Super Junior Fanfiction


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  • 8/21/2019 Super Junior Fanfiction


  • 8/21/2019 Super Junior Fanfiction



    SM Boarding SchoolChapter one

    His knees were shaking and he felt the sweat starting to run down his forehead. He tried to think that he wassweating because of the sun, but he knew too well that was a lie. His heart was literally racing.

    Why was he so nervous? He wasn't on his way saving the world or anything; he was just going to start in a newschool. Only that this was a dierent kind of school. nd this was inSeoul, far away fro! "ok#o. He swallowedwhen thinking about it and he already started to !iss his fa!ily. You can do this, Hae, he thought in a way of 

    trying to cheer hi!self u#. When he noticed that it didn't worked he sighed.

    He stared at that big banner, hanging over the gate entrance and read SM Boarding School. $he sign itself scared hi! and he ins#ected the school area carefully before starting to dig in his handbag. %efore leaving his

    ho!e the !an who gave hi! his scholarshi# also gave hi! other necessary things, like a bunch of #a#erscontaining instructions, rules and two !a#s, one of &eoul and another of the school. He took out the !a# of the

    school before grabbing his bags and started to walk.

    When #assing the gate entrance he couldn't hel# but widen his eyes and o#en his !outh. verything was huge.

     $he school area was surrounded by a black, thick and long fence. (t was as big as a city #ark, with big lawns andtrees. (n the !iddle there was a huge brown building. ccording to the !a# that was the !ain building. (n

    )onghae's o#inion, it looked like a castle, with its stairs, big door and windows. He also saw other buildings, butnot as great as the !ain building, looking like a#art!ents. $hat was the dor!s.

    (t was e!#ty of #eo#le. He looked at the big clock on the !ain building and noticed that they were all #robablyhaving classes. He hurried u# the stairs, and had a hard ti!e with all his bags, before *nally entering. ven

    inside it was deserted. He looked at his !a#, searching for the rece#tion.

    +eading !a#s wasn't )onghae's greatest skill. He walked u# and down so!e stairs, ran through hundreds of corridors it felt like there were hundreds of the!- and des#erately tried to at least *nd so!e signs that wouldhel# hi!. He didn't even found a single #erson to ask for hel#. t *rst he ad!ired the school for its greatness now he cursed it. When being lost for al!ost forty !inutes he *nally found the rece#tion where an old lady withround glasses was sitting, reading a news #a#er. When seeing her )onghae started to walk slower. &he looked


    /0cuse !e.1 he said in a low voice and tried to re!e!ber how to talk without using his dialect, like his teacherhad told hi! to do before leaving. &he turned to face hi!, without saying a word. /2h!1 )onghae said stu#idly.

    /( was...1

    (t was so!ething with her eyes, )onghae thought, so!ething that gave hi! the cree#s. &he looked at hi! with judging eyes, eyes that cursed hi! because he interru#ted hervery  i!#ortant reading.

    /(3( a! 4ee )onghae.1

    Her eyes s#oke for the!selves; So?. &he just ke#t staring at hi!, like she was a statue.

    /('! new here.1

    &uddenly, she s#oke. /5ou're the one fro! "ok#o?1 &he had a hoarse voice, like she had been s!oking non3sto#for years.

    /(3( just wanted...Where should (...?1

    &he turned around to her co!#uter before ty#ing so!ething )onghae couldn't see. fter that she raised herself fro! her seat and walked out of sight. When she returned she had a key in her hand. &he gave it to )onghae./5our roo! is 6781 she said. /4eave your bags there, then co!e back.1 she #ointed u# the stairs. /5ou're in

    class 93:, walk u# the stairs and you'll see classroo! nu!ber twenty one.1 &he grabbed her news #a#er againand !ade herself co!fortable on her chair. /:lass ends in fourty3*ve !inutes.1

    )onghae had a feeling that if he interru#ted her again he would regret it.

    Having to carry all his bags by hi!self, )onghae !oaned in frustration when seeing how far away the dor!swere. He had two suitcases and three bags, all being very heavy. When he had succeeded in walking half the

    way, he dro##ed one of his hand bags and it fell on the ground, s#itting out all the things it had inside. )onghae!oaned even louder. $o his rescue he saw a boy !uch taller than hi!self, with short black hair, walk towards

    hi!. He ho#ed fro! the botto! of his heart that the boy would sto# and ask if he needed any hel#, because he

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    knew he would be too shy to ask. nd as if

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    %ut when )onghae turned around again, that #erson was still looking at hi!. nd again, when the #erson gotcaught, he looked at the teacher, still being rela0ed. )onghae got even !ore nervous. Why was he staring athi! like that? )id he have so!ething in his hair? Was his unifor! dirty? (t was i!#ossible to concentrate on

    whatever the teacher was saying now, when knowing so!eone behind hi!, so!eone he had never seen in hiswhole life, was staring at hi! so intensely and yet looking so co!fortable, even though )onghae had caughthi! in the act. When turning around for the third ti!e the #erson wasn>t looking at hi! any!ore. (nstead, the

    #erson sitting beside the stranger, a boy with a baby face, was looking at hi! now. %ut %aby3face didn>t look at

    hi! as intensely as the stranger before had. $hen, %aby3face grinned.

    What the...?

    %aby3face whis#ered so!ething in the other boy>s ear, which !ade the boy s!ile and chuckle soundlessly,showing o his gu!s. )onghae got a feeling that %aby3face said so!ething )onghae wouldn>t like to hear.

    /&ung!in shi.1 $heir teacher interru#ted. $he whole class turned to look at %aby3face. /(f you have so!ething!ore i!#ortant than !e to say, then #lease say it out loud.1

    &ung!in stared at the teacher, his eyes saying how dare you?. He gave the teacher an obvious and cocky fakes!ile which !ade the teacher glare at the disres#ectful brat. )onghae saw the boy beside &ung!in chuckle


    /What>s with his attitude?1 )onghae asked &iwon, during their break. $heir break was *fteen !inutes long, sothey decided to go out and sit on a bench, enjoying the nice weather.

    /He>s a #rince.1 &iwon said. )onghae widened his eyes and dro##ed his chin. &iwon laughed. /He would like tothink so. Of course he>s not a #rince.1

    /Hey, just look at this school. (t wouldn>t sur#rise !e if there actually was a #rince here.1

     $hey laughed, but suddenly &iwon got a serious face. He wasn>t looking at )onghae, but at so!ething behindhi!. )onghae turned his face. He saw a grou# with al!ost ten #eo#le, half of the! obviously being older than

    the!, walk towards the!. Aone of the! had #ut their unifor!s on #ro#erly. )onghae felt a hard ta# on his knee,and turned to face &iwon who looked at hi! with a warning face.

    /What?1 he asked, but &iwon didn't res#ond.

     $hey watched as the grou# #assed. One guy was walking in front of the others, as if leading the!. He was a tall,very thin and had big brown eyes. His brown hair, al!ost down to his shoulders, was styled in a way that few

    #eo#le would do in only a cou#le of !inutes. $he accessories he had and his hair told )onghae that he sure wasknown in this school and he had a cocky walk, his hands in his #ockets. $he guys #assed, all of the! looking atthe two boys sitting on the bench, with a nasty look. $hen, one of the! whis#ered so!ething in another one'sear and both laughed. This is not an unfamiliar scene, )onghae thought. He got a feeling that this would be

    re#eated several ti!es, here in this school.

    /Who were they?1 )onghae asked when they were too far away to hear their conversation.

    /)id you have bullies in you #revious school?1 &iwon asked. B%astards who thinks they rule the school?B

    )onghae nodded and &iwon #ointed discretely with his head.

    /Who was the guy walking in front of the!?1

    /@i! Heechul. He's eighteen, so he's in his last year.1 &iwon looked at )onghae with that warningly face again./nd if you have so!ething called 'co!!on sense' you won't go near hi!.1

    )onghae turned back to look at the older one !ore ti!e. $hey were sitting on the grass, talking to each otherand laughing out loud. @i! Heechul's looks were good and he didn't look very dangerous !ostly because he

    was so thin. He did look scary though.

    /Why?1 )onghae asked.

    /Cust stay away fro! hi!.1 &iwon had a dead serious face when s#eaking and )onghae knew he !eant what hewas saying.

    When looking at the! again two other #ersons fro! before got )onghae's attention the cocky boy fro! beforeand they guy with the staring eyes.

    /(sn>t he that &ung!in3guy?1 he asked. /ro! our class?1

    &iwon nodded.

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    /Who>s the one beside hi!?1

    /$hat>s unhyuk. He was sitting beside &ung!in during class.1

    )onghae raised one eyebrow. /unhyuk?1 he re#eated.

    /His na!e is 4ee Hyukjae, but for you he>s unhyuk.1

    &o!ething told )onghae that &iwon would rather not talk about this. /Why? (s he also so!eone ( should stayaway fro!?1

    &iwon nodded again and glanced over to the boy grou#. He looked bothered and the ha##y at!os#here fro!before see!ed to disa##ear co!#letely, little by little. )onghae decided to cheer u# the !ood a little.

    /What if ( don't want to?1 he asked with a #rovocative voice, like a child who didn't want to obey his #arents.

     $he taller one sighed. /$hen you'll only have yourself to bla!e. %ut ( #ro!ise ('ll wait for you with a blanket andso!e hot chocolate when you return all beaten u#.1

    )onghae laughed. /)on't worry.1 he said and s!iled. /( get the feeling that he doesn't even like !e.1

    /Drobably.1 &iwon said honestly. /He>s just....1 he sighed. /4et>s just say the school would be better o withouthi!. nd without his friends.1

    )onghae ke#t watching the grou#. /$hey don't look any dierent fro! the other students though.1 he said.

    &iwon got that warningly look again and that kind of scared )onghae. /4isten.1 he said and looked )onghaedee# in the eyes. /$hey aren't just regular bullies, who #ush #eo#le in the corridors and stu.

     $hey're dangerous. )on't talk to the!, don't look at the! nothing. 5ou understand?1

    )onghae nodded, not really understanding &iwon's caution. Were they !urderers, or what? )onghae had !ore=uestions in his !ind, but &iwon>s eyes told hi! to not  ask !ore =uestions. He stayed silent and just watchedthe! fro! a distance. He saw 4ee Hyukjae, or unhyuk, laugh at so!ething they guy na!ed Heechul said. He

    sure had a s#ecial s!ile.

    When *nishing )onghae's *rst and- last lesson, &iwon hel#ed )onghae un#ack, without !entioning anythingabout the things )onghae had. (t was obvious anyway and )onghae forced hi!self to not feel asha!ed. He told

    hi!self over and over that he hadn>t done anything wrong =uite the reverse, he was here becausehe deserved it, not like so!e #eo#le who was here just because they had a lot of !oney. $hat was nothing to be

    asha!ed of.

