iy * basement, cattle & row ~- , r . crop se t up. Nice outbullit- L „ Ings. 29% down, will carry

balance. Ideal lor dairy. •?n . _ “ i S 2 i ________________Ire DOUBLE-5 Herringbone, 200 -•• ns, head cepsclty, close-in to , ' ble .Wendell. Grade-A aet uD,.a;.‘; Id- 'HighaasumableloanJfquA- ta.

FARM FOR SA~LE, 148 Acrea,' located aouth ol Kimberly. '110 presently larmed, -(0 shares TF canal water, . .

-excellem geotftermal— _ potemial. Priced $245,000. : • JP ^4-5957 or 42^5557._______

1 O U T STA N D IN G ' T

I®!. URGE GRADE A DAIRY, iiy - -now-mllklng-over-^OO-headrjT^-

,ll. - ^ w s & e<^ulpment avalla-'

?n‘ 175 ACRES AT BUHL, o iit^ ,- . 0 . Standing home. Dairy calf.' , IE aet-up. High ;development .

' potential.

22 ACRE DAIRY. Cowa 6.. Ieed available.

B a m e s R e a lty • %;.1 0 4 3 B I ^ ^ ^ N o n h .


>0 We have qualified buyers r- standing in..iine, fp r.g o o d ' .. "B o ?* '5 rw rv ^ ^ m / R a n t i i™ ^ir SpeclallsL • •

'! M A RK ^It^^^O CfA TES

y ____ :_C4»«ny»ma.. _ •2 WENDELL- 40A- Nice liroa__i j r rh-om'e.-ho/s^-Bam. oorrars,— - - ir hay shed, machine shop. -y graineries, full water; bare land, water.avallablej_____0* - S e in o ^ h ‘ff:S3<H25a.

■' WOOLIES WELCOME At this good 60 acre row - -

1 crop/livestock set-up~'near ‘ . Buhl. Three bdrm hom e,- '

. lambing shsds, shop/ f garage.. ASSUMABLE-- -J. LOAN. Would make a good -

dairy site. Call Bob - McKlnstry 734-7860;.

h Robert Jones Realty S 7 3 3 ^ )4 0 4 o r5 4 M 2 K . ;

#1 IN DAIRY SALES '_ ;■2 R ati Eatite Unllmllad atlla “" ipore-dalry property l/isn'.-i--

tnyonoelaeln ttieva iloy .'

'■ Rex Knodle ...........543-5990 -r . _JohnTolK .^rtw .,rc32fr624t— .

JimVarley ............. 734-484B!:' , Jerry Jack ao n ....... 321-5922. •>

» Tom Floyd ............. 324-6912: -Kay Gilbert............. 734-8372,.,-,


1 - --------- 7334107--------- -i—I 170 ACRES CLOSE .TO I JEROME. 2 /lomea, - ahop.I amall.dalry^Sarn. Call Jerry r at R e ll« B U te Unlimited ••I 7334107. or a*-5922.«59.I "40 ACRES’‘.-full w a te r " '

_ rlg tits .-h ia .2.-.atmlhftomn«— with great view. Wdtfd m ake"

I excelleni- dairy - ' a lte .- ; MUnroe-Roblrta R. 'E. 110 ' Broadway N. Buht: Call Jdt>n .

I 5434806 or5434339:69 ACRES, Twin Falla.- EXC.

64 ACRE- dbl 6 herringbone* dalro. improwmenla .the . - J boat, nice new.3 bedrpom - home. Includes 200 coms.& machlnery.0nly$840,000. -

-good 2 bdrm homS,**^T _AnaiflB.«ater.4300,oOOr-Cali-^.^^'

Ed. _ • . „ ,V .

^C A R U B in X E R R gA lT Y "~^H rT

Ml / t o i M t u a V.". .

ABSOLUTELY CHARMINQ.,- - ru s l lc home on 1 Acre NE ol '

TWIrt. This-home haa 2000-" so ,-11 all on one level and " w is designed lor enlerUln- ' .

U lnfllr’^ lltv r th e a r -b e a u tllu r '' flowing rooma. Stunning full'”Vfall rock llreplace, large wa -<

—bar, den, raept^i'i------• rate rnister bedroom aulio

'7344400 or 7 3 3 - ^ e v e 's T ^ weekends.BEATIFUL CANYON Club lot with lake & all recreation

f,a n y t i m e . ____________

-BEAUTIFUL -large- n e w a r" - ! home, 2 balhs, 21lreplaces,r

22x29 lamlly-room, doubl*"., garage, nice pasture-lo r..> flvestoek. M«]n West Really, 7 3 4 ^ . Harold K eiihiw ::,7334071. i__________ J -0 ACRES wilh water 1 ml. s of Twin. Owner carry 11;* % .,., 734-8296./ •

■1* " .L " " '

— —'.^. I ■ , ,W M T ^ ------- -

O A U - A T T H E V • Q S A M B T I M B . /

I .

038 .'Acrwgv&LoU 041

BY OW NER-m te re s , well

■ S S Z f i ' S ^ ' ^ S i s' . home, outbullSlngs. 733- ev

^ _________________ ___ 12CHOICE 2 acres In Filer. stiBeautiful view. S12.000. 73:Phone:32».5MS. ■ 12

peEXCELLENT BtJiLOINO st(SITE* 5 acres/ watar. 2 miles doSouth ol Rler. Panoramk;. apview. Call Betty a t 32M0aQ .'T ior Oem SUIe Realty 733- u ,SSS:___________________ Be

K : r c « « ' : s ; f ;

CltyM w ef*w «ter., aii

S . ° ° a ! S a S : S !' 6.11 ACRES on Snako River or<

Canyon will) beautiful view. i9e>.Plione 3244134. g«.

. Very neat 3 bedroom 2 balh ts?fiome on 1 acre. 1140 sq. It. tan with attached oarage. £«(Enclosed baekyara w lh catcovered palio. o*nfen spol. '4^ fruit trees, sheds, corrals, lenced pasture adequate forhorse, calves, or sfi^ep. m VMusi see to appreclale. 2t1 ^Orchard Dr. W. 734-2477. 1 «lu .coo . ele

P tn a iso K n o ir B su ios. Blacktop dead-end road. ***'

s ;■ 1 AC. w /u n a l waler 1 u S. “ SIw

Twin. Owner cariy. 11M%. u / , OI[rd. ud .u t.-?34:g ^ . ____2H ACHES, excellent build- ' 4 , tno site on paved road. Near I golf course. Four Seasons flM/fy;-3erome, 324-7545 or TotEulaal324-7945.__________ shli

' 2M Acres -f 2 Bdr house, * cinder block shop 2 miles Irom Buhl. 54W7S2, 543-

-w a 3 .---------------------------------—25 ACRES'SUte platted & aut>dtvlded property.175,000. Between 7pm-f0pm,844-cei4.________ •3 ACRES south of Buhl With . 3 <1 su te ly older home, tots of Brld outbuildings. Owner wltl >nle carry paM r. Call Renae Phi -Rustln 7 3 M m orTown and Country Reattora. 733-0716. ^

-rS-ACRE View P arcelsrB uhr area. $750 down. Call 734-

— ------.5 ACRES, SW ol Jerom e. -R Q

assumable loan. After — eom. 324-2424. . .0505 ACRES prime Sdutheasl ^ area, Jerom e. Assume 10% furn loan. Call anytime aHer 4pm, oari7 3 4 .im ____________ j g

' S.M ACRES overlooking i m Twin. )12,S00. Paymenta a1 unb

.9% . Call nights 734-13^: m Ii days 734-4M8 Scott. ■

, _ ro ' B.ilnl«Pro9W)_ COMMERCIAL— LPT— In- "PaWJerom *' 70x135 and -ISO x ^ISO. Purchase together lor rqc179,000 or could purchaae roor

. •*paral«ly,.Ojn»rJir»nclng_ _ t l60. available____ Call .Patty drift

° ® i ) N S c € R E A L T Y w /h ------- 7 3 W 0 8 2 c r t2 « 3 5 4 ---------new

4,000 S Q .F . SHOP '>“ 1on maln.^reet In Filer, new ffil

a l Mrti«r/no A ssociaM .73*4878.

W . CMIOTlDll1 LOT IN Rose Vale Distrlci. ooo<i w s s i — ^m ' Conbofflbihm For Sale ^FOR INFORMATION for CL&Condominiums for Sale or le tLease CALL LYNWOOD RE-' >200ALTY73M211or 733-1011. CLB

“ ■ moni — OB ■■■|*obU<HoniwfofS>»»- - c o u g-•AURORAMOBILE HOMES* 6X11

Homes wllh style, quality VV/D and low prices. Come and

t tn^— IPILE•and Washlnolon 61.-North, t140orcall734<3yo. • » • • 73*^BROOKDAIE 14x65, llpout, HOU

' all electrle. new carpets. BUtitfirepl., Arctic insulation, carp<

- t o w — INTEREST FHA-' assumable loan on 397B 2 IN I

Bedroom,' alt-electric'Q ov- lahetem or. Owner wlll negotiate * deon ,e q u lty .3 2 4 4 ^ ;____ _ ^

-MOBILE HOME LOTS for: :b*dnaale. From 110,800. Al Pole flnlaf

STARCRAFT MOBILE wooc HOME, con^U^e w/wMher ^ la ^ .

conditioner and alorage ence ah«d.— Very clean, - Tn h p T Bhelby’a Mobile Home Park. {lf« i

3 a . . ° f f i s a 3 g “ STO BE MOVEOI 1961 caredoublewlde 24x58' Skyline amok

"•■ O f* a i~ Room” ■ frea- montelandlnQ llroplace,- 3 - eftce:Bedrooms, 2 batna, skirting, s' b ei

VMNT^b BUY- older m ^ e t c a wualler house suitable ler SloScjab6r.Ph:654-735l . . 3 B fiFOR SALE: 2 BDRM really carpenew 14x64 TAMARACfC. aMe73M857,------------------------ . .. m a

t h e


i i r i w

y go. I - g-t91

045 MoblltHomes'ForSale 0!

• 10x50. good condition. ” needa hol water heater;S2400 or best oiler. 324-3407 0eves.___________________ hi12X441071//ASHl/A-2bdrm, O' stove, relrloerator. skirting, w 733-6102after5pm. . ■ a 12x64' selup In nice aduU- park, carport, -’SIciitAd, ' - storage shed, storm win- dowa, A/C. Musi see lo Si appreclale...v»434ise or b<

! T U ^ . ________________ Pj14x65' CQli^RO.- 2 - - f l Bedrooms, A /C ^ sh lr tln g , <o e«6cond.Call324jM 7. »£

_14rt6QUAUTY.3ML.UfljM - Tl moved). Famlty kltchen, 1V4 bi

r ^ S i . n S S ? ' ' ' l i K sLota of extraa. Call Colleen. ^ n ^ M j d e Realty n^lCie2 ^

I W i2xSa'” HlLtCfiEST. 3 yI Bedrooms. }4800. Call 32*-

1B71 TAMARACK 12x60, 2 - 2^ targe bedrooms, (Ireplace. „

S ' M " ' " ”"' f'l97214x70S£OCyOM-3bdr.2 'Sfbath, electric heat, stove 6 ‘irefrlg., double Insulated, 2 1tll.OW . 536-2724 eves. a'l 1081 CONCORD 24’ wide, allelectric, storm windows, IK 2 EJ a th , much more. 2 or 3 ^Bedrooms. Order today. 3 | cweek local fac ton delivery ^and se l up. S19.2K or It no ^

day; M a g lc ^ ^ y Mobile & TS Marina. fa< 1 4 l.

1981 G L E N RIVER p_______6” W A a

Tout Electric, house siding. I f ' Shingle rool, completely

SELL------------ ---------------------------- J»ei

A ls6 7 o th o n o n lo llo se e —


3 miles north ol Perrlne A^ Bridge on Highway S3 and InlersUleeOJuncllon. “ 2» PhOne734-3167or3244203.

MOUNTAIN HOME -&50Airbaa«Road.58741M--. ^ 1

Rentals . ^DM >1 f m H c u u i

EXTRA.NICE 1 . Bedroom,, nevfurniture,' app l;' W/0, ele<oarage. Referencea. S200. £ -

_________:_____ t aLARGE lurnlshed 1 bdrm $12

■*REASONABLE RENT*' 1 bdrm ,. carpeted ,. carport.w aler,-aanilatlon,.electricty- S m

ROOM-MATE NEEDED, roomy, new, modem home, t1S0coveraallexp«nsea.No._ ^ JrHtere.734-5254.._,: ^SMALL 2— room home w/bam. Ideal for 1 person. ^

» rp e le d . 6100 month 4 de- - CI.E « .l l .7 J H « 7 o r7 IH W 7 , -

051' Unfunt Houses Fo( Rant FUFAVAILABLE APRIL 1 - 3 hSfi)drm. close to schools & ^ihopplng. Built-In appll- fUJi f M M S ^ ^ - f e o o e d ^ r d ^ )lec. heat wllh storm win-lows, underground FUF

i s K ' & U " ' ' " - ' -3EAUTIFUL 4 BDR house, ^}ood location for kids, FUF:a>pet. drapes, llva stream, apa) e ra required. $400 mo. Mot’33-6048.________________ SIX:LEAN 2 BEDROOM close FUFe school. W/D Hook-up. pluiaoo deposit. 7330647. pan:LEAN 2 bdr house. 1160 Pf',''. nonth. »75 deposll. irfarrted

bcTBA NICE 2 Bedroom. FUf V/D, appL InsuUted. Reler- incesTlM0.733-4»44. 732:

fOUSE In the country NE of f J j! nmi. 2 bdrm. All electric & ^ arpet. Small pasture & i 'n ! larden flpol. *250 monm + 'um 1 _ d e p o s l l . No_peta. ^ ^

Filer 1" bdrm unfum- AP^ihed, gas h e a t no pels. t 80 ^.d e p .’V3»4952.5434640. NICl ARGE home 8. lot. 3 lo 4 >*droom8,.2 baihSrJu ii4 jiv^inlshed baaemeni. Garden NICio o l* fruit trees. 73^0638. partAROE 3 BORM, llrepl, ^,’1"

ARO ESbdr.countryhom e, 2 2 ^

lEAT, clean. 2-bedroom, 2p-oui mobile home in r S iountry near Curry. Stove,' RESifrtO.,'water, sewer & lawn reorare provided. Adulls. no rentm okersor Inside pets. 6210 BDR

5 f£

f iBEDROOhl-elean. kitcl

»6 a fte rao m ..; ............ ' weei

V _________________■

/ -a ^ - Q

fic EW= 8« (C 7 ( f

ost Un(um.K«iHiForRwt 052

- B E N T l ^ O m C N —

ComlorUble 2 - bedroom Clohome wlih fireplace, private 0£7dlnlno area, full basement 1 biwilh llnlshed family 'room, BOfsingle car garage, fenced lurr back yardrtocstad 100 block-

..on Buchanan St.' Realtorowned. 7334317or73M340^ AduSMALL cozy *n clean 1 --orT:bedroom, $150 per month' , “55Plus deposll. 7 ^ 1 8 2 . , ,5 i

-SMALL 2-Bedroom housefor r e n t kk)s & pets $150weLcomB.Call;734,l688._ . —TIRED OF RENTING? Then nubuy a riew 3 Bedroom home — ■In-Jereme-w lth-no-money- - Adown, (Inanclng througn SiFarmers Home Admlnisira-' ___tlon. For Information call -all3 2 * ^ , - . - . - . . - ill.YOUNG MARRIED COUPLE, w /atwllh small chlld, t 'a r i^d o g posi

Would like to reni a 2 bedroom home with fonced Adulyard. 733-2369.___________2 BDBMS, adulls preferred. atTI

mon'h. ajwr

2 BEDROOM country home, h e it alt eleciric, nice quiet ioca- *100tlon. 1200. j4»6330 A ^2 encloaed yard, unfu

acfiools & pafk™?423 7m Ave° only

k j . s u x i t h s r p ;2 ^ EDROO ^ ome^doa»jn

733^74 .-__________■3 BDRM home In Jerome. All . . carpeted. No pels/small f

3 BEDROOM HOME for rent- ' 9 ^ appliances furnished. Im-


1)3bdrm allelectrlc,kllchen hooK appliance^, new home.- .csi. ADULTS, sm. house, pet ok. moni $325.00. I -:—2) Another ’ new home. 3 c, bedroom, all electric, kitch- , > 3 en appliances, ADUuts, sm. . 1 * ^ houae,petok:$335.00.3).King8gata^ubdlvl9lon,.3.. . g r X

X T o i ' . r - ' * ' * ' " ' ' ’S l l Shannon at 734-6370.

052--^~Fu'mTApliDtt[ilem- -A BRIGHT, clean apartment, ___

e rectrlc lw *A du lts*70^ '* J^*^rA CLEAN 1 tidrm a p t rentlum ished. all ulllllles paid, .cappi$125/mo. 7344070. como

- c S7334363 LARC


AVAILABLE SOON, clean 1 Bedroom. *150-4 deposit.Some utilities paid. 734!:^t. . LUKE r a 3 ^ 5 .-_ - . '. . ^ - -«M orCLEAN STUDIO apartment, 7^

CLEAN WELt-FURNISHEO (vaial Studio & 1 bdrm ap ts.r alU jlllllles.733-6261.FURNISHED Bachelor Aprifloanm ent. Can 73346U ovn’saetore noon, ask for Janice, fTfyuFURNISHED APTV, 2 rooms duple h«Vtv. ^«3<L___________________ ___ eachFURNISHED .1 Bedroom' *250nlewly remodeled & painted. Nowi1155 monlh + deposit ' NEWr34^tt73,7344069. forrei ‘URNISKED 1 .Bedroomipartment, W/D*lncludad. la RQMost util’s paid. -Possess 73446t/23. $165momh. 733-7568. jJiSg ''URNISHED APT., 3 rooms stove'}lus bam, remodeled, wood locatii

N ic T

:URN|SHED 2 Bdrm Apt. all ^ 6 0 . ' illlitles lurn., good location., ayait v >3>5923.734.5fe3:— — 4pm. I

urnished, Uundry facilities 2 aivaltable. *165 + *75 clean- apartrn e dep. 324-7204.324-7586. «tfTCHENEHE. alt ulll’s Je to gum . Weekly rates. Available YOU)ow. Echo Motet. 73W1B- • jo rx ©

KPARTMENT7 Cail Ouillcl’a. ' s m c K'33-2840.____________sS m ri\C S 1 bdrm, carpeled,- -laQdA' vater paid. $175 month. LSHISi-veninos 7344578,-------------- .YOU’l<tCE 1 bdrm b a se rh e n t r ’ 2 txJfn lartly (um. Good area. wMhe jtm iies pah). No pets, w - Slngle male. Dep., R e t, emokj

733-3254.____________ 1 bdU

w tr-A lt-utlllU es-lnctuded.-teasonable. 7 3 4 4 6 5 3 .- - 2 BE>A TTTU tCY -nffM m>dffir TW>P'«ip t , some utilities pd., P’lancio a e le downtown. $ l r f + v a r f7Sdepo8lt.734.143B. i2 M *lESPQNSIBLE female 3 BECoommate needed lo ehare r e n t ten t & expenses In fum 2 CallafIDRM .condo. Appt color 3- BCV .7344392aftef^m ._ ; g.rafliWIN FALLS. Two-J bdrm- a lapojpts. 1 completely fumlshed pakl. tj S j A f g i 'g " ' ' ' ’” ' ' ” -

DUPLEX spartments: 7 __Itchen apartments; Conve- APT'S ilent locallon. Singles or Roomi

F J g P S . . . .

I T""" EVERy;— ------------------------W A N = n! V tS e r ih /7 2

052 Fum. A pt 8. Duplexes 05i

U nder Naw M tm gom ent W<CLEAN, cute apartm ent deClose to downtown. 734-2461 >e{or 733-2513.__________ ft- ^1 BOR fumlshed apl.;$120; 1 ^ BOR unlumlshed $l6o. W /S- ^05«MrT}:.CIose:ln..7 3 3 4 8 3 y ^ , ^ TSD RM Tnd^IUO IO rStffrF- =bdithing f u g u ^ x c e p t lights, tloiAdults; 20ff4m StN . 733-2653 Chior 734-6325._____________1 BEDROOM furp basement W/apartm ent non-smoker, all palulll 's fum Includ/no WiD. poi1150 month. 733-2672. —— — 05,0S(— Unhmi.ApLADupiaxes -



Bosit No smsll-<hlfdron or ava,.l..733 -5 im .____________ LotAPARTMENTS For Rent- ?,Adults Only l Lvnwood t ' . ManorAols..733-366a.ATTRACTIVE 1 Bedroom . 733.

s j ilea t. W/D hookup. $170.4 noo depoalt 733-2573. m flA C nV E 2 Bedroom ^ jnfumished duplex. 315 S ,. .ocust Street North. Adults )nly no pets. *210 month -f 175 Cleaning deposit. Water I sanlUtlon fumlshed. OR


1 Bedroom, stove, refrlgera- 0 7 or, dishwasher, disposal, 144 sundry facilities, tol lots. Enc :hlldren welcome. HW 30, 9 " -iler. Call 3264053. TwIi :L£AN Irg 2 BDRM a p t PPi| Carpeted, range & ref. H eat.- -^< 1 valor & sanitation pd. $165. ^ 344070. ~ Prol iXCEFnONAL-2-bedroom:- Jlshwasher. refrigerator,apWc.ri.’!'!!! sss:si. Adults, no pets. $260 rtonlh. 734-6360.__________ ___

FALLS APARTMENTS 8,2 bdr. apartments. Warm

friendly atmosphere loginning' $195" momh.' U shw asher.-gafbaoe-dis* - — osai available. Close to olldge, schools & shop- |n^. Children welcome. 664 ^

CALL 7 3 4 ^ \ jlERITAQE - HOMES In erom e has apartments lo - m l for elderly and handl- apped. Rent 25% of In- omo. Phone 733-5785. lousing Authority of tne:ltv of Jerom e. ______ARGE BASEMENT apart- lent. Children and petstQlcoma,734«l688------------ -----------ARGE-SLEEPINQ, room >lth balh & relrigerator. $95.M-7785. _ - ■ ~UKES MQNT: ta rge aiu-lo!a-&-1-BDR-Apta.-Heat.----------'Otor,atove,refrlg. .734-5325,. ____vuJflSS.inOERN 2-8dr 4-olex nearligic - - Valley H osp ita l.'--------rater; sanllatlon &-kitchen flpliances lumished. $220 or month -f deposit. Avail, p rill.D ays leave message,?e’B call collect 837-6392.EW ALL ELEC. 2 bdrm uplex In Jerome. Includesiov»<-frig^uliiiiy -areaH ni-------^tch unit, garage. No pets. S0~momh -t- $150 deposit. ow available. 324-5940. -EW 3 BEDROOM Duplex • ,r re n t 7344766.EWER 3 bdrm 2 ba a p t ARQE. lum./unlumished. 144663.733-5217.ICE, clean, studio , a p t love, Irlg. sofa/hlde-a-b«d, cation near city oark. $140

ICE clean 1 BDRM apart- antiTrduple*rStoy(r6TeT.“ '— ^ 60. W ater & heal paid. Not rail until 3 /28.734-3U6 after ' im .P refero lde rpe rson .. ,.

2 and 3 bdrm townhouso > Mrtmenta. 25% ol income .

applicants.iroma 324-6107.3U DESERVE THE MOST

K a s s - ' j K S i ' . a : - —taclous apartments.Mimming pool, beautifully- -

JU’U-LOVE m Gorgeous —ixJrmrW/O-hook-Hjp, d iah ----------isher, private fenced yard.8 0 - 4 --$100-depcalt No - nokersoii>els.7S4^B65.


BEDROOM all - alectrk: ___>plexrcarp*trTJr*|j6inf|P-----------


S S ? - 'BORM duplex. Twin,

rage, stove, dishwasher, iposa l,-ca rpe led . Water W. N o ^ s ^ ^ month -f .

16' floomsFofRent ' h>T'S & Kitcheneites $50; & «m a siaitlng *35. uiit. 1 . »

V Kln § i w 6 7 f e JJ! 7 T . y otfi

— «3C■ ■ _ _ _ !

^ S I


056. Rooms For Rent WORKiNQ MAN- reni *75 +~ f®! deposll. Bath & kitchen prtvl-

•OST Renal MobOe Homes ,51 EXCEPTIONALLY c iea n _ 2 _ jU I bdrm, fumlshed.“ irc e loca­llon, space rent paid. No *5 ;hlidrenorpets. 73^167. *Ct i4x64 tou t electric, includes - *?! HID. Stove, ref, all ulll'a !£ Mid. *250 month V *75 de- M s l t A H e r i f ^ n * ^ ^ g^,

056 Office tBuHfntafanM -{jJ}


:a llB arU r» ........... 734-2550

APPROXIMATELY 560 aq. ft. m u ivailable March 1, 1981..ocated al 1061 Blue U k es ortn)lvd North In Galford Feder- cu iit Bulldlog. Good access Anrind free parking. Call Bruce t^ i/4echam at Globe Realty, Pd33-2626.________________ ___ASJiVAIUBLE April 1st- new milflce space in the Falla ^ s e s s io n a l center. 734-


I s k i ” ' I)FFICE BUILDING for rent.120 aq. ft. Conuct; An. t z nlerson Blake Fay Insurance. B*f>a ' Main AV6 E iM fTwIn!" r S^6_11.____ ■ ei07IFFICE SPACE for lease^ ^ 44 sq.ft. Contact J-U*dinalneers Inc., North Pfaza dMiifffCM, 800 Falls Avenue, jng.

ibenson’s. Ph. 733-0102. High rofessional .ol(ic».«acace -flbei lose to hospital. Medical o r . ta re enUi. Approx. 700 s q . t f ape< WO per month. Alt utilities a b n aid.H44670QR7344342. husi

...... " ?■ .


. Driveways, paiios, waiKS.


rX ouse.K -businesses. Rea? sonabie ra te s . References Given. Ph. 734-0630. ACMEPERSONNEL"

_ A £ S y .iC E ______________ __

-------We have a"be tte r way oldoing III Call Walt 7 3 4 ^ ;

_ ^ o r - « to p In a l 633 Blue Lakes Blvd.N.

■ Anrlcuilural ServiceWe have backhoes. trucks, lackhammera. concrete wall & Iial lay peraonnel lo do irrigation pipeline inatalla-

^^^Dfl.^BUUAO.pond.excavaii. -lion, septic aystem s. etc. WIlLs 1>Tc . . 7 3 ^ 1 1 . . ^ _ BACKHOE . _

HIne Backhoe 'Exoavatton, din hauling, aeptlc systems,

Htravel hauling, basements, free 81 concrete removal, frrlaatlon system s, small sediment ponds cleaned. Tim Hlne7344365.734-1650. BACKHOE

Mohr ic i ib o e Senrice. Top aoll, rock, dirt moving.



7 CARPENTRY' --------------

. ' -All Bhaaes. Concrete, finish

Pruning, w ^ l n g , mowing, roto-tllling, Iree esiimates.7 3 4 ^ .S 2 4 ^ 0 6 2 ._______m U P I FTP j f ARD CAWe —

Lawn & oarder) rolo-llt11ngr

“ T T T S r C f r_ _ c ^ . work ouannleed.


Formlngn'lnlshi'rroTrem^eT, elc. The beat lor le ts . Free estlmate.3244407eves.

- BE

T H E \o n O fflcai Business Ranlal ^

AVAIUBLENOW ..J:.-* ahexcelleni 30x20’ commercUl & rolflce space iti prime Indus- dietrial agnculiurat location. 733*300 par monlh. Warehouse ,,*r space alao available; Call. ? i ^ ^ ^ r 733;7721.f0fm0f» ^

~CH0I(5e OFFICE SPACE. ' “g reat locatkm. 6S» aq,H.. upoaalbte warehouae atorage 'H also. Call 733-2000.DOWNTOWN SMCe avalla- *

u tnlllesM ld m « 3 0 .K r is . ms ----------------------- W

. ' S A V E « $ I

For feae than the cost of o n e - -BR employee alone, you can Ire

teiSsfflr •“.r.a sicomplete with... pal


w i E ^ s r s f ^•COPIER•DICTAPHONE s m•ALL utilities S f•CLEANING SERVICE ^

Satlalactlon guaranteed. ^ Cali now lor more Informa. ,UI “ « > " ■ ______ dell

7 3 4 - ^ 8 _ _ |

IWAREH^SEORSHOP • 423- SPACE: From 1 » 5 .to 6750 c u isquare t«el wlll be available riouIn new.bullding located In a oanprime Industrial/.’ Commer. orclal area In Twin Falls aboul Mar

r 16. Space can be mered to your needs. Call 394-

Ed a t MARKETING ^ ASS<XIATES 7344675.200 SO. R olflce with park- Som

Eg;i OFFICES..avaiUble 8. 1 coni eceptlon area a t 1120 N orth . f s i 91»?.^!ia^ .PH:733«3y. noo S Q .R . to 6 1 0 ^ 0 J T . Ubli }lus full bas^menfTwIlh el- ivatora In downtown Filer, h u i (275 to tu o monm.

i5k60’ wholesale diatrlbu- lon or shop. Healed, truck

0x60' CINDER Block Build-( ig .- 1>* m llea^.N __ of- ‘-'KlJuney-Paui 'E x i r on “ w fighway. 2 ovemeadIberglass doora 12’. 2 regu- ^ ird o o ra . Caii be se t - LOVpeclftcalions.' Ideal as canibrSge or expanding a t 10(iu sinesa ln toarea.438-im . - *12!

I ,


Formica. ' floor co

r V . Swrk["}%e* eailm S^L _____________


W — r. T r s h a iB rh e i lp a T lT IS :es Irlmming. Candscap_ .algns. Free estlnu te

sUllatlon. 733-7378.____________ EMEL0»dE(tT_8ERW

ol Place Pt>45; SHELLING & SHEie s------ — lOSSShoshoneStreel_ Twtn Falla. Idaho. 734-


ka ' ' ’ ’n e w ' h o r,ai ' - p e r s o n n e l We ct

' L - - E H SItc. q e n e r a l c o n t r a c

~ . Building rock lor aa . lay rock tool Custom 1

3r>, " & roollng. Contact 1ns! ■ Bar>.324jb0alter5pflIts, ' GET A JUMP ON Sjalj CLEAN-UP

»d. *•'" H edge trtm'ming am L care. Call Bill, 7 jU 2 i

w e will deliver. Oral3n.------ :------- 'aMfer— rock:— Noi____________ Crane and Rkiolno. 73


ira - -Let an-experl p r e ^ t im. l u e s In'the'privaey'i_ home. Call for appoi

• r s ^ - ........... -JOBSHOP

md •34- A P^raonsr- Per______ : _ S e r v f e t „ ,260 Sixth-----------------Norm.733-7152.

