Swan Lake. Characterization in Ballet Characters in Swan Lake Rothbart: The evil sorcerer that has...


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Swan Lake

Characterization in Ballet

Story Telling in Dance Characterization is the backbone of dances that have a story line and of dances that show people interacting. Whenever a choreographer has to tell a story or bring a character to life, the image portrayed is an interpretation of the choreographer’s perspective. This interpretation can be literal or abstract. Characters are developed through; costume, movement and music. When a choreographer chooses a few movements and repeats them every time that a particular character appears, it will help the audience recognize “who” is dancing. This is called a movement signature.

Characters in Swan Lake

Rothbart: The evil sorcerer that has Odette under his spell.

Prince Seigfried: The Prince that falls in love with Odette but is tricked by Rothbart.

Characters in Swan Lake

Odette: The swan that falls In love with Prince Siegfried But is owned by Rothbart.

Odile: The black swan, sent by

Rothbart to trick Prince Siegfried.

Act One

• Set in medieval Germany, we find ourselves in a park in front of a castle. It is Prince Siegfried's coming-of-age, full of dances and revels. In the middle of the party, the Princess-Mother tells the prince he must select a bride in the near future.

• The Prince and his friends set off to go hunting in the woods in order to forget his princely responsibilities.

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Act Two

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Act ThreeQuickTime™ and a

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Act Four

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