    /"oney doesn>t !atter.1 &iwon suddenly said, knowing e0actly what was bothering )onghae. /5ou>re herebecause of your brains, not because of your wallet.1

    )onghae s!iled. $hat was all he needed to hear.

    When being *nished, &iwon was sitting at the desk, studying while )onghae sat on his bed, watching hi!. Hewas !ind3battling with hi!self, wondering if he should tell &iwon what he had in !ind or not. He really liked&iwon, and he really wanted to be his friend. %ut what if &iwon wouldn>t acce#t hi!? Well, he could always

    change roo!. He would get a little sad if that ha##ened, but it wouldn>t be the end of the world. nd because hereally wanted to be friends with hi!, then he would tell hi! sooner or later. $he sooner the better.

    /&iwon shi.1 He said.

    &iwon laughed.

    /5ou don't have to be so for!al.1 He said, not turning to look at hi!.

    "aybe he actually would acce#t hi!.

    /)o you want to be friends with !e?1

     $he =uestion see!ed to sur#rise &iwon, because he turned to face )onghae, raising one of his thick eyebrows./5es, of course.1 He said. %efore he had ti!e to look down at his book again, )onghae s#oke.

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    /( think there>s so!ething you should know then.1

    &iwon didn>t answer, but just waited for )onghae to continue.

    /( like guys.1

    &iwon o#ened his eyes wide, !aking it look like they would #o# out of his head, and both his thick eyebrowsrose. /5ou like guys?1 he re#eated.


    /5ou !ean like... like you>re...1

    /Ho!ose0ual, fag, =ueer, gay yes.1

    &iwon stared at hi! like he wasn>t a hu!an being and )onghae slightly started to regret what he had said.

    /(s that okay with you?1

    /5es.1 &iwon>s eyebrows fell down again, but he still looked like he was observing hi!. /( just didn>t... e0#ect youto say that.1 He stared at )onghae for a while, like he was trying to *gure so!ething out.

    /( won>t hit on you.1 )onghae joked. /( #ro!ise.1

    &iwon laughed, and to )onghae>s sur#rise, it was a co!fortable laugh. /)oes your fa!ily know?1

    /"y !o! and !y hyung does.1

    /nd your dad?1

    )onghae>s e0#ression suddenly changed and he s!iled sadly. &o!ething told &iwon he shouldn>t wait for ananswer.

    /nd your friends?1 he asked instead.

    /5es, every one of the!. nd now you know too.1

    &iwon ad!ired the shorter boy>s con*dence and his ability to talk so casually.

    /:an ( ask you so!ething?1 &iwon suddenly said, curiosity taking over.

    )onghae nodded.

    /)on>t get !e wrong.1 He added. /(>! just curious.1

    )onghae nodded again and &iwon took a silent dee# breath.

    /Have you ever... you know...been with... a guy?1

    )onghae stared at hi! and for a !o!ent and &iwon was sure he had oended hi!. He raised his hands andshook the!, as if saying Esto#>, and widened his eyes again in that s#ecial way of his. )onghae was sure &iwon

    was the only one being able to do that. &iwon was about to take back what he just had said when )onghaesuddenly laughed. /re you sure you want to know that?1 he asked, still laughing. /5ou don>t ask !e how !any

    siblings ( have or why ( changed school you ask !e if (>ve sle#t with a !an.1

    /(>! sorry.B &iwon hurried to say B( don>t know why ( asked that.1

    )onghae s!iled gently at hi!. /(t>s okay. (>! not oended or anything. ( think it>s funny.1

    &iwon half s!iled.

    /(>ve only been1 he e!#hasiFed that word, /with one guy before. "y *rst love.1

    &iwon didn>t know how he should answer that. Why did he even ask in the *rst #lace?

    /wkward?1 )onghae s!iled, !aking &iwon laugh. (t didn>t !atter; they still felt co!fortable with each other. (twas a co!fortable awkwardness, if that even !ade any sense. /Aow, you tell !e about yourself. Have you

    ever been with a girl?1

    &iwon>s face i!!ediately reddened which !ade )onghae laugh even !ore. /(>! just kidding.1 he said. Heraised hi!self fro! the bed and grabbed &iwon>s wrist. /4et>s buy so!ething to eat. (>! hungry.1

    "aybe this school wouldn>t be as horrible as )onghae *rst had i!agined.

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    Chapter two

    (t was &iwon's suggestion that they should go to the cafeteria, but not now since it #robably was being full of #eo#le. $he students always went there after *nishing school for the day, so they wouldn>t *nd any seats. &oinstead they just sat outside in the shadow where it was rather e!#ty of #eo#le, &iwon lying on his back with

    closed eyes and )onghae sitting and watching the school and still being totally a!aFed. He wondered if he ever would be able to *t in, in this kind of environ!ent. $hen, he suddenly ju!#ed in sur#rised, let out a loud/OHG1, and #ointed. &iwon o#ened his eyes and looked at the direction where )onghae>s *nger was #ointing. He

    was #ointing at a boy with a s!ile so bright that even &iwon noticed, even though it was fro! far away.

    /(t's @ibu!G1 )onghae shouted. /@ibu!G1

    &iwon ke#t looking at the guy to see if he was so!eone &iwon had seen before but no. /@ibu!?1 he re#eated.

    /@i! @ibu!G1 )onghae al!ost yelled out in ha##iness, being totally chocked. He could swear he was drea!ing./( know hi!G1

    /+eally?1 &iwon asked sur#rised. /Which class?1

    )onghae raised hi!self and grabbed &iwon>s hand to #ull hi! u#. /How should ( know? He>s one year younger.1

    &iwon had to run to kee# u# with the e0cited shorter boy>s #ace. $he boy na!ed @ibu! was talking to anothershort boy that neither )onghae nor &iwon knew, and didn>t see the two boys a##roaching. )onghae walkedslowly and silently, till he was standing only a few centi!etres behind @ibu!. $hen he slowly raised his leg,

    #laced his foot only a few centi!etres away fro! @ibu!>s butt and #ushed.

    /What the f –1 @ibu! hissed and turned around, his hands brushing his butt worried that his #ants would bedirty. %ut he went co!#letely silent and just widened his eyes when seeing who the guilty one was. He stared at

    )onghae like he wasn>t a hu!an being, and suddenly his ability to s#eak disa##eared.

    /( dare you to *nish that sentence,1 )onghae challenged hi! and s!irked.

    /Hyung?1 @ibu! !anaged to say, still not believing his eyes.

    )onghae s!iled and literally threw hi!self over the younger, !aking the! both al!ost fall down to the ground.@ibu! was too shocked to hug hi! back.

    ven though )onghae was one year older, @ibu! was still so!e centi!etres taller and he had always been.)onghae s!iled even wider when old !e!ories crossed his !ind. &iwon and @ibu!>s friend stared awkwardly

    at the hugging !ales, because this was shock for the! too. When #ulling away fro! the hug )onghaeintroduced &iwon to @ibu! while @ibu! did the sa!e and introduced his friend as +yeowook.

    )onghae still couldn't believe it and neither could @ibu!. %oth +yeowook and &iwon *gured )onghae and @ibu!#robably wanted to talk just the two of the!, so they !ade sure to walk a little slower to give )onghae and

    @ibu! their own s#ace.

    /How did you !anage to get here?1 @ibu! asked. @ibu! was the only #erson )onghae could talk co!fortablywith, when it ca!e to !oney.

    /( got a scholarshi#.1

    / scholarshi#?1 @ibu! re#eated. /&o you>re...? veryone>s talking about you, you know.1

     $hat unco!fortable feeling ca!e back. /What do they say?1

    /$hey say you don>t have !ore clothes than the school unifor!. nd that your roo!!ate #ays for your food.nd that your !other #robably is a...1 He hesitated. /#rostitute. Only they didn>t really use the word


    )onghae stared at @ibu!, !outh wide o#en in shock. He should get angry, but he couldn>t. (t was just way toridicule and he ended u# chuckling to hi!self.

    /$hey>re idiots,1 @ibu! sighed. /)on>t listen to the!.1

     $he four boys ke#t walking here and there in the school area; &iwon and +yeowook talking to each other and)onghae and @ibu! walking in silence. /Which class are you in?1 @ibu! suddenly asked.

    )onghae had to think for a !o!ent before answering, he wasn>t really that good when it ca!e to re!e!berthings. /93:.1

    /( don>t know anyone there,1 @ibu! re#lied.

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    /)o you know 4ee Hyukjae?1 )onghae asked out of the blue.

    @ibu! raised his eyebrows. /Ao, why?1

    /5ou don>t? ( thought everyone knew hi!.1

    /( don>t know hi! #ersonally, but ( know who he is. Why do you ask?1

    /Cust curious. He>s in !y class.1

    /$hat !ust suck.1

    )onghae laughed. /( think &ung!in>s worse than Hyukjae though.1

    /unhyu! ,1 @ibu! corrected )onghae. /nd &ung!in>s just unhyuk>s bitch. He beco!es brain dead whenunhyuk's not around.1

    /)on>t talk like that.1

    @ibu! laughed. /&orry.1

     $hey ke#t walking in silence again. )onghae looked over his shoulder, to look at &iwon because he had to kee#in !ind that &iwon knew neither +yeowook nor @ibu! he didn>t want his friend to feel awkward. &o when he

    saw &iwon and +yeowook talking like they had been friends for years, he s!iled.

    (t had been a while since @ibu! and )onghae last saw each other so they didn>t really know what to say, eventhough there was so !uch to talk about. &o they re!ained silent.

    /+yeowook and ( have a test to!orrow, so we should #robably be going,1 @ibu! suddenly said.

    )onghae nodded but didn>t say anything. He knew he would #robably say so!ething stu#id and e!barrassingbecause he didn>t want @ibu! to leave. $hen he re!inded hi!self that he was going to stay in this school for

    two years so they had #lenty of ti!e to see each other again.

    /(t>s really nice seeing you again,1 )onghae said.

    @ibu! s!iled and )onghae thought that he saw @ibu! blush. /(t>s really nice seeing you too, hyung.1

    )onghae took a few ste#s forward before hugging @ibu!, who suddenly tensed his body but )onghae didn>t

    notice. (t took @ibu! a few seconds before he res#onded the hug.

    &iwon and )onghae watched @ibu! and +yeowook leave, and )onghae couldn>t hel# but feel a little sad. He felt&iwon #lace his hand on his shoulder and he turned to face hi!. /$he cafeteria is #robably not that crowded

    now,1 he said.