MAGKi.VALLEY lah UPHOLSTERY Itc.; --------

------ -H ^ h w ay -sS -a cro M--------------- -JerT y'aa«nSI>op.'7 ;

---------T ■ JohnM atney. 'ng, . MASSAGE AT Ml ss. .HOTSPRMOS

ed. Now taking ordera

S - —

............ olovmenlcolumna.73


m , M o M e t^ S p a c e '-TRAltER-SPACESrTF-areat- - ~Alt electric er oaa. cable TV H<& phone avalta^e. Wlll han- qvdie 14x70’ trir'a a smaller, ca733-1366 between I0am-5pm. iu Itema you need are available I*),' loday at attracltve prices. 1»

;r ii

M e r c h a n d i s e ■ |

i p " ■ MirdMilM »-MlRlPBIF. KMIT_ a«Qh.n« m ade with red Twart yam — ^ *15-00 each. PH: 733-7079. JV BEE BOARDS, new. re- drilled, used. Also traps & P‘ bee traltera. 73X102. ^

-BROWN Frtgldaire re l w^lop- -q Iree ier, *160; Brown %r

w!»dw*pUiTl“e S i l ,V 5 :2 6palksn aquarium w/wrought m -tran a und , *60; AM/FM Jgradlo/atereo tn cabinet. "E

BRUNSWICK Pool .T ables. * |j! accessories, aalea & _ aervtce. Jam es Clark 733-

CHAIN LINK fence malerl^ aia. U sed, seconds, & new. Deafera, manufacturers, S brokers. Public Invlled. In- ■"< auillng Instructions. Prompt ng delivery. Toll free Info: 1- 60(N21^74 W estem F ence- ■9>’lSupply-_______________

CUSTOM BUILT- green (lo-houses, ^ seeder covers, aUigarden windows. Permanent onor movable. The Handy- RinMan. Call now for appoint- buim ent & a a v e * - ? * } ^ or by

________________132FOR SALEI Warda'tO" Ubie _

........... KSFOR SALEI 3 used 20” boys Gobicyclea. 1 lO-apeed. Good u Pcond. 42^4724. 2 5

SALEt Crafuman 10"' (lu<rM ufarm aaw ; 10“ Rockwell poeableaaw.Call42347S0.- &Franklin wood A-coat atove, (l)

bltractor, blade,- snow ^ w e r ; IVOiChaln8,*400.-432.S342.----------- -U llKING SIZE waterbed, psld ' PJlSover *800. Wlll trade a s part 17'payment on Ford tractor or Metaconomy car. 734-2256. a ^ LIKE NEW SXlUL^XMZ-chalA- -M)-'» a w ; ^ “-bar. extra-chain, 4 ll leaa 15 houra. Home. 423-5627.orwork 734-2230. 5-g LOVEaeAT*125. Range*75.- -& CCamper shell *150. Frlq.. faun o o . Bed *65. Pool lable clu*125. Stoner $2S. 73^6657. *10

a g '


covering. Need storailing, finish -Check ourla tes . 324- aeasdnal r

Automotive \-■------------ 8070.

PAINTING & : i S i r . f r e a ~ : ~W ALLPAPERI tcape de-u te s & In- W inter rales,J;_________Iree estimsSRVtCES___________

reel North,-------i^ ln te r lo r , exter734-2550. 4 commercUlERVKE . experience. 3

,PR0FES8K)NfORlZON'S SECRETARIAI can ftelp - 'I lob. Real- 24 houra. W<shoshone deliver. Doi

M44 „.-*pM t«C*tlOnj^ACTING . ”


J T K '" . ? r ^ . « . r « u .5om. • -.dryf Repairs

" «r.shak es, roll rc

■ W M


CES, fNC. DjavisTS^Sioj u V e - ^ r - — 8HRUB8PEC

■ ^ U n ^ i n i ; ---------- ^ Han<WManfe

< SKIPS MANUI Personnel * MACHINEW h „A v e. - _-------------- Welding. Cali

dlaon Ave. W._____ SPftlNOCLE^lery. 2 W. P ro few loru l' roaa—from-----------------------------—


' md jvtd iu i.Fa

'• .. t e m . « 4 - ( ^3 a iob In a Prompt reap

,“s w s r .

T h u rs d a y ,!

' 1 ■ I % ■

067 MlKeilaneousForSala 067

HOMEMADE - - patchwork “ sIl quIlU. Extra heavy, great for for campera. Call 7 3 3 ^ . no< IMPORTED red & dark green ^

f t !

Service • Including- custom” duals.for car and plckapa. . ABBOTT'S AUTff SUPPLY. t«« 305 Shoshone 31. Soulh. ciei NEW T ee-p ee .' made by" ^ Btic ktoo tr -Cam as - Cu.. 1 WA

g a . . ; aPICKUP TOOL BOXES iqr' WE step aide pickups. *70. New u ii chrome running boarda (or ^ GMC—4— cnevy—pickups;— 07t *77.50.7334096.^ ^POOL TABLE. 6' aUte bed, Sp w/all accessories. *400. ^ 637-6631.8374912. Mark. ^RECONOmONED Uwn X mowera from *45 lo *80.' Bicycles f ro m -* 2 3 -|0 '* 7 5 .- -§gl{_____ q Ii JI


The TJmes-News Advertls- ng Department Is aelU ng""W tt' ’RIm-To-RIm Fun Run" T- coin Jhlrta-(3.5-m lle>-4- *’fllm. dUn ro-Rlm Run T-Shirts (7.5 nlle) for only *3.00. We hsveots o rM enS 'sm alirm ed t* --------aim, Urge 4 extra Urge slzea« tnd children’s medium ijcc 10.12)- and larc'e (14-16) 2 ? : lUes; but w»Ve very limited ^ jn mens sizes on .the lim-To-RIm Run shirts. To Mjy your T-shirts |u sl stop - - ^ }y the.Tlmea-Naws olflce at NlG 132 Third Streel Weat. j u a i

WIZARD garden lllier. 8hp OU Brigga 4 Siraton en g in e .' WA

" 1luorescenl lights, 16 ' aleel WAM8U. *70 ea. 734-1787, 4 b^34950._________________ 543;1) Pair Volt waler aki'a; Set WAIIsh er andw ekl's, Solomon Top Nndln^^s... b o o ts ,, poles,

000 GALLON Iual Unk fo r ' utllll a le. Truck mounled. ema 'hone: 32^2243. a n i 7' travel Irailer. Bleeps 6; 5®?' 4eUl utility trir, 2 dinette "*5,* els: Furniture. 3^4-5341. *SS9. 4)-14-5 mobile home wheels WA'1 Urea *100; Stock rack lor . n . b o . p u i i i 5 . l » « ; 7 . • £ I’ Elgin Steel kitchen u b in e t i.p o rceu io .sin k .i6x2p jr im .. • S S aucet. Orange & white In- 3 C :ludes drain board 25’t. tlnii n00/be8tolfer.M 4.«67. 324-

^ ^ a s ^ o t i r t e

iS iu rm s —

irm a n fS T " ” - ' • » , w . . r

S 'rr'i-saave ira;------------------- • T o p sc;RINQ_______ : . ____________i

DellvercIS, quality work, . . * 5 p e ry

• ' -------------- -T R E E ilJIM^A(

tenor,.realdentlai-----------------------Ul.-0ver20yeara ......... Trlmmlr■ 326-5224. moval)N A L J........ t i y r aIIALSERVKJES........... TBEES

--------- --- . KONKJiWe pick up and3one to your Trimmli

'S s S r . * , “- & = = = «---------------------- . TVDOC

f r e e (ua help keep you countIrs, new roofs. ' - service

S W . " , S S aI roofing. You canrownm alerUtaM . U w n 4ree eatlmatea. 15 K X aerlence. Please . . Kwhl®L_____________; mature

rSw TM O -------------------------------- w— UPHOL

? !^ rn - i i - M a rk ------^ '— C—4 ~ 5So.733-2764. .................. esllmat'EaAUST.TTrr—

trees trimmed.-------------- WALLP,10 4 removal. Thefa»6798: Experie


'rk and Milling. ■ 'Ull 734.7692. aS-

& J U P ------------ .alYarkwofk 423469:

trimming— yard- - —

tlMMlNG-- . Handy:

. . _ f r u l t _ u e e a _

^___ ' lS-371

........ "- f Evergrj

aponsa — tow. ' pow er 1ifslng. CUasilled, ■ J5flSal

M arch 19,1961-------TIm es-N sw


067 MlaeellanaouiForSalo' ■•••-

SILVER by TowlV aervico lor e ; m uJl. sell. Alier- ^ jn a ^ e v e 's ,- -734-2438 or

sT o t machines. coTn - operated devices waniod by -ooileclor fegardlejs-ol con- dlilon. ( 5 0 3 )2 a ^ 7 P o n u n d

:collect- ____TWIN BED Size matlress A ~ — boxed Inner aprings, good, clean, *30; Table top ovon *20;lll.enew.537-«6ef. —

-WAHTEOI-Wrt-woofi nlllcn lurniture desks, files, otc. 734-837Deve‘s/w69kends. WEDDING DRESS & voll tor sale, s u e 6. Phone: 5434328.

~ 070 ' ■ ' "W tiiia idB gy------- -ALFALFA LEAF CUTTER B E E ^ A R D S needed. Cally3»0t41- -------------BUYINGI Scrap gold 4 sliver. Silver dollars, coin

'dUmonds, 'e tcT ldaho Coin ^ Gallertea. 302 . N., Main.


M O N EY ?Wtt buy gold 4 silver, rings, coins, watches, sletling 4 dUmonds. sum ps. 7344567------------

Continental --Gold 4 Silver Exch.

" 6 2 4 Blue U kes Blvd. N____

NEEDED old Irailera c r w aoons on wheels. 733-0141. NIGHTCRAWLERS. tm- medUte cash. 329 Addison Ave West. Call 7344944. . NIGHTCRAWLERS, InsUni - - caah, highest price over, we' pLekup.|nTw l.n:324,59q_ . OLD ORIENTAL RUGS

•WANTEDl Any size, type, condition. Highest prices

WANTEDl Kitchen cabinets 4 big antique oak d re s se r ._5 4 3 4 t o , 5 4 ^ - _______WANTEDl OrlenUI carpeU.Top dolUr paid. 733-2477 days453:1_6ia e v e .’s .. . , , _WAN TEDIUsed light weight----------utillly trailer to pull-behind - - email car. Not over lOOOibe gross, box not over 4'x5'. co ver p relerntrrfbut not n e c e ssa ^ . Priced under..M0.T»it2IS. ■ _ .............. :WANTED TO BUYI Suzuki •250; 400 CC. frame-tTattr<la11-r-^— afler 6om. 3264525. .

072 . . . . totkiiias’; ■

» n |8 h i^ . - $25 eschf (UM •;

5 T S ^telephone"'

■ ' ■ J- ■ ; - ...

£ HANDY-MAN bllehomesprlngspecUII

wash .your mobile homa a 4 windows 4 screens.I now lor appointment 4 ‘ e l 7334040 or.324.-8129^p s q i Lr« red“ 5y8rd8minlmulni’ “^ ’ ’' - je r yard within Twin Falls -. .' 1]mlts.;Sllght additional irge II ouUide city llmiU. ;

Ttmino,-- Topping,- Re------------val 4 alump reihoval. •;

----------------- > 2 ^

mmlng. removing, limbsi-4-towered-hvdraulicallv.------- -------U2fl11br734:ia6.-Tr:r_ — DOCTOR

le estlm stes. 50% dls- jn l S.S. Citizens on vice cans. Ressoosble _ 'ss . 734^88.. J _________lUMfTEpSERVICES

vn 4 shrubbery care, li|jhi iling, garage deanlng or

» p ^ ‘'le ? m " : '^ l% :,i lim e.

4 - S Upholstery, Ireo Imales, p .u..4doi.. a u to .__ •____

?}on734-34M: i ,LU*APER HANGING----- ’ '

)erienced. . Free Imates. Reasonable ' ' s9.734-55M.or7334349 !


lireen 4 Bea aro aim a t 11- h 25 years experlencel ^4692 or 733090. 1 R 040A R D E N pr----------------^ —

to-l11llno, pUntlng, lan-up 4 hauling. The 1'n d y ^ n , 7344796,______,R0 PEOPLE________

10715. Free esllnutes. We -febou tY ouryard l------------ ---------RDWORK________________ J

irgreena trimnjed. lawns . S' ■.wer raked 4 vacuumed. 14 . - ira experience. Free >Imaie. 7»-7234---------- : . _j ..

y - ■ - J r -

N e w s ’ Twir> Falls, Idaho C-9



; K I T 'N ’ C

/ ! ’ ■■ ■; '■ ■ ■

" ^ P i rfc ClW1»tMCA.lB«.

072 J Antlqt1 LA M E Plo S«lo UOO; K«I 8en4 ' Ump 575. Dune

■ . a » . “r " s i .v 5 s

r '

■ , s a s . . f e r ' ' "•: SELtforTRAOEl Bruoswi

4xS'lntald walnut pool.Ubi . Iaath«r . m k e i■; W eaJWnsterctilmaGrandl

pocKtt w alches, be slelna. W Mgawood chin Pf[vatep«fty.43M085. TWOjpak calendar regulali c lo c o , Stova Lynch, 07

— '074^ MmktllMtnmwfi

CO>tfl ALTO SAX. Ow ...... ....... r c o n ^ lo n wllh case . S30C i

CONN Mlnual CROAI , axcallent cond. MOO. O 5 733<g13S. ■; ..............

• . F o rS a le :-e Pc. SllnoertarDrum Set; 3 cym tula, pea

; hafdware. »flSo:733-<aii.‘ IW OCILO(IkalogeiIntouc . with the party who wants th

------------ 7 8 r 2 f i O r 4 M « 8 =“ • - SPIf^ET UPRIGHT 1 year ol

“ "«»tlor

■ ’ ■ WArffEO TO BUY! Us»grand piano. Cat! 1-232> S2 ■ Itarjprn. _________ ___

' e lec tilc . Looks, plays graal $500.^739-1130, 7 3 3 - ^ , asl

• 1976-FIREBIRD OulUr will Dlmarzlo, mint condlilon J500 with ease . 733-2963 oi

O ;? - _R*dlo.TV4Stftr>c UVRGE SELECTION ol re-

;_condU lon«d TV's sUrtlng al : tl49.B$. 734-8<6aa(tarflom.i OLSQN SPEAKERS 14x24" S I . . . horna wltn 12".woojer. Call

....... ^ R E ^ A NEW TV! Own a nav.

" = f to !^ ^ ® c K eS ;^ M a!n Ava ■N.CAINS-733-7111.SOUD STATE alereo high fl

a ^ l e r mwlel AM 395. Call

078^ Fumltuf9tCiiD«ta--------— BCACK-winyrcooihT'Dooa

: conar'soat'rocovared, must s e n t . No raasonattie oflar raluM d. 734-6533.DUNCAN PHYFE drop leal

• tal>lf-wim llva chairs. Exc. eonStllon. 733^ .EARLY AMERICAN sofa,

■' ■ pooft.Herculon plaid cover. ^44} ;^ ln s Clearance Centar.733-7111.SL E ^ E R SOFA, (ull site, new>'nerculon cover, new

' m a llfe ss . ' S2S4.95. Cains C lanffnca Center. 733-7iii.

----------- SOIJf>.o*k rtlninB-room-sei,-roflntBhod. In mahogany; O ro ^ e a l ub Ie . 6 chairs

, . ; Str4 o h l ^ e . exc cond.

•' ' ; SPANISH llvl(i».uonLd««or_

cha(K" ■ spanlsh “ "halm er ' \ lamns. 2« a l r .red drapes,

, c o lJW u b re . M4 WIsoman.• E ve* 733-6017.

-C (2) HEW valval lovesaais,; b roito tones, S200 each;. B utw er block table, 4 chairs.; S2M534-3070,

1 1 fT H R IF lf • . T lm « s> N * w s>

;___ hj ^ ? n M C C i= = i= . £ . ___J _ 2 .DAy | =_____ ___L ,.....„(E K tr0 jlc iM j

^ •((•m i^u p to S lO O •

• . ? NEWJ Charm- j ;- . -M n d a l , ' VA

• . - 5 Brown heavy«5 f 3 3 ^ 9 .

• - - ? ..................SEW tNQchlld2 w n ta ^ bloui D ra ssa s for si

■ ^ , - Jo 4 y e a f9 .» 4 -

: C -1 0 tlm o s* N ew 3 .

' ; t ' ' .........................

' C A R L Y L E . .

:____ f P - , — -------- ___________I

— ^ / / ' / ■ - ‘

itlquas C78_ . Furnllure&Car; K aro-' GOLD ADMIRAL ralrl>uncaa tor. like new. (rosich a irs ,. guaranteed, 049.95. <

oiler. C learance Cantor. 733-7------- ' MATCHING Chair & Da, 42", jsofa). Claan. exc ciblnst, brown tones. Call 733-66

QUEEN s u e waterbe____ healer. New waler maltiiswlck new. a i^ n g S350Itable, 4986,

Ckels;'a - m . <^1.Im IcsI BERNINA school retu

beer, save up to >300.734-5267. shlna. . f o r SALE! Washer _ _ Drvar. cati 733-6367.-

GE aulomatic washer. '"*• conditioned & guarantc

_ _ Only *149.95. A n 's T\ ~APPl.-'420 Main South.'Twi

menu MAJOR a p pl ia n c e Good builders. Repair & recom 300 or. major applLances. . M.------------ u sed -app liances -for-&

We make house calls. : 7566, A tterhours. 423-4361 OPEN ARM SEWING

- m achine, stretch slIlcH ni.ri 2'0 "O®' '>«»>»• "IO po*n nram s, bullonholes. i L— J129 cash price or sr louch monthly paym ents ol}t4. IS tha CaU 7^-2ra7. ask for Cr<

u~Ia - ■ »»qr7pm.<115. . .4,“. ^ SINGER Touch-&-Sew se

Ing machine. Monogran — • t>ullonholes. blind hin

real, d esigns. *169.00 cas price am atj monthly payments

___ *10.66. Call 7^2767, ssk Iwllh CredllM or.Ik)n. USED BERNINA sewli 3 or m achine. *299.00. Q _ Bernina 734-5267.

WE have varlo_us u sed .r [ r j ? * 'f rioeraldrs’Tor sate. 90 a.

re- guaran lae . $50 on up. 73g at 1 . .___________ _]!:_ 1061 FRIGIDAIRE'washar 4” 3 dryer, only used 30 day Can now.only »49,95 pair. Cali ^ C learance Center. 733-7111

oio-: HMlinoAAirConLIKE HEWm wall (umac *200.00. Wm heat 600 sq.

,M I Phone 734.7522evenlngs^

082 • BoikJinoMiter[Mtj FOR SALEI Corral pole

-*3.2Seach.CaU536-6145]U O L D -B nK JK -lloh l-reds-

l ; j ' P O S T S4x4’8 ,6 ‘Cedar ........... J2.t

o(a, 4 x 4 'a .8 'F lr ...................*4.(far. 4x6’s , 8’ U ti l i ty . . . . . . . . « ,£nee 4X6-3.10’ Ulllliy........... 0 .0

6x6‘s Rough Lum ber. . *1,0r r ...................................... a fo<

2x12's Ullllty ..................... 5I®, ........................a running (oci"* Delta rib galvanized t i n . . . 6— ................. a running (00« l— -(»tsacanflrderCOLORED~ py; tin a t .93 arunnlngfoot

B arnshakes ............. *22,0iw . ........ ........................asquari

« - - NORTHWEST..---------- PLY W O O D SA L E S-^ . B e h ^ . 0 1 , ,

is. ROUGH T uKTm R. al :h; dim ensions; corral poles Irs. trea ted posts, railroad ties

WIIIdeIlver.32.4-6191. ,

T Y A b Ss - 1 3 2 3 r d S t . W . '5 rT w In F a l l * - - - — =------ r-

u j t . o q M c h )_________> •M v o r « P a r l /O n ly » ld W h .n P lo ; .7 , .

arm Step, while medium; *10;

ivy oxford 7A. Call

hiidrens dra8sed,'v tlouses, sh ir ts .. <

6 months

V9. Twin Falls, Idaho Thursc

by L any Wrigfit

\ J \ " f ________

' 1C b e e w j s A

. > i T i r t s i ■

f T o r n ,

- -: R wuy. y

z :

C m n l. 0S2 BulKHnQ Malarfllrlgeta. BUILDING STONE- M ilrostless, rustic all purpose Ilal SUS. Cains new lo area. Plus oaka-7111. Nevada rainbow. M<Vi1

- " i W s ' f f i W & N

CEOAR,1x10 4 1x12-fl, » ' • • per 1000. Rough a e 'a

Wurns,2 2 ^ S T E E L ■


mteed^ Never picked up or exTV 4 Inventory. 30'x40’x

Twin: " « • ‘» ’«nce S49E— r ASCS grain 50'*120’ x.nnrt *27,248 flat, balance *11.9

u .i« r 20LL/20WL or belter. Cher u l e ■frelght.-LocatrOopr -------

i s T - ~ ' 1 ^ 5 2 5 ^ 7 5 ^

llches, . USED treated redwood *:mono- per 1000. 17’ poles *2.50«,. e tc^ 2x4 's .std& baitary*250 p

small. 1000.324-3572.32443W.

____ ___tboundl. n.OOO. 536-2621.Clean, 350 Skinned r posts 4"-6'(4-0579 *1.75; 200 3 " -^ ^ p o s ts T____ - *1-50. Pick - Up - Ketchii

saw- 729-3456. •irams. ... .............S - -QOT0>SiIceor GARAGE SALE! Mar 19th,nts o( o 'clock on Uiru Mar 22msk (or 9am on. i u miles easl <^ __ ___ Ernst on Falls Ave east.'Bwlno MOVING In sale- Sat. Marc

Qall 21.9am - 6pm, 433 RIdgewa• Dr. Chair, oldllme she<

d music, books A clothes.

? 7 ^ ' n S e t H I N ^-A ntiques, collectibles, Avo

bottles, carnival oAss. Iew< dVvs T g la ss; walnut dining Ub|« n.tR* couch, walnut bedroom «e<

nace, KIMBERLY_________ ■'5 ' YARD SALEL March 20th A in ' 21SI; Sam-5pm: 630 eih St.

lF ile r .._ .Toys,__ householtItem s.clothlnolm lsc. •

wies. YARD SALE-144 9lh Ave. E.U ,------- Camp-trtfr3t» Dodge e n g i i :

- 8p .J r a n a . . .C h e * ^ t .p a r ts LSQM Chevy-Ford-Dodge rims

tires, couch, boys clothet----- 8 l:e3-4.m lsc. Sat/Sun M .

2-FAMILY Garage Sale! 471

,2 .91 a ^ t « 6a g m . . . ^ * - " ^ 3 FAMILY yard sale. Ski

«■“ boots, clothes, child's bikeM-w seals & lots of nice Ihlngs.n oo 416 Buckingham, Fri. & Sal..'< »' 20421.10IO3.fool ' -. .63 OW • _______ ..Firewood

-L A R G E -^ f lE E - lo -b e - ro r ______ d o v ^ . ^ u M r takes the

'--------- L W ^ P t ^ R - f o r s i l e o r

__ MISC poles, posts and usedall lumber, for sale. C all-324-

lies, 4J96;____________________:lss. *60 CORD, cut lo slove . , • ■len^th^h^ ' ^ t pine, win

- Off. -PUntttTrMS-AUSTRIAN PINES, real beauties. You did or we win do It for you. Call 734-3416 for appointment to see. tEvenlnas & Week-andsl.

- -cOMPLETe-LBmotte-moder

for*ro m“ tro?iV ortfnfi'^^^^^= - 01— [uinHry. .T m S iS i ^. .thurs.o .r.saLeyajIno^,. . . . . .

FOR SAL^ Everbearing Rm (Us p b e ^ bushes. 7 » each

OW -GoodTMnfliTQEat ONIONS 50 LB. baa; Fresh crisp Apples- red delicious.' golden oellclous, red rome, £9,95 bushel. Locker beef S1.10 lb. a s long a s 11 lasts; Pork *1:19 Ib. cuT&wrspped hall o r whole. Bring your own ' containers.LONGHORD • MARKET, 8. Blue U k e s . Call 73m M .

irsd a y , M arch 19.1081


.:------ -— : -flfio— --------P a u if lu i

■ WANTED: TLC lor A •no. female Great obedience trained.

■ ADORABLE & Cuddly. -colored cockers, mak<


A1<C BRITTANY SPAf males, 8 weeks. *55. F

______ - J year.»30,.Good hunfamily dofls. 324^3066,

• AKC Pomeranian pui male..W ill be ready ' w n ^ W in ^ hold w/de

' AKC Reg, yellow Lab-------- Exc.- huntlnfl'slock w

2/21/81. De” In Twin *100 .-E iko.7n?/7aft^ AKC Reg. TrMk)llle, quallly, champion : lines. 3 males. 324.35at. AKC registered Old Er sh e ep doo puppies, e

r —■50m T734:5110:--------

^ ~ F a r m e r s ’^ r k e t

^ oas FertitesftToDecomposed barnyard

cu. yd., loa ^ g j lM o r appolntmeni,

<k“ w d MANUREFORSALf . . Wedellvar. 5a n Y C a ll.......................... 73»

jM__ 55?____________a , *260 ALFALFA SEED lor u li 6‘a 16' grower, lop quality, com !4-3572. lU nger, * f i i per cwt. S

tested , will deliver. Ma—

ALFALFA SEED'for sp ) planting, lop quality. Ilm

amount In some varlei ftvin lo t’uy leaf cu

• x16= ALFALFA SEED* brgrov 11.966. s u t e tested. Varl

Alter 4pm. 1

------------ OONT PLANT RRST Yi'5 -OUT- when certified 8>

M U loes are avallai — — Grown 6.000* 00 readi d*200 c lear Calllomla readir

ea. Lynn HInUe 566-21iO p«f Mackav. Idaho._________7— - FORSALE BYGROWER:

i long High le st Ranger^ Bat - P in e - -8ar4riacr» 'C erflne«rA g « i _ alfalfa se ed . 733.1052,1••.6" 1819.________ ;_________K V - FOR SALE. 10-15,000 u i tchum certified * Russel ai

potatoes grown in Tei » » Valley area. 00 reading

a r i d ] ' - * *

----- • • FORSALE4arch • 40,000 sacks virus lest eway certllled 's e e d pouto< m e e t. B urtunk /tusaoh:_____ .•.lO ,000.8acka.»lrus'-tBii

foundation certified seedPhon6:3SM 4368^rr


nuch -h>ve a ll.the.popular pubi s a l varieties of alfalfa for tl NO— -M agic— Valley.— Rang*

' U honlon , Washoe & olhsi 5ST Also Oekalbs new 167 bran

Twin Art Knudsc

42M655: Jerom e, Pa i f . , Beckman i2»-2l4B ;43r -M urt«ugft;-Fnnk-N ebeki v t s , - -432-6619; Wendell-Ray M ims. Cord 536-2029; . thes Blackfoot^fohn Shobe 68± _ 41H;_______________ ___

478 GOOD 1st year out Russe arch p o u to se ed . *6 cwt. Ca ^ 747-3793. ';_Skl l i t t l e ALASKAN pea see< bike excelleni yielder, good fc ig s . seed ing down. 50 lb. sacki >•1.. >15 per hundred. 637.4915.

N /C Ranger-alfalfa seefl

i b .v w im i m r .c n

‘ POTATO s e e d ; 1st year ou— o l cerllllcallOR, 6 02 loo

■ m ea -w st-fa ii .^ 'co n ifo iKs toraoe— C all-35K 385 o.

_ ^ wexotifQ...or RANGER, Apex & olhei"•K varielieaofalU laseed.W M _ deliver. S tate test on germt led rtatk>n& purity. 733<0ft. -®*- RANGER alfalf»iseed- bl

grower. 99.78 purity. 94 ger- >ve mlnation. *l.3o. f re e d» Vlll livery on (arge quantities„ ________________

.SEED POTATOES' MS- .For.8ale.lep.quallty.Russaii U i Burt>ank. Idaho Seed ^ Potatoes. Virus tested & (A, virus tested foundation. All M wim clean Idaho certification

reading " I very low virus

TOP OUALITY" durable r,” alfalta se ed , Iree *iiellver».

Refe rt» s . • Bob Hamilton.

- 7.000 BUSHELS STEPTOE lat SEED BARLEY. Call 734-4630 ^ o r 7 3 4 - 1 ^ _________

al ava7lable ou r^cS u llied 5! . ^ u m M ._ W itch our ads.




S u p p l iu - on H.y , firkin »

AKC 14 ALFALFA-«Ton2n^^It Dane, top dairy hay. No rain.J. Great loe bales. g 4 ^ 5 7 .I ____ L .- ATTENTWN-------FEBIlyl party Custom lub..grlndlngIke great tlonary or transpodlngor snow t y t» y - o t - -Alfalfi • <!

W~R6ffT" ‘<23^81T>r425-5l 57._______- FOR SALE: About 30 T’ANIELS, or 2nd Crop hay. Pi.Fenwle 324-4094,____________itniers.&_ o o o o hay-c l o s e -in :L_____ . 2nd culllngs. sell inpuppies,' lot^orall.ftMOSO. iy'to qo 0 0 0 0 QUALITY Alfalf deposit. Jnd 2nd and 3rd-cul______ Approx 100 tons. 73M:•b pup9j_ ^ 3 2 6 7 ,____________w e l |^ HAY CUBES lo t sale.

In Falls, tein tested • 14-15%.___ 4M 0. >66 delivered In I

>, show Valley. Ph. 544-2007. blood ouAUTY HAV, ^ J O___ •Slraw*1.00 bale, 2 ml 8

English 6M0 eas l Motorvlew cc , cfiam- 733-8828.I sides. WANTED TO BUY: BAI — — 4 WHEAT. 886-2067. Al — M ale- .pma66.?56e,•J.L*[!ex_ J a l ___2 n d ^ _ 3 rd _ c u tt

Close-In, also straw. S new seed , any ami 733-6377._________ .

a t 340-»- TONS excellent 1 2nd Hav. 423^229 mornir

TodSoU 25 TONS. 2nd & 3rd cul good leafy Alfaila hay.

