Swatara Village Exhibit J


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IExhibit J IThis Amendment to Declaration made this 15

thday of October. 1998 by Aldick

Associates, Inc. a corporation organized and existing under the Laws ofthe

Cornmonwealth of Pennsylvania having a principal place of business at 100 Swatara Dr,

Swatara Village, Pille Grove- Township. Schuylkill COW)tv of Pennsylvania (hereinafter the

"Declarant") .


The Declarant has executed and caused to be recorded in the Office fo r the

Recording of Deeds for Schuylkill County. Pennsylvania (the "Recorder's Office") a

certain "Declaration of Covenants and Easements. Conditions and Restrictions" dated

May 12, 1993 (the "Declaration") The Declaration appears in Miscellaneous Book 322 at

page I in the Recorder's Office. An Amendment to the Declaration Dated June 16' 1994

has been executed and recorded in Miscellaneous Book 324 at page 220. An Amendment

10 the Declaration dated September 2 L 1994 has been executed and recorded in

Miscellaneous Book 388 at page 199.

Section 12 5 of the Declaration provides that, subject to certain conditions, the

Declaration may be amended. The following amendments to the Declaration were

approved and adopted by the members of the Swatara Village Property Owners

Association at a special meeting duly convened on October 15, 1998. The Declarant

wishes to amend the Declaration and has executed this document for that PUl-pO:>C.

Tenus of Amendments to Declaration

I. Fourth Amendment to the Declaration - Various minor changes as noted.

a. Section IV(F) is amended to add the term "aod_(_'AlK!" after the

term "BOCA".

b. Article I. Section L paragraph 1. l.p.l l is amended to remove the

words "()r--aHtl€~".

c. Article I, Section L paragraph l.o.p.l t is amended to add the

following definition:

'~At~Q £,odes" sh!.!lLrU~ID1.Qtl applicable cQIL5trustiQJ.l_cgd~sa,'i

I c . ~ Q I l 1 l T l _ t . : m ; k . Q _ f ! _ l } ~ rn~1!~inc<:l, ao_d_fromlim~J.QJim~<!!11cnged by_the .

CQ!lflcitQf f \ 1 1 1 _ ~ r . . i( ; 'i ! 1 J l I J . i1 c 1 i n g _ ( ) f f i c @ 1 s _

d. Article r . Section I, paragraph I 16,p.12: Article Ill, Section 3 l(a).

p. Ui; and Article V, Section 5.2. p.23 arc amended to change the text

"c;.(ffilBlOOity-Building" to "Community 13uildiDg~"

c. Article I. Section 1, paragraph 1.26, p l J is amended to add "m1d

CABO" after the term "BOCA" and ''incj"-~ding_<ltt<i,C~iL,,ileh_uilt("O[ lJP_Qllen!~"af ter the word "Codes"

" E X H I B I T J"

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J II. Article VI, Section 6.6(c) thru (h). p.2R arc amended to change the

paragraph numbers (0 '" L b J J h r _ t ~ (gJ".

2 . F if tJ t 8mcndmcnt jo J I1C p~;cbrati\)IL:J.!1t10ducti()n.· SCl; l iou. ,YUl( C,J

Section VIll(C.) of the Introduction is amended to remove the text that is

interlined and add the text that is underlined.

"The Declarant further intends that t :heA5S(;eiat i{)n~;ha1t·ooqt t i re-t fle Water

System-tfom4he-J.~senahle{\{)mf~Hsatiofl;·tffid -thot the Declarant shall

operate the Water System for the benefit of Swatara Village W}Q().tJlcUlf!:!as.QjJ~il~_(Jf()_\/C.

'10 wnsh ip t !~ _ 9 .~ s cr ib e d ! n i ! ~ _ P J . ! b J i c U t iJ ity_(QXD_r:!.1i~~gl1.T a r i f r

Section lX.A.( IO.} is amended to remove the text that is interlined and add

the text that is underlined.

"the right of first refusal o r the Declarant or the Association to reacquireany Lnil)1p..E~l;cd lotor Lot with Of-withoUt any Dwelling Unit located thereon prior to

the conveyance thereofhy any owner to any third party; and"

4. Sev_eDthAmendment toJhL[)e<;larati@ _Article VI - Se~t iOl . l_(L_2{n)

Section 6.2(11) of Article VI is amended ro remove the text that is interlined

and add the text that i s unde rl in ed .