     $he school did not fail to sur#rise )onghae once again. $heir school cafeteria looked !ore like a high standardcaf than a regular school cafeteria. Deo#le were sitting together in grou#s, enjoying their coee, tea, juice,

    snacks and !eals. %ecause )onghae had arrived to the school after lunch he hadn>t eaten anything. t *rst hehad been too nervous to notice how hungry he actually was and then too e0cited and ha##y, when he saw

    @ibu!. %ut now that he was feeling cal! his sto!ach was ru!bling. He looked at the sandwiches with hugeeyes, !outh watering. fter buying everything they wanted they walked over to sit at an e!#ty table, &iwon

    with his coee and )onghae with his two huge sandwiches and tea. &iwon looked at )onghae>s food with al!ostconfusion in his eyes. $hen he looked at )onghae, who had a very sli! body.

    /5ou sure you can eat both?1 he asked. /One would>ve been enough.1

    /)on>t underesti!ate !e,1 )onghae said. /(>! hungry1

    /( bet you>re used to that feeling, you beggar,1 a #rovocative voice, a voice )onghae did not recogniFe, said. Heturned his head only to see &ung!in, unhyuk and an unknown guy that wasn>t so!eone in their class,

    standing behind hi!. Where they everywhere? Wasn>t this school really  big? %ut the !ost i!#ortant =uestionIHow in the world do you answer to a =uestion like that?

    /We>re not bothering you,1 &iwon said, he didn>t sound very con*dent. /&o, #lease leave.1

    ll three chuckled and the cafeteria suddenly went silent. (n a second over a hundred eyes were staringat )onghae>s direction.

    /Hanging out with trash? 5ou>re giving our class a bad re#utation, &iwon,1 &ung!in said and stared )onghaedirectly in the eyes.

    (f )onghae felt unco!fortable or nervous or scared or insecure before, then he didn>t know how to describe this.He glanced over at &iwon, eyes that asked hi! what to do, but &iwon looked e=ually as unco!fortable and

    nervous and scared and insecure. &uddenly unhyuk grabbed )onghae>s cu# of tea and )onghae i!!ediately

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    He had only seen unhyuk fro! a distance, not this close. )onghae still thought that of all #eo#le in this !ini3!a*a grou# unhyuk was the one looking the least scary. ven when he chuckled and s!iled evilly, like he had

    done in the classroo! before, there was still so!ething childish and cute about hi!. (t was #retty weird that)onghae thought that, since everyone he had talked to had talked about unhyuk like he was so!e kind of a

    !onster. With unhyuk>s looks )onghae could i!agine hi! being very #o#ular a!ong girls.

    fter grabbing )onghae>s cu#, unhyuk ins#ected the li=uid inside the cu# before taking a si#. )onghaewidened his eyes , waiting an0iously about what would ha##en ne0t.

    /wG1 &ung!in al!ost s=uealed. /5ou>ll get ()&.1

    unhyuk !ade a face, not using words to say that it didn>t taste good. $hen he turned to nod at &ung!in,agreeing that it was indeed nasty, before he casually turned the cu# u#side down over )onghae>s sandwiches.)onghae realiFed to late what ha##ened and wasn>t fast enough to #ush his chair away fro! the table before

    the hot tea ran down, over his #ants.

    &ung!in gas#ed. /Ao, HyukieG1 he said in a sarcastic !elodra!atic tone. /)on>t do thatG He can>t aord to buya new oneG1 t that, unhyuk chuckled.

    (t was hot, very  hot, and )onghae had to bite his botto! li# to not screa! in #ain. His thighs felt like they wereon *re. &iwon i!!ediately raised hi!self fro! his seat to hel# his friend, while #eo#le around the! started to


    /4et>s go,1 $he third, unknown, guy said to his two friends /he !ight give you lice.1

    &ung!in, unhyuk and the na!eless guy walked away &ung!in and the na!eless guy laughing out loud andunhyuk just walking like nothing ha##ened.

    /WH$. (&. H(&. D+O%4"?G1 )onghae screa!ed. +ight after the incident &iwon had hel#ed )onghae back totheir roo! so he could change his clothes !ostly his #ants. /He burned !eG1

    /( warned you.1

    /5es, but ( didn>t freaking do anythingG1

    &iwon sighed. /( know,1 he said in a low voice. /(>! sorry.1 He couldn>t hel# but feel guilty over what ha##ened.

    /)on>t a#ologiFe, it wasn>t your fault,1 )onghae !eant what he said, even though he still sounded angry. fterchanging to regular jeans and a $3shirt he sat down on his bed; his head resting over is hands to give hi!self 

    so!e seconds to think. $hen, he raised hi!self and &iwon feared he was about to do so!ething he wouldregret.

    /Where are you going?1 he asked, widening his eyes.

    /( didn>t do anything,1 )onghae said again and #ut his shoes back on. /(f ( don>t sto# this now they>ll just kee#bothering !e.1

    /5ou>re not really going to...?1

    /5es, ( a!,1 )onghae #ut his jacket on and &iwon ju!#ed out of his seat.

    /Ao, waitG1 he said but )onghae got out of the roo! before he had ti!e to say anything else. &iwoni!!ediately #ut one shoe on and realiFed that the other one was not in sight. He cursed hi!self and

    des#erately searched for that da!ned shoe, so he could sto# the stu#id newco!er.

    Chapter three

    )onghae saw red. nd his thighs still hurt. How could anyone be such a... such a fucking...? He couldn>t even*nd the right words for such a #erson. "#hildish and cute$, my ass, he thought as he walked as fast as he could,searching for his target. He didn>t even know where that bastard was, but that didn>t sto# hi!. He decided to go

    and see if he was still in the cafeteria and when arriving he saw his friends, not the star hi!self.

    When he *nally *nding hi!, behind the boy>s dor!s, he sto##ed dead short. He did not e0#ect to *nd hi! likethis unhyuk #ressing a thin bi!bo against the wall and his tongue literally in her throat. )onghae widened his

    eyes. What. The. %uc!&?

    He just stood there, watching the! stu#idly, feeling his anger grow !ore intense. He *st his hand, knuckles

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    beco!ing white. His anger changed, this was hate. He got an i!#ulsive feeling of wanting to beat the cra# outof that bitch. &eeing unhyuk gently #lacing his hands on her hi#s was all it took for )onghae to take one ste#

    forward. %ut so!eone grabbed his $3shirt, #reventing hi! fro! walking any further. )onghae al!ost fellbackwards.

    /Wh3what...?1 he started but got interru#ted.

    /re you out of your !ind?1

    He didn>t have to turn around to know how it was; the voice had been fa!iliar since years ago. /4et goG (>ll fall.1

    @ibu! sto##ed and s#un )onghae around, #lacing his hands on )onghae>s shoulders, grabbing hi! hard andlooking at hi! with warningly eyes. /re you out of you !ind, hyung?1 he asked again, this ti!e louder.

    /( didn>t do anything.1

    /( thought your friend told you to stay away fro! hi!G1 @ibu! started to raise his voice.

    /( didn>t do anythingG Why are you acting like this?1 )onghae screa!ed back.

     $hey glared at each other, till @ibu!>s eyes softened. He re!oved his hands, only to start !assaging his ownte!#les with his *ngers. /(>! sorry.1 he sighed. /( just...1

    /( don>t need a babysitter, you know.1

    /( know.1

    @ibu! sighed again, sincerely looking a#ologetic. /(>! sorry,1 he said again.

    /(t>s alright,1 )onghae said, even though he still sounded irritated. /(>! sorry too.1

    /( didn>t !ean to sound like that. %ut ( get angry when you won>t listen to the #eo#le that care about you. 5ounever do.1 (t didn>t really sound like an insult, !ore like a co!#li!ent, and )onghae chuckled. 2nder nor!al

    circu!stances he would just laugh it away, but he was still angry.

    He sighed and said a low /4et>s go1. @ibu! knew that he still was annoyed.

     $he scene he had witnessed still bothered hi!, even after so!e !inutes #assed, and whenever he thoughtabout it he got angry. ' bet she(s a total bitch, he thought. ) fuc!ing chea* one.

    /What are you thinking about?1 @ibu! said, clearly noticing the anger that lingered in )onghae's eyes. He wasworried )onghae was still !ad at hi!.

    /( thought you said they were a cou#le.1

    /What? Who?1

    BHyukjae and &ung!in.1

    /Ao, ( said Ebitch>.1

    /What, so they just slee# with each other?1

    @ibu! laughed a little. /( didn>t !ean it literally. unhyuk doesn>t swing that way.1

    /5eah, ( kind of saw that. He likes chea# and stu#id whores, like all wannabe3a3gangster do.1

    @ibu! raised his eyebrows. /re you jealous?1 he asked.

    )onghae chuckled in #ure sarcas!. /Oh, yes, sure. Of course,1 he said, overdosing dra!a in his voice. Heturned to glare at the younger. /)on>t !ake !e vo!it.1

    /$hen why are you so u#set about it?1

    /%ecause she>s a bitch.1

    /How do you know, you know her?1

    /$hat>s not the #oint.1

    /How can you say she>s a bitch when you don>t even know her? What if she>s the kindest #erson on earth?1

    /(f she is, then she>s also the !ost stu#id #erson on earth.B

    /What do you !ean?B

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    /5ou !ust be #retty fucked u# to date a guy like that.1

    /5ou>re not !aking any sense. re you !ad at her?1

    /5es, (>! !ad at her because she>s a stu#id bitch. (f she wasn't she wouldn't date hi!.1

    /( don>t understand it either, but (>! still not !ad at her because it>s none of !y business.1

    )onghae didn>t say anything. (nstead, he just started to walk faster, but @ibu! still ke#t u# with hi!.

    /( don't think they're dating,B @ibu! suddenly said.

    /( don't care.B

    Why would he be jealous of her? He wasn>t jealous. He didn>t even like that guy, he was a #unk. nd he wasn>teven )onghae>s ty#e. )onghae just thought that she was stu#id, that>s all.

    /Would you>ve been ha##ier if he was dating &ung!in?1

    /5es, because they>re share their stu#idity.1

    /Aot because he>s a guy then?1

    )onghae sto##ed walking and turned to face @ibu! with a glare. /&to# saying such ridiculous things. nd ( don>twant to talk about this any!ore. (f you want to kee# nagging then leave, because (>! not in the !ood1.

    @ibu! nodded, a !i0 between sadness and sur#rise in his eyes. (t hurt seeing hi! like that and it hurt talking tohi! like that, but )onghae was too angry to a#ologiFe. He would do it later. He ke#t walking, not caring if @ibu!

    followed hi! or not.