■rd rna- {ake all. 735-3256. ' 80. TON hay. 1st, 2nd,

"• culling, good hsy. Big bj •r=— 4U miles East on Addl ilE 733-5930. a u M i 70 TONS 1st & 2nd hay,

ton. Clean straw. 2000 t rmSMd t«les.55teach.532-«325

i i

85 TON 1st, 50 ton 2nd. ^ lon3rd.Calf733<738.

•‘? t i« . FtmuForlcutler FARM FOR RENT, Call Richfield. 000 Acres

ngatedr300lnhay; j00 Acrower.. Irrigated pasture. Also EarlOus summ er range right If., 825- - have the finances ;

YPAR- pSce.-C all-W e«?ern-Fa 8Md ara, (801) 451-2269, w

make you a good deal : dInS: can 't turn dow n!-■

dlnoB; LEVEL 20 ACRES for larm (-2»9, 2 miles south ol Buhl.

peracre . 32fr4B94.______f — WANTEDI Pasture lor

, ^ .70 ACRE FARM 4 miles w____ ol Wendell, plenty ol walu c k s Shsres o r caah rent. ( seed Paul Bore hard 536-6156,-

ri^*4 • OW... PmureFoffl }-/963_ -FORRENTIOM981340ACI

S. :o t dry land pasture.'beloi the city o l HolHsttf located a t ’Ihe cities wa wells, near the Jones rani Furnish - you own wat

sstsd Please hsve bids- at C toes. Clerks Olllce by.April 2r

Contact: Leonora' Whllnt i t l td - . City C terkat 655-4311____^ - PASTURE WANTED pm 7 d o h £ i f e r s > 4 » lb s .h f r - -4n-10/15rNoBull$Requln

702/755.2303-: '___ WANTED! Irrigated eumm3 w a- P*9iur8.-bonus lor eai ubIic . commitment. W e. pay .ti

the dollar. Days, 733 -^2 jger. - 734-2720 e V S - r . . . le rj. WANTED TO RENT summ

' ® _ _ ; _____ _ 5 .ATTENTION CATTUMHN:

— will dehorn, treal for sh!| i»e pinq lever, castrate. Call, doclor your callle for S3.(__ per head,. Call anyilm<»ed. g4.25a0or324.3T14.

for b u l l POWER- Beel Shor pM. Horn, Use shorthorns i

beef up your herd. Mor led. .milk, more pounds. Bl 1.96, stretchy 2 year old bOIl per w/plenty o l Elevation. Als

sfew hellers. 20M43-5737 0----- -w rtte-A hrle-JohnsonrU t”

Box191.Buhi,Ma3316. out CHAROUtS - Service agi

—fndhrlduaf-need8"is~eaav"fi h8r find In Classified. 73M 0rt.

ml- REGISTERED Angus 2 yesi _ old bulls, pertormance Info .by avalUble. E V cahrers. Cal iti . mornings o r eves Qen< S i W slker.423«oa. es. SAWDUST._ for cattle bedding

C all................. . . . . . S & t t w................................ ...........


SS c o « with black

„ • w rre p u ^ r ^a /Q n m e n fa

in. Summered on grass. Fertiii.

iS (3) COMING 2 year old un-

Jn4 -F *ed - -102--------


I"-PPnPRRr_ &80NSANGUS Ilng. sta- Reglsiflfed’aftd-comr tinpolall bu lls lo rsala . ■• forage, • _ 32^8336 or 326-42::------------- 'fOR-SACenJTorslBlr0 Ton 1st nger helfara, cows. I , Phone: mq bulls. 4 open h>_______ Call Don Harris a t 324-f■INj-lst 4 - -FOR.._SALE:— Regli in 1 ton hereford_______ Phone: 733-364Z ■falfa, 1st For Sale: 75 young

S S R S S e s S S ? ! ^_________.GENTLE sound Je rseale, pro- orhe!(er.ciosaup:543.

TDN HaLSTElN.Sprlnger hinMagic & cows f o r ^ e .______ ___selection on hand j50 bale; limes. 324-2250. . nl south. HQLSTEIMHEIFER f com er. 1S0headBl300io350

. AHer7 150headai700to000 . — — 73head-tslcalf»prlng

i " ^ m e “ "NOHTHWKTCATTLEamount. ----------712/737-49e0______ HOWARD'SAngusRalllna; 25 »BQlsiered and commt

. ! ! ! ^ C t i i 5 4 M M 5 S T i i t l IfliSH DEXTER bulir^r rninas tered. Ideal.for cross biS | ■ ! lg ^ ^ ^ ? . t te r 6 p m .

l ! L r JfM BfiOOKSiSOnd 3rd Hazelton. Idahog bales. 82M018.82M174

Good selection, mo<

p a ? ' - -270. • POLLED Hereford Bulli


3 = lo go. Pioneer Herd, Sp Cove Ranch, Bliss. 352-^ r e q . ANGUS CO

IT In heifers 4 bulls. 934-604:m m . . ...........

0 HLM "EQ 2 year old here: » n n g e bulls (or sale. Sht

1 iS d WllKams. 543-4756. ,o - ,h ia - .REQISTEREO-----------po

we'IL registered Hereford cal lii] yoiT oood 4-H prolects. 432-63_____• REGISTERED Hereiarmlno bulls. Larry LIckley Je ro hi. i a 324-2005._____■ REGISTERED Pblled shfor 12 hom bulls. 733-4393. ;

^ ---------------------------

8 ^ 1 104 •• Hoi GOODING Livestock a mission Co.. Annual Quai Horse palnl. appy. 1

f f i i % i r s X SA cres- -10:30rSludiauclloo*HJ:3 elong-- 'h o rse s a t 12noonl 934-4s t t f r i or 934-5188,____________water ---------------------— —[wch- • STAIUONS

3 s = r . W 5 a . ’„ r !

= = “ “ALL TYPES OF HORS cU bought, sold, traded. Plei

------ ARAB colt. 10 mo., vimmer • affeclkjnate. halier brol early looks good. *250.324-3086.

v 'v -= - - VervaentlBr*79a.-m3086 Jimw AT STUD-Victorio J.C, »


S ' 5 i s r . ' ; . ‘" s s [ t s . ' s sFaJrtleld.

"AT STUD: Reg. Appaloos ' -Flashy-sorrel/w hlte.-H ait

Cittle 4 performance. Live foi bUTi color writ. guar. 441. you | N : ' rates. 733-aiV .- , ^ BEAUTIFUL reglster< t3 00 quarte r ... horse .. buckak

Jo ra COMING 3 YEAR old regii Bla » re d Arabian fllly;2 Year ol

s ...................J7or FOR SALEI 8 ' year ol Rt"4- -q u a rte r-h o ra e -m a re -w lt

saddle, bridle. & blanke 1 ^ 8 324-2818. __________


of*'8 klal?oma*F«rlera'^&3l n f " le o e .3 2 (H 6 4 9 ^ ■Call HORSES -(or sale or trade ene Good kMs horses. Ats<

horse shoeing. Denver Rne 3 2 6 4 6 3 1 ._ _ ^ _ • STALUON SERVICE

»70 AUCTK3N a t Oooding Uve “ • -slock— CommlsTOn— Co.

" D s r . ,

L .PAINT SUtllon. Sol's Utile

GE~! I i ^ e s , well bred 4.1ats ol sd. color. Also small r l ^

itis" 7346oiF73yn(46r9 yr eld Palomino gelding,

lls. very well started on team ro p W on heels. S2500.

M show o r hd^ntlng. S1000 firm. 73«4fl7.

iRTEDbulI STANDING AT STt-5042. Sim per's ■ Indoor<K ' *rena, Rupert. Id. .3US J-' Chance, a 6 year ol<ommerclal suillon, Sire Is Do S

Powder Charoe. 43^91U i n STUD ■ SERViCE-liiln iD r r* *guar1tfn«>Tse-8l0tfrCn . breed- Oo 4 3-Bars breeding 1 helters; mlna quarier horse t24-6660; Triple.Chic & Beiyii teo lste red - ^*Pdlng. 733-7346,7* r bulls. 7 INK -JONES- lor

breaking & training, mg stock -A.eres-j24-6031.324^a ves...Call. .2 FIVE year old (Ml

sorrel geldings. E» ’ youth or 4-H show h

. M o S "

5 . YEAR . OLD- Reol: FERS <3eldlng. *1560,3S0ii)j- - ‘esL_____________450 lbs ^ <*. Thoroubred ge 600 lbs gfoke. gentle^ *650;


TLECO.- ~ 10y.' HorarfEoul L ;— ^ GOOD SADDLE, Withe

mmerelal. HEAVY DUTY covered I

-------IralleTf^— single------ll. reg is-' w /apr ngs. * ^ or c IS breed- AniTsaddie for sale.I!":____ « » 1;___________ ■

RAY HOLES saddls SON padded seat, new cond no tw o. 366-2496,

- RED -RIDER Saddle,• Good condition. *2M.

modern- 4074.'Angus , ,

o’os 4 M ddles 4 uck . Vic---------- Saddlery, 733-7D96.3ulls lor 1-HORSE BUGGY, e x « td. 625^ condition. >1.000.786-33 — 2- HORSE Undem WW T^TED -er. Brown 4 gold. Ele

yearling' e scape door, spare tire, 4 rea d y cond.>l495(lrml733«35 . Spring — — = = » =

' 1 0 6 <

Shelby lie • s

250 HEAD good aoedLn anylime.-


110 Potiibvafa~ l h ^ . WANTED Rooalers, all kl 3. ^ and all s ire s, 43fr<65a,

7 * . A m oth M a y Produc ■ •G a lsS p ip e -

lunday, PVC and Aluminum ack ai Underground PVCU:3IW....... ................64MT77......... -34-4479 DUNROAMINCONCREl____L Now MIg. 18" Rub

- G asket concrete, p (m eets sU te 4 . AS

iuarter specs), Pre-lsb June! resdy boxes 4 pump sumps- (1 39 or P'<ces In

FOR. LEASE, 46 shares broke Salmon'RIver canal wal M .” ' olfered. by- the clty -

Hollister. Please have b •.foa l „ th e City Clerks Office

:, son Clerlr. 655-4318.

' . " g a t e d P IP E '2 l9 w ~ 4Flberetrong

^ •Plastk! Burled Pipe

youih PIPESALES____ 2VVWeBlolHo8plulm T S , 733-4013

f i l l s - - G A T E D P IP EDam: aSprlnkierparts •'Wt/jft •Handiine

•Mainline _ . - f n jL •W heeillnessro id , Southsidfi IrrlQationstud. Marvin Gartner . . . . 328-41

~ ^ d USED turbine 4 centriiiii -w ith - -pum ps 4 motors, save 30- nkel. &% . IDAHO PUliipsUPPL___ 733^535; alter 5om 733-7916^ratok- -WANT-TO bu y : UlteO i nare. mainline, up to 2500 lee


___ Fot; top-quality gated an•ade. ™ l" . fin? alumlr\um pipi

T ex .|l< g ^ ly t,o n S ^ p V ^ ^

■ Rt. 2. Kimberly 42M647 135' of 16" well caalng fc

y r* - a ' , A ! ' “ ^2013 eve^B cCo.^- - beforeeam ,..^ - ................April 3V SHARES ol A m erlu iring Falls, waler. Call 423-597 ^ p y evenlnos, - -— 50 C oncrele checks, 12-14

1 U — PwBtflinctiSuoote 7t C ^ATTENTTONMIRYMEWt"


5 i S sS a iM L ! 'tor ■ .WANTED TO BUYI Gooc


- H o r s e s - - l l J - F tn t r r B in e t r S u

• J u s ' t A ;building. aa**75'x12'«ow paint color. Includes 12x101l ^ y . by Slider, 3070 walk-lns ^ _ l | j W delivered. 324-31

■ ^ u P fT ? ^ U S D A ^ 4 ^ ' speclllcallons. 6

; s t e e l b u iu ji

.“.'JIS S S .» ls te re d . bids. Call BUHL t S cellen t 8UPPLYS43-4358.' horses. WANTED TO BUYI Mi:________ spreader box. 20 to 22'igtsiered Must be In good cond ^^^green 438-5896.

81,’ “ ^ m F u a tm i t _______ BARBER Fertilizer spr*

I. gsnlle CASE E30 26’ disc, t Ptwne; 824-4206.---------

flulpfflWt d a w d s t e e d 'n o t W/O 4 ASSOCIATES

- 4 Case Model 2470 Traci “ °i5“ wl'f* <*uals. 3 pI PTO.2 John Deere Model 4

inditlon, som ew lthpow ershlft. ■______ 1 John D eere Models, 15” . w /c sb 4 lrontwheeldrtv4

733- 2 John Deere Model 4some wllh O usd;,alr.

/Icker^ B •><>hn D eere ' Model < ricKers ^

iM llent. 3 In,. Harv. Model 1 some with cab, air, duals.

W trait- lint;H arv:M odal71)6.— Ele rtrlc l |n t . ^ r y . Mode!B6.shai

re. Exc 1 1ni! Harv! Model 24o! 059. 1 1ni. Harv. Model "M ". “ =* 1 1nt. Harv. Model 856, Hy

Swtns with cab .' • .1 Oliver Model 1750, Dies<

, ■’ 'B i 3 Case Mode! 15L - J " . -Backhoe-loadera.— ------_ 3 C u e Model . Siwep Backhoe-loaders.

Ph:822-B381 ;

FOR SALE116' Grain 4 b<

a . . ' ” '’’FOR SALE: 1976 FORD 7i traclor. 629-5640. or e2> « (

r tM ia r FORD"8000,-3900-hrsr6 ■ = — - dusls. *10,000; Ford 52

ucis s§s"h's,’ ’ ' c i r a ‘^*25,000. fciust8ell1l487-25

-------HESSTON 8600-swalher.T) hydro Conditioner, tj ^_____ cond^^^ll collect: Brune

i i f r JD 4630- cab, air; C ase 13: ubber Caae1070;AC2y|KdLoadi

A§/m JOH*N” D e E n r 10' Und< ictlon -Disc wllh hydraulic rar -feed MOO; AC 8 ' Ofl-sel Dl n lf»o w /hyd (,-T im >875. Be________ excellent. 3 2 4 ^ 5 .

LATE. MODEL tractors ! other larm machinery I

-g ^ - M .c ln .y C o n , . .„ ,

Sltnr UKE NEW 6-boilom Waty -o{ !2 L ', ° w pl05V.-C«IL1-7«'b id s _______________ —ce by UOUIDATKM- sale: Ne

' with front ' end step-thi------ hydr. loader, new palnf.-ne

battery; H eaw duty scraper blade. 733- A 4. — MF TO-30 Traclor. excellei cond.. major overhaul, ne

«----------palnl.-734-ftt4 m .- -MP-iM»lBrrMF-3e iw aine

Hay rake. Call 837-6653.MF 285 TRACTOR. 1C

I hours; excellent conditloi No ressonable oiler wilt b

— . relused. 543-4281.5434924. M ^ F .E L O U J » p .E R ,P ,

Culttvston Oliver 6’ Mowe-------15; ^ m s ll field cullhralor:'ugal Hay rakes; 100 Steel lenci JO-to- -p06t8r2Vaiieeatsralnkrtub PLY,' H ardw oodiloorlna.4324M ^ 4630 JOHN DEERE tractoi

-llke-ne<*=condm oftf-nei leet. rubber. Cab, air 4 duali

-w w w -H B A TH -bflarrcunii front mount; Heath 6-roi

■arid ______________________

. 114 Firnilrnplememii7_ _________________________


i r USED FARi»75 JO I23Ch«K kW «__ H or*hFM dl<14" Danuu!ior„ _______________■Mne

JP 4* ,■19. , H D 'aP^nfU H In

— lUei JO M 10'

^"*>'■ .................. Buhl

- l a i v i

ih - s u p p w r - IM -------- ^ftm lm ptem errt*—

EDUCTK)N ONE H ession 'm odel 30-AIII, all steel stacker; 1 JO model 200x12’6" . In s u c k e n ' 2 JD model 200xlOdoutjie retrelvera w /leeder at-k-Jn d o o r .. UchmenU, 324-4196. g « M 3 or . 5GHULER ,

Bucko- h jv e avAlable used Qehl 1 Equipt. Feod Wagon In excellent h .. . . . — condltloft.— Oale—Williams;— /ILDINGS. 32fr4276. •____________

“ ■ J s s

W ANTED)condition. - -C om ple te -fro iit lo a d e r - -______ _ fo r Ford 9N trac lor.

P_honfl: 726-5729."E 25!!!? WANTCDI 80 or 91 Interna- 'spreader, tlonaJ combine' in good

rdroslaWc cond»lan.733«5P._______ ___WANTEDI Disabled tractora,

“ I -WANTED. T0_BUY._8lngl8 ;o front tor Super 90^MasseyES Fem uson. Call 436-5896.p it . . ." . WANTED 3 inch 60IM setU - sprinkler lines, used, any £ C n 0 N - •gbanUly. Smith Irrigation,n Idaho ?75^or233^> 360 . - ........

r r i c p I V W H ' f f j i l -■» P‘- * 6-row T-bar cultivators.u i 4430 6raj770 or 678-7946.fl' 12 CAT Road grader, diesel

del 4320 ongine. Bear Cat grinderd r h r e ^ mixer. 3^»ttom 314 plow,l e l ^ ' <>Mms. 24-hole AC grain

OMrtr Ollvof 0«>n drill. 12'Bear Cat rollerharrcw. used •

‘ p S S Ssi 1066. 2511. ________uals. 16', SMOOTH sieel bed 4S.--------- Hell hoist kit. 10% over N ew .^ _________

i coal. New.I". Call.......................... 734-4261 -9, Hydro 19» NEW HOLLAND 425

. baler. PTO. excellent condl-tlon.i434046.____________

. . 1 .7 ^ . . W JOHN DEERE H Tractora. . .I 5J0 to ..Phone:4324542.

2875 MF Tractor, about 600 houre. Cab 4 A/C; 570 MF

3020 JD 'T rac lo r, 15.5x38______ tires. Excellent condition. -4 b e a t) ae2-3348or682-387eeve‘s.Phone: 4430 JOHN DEERE. 1450

hours. 16.4x38 tires. 862-3348 W 7600’. or662.3876eve8.0skley.» « « - — —j r c a b r ~ 115-----------FinnWwtcWinied--------d ^ ’ ■ , -CUSTOM FARMING* la iir* Plowing. discing, - 4 7 W i ' herbicide application. Bill

■ CUSTOM FARMIMG. Plow, runn.Vi corrugate, apply

-■ herblcwe; bed bean oroun^-^TT" — = ballno, 734-5252.

CUSTOM MANURE hauling.16 years experience Tn custom work. GOODING

^ndem OREEN CHOP. 934-4730. '1 o[J? CUSTOM 'pLoWING. 4

^ t h P®**'®. pisnllng. Special • rates for both or will trade

-for,ca}vesor,hiy,-«6-2406.-----------CUSTOM PLOWING 4 DIS^

CUSTOM PLOWING 4 disc- ' lnq._Rex_Hardino 324-2045.


u n u re Caii436-9163,fraclor" -GRAIN-ptANTINOrrlppIng^---------ip-thru Plowlno. discing, culta- it,'new harrowing 4 manure haul- ' ty O' Ino. 543-6M6/543-4Q11.L ^ _ -HAVE HAY-«6TR1EVER-Wlll-------

IL___■ HAY RETRIEVING! Call us ''S in e rr -fo r yourhay-hauilng needs:---------

Reliable, experienced sUck — ^ rtlrieveroperaiora. aitlon fifm Management Servlcea, ’jlM be ---------------

MANURE HAUUNQ C a lL .^ . ^ . , . . ........ 324-2245

MANURE HAUUNGM aul Ben Heldemann. 423-4269-• MANURE HAUUNG 4r S SPRWDING, J 4 H Customlowar Farming. 436^63._________ion 2 ‘MANURE SPREADINQ* .

r a ~ —

i m S r •T O ittn flrrg rw g wlrgrst^^^ ----------

k s ; ■rent. DltkPanott. 733^ 1:

T>ems H4 fimiimplemsnii

i i w i a i i i P H E i n T - ^ —(W asert on Oodg* Trucked l e s en Ford Trueh . ,« )u M rrB led «N » f t r j l« tf e ______ . _____: - - -»4«A lo a d e r

= = =n « « i n D » j n ---------------------------------------• 1 0 'G roin Orin 1 10 'O raln Drill

- Tv*in Fglli k 733-7'272‘BuhJ54J.43»2or734-«0S0

-E Q U I P M E N T C O . -

E f f i Z lS __________ O s w a l d J a c i


_________ NORTH M f

/• V J 10 5♦ J I 0 8 •

:■ ♦ K Q J 1 0 9■ j WEST . EAST

T i j S , ♦ K 8 4 J # 9 ^ 2 ,

> 4 5 4 ♦ A t T S S lgr - ---------------SOUTH-g * AKQJ I O<I

"f • tA Q ?

U ' V u ln e ra b le : N orth-S outh9 D e a le r Southt W m N orth E a it SoJ . ■ _________ ' 2 4

Pass 3 NT Pass M Pass Pass P a s s '

O pening lcadF4>S “

By O fw a W Ja c o b y ----------- ^a n d A la n S o n tag .

H e r e ' i s onc“ o,r those ■ fa s h io n e d ' p r o b le m hai

S ou th c a n m a k e - h i s s' a g a in s t a n y ic ^d , b u t .a tru ;He c a n ’t b e b e a te n o n ce a <


AKC SPfllNGER Spaniel- ____ gu^ ^^ o r sale, Call anytlma,

BLACK labpupples. $10:1 > ^• o l d ^ a l o , *25. .

CHOW CKOW'Keeshond. female. 3 months. For sale to rlQhl home. Call 324.7389. COME TO THE ANIMAL

- selection & most competi­tive prices In Magic Valley on supplies for dogs & cats; Profatslonat grooming & boarding - also avallatile ‘ ' 733^34 . ■

— POo r T O - GiTgn w A T=.'can - -TSJ-ToaS' between

aam-4:30,_________'FREE PUPS! Dane AGrlKcn.

IF YOUn~ PET BECOMES^. LOST-be sure to cfieck ourl .

Lost & Found listing sp-< pearlng dally in ’ ciassirica-' tlon «M2 o P th e elassllied^ section. For.all o l your losi;

-------a n d - ta u n d ^ l -n w s ^ c ljH S ^ -

MOVING Inlo town,' iooklngv ' for nice .^ome for- hunting^’


\ n i board your doa. Cherl i MIllerKenneis. 42« io4 . ,

■i PROFESSIONAL---------- D50“ ’Grooming** Poodles a ' specialty.- Sherrlee 's Poodle' PuH. 7347066; ■PUREBRED BALINESE Ml-

PUREBREO-CoehsrSpanlal- - puppies, 2 bufl. 1 blackr .m .l« ,liO,m : fai3.____

- REGISTERED Golden Re­triever pups, 3 months, 2<M, ' 1-F.CairS4-tol.324-5668.

'..TINY Shlh-Uu puppies, AKC- Reg., excellent houae pelt. .


■ 092 'Auctlo^

A v ia tio n '- ' ;

1677 CESSNA ,hitl IFR, OME. AOP, EN cwieing at- ' tlmetor, post ilohta.tlrobes, i

____ a50hoursTT.324-33a7.______

- B6«mMiflMlt9nn.. .] CHRYSLER BOATS and

------ m olor87-.-C aIW ns-tra in rsr -Jerom e implement - Co., <

i 324^11 , Je rom e. ' CH(IYSL£R 16' boal.& Irali* er. 65' hp. like ne«», $2993. Phone: 754-«ift4. ________ ^

c l o s e -o U t iON1960’S . I

The 81‘s arp arriving every* i dM and the . .se lec tions. > Tom'a Marina & t

i 1

i “ FOR SALE 9.a-HP-ertnrudo^ ^ motor. Exc condillon. Call f

■ J ohnM n^^oumoards^ ^

»03.rMUUI PONTOON BOAT* trailer, I

40HP Johnson molor. Must \se e to appreclale. After 8, <423-4583,________________

/ SAIL CATAUNA YACHTS; In 113'.- 15’. 22'. 25’. 27«. 6' J

— p /a m t salt orrow .'P arts and «hardware. 8AtL'HAUS,4«3S *

-------L P d u sU w iflJ3 M g 7 ._____ -. ^ 1 Nautique compelltJdn

ski boat, 351 cubic Inch In- rM r d , $8SOO.' 837-6831. or "07.4012. Mark.___________ -

^ W A N T E O -Q o o d . uaiKl.watat:. ^ ' u i ln g veaia & skis. Ask for c

____C h e ^ or Dan 733-770Q or , s

—^ « ‘-STAftC«AFT-SKnrriwi<- - t

17; CABIN CflUISER lof ail«“ " f o f lra d a to rc a m p ln llo r .U ir T! 3 s m ^ — — _ E

' t e ........... SOKlHlfllioillIl- -S

-BREMINQTON 3 » n model; 11

• V __1 ■ ' ■

BBIDGEa c o b y a n d A l a n S o n t a i

i t d o w n J o ^ s i z c

- -— Is-openedH H it^-he-l

lin e s f i r s t . H e rufi le a d , d r a w s tru m p i a c e -q u e cn o f d la r r h a s fo llo w ed to th

___________m o n d w ith th e deu r W e s t- to 'd u c k .. le a d s a th lrd ^ d ia n w in s a n d g e ts o u t «

' d ia m o n d • a n d w ai q ueen o f h e a r ts

—— - — hand:----------------------S u p p o se S outh

_ p la y m g h e a r ts . V ■■ b k e n is q u e en a:

h e a r t b a ck . S t ill do« ; N ow le t ’s g e t to.

Soaih p la y th a t w in s ai 24 d e fe n se . ,

8 4 high . T h en h e pla> a n d d e u c e o f t ru th a t E a s t show ed

__________ k ln g ).-E v e n J£ _ W ca— s m a r t .e n o u g h to c l

7 , h e m u s t wlri w ithNow. h e is s to n e

A c lu b le a d a llow :_______ disc a rd -a lU h ts -lo sc i

o r d ia m o n d le a d li - d u m m y to c a sh th e <

se old* - N o le -:a l5 0 ,' th a t ha n d s . sh o u ld w o rk agains:

I s la m b ina tioH ' o f £ a s t trump. - P«'-<ls.; a c lu b (NEWSPAPEn E N ^ F

12<— ■ .- -S w V a h ld a -

1»___________ TfawlTnilara'* BUY & SELL usod rocroallon

vohlclBS. - A T U S SALES.. ,1. Floral & Eastland. 734-6219.>• CONSIGNMENT

SPECIAUIST- - - - - - -• JIM b u sbV I n t e r ?r is e s

[• Jim -294 Wash. 734-2530-8111 '• 13' 89 SECURITY camp trall- ° e r. Neat & clean. 3i^S90lI afler4:30pm. ^ _______'r. 17'. Sleeps 6. 35 gal. water-

u n k , dual propans unks. 3

' 1970 15V4’ KIT COMPANION.I, sleeps 6, exc cond. S1695,

Callfe3-94aaafterSpm.. ._ . - u 1Q73 COACHMAN CruMder;

V* 8. exc cond.Rasch, 324*2221.1973 TAURUS camper trail­er, 21'. selt-con'jlned, sleeps e. See a t Lenz Ave.,

'! H aielton. B29-5748. $3500.. i '1974 ROAO RANGER 6x20'..r se ll-conuined; S ee . East

Madison. : Kimberly. Call1; < 2 3 ^ 1 - ■ - - -n : -t880-STARDUSTri7W‘-m inl-

5th-_ wheel.— fu>'y. sell* •I > 'coiitalhed, new'cohd. Pulled L' 600 miles, used 4 times. Can ! be pulled by -compact ; oichUD. $5800.1-M»*2112.; .22^ 5TH . WHEEL sell*


r ^128-------— U m p e r t t S h ^‘‘ CAMPER, s leeps 5, slove,>; relrlooralor. Best oiler. Cali •

734-4261. ~ .__________CAMPER SHELL for shorl bed steoslde PU. like new.

- -$393:car324^252.

PICKUP and campor combo. 1973 Chevy C-lo camper special. New 454 engine, loaded. Air. power sloorinq

. and brakes, dual tanka, and more. 1B7S Security l l ’

_ _Travtlall.^omplelB ly_.sotJ.. cantainedT . Fridge, «lr,

-cjlieen bed, dual prbpino Unks, s tereo and more. See- lo appreciate. $5200.or best oHer.32»5174.___________

- PICKUP camper, mako best offer. 734-3376.

- 'IO W WONDERLArjp 86lf*_

size overshot

;=";' SpVs's-'ai.-- . ( S f c B S i_____ ^

1973 6' V4 cab-ovor Camper

- -1974 KIT-campor.-9’rq u o e n -size bed; gas electric refrlg* eraior. hydraulic jacks. Best

127__________• Motor HomesDODGE VAN motor homo; stove. Ice box, sleeps 2,

p . ., . , , .

FOR RENT 1979 25' Crulso- . Air motor hom e^H eaefvo .

now.324-442e733<295.FOR RENT11978 Winnebago 24'—eleeps 8. Low winter

FOR RENTI Solf-conlalned_

Ruff-HEasv. 734-2056.

- -H om erClass A rlowm ileager-Excellonl cond. 324.4710.1978 ROLL-A-LONO 27' molor homo, Ford 460 V*«.-18.030 miles, like now. $15.500.436^3^2 or 532-4371.1978 ROLL-A-LONO 27' motor homo. Ford 480 V.8,18.030 miles, llko. iiow.’ $15.500.436-4352 cr 532*4371.

FOR -SALE: 5x8 U-HAUL ' Iraller. extra clean. 326-4544.

132 Auto,P»maAceM«>tfes_ CHROME_trallor hllch lor

- -SQ^ru^j;Br»t^^8ee.--ift47-

“ tiOOQB 318 or 229'enDttie fo r^ rebuilding,--each ” 150;‘ 3

■speed transm.; 8 ' Pickup , bad ullllhr irlr $223:423-4053.

FOUR-TIRES « rims, new. ‘ 700x14. $183. 224 Wiseman. e»e'a73»80t7.(1) 13” Sosra (oiread

196S MONTEGO body & .' glass; 1977 Opel parts; 1»47.

O M ge 20; ttti? biovy*4D;- 19W 307. A powor ^ llde; (6}

a iS l l f n ! d & ^ ■M i ^ W garta. Call 733-70fi^ .

