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Consistent Referral Program Testimonials

“In the last two months my practice has exploded! I have gone from four referral sources to twelve within weeks. My visits have more than doubled and I have just hired another PT.”

T.H., PT

“In the first six months, after I received training in your program, my referrals increased 27%. I am definitely more aware of the importance of my referral source and improving and maintaining communication with them. I am pleased to report that our patient load has increased 50% compared to the first two months of a year ago, thanks to your Referral Control Program.”

M.R., PT/Business Owner

"In the past, before the Survival Strategies training, I wanted to help people, but I didn't know how to communicate properly. I tried to be interesting, to razzle-dazzle doctors when I met with them to promote referrals. That just doesn't work.

"Also, I had put all my "referral eggs" basically in one basket. You need to have relationships with multiple doctors, and the Practice Expansion Program training showed me how to accomplish that.

"It's also amazing how quickly our business turned around. We realized full return on investment in the training in less than 90 days.

"A lot of the success I've had I owe to Survival Strategies, learning how to work with people and how to develop strong relationships."

B.W., CHT - Cumberland, MD, and Petersburg, WV

"I wanted to say how much Survival Strategies has helped my practice over the last six months. As a direct result of the Practice Expansion Program, my clinic has doubled its growth. The Program gave me the tools to use to expand my practice to a level that I never dreamed was possible in my area.

"The best and most exciting part of the Referral Increase Program is that I can continue to develop new and existing referral sources to improve our business. The potential increase in

referrals is unlimited with the use of the techniques and strategies that are taught by the consultants and trainers with Survival Strategies. I have learned relationship development skills that were never taught in PT school. My comfort and confidence level in dealing with the physicians has increased tremendously. Getting past the front office is much easier now and I no longer feel like a salesman. I feel that I have some control over my business and its future."

R.G., PT, Benton, AR

“As a young private practitioner in a competitive market, I was faced with a very slow growth. Survival Strategies taught me a system to develop a game plan to initiate or improve relationships with potential referring healthcare practitioners. Additionally, they also provided me with a system to generate more internal referrals. They provide you with the techniques to gain more control of your business.

Survival Strategies has given me the tools to allow me to improve my statistics such as new patients, patient visits, charges and collections by 60 to 80%."

S.Y., BS, MPT – Summersville, WV

"I was ready to give up and I was tired of fighting to get through the day without a disaster. We decided to do the Survival Strategies Referral Increase Program, out of confusion and desperation, but now we are reaping the dividends!

"Since the program, we have gone from 300 patient visits per week to 450! We learned communication skills as well as marketing techniques. We just landed 3 new industrial contracts that we never would have gotten if we had not been taught to negotiate! Now I feel I have control of my business and sometimes even myself (joke!!). We will always appreciate what Survival Strategies has done for our business both personally and professionally."

M.J.S., PT/CHT - Davenport, IA

"I found my practice floundering. I made the decision to expand the practice. I made a decision to utilize a business consultant and started with Survival Strategies a little over a year ago. The results have been not only the salvaging of my company, but healthy growth.

"My practice has grown from 70 visits per week to 200; from a staff of 3 to 11; from 1,000 square feet to two offices totaling 3,800 square feet, with both pediatric and adult services.

"The Practice Expansion Program has given me the tools and understanding to objectively quantify the business and where it is headed."

C.S., PT - Corona, CA

"Survival Strategies not only helped me build successful referral source relationships, but they also helped guide me through some challenging business and personal decisions.

"The folks at Survival Strategies are educators, counselors and consultants all wrapped into one. They work very hard to help keep you on track throughout the Practice Expansion Program. I have thanked God many times for hooking me up with everyone at Survival Strategies."

C.C., PT - Fairfax, VA

“If someone would have told me I could regularly increase my referral base by 13% in just four months by implementing their program, I would have laughed in their face. I have been in this business over 15 years and by financial measures, our rehab clinic was already successful.