    @ibu! ke#t silent when they walked back to their dor!s. $hey sto##ed when seeing an e!#ty roo! a roo!looking like a living roo! at a rich fa!ily>s house. $here were three large sofas there, dressed in silk, a tablewith chairs, a *re#lace, #aintings hanging on the wall, car#eted Joor everything. )onghae had to re!ind

    hi!self once again that this was still aschool, because once again he al!ost forgot. $hey sat down in the couch o##osite each other and re!ained silent. )onghae was too u#set to talk and @ibu!, knowing hi! well, knew it

    and just sat =uietly, till )onghae would decide that he wanted to break the silence.

    While stitting there, )onghae glaring at so!ething unknown and @ibu! #laying with his own *ngers, they heardand saw a worried &iwon rush towards the!.

    /( looked for you everywhereG1 he said to )onghae, using his hands to s#eak just as !uch as his !outh did.

    /)on>t worry. @ibu! saved !e,1 )onghae said and tried to sound nice, even though the word 'saved' soundedrather insulting.

    &iwon sighed as he let hi!self fall down on the couch beside )onghae, tired as if he had been running a!arathon. He was about to say so!ething but didn>t when he looked at )onghae.

    /re you angry?1 he asked and )onghae shook his head without looking at hi!. $here was an awkward silenceand &iwon looked at @ibu! for answers but @ibu! just shrug his shoulders.

    /(>! a little angry,1 )onghae suddenly said, to not cause any !isunderstandings /but ( don>t want to talk aboutit.1

    /$hen let>s talk about so!ething else, so you get so!ething else on your !ind.1 &iwon said and turned to face

    )onghae again. /What class will you be taking?1

    /)ance and singing.1

    He raised his thick eyebrows, just like @ibu! did. /%oth?1 they asked in unison.

    )onghae nodded, not looking as angry as before. /"y fa!ily lives in "ok#o so ( won>t go ho!e on weekends."aybe not even on holidays, so (>ll have #lenty of ti!e. (>ll join the school dance too. ( already talked to the

    #rinci#al over #hone before arriving here, and to the !an who gave !e !y scholarshi#. (>ll start ne0t week.1

    /)on>t #ush yourself too hard. 5ou>ll have to work hard,1 @ibu! said /and you>ll only be here for two years.1

    /( will work hard.1 )onghae said and s!iled a little. /)on>t worry1. @ibu! and &iwon s!iled too, when seeing)onghae>s anger disa##earing little by little. /%esides,1 )onghae said, this ti!e grinning /( heard !y singing

    and dancing skills are #retty good1. %oth boys laughed. $hey both agreed that being angry didn>t suit )onghaeat all.

    /Which class do you take?1 &iwon asked @ibu!.

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    /cting classes,1 he answered. /nd you, hyung?1


    /$hen you>ll have to hel# !e.1 )onghae said.

    /&ince you>ll have to #ractice a lot, with the school dance and all, why don>t you go and see if you can use the#ractice roo! after school? 5ou can #ractice by yourself and catch u# with the others in your class.1

    /5eah, that>s rightG Why don>t you ask the rece#tion lady?1 &iwon added.

    /re you kidding !e? &he scares the shit out of !e.1

    @ibu! and &iwon laughed, knowing e0actly what )onghae was talking about. /5ou>ll learn to live with it,1 @ibu!said. /We>ll go with you, so she doesn>t eat you or anything.1

    )onghae talked to the scary lady, sta!!ering and stuttering, and worked it out. &he told hi! about the #racticeroo!, where he should go to *nd it and that she could give hi! #er!ission to #ractice, fro! KD" to L7D". &healso told hi! about the rules, !ostly that he wasn>t allowed to let anyone in when #racticing and that he !ustre#ort the days he wouldn>t #ractice. $hen she signed a #a#er which she gave to hi! a #roof of #er!ission,

    since the students weren>t allowed to be outside their roo! after L7#.!, &unday to $hursday.

     $he school dance only #racticed once a week $uesdays which !eant that )onghae had already !issed thisweek>s #ractice. He hadn>t even talked to the one in charge so he could start his #ractice. %ut that didn>t sto#

    hi! fro! going to the #ractice roo! today. lot of things had ha##ened today even though he had only beenhere for one day. )ance always hel#ed hi! to rela0.

    He walked over to the :) #layer to turn on whatever he could *nd, but he didn>t have enough ti!e to turn onthe !usic because door o#ened. He didn>t have to turn around to see how it was; he just needed to look at the

    !irror in front of hi!. %ut when seeing who was standing in the doorway, he had to turn around because hedidn>t believe his eyes. He was about to say so!ething when the other #erson, being just as sur#rised as

    )onghae was, s#oke *rst.

    /What are you doing here?1 unhyuk asked. He was too sur#rised to even sound rude and )onghae realiFed hehadn>t heard unhyuk s#eak till now. He had i!agined that unhyuk>s voice would be very dee#, since... well,

    scary #eo#le always have a dee# voice in )onghae>s o#inion- but it wasn>t. )onghae>s voice was #robablydee#er.

    /Dracticing,1 )onghae answered.


    /(>! in the school dance.1

    unhyuk stared at hi! with a sur#rised look on his face. %ut when understanding e0actly what was going on, heglared. )onghae found hi!self feeling slightly !ore co!fortable when seeing unhyuk glare at hi! having

    unhyuk talk to hi! like... a nor!al #erson would, was weird and kind of scary.

    /Why?1 unhyuk said again, but this ti!e it sounded !ore like a threat than a =uestion.

    /5ou>re in the school dance too?1

    )onghae knew he didn>t have to ask; unhyuk>s reaction !ade it obvious.

    /(>! fucking in charge of it.1

    Aow that wasn>t so!ething )onghae e0#ected to hear. )id that !ean unhyuk would be res#onsible forteaching )onghae everything? )onghae lost his breath. $his guy was everywhere. &eriously. "aybe being in the

    school dance wasn>t such a great idea.

    %ut then he got a second thought this wasn>t about unhyuk. $his was about )onghae doing what he wantedand )onghae working hard. Who cares about unhyuk?

    /Well, ( got #er!ission fro! the rece#tion lady,1 )onghae said and tried to sound as cocky as #ossible and ascocky as he dared.-

    /( don>t fucking care. ve already talked to her and she gave !e #er!ission. ( don>t !ind you, but if it bothers you then #lease


    unhyuk>s glare got even !ore intense. He looked at )onghae with #ure disgust and !u!bled a low /fucking

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    idiot1 before leaving sla!!ing the door behind hi! with all his !ight. 2nbelievable. $hat guy, really,was everywhere.


    /How co!e you didn>t tell !e Hyukjae>s in charge of the school dance?1

    &iwon got out of their shared toilet and took the toothbrush out of his !outh to s#eak. /( didn>t know. He hasn>t

    been #artici#ating for a while, so ( thought he =uit.1

    /Oh s everywhere. nd he uses the #ractice roo! after schoolG1 )onghae !oaned in co!#li!ent andthrew hi!self on his bed. /(>ll have to #ractice with hi!G1 he s=uealed in #ain.

    &iwon should be worried, that was what )onghae e0#ected, but instead he laughed. /$rue. (t even beco!esfunny. Aew students don>t suer fro! Heechul hyung>s gang until they at least have been here for a week. 5ou

    really are unlucky.1

     $hat didn>t hel# to cheer )onghae u#. He sighed.

    /$ake one day at a ti!e. (t>s just once a week anyway, right?1 &iwon said, after leaving his toothbrush in thetoilet, and walked over to turn the ceiling la!# o, so the two s!all la!#s standing on bedside tables were theonly source of light. /nd you #ro!ised to work hard. We, your friends, su##ort you.1 He walked over to his own

    bed. /%ut now, try to get so!e slee#. 5ou had a #retty long day, even though you just arrived.1

    /(t was a freaking 'try to survive'3day.1 )onghae co!#lained.

    &iwon laughed. He lay down in his bed and #ulled his cover over hi!. /Cust try to get so!e slee#,1 he said againand )onghae followed &iwon>s e0a!#le nestling down in his own bed.

    /( will. $hanks,1 he s!iled. /

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    /(>ll leave you here and (>ll lock the doorG We>re like two !eters away fro! our roo!, so sto# it.1 unhyuk hissed,a##arently not being in such a good !ood as &ung!in was.

    :uriosity took over and )onghae slowly and carefully o#ened the door, just a little but enough for hi! to #eek.He saw their backs &ung!in sitting on the Joor, giggling and unhyuk walking before sto##ing in front of a

    door. He dug in his #ockets and took out so!e keys.

    /(>ll leave you there for real. ( literally carried you all the way here so ( won>t hel# you u#,1 he said in a low voice,

    but loud enough for )onghae to hear.

    /HyukieN )un be like tha'GB the boy on the Joor said in a loud and slo##y voice. unhyuk ignored hi! and justo#ened the door to their roo!. &ung!in #laced a hand on the wall to raise hi!self u# before swaying over to

    unhyuk, still giggling.

    )onghae widened his eyes &ung!in wasn>t actually drunk, was he? unhyuk o#ened the door and #laced&ung!in>s ar! over his shoulder to hel# hi! get inside. He closed the door and locked it.

    Chapter four

    Waking u# was weird. )onghae al!ost got a heart attack 3 co!#letely forgetting where he was when he didn'trecogniFe the walls or the bed. ven the s!ell was dierent. /t e0#ect the! to talk to hi!. He thought that they #robably were s#eaking to &iwon and not to hi!, butwhen both he and &iwon answered no one looked at hi! in a strange way.

    &iwon showed )onghae where everything was, the refrigerator, the freeFer, the dishwasher and so on while hetold hi! about yet !ore rules according to the kitchen. He also told hi! that since )onghae hadn>t had ti!e tobuy food he could eat whatever &iwon had. )onghae who was nodding and nodding while &iwon was talking didn>t really #ay !uch attention, since he was constantly looking around; searching for a certain so!eone. He

    got relieved when he didn>t see hi!, but that disa##eared only after so!e seconds.

    /"orning.1 everyone suddenly said again and this ti!e louder. )onghae turned to look who they were talkingtoo and saw unhyuk, who dragged his feet, his hair being all tousled and his eyelids constantly falling down. He

    #assed )onghae, #robably being too tired to care, and sat down on an e!#ty chair at a table with four other#eo#le sitting. )onghae glanced at hi!.

    /Where>s &ung!in?1 so!eone asked.

    /He>s not feeling well.1 unhyuk res#onded and yawned.

    o wonder.

    &iwon !ade his sandwiches, took his cereals out if )onghae wanted so!e and told )onghae that he would goand get a seat. )onghae nodded again, still not really listening, and suddenly felt so un#rotected when &iwonwalked away. He felt like everyone was watching hi!. He carefully o#ened the refrigerator when hearing yetanother #erson dragging his feet towards their kitchen. (t was &ung!in, looking like he was a living dead. He

    had dark circles under his eyes and couldn>t walk straight on.