"no signs, except those describing or locating the Common Areas, s tree ts

in the Street System, LQLQy{ner.~hip. and normal real estate company sales and

rental signs shall be permitted within Swatara Village or any Yard Area, or OTl any

Dwelling Unit or Accessory Building !VithQ.lJ.Lmior 'written approv~ll.by th~Assosjmign,~:

Section 6.3(a) of Article VI is amended to remove the text that is interlined

and add the text that is underlined.

"Al1 Dwelling Units shall be manufactured housing units consisting of

partially assembled components, pre-constructed ill accordance with the BOCA Lind

C';\J~.Q Codes, and shall be mounted Oil a permanent foundation. All·l:}welling-WnitsshaU

e e -eapable ef·disassembl)' und-r-emevfH.·for i~tSe5-ttffe-assemblyitHH1ttrerent

lt~~Htion." In ()[dGL!Q_assur~com'plianc~d~",ithJb~_.te.s!eral.Fair,~1od\!'!ill1.zA.t:.l,!s it rel<lt~:?IQfca tures .9_ui . l1jnt_ ( ,u~ corIll~lUni.tY5.~t:iticatly d~?igned for i ng i v ig l d?- t; 35,Yea rs _ and o l dQr .1 .h .G

Associ?Jit .w_lhmugJ:l . i!sJJ9ard_9LDirector~ .shal I .Q_othe_Bl1Io\ving:adQpJ and ,a ,pps_o\iy

speci!il:bl~ion.sl()f th e CPDs tmuLO l l ofqwclji!UL!o!!1its amlac~essnry .h1!ilding!i__-both

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IExhibit J In1al1l,lf}l.cJJlredanQ..liit(!_builU;_QJIlPOI1en!~_?elct:UL C'lllstnlction_.l!1sp~f..10r_al}sln!:._Qmulgill~

h is a l lt j}9 r ilY to ~v j< e} '> ' iU ld 1W J !I2YC pLans_j_!_15pi;.I.L~onstruct_h)_[Jj ll1d enfQ_rcc c()!]}plianc~

'YiLh tQ~_1l<jQQ1cd:mt:&ifi<,:ations; s~ t forth a Icc s_cht::.ilillc t()I~i!]}hurse ttls;_--,-~SSQ~i'itiQ_DJQr

t_bL\0l~lsin£_llrrcd _ in this rcvje\v_ill1_i1Inspt:J,:1ioU_I'!: .gccss.

Section 6.3(m) of Article VI is amended to add the text that is underlined.

"No television or radio antennas, wires, TVRO or Satellite Dish, or

canopies shall be affixed or placed upon the exterior walls or roofs of a Dwelling

Unit or in any Yard Area, without the 19cati9.llhaving prior written consent 0f the

Association ..,

Section 6.6(a) of Article VI is amended to add the text that is underlined.

" No c omm erc ia l vehicles may be parked overnight and no boats, trailers,

campers, motor homes or trucks having a gross weight in excess of eight

thousand (8,000) pounds may he parked on any part of Swatara Village, or

in any Yard Area without th e prior written consent of the Association,

except those vehicles temporarily 011 a Lot for purposes of serving the

Dwelling Units located therein. No pari ofany Yard Area shall be used

for unenclosed outside storage, covered or otherwise. Boa1?_,-l[f!il~r~

gamp~!_;;_,_n1otQr nomes_Qrtl}g::ks h~ying U_gIos?_wejgh1jgeMess of c_igh~

lhousand (8,Q9.m pounds !:r41yJ~_.n~rk~<.bvitho~.Lthe~j_!Jen cOl};;.!;ntQI1bc

Association i . l1_th~ rear_yt\fds o.L!Qts w_I}g.~t:!LearYiITdspro"ide dir£cLa_c~~s?

! Q _@P l !y .s :. .9 Comm~mA r J; a c < il l. .! Y f! Y .: ,> ,l l, !} _ din o tb e r areas_g .£~jg[mted_by tht::

l.2eclarant o_rJhe As'!_()~ia!.i()_n:_Purkoing_ 9[suc_h vehich~sn the_ctesienat~d

areas !-ilillllbe at . the_soJ '£L~.[ . ; :of the owner of th e v eh lfle . _ _Anv m ~m llcrs 9J

QWJ).ersuti l iz ing such tt~?ig!1at~QJlrea.;!~l1_d9_scribed ~h9ve hereby W?l'!1_:

~d relcag,Jhe Declarant or A;>~ocia1iol}.fro.m~_or liaQUj1Y_arisil1.£

ou t ofth~_1Ise Q f S\1~l:Ulil:a~s a(or~~jQ.L~Jn~Jheir!!seof ! ? l J _ ( ; _ h

d esig na t~ Jlie a'iJ !g r~ ~ jQ _ _ in Q em rliiy a nd hold the. Declaraf_lLQr_bssociati<Ul

harmles~J: i" . . .Qmany <;laim Q _ f l i~11_Ui1Ytbat rm_!Y__R e~~rtc_Q jl_ggin~Uh~rrL9_n

account of O f arisin_g__out ofsuch_ \1~e Qflb~_.s;I~~ign~-!Y_4_?J_~as"

Section 6.6(g) of Article VI is amended to remove the text that is interlined

and add the text that is underlined.

"No Owner or Resident who shall wash a vehicle on any Lot or Driveway

Common Area shall use any soap or detergent or <my substance unL~~;sit is

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bio-dcgrada b I G oHteH.JttHl wateHakett-fronHfle- W<tleF-f)i5{fihu~tnH


Section 6.9 of Article VI is amended to add the text that IS underlined.

"Restric t ion Re: Residue Parcel ' m ~ i _the: Rcsi;jcntjtllLou\r~"

Section 6.9(a) of Article VI is amended to add the text that IS underlined.

"No Owner or Resident shall operate or permit to be operated any all

terrain vehicle. dirt bike or other l l Il < 1 t l J h Q . I : . i z G . . < j motorized vehicle in or on the Residue

Parcel oL&5i<,lentiall:Q.Li\I~?~~{iI]f.I.!JQjpg s tI cc 1 0 .a nd wa lk ways} withouL1!lU2!:ioC~~Tilt~.n

consent of the Association

Section 6.9(b) of Article VI is amended to add the text that is underlined.

"Neither hunting or the discharging of firearms, nor overnight camping

(except RVs ) shall be permitted on the Residue Parcel Q.r:1he_8,esidcntial LOLNc :< t b y any

Owner or Resident, or hy any cue,,' of any Owner or Resident."


By-Laws of the Association are attached to the Declaration as Exhibit "C". I'he

following amendment to the By-Laws by virtue of which Article ITT,Section 3.3(d) was

amended and Section 5.12 was further amended, was adopted by the members of the

Swatara Village Property Owners Association at the duly convened special meeting held

on October 15, 1998.

1 . Amendment to By-Laws Exhibit he" - Article III - Section 3.3(c.)

Section 3.3(\:.) of Article III is amended to remove the text that is interlined and

add the text that is underlined.

Subject to the provisions of Section 2.7 hereof, after the first annual

meeting, at each annual meeting of the Association, the election ofone (1) member

of the Board of Directors, or more than one (I) if the number of directors has been

increased over the previous year's Board of Directors pursuant to Section 3. J

h e re of, sh all be held. The term of office of any director so elected shall be f ixed at

three (3) years (except us set forth in Section 3.3 (h). All members of the Board of

Directors shall hold office until the earlier to occur of the election oftheir

respective successors or their death, adjudication 0r incompetency, removal, or

resignation. A member ofthe Board of Directors may serve an linkmited number

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IExhibit J Inf-tern1::d:md f~ h- imse- l r a_!_Tl_axifTlurrl(lU't! '~J12) I:ofb_(,'c.~j\'~_t_brec C U

year t~rm.s.

Section 33(d)( I) o f A rt ic le III is am end ed to remove the text tha t is inte rline d and

ad d the te xt th at is unde rline d

"AflYMemw-m£iy-soorn i t t&~, at ~y {:34) deys-before-tbe

me e t ing-al- wh l e h- th e ·e k o t- io nt s- -w · h e· h eM ; a n o m inu t in g pe t -i t«m -s ig n e d- b y

Members owning at··Iett.St-ten+W}-bots.fJHile-aggregate;-toget-Mr witlt-&.ffiatem.eftt

thIlt t he Member{~ is-willitlg-te-sefveilil~_gOaf'{krrDirect:ffiS-aOO H

b«tgrttphiL'frl~ket-efl . .of. t-f le . . . -oonlffiee . ;-~tlie-~et~lUli mai~-M-ea-usetnbe-·hand

delivered·tile submitt~~ to e't'ery Memhet'-ftkHlgwith thenotiee H t : . . s o o n!Hee t lng ' flRiJ Atkll . )1t ( ~ Q _ c l < : t . Y . s . _ P . r i ( ) _ u o t he m e yJ il 1K 1 lt w _ hit :h .< \1 1_lectjQ.Il . ! ; ;_!9_k

held, th e Preside_l1t~hall 'WPQ in_U! . l- I_9_mif la t iI )g_~onmliHt ;_< , : - ,~on~i0 .tng , Q f t h n . : t : : '