"But how could I pass on the guaranteed return on investment offered by Survival Strategies?! They guaranteed I’d get a return on my investment in their program, by increasing my referrals and new patients.

"Well, I didn’t increase my referrals by 13% - instead they increased by 17%! And instead of taking four months, which I would have thought impossible, it took only three months!

"Sure, there was a lot of hard work involved in obtaining this growth, but with Survival Strategies’ “game plan”, you are working efficiently and effectively. It’s a proven program that has worked for hundreds of PTs all over the country.

"The Survival Strategies program contained tools that are easy to use and extremely effective in increasing patient referrals. I would not consider myself an expert yet in applying these methods, but I am definitely learning. But my success so far shows that you don’t need to be an expert for this program to start working. You just have to commit to it, follow the plan and get ready to treat more patients!”

M.T., PT

Effective Reimbursement Program Testimonials

"The Effective Reimbursement Method offers true guidance and control of your finances delivered in the highest level of communication. Not a single minute or dime spent on this program has been a waste of time and effort. We were told it was hard work: It was the easiest hard work I've ever had the privilege to do.”

"The certainty on control of the day-to-day routine is there. Personally this program has been the key to a missing lock and an ongoing negative issue in our lives. Before, it was enough to make you want to quit, despite loving the practice I've built. Now, NO WAY I'd quit. I've got income. Give me more of your 'hard work.' I can't thank you enough for your brilliant program."

B.L., PT - Ventura, CA

“Over the course of this module, Milestones has had an overall upward trend with contracts & billed out. Collections peaked at 360K for 1 month from 160K the month before we began with Survival Strategies. Our staff is much more organized and here is order in the department. People are well-hatted and are working to train others as their “back-up.” Well worth the investment.”

M.S., PED – Mcallen, TX

"Before taking the Effective Reimbursements Program, I had no control and no system of accountability or predictability when it came to collections. Even though business was pretty good and our charges were well above what we needed to break even, we just couldn't get enough money in to pay bills.”

"I was so desperate I considered selling out. But luckily for me, Survival Strategies convinced me they could turn my collections around in a very short time. They were right! I am so thankful they were able to give me the 'tools' I needed to get my billing and collections under control. I also now have the accountability and predictability I never had before. It has worked so well for me that I'm planning to take another program they have to offer."

J.B., PT - Kailua, HI

“Prior to the tutelage of Survival Strategies, we employed only a limited amount of “working tools” to manage our billing and collections. Our weekly collections teetered around 5-7 thousand dollars with our receivables predictably at 11-12 thousand per week. Using the Billing and Collections Module taught by Survival Strategies, our collections have doubled in the course of six short weeks as well as effecting a notable improvement in our patient control.

"Survival Strategies’ application of the Hubbard Management Technology has permanently transitioned the accounts department of our physical therapy practice into a predictably efficient and smooth managed business. Thank you Survival Strategies!”

M.J.P., ATC/Co-Owner

“I did the Effective Reimbursement Method because I knew I was getting far less in collections than we were posting each week in charges, and I wanted to get more cash in the door. Despite my efforts to get the collections up, they were just staying the same. Sound familiar?

“Last fall we were consistently doing 180-190 visits per week, and collecting about $12,000 per week. Then in November I bought an additional clinic and incorporated it into mine. This brought our visits up to about 300 per week. So, our charges went up to $42,000 per week, but as of January we were still collecting only about $18,000 a week. That’s what prompted me to do the Effective Reimbursement Method.

“I started the first training session on this program in the first week of February. Then, in March, we collected $20,000 more for the month than we did in February! In April, we collected $28,000 more than we did in February! So, I’ve gotten well above my return on investment on this program already and I still have the second training session which I’m starting this week. I’ll follow that up with a 3-month internship!

“So, I’m looking forward to getting many more benefits from the program before I’m finished.”

C.J. – Practice Owner, Kansas

“I have to say that the Effective Reimbursement Method has been a roaring success. The changes that have occurred in my office since we started are quite amazing.

