Study Guide Chapter 11 The Growth of Democracy Name ... · A) Panic of 1837. B) Tariff of 1832. C)...


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Study Guide Chapter 11 The Growth of Democracy Name___________________________________

MULTIPLE CHOICE. Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement or answers the question.

1) Which one of the following has the LEAST in common with the other three? 1)A) Panic of 1837.B) Tariff of 1832.C) Bank War.D) Specie Circular.E) The widespread use of paper money.

2) The "Trail of Tears" describes the removal of this group to Oklahoma: 2)A) Seminoles.B) Choctaws.C) Creeks.D) Iroquois.E) Cherokees.

3) John Tyler took office following the death of which president? 3)A) John C. Calhoun.B) John Quincy Adams.C) William Henry Harrison.D) Andrew Jackson.E) Martin Van Buren.

4) Which one of the following was NOT a sentiment of or statement by Andrew Jackson? 4)A) "The tariff must be revised."B) "Our Federal Union, it must be preserved."C) "John Marshall has made his decision. Now let him enforce it."D) "Disunion by armed force is treason."E) "The Unionnext to our liberty most dear."

5) John C. Calhoun's Exposition and Protest was written most closely to which of the following events? 5)A) The Nullification Crisis.B) the election of 1828.C) The debate over renewing the Bank of the United States charter.D) The controversy over the Indian Removal Act.E) the election of 1832.

6) The Second-American Party System was based on 6)A) Mass participation.B) Favoritism.C) Elite families.D) Favorable Supreme Court decisions.E) Economic privation.


7) Andrew Jackson's national appeal in the election of 1828 is shown by his: 7)A) ability to carry the West as well as the South.B) success in carrying several New England states.C) personal campaigning trips throughout the country.D) strong results in Pennsylvania and New York.E) refusal to engage in "mud-slinging."

8) In the 1824 election the only candidate that carried states in each section of the country was 8)A) Andrew Jackson.B) Daniel Webster.C) William Crawford.D) John Quincy Adams.E) Henry Clay.

9) Andrew Jackson's veto of the renewal of the Bank of the U.S. charter 9)A) inspired the creation of a new opposition party.B) began a new economic system.C) was accompanied by the transfer of money to "pet banks."D) proved popular politically.E) all of the above.

10) Daniel Webster, John C. Calhoun, and Henry Clay were examples of 10)A) Leading sectional politicians.B) Anti-slavery zealots.C) Candidates with family money to finance new mass campaigning.D) Crafty deal makers.E) Men from the West who had the "common touch."

11) In spite of the growth of universal manhood suffrage, by 1830 this state kept both property and taxqualifications:


A) Virginia.B) Tennessee.C) Alabama.D) Vermont.E) Louisiana.

12) Which one of the following did NOT happen in 1832? 12)A) The Nullification Crisis begins.B) Jackson vetoes Maysville Road funding.C) Jackson is reelected president.D) Van Buren is elected vice president.E) Jackson vetoes Bank charter renewal.

13) The telegraph, newspapers, and political pamphlets all fostered: 13)A) the growth of individualism.B) sensationalism.C) a new American national culture.D) sectionalism.E) democratic idealism.


14) Which one of the following is NOT true of the Tyler presidency? 14)A) John C. Calhoun became his Secretary of State.B) He temporarily mended sectional divisions.C) Was a stalemate between Tyler and the Whig Congress.D) He vetoed most of his party's legislation.E) A first for the vice-president stepping up to the presidency.

15) The essay Exposition and Protest, was directed against "abomination." Who was the author and whatwas the abomination?


A) Jackson against the Tariff of 1816.B) Jackson against Biddle and the National Bank.C) John Marshall against Jackson defying him.D) Henry Clay against the spoils system.E) John C. Calhoun against the Tariff of 1828.

16) Which one of the following was NOT a state that had white manhood suffrage without tax orproperty qualifications?


A) Alabama.B) Connecticut.C) Maine.D) Illinois.E) New York.

17) Henry Clay is most associated with 17)A) the American system.B) the Maysville Road.C) states' rights.D) the supremacy of the Senate.E) nullification.

18) By 1830, the highest population density in the United States was found in: 18)A) the South.B) the Atlantic coast states.C) the Southwest and the middle states.D) New England.E) the West and New England.

19) In the election of 1836, voters who supported the Anti-Masonic Party were most likely to be: 19)A) reformers.B) the political elite.C) workers.D) farmers.E) new voters.

20) Which one of the following was the RESULT of the other four? 20)A) Jackson issues the Specie Circular.B) Foreign investors call in American loans.C) Feverish speculation.D) National Bank calls in commercial loans.E) The Panic of 1837.