■ 1 Bird^ -------8 'S 'io p re if—t a a ...................' I t Snedows"

----------- T - . (L«t|■ 13 Move quick

t © - , , l iA i» e r i .■ •15 R#ligJoui

H ^ . y e w , . i ■

17 Slick- ih c .o c d ln a ry -------ig Coolingruffs th e c lu b ‘ bevoragen p s a n d p la y s 20 Downa m en d s . E a s t 22 Earth's starth e f i r s t d ia - ■ (L»i.r -

le u c e to show 23 Propafals o u is n ’t h a rd 24"^olo»conTk. N ow . S outh 26 Math termlam ond . W est 28 Hair-do holeIt w ith his la s t • 3 0 Boundarv a ils fo r h is 31 S«mo (profi;s to s e t th e 3 2 Goat

lh s ta r t s b y 3 6 S o n o f J a e oW est m u s t 3® Slashand le ad h « Rasoerch

dow n one. 'o®*"to th e line o f r ,— N U a g a in s t a n y ’ . ^ ^

la y s a c e - k l n g ____________tr u m p s (n o te 14h i o u t on th e ___ ________^ csL h a s-b e en ____ jg __________I c h u ck tb e 8*ith th e th re e . ; ; ; ----------------n c c o ld dead .o w s 'S o u th 't o L— —w c r s ^ h c a r t -------------- - Z i_____1 le ts h im In : I I - he clubs.l a t - th l s p l a y — .- in st a n v com -s t a n d W est ________

2RPRISEASSN-) ,— =---------- rr" ”............... ' , 4 4

|8------------- ---------------------------- •

™ _________I'l ’ 52 -


1 ------ ■ ■132 AuloPans&A^tMorlei

. FULL SET o7“W io l7 i r 5,r- Chevy rims. Call 886-7783. ■3 SAVE 50c PER GALLON.i- Dual fuel propane con*

versions. Trucks, vans,

I:. PICKUP TOOL BOXES forf; Step side pickups, $70, New

e . GMC & Chevy, pickups, $77.50.733-4096.

I- WE REBUILD Hydraulic ’I, Jacka a t ABBOH'S AUTO „ SUPPLY. 305 Shoshono

-Sireet South. Twin.■ I

« 135 . Cycias&Suppim . ' CB 750 CUSTOM, wllh fair- '

-mllea.$S.000.4a^l37, _

=‘ - i. HARLEY' DAVIDSON . A Motorcycle; - S e e . Jerom e " implomoni Co.. 324-3311.

' Joromo, I4_ ■H Q HDAa-Jaalost_&-be3t-- J • 1979 CBX. Show room cond. ^ >, 4600 miles. $3895. Kay ofllce. * 'I • 823-4318: H o m o ,8 2 ^ ^ .

KAWASAKI KX 400.20 hours on . compleieiy rebuilt \

L - -engine,—n ew -llro s .- oxc. - ( cond ..$795.324-7401. !

r ‘KAWASAKI' KV- 75:" h e w - "I L After 5om. 734*5054, (

OR TRADE- XR SOO Honda ) '- for 1751, T., PEi XR, or KDX. ‘' __________ I1 TWO like,'new 1960 Honda ‘ 3 *Hom]ns:t»n1y65,mllosoach.- -‘ . Pedal or lull power, ovor 125 -

MPG;$425eachorbolh$600, ' ,*• -K*y c ff lc « r« 2 3 ^ # rH o m ijr -{ 62^4382.___________ -) . T W 0125 Hodaka.trall bikes, < t exc. cond; $850 for matching c

pair. 1-487-2922. Richfield. t t 1973 HONDA f XL 175,

exceltont ahape, $460, Call . ■7 3 4 ^ a f t e r i r p j T i . ^ 1

:r197i;:SliZUKiz380^GT^t400.- 73W721 days, ask for Frank. 423-4857pm. -1

jv 1975 YAMAHA 500. J850 or « b esi offer. Phone: 734-7034 y

r - or734jOT8;^ _ _ _ ' i t : -: - -1 1975 250 MONTESSA COTA, ^

: $300.423-4339aller5, 1-1978-H O N D A -400-S upor- ->

. Sport. 4 cyl.. e x ^ c o n d , . 1 I runs groat. 3800 miles, $1.000 S

llrm .?^1551 .734-7984. ,1970 HONDA 5S0- full dress, c

1 $1300;-.1972'SUZUKI, quick F

I J' 1976 HONDA-mallc full 3

d ress , low mlleaoo, see (0 w a g^ecla to . $1800, After 6pm, 1

' - -1978 370 BULTACO:^9re“ l25 ' Z MONTESSA. Good condl- r tlon. No reasonable offer c

- - f e f o » e d J ^ 7762. -• — tl

i _1977 -SUZUKI QT*750; wllh O " 'taTfrTr^, saSdlO'baQa.-soo'to S’

- 324-58M Of _7

1979 HARLEY 1200 Supor nQlidf; exc cond, 3000 miles, n'slock or . v/accossQfios. 11734.7819.________________ ___ K1979 KAWASAKI 1000 LTD, h lust broken in,-m usi sell. 7i ^■1324-8585, - 1,

- -1979— YAMAHA - YZ 80. Pexcellent, $450; 1978 Yamaha d YZ80, very,flood, $350; 1976 $:

1980 KX80, excellonl condl- dii p i i .a w f e i .______ ___ _ gI960 SUZUKI T)M 123; llko £

_ . new>»t000>Call324-»1g,*— ----- H

72 ^ S 250 ^ y c lo , r e b u li r 1 e n g ^ S400 or best olfor. ^

;7B HARLEY DAVIDSON fully ^ pp .™ : « ! ! Z

■ I I • hi

' Heavy Equipmeni ^. BACKHOE WORK, aeptki.

U nks fr d raln tlek ls.*« r^ tr ffwork, d m r work, eurt) & £!,gutter, ^ p soU for s a le : ; *3

; AJfO ;hav* 'n e w - * u a ^ , 1«hpme^ for salo. 0 & B Coiv; ei

- 324-2214. In

44 Tax agency .i- . . i (abbr.) •

It-------- 49-Ausptcos---------i r r :■ 47 Ute a neodja I t - j f r

40 W slks .* ' , jickly 50 Take care Ib IT T t

52 Swings I a ~b|u I* "53 Inexpeniivb c i-IT T Jd ________ aar________ ■ l « U l t

^ DOWN ^ ^

■tar ■ ' 0""'^ 13S0Cf2 Pronunciation

* 3 0 ,% . , . '


iacob 9 •Mallei10 Hare exists - digit

h (contr.)" . 33 Com 12 Skinny fish . __

FTi p ^ ’

— “ —

“ “ 2 ^

~ i z 5 q ^ i E I I28“ “ 2 n * 3 0 ^

T T ’

= j ! E -49 so

136 ’ Huvy Equipmeni CATERPILLAR 0-2 Farm Cat,

> Dlosei onglno. and PTO.• Veiy good’dverall condition. •

$ 2 ^ or b e tl offer.326-5174.■ CRAWLER TRACTORS lor . sale. All sizes, excellent

prices. Must reduco Inven- iory: Financing available. Call loday for deiaiis. 1- .

>' 232-2173. ask for Kon,



CAT D-5 D o z e r . . . . . . $37,500JD 500A B ackhoo.'..$17,500 . JD 550 Dozer ........... $30,000

— ELLIOTT^S IN C .-,:-- ;t t l O vorUndAve.

. ^ Bob Houston. Sales RU)

H om ophone ......... 733-1490 ,

4.WHEEL DRIVE loaders;' • backhoes & olher Industrial 1

-o q o lpm enrfo r^ lo rM ach ln^ 1 erv Connecllon 678-4534.

HO . ’ t iw la IWANT TO BUY: Old Iruck. 1 cab 4'C hasals, Phono-774- 12206lStanlov),___________^ ;

"M U ST:SAC Rincri980Fd7(r 1 C»orl«nr,_7i-bod,-5 speed,-- ' Insu la ted ' sneiir~Eycoiieni 1 'cond. $5585.734.1768. :MUST SELL, movingl 1974 D o d ^ truck, needs starter.

: ‘ w e ’f?e b u y Tn g :— -& CONSIGNING_ _ _ _ I

.BRING'EMINCars, pickups, trailers, campora, "molortiomos S ' boa^». THE LIQUIDATORS. < JIM BUSBY ENTERPRISES I Jim . 2M Wash. 734-2530-BIII 1

10 Wh’oeler Int'l twin screw, * -5«i3, 392 eng., P /S .„2 0 L J ^HamwayepUdBo<TS4M850.--1950 CHEVY, 2 tpood, fOar ond,-hydraullchofet, flatbed,6 new recap llres. 733-5J74,

-lOSI'fORD-Plckup-forsalor*Call 734-4944: ________ ___11951 FORD Pickup V, Ton, * V-6 onolne. $900.324-4062. ! 1953 CHEVY IVi Ton.JruCk. I $550. Phone: 432-5542.1967 FORD V, ion p.u., i campor apodal, a/t, afc. PS, , PB, dual tank^ ppsi-trac, , in ln lcon (llll .P ,A .B M .1M9 KENWORTH cabftvor.

1971 F0R D :\4 ton. 360 4 s g M ^ radial ,llres. Call }

197200DQEU.Ion$650.1B73 , _ C h ^ ^ ^ i4 x 4 ,a u to m a l lc ,

•f ulilitv, engine recently ] overhauled, exc .’ cond,. ]

-^^■ ^eyar73M B 65.-7E ro '8 -

n ii» c n a ln .,7M -i5a ._____ '1974'-CHEVY-tt-tOfll-flOOd- ^MPG. Mag- whoois & 'headers. Must solll $1500. ^788-3314, ’ I1974 DODGE Club Cab Vt ton !

-PU,-81.000 milos. good coni

$ 1 4 M :3 2 ^ ” '“° 1

duty lool boxes, hydraulic lack operated holsL Exc. ' M n^,^$3800. Afler 5pm, '

^ 9J8 1

z*milo's.-$3400:32^4838.---------- ^1978 .-FORD PU ^ ton, 4 .speed , good condition, must ^

rg tnnnafc roH B t.;3 ;« .7H »r^ -,22' TRI.AXLE 5lh wheel traiK ,er. heavy dutyi w/2 (on trir !

-houae-'toadar.>OMC Iruck, ,e x f - ' - cend. PIckeit , Mahufaclutlng. MurUugh 4324391 or73tl978.M QMC Vi Tqn. A ft, PIS, .

1977 FORD s J p i r cab ^i.ton,: 3 excoiient condition. Now ra- 1

S I i E * I In £ a p « 1 g »- *

m BnSI>cratas' 34 Consei^t'' me 35 W aste clothvmole -^7 Fhco ____lard (abbr.) 33 Portugal and highest , •• spair>

39 Floxiblo ... • .I C b in .h io ld .

jk lno pedal

>mediar\ Phil <9 Grow o ld ’___ 51 Zowie

e ]7 IB 110 I

_ 27______ ;_____________ i _


j j p i 37 1307

^ ■ 4 2 4 3 “

“ J^HIpT51

" 5 5 •

140 Tnjcka

1977 « Chevrolet PU. A/T.• powor. air. poaaMrao,, 43000.-

miles. S2SOO (irm. Bluo LakesTr Park. Air Stream trailer. 1? y n ^ 0 Ab ftanchero lor saJej_Call423-4784.__. .1980 DATSUN King Cab

.pickup, 5 speed. A/C. ask­ing $ 5 ^ , Vory cloan. Call

1980 TOYOTA Pickup” ^ . Clean. Lowmllos, 5’spood.WM0-.734-2494,_________20' WOOD spud bud. now bell. $500.734*1787.423-4950.

141 '1973 DODGE Van; (ully carpelod & Insulated, sun

. .roo(.13_#peod._floof shut,. _ t>4d, roof rack, radlaf llres, fuel exhaust, 318 Cl englno, 135,000 miles. $1250 or trade for VW squaroback. Call 1- '

- im.5502.___________-'■ ■1973 VOLKSWAGEN VAN- excellont condlllon. 4234229_

1978 ISO Custom Ford Van,V-8, auto, PS.PB, crulto ^

■ To-nm U K nB w rsggaiir- q1977 FORD Vi ton Van. 33,000 miles. Slereo, P/S, P/B, 2 A/C 's. privacy glass, 12 pat* . sengors. Excellent condk lion-352-4298-74 FORD VAN. 8. Slick,

■ r a rp ot;— paneled;— 49.000- - . milos. Exc, cond, $2200 or

trado fo r ' Import’ Wagon, 324-7955.

142 Ifliporta^SporttCara ALFA ROMEO 4D;32K milos. A/C. FM 8-track, 5 sp , 25 —$3250.734-0432, ■__________FOR SALEI 1980 SUBARU Hatchback: low mllos, $4900. Calt825.5553, _________

f f i f ■Sli:G ood, condition, low mlle- aoe. II Intofosted 734-4976.

— — TOP CASH- - - - - - - - -ForVOLKaWAGENS

In Aiwcona/non .T O «92_________

-1973-VW-SUP6R-6EBTLE,- “ A/C, AM/FM cass. superb cond, $2800/besl offer. Well lake(u>care ol. Anytime.

1974 DATSUN 610- excellent - condition. $1600: Phono: 733-3395,____________1974 VW Supor Beello, sun roof, snow llres, oxceilenl cond. $3300 or best offer.Not many liko .this onol 788-2160Malloy)eyes,..1978 OATSUN B-210. Sun. roof, slereo, am-lm cass., ; mag wheels,- low mlloago, — $ ^ . A f t e r 6om. 733-8633 1977 HONDA Civic 2-door

-sedan ,-from whoel drlvo^ ^

■'iff^TRIUMPH Sph^riro 1500 Series. 4-sp, w/overdrlvo.

“1978 DASHER, llko- now. 4

1979 HONDA Civic 1200. (roniyl*,” ' -1979 MAZDA 826 2-dr, 18,000 miles, sport wheels, sun­roof, 5 speed, am-fm casse tte . Like. new. Make o7ler. 734-9183.734-4244,1979 VW Rabbit; 21,000 miles. .tan .w /un intorior,.2 -

-*dooi, 4 speed, fuel Inieclion, snow tirea, driving lights.

• Very well malnUlnod. Call 786& 01______________

_5893or324*2540 afler 6om. _

EiTwlmTiflir^iiiniirwsTrint!^ r , $8995 (Irm,>33-l533aft,6pm,72 TOYOTA CEUCA ST;

78 HONDA CVCC Wagon. A/T, am-fm radio, recent tuneup, $2000 or trade tor A m e f jc a n c o m g a c L 4 ^ ^ _

t « ^WheelOrtra

'7 8 M 50,J4x4. P/S. P/B. •nvfm stereo casse ite . Ex- -

A nimana.PfnvlniiT,PiinH i i . . . .

1968 MERCUR'R e g u la r g o s o n g in o , c

- 1 9 6 0 U IC 0 I‘D o rk c o p p e r , r b g u lo r

1970MERCURr lu - to r to w h i t e a n d g r t

1964 CHEVROIV *8ior)g ino , 4 s p o o d ti

. 1970 FORDU1T u - to n o p a in t , r p g u lo

1973 FORD Lt~ ^ u ^ to i T o b r o w n o n d w

igegiffERCURT u - (o n o b lu o fi w h ifo .

1973 MERCURV -8. o u to m o l ic t r 'a n sn

1973 0L0SM0I2 D o o r H o rd fo p . G ofc(

1973 CHRYSLE- - B r o u g h a m 4 D o o r H oi

. 197K0MET2L o ca l 1 o w n o r , o n ly 2E

, 9 6 c y l in d e r o n g ln o , s ta i

1974 00UGAR.L ig h t Ivy , w h ito w in y l 1 I t 's o s h o r p lo c a l o n o o

, i55sreR3M yI "TH'6 o r ig in a l / i ; 9 v (3 n

s i f 'h r u u t . O o n ’1

1975MERCUR1O n o of t h o s h a r p e s t w

' 1975VWRABBE x tro c c o n o m ic a t , p lo r

1976 cougar:W h ito , b r o w n lo n d o u r

1977 HgNOACR o g u lo r g a s b h g in d , 4

1977 PLYM0U1B e a u t ifu l w h i te , .b u r g o

- 49764IHEVY-HD a r k b r o w n m e t o llic , I t h o f In o s ( ‘T rom C h o v r o

■ M E R C U R \ 1976 F0RDGR/4 d o o r , o i r c o n d it lo n in c

J979 F0RDi|E!W h ito , c o n t r a s t i n g a c c t 4 s p o o d t r a n s m is s io n .

1978 MERCURYE c o n o m ic o l o n g ln o , h ig

= 1978 FORD FAIID a r k c o p p o r m o (o lllc . c

1978MERCUR1Ib u ro p & o n sp o r t~ p 'o ck o (

M ¥ baru I4 w h e o l d r iv o In c lu d in g v a r y o c o n o m lc o l o n d di

1979 MERCURY- - B e a u tif u l S p o r t s p a c k o

*4 s p o o d t r a n s m is s io n , 1

- -1974CHEVY-BI4 s p o o d t r a n s m is s io n ,

_ _1979.PLYM0UT= -isFO K I C p U K b . B r ig h i r

__in7tf VW PABRiQla I I I KMDDD a rk b r o w n m e ta l l ic , b o n ly 1 1 .0 0 0 m llo s . h ig h

_ 1979 MERCURYW h llo , c o n t r o s t l n g oc cc 4 s p e e d t r a n s m is s io n , 1

- 1980 CHEVY4U_ O n ly 1 0 .0 0 0 m i l e s , 4 s p

= |g79=G0NTINTIIT u r q u o is e , b e a u t i f u t he

„ fu ll D o w o r th r u - b u t , ju s


• The '' 701 Main Ave. E.

e l s c m

Fry MONTEREY 4 l0, o u to b r n t ic t r a n s m is s io n , |

^KYtARrZHOORlo r g a s o n g ln o . o x c o l lo n t tr(

IRY-M0NT^RE¥4^• g r m m r r o ^ a t i f r g a r o n g i n o r

OLETELCAMINO'id t r o n s r r \ is s ! o n , lo o k s s h a rp

TD BROUGHAM 2 1Lilor g a s o n g in o , i t ' s s h o r p . .

ltd 2 DOORj w h i t o r r o g u l a r g a s o n g ln o ,

IRYM0NTERY4DIHo. b a d o d - w i t h o q u ip m o n t

IRY MARQUIS 'n s m l s s lo n . 'p o w o r s to o r tn g i

lOBILE CUTLASSofc(, w h i to v in y t r o o f , r o g u fo

LER NEW YORKERH o rd fo js , h o s o v o r y th in g . O r

2^D00R’ 2 8 ,0 0 0 o c tu o l m ilo s , s ta n d o r d t r a n s m i s s i o n . . . .

RXR7- - - - - - - - -lyl ro o f, o p o r o w in d o w s , o o w n o r .......................................

WSTANG____a n i/ . '.iT ia tfc t r o n s m ls s io n , f >n’i -m s.. t l . . s o n e .....................

RY MONARCH GHIJt w o 'v e o v o r s h o w n , r«»n» In w m i l o < ........................

M 3 D 0 0 R . ,lo n ty o f i n to r lo r r o o m , ju s t ‘

RXR7 “ a:iU ro o f , n o w c o r t r o d e - in . h '

CIVIC-^DOOR—1, 4 s p o o d ( r o n s m ls s io n , bri<

UTH FURY SPORTr g o n d y v in y l r o o f , ( a r to n pic

MQNTECARLO^PIc . lo o d o d w i th o c } u ip m e n t v r o lo t ’ ............ .............................

RY MARQUIS 4 DOy - m e to lD c r lo o d o d - w i th -e q u

RANADAGHIAlin g , r o o r w in d o w d o f r o s t e r

|STA:2D00R^ic c o n i sT rlp o s , o c o n o m lc a l 'o )n . o s c u to a s c o n b o . , ............

)Y BOBCAT STATKh ig h E PA r a t i n g , a J o r r i f lc fc

MRM0NT2D00R-c. c o r i t r o s t ln g I n te r io r , i s t J r o d o d In .................. .. . . . ^

RY ZEPHYR 2 DOdlk o g o r b u c k o t s o o ts r o n ly - 2 7

fSmiONWAGONl in g d o lu x b s p o r t p a c k a g e , d d u r o b l o .................................* ;

RY BOBCAT:k o g e , e c o n o m ic a l o n g ln o , in, o n ly 1 7 ,0 0 0 m i l o s ............

BLAZER-4x4 _ i -jn , r e g u l a r g a s e n g in e , t h p 1

P - V O L A R E ^nt rod ,“p r o m iu m - b o d y - s id o r

IBIT:, b e a u t i f u l b r o w n c u s to m ir ligh E PA r a t i n g ...........................

lY CAPRI SPORT tc c o r its . 4 ^ l i n d o r e n g i n e , — n , 1 o w n e r . ! ..................... , . .

.UV-PicKUP:=:-ls p e e d t r o n s m l s s lo n , M Ik ac

fiHALMAHKV-^t h o r ig o n lz in g ln to H o r ,« f t ' ' ju s t t r o d e d In . . . ^

3011' s .

( i s e i i Ii e E a s ie s t P la ce In The

' ’ ............. - T h u rsd ay

r M t o t i

DOOR ~I, p o w e r s t o o r i n g ....................

R H A R D T O P-^t r a n s p o r t a t i o n

DOOR —tJ ro o U J ir ra T t^ n ra n sm ts s lo n .

irp- ...........................


lo . - o u to m d l ic tr o n s m ls s io n T

■•< t ..................................................

.....................J S b r a k e s , o x t r a c l o a n ,

$fo r g o s o n g fn o , s p o r fy .

* $O n ly 50,000 m llo 6 - ,- r i- . -------

— $

I. p o w e r s i e o r ln g , .

i a ' " " ' . . . .

.................. ..■ t r a d e d i n ............ .. .. .. . ' A

h ’s s h a r p .............................. ^

— r r — $ «rig h t r o d . ^

j lo ld ir .tf if .-> h f--p ^


OORq u ip m 4 in t^ ^ o .O M tn o r . , i

lONWAGONf a m i ly w a g o n ............... "

“ $ -

i2 7 .0 0 0 m ilo s . . . . .

0 u l t i m a t e RV _.................. "

> m o l d t h g s r s p . o t ^ - r .

1 In te r io r ,


a d o p o c k o q o .................. ^

M o t «l e W orld To B u y A Car

ay. M arch 19,1981......Times-NQi-NQW3. Twin Falls. Idaho C -n "

K p r s :

^ 3 0 0

;=^SStt =^ « S r O = *6 9 0 ^

. „ * 8 5 ©

* 1 6 9 0 M 7 5 0 1 1 8 9 0

* 1 9 5 0

* 1 9 9 5* » 1 5 0 ?

* 0 3 5 0 i ^ 2 3 9 0 * 2 4 5 0 ^ * 1 5 9 0 »* a e s o 3

» 1 9 5 0 -* a # 9 0 £^ 3 2 9 0

^ 9 0 — ' 3 5 9 0 :

^ 3 6 5 0 I

^ 3 8 9 0 I

^ 3 9 9 0 1 ' 3 9 9 0 1 1 3 9 9 5 ; I

' 4 5 9 0 I

^ 4 6 5 0 ‘5 5 0 0 ;

e ^ s o o f5C

» r s - - ' far

1 4 4 ^ —^ 4WhHl6<l« JEEP* 1M7 Commtn<Jo.4x

— .............V .«H 6 MP0,-35 0 »i. Unhtjbs, 2 lops, lira 6 cj

' ' ' ' carrier, cuslom spring • 11x19 o il road llre i A chron:

■ ••poll# wtiMis. jiaoo. w ------J . take o lde r-P .U r In tndi

____------- ,1 W WILLVS, msQ wtieeli

..STrChovy, Buflo QOOd. 8fl9ell.r.;34A » .__________1970 TOYOTA Land CruUe

-4WD. low miles, excellan_________ condlUon. Sea il.Tom:ia_ . .^__..M*rln«._Burley:_»26SO.OO

' N«w r td l i l . (Ires. eTS-747; a jter_epm J78j102._ • 1B73 CHEVY BLAZER, oxtn c le io , new tires. S2SOO

_________Phone: 32<^7M_________--------------- 1973-dE£P-Waaon8Br-t*«:

PS/Brakesy A/C, trtr filtch, t20i0.1-^-746a.

------------ 1074 JEEP CHEROKEE 4i4;- - milafl. • I2.000T 734-

1974 JEEP J-10 pickup 4x4, Chroma dms. wide tiros.

. M usl»ee.t182S.734^M .

-----^ "T O R O " F -2 5 0 '4 ji4, 38"

________m u d d e g jjM k ouis^-^powet


400 engine, dusi Unki, - - AM/FM ndio , lockout hubs,

chrome rims, 28,000 mllea. 432*S3M.

: r — _197B FORD Rsnoer U ion 4x4, M l V-a, A/T. PS.-PB, AM-FM, dusi Unks, sliding

-window, shsrp 2 tone blue w /whlte spoke wheels & ra-

'd ials & lols ol Chrome. Only 17,000 miles & wall cared lor.

llm . 43»4M7, or 43»-' i m _____________^1B60 4W/0 % ton Chevy: lock o u ^ u b s , 4 speed; Call

70 FORD W step-side, propane-gss ^ w e re d . re-

' b u C rims, extras.' izflM.

1 ■••148___________AnBqueAutOiIWANT; 1S5M»-S7 Chevrolet -2-dr hardtop or Nomad. •P refer now running- will look.- » t all. 734-4783 sfter 7pm,

:19U MUSTANG; V-t,\ PS /brakes, auto, good tires,

Ri»chsnlcally exc. tIOOO or b ast Olfer.. 734-2781 or 733-


m AutoO ealer*.



1981MNo;-C-75.-Bright rod,

---- -wh©ol-drive-or>tJ-of-cMotors.

_ $S00 dow n. 16.50 Alde lerrod p o y m ^ 'i t 7 t

— m u___ ^ N o . Xr'SS.FQrtLMQtQ

T h slse n M o to r Rob

- W ith |u s t a trade-IiY

__________________>r&o?doi_ S ia i& d o w n 1 6 sn

d»<»f re d p o y m » n m

C-12 TlmflS-Nflyirs.Twlr

'Drtye- .-'.148^ AoitquaAui0 4x4, ' l O f c ^ V T ' loa pichi Unk. axe cond. Complele. C

t c an -~ < 702I7S2-3M3. Wells. NV. rings,' ' 1048 F-1 Ford pickupi mo

recenlly rebuilt, body net . Will worK. , J1.000/ b e sf-o ll trade: 734-1460. ----------- —

- DCTuiiru i eono.- i -73C-787r----- 75g.20W,Salmon.« U j- 1057 aUlCK Cenlury, all o Best . g in a l top cond .,' 87,0___ m lle^ t3?& .438W 1.i/H«f ' 1059 EL CAMINO • »3C illsnl Phono: 432-U42.omU-----------------------------------------0.00------

154 Aulos-OdiU1953 CAOILUC Classic'41

~1QW r a n m / \ r p,"if h Vlller w/rebulll onglni

■ 734-7094. -

' t a Auioi~CHfy»t 1979 CHRYSLER LoBarc

r n 20: PS/brakoj, automal tull power, sir. cruisi

'«■ AM/FM 8-lrack, 318 V-i leather upholstery.- 1 yei


I f ' 158 ' ' A ulos-dwroli -CA M A fio ioT O ileiToM ^

- • to>j>le_kup...Phone:53fr83S3. ! 2 , , - •CLEA N -1B74-V efla- StJ 733. Ilonwagon; mig wheel!

ekcellent llres wfih eluddei— * " 0 * treads on rear. Com

^ulo'^ystefM.'*!S3^ih^vejJ*. W.. 733-»77. »65.

wn 1 7 5 - - - -AutoOeslenling • ------------------ -----------------ilue.

? 1977 Fl " ' 4x41

N o. T 269 V-8 itO) s te e r in g ; p o w o r hli;, Ing, AM/FM cassc

* 4 21 P83k>s<

MO W ost M ain- 3 2 4 -5434 734

T H I MT hi

MERCURYL1od, f lo o r-m o u n fo d iransm ] ^ l-courso-m odo-ospocloilyr*

1 1 “0 APR. 48 moniht, $1883.40 Inisr S7315.04. tolol ol paymefltt $68

i m m ^i t o r R p b a t e . . . . . .

o b a t e ....................................

, t ^ o -m o f .................; . ,Y o u r P a y O n l y

>.5aAPR^4a>nMatht,a2J02.i9.iAI ilS9424.48,'to to l(^poym »nls S7t

'w in Falls. Idaho T hu rsday . Ily. March 19J981_:_;^___ __

Autos 19 Autoe-Cherr^ilckup, . CONVERTIBLE, 1987 Impali . Call .Oldsmoblle engine.. ExV.__ cond.tt34-a088e(ter5om. -motor 1070 . C H E W Impals.needs owner, e x c . ' cond,, run

“iW 3 MONTE CARLO- 88^

i7 n jr “ i 5'T9 CHEVY .Mallbu Ctassli------ 4D; blue. 1 4 ^ miles. A/CIII on-' c ruise, A M /m radio. >5850 S7,000 Days. 543-4328 or Eve's___ 64:^178.___________ ^*300. 73 1MT>AU 4K]oor hsrdlop

Now exhaust. Runs good ------------ Call-734.4917. ■■ J ■ ■

11775. 7 i« 5 8 4 aHer 5pff ;o n d : . W9.ok--««ya<0-5 w aek.ends.r

-teO - - • Airto>-Dodtf( g'ine', 1978 OOOOE Colt 2D Sedan: _ 27-30 MPQ. C*ir538;224C

- 162 A utos-Fortipallc.. CHEVY_ Vega.. 1978 .SW, ulse. Qood MPG & runs good. V-8,, S1595/best oiler. 5434371.yesr AlterSpm. S43-5C04._______

'onrt . .1966 MOSTANO-O-wtlnder- „ A/T, now pslhl. *1,000 or

bestofter.7534421.W6l*l ; 1073 LTQ. eludded snow

nifft9._Sanyo_*m -lm _auto. }S3. rever. casse tte deck. Qood ■sta-- cond-11.000,324-2416.>els, . 1077 FORO PINTO 3^»oor Jden runsbout. A/T. Sunroof, tom- ^ miles. ttl50 .-M 4.»8 .

Ave. eI'^oxl«” lnterlor*exiV?^o^ tions. Sharp. 13500,324-407T

(ere j ' 17lT ■ AuloDaalera-

— I f i i» O K !FORD F-150 I PICKUP/.Q au to m a tic , p o w o r r b r a k e s , o ir conditlon- sso tto , R ongor XLT.


Jo ro m o 34-&S6S 3 2 4-4318

lis is y o u r l a s t

■ (


;y n x ~ ^ <m is s io n ; f r o n t m m 'M l r < o r - T h . i s o n -

rp e r m o.

