Successful Living 13 Jan with images - Inspired …...people. But it is also true that billions of...


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Introduction................................................................................................................ 3

Discover our life reality............................................................................................... 5

Myth #1 - Successful People are Lucky ............................................................. 6

Myth #2 - Your Problems Are Other People’s Fault ............................................ 7

Myth #3 - Rich People Are Either Greedy or Born That Way.............................. 7

Myth #4 - You Are Who You Are and Can’t Change............................................ 8

Change Your Thoughts and You Will Change Your Life........................................... 8

Visual Thought Exercise ..................................................................................... 11

Auditory Thought Exercise................................................................................... 11

Tactile Thought Exercise...................................................................................... 12

How to Achieve Your Goals ......................................................................................... 14

Four Steps to Achieve Your Goals........................................................................ 14

Empowered Questioning Technique..................................................................... 16

B.A.G. Method...................................................................................................... 19

Personal Growth............................................................................................................ 23

Health ............................................................................................................................. 25

Wealth/ Abundance ....................................................................................................... 26

Relationships ................................................................................................................ 29

Productivity ................................................................................................................... 30

Resources ..................................................................................................................... 32


Why I created this ebook?

Have you ever asked yourself why you have been put on this Earth and what your purpose is?Have you ever felt trapped, unfulfilled at your current life or job and wish you had something better?Do you feel that you are working hard at your job, but getting no where, only to feel exhausted and frustrated?

It is time for you to transform your life and live the life you have always wanted.

Congratulations on taking a proactive step to read this ebook. What you’re about to learn are the principles of success that most people NEVER discover in their lifetime.

You might asked, if this information is so powerful, why isn't everybody talking about it?

The answer is simple . . .

Because most people are too busy voicing their own opinions about how life should be lived, and not enough people are willing to take the time to listen. What you’re about to read is not being taught in schools; yet, most people assumed that their conventional education is all that they need to get by in life.

When they find that something isn’t working, they continue to apply the same strategy hoping that one day they'll get lucky and produce a different result. Either that or they blame some other person or exterior circumstance and thus continue to hang on to the beliefs that are actually causing them to take actions that aren’t getting them what they want.

It’s also typical of human to hang on to beliefs long after they have outlived their usefulness. Many people grow up in circumstances that cause them to develop irrational beliefs or defense mechanisms. However, once those circumstances have

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passed, they are left hanging on to the beliefs and behaviors that got them by for a time, despite that they are no longer useful in their new environment.

So believe it or not, even when this eBook is free, most people will never benefit from the information in it for one reason: They don't believe that they need it. They're not actively seeking a solution because of the belief that what they already know is enough.

Thankfully, you've reached a point in your life where you’re hungry for more than just the traditional knowledge about what it takes to be successful. You've probably heard it said that people who get exactly what they want out of life are either ridiculously rich, uncannily lucky, or both.

But as you're about to discover in reading this book, getting what you want has nothing to do with how much money you have or how lucky you are. The sooner you accept this, the sooner you can put the genuine principles of success into practice.

And believe me, when you do, you’ll have everybody telling you how lucky you are.

Before you read any further please watch the following video that shows you how to become your best self yet through this video you will discover a powerful secret that direct the universe to give you the life of your dreams:

Important Video: How you can create financial, emotional and spiritual abundance

Once you’ve watched that free video, continue with the rest of this eBook – keeping in mind what you’ve just learned about these secrets and what they can help you gain in your life.

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Discover our life reality

The world is evloving by the seconds and for many it is scary. I was scared too. However, I decided to learn useful techniques to improve my life rather than constantly being nervous over the future. It is all about knowing what to do, and knowing what system works. What have worked for me, I am eager to share so that it can help many more people. It will be extremely useful to just about anyone. For examples, people looking for a job, people looking for a career change or those who want to work for themselves, people who want to pursue their passion and live life on their own term. People who are retired or going to retire soon. I sincerely want to be of service to you by sharing doable simple technique that can improve most aspects of your life.

Everything that you know about living your life your way is probably wrong, and that's okay. After all, you can only go by the things that you've learned in your experience and education. You probably went to school just like every other person on the planet and learned the basic ABCs and 123s, a little bit about history, a little bit about science, and a little bit about a couple of other things you probably can't even remember.

You probably learned how to pass the tests and to please your teacher and parents, but you might not have the slightest idea as to how to really please yourself. You probably learned how to stay out of trouble with the authorities at your school, but might not have learned the principles of persuasion, influence and leadership.

You might have learned a little bit about the human body, but what you learned probably didn’t help you to gain a healthy body. You probably studied about the great people of history, but you probably never learned how to live by the principles that made them great.

Most important, you probably learned how to count money and to make change, but chances are you don't know as much as you’d like to about earning good money and building wealth.