“Before we started, we had a fairly sizable debt, we were having difficulty making ends meet and we were seeing no end to that situation. My finance staff were asking me to buy expensive computer systems. I was also getting requests for new personnel. Of course, our caseload really couldn’t justify an increase in the finance staff; in fact, the patient visits had increased but the finance department wasn’t keeping up. I was frustrated and not sure what to do.

“Well, it turned out that the system was quite a change from what we were doing and it took quite a bit of effort to change our system. Then, a shift in attitude started to take place and people began to realize how easy and powerful the system actually was. It made life easier, to the point that I am not longer getting requests for a new computer system or new personnel. In fact, we started to notice that we were overstaffed in the finance department and had to reorganize tasks and schedules.

“The finance area finally feels calm and under control. I really can’t believe it, as this is the first time it has felt this way. Our collections are in better shape and we are getting that debt handled. After 4 months, our debt is already cut in half and we have already paid off the additional loan needed to finance this training program. Quite amazing!

“Survival Strategies’ Effective Reimbursement Method is very simple but very effective and I would highly recommend it to anyone in the health care field.”

S.Y., PT, Alhambra, CA

"Do you have an Accounts Receivable that is too large and out of control? Are you frustrated waiting to collect the money that you earned months ago? Do you have a “good practice” except for the billings and collections department? Are you completely frustrated being effect of the insurance industry and not being able to collect the money you have worked hard to earn?

"If you have answered yes to any of the above questions you need to read on. I, as a private practice owner, would like to share with you the “wins” my employees and my corporation have experienced upon completing the Finance Program.

"I decided to work with Survival Strategies on the Finance Program as I had an Accounts Receivable which was huge and out of control. At the time I signed on to do the program the production in our offices was steadily increasing. I knew if I didn’t do something about increasing our collections that I would have a monster Accounts Receivable. After 8 years in business, I was finally able to confront the fact that our billings and collections needed help. We needed a system.

"Our collections in July, after implementing the program for only one month, resulted in an increase in our collections of $30,000.00. This was $30,000.00 higher than we had ever collected in our “best month” in business. Since that time we have collected from $10,000.00 to $40,000.00 more per month than we ever had collected in our “best month”.

"Not only have the financial gains been significant since implementing this program, our organization is saner and runs more smoothly. The morale of my billings and collections staff has improved tenfold as they now have a “system” and the tools to do their jobs. Prior to doing the program, they had to guess or perform trial and error as to what would work with insurance companies and what wouldn’t. They now have a technology and system, which is proven to be successful.

"To date, in the past year, with the effective reimbursement system in place we have collected over $350,000.00 more than we did over the last year at this time. Better yet, our accounts receivable is now under control. In retrospect, I can only say I should have done this program immediately when it was offered. Why would a business owner wait to implement a system that brings in a significant amount of money which has already been earned? My advice to any practice owner that is frustrated in not collecting money that he or she has earned is to do this program immediately. If your situation was like mine you have nothing to lose and a lot of money to gain!"

S.B., PT, Wisconsin

"We would like to thank everyone who helped us with the Billing & Collections program. We have seen a tremendous improvement in our cash flow. Even our front desk collection has increased. Your system really works. Not only were we able to be more organized, our staff have also recognized the importance of team work ever since we have started applying your billing & collection program. I am sure that if we continue to follow your program, more success will come our way. You guys are incredibly GREAT! More power to all of you."

J.G., Practice Owner

"This is to summarize our experience with Survival Strategies’ program. Excellent marks in all aspects; training, implementation and support. We now have a system in place that personnel, either existing or new, can be easily trained on, with performance evaluated daily. The program also emphasizes goal setting and achievement. Everyone at Survival has been wonderful. I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend the program. Thanks!