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    na!e. %ut tiredness didn>t sto# unhyuk, when he saw the #erfect o##ortunity for a co!!ent while standingbeside )onghae. /&o it>s true.1 he suddenly said and )onghae didn>t know who he was talking to. /5ou really

    don>t have !oney to buy your own food1.

    )onghae froFe, since he realiFed that unhyuk was talking to hi!. $hen he tried to kee# ignoring the guy./&iwon,1 unhyuk called and got &iwon>s attention. /if you continue like this, you>ll end u# like hi!.1

    Deo#le started to giggle and )onghae turned to look at &iwon>s reaction. &iwon tried to ignore unhyuk as well.

    )onghae sighed in his !ind before taking a bowl out and grabbed the cereals &iwon had left out, when hesuddenly felt a s!ell of alcohol. He looked u# to see if &ung!in was standing near hi!, but &ung!in had walked

    over to sit on the chair unhyuk was #reviously sitting on. He glanced over at unhyuk and realiFed that thes!ell ca!e fro! hi!.

    )onghae o#ened the refrigerator again to return the !ilk and the e0act !o!ent he was about to take his bowlunhyuk let his hand carelessly knock )onghae>s bowl down. $he bowl broke, s#illing out the cereals and !ilkall over the Joor. )onghae was slow and couldn>t do other then stare. /Oh s friends, burst out in laughter; e0ce#t for &iwon who i!!ediately wanted to hel# hisfriend. %ut so!eone sto##ed hi! the guy that earlier had asked for &ung!in by #utting his hand on &iwon>s

    shoulder and force hi! back to his seat. unhyuk grinned and &iwon realiFed that there were !ore than si0#eo#le on unhyuk>s side in this roo!. )onghae had to clean u# the !ess by hi!self.

    &iwon waited till everyone left before he could go and hel# )onghae, who still hadn>t cleaned u# the !ilk,cereals and the broken bowl. /5ou>ll get late for class.1 )onghae said when he saw &iwon grabbing so!e kitchen

    roll #a#er.

    /(t doesn>t !atter. (>! sorry.1

    )onghae s!iled gently, even though he wasn>t at his ha##iest !ood right now. /)on>t be silly1 he said. /(twasn>t your fault1.

    When o#ening the door to their classroo! they realiFed their !ath teacher was taking the register. $he old,skinny !an, turned to look at the! his glasses resting on his long nose. He didn>t look nice. /5ou>re late.1 he just said. )onghae looked at the clock hanging on the wall, behind their teacher. $hey were four !inutes late.

    /We a#ologiFe, sonsaengni!i.1 &iwon said and bowed. )onghae did the sa!e, before they walked over to sit ontheir seats.

    /(s this a good way to start a new lesson,1 the !an said and looked down at his #a#er. /4ee )onghae ssi?1

    /(>! sorry.1

    &o!e #eo#le giggled and )onghae sighed soundlessly.

    /4ee Hyukjae.1 $heir teacher continued !aking sure all students were there, after giving )onghae one lastglare.


     $he teacher looked at the e!#ty seat beside unhyuk. /Where>s 4ee &ung!in shi?1 he asked.

    /He>s sick.1

     $he !an snorted before continuing taking the register.

    Ao one bothered )onghae during !ath class e0ce#t for the teacher who didn>t see! to like hi! at all-, sincethe teacher was there. )onghae thought that he could gladly start this day #retty nor!ally, al!ost forgettingabout today>s !orning. fter !ath the class s#it u#; to singing classes, acting classes and dance classes. On)onghae's schedule was 'singing class' written. unhyuk didn>t take singing classes and )onghae couldn>t be

    ha##ier. %esides, their teacher was nice and he had &iwon there with hi!. &inging ocially beca!e )onghae>sfavorite subject.

     $hey day went #retty s!oothly and )onghae could sigh out in relief. He *nally felt like a nor!al student, e0ce#tfro! the hard #ushes he received fro! unknown #ersons he hadn>t #aid any attention to before, when )onghae

    #assed. )onghae could easily guess that they #robably were unhyuk and &ung!in>s friends and he tried hisbest to ignore the!. )uring lunch he !et u# with @ibu! and +yeowook and after that he continued his lessons.

    N N

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     $he ne0t day was #retty !uch the sa!e, e0ce#t that he got a better !orning since he decided to wake u#earlier than the rest to do his breakfast, so he could eat it in his roo!. &iwon, not wanting )onghae to eat by

    hi!self, did the sa!e thing and they had a #eacefully !orning together. nd about the dance #ractices,unhyuk and )onghae agreed that they would s#lit the hour. )onghae would #ractice fro! K#.! to K.M7#.! and

    unhyuk had !ade hi!self very  clear when telling hi! that he did not want to see )onghae there a secondafter K.M7.

     $hat was how the days #assed with #leasant and un#leasant teachersPclasses, students !ostly unhyuk and

    &ung!in- saying so!ething !ean every now and then and )onghae being #ushed whenever he walked #assedso!eone that didn>t like hi!. %ut )onghae could live with it.

     $hen the weekend ca!e and )onghae had for the *rst ti!e, since arriving here, two wonderful days. He didn>tsee any of the !ean guys even once &iwon told hi! that they rarely were there during the weekends. &o inother words; no one bullied hi!. )uring those two days, )onghae studied #eacefully with the hel# of his three

    friends. &iwon and +yeowook hel#ed hi! with his singing #ractice and @ibu! hel#ed hi! with !ath and nglish. $hey also gave hi! a #ro#erly tour around the school and )onghae couldn>t be grateful enough, since thanks to

    the! he didn>t have to walk around with a !a# all the ti!e. When &unday #assed he couldn>t hel# but feel alittle sad.

    N N

    "onday #assed like all the other days. $uesday was dierent though since he was going to #ractice with theschool dance for the *rst ti!e, after school. )onghae was nervous all day since he had no idea what to e0#ect.%eing there with unhyuk and his friends for two hours and with unhyuk in charge... He wasso going to die.

    unhyuk didn>t treat hi! any dierent today though. When having a break, after their nglish class, unhyuk!ade sure to walk e0tre!ely close to hi! closer then he should since the corridor was not narrow only to

    #ush hi! hard when #assing by hi!. )onghae hit a locker and dro##ed the books he was holding. unhyuk andhis two unknown friends laughed. &iwon, who was in the toilet, was needed since they all beca!e braver when

    )onghae was alone.

     $he dance #ractice was... well, )onghae should have e0#ected it. veryone e0ce#t unhyuk was already thereand to his sur#rise no one treated hi! any dierent. He sat down on the Joor watching everybody else. &o!e of the! were sitting down too, chatting with each other and others were #racticing without !usic. When the door

    o#ened )onghae was the only one who froFe. unhyuk, carrying a bag, walked over to the other side of theroo! where the :)3#layer was standing. He actually looked like a nor!al student laughing with the others

    and talking to the! without see!ing to be su#erior. %ut )onghae still felt unco!fortable.

    When starting everyone, e0ce#t fro! unhyuk and )onghae, took their #ositions. )onghae was still sitting downagainst the wall behind the students and unhyuk sat down beside the :)3#layer against the huge !irror that

    covered one entire wall, in front of the students. He turned the !usic on and everyone stared to dance.)onghae didn>t know what to do. &hould he try to i!itate the! or should he just watch? He felt both confusedand forgotten since he was #retty sure that he couldn>t count on unhyuk. He looked over at unhyuk anywaywho, of course, co!#letely ignored hi! and just looked at the #eo#le dancing. fter watching the student>s for

    forty !inutes )onghae decided that he had to do so!ething. Or else there was no #oint in being here.

    He raised hi!self and walked over to unhyuk, without disturbing the dancing students and sat down besidehi! but not too close so it would be unco!fortable. /What a! ( su##osed to do?1 he asked.

    unhyuk glared at hi!, snorted and ignored hi!.

    ' su**ose '(ll -ust !ee* watching. )onghae sighed.

     $hat>s what he did for two whole hours he watched. (t was #robably one of the !ost boring things he had donein a long ti!e. fter they had #racticed for an hour unhyuk gave the! a break. )uring that break al!ost everygirl that was there took the chance to act cute in front of unhyuk. $heir high #itch voices asking EO##a, did ( do*ne?> or EHow was (, o##a?> !ade )onghae feel like he wanted to vo!it. He glared at the! but then felt sick by

     just watching the! and turned to face so!ething else the wall.

    When the break was over they all returned to their #ractice and )onghae returned to his watching. unhyukke#t ignoring hi! and it wouldn>t sur#rise )onghae if unhyuk actually forgot that )onghae was there in the

    *rst #lace. %ut unhyuk wasn>t totally heartless. &ince he knew that )onghae would #ractice today at K#.! heleft the disk inside the :)3#layer, so )onghae could use it when he was going to #ractice.

    )onghae had the !usic on so loud that the Joor was vibrating. He tried to re!e!ber the choreogra#hy but only!anaged to re!e!ber #arts of it. %ut it didn't !atter he had already decided that he would try anyway. He

    danced; his legs and ar!s !oving to the fast !usic. He watched hi!self in the !irror as he tried to i!itate what

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    the others had done. His !ove!ents were hard and fast and his heart started to beat faster while his breathbeca!e heavier and heavier. &uddenly, he sto##ed. He realiFed that he was doing so!ething wrong.

    He re#eated the song and danced again but once again sto##ed after a while.Thats o!ay , he thought. He justneeded so!e !inutes to re!e!ber the choreogra#hy #ro#erly.

    He tried again, but no.

    nd again. &till wrong.

    He !new he did it wrong but he couldn>t #ut the *nger on what  he was doing wrong. He just knew that when hedanced it didn>t look like it should. %ut he wouldn>t give u# and tried again. Wrong again.

    He started to feel frustrated, both because he didn>t re!e!ber and for thinking about unhyuk that didn>t wantto coo#erate at all. He dried the sweat dro#s on his forehead with the back of his #al!. His ar!s and legs

    started to feel heavy and he sat down to give hi!self a rest. He had only one word in his !indI Wrong, wrong,wrong. He wanted to screa! how the heck was he su##osed to catch u# with the others like this?G

     $he door suddenly o#ened and )onghae realiFed that he had been here for !ore than half an hour. Oo#s.unhyuk did not look ha##y.

    /We had an agree!ent get out.1

    /( wouldn>t be here if you had hel#ed !e earlier today.1 )onghae res#onded back.