In other words, what you learned in school did little to help you understand how the world really works.

Sound impossible?

Let's look at a few statistics:

Less than 20% of the world’s population controls over 80% of the wealth.

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The majority of individuals living in highly industrialized societies are either overweight or obese.

The majority of people are living paycheck to paycheck.

This is not to mention the nearly astronomical amount of consumer debt that plagues most working and middle-class people.

Now let's take an honest look at the circumstances of your life: do you have the relationships you really want?

Are you satisfied with your level of self-confidence and inner peace?

Do you make enough money to have a reasonable amount of financial security and to buy the things you want?

Are you satisfied with the condition of your physical health?

And most important:

If you were to leave this world, what kind of a legacy would you leave behind in the hearts and minds of the people you love most?

If any of the above questions caused an unsettled feeling in your heart, a sense of dissatisfaction, shame or even guilt, then one thing is certain:

The rules that you learned to live your life according to the world aren’t producing the results you really want.

As depressing as this might seem, it is actually a very good place to start when it comes to fulfilling your dreams and living your best life.

Why is this?

Dissatisfaction presents you with an opportunity to change your approach and thus to get the results you really want. This starts with accepting the fact that the way the world works is different than what you might now believe. If this were not true, you’d probably be a whole lot more satisfied with your life and have more of what you really want.

So now that we have that out of the way, let’s look at a few of the popular myths that keep people from getting what they really want:

Myth #1: Successful People are Lucky

There is no doubt that chance plays a role in all of our lives. There is no doubt that sometimes bad things happen to good people and that good things happen to bad

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people. But it is also true that billions of people go through their lives tolerating poverty, poor relationships and poor health because of scarcity mindset.

In his best-selling book Think and Grow Rich, author Napoleon Hill wrote about a series of experiments conducted to determine how lucky people got to be that way. Is it really up to fate, or is there something else going on?

The results of the experiment proved that lucky people were simply those who remembered the good things that had happened to them and who focused on what they really wanted.

On the other hand, people with scacity mindset remembered mostly the bad things that had happened to them and focused on what they didn’t want.

As you’re about to learn, this alone is the most important difference between people who get what they want and people who don't get what they want.

Myth #2: Your Problems Are Other People’s Fault

Most people who aren’t getting what they want out of life will be quick to tell you exactly who or what caused their life to turn out that way. In other words, most people see themselves as victims of either circumstances or the choices of others and thus neglect their own power to assert control over their own life.

Again, there is no doubt that chance plays a role in all of our lives and that we’re sometimes directly or indirectly affected by the choices of others. However, the most successful people in the world acknowledge that no matter what happens to them, they are always in control of who they decide to become as a result.

And that makes all the difference.

Myth #3: Rich People Are Either Greedy or Were Born that Way

This is probably the leading cause of poverty and financial misfortune. Believing that rich people are greedy makes it almost certain that you will never become rich yourself. After all, who wants to be seen as a greedy person? Not to mention this belief will also keep you from seeking advice from wealthy people about how to make money and build wealth.

Instead, you'll end up doing what the majority of people do: They take financial advice from other low- and middle-class people and wonder why they stay broke. The belief that rich people were “born that way” is just as crippling. Over 80% of the millionaires in North America are first-generation rich. That means they built their wealth out of nothing.

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There’s no reason why you can’t do the same. However, first you have to let go of the myth that rich people have to be either greedy or born that way.

Myth #4: You Are Who You Are and Can’t Change

There’s no doubt that genetics plays a role in our development and in our capabilities to perform certain duties in life. But there are also a lot of people who believe that they were born the way they are and that there's nothing they can do to change. For example, many people are shy or passive and believe that it's just the way their innate nature that can’t be altered.

The same is true with people's beliefs about their degree of willpower, self-reliance, creativity, discipline, assertiveness and many other character traits.

Many people have problems with anger, poor health, low self-esteem, procrastination or timidity and believe that they are that way because of their parents, their nationality, their cultural upbringing and a whole slew of other things.

In reality, all of these character traits are a result of habits that a person has formed by a lifetime of repeated choices. Once these choices become a habit, people develop the crippling belief that these habits are no longer choices.

Your life and your habits are not products of your genetics or your circumstances; they are the product of your choices. You are about to learn how to start making the choices that will make all the difference in living your life your way.

Change Your Thoughts and You Will Change Your Life

Have you ever given any thought as to just how powerful those thoughts of yours are? Most people never do because of the fact that their thoughts aren’t something they can reach out and grab hold of. Because thoughts occur in the privacy of the mind, it’s all too easy to dismiss them as they have no bearing on the reality of outer life.

As a result of this, many people greatly underestimate the power of their thoughts and thus never bother to learn how to control and focus their mind. When they put conscious effort into what’s going on in their brain, thoughts can help them get what they really want out of life.