R. Scott Harris, D.C.

Financial Planning & Control Program Testimonials

"I have been in private practice since 1996. I have been working with Survival Strategies, Inc since 2003 and I have completed all of their major programs from the referral program, the management program, etc. My practice has grown from a small practice in 1400 square feet with only one therapist, a PTA and my wife at the front desk. Today our practice located in the premier medical suites in our area, we have 6000 square feet of space and we employ over 20 staff members, including 4 PT’s and 3 OT’s.

"As a practice grows the areas that are not organized or well controlled become more obvious, in our case getting control of our finances. The pressure to meet payroll and cover your overhead grows as your practice grows. This program allows for me to plan for my finances and to set aside monies needed to cover my monthly expenses and any unexpected expenditures and to set aside monies needed to grow and expand the practice. This program gives me more peace of mind, I am able to relax and know that my expenses are going to be covered. I am excited about putting money aside for my reserve account and I believe it is an essential step in making my practice more viable and successful into the future.

"I believe that my trainer has an excellent understanding of the materials and that L. Ron Hubbard has developed a program that will bring my finances under control and help my practice expand into the future."

Patrick E. Green, MS, PT, Cert. MDT

“Since doing the Financial Control Program we now have over $50,000 in reserves. No back bills, no overdue bills. There were times before when we’d come up short—not now. We always have money in the account.

“This has put me in such a much more reliable situation; now we’re saving money, cutting costs, keeping close tabs on expenses. It’s a good program! It’s helped us refine and focus things!

“You guys DELIVER. That’s what I tell people—you deliver. Personally, I need someone, especially at the beginning of a big change, to help me stay on the ball—that’s the way I am.

“You’ve been INVALUABLE to my business.”

J.C., PT – Shafter, CA

“After working with you these past few months on the Financial Control System, I have to say that this has been a roaring success. The changes that have occurred in my office since we started are quite amazing.

“Before we started, we had a fairly sizeable debt, difficulty making ends meet and seeing no end to that situation in the near future. I was frustrated and not sure what to do.

“At the time of implementation it seemed the program created double work. Then, a shift in attitude started to take place and people began to realize how easy and powerful the system actually was. It made life easier.

“The finance area finally feels calm and under control. I really can’t believe it as this is the first time it has felt that way. Our collections are in better shape and we are getting that debt handled. After 4 months, it is already cut in half. Quite amazing. I finally understand financial control and know now what I need to do in order to achieve that. It is really a great system to know and use. Your finance program is very simple but very effective and I would highly recommend it to anyone in the health care field. Thanks for all your help and support. We couldn’t have done it without you.”

S.Y., PT – Alhambra, CA

“The Financial Control Program by survival Strategies has given us new life in this era of managed care. We are now cash flow profitable. Survival Strategies is the best management consulting company that we have ever worked with. They gave us the tools, time and their talent to get us back on the right track. We have found that they are truly concerned about how our business functions and are there to help us whenever we need it.”

L.F., OTR/L, CHT – Ansonia, CT

“As an independent private practitioner, I made a decision to utilize a business consultant and started with Craig Ferreira a little over a year ago. My time was being clinically and administratively torn and I found my practice floundering. I made a decision to expand the practice as well. The results have been, not only the salvaging of my company, but healthy growth. My practice has grown from 70 visits per week to 200; from a staff of 3 to 11; from 1,000 square feet to two offices totaling 3,800 square feet, with both pediatric and adult services.

“I credit several things to the salvaging of my company and to growth. Craig Ferreira stands out among them. If you are “in the same boat” that I was please give him a call. You will not be disappointed.”

C.C., PT

“I really appreciate what we have learned through the Financial Planning Program. I find it so much less stressful knowing that there is much more control over our money in the business. Prior to taking this program, I cannot ever remember a time that I did not have to worry about where we were financially at any given time. This program has really helped us to get organized financially in the business, and be able to manage our expenses in a more predictable way. John was very helpful in our training and with our phone conferences with him. I must say that Jill did handle most of this program with her hard work and preparation. I am most appreciative of this great team.”