    /Oh, that sucks.1 unhyuk entered the roo! and #ut his bag down, the big bag he had with hi! earlier. He tookhis jacket o and threw it over the bag. /ll hel# !e.1

     $he tone )onghae was using when s#eaking to hi! was disturbingly rude. unhyuk glared at hi!. How daredhe? /( won>t hel# you with anything. 5ou>re wasting !y ti!e.1 unhyuk #ointed at the door. /t obey hi!, but he was good in hiding it. /&to# acting like a kid. 5ou>re in charge of this, right? &o

    it>s your res*onsibility to teach !e. Or else you better give your #osition to so!eone !ore !ature.1

    Aeither )onghae nor unhyuk knew where )onghae got his con*dent fro! #robably since he wasso fuc!ing tired of all this, and they both got =uite sur#rised. unhyuk didn>t res#ond back to that since he

    wasn>t stu#id )onghae had a huge #oint there. (nstead, he gave hi! his well3known glare before walking overto the :)3#layer.

    /(f you talk to !e like that again ( swear you>ll regret it.1 he said, instead of saying E5es, ( will hel# you>.)onghae s!iled a little, enjoying his victory and unhyuk didn>t fail to notice. /nd don>t !isunderstand

    anything.1 he said. /(>ll still treat you like the #iece of shit you are.1

    /5es, yes.1 )onghae sighed.

    unhyuk turned the !usic on and started to !ove to its rhyth!. His !ove!ents were untidy and co!#letelyweak, only to show how co!#letely un!otivated he was to learn )onghae the dance. He didn>t even try to do it

    good and )onghae thought that that this !ust be a joke. Was a guy like that in charge of the school dance?

    %ut suddenly so!ething ha##ened and unhyuk beca!e !ore and !ore serious in what he was doing till helost hi!self. He danced like there was no eort in what he was doing, even so he danced beautifully sliding

    over the Joor with such s!oothness and !oving his ar!s in legs in #erfect synchroniFation. )onghae widenedhis eyes, being hy#notiFed in his !ove!ents. He felt jealous. unhyuk !ade it look like dancing was the easiestthing a #erson could do till you try it yourself, of course. )onghae had a hard ti!e believing that he wasdancing the sa!e dance )onghae had tried to do just a !o!ent ago. )onghae didn>t wake u# fro! his

    ad!iration till unhyuk sto##ed dancing.

    /How long have you been dancing?1 he asked, his eyes still being huge.

    /&o!e years.1

    /( changed !y !ind.1


    /( don>t want to dance with you. 5ou>ll only !ake !e look bad.1

    unhyuk chuckled and to )onghae>s sur#rise it didn>t sound !ean or like he was !aking fun of hi!. /Drobably1he answered and it actually sounded like he was joking a little with hi!. /5our turn.1

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    )onghae knew unhyuk>s kind of- niceness would disa##ear now )onghae hadn't re!e!ber the ste#s sincehe was too busy looking at unhyuk like he was a t really... Cust show

    !e one !ore ti!e.1

    )onghae had even #re#ared hi!self for the co!!ent andPor the nasty look. %ut instead, unhyuk just walkedover to the :)3#layer to re#lay the song. He #ointed and told )onghae where to stand before he #ressed /#lay1.

    )onghae felt a little e!barrassed and not as con*dent as before when standing beside unhyuk now afterseeing how he danced. %ut unhyuk didn>t look at hi! when dancing but just at hi!self and that !ade )onghae

    !ore co!fortable. When the song sto##ed unhyuk walked over to sit in front of )onghae.

    /5our turn.1 he said again and waited.

    /re you going to watch?1 )onghae asked, a little nervous.

     $he =uestion was so stu#id that unhyuk, being unhyuk, couldn>t resist. /Ao, stu#id, ( just *nd it very a!usings#ending !y ti!e with you.1 he answered and started to talk with his usual rudeness.

    )onghae cleared his throat. /5ou don>t have to stay. $hank you for your hel#.1

    /)on>t be such a #ussy. ( already wasted too !uch ti!e on you and ( want to see that it at least was worth it.1

    /What if it wasn>t?1

    unhyuk s!irked. /$hen (>ll be e0tre!ely ha##y since (>ll kick you out.1

     $he younger widened his eyes. /5ou can>t do that.1

    /$ry !e.1

    )onghae had no idea if unhyuk was being serious or not. (f unhyuk really could kick hi! out then why wouldhe wait till now? %ut then again, )onghae couldn>t forget the fact that unhyuk wasunhyu! . He looked over at

    the clock K.Q8 #.!. /(t>s already L7.1 

    /(>! starting to lose !y #atience.1 unhyuk just answered back. )onghae sighed. $hen he decided to just get itover with and nodded to unhyuk allowing hi! to turn the !usic on.

    )onghae !anaged to do a #retty good job when trying to ignore the fact that unhyuk was watching hi!. %utthen he just had to ignore it since he had to use his entire !ind to re!e!ber the ste#s. He thought about what

    unhyuk had said about kicking hi! out and forced hi!self to do his best. He danced like he re!e!bered for a!o!ent co!#letely forgetting that unhyuk was there. %ut when he for a second glanced over at unhyuk,

    instead of looking at hi!self, he saw that unhyuk was staring at hi!. He was su##osed towatch hi!,not stare at hi! like that. (t re!e!bered hi! about the *rst day when he arrived and unhyuk had been staring

    at hi! just like he was doing now, with intense eyes. (t beca!e too unco!fortable and )onghae couldn>tconcentrate any!ore. He sto##ed. /Wh3what?1 he asked

    /What what?1

    /Why are you staring at !e like that?1

    /(>! not staring.1

     $here was an e/tremely  awkwardness in the air e0ce#t for this ti!e )onghae saw that unhyuk, for the *rstti!e, felt awkward too. /Well, how did ( do?1 he asked, and thought about the girls that had asked the sa!e

    thing. 0ce#t that )onghae>s voice wasn>t as high as theirs and unhyuk>s res#ond wasn>t as gentle as when hewas talking to the!.

    /5eah.1 he just !uttered before raising hi!self, grabbed his bag and left. Was that even an answer?

    Chapter five, part one

    )onghae al!ost got scolded when returning to his dor!. &iwon !ade hi!self very clear; the #rinci#aldid not  like it when students broke the rules. )onghae was twenty !inutes late, which !eant that he had

    broken the *rst ruleI )o not be outside your dor! after L7#.!. %ut )onghae was an e0#ert with cute s!iles andeyes so &iwon ended u# with just saying a /)on>t be late again. 5ou>re lucky no one saw you.1

    N N

     $oday it was riday and )onghae woke u# half an hour before everybody else, as always, to !ake his breakfast.He tried to wake &iwon u# too, but &iwon was too tired to wake u# and )onghae was too tired to try. (nstead hedecided to be a good friend and do breakfast both to hi! and to &iwon. He sli##ed his feet into his *sh3sli##ers

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    before silently o#en his door and walk over to the kitchen. When being al!ost there he suddenly heard a dooro#en so!ewhere behind hi!. He froFe and ho#ed that when he turned around he would see &iwon standing

    there. %ut it wasn>t &iwon he saw; he saw a #erson that didn>t belong there at all a girl. $he girl got out fro!&ung!in and unhyuk>s roo! and when she realiFed that she wasn>t alone in the corridor she looked at

    )onghae with the sa!e sur#rised look that )onghae had. $hey stared at each other for a !o!ent before shesuddenly blushed and al!ost ran out of sight. )onghae got that disgusting feeling again just like yesterday.

    "aybe she was &ung!in>s girlfriend, he thought. %ut then he shook that thought out of his !ind because hereally didn>t care.

    /)oes &ung!in have a girlfriend?1 )onghae asked when he and &iwon were sitting at their little table in theirroo!, eating their breakfast. &iwon shrugged his shoulders. /( saw a girl getting out fro! their dor!.1

    /&ung!in didn>t slee# in his roo! this night.1

    )onghae widened his eyes and dro##ed the s#oon he was holding. /What?1 was the only thing he could think of saying.

    /$hey do that so!eti!es.1

    /)o what?1

    /5ou know what.1

    /Ao ( don>t.1

    ven &iwon *nd it unco!fortable talking about it. He scratched his head and thought about which words to use./(t>s not our business anyway.1 he decided to say instead. /&o don>t butt in1. &iwon got back to his eating while

    )onghae just stared at his cereals. /What?1 &iwon asked after a while, when seeing the botherso!e look on)onghae>s face.

    /Aothing.1 )onghae res#onded before raising hi!self fro! his seat. /( just lost !y a##etite.1

    While &iwon was brushing his teeth and getting dressed )onghae took all their #lates back to the kitchen. (t wasstill very early and the students weren>t su##osed to wake u# yet. %ut there already were two students there,talking. When )onghae recogniFed the voice of one of the! he sto##ed walking and stayed out of sight. &ince)onghae didn>t hear sounds that told hi! that the guys were doing so!ething he guessed that they #robably

    were just sitting at a table, chatting.

    /(s it your turn to clean the kitchen?1 he heard unhyuk say. $he guy he was talking too !ust have shaken hishead. (t was #robably &ung!in. /Watch the noticeboard.1 unhyuk said.

    /Why?1 the unknown guy said, with a voice that did not belong to &ung!in. /5ou think it>s your turn?1

    unhyuk didn>t have ti!e to answer before the other guy s#oke again.

    /+oo! 678.1 he said. /Whose roo! is it?1

    &ince unhyuk didn>t res#ond i!!ediately )onghae guessed that he was thinking. /(sn>t it :hoi &iwon>s roo!?1unhyuk said.

    /nd that new guy? $he #oor one?1 the other one added.

    )onghae would have glared at hi! if he could see hi!. "ust they be sofrea!ing snobbish?

    unhyuk chuckled. /5eah, ( think it>s the!.1 $here was a silence, but only just a few seconds. /Cunsu yah.1unhyuk suddenly said and in )onghae>s o#inion it sounded very  sus#icious. He could i!agine that unhyukwas s!irking. /)on>t you think it>s #retty clean here?1. $he guy na!ed Cunsu laughed co!#letely

    understanding unhyuk>s #oint. )onghae understood it too and he got an i!#ulsive feeling of wanting toscrea! at the! in their face. %ut he still had his co!!on sense left and the only thing he did was to sigh

    soundlessly and return to his dor!.

    /)idn>t you return the #lates?1 &iwon asked when )onghae returned.