*801____ L*801

i : - p o r m o;-------------------


trolel 74 Oran Torino wagon, go< — ehspe. no denis, gold »

brown Int. Low mllesge. S< loaDore.62^«y8.734-«6S

•juM , 1W .h i to t - l iK d n lU n a _____ 1971 CAPRI, new_e»^fl

! ? e

" 'c . t e ™ I'p'4850. r a w M l_______________ve's, 1974 MERCURY CAPRI; rur___ oood; needs a little worldiSJ. Call 733-7058-lOOd. 1970 ZEPHYR- 4-dr, vln:'— ------root.~ e / (,~ T»kB‘OTar pmt!■pfJ'j- -llM .32*-8527efler8om .- -mpfl- ________ ______________5pm_ ;2Sr-. 178 .Awio.DMlori

Sgfe. --------dan::2240


■ - - -iv“ l . in i '.P p m 'P tN T O

ool, •' l i , ,■ fJfiT ■ 1979 PONTIAC V

v-8. outomoile troniml '™- ttoerlng, power broko — Honing. AM/FM K eree

cruU s control. SAVEHUI

No. IM 3 9 A ^ 3 1 ^

3 w 7 .d < iv i iO L S r^ «‘5 Short; w heel b a io /.V J


1978 C M C V»T(• • V-8. outomotle iron»ml

tioerlng. air condltlonln High Slsrro Pockoge, dioli, chrome tpoke wFi<

No.P-745 , ^ 5 3

R ^ M o r

It opisortunit]D ir e c t t o

^ H E I SB i f f g e s t i

a l m o s t 31 S a v e f r a i l

C A s m tO jr O L h

m w HN o. G-l6 Pord Moi Thttlson M otor Cj

• IfY ourT rodo-Jn l . . . thfl

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IrSw^ • 1/: —tHvm^. 1089 ROAD RUNNER, ne

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; raeuda.« i00. 32ft-4204,rinyl Sensible deals on new ani

ere* 178 '■ AutoOealer

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'o ir-eo 'n 'd li J l j p ' . ' ; , m l l o t . No ^

: W A G O N 'miM lon. pow or W 7 6kei. o ir tondl- , r V-8.: 0Ut«• 0. till w heel, itoer(ng>lUNOREOS. 'S j iM O m

!9 9 5J SN®-.’C-82A

TON 4 X 4m illion , pow er V-8; .OUtOi i ln a 'tilt w heel. T ste v in a 1 . 10:OOk15 ro. c r u s * * ] /heel*.

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f i f R C 0 R ^o to r C ash R e b a te . . . . Cash R e b a te . , . .

1 is ju s t w o r th . . . . . . . ,i« n you w ould p ay onl

f c a g

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* 3 1 9 5 -r e o O D O B vi 7 ^ 4 * 4 ' .wtofnotK trommtMlftn; ■floWor- ig>. pow or*b^es.‘ AM'redfo,' )m j5e.Ho:.!iT .101A . ’*•

9 M G B c o n v e r t i b l e "»r, 4 tpeed , low mllot, ihorp.

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d v o it td g e o f im R gB A T I

a r o R Sl i l e S a l e i i >f b u s in e s s o v e r * 1 7 0

S D T R E ^i r w H o T b r i n g ^ j l i i t H U B R Y .

. . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . * 5 0 0 ,inly __

s— ' p e r - m o ; — —

m^PAYM ENT__________ -■ IVfnierertl::___.................~^ it.> 7ai7 .38 ............... - _________

Olhera " 1 . . . - .............. -.................

)Mtw» . ■ j g


l j : i _

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_ A m e r i c a ^

- - F r o n t W I

1S81CHEVR0LIN b . l -

Fac to ry R obots th o s o M odoli

$ 7 0 0 o n C om o & M ontoC

SSO O onC hovo ' S C ita tio n s

^ T U RF o r d J M M ^

r i i

I n

0 0

gf— 1981-_ _ NO. M-42. 1



No. 2-36. Ford

— ThelsenM ot

1— ------- JflU}h.)ust-a4j

iiSi- In tcre it. de ierrei

# 0 5 3!---------------------------------------(

1981.CHEVRN o . 7 - 1 0 4 _____

^ J l O W O N L Y . . .

N o . I S e l l i n g

r h e e l D r l v a

i iE T c r a r i f l ^ ^1 - 1 2 9 ............... ... .. .

n o w ' s

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E• '* * • BLUK lAKetNOK

^ . ' S

— . i

tMAnams^T helsen M otors rebc

U se y o i i r r o b

y o u r d o w n p a

1 9 4 ^■0 down. 16.50 APR.,48 monlJii. $5 »d paym ents 10.344.16. lolol of ^

1 ZEPHYRMrd M otor R e b a te ...........

o to r R eb a te ;

i ro d e -ln -o f . r . .

Yo»j Pay Only

1.0 oown.-lS3^S>'PR.“4B'montKi7< g J p o y m e o i* 9 4 2 4 j^ j lo t 8 lo ^

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H bet From -------- --^ l i e v r o l e t ' — n

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................................. $ 5 4 4 7 ■

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m d E Eib a to $ 1000.

ib a te•a y m e n t

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1. $2582.31 Inieretl. of poym enti $9344.16 ^

.... *5.58 ^

.......*50O —

^ S 3K l7 i3 l0 2 .7 9 --------


S en ke a s e

z E L LEN MAYGOLDBEF- & Chicago Sun-^mcs—

\ -_____ Thej!hflngcsji^idJpss«

pany aging, often brlni _— pn>66inn. Jonolirints-and

. senscoflso lation l Loss of mobility and li

'.portation can mal^c a shu____ social- porson* ***Ti nr r*

ones, can- Icecp older m ainstream of life, and

____M d hopelessness Into optl' The North Shore Senii Wlnneti(a, HI.. Is such-a- known throughout the c

V . m odel center. I recently c e n te r 's 2Sth anniversary

. th e tffiinetlta. Commui w here th e cen te r is hduse<

T hree women origJnaJ sponsible for the forma sen io r center: Dr. E th M rs. Philip 'F isher and

.:r_-iJKnight._TheyJDnned.a.a s tudy the needs of th e el a re a . That>w as.2S.yeaj^ u psta irs room in the House. Now the center taken over m ost of the roc th e ppst lO 'years, memI grow n from a handful of used the ceh ter as a d r cen te r, to -more than 8,6 T he vision and inspired d< th e se th ree women has on-going reality.

Through the. serv ices 'i p a r tc r '- r ^ B ; c o u n s e l i i prehenslve c are , group ac com m unity services, the helping older people mai

w ell-being and to rem ain ii a s long a s possible.

As I walked through ti room s with fny host,' 0^ W ald, who has served oh 11 d irec to rs , for m any yefl g rou;«-6f oldj^r people in Vj iUes.^'^rOno' room, m em i

-v ^ M e n '^ C lu b ,-a -g ro u p -o f-r fcs8 lona l-and business^li w ere .en j(g in g .ca r^ ;h p to f

Fantasj true for

‘ CHICAGO (U PI) ^ M ar ; n ev e r forgot her “ Aunt Lies . i - l - w om an who risked life an

,feed and hide her and hu • o th e r Jew s from ram pat

? ^ t r o b p s in HoIIana 38 yea rs a( Dozens of h er re la tives p<

- th e hands of the Nazis in V II , but M rs. E vans — then s

*i' —.Was lucky enough to be ta th e protective wing of Li

- - '-Kessel. yhe-woman W dlierN azis for alm ost a yei

~ houseboat she -,and her owned, and a t the'sam e time

: ___refuge forscores of other Je\A fter the war. the girl im

I ■ to Canada—a n d - l a t e n n a A m erican. But over.'the ) n ev e r fo rg o tlfe r 'S O m x i^ k

M rs. Evans arid the wc cam e to regard a s h er moth c lu tched each other’s har n esday . whispering and gig school children In a Chlci room .

M rs. Evans had en tered a rad io contest sponsored. I ask ing listeners of the Wall< Sh6w to nam e their ‘‘Fantas>

“ I personally Teel that God on m y side all of m y life a:

. feel quite greedy '4o. ask any m yself a t this point," Mn

. _juEQlej£om -beiLSoutb41avc i^ 0 m $ i:^ ? H Q ^ e c d L K 0 u ld ii6

th is con te st^n .b eh a lfo fa pe Is ex trem ely d ea r to m e." -

------ In-a-two-page-type^ktciUfiM rs. EvarfS outlined how Lie 27, and her husband Kees Zw;

- if doc[ILjgLM us/dEBwfucfldiu___ __

------ HearUlne-‘is-B-servlce-toduieas. t its puivose is ~to

[_aasweredlo Uiese poJunws,

AJekMdri^lOm 45381. You ceJve a j r e m p t reply, but y laolude l^f-adidressed, <

' eaveh pe. J t e moat-usefut-m tbe^atediatblscolum n.

P sa r^ ^ H e -a lw i ^VftiM drugs.I)

doctors presc

oIr about gener

o r c e r 'p roB l^ERG____________ cu rren t e \------------------------” ing~a'liv<________ ' w orking J

excellen t ( 5 s c s j h a t . a c c o m i _ e o u ^ 3 ring about de- m usic togc and a .profound. .cla.»«gflin(

c la ss and 0 d lack of trans- In anoth shut-in o r a very counseling :-ccn tc rs,-good— onerto^jne. r people in the helping the and tum gloom tions. Und optimism. b u t chargeenlor Center in tlon, these v a c e n te r . It is w hen th e s e country as a _by w hen thi tly attended the T h ere Is a ry luncheon a t b e tte r senii nuni^y House, In 1977, ised. 65-plus wasinaJly w ere re - -Increase b^ •matlon of the T he segme Ethel Shamus, w ill have g [Id Mrs. Ouray o ld g ^ c lU z

J elderly In the 'pro^rtTo'fTare. ago, In an percent >e C om m unity- But the mee r has aU but th e S ^ p lu s irooms. And. in fo r one of >

em bership has w ill repre!scof elderly who year2000.-.drop-in social About a I8,862 persons, live alone oi

d dedication of of th em a rea s become an group incre

te rs can hei]K- ol four de- Everyonee lln g , c o m - t r ^ e m y a ip activities anii M a iy O'Neilthe cen ter is ro sy cheeksmaintain their th e glow ol

in independent w e re a tes volvem ent 1

tl the cen ter’s C enter.‘ Dr. M aurice I have rtii >h the board of m en and wo yeflre, I Saw ac tive and n Varied actlv- exceptions. »mbers of the becom ing le >f-retired-pro— centets,-goc

execu tiV M n> eop le invol' i to b a__taUc p a _Ufe-.., _ _ .

>y wishx r w a f ^ U

flandy E vans 30. “ played i Je sk e" — the the whole ti; and limb to th o u g h Eui hundreds of * necks ou t'ev

£agl_ng_Na:l___a c e ,c r ^ te d -sa g o ,, l iv e s /’ .s perished at*’ ' • Mrs.. V an ' n Worid War she ra re ly le: m a gli;l of 10 ^ for nearly ,a j s taken u n d ^ ^ busy 'c6okini

Lieske Van_ -c o n c e a l^ a t h e r f r o i ^ e - o f the-bbat ui

ier husband U sing M rs' ime p ro v id e ' M re .V a n k te Jews. ' ■‘food ration 0 im m igrated them , b ut alsi

■married~an “ W eT verc e. years she ta u ra n t la s t t leske.’’ “And she loolwoman she you a r e feedi;

other tightly but I 'm glvln hands Wed- m eham burg t giggling like M rs. Evan£ hlcago hotel Van Kessel i

f irs t titrie last d and won a her recently i d. by WGN I will have a 'ally Phillips U .S :" ' asy.W lsh.’’ And that Sod has been --W ish” forM ri e and would The two w< anything fo r , „Q :H are-In te i Mrs. E vans spen t two n av o n r^ ic h tr— M ichigan i}onr -iifce-ttTCTter-- iT hgyfaro -n I person who month-long,

tour, headlni Jttfn l<>ttpr,— A ngeles^^an. Lieske. then to M ichigan I Zw ana,then re tu rn s to Am

etoFG O T

-/o r-sefl/o f— certa ln -d rugs. to aaswer scn tfea infem i

//yOO W6 iuutiiiiini f(t j W ^ n o f r ;!typ g ;q F a n i p B t write fo T O T lv a le n ti.” • > iT 5 t;iH 'e s f^ --W e: jBcenU; You will re - friends th a t th If you must equ ivalen ts of 1, stamped w e take . A ^e

m y doctor AMI.:r . r " c h e ^ in to 'in i

Iway8-:pr^- - tB a o r s prescr

nterslem sevents. A ceram ic class., us-

live-co llle -as-a -m odei,-w as- 5 intently on a number q(_ it p ieces. A rhythmic exercise

putting movement and ogether. There was a German ilng.ODra.sewlng'group, nn a r t - d other appealing activities;' Jther p a rt of the building, the ing slaff was working on- a n e_basls .baslsrw ith_peop le ,_ them face life's difficult sltba- inderstaffed and overworked •ged w ith w arm th and dedica-. 2s e counselors don't give up e sesslon 'ls over. They stand , th ere a re no^^w ere .Is a great needTor m ore and

mior centers.7 , the U.S. population aged A as 23 million. The expectedI by the y e a r 2000 Is 32 million, m ent -of the population that s grown the most will be ou r Itlzens. Currently neariy 38 9?_y!?_elri5-ClyJs..H:plus^ilis:... m Is expected to Increase to n t during the next 20 yeare. m ost astounding fact Is that i s a g e g ro u i^ h fla rffc ia u iits . _ of every l l elderiy persons, esen t one out of eight by the

a th ird of all older persons J o r with non-relatives. Many ire women. The needs of this :rease with age. Senior cen- le ip th e h i.irme ages differently. Sitting y a l luncheon was 95-year-oId Jelll, whose bright blue qyes, ^ , !ks and silvety ha ir matched of the silver anniversary.

te s tam en t-to her long In-II in the North Shore Senior

itiet aod interviewed many women over 90 who a re still id going strong. T h ^ ^ r e s. But the “exceptions are'.?!!: less exceptional ^ senior ■ypnrf hflp kcf p/o lv r f liT th ^ a in s trc a fn 'o f

'-V -

comesiiVivor r

-d a p a rt In our lives during tim e the w ar was raging

Surope. They’~s(lick their every hour of the day and

ed -w lth -sav ingshundr^ of— -

said Wednesday le tt the couples’ houseboat

,a y ea r because she was too cing for up to 20. people a y one .time In the hull t u n d e ra hatCh'on Its m ain

[rs. E a tran s la to r,- C fe^ l said they survived on 1 coupons soldiers stole for also went hungry a lot. r e T ra v in ^ 'd in ir e n in n is :— 5t night," Mrs. E vans Mid. . o o K ^ a tm e a n d saldpNow Mjing m e.’ and I said; ‘Yes, ving you steak and you fed rg e r m ade with oatm eal."’ ans kept In touch with Mre. il and visited her for the a s t year. The woman wrote ly saying “ Maybe someday i a chance to come to the

it 5 p a rk ^ '’ tiie "Fantasy Hrs. Evans.w ere reunited Sunday a t

item atlonal A lrp o rt-a n d _ -. nights a l Mre. Evans'

»-innufrnn--thplr-wny--fnr-n— „17,905 mile nationwide

ling to.. Washington. Los an DiPgn, Dpnvpr anrt hnrtt ‘ _ n before Mre. Van Kessel - Amsterdam April 7. - ‘ _

otifiues tiOhlngjLe^M ld i s J M t h e _ _ l>e them occasionally for .ss^S lnce-hehas-noU pni^-------Tr i o r 'm e b r myhusbflflfl, ' 1 fur u lorig tlm eD iul uur [ y m a * f f B t f H B W 8 e n e r t i r ^

Q U yL leam ed ,/rom our agthey a re getting generic yo

of tn e sam e drugs which prfew m onths ago, 1 asked le<gahi and he said he would do:7H em usthave lo rgo tten . iV

W M d e r in g J iw m any . J

iny-stM lsU cs onh (ra ,a g a lh ? D .N Yes, you should ask h im - ceO r e g ^ a n g r y o r'forliels ' ' ah

M i d



jgin Tv. ’, -■ rt --



E v a D u n a g a n (

E vaByLORAYNEO.SMITi TJmes-News writer

TWIN FALLS - Ev; Olson w as a no-nonscnst

Looking back on some the classroom , m uch'c Twin _FalJs_H lgh_ Scl

■ ; Olsbii,, 8jL.saiii she khc den ts thought shc was m

_______ lllLptob3)ly_w as-too-■ ~ m achine,” ' shc“ saldr?.‘

....U ierctftlpao^.qndJsfeij • un less 1 wtg^Diilei' i'> ' "

But, shc added with a rea lly loved every one of

The dim lnullive retirt--------who-taughtEnglish^nd-------- Justifies-her-strlctness-

' p rag m a tic 'basis... He , advisor w arned her lhat h e r sm all size she would s tric t to not le t the p advantage of her.

_____;ne- t o ' beN EV ER m ake a threat c a rry ou t,’i , s h e said. S h is advice and Is living

"r«al 'au thority Is not - u p o n physlcal size, for

_ : - h a d ^ n y - tjouble-w ith-u dents.

In her first y ea r of-i< - lo w a .J i "big shot" foo

kept .staring a t her tc attention, then winked al

_ tca'cher. B uU h<^Jcac^ Ignored him and she ncv(

_ m ore trouble.__________Mre. Olson’s life is per

c a ^ o f m any of her gc Born poor, she struggled h e r college degree, the;

She grew up and gradu " ■ high'schooM n S loan rlo \

shc w as bom Nov. 11, II shc w as 6 h er m other die fa ther, u n ab le-to .ca re children, put h e r and s s is te r In their grandparei while he kept the twoolde

Although she >reallz( "w as absolutely’’ no mo to college, shc never gave

“ I knew.I w as going to • ‘ -couldn’t , - s ^ h o w T WOI

^ g h t a fte r high schoo lion the postm aster offei

- -Jo W o F .^ 4 -a 4 V € e k ^ k ln ; " —th e 8ituation.-8he-won«e

he didn’t actually pay hei own pocket. After 14 we<

_ she had the sm all fortur- w ith which stie purcliasM

l o ‘f 6 r ^

a ^ n , consider ^ n g i n g . d you can’t ta lk to ypur dixi prescription drugs o r any o ]ec t re la ted to y our health, I doctor has too m any patienlt

s m m - . ------------------- :--------'* 'OoJy ^ b o u t iZ 'M r i ^ t ' o

•jess, expensive g enertc 'iltu j attem pt to IncreaseO i)s'?sr centage, the D epartm ent-o

‘B R a '^U n ra iT 'S e rv iee r 'lif ls

lens. >. :fUf

- •

I O l s o n t a u g h t f o r m o r e

O lso iITH litU esultcf

__ _ . But then tuition. Or principal c

^va Dunagan and a sk e d 1 iseteachcr. college, ne 30 y ears in ^ “ I could I 'o f . i t . in the la u g h e d ." Wiool, Mre. an d h ek n e \ new th'e stu- The prim m ean. an idle one,>0-mUCb-0f 0 hart n crht• .‘b u t 'I 'w a s ------^.'WoWpayifiH idnlt-ieact..- :a t -Mornini

a tw lnkle .^ 'I But Iheri o fthem ." books and irtJd teacher, fa th er casJ idL atinralso;— gt^aTsacrli s-bn-a-m drcl— th e Jo n n e L ^ e r college In a hom e fo atbecauseo f* And worl< lid have to be old house, v pupils take— to. be put li

cleaning al

at I couldn't she wouldShc heeded ’ clothes on tr

Ig proof that "T he moiI dependent and partiedir she never- Once the ,y- u n ru ly 's tu ~ ' th fe 'crim ^d

' one night ai -leaching In m anded. ootball hero u w as a i to get her h e r grandn-

a tth iryoung th e ImportJ Cher coldly., - sh e s ta r te d , tv e rh ad an y end of lhe yi------------------------teaching in^erh ap s typi.............." i never lgeneration: in my life.” ed,to obtain s tuden ts In len enjoyed a nd the coi

duatedfrom school tcach :ow arwhcre ShT sE vw 1898. When.— tu m e d 'to " c

lied and h er lived withre-fo r-fo u r-------iwm BfgTiot

a younger u t e d f e p e n ■ents'^home. took tu rns ct der lwys. She w as IrIzed . there so c ie ty (tl noney lo g o equivalen t c yc up hope. w aslnvolvoi to go. but I - a lly enjoyed TOUi.d," she two yeare h't

s h e g o la t e j oo lg radua- . . lo w a .S h e s l fered her a b u t.-a t. leasiIng-backtMi-------s S w : ^ ^ : aTwtiwas: ier from his from the g r /eejts’ work s h e could p lunc of $64, and board in ieaa iru n K , .ireshm an'SC

2t’ geneij y - ^ .


.doctors. If spM lal bi^oklei K to r about andpharm acls

o ther sub- T h is . 200-pai I, then your widely prescrl I ts o r a bad .rem ed ies ,', c a n

tiniBtainlnes'B c ^ d octor* p r t c ^ jo r b f a n

iugs.. I ii-an —p liarm aclsts oi sm fil- per- llen ts pay whei -Of H ealth d ru a bv Its brar a ^ a r i .r -A - '-n sR e n e r lc M fii

v : - - —

. . _ 1 j ____ : : : i ......., '


-------------- —

ire t h a n 2 0 y e a r s in t h e 1

n ; s u o■ ■ ■lease and a few clothes, lere s tlll‘wasT«rm oney for Ono day the high school

II cam e Into the postoffice id h e r if she w anted lo go to

uld have hit h im ," she . " I wanted to go so badn ew it." • • _______‘Inclpal's question w as not ine, fo r he informed h er he

iy 'the IS fl^m M teri'u lli'on

'6yat5iDictTlty5THMf?~* icre w as still the cost of Id board a n i room. Her ashed a liberty bond, a t crlflcc, she 'feels sure, for cc.and,-Mrs.'Ot6on-work^:— e f o r h e r b o a r d a n d r o o m '; ’ ork she did. It w '^ 'a big * i, with two sm all children I lo bed each night,.plus

all the downstairs and 06t-«f-th®-Jrohingr-Often— Jd fall asleep with her n trying lostudy. no ther was sick ail day led all night,” she said.? .young, coed committed-' coT ea tln g a banana late I ahd was severely repri-

a rugged year, but since dm a ijad instilled in h e r - irtance of finishing what Bd, she stuck It out .’111 the e y e a r . Then she got a Job in « little«ountry scho>pl. er haled anything so bad e.” shc recalled. She had In every grade but two confusioh m ade her db- -To-flt“ hersclf-fo i^h lgh—ichlng. _ ____________ 'v ^ her"m oney and ' re- rc o lIc g e rT h ls ’ tim e 'sh c ”;—th six other giris In a ___tiousc. They each contrib- 2r wMk for g rocerli^ and jcooking .- ‘5 invited to jo in a literary (th e , p r iv a te co llege

it of national sororities). . votl-ln debate and"gener-,/cd college life. But a fte r .':__: her money w as gone so . teach ing job in Cushing,! still w as not accredited,____■asl shc was In a high

as :h w -flre t;rea |:f reed o m = ^ grueling yeare of study.1 p ay for her own room'I in a lovely home. A little 1R>S> Had a - 'ca5u".ou heit------ '■

‘rie-bran» ------------------------- -

■— — \

iclet to 500,ooo^pnyfitcmns_.< cists. • ' . . I page booklet lists 184 i icrioed antl-blotlcs, .cold ^ ardlovascular d n i^ * a ir~ g rH nd-^trther-d rugs-w llh— , rand nam es and generics. .

i oa how m uch m ore' p a- - g hen a doctor p rescribes a y rand nam e ra th e r than by p ame.

Iday, M archie.,1981'. tlm es-l

le T w in F a l l s H ig h Scho<

'.cessfiShe learned to danc

ac tiv ity sh e had ne\

backgroundandcollege.Then a law w as passe<

m aking it impossible f< continue teaching on a pi certificate . She lold 'h«

____ b o a rd sh p - th o u g h t s h e g«p lete requirem ents for h in a h a lf year, so they he

j= -fo r .h e r :.------------- -— ,—Shc g raduated from Me

. - - College in 1922.. where sl ' • six y e a rs earlie r. But sl

a ll the graduation festi^ p a r tie s because of an'

, appendicitis.' “ I t about killed rr

;------lau g h ed rre fe rrin g -to -ths o c i a l e v e n ts w h ic

* e spec ia lly m eaningful because of the struggle tc degree.

- .1 .

• * ■E v n -D u n a g a n ;-;ftn

^d-drugs-------Y es,-you^certalnly* shot

y our doc to r about th is. Wl

ICM for th e sam e flUfllUjTaii w ith a generic nam e?_____

now because I have, b m - S o d a l S ecurity d isabiiity-b

th ree years. 1 a m only 55 ye I go back (0 work due lo Imj

. o f m y physical condition so c la f security disability I

—w iirteM ed k are-e lso b eeu l- . ^ SW ERt.Y es.Y ourM e. - dbU lty ends one ca lendar m - th e 'm O flth~ you receive n<

your disability benefits a f t \

m ore: ii^armatlo:

•V a lle y A ife

s'News'. Twin Falls, Idaho

ool both b e fo re a n d alt<

ul teacnee, which A fter flnisl lever been Cushing, she

i- Now launchesed in Iowa with money n for her to began to enji provisional working hour h er school " i had ajiould-com:^-------thero-wore soher degree sh e said. Am<

tield h e r job Olson, a you---------— ----------S he had b e wrtomingside tlon, but the:.^<LStarlcd-------wocQi-sinco41she missed doubledate, tivities and She never ' V attack of him . But it

.ro m an ce was m e ," ’she N or apparen

ih cT n issed ------com edo yearsIch w e re T he young III to h e r w anted to t r to c a m her studying bool


rft-lowb h igh-gehoofgffrti

s forget 1lou ld -ta lk rto— M edicare-ber Why pay >10 HM rOjne*s Gt

a n d :q u a n U ly I j ) a y to n - S t^..H SA R TtIN ]

jM ..draw lng., a n d .w lllb e re t -benefits fo r—now.-Ile docsn ye a rs old. If t>c old enough v nprovem enl m y spouse anr an and m y the ago rcquir ' s cu t offi nultles under tlah lff? W;L;-----&:&.-------- ------!ed lca ree li- tf^ h c ompio month a f te r - - i974-with :w n r notice th a t and is a t . least e p o longher spouse may qu

•u ne-COror-at-i Ion about ca rinR fo ram lt


sn:vLN cm:tNn/TuT« riv,a l t e r h e r m a r r i a g e

c h e rInishing out. the year.-at she took a position a l the > Albert. C H y ^ I o w a ^ - — - iched on h e r ca ree r and ey no longer a w orry, she enjoy a social life jifter lours. f c * ’

a g rea t tim e because &« so m anyoliglblo m f i p , ~ ® — Among h e r d'ates w as A rt k young m an. about town. K e e im a m e d of his reputa*— & — th ere w as no cause for S

c04bey4Uways40cmed-l0— & —

/e r once w a s ’alone with W ’ t it didn’t m atte r for U w as not in her thoughts. ££ irently h is ..T h a t would ( • 'sars’later;-------------=----------- Pmg teacher had alw ays s :) trave l so she sta rted H booklets listing sa la ries : eO L S O N P a«D 3 ; !

f l---------------------------- -—

______ ________Li_____________ I .t

: him : r• b e n e f l t s r - o r d c r 'th e - iw i - ;— i Guide to M edicare. Send >

^ o s tL A lo x an d rla r-O h ib v -?— JN E ;^M y_-^hueband™ l& H f.^ 4)y- l h» - raHfoa<Mndu&tr g » .. . re tlrin c a (cw y e a r s J r o iq S ...

wsn’t know wh'cther 1 w l l A .~Rh whcn'*he retlre.s to d ra .w S annuity. Can you (cll m l S

lu lrcm cnts for spouse a t ^ 3 c r the Railroad Board'^

iplovec re tires a fte r . l u n S t ) n r m ore y ears of se rv l(4 |K east 00 y ears of age.! qualify for an annuity or*- '•at-ony-BRedf-thjr-Nvife-is-------- ^im ln o ro rd lsa^ ledch lld .’

'. *■ Brenda Mb' 'T W IN FALLS - M E u g e n e -M urphy ' an e n g a g e m e n t of theli

-----------B renda,-to Tony-Bcnnela n d M rs. Gayle BcnncK F a lls .__________ ,

M iss M urphy is a sc , P a llsH ighS chooIandw i j M ay;

B ennett is a 1979 grad ' -/• - F a lls High School and Is J

College of Southcm Idaho

An Aug.l wedding a •United M ethodist Church

j f v ^ ]C S I a

\ TWIN FALLS -; I ’ N ew D irections of th(

Southeim Idaho Is cxpa I downtow^.^rea.I . F o r the convenience <

find It difricult to get tc cam pus, the center

' ^Community AciionAge

G O P W i\

------- : -------T-WIN-FALLS -rT h c: , County Republican V

hbld the ir reg u la r ;no:------ . — ing a t-i-^};m -M arch^-;

I • . o f Donna Brizcc, .20S ------------ D riv e -- .,-------- -----------

Tom P resco lt of Ji

Family/;TWIN FALLS — A oni

ly re la tions sem inar is I W ednesday, March.25,I lege of Southern Idaho

N ew Directions.T- . . -?!he.4e£&km-be^n6-al { Room ]]7 'o f the Shield

a nd will continue througl I E x p e rts ih the. field

I <f Cosme\ F IL E R - An a lM aj

C osm etics' w orkshop Is ; S a tu rd ay in F iler.

H e rb a l is t. L indarosj ' T hom as, who also teachi

F ir s t Aid In Twin F a l l s . '---------student8-to-mal<e-9uch-i

a s lotions, facial packs.


J fp 4

H '

■ 27"

I 10-Sl- J

l i i e i i r

M q l


I . I'lurphi! . Linde

Mr. and Mrs. TWIN : announce th e L aV ar D<

tietr dau g h te r, nounce t mctt, son of Mr. daughter, nett, all of Twin P lo tt.