V.W., PT, - Lafayette, CA

Hiring & Retention Program Testimonials

“The Survival Strategies HR Program worked! We have good, qualified personnel working now; stabilizing the office and bringing stats up. Since our visit to SSI and the implementation of their HR Program, we’ve weeded out the unqualified staff and hired close to 15. The % of Patient Arrivals has risen from 88% to stability at 92%, # of Cancellations has decreased from the 180’s to the 150’s and No-Shows from 60 up to almost half. It is obvious to us that Mr. Hubbard’s management technology works and the way SSI compiled his data and presented it, gets the products we’ve been looking for years. We want to thank Ximena (Consultant), Tim (Trainer) and everyone at SSI.”

DM & KR, PT’s – New York

“As an owner of a physical therapy practice in a small town, I have experienced difficulty hiring adequate staff to cover our workload in the last few years. This adversely affected our productivity and profitability.

"Since beginning the Hiring and Retention Program offered by the wonderful people at Survival Strategies, we have experienced many successes.

"We now have in place a complete hiring and retention program including correct personnel policies, an objective method of testing prospective employees, an ongoing, effective method of recruiting, and an updated employee handbook.

"And, best of all, we have hired two physical therapists!

"I was surprised and extremely pleased at the number of contacts we elicited. In the last four months, we had more interest from physical therapists than we had in the previous five years of recruiting. And once we got them in the door, we knew what to do to keep them interested.

"I am extremely grateful to our onsite trainer and Consultant who spent many patient hours with me. I believe I have made two good friends on whom I can rely in the future. I really enjoy being with both of them.

"As always, we got more than we expected from Survival Strategies. They truly are the experts in helping physical therapists in private practice.”

C.C., PT – Urbana, OH

“I chose to do a Custom Hiring Program because I have had been experiencing two major problems with hiring Physical Therapists for my practice. On the one hand, it has become a challenge to find candidates who are licensed Physical Therapists and to ensure that the candidates I select share my vision for how I want things done in my practice. With this custom hiring program I learned how to do both.

"Before the program I could find between 1-4 candidates a year. I have changed search methods for finding eligible candidates and since the start of the program have found 6 candidates in the last 3 months! Also, I have many new ideas about how to attract even larger numbers of PTs. I have already put some into action but plan to implement other new ideas in the next few weeks.

"Also, my consultant has been very helpful in explaining the details regarding implementation. Rarely have I done business with a company that strives to deliver more than I expect. I have benefited both on a personal level and a professional level from the collaborative modeling of the ideas taught by Survival Strategies to better deliver service in my own practice.”

E.C., PT

“I started off somewhat timid to the idea of hiring therapists that knew more about treating than I. The supportive folks at Survival Strategies really aimed my efforts into the right direction. Simple things like wording ads that look for the right candidate, where to look for the right candidate, spotting their emotional tone and asking questions to pull the candidate out when interviewing or just talking. This became useful when at one point. I had a landslide of hiring within a 2 week period. Talk about on the job practice! I was hiring an aide, a receptionist, and interviewing/pursuing a therapist in the same period of time.

"What is most important is that I am excited, ready and willing to search for the right people and without hesitation.

"As far as retention goes, we have initiated a bonus salary structure (just for therapists so far) that is exciting. I have put together an excel spreadsheet that calculates bonus based on production. I always want to pay therapists well and now I can to those deserving. At one point we had a therapist to whom we paid generously. He ended up not returning the favor. If we had paid him a base salary with bonus, I think he would have performed better. Our recently hired therapist is excited about the new salary structure.”


“This program has many facets and can produce powerful results in all areas of Human Resources, Hiring and Recruitment.

"We went for a year and a half without being able to finding a PT. Then we signed up for the program and hired two PTs prior to even going to California (thanks to our consultant help before the program).