The mind is an interesting place, full of potential like a plot of land. If you don't make a proactive effort to plant and to nurture the seeds that will bring forth the kinds of fruit you want, you’ll end up with a lot of other things that you don’t want.

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Most people's minds are full of negative and disempowering thoughts – not because they've chosen these thoughts, specifically, but because they've neglected to choose more empowering ones.

Where do such negative thoughts come from? Thoughts are a direct result of past experiences, education and conditioning.

It is these thoughts that influence your beliefs about how the world works, and those beliefs in turn affect your interactions with the world. These interactions include your relationships, your efforts to earn money and build wealth, your eating habits, your physical activities, and hundreds of other things that produce the results that make up your lifestyle.

Considering this, it's probably a good idea to give a second thought to just how important your thoughts are. Just imagine what kind of results you could produce in your life if you could begin to choose different thoughts that would build different beliefs about how the world works – beliefs that would inspire different actions and get different results.

How can you choose thoughts that will lead to results that you really want? You begin by choosing thoughts consistent with what you really want.

Think you're doing this already? Here's something to think about:

Most people have a much stronger idea of what they DON’T want than what they do want. Just ask anyone what they really want from their job, their relationship, their financial life and their health. Chances are they will tell you things that that they would prefer to avoid.

This is because they are always thinking about what they don't want. These thoughts are what influence their beliefs about how the world works. These negative views affect their actions, and those actions produce results that are consistent with the seeds that led to those actions: thoughts.

Thoughts = Beliefs = Actions = Results

Now, here’s a question to ask yourself:

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What kinds of results are you going to continue to get in your life if your way of thinking never changes? All you have to do is look at the results you're getting, and there's your answer.

Let’s look at how your thoughts are produced and what you can do to begin to change them.

There are three kinds of thoughts: (visual), “spoken” thought (auditory) and thoughts that you act out in your head (tactile).

For example:

Picture an elephant . . . that's a visual thought.

Read these words without speaking them aloud . . . that’s an auditory thought.

Imagine yourself driving your car . . . that’s a tactile thought.

These are all thoughts that influence your external behaviors: the things you notice most easily, the words you speak, the actions you take. Thankfully, these behaviors can all be changed by choosing different visual, auditory and tactile thoughts.

How is this possible?

It begins by understanding that the brain is a physical body part. There’s nothing magical or spiritual about the brain or its development. Just as you can condition other parts of your body through repetitious exercise, you can also condition your brain.

It’s important to keep in mind, however, that when you first begin to condition your brain, it will seem like an impossible task – just like physical exercise. Think about the first time you tried to run a mile, lift weights, ride a bike, or attempt some other kind of physical exercise you’d never done before.

At first, it might have seemed impossible. You probably wanted to give up. But if you stuck with it, it will get easier and easier until it became second nature.

When you learned to walk, talk or read, it took more than a few tries, right? And just think about how easy those things are to you now. So as we look at a few exercises for conditioning your brain, remember that these are going to take some work and that they'll seem almost impossible at first.

With enough practice, you'll develop the natural habit of choosing thoughts that you really want. These thoughts will become beliefs, these beliefs will inspire actions, and those actions will produce results that are consistent with how you really want to spend your time on this earth.

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Visual Thought Exercise

Start collecting pictures of things that you really want, either in magazines or online. Get poster board, and use it to arrange your favorite photos to create a vision board.

In addition to the pictures of what you really want, put a few pictures of yourself on your vision board as well. This way you’re actually training your mind to see yourself and the things you really want as part of the same picture.

Put your vision board somewhere that you can see it every day, and make sure that you spend some time looking at it. With enough repetition, you'll begin to find that these images will become the dominating thought pictures in your mind.

You'll also begin to notice things throughout the day that are consistent with the life you really want. After enough practice, these new thoughts will begin to influence your actions and produce new results.

Auditory Thought Exercise

Sit down right now, and write down three thoughts that are consistent with what you really want out of life. Be specific. The best way to do this is to ask yourself which character traits you’ll need to produce the results you really want. Once you’ve identified these characteristics, write them down somewhere that you can access them every day: tape them to your bathroom mirror, put a note on your desktop or keep them on your bedside table.

These spoken affirmations will help you to make your verbal thoughts consistent with who you must become in order to get what you really want.

Here are a few examples:

If you want to start your own business or land a better career:

“I am creative, self-reliant and persuasive.”

If you want to take better care of your body:

“I am disciplined, active and a mindful eater.”

If you want better relationships:

“I am a giver, loving and compassionate.”

Now in order for this exercise to work, you have to do it every day. For best results, speak each of your affirmations out loud in the morning and in the evening. Just like your vision board exercise, this will begin to change your auditory thoughts according to what you really want. Those thoughts will change your beliefs, and those beliefs will

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produce the actions you must take to become the version of yourself that you dream of being.