Me_Il l_~rs , w h .Q 5 l l i ! 1 l. r ep q ! 1 in v ,r r_ i1 in _ g _ 1 Q _h e . . scc_rctary_?tkast 3.Q_dID:sprio r19_1b_c

~90idmeetingjlLwhich a tlfJe ction is to be l:t.dd,_Ih~J:~_Qmir!\l!ing.L'omrnitt~eha l lD!)mmill . t ; : .m, lf l l if i~d.~!:so!}Sto 1 m a11Ql l i !n <lirector pos~~tioru:;- , -_IhcS.~f. ! :eLMYshaH

maj] QI.. .:auscJ() be <i~livercdlO every Mem!.?9r tbeli?LQtllQJ1VI1C_Cs._i\long \\;tbth~n o u < ; : _ c _ o f tb~!p~~!i_n$~Lwhis:hthe electjpD i$ tfl. h e ! l G . h L '

Section 1.3(d)(2) of Article III is amended to remove the text that is interlined.

" Nom ina tions m ay be submitte d from the floor a t th e mee ting a t w hich the e le c tion

is held for each vacancy on the B oard of D ire ctors tOf·whichi1Ofllore tftlliH.Hle

Meln6ef'HiiS ueeUllotnmtttetl-bypetition.

Amendment to By-Laws Exhibit ''I'' p. 4 is fu rthe r am end ed by adding th e

te xt th at is u nd erline d and re nu mbe ring pa rag raph 5. L llniJ~ d.E lT e~ t:

" ~ , - . W b e n a ll of th e orig ina l_ Q ~c rs_ Q _ f re c_ orilof a ny L Q L s _ Q l t i1 > y . 1 h ~

()ccJarant, :1 0_~b_9wn on the de e d (m m !..~ D e ~ la rf !m _ 10 s uc h 01 i~.Q.wner2_,_l1~:>'

longcLb1!~c.jlJegal own~r.§hinjnterest inJhe I Q J . . . . _ wh_l:the.~ hydeath, S< lJ~Q! : oth<::1

corrycYaIlc~_()Ltitle, andwh~n non~_QJ_ tb£_prig ina l. () .wn~s a"< ; .l tl ~} .! :_ \ :s a idesi~~_in_Jhc

g .wc l l i I !g JQca t<? . .~o l1 the lot, r~~g .u~ i i: ;Q_fJh~Jeg<_ i t (~ \~ : :nc r?DipQ[ th~_jQ 1. "JJ :~ t ;n t l~

h ig l lG; ; t COm m9JLExp~nscAs~essmenUn~t lec t -, !Uh~_1imt:t r w I<_ls t~lJlliil}ir)g

original o~nt.:r:Jeli.flguishe_S_Q.Wt1SI;;hin.of t h .c J \! t. "anQsc a st .: s tQ . !. .c s ig c i! u h e

g_~'vcllin_gJQ_~£.tedon th e 101, sh~U~_~sscss( !d 1!n<wth,e (;urrcntJ~(l1 owncr~

o rlb~


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J IExcept to the extent expressly provided herein, the Declaration and

By-Laws shall not he modified and shall remain in full force and effect


C. Ronald Gill, President



On th is 20thday of October, 1998, before me, a notary public, the undersigned

officer, personally appeared C. RONALD GILL, who acknowledges himself to be thePresident of ALDICK ASSOCIATES, INC., a Pennsylvania corporation, and that he as

such officer, being authorized to do so, executed the foregoing instrument for the

purposes therein contained by signing the name of the corporation by himself a') such

officer .

iN WITNESS WllEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and official scaL

.--------~~:--:.~---.,No\!\rltl! ~~~I I

BeVef ly E . K li n ge ', Nolary Put)"c J'

P i n e Grove s c r o. t iCH \1 y i kl ll CountyM y Commls!!lon ~~IJ,rC'5 .li)ly i.20C 1

e m b~ . e rJ O S \i ~~lil\,c,flcT"iinn ~(Nnt~riBS

Exhibit J.pdf