H e is th(------------ • W .P Io tto fsenior a t Twin M iss De

I will graduate In B enLem oi Is cu rren t

--------- S to re and-^raduate of Twin P lo tt, a 1 Is attending the H igh Scho

aho. p e rw a re a rT h e couf

! a t the F ir8 t_ d in g a e ‘ch isplanned. Chapel.

h a p p ccenter expandsThe Cenler of Ave. E .the College.of Qualified

xpanding(9 .the availab le th F rid ay s to

ice of those who understandiitto the 'co llege. L arom , dire:cr will offer . M ore, inf

\gency, 129 2nd 733.9554, ext

Vomen to m eet jThe-Twln F alls— speak on the I Women w ill • T he R epu jnonthly^meet- cooperating -23-at-thfrhome— book-salC 't .2086 Hlllcrest U k e s Mall-----------------'- is viirged

-----------bookshelvesJerom e will books.

y relations semi]one^Iay fami- ‘W fiftjons wi

r is scheduled encouragem 25, a l the Col- 'r e sp e c t.T h e aho Center of ih o s e attefii

m’aking life« s-at-9-&Tmr-in^—^ l-e n d -h ls ^ lelds Building p a re n ts o r as lughsp .m . . . T h e re is n *Id of hum an s l n t e ^ l e d l s

i&tic N a tu ra l' bou> powiiiir is scheduled conditioners

w ith n a tu ra l: . , T he worksl

r o s ^ C u rU s 6 p .m . wilh i ^ e s H ^ a l lunch.' ’ Spaci Is. will teach re g is te r ear :h~cosmetics w orkshop oi. ks. colognes, .32M842.

i ^ i i 'M g flarMj&omi c E ^ n

I '

j I

IPEED Bite g ^ t o i l M v O O -

I f lt e r s eIqtn a t 3 rd Eost_T.wtn F

Irt Falfsriaario -- T h u rsd ay . M.r~ . , . • —

; March 19.1081---------------'--------

dawarie DeHarti F A U .5 ~ .JW r._and Mre._ D eH art of Ogdeii, U t^ , ari-

th e eAgagemenl of their 2r , L lndaroarie, ■ to - Duane E . ’

th e son of Mr. and Mrs. Dalet o f Twin Falls:------- ----------------D eH art is a 1979 graduate of nond High School. Odgen, and sntly employed by Circle K rd-Vard People, a 1979 graduate of TwIii Falls *001, is employed by Tup- ! and operates Y ardPeople. )uple p lans an April 17 wed- Jie-Twln J a i l s LDS.4U1.Ward _

•e n in g ss officeled volunteers will be i th e re from 9'a.m: to noon to assist and “ lend an

nding ear,'.' says Rila lirectorofthfccem er. information o r appoin t-*re -a ra iJ a b le -b y -ra lH n g --------CXt.2I2or733.9531.

t M on day.theSagebrusli Rebellion.---------publican Women a re also Ing in (he Unllcd WayS 'lo -be :he ld ‘ ln~thc'B lue-------all on April l l . Everyone j to c lean oul the ir •/e s and donaleany.type o f. _,

■liharse t |will d is c u ^ cooperation. " ' ' em enl, responsibility and\e jjiJn a U e m p t„ to a s s is t • , en d in g -th e sem inar In fe e a s ie r fo r the Jndlvidu. . . .I-or-bei^artnerpchildreft;--------•assoclales.' ‘s no charge and anyone ^: Is Ihv iled tb attend. : ‘ f

y &lntedj ■ , <iv rs , shampoo^ a n d 'h a ir . Airs In your own kitcKen, s■alingredlenls. • . • .«kshop begins d l 9 a ,n r io . i. ilh an hour break f o f a ce .Is lim ited, please - / -sarly . F o r location o f ' I - i nd- reg is tra tig n -c a ir :^

■ - ' . , ' ' : v 'S



p r o

s i i ^ i^ F a l l s '

r . - z iM " B y A B ie iiuv itnB m W H ' © UaiversalPress^mi

I " " P E A R ABBY: I fee■ should be doing somelh ■ ~ p iW Ie f f l7 b u tT d o n ’rimo

I A re la tive of my H epilepsy. H e 's on medli I fo rge ts to take II and ke B seizures._______ ■I - T he law h e re s ta te■ ep ileptic h asn 't bad a s e■ • yea r, he can a ^ y f<1 license: Well, this rela

A t W it’s I

f H o SHr

le better0] ByERM ABOM BECK-2 ® Field Enterpfi^. Inc.

!f T en y e a rs ago, Ame-d re a m r---------------

> G a rb ag ew as to reu n ls i d R eplacing toilet tissu e :

: lo b e a” 8haring experiea L aundry w as to becor

-.T opportunity employer._ _ _ _ B ab Ies In.dainp.diapc]

d isc rim ina te against fath<' In theory, il Munded rea lity , it Just hasn’t happ day a ^ w sludy confirr g randnfo ther used lo chi w ashboard in the bact w orks from s)in to si wom an’s work is hever do

. O ne survey showed-th sy m p ath e tic husband bn! couple of hours a day

' “ w orking wlffe.’^'^ls ther k ind?) And:anothexLstudj .things wh^ It clrctdalc

of "B um out,." .a syndrom( its v ictim s Weakened, un about l i fe 'a n d unable t< cislons....

1 approached a irlend of — in pubU irrelatlons and toll

the problem ."S w eetie ," he said, "yo

- 6 e lf - ln ia g e r I ‘nrgoIng-to-8 bottom line. Housewives num ber done on lhcm rT hi

- d o _ y o u _ k n o w _ w h a t_ i;i T h ey 're positively invlsll

' ‘into w axing com ers ' hotlded. No one quotes thi

, la n e .T h e y n e ^ a c o n c e p t. '"How ddJwe do th a t? ” I a

' "L isten u p ," h e said. "W looking a t? We w ant house a sensuous experience, li like sllkv h a ir . We'WflnyHa

, for i t and m en begging to own food processor. F irst,

• eight m illion bumper.stick ‘HONK I F YOU LOVE F l Then w e do ad s In the (rad a sex y housewife say ing ,.

•and.' § ust »someone.'^ The to g e th e r t s on a irth e TV a housew ife s ilting iri a wl

. and toy ing 'w ithherfoodsa: ih ro w iw a y no lefto’ er

_ tlm e .lD o a l(y o u love il^ _ ■ "W e'U get;blllb6Brdsthat

'F .A .M - 1 L Y * T H A T C —T O G ETH ER --IS-^SEX IE . schedule h6usiewives. oo t

- who w^ll ta lk about their


Man's S(I— — acigur e s r ndicate It and got;

“ had a s ^ leel a s thotlgh I . h it anothe ‘thing about this w as serloinowwhat:-------------ago-w hiU■ ■ - - - ' • • - ano ther sc I husband has stee rln c v dicatlon. bul he th e c u r t keeps on having p jaying oi

tes tha t If an .he.sworc.ise izu r^ fo ra fu ll less thanfor a driver’s again,

'la tive has had Abby, f<

E n d 7

f e w o r k r r s e l f im

sudser exp JC, ’ have a r e c r

homemakei —__ w lth-theA r

uerica h ad a '■=‘' “ _ _ Thclioiiscwito c . , le q jind les w asance.” ------------------- - . ;lome a n equal

xsrs-wouId_nol________ _Ihers. ■ • * i3d terrific; In Mppened. E very ' M Irms w hat my ± a n l over, the ickyard: Man sun . . . . but

tha t even (heinly pu ts In a - ■'yy to help his l jlere any .o ther ^idy.didn't help ii l e d ^ s t a t l ? ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^

me th a t leaves

to m ake de-'

of m ine Who is- old h im about

you're ta lking \m) 'g lv e y o u th e -----------------!S need a P R ■rhey*re'belger:----------------1I 'm saving? ' ' Mslble. People ■' d o n 't - g e t ■Ihem. No’one i

it.” ■I asked. :■What a re .wc.. L ..isework lo be ' •

lusted, afler

to have ihelr ' we p ut out

ckeiis saying.FLUSHlSlGI’ades showing ' •', . 'Reach out hen we gel' rV .stallpnsof • w icker chair- . . jaylng,'‘Iw ill r before lls

iatsay.~'THt: ‘ ^ ^ C L E A N S

IER:'—W e 'lJ ^ ^ ------— -I talk shows. , . ir la je s t low

■ M

i a r A b b y

se iz u r e s

;ot a license anyway. — year-w h ile driving alone, hi

^11, lost control of his c a r am th e r c a r . Fortunately, nobod' riously Injured. Three month; l i le -h e -w a s -d r iy in g -h e -h a t ‘ seizure. His wife grabbed th( ? wheel, but the c a r Jumpet rb and struck two dilldrer : on th e sidewalk. They wer< aey-woren’t killwI. Aflpr Ihnt, re .h e 'd jiq v e r drive again.. In m two weeks he w as driving

. for h is own safely and the

n e e d s a

experience and finally we'll ecrulting spot 'fo r a few good ikers’ th a t shows a woman A m erican flag flying behind says 'The few. The proud,

cw lyes.' _____ . ____

- ^ 3 ^ ■ \ \



> c o u ld c

----------b e p c n n itte d to drh-cri, he- lo. bc the one lo lum and should I do?

xxly^------------------ '-A N O N Y Mn th ^ DEARANONYMOU had— departm en t of-motorK I the ' o f your~ state~caplta l iped w bat you bave told m e iren wIU be held In tb e stric t /ere P le a se do th is TOD/

-mfltmH rn rm tB t hlmni». .In .. .pe<vJe. You.wilLbe.dol 'Ing an d so d e ^ ^ — a t r ^ ^

the DEAR ABBY: I 'h ■. .problem T o r a s jo n g .

...........m em ber, and I am sliperson h as lo do Is say ‘

. 1 tu rn re tl.- i-d o n 't co 'i, ex tra shy, but for no ^ _ e v e n w hen^rn i with i T . ' ' . well, I feel m y face gel

••know ’m turning red. 1 w ith think, they haye m e, which m akes m< m ore. I feel so dumb.’

. My grandm other tol( e'll th e sam e problem whi wd girl, bul she outgrew it. lan and I h av en 't outgrown 1 ind ; .. .. I s th ere anything 1 cai Jd. dum b blushing? .

;_______ ^^LU SH IN G .II

C l i ^

I ^ *'j ‘' w ' ■ ■ fitness

h ; A4WP \ - ■ \ . fo

* ' ___

r i —’ , ; W ith t

■ S . - - ’ R e g

'. on

• i " , . - ' ' i

/ IH w of:. o( c


: a u s e fai

n him In. What a ^ y o u d c blushing c

’MOUS. PLEASE. Once you lUS; W rite to tbe bave tb e p :'veh lde3 In-care— m eantim e a l 'a o d describe know that ne. Your identity who have IctertconlldeDce; buying *' DAY, before be counter.)se lf and Innrxyjt______ ______loIng.the m an .— . ..D E A R isndous se rv ice .___ and relall\

I w as onci have had this w ent lo P

sick of ll. A ll.a__l(ycpecllo y ‘‘H i" lo m e and - undoubted consider myself I ‘have per0 reason a l all, mythpi^ghI. people 1 know •■ONCE, jetting hoi and 1 “ TWICE .T h e people Itin ' "THRIC:re em barrassed . ■ bliisli even

• , (Do you old m e she had love, drugi /hen she was a up?jGetAII. Abby. I’m 24 Every Tee n lly e l, , - ' r~^Send$2ana :an do about th is . seif-addrcs.

TcpjiBookl' UN FLUSHING . .frW H s, cm

Iness Spe>-one of pur'fi'lness take advantage.61 ss program at bare

free VI1 IV k k ’.V I■■{vvilh Ihis C (;ii;x jti)

o r o n l y $ 4 4 C— ^^_{-w*u-vii:it&Hr-eupOR7

4 F R E E I W O W I

t h e P u r c h a s e

g u l a r - M e m b (c o u p o n '

me coupon per. pe

- e A ll- NQW• • Iv/ir.i I a l ls " .

7 3 4 7 3 12 2 6 f o s i i a : ) d s ( * ‘>»ivo

* l ov.'tocifonie

I cii-ii' Ol oM ot a<)cl a lo c a

atalitv J ~[ilnd th a t if y o a U u sb ,youb lusl^ ' HI don’t give a booll Your fe a r o f ' ng omtTibutes to your U u sh ln g .. you overcome lhat fe a r , you’ll ' be problem licked. (P.S. In tbe ime,-itm Igbt beac0080lall0Dt0 ' th a t blushing Is “In ."’ W om en' laven’t blushed lo yea rs a re ( vbliish" a t the cosm eticT.)

iR ABBY: C onccm lngJriends- lallves flocking to vlsll.Florida: once one of those friends who Io Florida In the 'w in ter and

:l(o be a resident there and will , )lediy iTave friends visiting m e. penned these lines to express

lights aboul visitors:CEJi GUEST ICE, LESS ZEST - RICE. A PEST". . _ : -E T H E L IN N .Y .C .

you have questions about sex rugs and the pain of growing" et Abby%new booklet: '-What Teen-Ager OughtrtihKttow." and a iong, stamped <28 cents)' Iresscd enve/ope-fo.-. Abby,-,. ooklet, 132LaskyDrive, Bever- ■ , Calif. 902!?.) S f... .. ... : _ : i

Daysecidis■ss co u p a ifs - ■ ; ..b f'a 'iqya lit^ J ' i’ <; p rga in r a i e ^ ' ' ' ,


C a s h i■ I

..... r ^ i - —

s e o f a n y i

b e r s h i p — - f ~

pe rso n

VO . , - • ^ . • •n i e ; '

3 ca i lo s id c n t

(W (f \

, Mr . ANI

O ls o n. C o n tin u e (rom P a g e :

" o f tp n ^ tiin g p o s lMon r thro .• .thecoun try .'. “ I decided I would nol w

less than $1,400 a. year, 2 ~-already-w a3-g€lting-$l;50C . said. She also wanted a tow

least 5,000 population.• . ' The n am e Idaho Intrigued

when stie spied an open Blaclcfoot sh e cam e wesl 1: After Iwo yea rs there, -she c

, Twin F a lls in lhe fall of 192: the Blackfoot superintende: d e r whom she had taught In also cam e to T w in ,F alls ..

She taugm iicic-'ioi^'fe 5i the old Twin Falls High

• which la te r w as the V era 0 Ju n io r High School before it ollllon two yea rs ago.

. H er teaching was moro tl eight hour job.-She had j sung I n th e MethodisLchurcl and over the y ears dirjicled s

: groups both a t church and 5- .T h e school'glee clubs alwaj

o u t of regu lar dlass tfmc 'j

- a b d u t^ l r a p a y . .M rs. Olson said she car

■ dersland lhe'‘" lack of dedic of today 's teachcrs who ini being paid for every ex tra jol

• “One sum m er in the early li- .ro ute hom e from a trip in I

r ~ s h t f sFogpeain Albert .Cilyai- p aH j^x n e afternoon her 1

told Ifcr Art Olson lived next‘‘A rtO lso n ,d o ilin o w h im

' teach er askM . Reminded si . once d a t% him years carii(

. '.him . Olson, who owned operated a clo th ing store

■ was working in his garden. •■■He told m e later he fell.i

• Mil.rmv dre.<;p.” she iaughc M issD unagan. ^.who had tiiou^ii diic vvuu|d l)b an old school teacher C 'and Ldldn'

• m ind” ) did not- rush thing! " told h im she would teach ai

year in Twin Fails and if i. relationship bloomed she • fe tu rn to lo w a .

It. did and they w ere m. .. ,A ug .'4 ,1943, each for the first ' ' She Wa& 44 ahd he w as 46. B

long-time u h o o l teacher ‘!co think o f Just doing nothing;"

.. taught four m ore y e a rs in n Iowa towns. ' :

--------T hensh 'e-soldllfeinauranc- d idn 't like that, so h e r hu

^ ta lk e d -b e c - ln to -o p c n ln g -a -' aho)>in unused spacc a t the b

his sto re .' Although she nothing about mcrchandlsin buying, with h is expertise si:

' a successful business for six y She had " re tired " and wa:

pily involved In club work their-clothlng store; burned ground on Maundy Thursd i m ‘ The loss probably conlri

• to h e r husband 's death for ihc had been his-iife.-He died sud

— ttig-dPor-to-frtcndsr-A»hDU| never had. been ill, he had trea ted for h eart condition.

Left alOQO again, she came to ‘visit- h er- 's is te r, Mrs. Houston of Twin Falls, and ra th e la te John F la tl who.lold h(

' — vacancy In her field. ’So fo r the e x l four yeflt

taught basic English again } r r .T w in :F a lls High School bee

sh esa ld , " teachers w ere scar She could have taught one

— y o ar,-bu i '-decldtfd lo-quil-___she, w as. ahead^'lJD ils_jyas

videntiai7 sm ce la ier in m- h a d - a - h e a r t- a ttB c k -w h ic h -1

raizea 'herforslxw eeK s.._ By 1972_she wa) well en'ou■ s ta r t traveling and has 'li

.s o u th e rn C a n a d a , th e— England s l a t n an d a week’s c

in the C arrlbbcan. When sho v she w ent to Hawaii.

Form erly active in prest__ p ro g ram sJorher-^hurchclccI— soclal-clubs,-sho now keeps 1

visiting friends In the m__ nursing hom es, reads J^as mi

m y e y e s w ill a l lo w ." . _ ,crossword_puz2 les_ and _wa [

nice w i t h e r . _

z i i ! _______________

kND M R S . S C O T T B A G !

igeD i . 7 r iiroughbut;------ ■■

t work for ' • ____ir, since.;500.”- s h e — - town of at.'

iied h e r so pening atsi in 1923. / ( / !le cam e lo ' f 4 f 1925 when \ \ ~ T t iident, un-it In Iowa, V I- I X nS Svars in • p r ^Sh School - , f c : ma O’Leary • ■ ' Ue llsdcm* _

t! than an - .'id alwaysiirch choir_____;edsinglng \ \nd school. V A * "ways m e t - ic 'and Inr thought - \ . ^

can 't un* • - • J .sJIcatlon" ............ -

insist on iijob. Aiyl940sen . 'in Mexico . < y fcy and a t a • ; IfcT hostess . . ^ext door. him?” th e . d she had iriier, she '

^ V r — -----------ned '.and . . .i r e ’thei^, • ^

cll in love ghcd. But - . had-long old i'naid-

id n 'tey en "Ings. She-h a n o th e r - .................................!1 I f - th e ir - - - - - - I ie would ___'

.m arried irst time.j. But the ..."couldn't? :" so sh e — in nearby___________

ance,-bul-------- H J Hhusband

- a - d r e s s — --------le back o f '10 knew B lising and » ..e she ran 'lixyears.was'hap->rk whene d t o t h c : _ _____irsday in - . ..n lr ib u le d _________Ihestore , ■' suddenly - -—

iDUj^-he—lad been ^ X r

line back rs. E llisI r a n into — ‘Ij *.------------- fceJd h c ro fa -

eflts. she : . . . ^In at the ^because, -carce." / \ -jne more aJit-w hile------------------- —

prft- — .. 1W3 snc“ --------------------------- :

le N ew ,Vt’s c ru ise ---------------------- .~rnlowasTB

resenting __iCCle.and__________ , _____^ps active............... ... - 3

n e a r b y ____ i l lmuch a s . ___ _________ H |" - docswa^lte l a __________ \ •

jll ^

siG G E T T sc



I ... , I

n ~ -~ r - ^ r f “

- in Lynw ood S hopping C< O p o n F rid a y s 'til

Dur B e s t !a a s s i c 9 9 - F lc r td rrim P a in tSatin E n a m e l *

S a v eM g a\ - 1 0 0 s t a i n and \c ry lf c L a te x Fla)

~ s o• Ea«y»M»»kTMp«»-

7 9 'oc leO'Lenflthf. Rcq. »2.39.*3.39• W a H ^ pefTVim.Knlfe

; ; . H e

B'UHL“^ n S o ff in T la rH r Glenn Baggett exchanged vow sFeb.27.

The ceremony was perf —Presldan^G ene-B aggett at

■LDS Church w ith Jeannle organist.

The bride is the. daughte G areth Swatrel o f T w in ji

i_Genc J a g g e t i of B uhl-are 't the bridegroom.

T he bride wore a white gown w ith full bishop slet

w as accented with pearls a w ith crystal pleating. The and apron effect of the chapel t ra in wero formed Ijy

“ c ry s ta rp lc a tin g rS h e 'c a rr ti quet of white g l a m l i l a .^ slcphanolis.

■— M aid“of-honor-w as-Jodi s iste r of the bride, wilh Lcs serv ing a s bridesmaid.


:p e c ia l s

TERRYI" w i d e . 1 0 0 % p o l y e s t e

SOLIDS? c ^ o r s Jo ch o o so from,

Reg: $4 .9 8 yd.

$ 3 4Ip o c lo l ..............

--------STRIPES—■M piocos to c h o o so f ro r

R*g. $ 3 .49 yd.

L _

9TBO kg C *ntor. Twin F a llt •til 7 :0 0 P.M.

Interior £

al ■ Yo u r Choi

id F i n i s h

l a f H o u s e i a i n t , .

> u p e r V i S u M ! ~youtCh©lc*= ^;.9'^RoHer(

R«0-»3-99® 1 4 9 - g -P a d P a

--------i - w n -------- ftco^*4i49^-

ed wedding attendants Inc bro ther of the H arrisandR an

Tform edby. a t reception i a t-the-Buhl—at-the-church; e L a rscn a s guesfbobk alL

June Hodge 1 l e r ot Mrs: hondltd the gl ) r a l l s - » n d ; - e c l U 3 y y J ^

. Baggett ond So The bride is

ite organza paUg ^jgj, gcht i Dr. G ory P . Wo

ann tijrracp—— YHeoTiHegn i and edged gyj,] S5 j,( he hemline l c o ’s Custom 1 e al ached couple will resi. tjy ruffles of ^rted-a-bou^^------ ;-----------------d foses and

die Harris.■esla H arris . m -

• / ■ - i


l-H " H

_________ ■ e ; '


om . . . •

8 8-------yd.-------------------------- -------


>Exteriois i e e r j t i a t u o u * rim P a in t ' JOSS H o u s e & T rim . ^ I i!nt

» '$ Q 9 9 t

T&TraxKU -^YowrCholee-

w e r « 2 9 9tj.----------■-------fcrf-Mfft-'

506 2nc “7"^ 733-■ ------

______ . " s

^as* Jo h ri-O b o m rt)tlie r— J Included Allen Baggett, he bridegroom, and Kim ^ Vandal Coates^ ushers.)n followed the ceremony . •chrBobette-Coatcs-v,-as— ^ attendant. Chris D am all. _ s and Adrlene Mallory gift table. Carolyn Bag- Mnllory_and Lola Jonesurgpnf-ttiP-rrtrfiShm cn!____- c a r r le r s —wcre—Carrie___ £Sandra Baggett. II is a g raduate of Twin f Ichool and is employed byW alker.________ I!groom is a graduate. 0 / i chool and Is employed by 1 m Farm ing in Filer. The •. csideinB uhl. ]

) M . ' J ' 'W t A.-.m w n

Will^ ^ ru ir

No, o r i»l l444<M a niiiiig yir

WPP-r.'‘Jn!_P-i >'iL .h a ir oi' all y o u ’ve p u l

■ w c h a v e a j i a f f o f iiipl '• e s ta te p la n n in g , p ro b a

y o u r in tc rc s is . A n d .y o F irs t .Security o n ic o ai g lad y o u d id .

V ^

>r L atex Pu S e f e = = = = = =

id Ave E; J-8081T“

• • . . / Thursday.

Heart pTWIN FALLS - The Uni

Southern California Is lo ■he a r t ' a t tack pa tien ts ’tO"l

—epeclaU holcsterol study.Thp lln iv rrflfy nnrf 'Itif

.- In s ti tu te s o f jie a lth a re altc determ ine w hether loweri cholesterol levels will reduc o f h ea rt a ttacks.

To do the study, th e - l _ n e o d s about 1.000 men an . vo luntM rs under age 65 whc

Murtaugfi-1_ a t_ M u r ta u 6 h_H lgh^choolj

high school for the third period a re announced. ,

Seniors Includc Jeanette . David D aarud . Wes Duke. F 'C 'ry sla r McCariy, w a d ^ Todd Shouse and G reg Sieve • Wendy P e te rsen and Scoi Juniors ea rn ing all A 's and r

11 e s t a t e n y o u r e jtow is th e tim e7 0 U d o lo r y o u r la rn i o r •III. IS y o u r cM a ii^ p k im iin g ul to g e ih c r i o r lack’ o f a \ l ip h ly 'sk il lc d c x p c r is w ho iba tc sc rv icc -» n d * rtieo liic i .y o u r fa m ily ’s. A ci lo d a y .

a n d a sk 10 see o u r >

iS e c u ril^o f Id a h o , N;

_____ L j ; -----

s a l - /

Paint! ^

|. - R i f f in

y. MafCh l9.1981 Tlmes-New

3~atierits wJnlverslty of a firs t and .onl looking for th e 'p a s tf lv ey c r lic lp~tn~n— rtTnnirpnysTCl

. ■ -. to p artic ipate h

itcmpting to prm clpal Inves cring blood - says cholestero !uce the risk •.. tq ea^se of the d

■ 'Anyone Inter -University in th e study ;

a nd '^onicn _ H y p e flI^ e m Jo h61iavehpd._482-50u;'

-/ists honorsS fif th o m n r^

L an(U un lo r_ jU y£Q im ibh iZd nine-week F reslim en s

Kristi C arrier,le Breodlng. Graff, P ra tt Mo.P au lG ra tf. .liinlnr hiphe Petersen, e lude Daphne Civers. - and K risti Aicot Ross arc Brooke^um m liJB 's , * a lU nseveh thg i

i t a x e s s t a t e ? ”^ t o a c t .

>r r a n c h , and y o u r ram ily ,lg . W h y r i^ " 1 o ^ j r a 'I l> i> ^I p la n . A l F irst S e c u rity B0 sp en d all th e ir lim e o n icr th in g s need ed ;o p ro ie j ly. C o n ic in -io y o u r n e a rb1 officc&liV-jiu’ll alwny.s be

y B o n kI. A .

a g g


----- inirwutri

k /^ l^ ^ - v S a le 'c n <


r ■ ■ ■ -

' : Sherwln-WI--------- C b o ^

News, Twin Falls, Idaho 0-3

A/anted.only h eart a ttack during e years. With the approval'blcliiiiii, thuy will be llsKcfd itclnthc?»>

ivestlgator for the study, terol m ay represent a clue — he disease of the arteries, uterested In participating jy should call .the USC ’ ;mJa-Study-collect-at-3l3—:—

^students— -•es.w ere. ArJon E a r l .a n d -------3 . S . ;_________:__ :_______ _1 students nam ed are•ler, Leslie Curtis,“ Ju lie -------1 M alhews and Tino Watts.

ne Chard, an eigth grader, Adams, Laurie Bean,

\m liB , and Travis Stastny,' _ ;h grade. 7 ...............


iiy , th eivira-OT----------------------------------y B a n k .............. ’ :3n3ICi.-t .a rb y

b e '

............ -

' ' '

m f r ■ "Isfactlon ------------------------jS - -iranteed -------—_____________ . J j •em»o»»oui . ----^ S '~


i l4 ■ - S .

P A .........- i f ”1-Williams

■j ;


' ..........

”~ fc>i-.8B>:aw.a:-^rJft.>.^Z

A n n i v e r s a r y o f (

r C arr’TWIN FALLS - Camp

71. y e a rs of serv ice to yat — L -w ith-T w iiftT alls-m junbe

se rJe so /sp ec ia l cvdW sr'Although thc'lO cSl iv

C ouncil w as not formed th e , local a rea , records W(Tre--_some ‘ individual

• “ “ g roupsinT w itrF a llseoyc ;The local ponnrll

-iW agic Valley a n d Treasui its* n am e Implies and is i ind ividual groups in all cot

One or the spocial feat b irth d ay anniversary obsc b e presen tation of a fui

^bership ' in S lue Bird g n . 'b a b ie s b om o;i St. P a trick ’;

council a rea .E a c h new baby receives I

—“ c e r tif ic a te that allows hin Jo in a C am p F ire group wl f re e m em borsh ipon reach of age.

Boy s have been e ligible F i r e m em bership sincc I9i

. boys and girls will be incli fu tu re m em bership gifts.

___ o il ie r evcnis o L M m e. specJal.Cam p F ire c h u rch ;

------ on -S undayrflag -tribu tes-aIncluding a flag codc day A window displays in Twin ] n esses . -T-r—

A m olher-child skating , h e ld Tuesday night a t Ski

! Pnono(cotiQct)20{ ----------------------- ^M?-Brown7Ms-SJJ. ~ ~ ~~ ~ orMg Ttinmp

'a'llho Paris Cosi___________DopaMmcni rai youf a


V - ■ ■ - - --- . .

____ D-4 Tlm os-N ow 3. TwTwin Ealls. Idaho _Thursday

>f C a m p F i r e i s b e i n g o b

n p ^ mimp F ire m arks Tw in Fall; yauth .this week L e ir and G.ibers-stag ing-a-------A -fundxf. C am p F inI Ma Tre Val Lodge froi cd until 1934 in T icke ts a n xls show thtire F ir e officcII .Camp F ire from Cami tyearsBgo;---------- o o o rp r io r tpftvprc n tl n f T i r k p lc n

iSure'Valley a s . fo r th e full is m ade up of Sullivan a n counties. d inner, ea tu rcs of the Local coi bservnnce will a r e C am p 1 future mem* ra n g e of ai

groups' to all open, to chii ck 's day in the Adventurer;

D iscovery g 'CS a Blue Bird H orizons frohim o r her to -------Anyone--iiI with a yearns organlzatlor aching C.ycars' "v o lu n tee r i

D irec to r M lble_ror_Cam p_TwJn£aUs.C 1976 and both P u rp o se o

Deluded in the t h r o u ^ a p t ’• tlon..opporti .KCCkJQCludeTxircalIzO;tb€^ ch attendance effectively s -an tis tu d lc s— Individuals, ly April 4. and Cam p F ir |n F alls busl.....-b le to them- ■* and a s am< fig party was s e e k f to im p Skateland In to H oy tha la f

. . - - _ : _ c p j n — -1 Irom-t- r - .- . ._____________ p d v a208-733-I506

S. Sclifioiaof3iDp5on— ;------------------- J--------^osmolicsUf appoinlm n^^y^ - ' 1


% y ■ ifc ■>, --I

o b s e r v e d t h i s w e e k w i t h •

^ermmalls under direction of Joan I Gail Simons.jT alsing-spD ghettl'd inncrfor” n r c Is planned in the- Elks rom 5. to 8 p.m . March 31. a re available from the Camp ice in Twin Falls, 733-6214, imp F ire m em bers o r a t the ^ t o m e dinner.% am 43-cao^ofc«tper-iam ily-. 'ull dinner. John and Wendy a rc chairm en of the spaghetti

council m em bers say there p F ire program s for 9 'w lde

ages.'B lue Bird clubs a rc :hildren grades l through 3; “c rs from grades 4 through 6; y groups, g rades 7 and 8, and from 9th through' 12 grades. ^'-interes^ed-in jo lning,-the~ ' ; io ^ o r servlng_as an_adult- • m a y ' con tac t.'E xecu tive M ary Lou Keenan a t the

ls.CampJEire.oflice___________e of Cam p F ire is to provide 1 program of Informal educa- )rtun|Jlps for young people to ieir-aW «nlittfcandA£tfundioa= y as earing-self-dedicatedis, K een p n ia ld r” '— ----------F’ire m em bers a re resppnsi* emselves a s well a s others morgahJzatlon. Camp F ire mprove^condillons in society [ affect youth.