Now, you might notice that all of these affirmations have one thing in common: they’re primarily focused on who you must be to get what you want.

Sure, you can also say things like:

“I’m healthy, thin, financially secure and I have great relationships.”

But if you focus instead on the characteristics and habits which will make you healthy, thin, financially secure and a great friend/partner, the results will naturally follow.

Tactile Thought Exercise

Tactile thought exercises are a little more complicated because they require the use of your entire body. But with a little bit of creativity, you can come up with ways to get physical that reflect what you really want.

For example, author and success coach Jack Canfield once wrote about a party he attended called the “Come as You Will Be” party. Each of the participants came as the person they wanted to be in five years. Some were international business consultants, some were public speakers, and others were success coaches. Some of them even made up fake business cards to hand to their friends at the party.

While it’s important to remember that you also need to take action to get what you want, these kinds of experiences can help you to choose thoughts that will inspire you to action.

Here are a few examples of some things that you can do:

· If you have a certain type of house you want to buy, spend some time driving around neighborhoods with those types of houses. Take pictures, or get out to take a walk in the neighborhood. As you do, pretend that you live there and that your house is only a few blocks away.

· If there’s a particular car you want to buy, go and take it for a test drive. Sit in the car, and imagine yourself owning it. Really get into the experience until you can clearly recall it in your mind.

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· If you have an ambition to run a marathon, but you’re only running a mile a day right now, picture yourself on the last of the 21 miles as you complete your daily run.

· If you have an ambition to start controlling your eating habits, practice pushing your plate away while there is still food on it. Practice this several times in a row, and as you do, imagine yourself thin and healthy. It’s ok – you can still clear that plate!

These kinds of exercises, in conjunction with the auditory and visual exercises, will help you to get your mind in shape. When you learn to get your subconscious thoughts on the same page about your long-term ambitions, the rest of the exercises in this book will become easy.

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Four Steps to Achieve Your GoalsStep 1 - Identify What is Really Important to You.

Think of every aspect of your life. Strong inner life, Family, Health, Career, Finances, Circles of friends, Contributions, etc.

Identify all aspects that are most important to you and write down a list. Rank each area in order of importance.

Set short term and long term goals. Short term can be 6 months to 1 year. Long term can be five year goals or more.

Examples: Career Goal - Your short term goal is to set up an online business that generates income of $3K in 6 months. Your long term goal is to generate $250,000 annually in five years. Health Goal - Your short term goal is to eat small portions and exercise regularly every day for 6 months and lose 3 kilos. The long term goal is to lose 12 kilos in 2 years and maintain your ideal weight.

Remember a simple rule - a good goal should stretch you a little and excite you a lot.

Step 2 - Decide What You Need To Do To Achieve Your Goals

Break your goals into baby steps. Decide what you need to achieve your short and long term vision. Write your goals down with why you want to achieve them, how you are going to achieve them (your action steps), and with a timeframe.

For example, if your long term goal is to lose 12 Kilos and be in the pink with your health. Your short term plan is to do aerobics, simple workouts, go for a swim or a brisk walk for 45 minutes every day. Reduce the amount of sugar and oily food intake in your diet and have adequate sleep at night.

As you progress, your ideas may evolve. You need to review your plan on a weekly basis. See what works well and what doesn’t. Take the necessary steps to adjust, tweak and re-evaluate your plan.

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In addition, do not allow your weaknesses or insecurities to get in the way of deciding what you want to achieve. Never allow your current situation to influence you.

Step 3 - Practice Creative Visualization on your goals

Your written goals must be visible to you. They could be pasted on your wall so that you can see them daily.

Every day spend a few minutes visualizing yourself achieving each goal. You can create an affirmation for each focus goal.

You can use the examples of auditory and tactile thoughts as mentioned above for your daily positive affirmation.

Step 4 - Take Action

You have your goals, action steps and time frame all written down. Now the most important step is to TAKE ACTION.

Every day you need to do something to work towards your goal. When you take your first step, you set momentum for your mind to manifest your dreams into reality.

Always stay positive and consistent in your endeavors. You will get to where you want to be sooner than you think, if you focus, execute your plans and do whatever it takes to get there.

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Three steps process to gain clarity of your calling and live an empowered life!!

! ! Empowered Questioning Technique

Why do you struggle at your job and never gain clarity of your calling?

After a decade serving many job seekers and from my own personal experience - I’ve come to realise there is a simple reason why most people feel stuck and unfulfilled, like they don’t really know what their life purpose is.

The main reason is:

Most people are asking themselves the wrong questions.

One of the most important things I’ve learned in life is that the quality of your life is determined by the questions you ask yourself. Most people are too focused on finding an answer but never consider about whether they are asking the right questions to begin with!