"I learned a system to keep in place for our interviewing and hiring that has made sure that we do not just settle for someone that seemed to interview “pretty well”. We no longer have to be desperate for that PT license. We now make sure to only hire those that “pass” our system and do not settle, even if it is a PT.

"We strive to have a great team. The process we learned in the program helped us “weed” out staff that was not producing and was backstabbing management. This has led to an improvement in morale for all.

"We now continually recruit because of what we learned on the HR program Because of that, we have PTs and admin interviewees that have been hired even when we did not “need” them. In that past, we would never have hired without having a position open. Now I know that if the person is the right fit, the position can be created. I have never regretted hiring the right person even when we wondered about how the paycheck was to be covered. It has always worked out. Having great team members, all with a common purpose, make it work out.”

J.W., PT – Illinois

“Before I began the HR program with Survival Strategies I felt like there wasn’t any way we could control getting therapists in to work for us, and not able to get enough therapists was the biggest limiter to our growth.

"We now have an abundance of therapists – we actually have more than we need. I know that is going to be shocking to some people out there but it’s true.

"With the skills I learned I am now able to better get in communication to find out what that person is really like. The testing system is also very useful to understand more of that person, and we liked the systems in general on the program.”

J.S., PT – Utah

Management Program Testimonials

"Where to start?!! The implementation of the Management Program in my clinic has overall saved all of us a TON of time, helped to increase individual productivity, and also the ability to truly create and achieve our goals as a group.

"Of course the most important thing and fun activity to do was to actually put my vision and mission into reality with writing the Administrative Scale. (A scale of the ten key items for success in any activity). The one pervasive complaint of all staff members that showed up in my survey of each of them was that they did not know my vision and goals and wanted to. They did not know because I did not clearly know yet! Thank you to my SSI Trainer for spending the hours that it took to create my vision and purpose clearly!

"The technology of writing programs and then [writing] plans off each program was truly an enormous breakthrough for me. I have always had good ideas and had no idea why they did not make it into reality when they were so good?! This tool is amazing at helping to get every idea into action right away, or when the time is right.

"The communication system has helped to make 100% of orders and requests heard and answered in a timely manner. All of my orders in the past were verbal. It’s a wonder anything got done! The communication system allows employees to have an organized list of things to do so they can be successful instead of having to keep a task on a sticky or in their head and then beat themselves up later for forgetting to do it and me having to remember to check up on them to see if it was done.

"Writing all job descriptions and clinic policies has helped each employee know exactly what is expected of them and has empowered them to be their best. Having each employee know their responsibility to the clinic’s daily and weekly actions and able to see in their statistics how they

are doing in regards to creating their products has given everyone power in their position. It has taken things off my plate and made everyone feel they are a very valuable part of the team. It has made "management" so much easier because employees regulate themselves and the need for getting on team members to do better is rarely necessary anymore.

"I have to thank my Consultant for her patience and steadfast skill at helping me to implement this. I could not have and would not have gotten it all in place without her weekly support meetings and helping me to take the next step.

"Thank you Survival Strategies and for delivering all this technology to my clinic and so many others. You are responsible for helping me feel like my dreams can come true, that my employees are able to see their higher purpose in their daily activities, and that we as a group really can create anything.

"Bigger than that, you are helping our field of PT become stronger and helping more individuals be empowered to take care of their bodies with exercise and knowledge and less use of medications."

Julie Byrt, MSPT, CMMT

"Our first encounter with Survival Strategies was with the Practice Analysis. Initially we were very skeptical about investing time and money in Survival Strategies’ program. We contacted several of their previous clients and most of our fears were put to rest.

"After participating in our six day intensive training program in California our remaining fears were put to rest.

"The management strategies we acquired enabled us to run our business more efficiently and improved our bottom-line. Our patient attendance increased from 77% to 88% with some weeks peaking as high as 90%. Our collections have improved by 25%. We have learned to manage our business by statistics; this along with motivation and perseverance is the key to success."