    /Dre#are yourself.1 )onghae answered with. /We>ll havea lot 1 he widened his eyes and e!#hasiFed the wordsEa lot>. /to clean.1 &iwon raised his eyebrows, not understanding what )onghae was talking about. %ut he justhad to go to the kitchen to understand. $he kitchen was a total !ess, al!ost all #lates that this kitchen had

    were dirty and food was on the Joor and even on the walls. (t was so chaotic that unhyuk and the guy na!ed Cunsu i!#ossible could have done it by the!selves. $hat was the *rst ti!e )onghae saw &iwon furious. %ut&iwon controlled hi!self and just !uttered swearwords and =uietly insulted unhyuk, &ung!in, Cunsu, a guy

    na!ed &hindong and so!e other na!es )onghae couldn>t re!e!ber.

    /)oes it feel like ho!e now, you #oor i!becile?1 they suddenly heard &ung!in say. When turning around they

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    saw unhyuk, a chubby guy with funny hair also fro! their class )onghae couldn>t re!e!ber his na!e though and &ung!in standing in the door way. When unhyuk and the chubby guy laughed &iwon raised hi!self,

    totally #issed o. )onghae was =uick to grab his shirt and #ull hi! back. He glared at &iwon, with eyes that toldhi! to not  do anything stu#id. &iwon gave the three boys a nasty look before getting back to hel# )onghae


    nd so the day started. (t was a usual day, like always, e0ce#t that )onghae e0#erienced what @ibu! !eant

    when saying that &ung!in beca!e Ebrain dead> when unhyuk wasn>t around. )uring their singing class)onghae al!ost got a shock when &ung!in neither said nor did anything to hi!. He was just like a regular

    student. He was not nice to hi! and he was not !ean to hi!, he just acted like he didn>t know hi!.

    K#.! was )onghae at the dance #ractice roo! like always. He was #retty good with catching u# with theschool dance. unhyuk had given hi! a theoretical lesson for about si0 !inutes before giving hi! three disks.)onghae didn>t even have ti!e to say Ethank you> before unhyuk left, al!ost running away. When unhyukwas e0#laining everything he was talking e0tre!ely fast and low, #robably because he didn>t want anyone to

    see hi! talking to +onghae of all #eo#le, and when )onghae tried to ask so!ething he glared and threaten hi!with not hel#ing hi! at all. (n other words; unhyuk wasn>t really !uch of a hel#. %ut that didn>t !atter since

    )onghae was really good. When he didn>t re!e!ber the ste#s or the choreogra#hy he just i!#rovised. Hedidn't care; he just loved dancing and didn>t care if he was following unhyuk>s choreogra#hy or not.

    He was so dee#ly focused in what he was doing that he, for the second ti!e since !aking the deal, forgot theti!e. /Why are you still here?1 unhyuk asked in irritation when seeing hi!.

    /(>! sorry.1 )onghae walked over to his own bag. /( was just leaving.1

    unhyuk took his outer clothes o before o#ening the big bag he always had with hi! when #racticing, and tookout a blank tank to#. /4eave the disk inside the :)3#layer.1 he said.

    )onghae didn>t have to turn around to look at unhyuk, since the !irror was there. He didn>t answer to whatunhyuk said since he wasn>t listening. He was looking intensely at unhyuk through the !irror reJection,watching as unhyuk took his shirt o to re#lace it with the tank to#. He was really skinny; )onghae could

    clearly see it now. %ut he still had so!e visible !uscles which he #robably got fro! dancing. He really was goodlooking, )onghae couldn>t deny that. $oo bad he was such an asshole though.

    /re you listening?1 unhyuk asked, his voice being a !i0 between annoyance and irritation since he noticedthat )onghae wasn>t listening, waking u# )onghae fro! his thoughts.

    /5es.1 )onghae said since he didn>t want to !ake unhyuk even !ore irritated. He had no idea what he wassaying Eyes> to. He ke#t looking at unhyuk, who crouched down again and started digging in his bag. /:an ( askyou a =uestion?1 )onghae suddenly asked, still looking at unhyuk through the !irror. unhyuk didn>t res#ond

    and )onghae didn>t know if it was because no, he could not as a =uestion or because unhyuk knew that)onghae would ask anyway. /re you !ean to !e because you don>t like !e or because your friends tells you


    unhyuk sto##ed with what he was doing and al!ost tensed his body. %ut he didn>t answer. (nstead, he justcontinued #acking u# his things this ti!e a #air of shoes and #retended that he wasn>t listening.

    /( think you>re doing a lot against your will.1 )onghae said and watched unhyuk all the ti!e while s#eaking. Hewanted to see his reaction. /5ou don>t see! like a bad #erson.1

     $hat was the last straw. unhyuk lost his #atience and raised hi!self only to sla! the door o#en for )onghae toleave. /$hen think again, dickhead.1 he hissed.

    )onghae sighed before grabbing his own bag and leaving.'t was at least worth trying

    , he thought as unhyuksla!!ed the door behind hi!.

    (t was raining when )onghae got out of the building where the #ractice roo! was. $he weather was totallyune0#ected he was only wearing jeans, a $3shirt and a su!!er jacket. He didn>t even have so!ething to coverhis head with. nd he was carrying a heavy bag so he couldn>t even run fast back to his dor!. nd to add yet

    another thing his dor! was on the o##osite side, so he had to cross the whole school area before being there.He sighed heavily, before !aking hi!self ready.

    When *nally arriving he walked u# the stairs with heavy ste#s. $he jacket he was wearing wasn>t really !uch of a hel# even his shirt was wet. t least the school unifor! would kee# his $3shirt dry. His wet jeans were #asted

    to his legs; !aking it very  unco!fortable. He walked like a #enguin, waddling without bending his knees. Hedragged hi!self to his door i!agining how wonderful it would be with a blanket right now. He knocked the

    door and called for his roo!!ate but no one o#ened. $hen he dug in his #ants #ockets but didn>t *nd what hewas searching for; the keys. (nstead he took his cell #hone out and saw that so!eone had sent hi! a !essage.

    '(m out with some friends, if you don(t 0nd me in the dorm.Siwon.

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    )onghae #ut the cell #hone back in his jeans #ocket before checking if his keys were in the #ockets of his jacket.Ao, they weren>t. He searched for the! in his bag but still didn't *nd anything. Ao #roble!s, he thought and

    grabbed his #hone again. He called &iwon and refused to believe it when he heard &iwon>s #hone calling fro!the other side of the door. Hadn>t he brought the #hone with hi!?G He hung u# the #hone before digging in all

    his #ockets again. Aothing. $hen he realiFed that that he hadn>t brought the keys with hi! in the *rst #lace andthey were #robably laying on his bedside table right now.

     $oday just wasn>t )onghae>s day.

    He !oaned in frustration. Who knows for how long &iwon would be out? He ke#t knocking on the door andsearch in his #ockets and bag again, even though he knew it was co!#letely useless. &uddenly he heard ste#swalking towards hi! and he begged, ho#ing fro! the botto! of his heart, that it would be &iwon. %ut with the

    luck he had today it would sur#rise hi! if it actually was hi!.

    nd of course, it wasn>t. $he boy walking towards the corridor was not &iwon but 4ee Hyukjae.1f course itwould be hi!. $he day couldn>t #ossibly get any worse. )onghae al!ost !oaned out loud in co!#lainant again,

    but !anaged to sto# hi!self. unhyuk with his brown wet hair #asted to his face walked #assed )onghaewithout giving hi! one singe look and sto##ed in front of a door looking e0actly like the one )onghae wasstanding in front. $he only dierence was the nu!ber; the door in front of hi! had the nu!ber E67Q> while

    )onghae>s had E678>. He watched as unhyuk, being just as wet as )onghae was, searched for his keys in his#ockets and unlike )onghae he actually o#ened his door.

    /Hyukjae shi.1 )onghae called i!#ulsively, before unhyuk entered his roo!. He realiFed that he was about todo so!ething he #robably would never forgive hi!self for. %ut what else could he do? He was des#erate.

    unhyuk turned to face hi!, a sur#rised look on his face, but he didn>t say anything. /( forgot !y keys.1 he saidawkwardly.

    unhyuk stared at hi! for a !o!ent, not understanding what that had to do with hi!. $hen he entered hisroo!, without saying a word and closed the door behind hi!.

    )onghae wanted to #unch hi!. How could anyone be so freaking heartless?G He sighed in frustration and wasabout to curse out loud when he heard the door o#en. He looked at where the sound was co!ing fro! and onlygot to see so!ething white being thrown at hi!. $he white thing, being very soft, hit his face and then he heardthe door being closed again. He grabbed it to ins#ect it and to his sur#rise he saw that it was a folded towel and

    inside a white $3shirt. )onghae s!iled. /(diot...1 he !u!bled softly to hi!self.

    When changing to the $3shirt he stayed there in the corridor, sitting beside his door. He felt like a ho!eless childright now. He chuckled a little at the thought while thinking about &ung!in and unhyuk. $hen he sighed and

    tried to #re#are hi!self for the long wait.

    (t was riday night and the students, at least on this Joor, where rarely there this at this #oint of ti!e. nd itwas very =uiet on this Joor, so )onghae could easily guess that there were very few students that were inside

    their dor!s now. t least he knew unhyuk was in his roo!. He looked at the door !arked with the nu!berE67Q>. He sighed and #ut the towel over hi!, as a blanket, since he was freeFing thanks to the water. t least hisu##er body wasn>t wet any!ore. %ut his jeans and legs still were which !ade it e0tre!ely unco!fortable to sit

    down. (t was unco!fortable to stand u# too, so it didn>t really !atter.

    fter sitting there for al!ost two hours he *nally heard so!e ste#s walking towards hi!. 2lease, *lease, *lease, *lease, he thought as the ste#s beca!e louder and louder. He turned his head and saw his hero.

    /&iwon aaaaahG1 he yelled as he Jew u# fro! his seat and al!ost threw hi!self over the taller one. &iwonlaughed a little, not really knowing what was going on, when )onghae suddenly hugged hi! hard. $hen,

    )onghae #ulled away and glared at hi!. /Where have you been?G1 he asked, like a !other would ask her child.

    /With so!e friends.1 he said and raised his eyebrows even !ore, if that even was #ossible. /( te0ted you.1

     /+ight.1 )onghae said after giving hi!self so!e seconds to think. /5ou did.1

    &iwon chuckled. /Why are you waiting here?1

    /( forgot !y keys. (>ve been waiting here for two hours.1

    /+eally? t even bring !y cell #hone.1 he said and )onghae saw that he got a bad conscience./(>! sorry.1

    )onghae shook his head. /)on>t be. (t wasn>t your fault. ( !ean, ( was the careless one. Cust o#en the door,#lease.1

    )onghae al!ost !oaned when changing fro! his wet and cold jeans to his war!, grey sweat#ants. %ut hedidn>t since he #robably would scare the heck out of &iwon if he did. (nstead he threw hi!self on his bed, feeling

    like the !ost satis*ed #erson earth. $hen he looked at the $3shirt and towel that didn>t belong to hi!, beforeraising hi!self u# again.