I would like to give you a really simple example of how powerful asking the right questions can really be. Let’s assume that you are feeling frustrated and unfulfilled at your job right now.

One question you could ask in that situation would be, “Why am I feeling frustrated, unfulfilled and dreadful about going to work every morning?”

That is not an empowering question. It focuses on all the problems and does not move you closer to a solution.

This type of question is not going to lead to favourable outcomes, however, if we ask the question in a slightly different way, look at how different your reaction becomes:

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“What would I have to do in order to wake up each morning feeling excited, happy and every ready to start my daily tasks.”

Your brain starts going to all the things you would need to start doing. You begin to see what needs to be done in order for you to achieve your goals.

Here’s another example:Let’s assume your life goal is to achieve freedom of time and live life according to your own terms. One question could be, “Why can’t I achieve freedom of time and live life on my own terms? ”

A more empowering way to ask could be:

What proven systems and techniques do I need to put in place in order to achieve freedom of time/money and live life on my own terms?”

Empowering questions will activate your brain to start making a list of the positive solutions. For example, you need to first identify your passion and purpose. You need to learn how to create life (or career) goals that will lead you to achieve your best life.

Asking the right questions will help you gain clarity and take action on what needs to be done. Asking the right questions is one of the most powerful personal development strategies which determine a positive and a negative outcome.

How to ask the right questions, and achieve clarity of creating a life of freedom and empowerment.

Here’s a simple tool of the 3 steps process that can help you gain massive clarity in creating a life of freedom and empowerment.All you need to do is to complete the answer for each of the 3 Steps.

Step 1 is knowing what an ideal day (at home and work) looks like.• Needs to be something which you enjoy (are passionate about) doing.• Something that gets you excited even if you are not paid to do it.

Step 2 is identify the biggest challenges that are holding you back from achieving your goal to create a life of freedom and empowerment.

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Step 3 is coming up with 3 empowering questions that, if you were able to answer, would solve your biggest challenges in Step 2.

Now, the point here isn’t to get the answers to the questions in Step 3 right away. It’s only to get the right questions to ask. The answers become easier to find once we know what the right questions are that we should ask.

Let me show you an example :Robert has a 9 to 5 job but he is feeling unfulfilled, exhausted and unmotivated to work. His passion is to be an online entrepreneur and he wants to create a life of freedom and empowerment creating an online business.

In Step 1, Robert might complete it this way....

STEP 1 My Ideal day at work is to leverage the internet to serve people and at the same time build passive income doing what I am passionate about. Also I get to spend more time with my family as I have no time and location restriction.

In Step 2, Robert might complete it this way....

STEP 2 My biggest challenge in achieving a life of freedom and empowerment is fear of failure in starting my online business.

In Step 3, Robert needs to ask some empowering questions that would allow him to solve the challenge in Step 2.

STEP 3 I know that I can be a successful online entrepreneur creating a life of freedom and empowerment, if I knew the answers to the following 3 questions:1. How to create a tested and proven online marketing system that works2. How to take action and move forward in spite of feeling fearful3. How to find a mentor that can help me achieve my goals.

Now that Robert has completed the questioning technique, he’s now got perfect clarity on the questions that needs to be answered!He is able to do the research and seek out the specific help he needs.

This questioning technique allows you to strip away the complexity and confusion that causes us to be paralysed and not doing anything.

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Okay, now that you know how use this technique to ask empowering questions that would allow you solve your specific challenge, next I will teach you how to use the B.A.G. method; a simple yet powerful way to achieve your goals.

Success Formula: B.A.G. MethodYou have learnt the simple yet powerful steps to achieve your goals. You have also learnt how to ask empowered questions to gain clarity. As you begin to put your plan of action into practice, you are going to find challenges and barriers that prevent you from taking the necessary steps toward your goals. It is perfectly normal to feel that way. I have experienced such challenges too. However, I have discovered a simple formula to help us stop fighting with ourselves and make real progress on any challenges. I called this formula the B.A.G. method.

The B.A.G. method will show you what you want, what you have and what you need to get in order to achieve what you want.

How does the B.A.G. method work?

B.A.G is your Barriers, Assets and Goals which you can list down on a piece of paper in three columns.

Simply write down everything you are trying to accomplish (goals), everything you have that can help you (assets), and everything standing in your way of achieving (barriers). Chunk down your big goals into mini goals.

Barriers - Anything that is getting in the way of making things happen.

Assets - Anything and everything you have that can help you get what you want.

Goals - Target all the things you want to make things happen.

Assets + Barriers = Goals

Here is an example :

• Goal: Big goals to lose 10 kilos in 10 months and lead a healthier lifestyle.

Mini goals: To feel stronger, more energize and fit.

To lose 2 kilos in 2 months ( i.e 1 Kilo in 1 month)

• Barriers that prevent me from reaching my goals.