V.B., PT – Baltimore, MD

They (Survival Strategies) seem to have all the answers. I’m not exaggerating; they have the ability to handle EVERY situation. I am very thankful that I took that chance almost two years ago and gave Survival Strategies a call. It has paid off in leaps and bounds. I have gone from a small clinic seeing roughly 120 visits a week with only 4 employees, to 12 employees treating 270 visits at week end! We’re also getting ready to build our own building and expanding from our modest 2,500 sq. ft. clinic to over 7,800 sq. ft!

T.W., PT – Arizona

I have a great office, but is was truly a mess;I couldn’t find anything including the desk.I’d be searching for charts, client contracts and such,Most of the time I didn’t eat lunch.But then one day I decided to get help,‘Cause I couldn’t get out of the mess myself.I called the West Coast to Survival Strategies,It was to Bob I made my first plea.“Oh help, oh help, I’m drowning in clutter.”“Oh just do the Practice Analysis,” he uttered.I did it and the next to arriveWas Tim with a grin and lots of patience inside.We talked and we planned, we cleaned and we sorted,I learned how to take control of disorder.With seven baskets setting upon my desk,It was Nancy then helped me conquer the rest.Learning to complete those cycles of action,So to have peace and job satisfaction.Am I happy and proud of my clean desk?You bet…but can you guess the rest?I’m motivated, pleased and have a Battle Plan,For Survival Strategies has showed me I can,Take control of the clutter and stop wasting time.The results are worth every thin dime!Thanks for ALL of your help. It truly has made a very positive change in my life.

L.B., Audio – Williamsburg, VA

Public Relations & Marketing Program Testimonials

“We just completed another outstanding program through Survival Strategies. After several months of phone conversation with our consultant, implementing what he taught us, and purchasing some promotional materials, we are in our best place ever.

“We have had a steady increase in referrals for the last six months, including record weeks. We are offering seminars to the public. We have received numerous positive comments in our first professionally designed newsletter. We have had professional graphic design people tell us that this is top quality stuff, second to none.

“We are motivated to continue to succeed.

“As always we got more than we expected from the wonderful people at Survival Strategies, a true exchange in abundance. I can recommend this program without reservation."

C.C., PT – Urbana, OH

“I am so excited about this program. It makes PR so easy and obtainable for people who really don’t know where to start. It’s like PR for Dummies! Thank you, thank you, thank you.”


“I just want to say thank you to Survival Strategies. Our clinic has been mailing the newsletters from the PR and Marketing Program and has had great success. Our referrals increase each time we send out a new newsletter.

"As the Marketing Director, I can’t tell you how wonderful it is to have such a professional looking, high quality newsletter, going out consistently, with far less effort on my part, and for such a great price.

"With the first newsletter we sent out we had an all time high of 71 referrals the same week the mailing was sent and 67 referrals the following week. When the net newsletter went out we had 70 referrals that week. Most recently, we sent 8,000 newsletters and had a new record high of 73 referrals. This week (2 weeks after our last mailing), we inserted 5,900 newsletters in the local newspaper and beat our record. We received 79 referrals. Keep the newsletters coming! Thanks!”

H.L., Marketing Director

“I’ve been trying to start a program just like this. It’s a unique selling point! Would make our clinic different than the others in the area. It’s everything I’ve been trying to do.”

P.F., PT

“A less expensive, more comprehensible way to get involed in our marketing. It will bring more attention and people to our clinic.”


“To help make good works well known sets us up as the pillar of the community and helps us to generate more referrals. We have a lot of difficulties competing with managed care PT. This will

help us promote more to the public and the public will tell the MD where they want to go. It’s an awesome program.”

S.L., PT

Power Of Choice Program Testimonials

"The best way to illustrate the success I have achieved with the Power of Choice Program is to paint a picture of life before Survival Strategies and this program and after: Please note that lots of companies utilize Hubbard Technology, but only Survival Strategies does it effectively, and to the extent that it is life changing.