Greet SprW tfh A B e a u t i f u l Vew L o o k . . . .:ta r|.w ith -a -co 3 m etic -m a t?e ‘-< o s m e to lo g is t -B b n n ie Rowi le P a r is C o sm e tic s D e p a rtm

t a f s righ t — .n o c o s t o r ot: ak e y o u r a p p o in tm e n t for Fi M. a n d 5 : 0 0 P.M ': Let Bo ‘sm e to lo g ls t . in tro d u c e y o u i sm C lin q u e . B o rg h e se or

fnmousbrnn;r v -—- .............. 12^ M;

L . 'i ... .....

lay . M arch 19,1981 - - . .

m.........................................-■ T

Ih s p e c i a l e v e n t s i n T w I

p fe s a r fain ‘ Ix )c a r opportunities (

include the Cam p T awal ir cam pm g program m Ih e . :s local day c am p program 1. field trip s, skills and c p and dance program s, oi i, a tio n and studies of forei c C am p F ire m em bers'

a r e a p artic ipa te m manj y— ppeg«H nsra99lsH ng4ho( y homes-, working In thi i G ran d p a ren t’’ program ,

c lean up public property1 Jo h n n y Horizon day progi2 C am p F ire is a United I p ro g ra m w ith support fro ; ty se rv ice organizations.; ■ O utstanding m em bers • —..cognized M ay 12 in the G:

F i r e in the Knull G range 1

‘ f ^ ^ 5 5 5 5 5 ^ 5

t==i _

rinq "-J t - .........

?B‘-overby"oC if‘'feg is te rec J 3w e a c o u r te s y a t ■tm ent .............................

o b lig a lio n to you . J u s t r F r id a y b e tw e e n tCX:00 B onn ie ._ o u r_ re g is te re ’d —

3u to d u r fine c o s m e tic s o r Es t e e L a u d e r In a fatioQ -------------------------------------

iponiTmprTryDertt’oo J Tpcbivc-a— rnnd lipsiicK Ct your choicc-rLal OO e l m — ■ X- ---------- -

I M ain A v e n u e N orth .Tvkiin F ails

e n D aily 1 0 :0 0 A .M .lo .5 ;3 b P.M .

id a y s - ti l 7 :O 0 .p .M .

■ f ; l i i o rJ[ U ia t.a i

................... -re l lo v i iT ------------------ If-th]recom rrelieve

r S i w

------ WAOT------------ ^ ^ B 7 " S a d a t r ^

A nw ar S is one ol fan stic ls th an rest

“ Contr in th e V

J iu m a n <

- ^ - ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ E ^ d e l i v e r i n opening (

............. ^ ^ ■ S - exhib it." i t i s j

h a te o r V p roh ib its

1 o rcu ltu r i ^ E a rlie r

a ttended ‘ House

. ; fem ale IT'• 4 by P resid

t J A fte r lu R eag an li

. % • and M rs ■ n earby d

■ cheon foi__ _______________underw ay

“ I can!l— — . ■. v i-aa ij a ll know»ivtN«« b rin g hei

R eagan to w in F a l l s M rs rS i_________________ bless you j

- ■ In her opening o

i j i p —

____ p rev en t .vrig h ts a s r e ty .” - .•

for m em bers , She m Ic /akani sum m er • ^slam is ieSoulhTHlIsTa— a d V lsed -j ;m. educational h e re and tl• crafts,' music — ------------outdoor recre-

e lgn cultures, ry In the local iny'cofnmunily

the .“Adopt a n , and helping ■ty through the jgram .ed Way funded rom communi- i

rs will be re- Grand Council I cH a ll ,______ . ______

J _______

_ - J!


? '

------------- ---

Phono S»

J . . "

D r J L ^

[J\W REN CEE. LAMB. M D_ '^perSfaleipjiseAssodaUo.

r D r .L u n b .one-<ff.yout.column8 you s t

.an tacfdg a r e not very usefi iviog g as sym ptom s . - V th ls-js-tbe case, why do doc m raeod R iopan o r Maalox ve gas? i r an tacids a re use stom acb di8comrort,-wbat-<l

'R eM er» . ..u h ave quoted m e correcU y.'

[rs. Sadat

ligion-:__^ N G T O N .-(U P l; — -J ih . wifu of E ^ iBir a tm tft r S adat, says th e f q t t ^ f Isk t o f "hope and love, n o tlia te c lsm " and hasprom otedrratli es trlc ted , the righ ts of women n tra ry to the popular concepti ! West, Islam does not inhil a creativ ity and arUstlc U ^M rs. S ad a t-sa id Monday r ing th e k ejiio te address atTl igo f an “ E gypt T oday" cultur

is a fa ith of hope and love, n i r fanatic ism ," she .said . " its e ll form s of racia l, rellgloi u ral discrim ination.” ie r in the day, M rs. Sad; cd two luncheons a t th e Whi

one in h er honor and ofie f< ! m em bers of C o n g r ^ hostc s ident R eagan, r lunching with first lady Nanc n In I b ^ e d Room, M rs. Sadi I rs . R eagan walked into ’ d in ,-w hcre the-lui fo r women in Congress wssay.__________ !_____________in!t do th is one by one, but'yo w M rs. Sadat so I thought I* her in for a su rp rise ,” M n 1 told the group.-S ada tisa id to R eagan ;'"G o ju an d m y h u sb an d .” .. j r p repared ' rem arks' for th I o f the cultural exhibit, Mrs iefended the role of women ii -say in g -th e^ fa ilH -“ does-no t .w o m en .fro m seeking thei IS productive m em bers of soci

a id , “ The sta tu s of women it is often d istorted by the ill 1 -ac tlo n -o f-ce rta in -reg im ej d the re ." \ ^


"fi'. \—

) Sharon McKenna (colloci) 208-; 12-1 Main A«nuo NoHh. Twin Fa


i t a c id s c-------- r ra an n -w h y -an tao

iUoo useful In relieving ~ ~ b est ex]^aInedT y i

h av e gas in tbe first ' Most gaseous di£

I sta ted “ swallowing a ir c jefu] iij u o d ig e s t^ Xood; a i. ^ ------s t<^ either o f those.[joctors— are-of t e dox to sp asm of tb e colon useless helped by antacids e it- rloM— A ntacids servo on onfltg? to n eu iranze acid fo:

acn . m cartibhate n . duce gas. I t reacts

ly. Tbe ^ e s tom ach’s hydn re leases carbon dlw

t '.o icanw nate . T hat ts have ' com plaints sho u ld 'n o t drink a

------------- age s . .Why a d d g a s t<a lready f ia m g a p

T here a re a lot of ach discom fort bet person has p a ln iro m the an tacids might b

JIhan - - the- a c id i ty problem sWent A n t i ^ u m ^ c s to n Islam the colon and free tl> ate o r „ .g a s m ay be useful. ■jMher.. ..•

S i m - ' dlscom/cS " your h abits aod wlMt , S ; d lK ussed In nH!

m im b erM .C o n tro M

-snssK sifi- a long,' s tam ped , '

, nni "en v e lo p e fd r 'I f to \m e- ?°[ new spaper, P . O , , ^ x .


>adatVhlte 'ie fo r ^ ^ ^ P R O F Eo sted . W K w

ancy 1ladat ■ Ito a J- lun—w as .

t l ’d


the . ,Mrs. ■ H p r . in in H H r -r-- n o t ^ l ^ ^ b * — — ----------

• A n s w e r in g Si i • O lcfotlon

n In I _ . * l™ " « r ib in gill- I • ^ y p 'n g


y / y


^____________ .ulrr u o i l ^ *

H ' ~ --------

..... . .■ J 5 5 0 .0 0 “*

- ' iit o o r o - ^ ; -----

ym k08-733-1509 " • C j f ' 1 Falls \

p t e n i n eIg gas symptom s is who h y tb e reason people ben tfit s t place. * , mUk ilistentlon isj c aused . foods a: r o r ferm entation of— D e a rD a a d antacids-.won’t - • I ’m \ le. Tbe sym ptom s o f - lad y vH ten m ade worse by -tbe neli on, and tha t is . not osteoar } either. p ressu ronly one function — of th e a formed in the stom - dev~eiop m ay actually p h > lo F av e

Is.cbem ically. w lth _ t6 -b a v < Irochlorlc acid and d oc to r i loxlde gas from the and If » wny people Whft o pera te

i o f gaseousness Now,- carbonated bever- expect? I to a system tha t Is help re problem hanoiing w an t to

-------------- ^ ^ — — a n d 'sh e

H o u s e s (or stom -

relieve q ia sm s Inthe natural now o f medical!

providec-ou need to do to in w ays ii/o rt is re la ted (o th ing ina t you e at. ’This Is c a re for i) H ealth L e tte r su re she Ulng Gaseousness,- -and g iv iZ_you. Othera who an ting nr send 75 cente w ith g rea t dc

self-addressed _m edlcal- le , i n ' c ^ of this" faces ar ix ;5S l,R aaioC lty im p o iia r


"Call Lfs For Your O f f i c e N e e 3 s ' ’“

Serv ice • Wc• Bill

9 •Bo<• Mo

L^/ ~ . — -...... .

. s ' P t o ' N E R S E ’

\ y B ridal S a lon


f e c t i v e

itf it from ellm biating m ilk and all k products. O ther gas-forming [is also need to be eliminated. iF D r .U m b , ‘m w riting regard ing a lovely old

v ^ o h as a lot o f trouble, and we, n e l^ ibo rs , w ant to help. She has ioarthritls, bursitis, high blood- ssure, thyroid trouble, curvature: lie.sp lne, and tw o je a n .aa i.e lK . eloped h ea rt f ^ u r e . Next she had av e a pacem aker. Then she begM lav e trouble b rea th ing -and -the- tor told h e r she has a bad valve. '

If she w ere younger he wouldFaiersReTsBsysaw sra:-------------- -—3w .-D r.--L am b ,’'’w hat can she. ■ >ct? Is there anything we can do tO'I re lieve b e r load?_Sbe_doesn’t-___t to see anyone. She doesn’t eat- - •8he-l5-^lls^glvlng-^Jp^Sbe"is"lb6T— ly a lady for tha t. If there Is ' h in g w e can do to help ber. pleasesknow .______ __ ______________ !.__rR eader,is a safe bej th a t you have already____Bd h e r with love andconcem^----------^e re is not m uch you can do, - ically speaking, tha t is not te ln g < ided for her. so emotional sifliport ly s th a t show you c a re is the best ! in th e worid Yor ber. Helping for h e r p h y s ic^ comfort, m aking she h as tbe opportunity to ea t .

giving h e r comapnionship while g jn d jU H h e iJ lm e tL M n mf»an ft , ': deal,-to a person in severe c a l i d l s t ^ . Seeing a few young. . .a n d not feeling Isolated are-

rlan t.

E S S S E R y / C E S ^ K / f

W o rH P ro cessin g - "Billing «“ • H "'B oo k k o ep in g ■Moil List M ain to n o n co H

______ J— r----------

ETC. ' • V

/o u t . \s t o r . ) .) a n d

S ' - ;

By CY BRICKFIELD Spcclal to the TJmes-Ncws

--------assignm ent?--------------------If not, you should consli

anolherone.- This m ay seem IIKe dra:

U nfortunately, it ma_y bt -'soiutJdn to 'w hat h a s b w m

• natlonai proportions for ol cans: the refusal of more physicians to ac.cept Medl bursem cnt a s paymentc n r v t p e s . ______________

— :____OldCLpersons a re bcgoiseverely burdened each

— hea t ^ expenditures nol c M ^ ic a ro r ln T re c C r i t rc | Senate Special Committee IhFiiehei'fli ACL'flummg o:

' that Me<}lcare beneficla forced to pay an astoui

-------bilHon-ln-cxccss-fccs^fow- M edicare cla im s during :

alone:And th is total did not cv

the annual P a r t B dcductl-------pcrcenrco lnsurance 'roquii

all M edicare bencflclaries.■ — i t^&-not only-consum ert

concerned about the prflbl responsible spokesmen v

.-. m edical profession Itsc lth to deplore th is alarm ing trci * F o r exam ple, (he cdKi J o u rn a l ' of the Americar Assclation, D r. William R recen tly told the Chicago


(U PI) - The swallows C apistrano Thursday, c the ir annual 6 ,000-mlIe [ from the ir w inter haven in to th e ir seaside sum m er Mission San Ju a n Capistran

Thousands of tourists a n , - to w a tc ti .th c swallows do w

naturally — re tu rn to thel . h o m esto ra lse th e lry o u n g .

_____ As m any a s 50,000 tourisin n r rn w s tr f fo ts n f Si C apistrano, outnumbering by - 50 t o . one and the b swallows by 200 to one.

WmV o ' D e l l ' s S l e e p

s t o c k . Y o u w l l

o u r h a n d s l l !

GREAT BEDII C onto inporo ry -

In W arm Pine FIniih. 0— ----- Deck Mirror, Hoodbooi


M o d e rn 5<Pc. BDroMor. Mirror. Night- tio n d . C hott Heodboor

___ ___ N O W

______________ R m tlc 3-Pe. I ID rotier. Mirror. Hoodboard.N O W .....................

W a te r

B e d K l t s~ ~ ~ ~ ^ w tu d » i ! --------- -

m a ttr« * s.h * a t« r ,

__ -- t in v r . 'fill k it

^ z r - B U N H

H eav y D uty-4 Inch Pin*

POSTS' C o m p le te w ith in n e r Sp . .B u n k e tte *


' jC q m p le te W ood , . . .

E P• le am that f<

physicians- ----------- :----- ns s m iiiii m

------------ -M W iedrc i

insider finding such as artl blood prossi

Irastic advise., anem ia, amo be the only Inflation h

om e a crisis of pow er of-oui r older Ameri-’ ' whom live oi ore and more, cal costs bi ledicare relm- problem . Ind ;nt for their to bond over

the need.igomlngjmorc____ U 's_a_sa^ch day with than half of ll covered by - a r c unw lll report to the uackw aras"' tee on Agin(*. assignm entsr o m e n e u n a — nui wm\ claries were paperw ork. I tounding $I.I charge mor( >p-una8signed— im burse— Ig fiscal 1979 ■ I t 's high ti: ------------------------bcgam irnBii

lion and free JUiromonl tor ,„ -w a sh |„ |51______:____ L-Uie-HoalUi Rlers-w ho ore p N c d T lls l l i Hblom. Evon vvoshlnglon J within the usually do It have begun M edicare re trend. ‘ bursem cnt as idllor of t h r . T hesurvey ican Medical o r Your Hea I R. Barolny, Guide lo A\ igo Tribune's -M ed icare Do. 0.sh0Ckedila_^M .from -H oal

jUS returnRANO. Calif. They flock vs return to thousands in:

completing of the cliff sw e pilgrimage the ballad,I in Argentina Back To Capner ifcsts a t h a lfa c e n tu r jrano. Ronp tq wia re expected T h S r s

JigClr beg lnn jngo ll

irists jam th e ' H e ir 'a ls o - S a n . . .J u a n nqMn<?empnt Ing residents re turned , a ' J bewildered y ea rs-b y the

Bill Sm ith, w

' {

U R Ni p T C ^ f ^ K r ^ S I

r lll ffin d .say ln g i t

/ ^ Y l l i



; $ 3 g g q u


BEDROOM SET . SC............. : W H ;

T ------------ ------------------

I— ------ 1 s<L iv in g S -

Room.: = lailllB =:^ ;— ^

Y ourC hoice

^ ■ |M a t' ------ __ ------ . 1 ‘O nl

y e h


- • "Algi

WatI # K in s!


f i f f lS — =

$ 2sp r in g . . . .

lers urt few er than 50 percent of. p s will devote their pro- , \

assignments. Americans p ^ ge r and. in the iji-oeesj;— r

irthrltls , emphysema, l i i ^ v*ssure.~heart disease and tmong others. ' pn h as eroded the p urchasing . sou^-olde^c^tizcnsh^1any-of•- ^• oh fixed incomes, sd modi- • a

become a very pressingIndeed. I would ask doctors t/or backwoard to look afler c

^ c o m m e n ta r y that more ~ of the nation’s physicians r

s" ' and ' accept M edicare' t; nts. Some claim that they do c: •~4 o " ii 'ainlle the—r « tui re d -~ ; k. but most’ merely w lslTto' c ore. than M edicare will re- f

1 tim e that older Americans * Ignrbackrsom eare-aIrcayy“ s

using the trad itio n a l. r ice Incentives of competi- [e e enterprise.—;— ------— —ilngton, D.C., for instance. ii Rcsearch.Group.has.comr__ tsting of physicians -in the ( in m etropolitan a rea who g0 ■— o r do n it — accept reasonable charge reim* ti

t a s paym ent in full.'ey — entilJed "Your Money u fea lth : A Senior Citizen's u Avoiding High Charging a

Doctors"-— is a va ilab le fo r— a eallh-Rcs(^rch-Group,-Dc^^__ U

ito' Capist>ck to the mission by th e ' ain hopes of glimpsing a few '' C swallows m ade famous by“ When the SWnlfbws Come s

Capistrano,” written nearly t<Liry ago by Leon Rene. J, will be an honored guest at,. —s day-long festivities and ^ his famous t : r i

Bf the program . ~

so m ake the formal an- is nt_that_the. swallows havea ’duty perform ed for IS ■■(Ihe’voice of the swallows, yi, who died last y ea r a t the al

I l f U lB L E E P C I A N T " - i s - l

1 t e o - g o o d t e - p a a s

— SOFASUJ U E E N S IZ E ________ . .

>OEA.SLEIEPERlerculon Cover. rodliionatSivling. ■e g . $ 3 9 9 .0 0 .............................

aU E E N SIZ E ___________ ^

50FA SLEEPERooteCuthloni-Traditional . . tyllng.1 oor. Nylon.e g . $ 5 9 9 .0 0 . ................ ..)U E E N S IZ E

>dFA SLEEPER>ok Trim on Annf. Qooulllul lorculon Covor. Top Quollly,JOW ..........................................

/WATERBE^CGBSORa t t r e s s P a d .....................>nly •)lyet B edspreads . .

b ra to rs—. .

Igacide - . . ; ♦ •

a te rb e d Sheets . . .ig S izeil-P1llows —. ■ .

1991^ Magic Valli

I ■ B M J m Financing

r g e d tcp artm en t -M. 2000 P*,l SI

.W ashington, D.C. 20036^h

groups can aeveiop STTnllpr

~~pcrSOT5~to-b c -m o re cost when selecting a doctor. / these groups as well as M edicare beneficiaries cai

• ssu rc-o n .local - mcdlcal s< ■ ifrge the ir doctors to accept

assignments.” ' • . - 'Bul probably the most effi

to get the message acn questioning your own doctoi

At t y n n n lf l W Slt»p(»lm;n f , “ Yniir Mnnny nr Ynur recom m ends that patients

he o r she plan? (2 ) How mu doctor charge? and (3) Wil:

to be ’iimHetl—b y established byTviedlcare paym ent for the 20 pei'CCflT

— a s paymcnLin full2_______ _•■If the doctor finds_

sa tls tac try ," Slegelmah 5• recom m end you look, for

accep js it."■— JA^rA— editor, 'D r r B a i

urged his peers to "adopt tl — that-pnc.of.lheir..priorities

lions, if you will — is to mal and be interested in the agin

I t 's tim e lo "blow th e w those who won't.

(CyrilF. "Cy"BrickffcidIs utlve director of the . Association of Retired Pe. National Relink Teachen

-tion in.Wasbiagtoh^.iLJ—

tranoWdage of 67. six weeks a fte r SI

• Day.’ Legend, perpetuated b

song, says the swallows alw to San Juan Capistranc Joseph 's Day.

_ T h e y com e; tho lege because ot the kjndness o

__who cam e to their rescue -unsym pathe tic innkeeper.

~ th e ir nests In the eaves of hi: : la te 1700s.

“ Como sw allow s.l^the pi "com e to the mission and w« you shelter. There' is room e a ll."

i i i iiitiiK - h a v i n g - a ~ C I A M

H u p - . - . - . - f o - c o m e -

' I*tiff

, J 2 4

*39. . . . . V2 P r ^

. . . . . . W p.................... ; .

. . . . : . - y 2 Price

V ’S Al■I _ ■ h' I I . J

S ll WEUB S lee

QualiijfliAPfi :In9. « m « i l i

' ’ J. 1 TWlit

o fightS pN. W..

. And surely ^

:an put pro- societies to

•ptM cdlcare_


man, nulhor lUr H ea lth .::-Its t h e l r _ m ^ H

nuch will the /ill he o r she

e (including t k o N ph

Is th is un-________ A ^says, "w e .. - I V I

or ono who . - **■

la rc la y rh a s ------- WENDELLlllien ltllu d c sb y le ra n C ta E S --o b llg n -L .-C ^ !!flS '? .;“ la k o tlm tlo r M onlanaSlaJ Ting.” . a t 7:30 p.m.S ’whistle" on church.

t Accordingpastor, the ^

Ms the exec- American MSU, is in its

Persons and during the sci

r . d Sschools, con\

I college cam pi1 ( 1 \ J th ree tim es b

St. Joseph’s . T w c

='■ s r s i iBond s a j s Work Examine o f a p r S

no ftUor fln been licensed tir . sm ashed aid d ^ e r .a n d

prlesl salil. . S S i S S "

l A L lN T - s a l e - e n . e v e i

> I n t o d a y - a n d t o

Attraoi» modon h.adb-------

_ lln«r, tm o im t. till e»t drain «■ — m»nti?T>»d«1at ontl

19^1 1 1 YOUR ' CHOICE ; . . .

— * ' 9 8 1 9 1 8 1 5 3 6 ^ ^

iCCENTTAeiE!v a l C p C K T A IL T A B U- d o t k V i u J t o U l v l ________

L l ' , .

i^ C e iite iPfic* You Can A(lordH u e U h e i 8tvd . No.

W I N - F A L L S 7 3 4 - 8 3

:e u / .G ^ .p .s l s g r o u p f r o n i

fcntanaLL-------T ho-W endell-P re—'h u rch wjll feature the New folk-singing group from the ta te University In Bozernan— n.Saturday a t th e Wendell

iIg to the Rev. Bob Balt,J New Genesis, sponsored ' an t cam pus m inistries qt Its !2th year. Each March school’s spring break, the ; throughout several states.1b churches It also sines In onventions. and a t other ipuse^s. The group has sung s by invitation before the

JO licensed- Two Twin F alls county - r rc among those receiving ll licenses on recommen- n the S tate Board of.Soclal . Iners.medley of Twin F alls has id to p ractice a s a hearing &nd fitter a fte r passing a imlnatlon.)wens Ward of Murtaugh rtified a s a social worker, re among IhoiSe recelvlug 1 licenses from Ihe De- . ^ tG o v e m in g /^enc ies .

B r y _ H e m _ l i c ^ _ ^

l a k e ' e m o f f ~ . —

rr= -S idew lnder---------- —

i M E R B E D

t o ■

= » i e 9 '

^ Com plete, pockago ^ in c iu d o i: 'H ood - S® boofd .-fram o. pod- ' f f f o iio l, dock, heotor,| S de luxe m oiirot*.Q lo le ly llnor. fill ond ■ d ro in . k ll, w o lo r

treotm ont, tree do- tivery and lo lu p .

M o j a v e ~


-' AliBln

Idohe ralll Ib tk fast

1 3 6 7 I

a s in g e r s— M ontana Legislature.' Featuring the "folk rock

the youlh culture, the.N e I— DnilgS" some of iho nev I selections which in recent 3

been written for the churc , posers who have designed t: I ' m ore for guitars than for on

They can present a \ things, ranging from Sunda church services lo more celebration p ro g ram s_ ttt tea lu re parllclpnilon fiv 111 tendance. Tiielr appeal is l<

. ...M.nilDLs!er_saJd, and d t


j f / in |» 6 li |

, j .

© j

' f i

• G raff a d d s a w e s te rn s e p a ra te s in new fad

. s titch ing , (from lop) ( 4 0 .9 5 , J e a n sk irt. 27 e t c 2 0 . P o c k e te d pai

124 M O pen Daily 1 0 ;(

.. .......... “ T h u rsd ay ,'

3 1 r 3 p ^ '

s s e t c o r..— esp ec ia lly er

ck '’ sound 01 approach whii 'Jew. Genesis, segm ent or lw<lew musical belovcdSesamit years have The New Gerirch by coin- "m usic in its p rJ llieir music u ,ls sort usualorgan. D enver, B arn

v a rie ty of m odern ^ m p tday morning lu s tra le 'im p o rre informal la te toC hristla iwhich often T h e ir ' re peithose In .-U- -gj^lPjUftngLfmn

5 lo all ages, well as rock 0 children arcl_ {widj'Hc l.ivedj

n4‘sl<‘in 4 in iff I i|4‘«l4‘riloulil<H

— W

: _____

rn loucli to e a s y -w e a r . eas> id e d b lue d en im doubleknit! OC.asual ja c k e t vkTlih V* leng >7 .9 5 ; B lazer ja c k e t, 3 9 .9 5 )ant. 3 3 .9 5 , S iz e sB lo 16.

■ j L z j :

\ J S tre e t Level

M ain A venue Nor.ih. Twin F i : 0 0 A M . t o 5 : 3 0 P .M . . Frii

y ,'M u ii;ir i9 .1901 ■Tiiries-Nbw

n c e r t - -enth ra lled w i th ^ th e l r

which usually features a • two involving som e o f th e - • - jam eStreetpuppets.Genesis uses more secular s program s than groups of sually do. Songs by John arry Manllow and o th e r iniposers a re used to il-. iportant themes whfch"re>; stian faith. C- eperto lre ' also ‘ in c lu d e c " I “ i:»m U ;p-W ilh-Pe6p le r - o » t - ~ :k operas like "G odspcir'- ved the Good Llfe.1’- . ____ £ . ___

ifliHkniK ilj

. ' ■ j-

■ .VI—' ■ ' M I'

K i _ ■ ■ ' iI :

ja sy -c a ro - <nltsw/lih re d top- • • ' ; e n g th s le e v e s . \ ( .9 5 . All i n s id e s : •


f : i

II [

'e l ;

in F a lls .F r ld a y s ’ tiiy .O O

_____ U ■ ■ '

NbWsTTwin FaIwricJalioD-5 ■

. VIRGINIA. Mini F in n s h av e St. Urho

. . l ia v e S t. P a |r ic k ’fl;

equal billln;;. W K arssospedaT j F o r one Uilng, ;

- . d ro v e th e-to m ato w) B ul th a t’s not his

. fam e.> , “ As the-invenlor............... should be-JusLabout

around,” thc 1 A rrow head Library ra th e r tongue In che<

explains th a t Olaf, i____ Ing s e a fa re r, m ade I

. d u ring a trip to Italy in Norway during th ch illing .exi^rlcnce,

I_______ •‘O neT hursday milocal fa rm ers,'g reai tom ato worm infes

---------- OJaf-’a -b e a c h -c a b in. s a y s Dunlap.

“ Olaf rose iq Ui------carc fu lly m apped-a

_ the^ tom ato _ w rm s p lacing pieces of luti a t th e base of every t(

“ I t worked. •'The overjoyed to have

'w h ich ' had plagued I , tu r ie s rT h e re were t

_ . She k&£>Qd_gu

i. zinofdet CO ALPORT, P a . (

. S h ea rt of Pennsylvanii:■ 5 a . K ray-haired gran

S ;karatc and arm ed ■•magnum keeps law an k M a rg a re t ' Kashtoci

S ac tin g chief of police 1 . i;tQ w nof700 so m ei2 5

to rj* ittsb n rc^ ri on Fel T. J; juist 5 feet ra il, she Is

•>karate and firearm s. 1- V " I 'v e got m y certlfli-------- T m ~pW lia-bT ir ”~shc

d&ggoned righ t I ’m s( jS 'c Io ck In the m om ^sto p p in g a vehicle, bu N to le t them o r anyone el t JVIr?. Kashtock. a

_____S niald-w ho.suppodLlieg v lc tim o fa se v e rc s tro l

■ ^oLpoUce-chle t jn osUyPybunli p e b p in i r C ^ p c I..10 p .m . curfew for mine

j S " I t ’s not a rowdy to\ :?— J b u rg la r le s o r r a p e s o r :

|;sa id . “ But there a re Jc o n s ta n tly o n th astree l «w ith them som etim es ir t S he’s m ore for m aint 5 tHan enforcing it! " » "S u re , you can a r re \ g s t w, b u t : be 'ld lo tic about it. I t ’s si m ostly , ahd if i t ’s

o f hau l him in ,” shesaid The trainlng 'academ >

g a rd e n club m eeting. i e y w , g ray -halred office a h a rd e r tim e with h< th a n since she’s been on

"W hen I w as p n n ightstick , th c instructc

• th e re to fight against thi I s a id . ‘You gotta be kldc

\J~— asked-m e.w hal.I.W I h a d to use th e nightstii V ag a in s t a gang. T hat’s

th e re — bul you’d be tte r m y sh a re of blow^!” ^

•She h asn 't had isny bi]

■ w atch over the coal true _ rum bling th rough Coalpi

— to go-after b igger gam e once s h e h a s tra in ing in I

D espite her new job, i on w om en’s rights.

••r-' ‘.'Jt stinks. I th ink m e• m en. M aybe th is is a m a

v^otnan can do it if sti ^ i n e d . ^ ^ e s a i d .

: : ■ ^ p p l i ^ t - i €

urged SOOfor acader

----------TWIN P A t t ^ H l g h - S_ . in te re sted in applying

acad ’d m y appointm ents i m ak e applications as soor ‘ tr.S . Sen. Jam es A. f

Idaho, h a s announced h( . c cp ting applications for : . M cClure said nominatlor

• Fo^ce, M ilitary, Naval ai M arine A cadem ies a re m

. h is office cach Dccemb( tim e to complete applii before D ecem ber, no a p p lic a tio n -w lll-b e 'T c c S ep t. 20.