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1. Love to snack when feeling bored or stressed. Eg loves eating potatoes chips, chocolates or ice cream.

2. Too lazy to exercise.

3. Lead a sedentary lifestyle.

• Assets that I have that can help me

4. Love to eat almonds, fruits which are healthier choices e.g apples, blueberries, strawberries, grapes

5. Early riser. Like to wake up early every morning.

6. Love to listen to motivational audio

Action Steps:

Pair up your assets with your relating barriers to achieve your mini goal.


(Asset #1) + (Barrier #1) = Goal #1

(Asset #2) + (Barrier #2) = Goal #2

(Asset #3) + (Barrier #3) = Goal #3


Snack on nuts or fruits when feeling bored or stressed.

Knowing that I will be sitting down most of the time, I will commit myself to wake up early to execise before I start my day, and as I exercise, I listen to motivational audio to keep me pump up!

The above are just some simple examples, besides those mentioned, I also make it a point to drink 8-10 glasses of water and eat less or take meals in smaller portions.

As a results, gradually, I was able to lose a few kilos and feel stronger, more energetic and fit. In short, breaking down my big goal and taking baby steps, I developed a habit of having healthy lifestyle and improved fitness.

Here are simple examples for job hunters:

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Goal: Big goal is to get your dream job. To get there, initially it may seems daunting. However, if you break it down to baby steps, you will be able to get to your desired destination.

List down your mini goals :

Examples :

1) Search for job vancancies in your desired industries and submit your resume to prospective employers.

2) Write a well structured and good resume

3) Prepare yourself well and present yourself confidently for any job interview.

List down your barriers (challenges):


1) You may not know where to look for your desired available job vacancies.

2) You may not know how to write a winning resume that gets recruiters’ attention.

3) You may not feel very confident going for an interview.

List down your assets:


1) You may have good network with people in your desired job industries.

2) You may have a mentor or career coach to help review and edit your resume.

3) You have a trusted friend or career coach to practice interview role play with you.

Action Steps:

Pair up your assets with your relating barriers to achieve your mini goal.


(Asset #1) + (Barrier #1) = Goal #1

(Asset #2) + (Barrier #2) = Goal #2

(Asset #3) + (Barrier #3) = Goal #3

Benefits of the BAG method

• It is simple and doable

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• It ease the pressure

• You will not feel overwhelm when you chunk down baby steps.

• Give you an organised and structured way to solve problem

• Eliminate the negative voice in your head that says this goal is too big and difficult for me to achieve

If you think about losing 20 kilos, you will think impossible it is too difficult. But it is all about losing 1 kilo at a time.

With BAG method, you forget about what you cannot do, instead, you are focused on a small goal which you CAN DO.

It is time for you to create a breakthrough and to start getting clarity on how YOU can become the BEST YOU!

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Discover Your Best Life with Successful Living Tips

Personal Growth

Here are ten tips you may wish to take for your personal development growth plan.

1. Do it Now

To see your harvest, you need to plant your seed now. Every day do something about your personal development plan. It takes time to achieve lasting change, but the key to success is do it now.

2. Be teachable

You can gain from the success of other people and learn from their mistakes. Find a mentor or coach so that your learning curve will not be too steep. Read as many books and listen to as many audio programmes as you can.

3. Embrace Failure

Failure is the mother of success. Embrace failure because through failure you will learn and experience growth. If you get knocked down, the key is to get back up and never give up.

4. Accept Change

Only one thing is constant - CHANGE. Our world is changing all the time. Even if you do nothing you will change by default as the world evolves. Be adaptable.

5. Be Accountable

You are responsible for your progress and accomplishments. It also means you own the result and no one else is to blame. Be accountable and take responsibility for your own personal development growth.

6. Practice Gratitude

What you focus on expands. Focus on what you already have and you will have more. Always count your blessings. Every day, take time to be thankful. Adopt an attitude of gratitude.

7. Be Intentional

Your intention becomes your reality. Your goals and your intentions must be aligned, if they are not aligned, you will come up with reasons to procrastinate and that prevents you from progressing.

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8. Get out of your comfort zone

You need to challenge yourself and get out of your safe harbour (comfort zone). If you do what is easy, you are not using your potential fully and deny yourself the satisfaction of achievements.

“The great tragedy of life is not death. The great tragedy of life is what we allow to die inside of us while we live.” - Dr Norman Cosins.

9. Pursue Your Passion

Do the things that tickle your soul. Find a career that is meaningful, fulfilling and makes you happy. Be the master in the ‘Art of Successful Living’ where work and play make no difference, because you are always doing both!

10.Never Give Up

We will experience ups and down in life. Challenges are inevitable, when you hit rock bottom, get back up and keep moving forward. The key is never give up. Success is closer than you think.