"Life before the program:I worked seven days a week, sometimes 18 hour days, often times I awoke and had no idea what day, month or even year it was. I had almost no time to date, lived on Snapple iced teas to keep going, and had very little to no social life. I was treating patients full-time, and was wearing the hat of office manager, billing/collection manager, marketing manager, advertising manager, clinic manager, treasurer, executive director and owner. I was so overwhelmed, exhausted and at the end of my rope and ready to sell it all. Then, Survival Strategies called me about doing a free practice analysis THAT DAY. So, I decided to hold off on selling, and give Survival an opportunity to see if they could possibly help me get some semblance of life back without losing everything I had worked so hard for.

"Life after completing the program:I am very happily married with two children (and a third due any day now). I have two large practices, one is 11,000 sq. ft and the other is 8,000 sq. ft and about 35 employees combined. I take 3 week vacations at a time. I have been able to treat patients as much or as little as I like. I now have a charity foundation that I started, and am able to devote time to my family, my children, and charity work, as well as my practices. My practice is much more stable than it has ever been, and has even been able to survive, and thrive, while I took 9 months off on two separate occasions to get through very difficult pregnancies. I am also working on my doctorate in Physical Therapy, and should be finished within the next 9-12 months. We have been able to expand the services provided at each office, and significantly improve employee training and continuing education, utilizing Survival Strategies’ courses and trainers. I absolutely love what I do, am excited about providing exceptional care to each and every patient who enters our office, and love all my staff members. Survival Strategies has enabled me to have balance in my life, and do the things that I love the most.

"I do know that without Survival Strategies, I would still be living a life built on fixed ideas, thinking small, being ignorant about good solid business practices, and overwhelmed by the small stuff, instead of excited and energized by the big stuff! I have learned, to quote Paul Silovsky, PT, a client of Survival Strategies, to ‘Think BIG or GO HOME!!’”

I.K., PT, Owner

"I have been working with the owners of Survival Strategies, Inc. for the past three years. My practice has grown through the managed care era from 150-200 visits per month to over 700 per month. I have also opened up three satellite offices and am working on the fourth.

"The Referral Program I completed is great! I have grown from 5-10 referral sources to over 100! To accommodate this, I have expanded my employee base from myself and a few staff to a staff of 15 productive, viable employees.

"My training in Physical Therapy provided me with the tools to be an excellent clinician. However, I had no training in Marketing or Management. It is difficult to have a successful practice without business knowledge.

"Before being trained by my consultants in basic communication skills and strategies, I felt nervous and embarrassed in referral interactions with physicians, managed care organizations, etc. I totally lacked confidence in these areas. Now, I approach doctors and other referral sources with total confidence and am able to develop relationships.

"I have learned to manage by objective means, using weekly and monthly statistics to pinpoint any problem. This has enabled me to predict and handle inefficiencies before they develop into major situations.

"I often have therapists call me as a reference for Survival Strategies. The question asked most frequently, and the major concern of those who call is in regard to the dollar investment. With certainty I can say that if I had not worked with them I would not be in practice today. Many practitioners in my community are amazed that in this era of managed care I have been able to thrive and actually expand my practice. My major success is my use of the techniques and systems I have learned which are now part of my knowledge in operating a business.

"All this, I’m sure, sounds very optimistic and “too good to be true.” It took great dedication and hard work on both Survival Strategies’ and my part. If you would like to become more successful, I’m sure they would be glad to have another team player.”

S.B., MS, PT

"I just completed the Power of Choice Program. Today is the 14th anniversary of starting my private practice. I can now do other activities, like taking another week off to go to the beach with my wife. This is all possible because I know have the key people in place to manage my practice while I’m gone. I do not worry.

"We are in the midst of constructing a 6,500 square foot clinic. Much of that is also being handled by my key people. The peace of mind, more free time, and the expansion would not

have been possible without the Power of Choice Program and the technologies of L. Ron Hubbard. Thanks!"

C.C., PT