---------- rtppHca t ioir s tepsr th u s------- in c lu d e— f o m l s h l n g 'T '

ap p lica tio n - 'fo rm , suppl ^r-rr-cnces,- tak in g SAT o r A

su b m ittin g high school tra - • - re g is te r in g fo r a m edica

tion.M cC lure urged students

------ to - b e g in -p re p a ra tio n s-w. th a n w aiting fo r the

deadline. - A pplication m ateria l am

tlon aBbut the academ y p a v a ilab le from Sen. Jam es

. -U .S .-S e |ia te , Washington, D,

...................P r6T lm os*N ew 8 ,T i5,Twirl Fallajdaho -Thursda

. j _ j \

linn. (U PI) — The- b ra tl rho Day and thc Irish 'com r :’s D ay th is week, so "U f D ^ d t> ll ‘s> e a u n

— tn rn r ' '■ ' m ark

[aTabouTSrOIal? ^ h l s c ;, says Dunlap, he .depat > w orm s oul of Italy, “ it lis biggest claim to whlc^

• v acato r of p im ,-S t ; 01af ~ "ouLtbc-most-popufar__ ■le lib rarian for the y . ary System says —:heek.__________________ • /rtzzsT^W cnrnuH Ep ' if, an ingenious Vik*de his claim to fam e __;aly. ("S tayinghom e I the w inter can be .a ice,” D unlap-polnts

:niprnl|ig, .o g m P ( l l . . ___Sreatiy troubled by a ifestation, cam e to ibin-seeking-help.-^^---------

the occasion and i-a plan*for drivingm s from Italy bi^_ _____lutefisk (dried fish) y tom ato plant, rhe f a m e r s were /e solved a th reat «ed them for cen- •e tumultuous cele-

eeps LC

er1. (U PI) ^ ' ' f n the . m la’s coal country, ' ranny trained in led w ith a .357 i H H /an d order. , ^->•'7 tock, 50. becam e f J lice in Coalport, a M ii 25 m iles northeast i tU Feb. 28. S tanding 7 ^ * : Is fully trained In - s.tified training andshe said. "Y ou're .--------- ----1 scared a t 2 o r 3 , om ing when I’m but I’m not going ■

leelseknow lt.” * 2a form er m eter 2

J je rJ ju sb a n d ,Jh e____ ■* ^troke, took the Job ’Uy to h e lp o u t tho-- i-— “ i

---------- r - ltown, not a lot of *or:anything,*’:8he‘' ------ * ”ire young people ,reet and problems ^ In b a r s .” •ilntalning the law___________

rrest, arrest, a r ............lUt I don’t want to <'ssm alltown-stuff-'s an underage

a id ; - •_____J T Z rtm y w as harilly a ~ g, and the blue- ice r said she had M E I hecklers there on the streets." p rac tic in g th e REG. ic to r sen t m e in - 1 2.00 th is 6-foot-3 guy. '

tlddingl-^’n ien h e do if I >||B:stick on the j o b ..........t’s wh(»n 1 got inte r believe I took r e c -’ M rs. Kashtock 22.0C

' big busts yet. A

iracte^coMtM^^ly ^alport. She wantsm e in-the future,----------r p g ~in narcotics. . «o n'olb, she is not big .

m en’s Job is fo r. - - . . . c t , m an’s job, bul a J U b T I

she’s properly

i O H S — =

on men^ m i e sJi-schoolJUnlbrS— — lg for service ts a re urged to ;oon a s possible.I. McClure, R- 1 h e .ls now ac* sizes 4 1 o r 1982 classes, sizes 7 7 tions to thc Air I and Merchant e m ade through , . m i Tiber. To allow ^plication steps n° l o y . a l _ - g « 6 - a c c c p ie a -a r te r" -------

*a—caWQsrciea^------------^ppiying-: refer- • ' tV ■ ACT exam s, _ , transcrip t and p r r '

l'“ ‘ “ ™ ln a ----------

!nts’ interested —-n o w .- ra lh e r - ---------- — t-A re Seplem ber

and Informa-V p rogram Is , REG. 14n es McClure. TO 16.0,D.C.,205]0.. . I___ ________

sday. ^iafch 16,1081 1 '

I 1 _ ' •

ations and Olaf and h is*sai m rad es w ere heroes. . "U nfortunately, without the wo ung Ji0J(a-in It. a bum per croi

Jrtc .U rcm persJlacedjjnd .9JaL I c rew considered a late ever partu refo rhom e. ■ - ‘It w as just a long-shot brainstt Ilch led the quick-witted Vlh catloner to invent.a fast-food II

O P E R A T E D BV R N . H IR S C.■nrlM I e RCO'Cnftl(;'.i'n7

n E r a


■ I.♦ w ’]



:STRIPES:ON NATURAL---------■Ma c h in e w a s h a b l eREVERSIBLEHYPO-ALLERGENIG ------------

9 0 x 9 0 QUEEN REG. 40.00

2 9 ”$2.00 DOWN and smc

--------------------------- - h o l c H r r------------------- - ^ N O - P I N A N

iAEN'S SPORT SHIRTS."Assorled spring plaids ..

SIros SM-l-Xl.

^ o . . . . . . ............. T y

AEN'S DRESS SLACKS- —By Faroh Solids Cblori- - • •

BladvBrownond Beigo

% ........ 1 5 ”

M E N ' r s p o R r s H i i n s ^) By VonHousen

’ AstorlodSolldi Colors .

k . . ...........9’T IN NEW PLACE MATSSolids fi prinlt-qulllod. vinyli >nd fabrics lovoly spring loohs

EN'S CASUAL BOOTS' Ton l*olhOf Uppers


GIRLS TOPSBy Ronnie Toggs Assorted Poilels

< TO 6X REG. 9.00 6 .9 9 7TO UREG. 10,00 7 .9 9

9IES PLEATED SKIRTSlorled prim* by H H Alononder

Sites S-M-lA 4 ^ ' I


LADIES DUSTER5_. _Prelly collon'ond

Polyof ler prints ond solids


Lorge Seleeiion

1 4 .00 C 9 9s . o o . . . . . . . . . . . O

trig S t . C-sailing which would use up

"P izza!worms- •

crop 01 sauce, and- leitovc in lhe belore w ere combii laL an d „ lre a L lta ly -fc ll in-io' tvening h e ro w n .”

D unlap said Olfl nstOrm until h is snoose (S< Viking ra n out on A pril 19 id item ’ h o m e .

I — ----AAei Yot

i s c H a c o ' .



= 2 ^108X90KIh

•• REG. 50.0C

^ ^ ^ 3 9 ’m a l l m o n t h l y p o y m e n l


* • MEN'S SPORTA ssorted solids colors

ond wool. S ites 3(9 REG.


IMEN'S SPIRE SPO■ 'N o W Spring Poti

— Short Sloovi19 REG. TO

...20.00 ................... ..

-----------------------BAT»«OW' Big soft'oll cotton

Towels. A ssorted-------- U Poflocl BoihReg, 6.50;

» h a n d REG. 4.50WASHCLOTH REG. 3.00

TS MEN'S DRESS!Sllpon'i In block, bro» Sovorolgoltorns. limi

5 REG. TO4 0 .0 0

LADIES DRESS S^Mid high h e e lln b l

•w hite, or two lone) REG.----- 1 5 . » 9 . . ..................

GIRLS SLEEPVV1 ond 3 pcs. by Ror

Solidond S trips' REG.' 8 .0 0 .................................

ladies KNIT CCGo[dftn,touch.iuo

___ _____________ ~Gr«ni w lorsL _ ^ REG.__________

6 5 .0 0 ....................•

TRINA TRAVELA ssorted sites Colorlul prims

REG. 4 .2 5 4 ^ 8 4TO 1 6 .00 A TO

“ ■ ^ ladYe^ lOusby.Colilornio po ller

Now Spring polterns. 1 po lyester In sizes 6.

REG. 1 STB........... , . ______I

5 i a f ? -Up the surplus crop.

>-nnnca lcft), toningYsre, ire m ,» ig ,tiay .-a bined to form a taste Iove4#ith^ndtook-fl6—

)laf stayed in Italy Scandinavian snuff)19 nnd then re lum ed

— -



MILL'S- ■ iARY . ■

_ _ _ ^

%A/IN A. 3 5 . 0 0 ^

IN G3 0

, 9 — - -

n t s w il l

“ P i

T COATS ->r»I.Polyoslor *"38 to 46.

. . 5 9 ’ “ ,— I ■ — •«

ORTJHIRTS _a tle m s-------- —

" 13” HWEIS ' —on lerry »d colors>Orr-NOW -3.99------- ---------------.. . 'N O W 2 .9 9 A l llO '.N O W ^l.S?

------------------- MTII5JHOES WM(mlied s ite s ' ' MTIO

. 1 2 ” K...............;--------------------- nsK r

comiiANDALS BLUELblock.. BlU£l

neton.--------- -sp « E

. . 1B8 E’:WEAR TKESU:or>nle SOPHS

. w n I

59 9 '^TH£TTICFn

_____________ .TREIUSHMU


F ~ ■1 0 6 6 H

1.100% ■ - H ■

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- S aiEE★


ENOIiDISCOUmS’O v e r 6 0 m e r c h a i

■ F r e e G i f t s , S e r v i c e :

C e r t i f i c a t e s c a i

l i m i t e d s p e c i a l

purehase of-7The Mei« Minor Motor Turve4Jp •T ro• Oil Chong* ond Lube • *)N• 3 HolKuts • Del• Heollh Club Visits * 4 5 /• 6 Lines o< Bowling •S T c• 6 Rounds el 9H eleC ol< • Fre'• Room o( Corpeling______ • Twc

Shom pooed ________________



------------- j » L U S ^ M A :. . N ational Porh

^oppfy Lir

I FT?r t h e Twi

M er<

M~ jM j T # T i

JI i 4 1 t

rs^#0iF0il a n t s o r e c o o p q j ; a t i n g I

c e s , F o o d a n d E n t e r t a i n

c a n b e y o u r s if y o u s h o |

:io I g e t - a c q u a i n t e d o f f e

‘ vnii'II roroiuD lullhl e r c h a n t - S a m p l e r 'V


Tronkmisslon Tune-Up 4W heelTIreR otelien D ^is'ondw lches I Snacks 45 Minule Flight lesson STonntn^ Sestloni FreeTowIng Within City Limits-. Two H ecdllghts Adjusted







' ^ N T E R T A i r sHASICBOWl -

------------------- TAi rm n i----------ATHLETIC dUB OF SOI CANYnsraDGseou

SERVICES...............W0t[0 OF WHEELS - -


imitedC e r t i f i c a t e s G o o d T h ro

vn F a l l s ic h a n tC h e c k b o

KM E S B U T ; :

I t o b r i n g y o u o v e r $ 7 0 1

i n m e n t f o r - o n ly $ 2 9 . 9 5

o p _ in .the_T .vy .in Jiq l[s_g r€

F er — o r d e r t p d o y : Fre«

zzCERTIFIFor item s listc vvith absolute

charge - no no tw o fo


JAURAKT ■ horthweSL r » ' KRBYCO.



<««<--------^ ^



o -o a iss isouT em

:------ ----------------- THERSHBln CERAHCOiIER. CAKYONSIDI

lx - lQ :B o n u s - P o r t r a t t s - f c r o j 5 r $ T 0 0 : : 0 0 r — ---------

C a ll 734^

r o u q [ ^ a r c J v 3 V ^ 9 8 2

%lA re in

.• I ■

p o k — —

i -p S M E tn ^7 0 0 . 0 0 w o r t h o f J

. 9 5 . O v e r 1 .00 G i f t

o r e o . T h is is o _ _

■ ree D e l i v e r y . i*

F t e ^ E i r = ts te d a r e y o u rs i te ly noj e x t r a IO d is c o u n ts Z fo r o n e s ! . ' . _ ~ :



---------— - —fsMUFFLER SHOPS !

CENTERREPUCtCENTER-----------^ ^ ; -------VAUEY CHRISTIAN SUPPLY ■ 'CARCARE- r------------------------‘ - T '


t J c o m ^ . o g u e ------------

m tI4;8021 1 ;


] I £ y o t i ’\¥ : ? u z " m i t c h e l l N&yyspapcr Enterprise 4SSPC

_ _ ^ a n y f ln c _ h a s ,M C L td ld .. ---ycmrUfe-IS'SO interesting y<

wB(e about it. then “ How Own Life S lory" is for y

lx)i&Danlel bases her (itfv — ojH W p rd m ise r t^ t h istory J:

of. o rd inary people’s lives '~ ' CMh of us h&s an important

tey.A s th e 20th cen tury draw s t

A m erica nas Decome increa: td f«sted in tracing its root

. “ How to W rite Your Own Li (QWcago Review Press, 17 $?:«5) is dn Idea whose tim e h

4 )r, a s the au thor puts it: “ s& Ie ty on a headlong dash

' ’ ' figur e. Gonflequentlyi^ unUt o lder cu ltures which have b

__ om generatlons of tradition,ta-fiome extent, m isplaced o

— V bir:have--the-apec ia l-p ri' p i^v ld ing a linlc to tha t her oncom ing generations.”, ' j

— -G rea t. But hOMii'iH cre's a crystallization

_ “gCDund.cuIcs.'l _•D on 't w orry a t all about I

you have w ritten Murids. Ji w batcver com cs into your hci

>Be yourself.-W rite the t^ k .

«,Be honest. f}on'( w rite abo

-J pnoredj lien’s teetBCLLOYD GREEN (^:^lc3go Sun;Timcs

CHICAGO - A dental re honored h ere Thursd: effect, wlpfng out an old “ sca rce a s hen’s teeth .”

I t’s In ie — Edw ard J . Kol

th2*m In a mouse.I tc a m e about like this: ■dollar, a professor of oral b

the U niversity of Connec F&rmington, w as a bioli sts^rcher a t the University of from 1963tol971.

— JW iilah« iiij,Jiebcgan toying__ idea of growing hen’s teeth. I

b i ^ once Ra3 teethTb^ausc bird fossils show reptillanllke

f iu t b ird s ' te e th disai- th ro u g h evo lu tion , he c

bdcause light weight for fli m pre Im portant fo r survival

' ab ility to chew.

g<^c fo r m aking teeth still there . ,

To ac tiva te tha t gene, K( ponded on th e fac t tha t a tooth frbm two sources of cells grow ing em bryo - tne mesei

“ whlch‘ maKes-the*inslde'of-tl arid th e epithelium , which fG ou ter enam el.

p e took the m esenchyme hi from th e m olar buds of e riib ry o s. On th is , he cpit&ellum frbm 5-day-olc

-criibiyos. He then im planted ! i inJaboratory mice.

iThe resu lt w as complete te( tlw ‘.en a m e l ' layer-provided

..d f ic k e n c e lls . Signiflcantly, t- w cE g n U Jh c _ S h a p e .o f -m o u se

bul w ere m ore like reptile tec kind aincient birds had.

‘J l ’ve been working on th is f

giW s a be tte r understanding - t e e t h develop a nd could leads _ to > lp rc v c n tln g problcmj§ s

m alform ed tcetn in hum ans.” ■ K ollar, not a dantlst b u ta c

b l S o ^ , also noted tha t his _ cciUd advance the day w

sco rch ers will le am how to th ^ b o d y Itself to rep a ir cav m aking npw enam el.

'.'It could even provide some can ce r.” h e a d d ^ .

Kelationshi]d a s . s p l a n r i t

“fprhaspital'R atio n s /C o m m u n ications " hefd’April 3 from 8 a.m . to 5 Magic Valley M emorial Hospl

. S ch ed u led fo r th e ho sao n d -flo o r conference roc w o ^ l^ o p is desip ied to help

. uale im prove communication thelrorganizatlons.

E dw ard A. M alstrom, P professor in the D epartm ent

' cation and Psychology a t Ri —4eg«i4n-Roxb»rgrwtll'hp-nn{ - teach e rS r-H o -a lso tcnches.coi

an d psychotherapy a t R ic k s : p riv a te practiceln-RwbuFgT-

The o lher teach er will be : foixlr- M.A., d irecto r, of ,th m M ICatlons’ D ep a rtm en t-a College. -

— - n w t i a s r iai nn ite d to acr . pan ts. The fee for SICHR mei

$10'; th e fee fo r non-member P re-re^s 'tra tlo n deadline Is R egistra tion checks and mom m ay be m ailed to SICH Cam pus. Box 8082. Idaho Stj

- v c r s l ^ Pocatelfo 83209. Call for m ore inform ation. -

Ve everas you wish

■ ^la tm about them )

— . - DonlLleLyoiild-you-ihat___ rccilaljQn.oLi>; you should fckslin^.bpiriii ow to Write •W henever oryou, ... th a t tinppenec (itfw-to b o o k . ' th a thavch 'ap ; y i s thesum - *R eadsom e es and that have written lant-story to— will s tart-ypu I

- past and fill y ivstoaclose. yourw ritlng . reaslngiy th- •K em cm ocr ■oots and so 'S h a re a 11 I Life S tory" descendants., 172 pages, thor’j le has come, w as sparked b; t: “ Ours is a ash into themHk»-4nany- ---------e been built :•}n, wc have.__________ '3 our past...prlvllege-of-------------------------heritage for

... (lon of her .

ul how whal ;. Ju st w^ite—■head. • tie way you --

about things

h & r

>th f i g

— kMresearcher

:^ a y for. in J V H9ld saying: I

Kollar ad u -

al biology atnecticut a t * O f )iology re- iT of Chicago

-ingivilh.the_[h. He knew iuse ancientiketeeth. __isappeared• decided , — _

flight was „ -------- -i/al than the

;111 m ust be • i~

Kollar de- ywth Is m ade - fells in the . ___ . | --------esencnyme. !------ ~ifthG'tooth;—1 forms the ■ ’ , ^

e he needed of , mouse

e g ra f te d f -old chick p o ttoed.the g ra ft . . .

! teeth, wllhled by the Iy, the teeth 'use .iho lars—teeth - the

lis for ab o u l'...

ling of how id someday ; such as_IS.” ' 1 ^ ^ ^a doctor of

lis findings . when re- ^

to prompt cavities by

ime clues to >

U tili ty G P o l

l i p s

iM _____

l l - ------------- — ^

T ir'H um an:-------- ’ ---------------_ w jl l ,^ __ fJ____ 1 _ _

to 5 p.m. a l • f f i r S r ^ wpitah' ■ ■ ■_h o sp ita l 's I ^ 2,' room, the* ' ■ t*i <>r elp Individ- | | | | *0tions within .

PhiD., a '--------ent of Edu- Ricks Col-


ks and is in

b c L e e ^ lf - the Com- ^ ■ f C f i f n n

- ^ t ^ R l c k s - ^ ^ B J H r t t l T

m em te rs is bers is J7S.Is April 1. ’ « ,

loney orderCHR... ISU M o n . .S tale Uni- 8 i ,S 0 -

:all 2 3 6 - ^ S a t . 8 t a

‘ tKpughtsh^they had been. Write

your.story-bc-Just a s te rile— hi l u m i t s - Wrllc-aboul-your— u . iriions. relationships. h« : r possible, re la te things h< nod in th e .p ast to things hi appcned n t h c p r c s e n t ,= — - - me books tha t other people u m about their lives. This a )u thinking-aboulTourown— hi II you wllh enthusiasm for trg. _______________wJcr to include humor. N. little- wisdom for yours. s • y,)r’s Interest In this subject a dby a failure. Ij

— P a y r a r

S p r i n

Rtw»rd • J i n

. . r / Model M8*n/ / — KrfHwiJ * 1 IISotp*(!r»b . . . ' X V

^ 5 -F t. F iberg ln !

; One-Piec 7 = 1 ------------ T u b “ & ~ S h p \J Sramkii: providr/ imoolh OBt.plrcT fon»

Iloa (Of <iic In mi ■— BiDCf ind rllffllnillo

-Uiln. iBCriril (rib________ ■,/. indioipWltr.

^ ^ -------------Be|{r2a6i60-

ttornafor N o t ju S tS ]roryiBwn . s y s t e m . 4

) q L j | 'n . 2 4 - o r t i n a r

I G ra d e 80 P-So l y P i p e 1 1 1■irf n«iibit roT e( M M I

nltU.rail iSd w*1c balld- .

la lOO-ti.mlli ^

I ___ 20D iA m p_ ___: l J J s C

M a i n

S e r v i c ePtckiir Inrludn (I) MLU ^ i j I 211 C0'40) 200-amp miln Jbmlifr panel »lll>|l)2i>0- •mpmilBbreaiff. '

" $ 7 9 9 5 J

p r l c e je h o u r s m e rc h a in . - F r i . 4. K now led0 - 5 i 3 0 .S .F r e e h o vi t 3 0 - . 5 ^ ^

• «

it about. W hen -a 75-year-oId worn chtldron had l ^ r ufeggglfl

-he lp .-sh e was baffled. - ^ F r a n k ly r l - h a d no4deaJ«

her. I h ad n 't the fa in test id' help a non-writer w rite th< h e r life,” she said.

- - -T h e failure haunted Dan! fe s s io n a l w r i te r and • especially when she thou(

■ howm ilch-Bhe’trcasured 'a- m olher had written about 1 wagon trio from Minn M ii^iirT w hen she w as a litll

“ My paren ts w ere well yea rs when I w as bom . This a sccond generation In my i ly. and m y m other w as dls

m d P ack -

i g F i x

I —

S 3 -------------------------—

p lA ntique B rass -F in it

S a t h j V c c e s s o r•...................


LO®* ? S i u . , . . . . . . * 5

glass I ^ S S r t

e c e I f e A j l

qwer o&—[{Bi!

t s p r i n k l e r s b u t a c o m p , 4 R a in J e t s o u t p e r f o r r t a r y s p r i n k l e r heac ts .

* ' ' An undcrKround iprlnkter lim uicd lo be conilderc luKury^- w ai very elaboi and expcBilv*. O nly-a

---- people could artord Ibe IniV iuilonorsuchaiyaicni.

^ RAIN JE T Corporallon chanKtd all nf ih li by nre mlnlmltlne ihr number

______headi needed lo cover a Rl

■ " 9 0 ^ ° O ’^ V l l e J t . l ’Vire'

. N S F A pproved 200 PSI


B P i p e _v

'latlalli e.mlly.-wu fUl

wilb a M». dtburr. prime, (tue and tilde loirlhrr.

I'lpruid la 2all.|ri>ilk<

^ --------- Sitenl-Op*»at4on.^J J Ivory

w — .— S w i t c h e s .* ^ ^ R e c e p ta c le sJ ■/ ■ .Slleal' •xltck operstlss.

Shilltw d n l|s lor m y wIrlaK. nro«ade4 r«rep- ttt ir oltb aide lermlail

I mnaet-lliin.

^1 Your Choice

it u s o u t n 4 y -: 1s t a n y o t

- f i v e - p o i n t s ^ J ^

f r ie n d ly s e rv ic e Vrm ly low b in p r ic e s e e t o r b e a t a il a d v e r t is e d s on c o m p a r a b le h a n d ise ^le d g e a b le s a le s p e rso n n e l | b o w 'to 'd o -it io fo rm a tio n

iwitingm an whose m e In bo th y> dng her to viewed h e r as

I ■ "W hen I rej.h n w rto 'h rlp .-fllled -w ith I idea how to heartbreaking the story of childhood, sh

seem ed to ir inlel. a p ro -— hum an being.I - te a c h e r , th is new view )ught about c a m e la te in 01

it a c o v e r t w as a ,ch ild .nnesota to about h is.xo iItlleglrl. * cars , jio ing mjll-along -in winding up plis m ade m e W estern townsy own fami;_ “ I w as a lllstanl froni rassed when I

E leetriei

c - U p S

lish *

i r i e s

• 16/.3r --------2 5 ^ F trH e a v y :D u tj^

1]\ E x t e n s i o n

4 . C o r dI f llravj.duly round rard for ratI I rolllni. Hemiint Heilble undr 11 all wealber rondlllOM. nethlat^1 In oil. »rtat», aeldi. liroysdei l l molded plan rndvtiL_______

I , $ 0 9 9 _ . ^ .0 ... ihAlSO.ft. Heavy. t> 3if IltttyK irn.hinlJnfd . . I

" R iiplete '


tred^ a ID O Sboraif i r ^ QIniUI..-.-- -

fcflOy n jS kier of k>QEI Riven

) F F __

I . Type-M-

C o p i

V v f( I fo ltx llh ’a Ul ' "»oe» Inicrllii

■ l ollb loivfe IINo Ihreadin

‘ ‘

II Q 4 »l-lrrMldU.-

. -......— , G a


___— ClHlCMRft5 J P o licyS e a ___ W« boa

Iflysedy'i-WBI1 ^ 1 lor Herat will

^redsel II------p*rBbli-aBd-JL ' s se a c 'i i

“ V - , et»ler.

I your lif-r years^ and personality. 1 : ais a very old, very s trong.__ 1

read h e r story, which was s i_funny—an d -so m e lim cs — I ing incidents from her ' 1 she, for the first time, m e to be a vulnerable I

[Jg. I w as grateful to have-i-j lew .of her even though it < 1 our relationship.’''-- 1

d. hearing m y father tell 1youth — hopping fre ltfit 1; m enial work on r a n c h ^ , i I pcnn lless 'in drab, ugly#ns." Ialways terribly, em bar- 1

>n he told these tales out- 1


S p e c i !

> R E G .$ 5 2 .5 5 ^



M l■ New

/ y T > 0 stain:. Non

W p? V : holde


- t o ins


1650-30 ,


B R m ' , T e m p e re d G hV f f l ' S h o w e r

b g H D o o rI B ^ ^ I .Lireilme brlghi 'alurH B L I Hniih. Adiutlable^ ^ K B | npcnlng. Full lenRthl O ^ ^ N type hiniic for lonl 1M Q Q 1 ddrablllty. F iti 32~^a^ K K Q f l _ IlyieC t liaa crita tli,' 'O C n Your Choice

^ ’S S ’X2nlDorX2S2ll

M- H ard \

P P e ri p e

lln.'a.Kl l.r*|ll>'

X H “~Brasff7—

i a r d e n —

V a l v ^ ■ ^

’.uWly.^Remorable ^ *irrteal -taikHi and. I

RcK. 3.45

; 0 ' 9 5M B.«» ^

— r - 4 ^PJOT_______________yJoao r_____ !>, /

S 'S !:I iiB*. • ' \ ra d - lD ----- ■- - U . j Ab« ie r f e r

. ( lo p

. J LOTS O ^ C O N V E ______ ) PARKI

fe , fo llo vside the fam ily becaus<^ th

__ m a d e h i m s o u n d— iiiw .blK l»W an,’' EhB- rp

scolded him for telling 1 — becausc L d in d ltjw tn tjw p

m y fa lh e rh a d been a bum.“ I realize now that he

bum a t all but an inter — adventurous-young-m an-i

should have drunk In ever ' u tte red 'ab o u t Ws travels..

tu ts loss of continuity In tl tlons of ou r families is a tra oui-soclety." ‘

So she develo|k!d a coursc to w rite their memoirs tim ately led t<i.lhis book. Tl tells hor sii'dents. is to focu

P r ic P R <?ffcc


l a l s !t f C K - m o

niloril rhalre lor.anj ^ area wlirrr ll(thlln* oeedt »iirj I|-» iKe eaiieit and bett ««y Kl pul lUlit wbere you -.n t II. -hen you »inl. al a minimum mtt.

) A ubrey llO O 'cfm

Roof Top E x h a u s t F a n

c ^ . . , v . seoBtlraeUd dome. Iselodet Hat.

5458^M odel 9110

J€N5ENS u rfa c e M ount-S lid ing D o

i } ; e d i c i n e ^ G a Mew bacit deiiRn (o r eacy pU cem a in le s t s te e l (ran tin i; a round r on ruslinft cab ine t tr im . Toot i ld e r localed inside. M oudU on I in sla ii w ail brac iic is.

^34^4^31'- I , .

^ '

IG la ss ^ — ■

e r ' 1

aluminum , ble door ,,Rth piano-,

C a s t- I ro nA--------------- 6.IeeUixnRji)aJccLL com fort. rNo-aprofl

>?• • ■ /Sr

E L E C T R IC■ f c = = KIMBERI


• T fiu rsd ay ,

^ th is acthought they Incident's. She1 T ik e . a to p ic s . that rppalls— ‘. ' l ^ U o U Q n t . - -: I lls stories grandparents, think birthdays, llln1. ■ ences. etc.e was not a Though sheerstiog and how to ab< u M d -th aL J— publlshedj-Daie ry x v o rd h e ting into prin5... The real w rltlngaboutcfrrl-feel that H e ra im 'is 1the genera* contem pla |e a

raglc flaw In the •meanlngti~ an d .tim es In

-se for adults these thoughtss which ul- byproduct, firThekey . she thing is lo shcus on single yourfam iiv

rctivc* t h r u M a r c h 2 5 t h

i c : n % O F F i; ^ « F * e l a r y L l i l

i ' I

I ' ^ M n .....r I I

J r ”

)oo rs

i n e t --------------;ment. I"'*i mtrror. \lotisbrush ,m simple . jj

J ‘A '(


vilSV " ^ F wiui

n ‘ C a r i b b e a n ’tLwldaJoblrctch-giH•on“ design lor insUllatlon et built-in safely grip handle*.

' 6 8 3 ^K-<HS White ■ ^

irchmcnt S768.00 ^ . C y


TWIN FALLSStar** Alio'In Nompo ond Soli*

P h o n o 7 3 3 : 7 3 0 4

y ,M arcn i9 ,1 fl81 T im ev N ev

idviceShe suggests a num ber of at can stim ulate recol-' u — b i r t h , p n r o n t .C y ^ nts,' schooldays^ holidays, Illnesses, religious experi-.

she tells-aspiring w riters about getting ihelr work

-Danlel-maintain&-that-get— prin t-Is not the-poin t o f " jut one’s life.'i s to encourage peoplc 'to— | e and'ConUQunlcate -about ngtui people, experiences m their lives. If sharing

Ights with the world is a ' - fine, but the .im portant

> share with yourself nnd

O' ^-

y ' We carry a eonaleU Jl»# "^ ' a alp« aad veatlii mat*>.rUliiMka*t'-«'dUB*>-,wr galvaalted daet ftpH •O' adjMtakU albewf: r«lKtcrbocU;tM«Uk»^. c lIi: laereaiirt: tea :

l\ m felau: re«ad daapm i'' H iIackbe«dl:ntil»leala->..,

II S t ofl—*S bSaeC*iMt*e its** pip*:;mgW and accettofiet.

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