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I have sieved through research and studies to identify the definitive 10 no frills, real deal tips you need to become your healthiest self yet. These steps are easy to put into action every single day.

1. Never skip breakfast

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day -- it jump starts your metabolism, delivers sustained energy and can help keep cravings in check. The star players are protein and fiber. If you do not have time to scramble eggs in the morning, go for oatmeal. You will feel fuller longer because it has soluable fiber that moves through your digestive system and keeps you satisfied for hours.

2. Make it a point to eat a superfood

Your choices could include broccoli, blueberries, kale, sweet potatoes, oats and salmon. Eating plenty of fruits, vegetables, lean protein, whole grains and dairy is the surest way to consume a wide varity of important nutrients your body needs. These are the foods that make up a balanced diet, prevent disease and give you the lasting energy you are looking for.

3. Choose only healthy fats.

Unsaturated fats such as those found in olive oil, avocados, nuts ad seeds can reduce your cholesterol levels ad decrease your risk of heart disease and stroke. Studies shows that people who eat tree nuts-- almonds, Brazil nuts, walnuts and pistachios - are less likely to be obese than those who don’t. Healthy fats can also make foods more filling.

4. Pay attention to nutritional label on packaged food.

Read nutrition labels to ensure that foods you choose contain some fiber and protein -- to help keep you full and very little sugar and sodium. Check the ingredients and if it states partially hydrogenated oil, it means the food contains artery -clogging transfats. If you are looking for a snack, include a balance of protein, carbohydrates and fat for lasting energy.

5. Stay hydrated.

Mild dehydration can affect your mood, energy and ability to think clearly and also contribute to anxiety and tension. Aim for 8-10 glasses of water per day. When possible, choose water over sugary drinks, which pile on calories and deliver zero nutrition.

6. Increase omega-3s intake.

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Increase your intake of omega-3s by eating foods such as salmon, chia seeds, tuna, lake trout and anchovies. Or take a supplement. Omega- 3s lower triglycerides and blood pressure and they may help with arthritis and depression.

7. Maximize your workouts.

Each week, block out at least three 30 minute time slots for brisk walks or other aerobic exercise and two 20 minute sessions with weights. Find an exercise that you really like. When you find something you truly enjoy, you will be more likely to do it, stick with it and experience all of the benefits that come from a more active lifestyle.

8. Get away from your chair as often as you can.

Research shows sitting for long periods of time increases your risk of diabetes, heart diesase and death. Inactivity may reduce levels of an enzyme your muscles produce called lipo protein lipase. Insufficient levels of this enzyme are associated with decreased in HDL (good) cholestrol and heart disease. When you do not move around enough your muscles are less effective at gobbling up glucose, which can put you at risk for developing type 2 diabetes.

Seek out ways to incorporate more motion into your daily life. Consider investing in a standing desk.

9. Laughter is the best medicine.

If you are overworked or feel stressed at work, listen to a funny podcast or watch funny videos on your way home. Leave your baggage at the office.

10. Get adequate sleep

Keep a consistent bedtime. People who sleep and wake around the same time every day have less body fat than those whose sleep schedules vary more widely. Go to bed earlier so you get eight hours of sleep.

Wealth/ Abundance

Here are ten best tips about wealth and abundance:

1.Replace scarcity with an abundance mindset

It has been said you become what you think about most of the time. The thinking patterns of self- made millionaires are that they have the habit of thinking in terms of financial independence. They then discipline themselves to make whatever sacrifices are necessary to achieve those goals. Have an abundance mindset, focus on endless possibilities and opportunities that are in store for you.

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2.Create your own opportunities. Do not wait for things to happen. If you did not get the opportunity that you have been waiting for, create your own opportunities.

3.Add value to people. Add value and help as many people as you can. The source of abundance is to add value and be of service to others. It is the Law of Sowing and Reaping. The law says, “Whatsoever you sow, that also shall you reap.” Whatever you put in, or do for others, will eventually come back to you. Make a positive impact on society through your business (or your job).

4.Start something in a way to share your passion. It can be starting a business or a hobby. Share your talents, and your knowledge with the world. Someone might express what you suppress. Express your talents and passions that benefit others.

5.Shatter your self limiting belief. To attract abundance, you need to break free from self imposed limits. You have to take full responsibility for creating your own opportunities and not blame anything on lack of business opportunities in the economy, lack of family financial provision, bad employer, etc. Do not play the victim. Take control of your destiny and be a victor.

6.Leverage the Power of Affirmations. Repeat several times a day in your mind or audibly: “I am thankful that abundance comes to me in many sources on an increasing and consistent basis.”

7.Determine How Much You Want and Why You Want It. It is important to have a specific plan of how much you want and why you want it. Ask yourself these two questions:

• How much money do I want to make?