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    /Where are you going?1 &iwon, who was sitting on his own bed with his la#to#, asked when seeing that )onghaewas !aking his way out of the roo!.

    /(>ll just return this.1 )onghae answered and grabbed the shirt and towel.

    /Whose is it?1

    )onghae laughed. /5ou wouldn>t believe !e if ( told you.1

    He carefully knocked the door and felt his heart beat a little faster. Ao wonder he was voluntarily entering theene!ies> territory. He heard so!eone say so!ething and guessed that it was a /:o!e in1, even thought it

    didn>t sound like it. He slowly o#ened the door, as if he was afraid a !onster would attack hi! if he wasn>t beingcareful.

     $he roo!, being i!#ressively clean, was al!ost like his and &iwon>s; two beds on either side of the roo!, a deskwith two chairs, a door to their bathroo! and two wardrobes all this looking e0actly like it did in )onghae>s

    roo!. %ut what this roo! also had was a big television, a :)3#layer, two la#to#s and even a little couch, in frontof their television. (t didn>t look like a student>s roo! in a school but just a teenage roo! belonging to two

    snobbish brats. One funny thing with this roo!, )onghae thought, was that one side was co!#letely #ink whilethe other side had rather dark colors.

    /( need you to hel# !e with so!ething.1 unhyuk said.

    He was sitting at the desk, his back facing )onghae, and he was... studying? )onghae cleared his throat to getunhyuk>s attention, since he knew that what unhyuk just had said wasn>t !eant to hi!. unhyuk turned

    around and when he did )onghae got ever !ore sur#rised. unhyuk was wearing glasses and i!!ediately tookthe! o when realiFing that )onghae wasn>t &ung!in. He glared.

    /( just wanted to return this.1 )onghae said and held u# the shirt and towel so unhyuk could see it.

    /$here.1 unhyuk si!#ly answered and #ointed at the bed with a dark brown coverlet. He turned around againand sat back down on his chair. )onghae did as he was told and was about to leave when he glanced over at the

    abandoned glasses on the desk.

    /( didn>t know you wore glasses.1 he said, sur#rised. He knew he #robably shouldn>t !ention it but he couldn>tresist.

    /Only when (>! reading.1 unhyuk was =uick to answer, without turning around.

    /5ou look good in the!1. )onghae didn>t know why he said that but he knew that he always had been an honest#erson he couldn>t hel# it. He never got to know what unhyuk would have res#onded since the door suddenly

    went o#en.

    /Hyukie, (1&ung!in started but went silent when seeing )onghae there. He looked at hi! in sur#rise beforeturning to look at hi! nastily. $hen he just ignored hi! as always.

    /( guess (>ll just leave.1 )onghae said and got no res#ond fro! neither of the!. /$hanks anyway.1

    %efore closing the door behind hi! he heard &ung!in sayI /w, what was he doing here? )on>t let hi! inG1 andunhyuk res#ondingI /( wont.

    Chapter five, part two

     $he L7#.!3rule didn>t count today and )onghae was incredible bored. When he returned fro! unhyuk and&ung!in's roo! he saw that &iwon was studying. He knew he should do it too but he wasn>t in the !ood for itand didn>t have any #lans of doing it either. He thought about asking &iwon do to so!ething with hi! but heknew that &iwon had way too !uch disci#line for that. (nstead he thought about another #erson, so!eone hehad a little !ore inJuence on, and stretched his ar! over to his bedside table where his cell #hone was lying.

    “ 5eoboseyo.1 @ibu! said in the #hone.

    /What are you doing?1


    /)o you want to go for a walk?1

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    /5es. (>! bored. re you busy?1

    @ibu! was silent for a !o!ent. /2h...1 he said and )onghae could hear that he was doing so!ething. He was#robably studying too. /Ao.1 he *nally said, but didn>t sound very honest. /2h, no.1 He went silent again before

    re#eating hi!self. /Ao, (>! not.1 he said again and this ti!e sounded !ore honest. /(>ll just... change clothes. (>llbe over in a !inute.1

    )onghae knew @ibu! well and he knew that he had interru#ted hi! in so!ething. /(t>s okay if you>re busy. Wecan do it so!e other ti!e.1

    BAo, no.1 @ibu! said and )onghae could hear that he was o#ening his wardrobe. /(>ll be there in a !inute.1

    )onghae s!iled. /(>ll be waiting.1

    nd as #ro!ised, only after just so!e !inutes @ibu! knocked the door. )onghae told &iwon goodbye before#utting his jacket and shoes on and o#ened the door. /Were you studying?1 )onghae asked sus#iciously when

    getting out of his dor!.

    /Ao.1 @ibu! answered but )onghae could tell he was lying.

    He sighed over dra!atically, only to show @ibu! how ho#eless he was. @ibu! chuckled. %efore they left)onghae got a feeling that so!eone was watching the!, e0actly the sa!e feeling he had the *rst day he

    arrived here. He turned around and saw that unhyuk and &ung!in>s bedroo! door was o#ened, only enoughfor so!eone to #eek at the!. He saw &ung!in s!irking before closing the door. @ibu! looked at )onghae with

    a =uestioning look while )onghae just shrug his shoulders.

    s soon as they got out fro! the school area )onghae got a feeling of freedo! that he couldn>t describe. He feltboth ha##y and rela0ed. He grabbed @ibu! by the ar! and @ibu! i!!ediately froFe while getting his cheeks a

    little redder./Why are you being so shy?1 )onghae asked when seeing @ibu!>s reaction.

    B(>! not shy.1

    /5es you are.1

    /Ao, (>! just tired.1

    )onghae laughed. /$ired and blushing?1

    @ibu! didn>t re#ly and )onghae hadn>t e0#ected hi! to do so either. $hey walked in silence. (t was rarely theye0#erienced an unco!fortable silence together, even though they were so dierent. )onghae loved talking

    while @ibu! wasn>t really good at it. %ut they knew how to co!#ro!ise, without ever !aking it awkward. $heyknew how to talk with their eyes and body. Words were rarely needed.

    /( was really sad when you left.1 )onghae suddenly said. @ibu! didn>t answer. He didn>t even look at his hyung. $he only thing he did was to blush. gain. /&eeG1 )onghae laughed. /5ou>re blushingG1

    /Ao, (>! not. &to# it.1

    )onghae laughed again, *nding @ibu!>s shyness e0tre!ely cute.

    /How are your #arents?1 @ibu! asked to change the subject. /nd your hyung?1

    /Hyung is *ne. He>s still working. nd !y !o!>s *ne too. &he still asks about you, you know, every now andthen. 4ike, Ehow>s @ibu!ie? Have you talked to @ibu!ie?>.1 )onghae tried to talk as high3#itched as #ossible and

    so!ehow tried to sound like his !other. %ut he just ended u# sounding like he was in #ain which !ade @ibu!laugh.

    @ibu!>s laugh was rare; he wasn>t an angry #erson but just a #erson that was always very serious. "aking@ibu! laugh !ade )onghae>s heart war!. (t always had. %ut then @ibu! sto##ed laughing when he noticedthat )onghae hadn>t !entioned his father. He didn>t know whether he should bring it u# or not. %ut he did it

    anyway, with the thought that if so!ething really had ha##ened then )onghae would #robably feel better if hetalked about it.

    /nd your dad?1 he asked and tried to s!oothly say it while trying to hide the fact that he actually was worriedabout the answer. /(s he still sick?1

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     $he shining aura )onghae always had i!!ediately disa##eared. He swallowed and cleared his throat, as if trying to get a hold of his voice, before answering. /He got worse.1

    @ibu! didn>t have to ask !ore to understand. /(>! sorry.1 was the only thing he could think of to say.

    )onghae s!iled, a way of trying to tell @ibu! that he was *ne. %ut @ibu! saw right through hi!. /(t>s alright.1he said. /$hanks.1

     $hey both went silent again and @ibu! tried to =uickly co!e u# with so!ething !ore to say. /)o you want totalk about it?1

    )onghae shook his head. /(t>s okay.1

    /( know (>! not that good with words. %ut (>! a good listener.1

     $he older one s!iled again, only this ti!e a little ha##ier. /( know.1 He sto##ed walking which !ade @ibu! sto#as well. /5ou can hug !e instead1. $his ti!e @ibu! didn>t blush. (nstead he just stared at )onghae, as if trying

    to *gure out if )onghae was !essing with hi! or not. )onghae laughed. /5ou>re so slow.1 he said beforehugging the younger by his waist.

     5es, @ibu! was slow; because it took so!e seconds for hi! to realiFe that )onghae was not !essing with, andres#ond the hug.

    /5ou>ve grown.1 )onghae said when @ibu! hugged hi! back.

    @ibu! chuckled soundlessly, but )onghae could feel it since he was being so close; his head on @ibu!>sshoulder. /(>ve always been taller.1

    /&to# bragging.1

     $hey both laughed a little and then stayed liked that in silence. 2ntil @ibu! broke it. /Hyung?1 he said and)onghae could hear that he was hesitating.


    /( need to tell you so!ething.1

    )onghae #ulled away fro! the hug to show that he was listening, since @ibu! suddenly was sounding like hehad so!ething really i!#ortant to say. %ut @ibu! never got to *nish what he wanted to say, because a grou# of 

    guys interru#ted the!.

    /What have we here?1 a voice behind )onghae and @ibu! said. $hey both turned around and al!ost lost theirbreath. $en guys were standing there, all covering their faces with so!ething. $he one s#eaking had a scarf thatcovered all his face e0ce#t fro! his eyes. $he ones that didn>t have a scarf had #ulled down their ca# to cover

    their eyes while others used their hood.

     $his could i!#ossibly be a good sign. )onghae and @ibu! looked at each other, asking with the eyes if the !anwas talking to the! even if it was obvious-, before turning to look at the one s#eaking.

    /What are two turtle doves like you doing out here at this hour?1 another one, standing beside the one how#reviously s#oke, asked. $hey both had unknown voices but when )onghae looked at @ibu! again he got a

    feeling that @ibu! knew who they were. $he guys standing behind the! were chuckling and #robably grinning

    too. $he one s#eaking now was taller and stronger then both @ibu! and )onghae together, co!#ared to the*rst one who was tall but skinny. )onghae !oved so!e ste#s closer to @ibu!, not knowing if they should

    res#ond or not.

    /We>re on our way ho!e.1 @ibu! answered and )onghae could hear the eort he !ade in trying to sound cal!.While res#onding @ibu! took a s!all ste# forward to stand in front of )onghae. )onghae grabbed his

    hand,without the guys noticing, even though they were standing dangerously close to the two boys. Where