Be specific, instead of saying “I want to have financial freedom,” instead say, “I want to earn passive income of $5K per month in two years”.

Without having a specific amount, your creative mind and willpower will not have anything to grasp onto. Since there is no plan of action, there will be nothing to execute and no outcome to aim for.

• Why is the money important to me?

Know exactly why you want it. It is important to know your why because people will always work harder when they are focused on what they want. Energy, will power and effort will be put into their goals.

8.Know Where Your Money is Going. Wealth can only happen on purpose. Have a plan for your money, or you will spend your life losing it to someone who does have a

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plan for your money. Managing your money on purpose means that you need to keep track of where your money is going.

9. Be a Problem Solver. Identify what problems you can solve for people. People who solve problems for others are money magnets. Always be honest and sincere in your dealings, never beg or scam people. Build your relationships through trust. Find out what people really need, do your research and find solutions to their needs. You can take away the pain they are experiencing or you can provide the pleasure they seek. That is where abundance flows.

10. Wealthy People Do Not Procrastinate. They make things happen. Focus on your purpose and do not make excuses. Now that you have read and understand the principles of wealth and abundance, it's time to take action. Write out a plan of action and execute your plan.

Success starts with taking the first step. Someone will set higher goals, stretch their limits and create a fresh new beginning.

Ask yourself this: “Why not me? If it’s not now, then when?"

Recognise your strengths and know that you were born into genius. Wealth and abundance is your birthright! Take action to claim your personal and financial success that should be rightfully yours.

“The secret of your wealth is hidden in your daily routine. What you do habitually will impact what you become permanently.” -Mike Murdock

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I am blessed and honoured to learn many life’s lessons from many mentors. John C Maxwell, a leadership expert, speaker, author and founder of EQUIP. A New York Times, Wall Street Journal and Business Week best selling author is one of the amazing mentor that I have the priviledged to learn from, especially in the area of leadership and relationship.

Here are five rules of relationship from John C Maxwell. These are simple relationship rules to improve your daily interaction with others:

1.Get Along with Yourself - The one relationship you will have until you die is with yourself. Treat yourself with the respect and love you deserve.

2.Value People - You cannot make another person feel important if you secretly feel that he or she is a nobody. Recognize that everyone has innate value and treat them accordingly.

3.Make the Effort to Form Relationships - The result of a person who has never served others? Loneliness. Chuck Swindoll said, “It’s like they say in the Army, when you dig a foxhole, make enough room for two.” Reach out, make room and enjoy new relationships.

4.Understand the Reciprocity Rule - What you put into the lives of others comes back into your own. Give generously, love unfailingly and show respect to everyone.

5. Follow the Golden Rule - Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. If every person made more decisions based on the Golden Rule, we would all make more right decidions.

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Here are top six ways to quadruple your productivity and have more time to enjoy your life that was shared by David Allen’s book Getting Things Done: The Art of Stress Free Productivity.

1. “What is the next task that will get me toward my desired outcome?”

This is a powerful question which will put your productivity through the roof. Always ask this question upon completion of a meeting or task. Never leave the your goals or plan without a clearly defined and scheduled next action item to make it a reality.

2. Plan Your Week.

Spend at least half hour at the beginning (or end) of each week taking stock of what you accomplished the prior week, what you didn’t accomplish, what you learned and what your desired outcomes are for the week to come. Many people dive right into the week with no plan of what they want their week to look like and get frustrated when noting gets done. Be intentional and committed. Things will start to happen. Spending half hour sharpening the saw will make the week’s cutting all the easier.

3. Schedule It.

Things do not get done unless you schedule them Prioritize your list of task that needs to get done. Reserving time on your calendar forces you to be honest with yourself and get completed only what is reasonable in the time you have available.

4. Schedule a Buffer.

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Most of the things we do takes longer than expected, we need to be prepared that things always come up that we didn’t plan. Schedule buffer time for these.

5. Give Yourself Strict and Short Deadlines

Parkinson’s Law states that the time required to complete a project is directly proportional to the time you have available. In other words, if you have time to waste, you waste it. Give yourself enough time to complete a task but not a moment more. Set these limits up in advance.

6. Do Not Check Email First Thing in the Morning

This is very important step to take if you want to get things that matter done. Regardless of what you are doing email will immediately throw you off and suck the time and energy out of your life. Get your most important things done in the first 2-3 hours of the day. Then check some email and a little Facebook news feed.

7. Do Your Most Important Things First.

First thing in the morning, get a good workout and healthy breakfast. Before you check your email. Do your most important things first that you have scheduled and plan for the week.

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Watch these videos to gain more tools to help you hone your best self:

Discover how to allow the universe to give you the life of your dreams

Learn the life-changing secrets of the most successful people in the world:

Unlimited Power: Unlock the inner power of your mind

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