21) The extension of suffrage to all white males first was done by 21)A) New western states.B) New England states.C) North Carolina.D) Pennsylvania.E) The lower South.

22) The growth of a new kind of political community in New York state was largely due to thisindividual's organizational strengths:


A) Daniel Webster.B) Rufus King.C) Boss Tweed.D) DeWitt Clinton.E) Martin Van Buren.

23) The Cherokee "Trail of Tears" was from Tennessee, North Carolina and Georgia to 23)A) Kansas.B) Indian Territory.C) Texas.D) Florida.E) Minnesota.

24) As more states entered the union, laws restricting suffrage by race: 24)A) remained the same.B) increased.C) decreased.D) increased at first, then decreased.E) decreased at first, then increased.

25) In making his decisions, Jackson preferred to consult with: 25)A) an informal group of advisors.B) his chief political opponents.C) congressional leaders from different sections.D) official heads of departments.E) his vice president, John Calhoun.

26) The biggest single reason for the denial of suffrage to free blacks in the North was: 26)A) fear of black voting power.B) concern over the growth of slavery.C) property owning qualifications on suffrage.D) few whites could vote either.E) racial attitudes.

27) One of the changes that prompted a new political community in New York state was the 27)A) Rise of education.B) Patronage system that was tied together by family ties and political favors.C) Construction of a new state courthouse.D) Immigration of large numbers of Pennsylvanians.E) State constitutional convention, which enacted nearly total manhood suffrage.


28) Andrew Jackson's administration was notable for 28)A) deference to the dictates of the Supreme Court.B) its courting of political controversyC) its refined attitude toward politics.D) its determined expansion of political debate.E) refusing to compromise with the opposition.

29) The most widely read literature in America from 1800 to 1850 was 29)A) Religious literature.B) "Penny papers."C) Crockett almanacs.D) Dime novels.E) "Lady's novels."

30) The most prevalent themes of American writers and artists were the 30)A) Issues surrounding gender and democracy.B) Presidential leaders and parties.C) Pilgrims and Puritans.D) Wilderness and westward expansion.E) Battles of the Revolution.

31) The 1824 election was thrown into the House and this candidate won: 31)A) John Quincy Adams.B) Van Buren.C) DeWitt Clinton.D) John Tyler.E) Jackson.

32) Which one of the following candidates of the 1824 election is NOT correctly paired with the regionhe was identified with?


A) Calhoun-South.B) Jackson-West.C) Clay-West.D) Adams-New England.E) Clay-Northwest.

33) Indian responses to Indian removal efforts included: 33)A) armed resistance.B) peaceful acceptance.C) challenge in the courts.D) all of the above.E) B and C.

34) By the time Jackson was elected in 1828, voter turnout had 34)A) Increased 50 percent.B) Doubled.C) Tripled.D) Increased 25 percent.E) Quadrupled.


35) By the election of 1824, Ohio had more electoral votes than: 35)A) Virginia.B) New York.C) Massachusetts.D) Pennsylvania.E) all of the above.

36) In 1830 the population per square mile had reached 18 in all the following regions EXCEPT: 36)A) Southern New England.B) the Appalachians.C) Delaware and eastern Maryland.D) the southern coast of Lake Ontario.E) Southern Ohio and northern Kentucky.

37) The Second American Party System was based on: 37)A) deference to authority.B) the creation of numerous political interest groups.C) the existence of two stable, competing parties.D) one national and one regional party.E) domination of politics by one party.

38) The "Trail of Tears" began during which president's term of office? 38)A) William Henry Harrison.B) Martin Van Buren.C) John Tyler.D) Andrew Jackson.E) John Quincy Adams.

39) The American Tract Society is notable because it: 39)A) offered the first translation of the Bible in a native American language.B) monitored the growth of American railroads.C) had the country's first steam powered press.D) first published the works of Ralph Waldo Emerson.E) none of the above.

40) The first party to hold a nominating convention was the 40)A) Anti-Masonic party.B) Democratic party.C) Whig party.D) Democratic-Republican party.E) National Labor party.

41) Between 1800 and 1830, the trans-Appalachian population grew 41)A) One hundred-fold.B) Fifty-fold.C) Twenty-fold.D) Two hundred-fold.E) Ten-fold.


42) The Hudson River School refers to the national themes of American 42)A) Writers.B) Poets.C) Journalists.D) Builders.E) Artists.

43) The Supreme Court's decision in Gibbons v. Ogden and Dartmouth College v. Woodward 43)A) Denied the states the right to tax branches of the Second Bank of the United States.B) Said that the federal government must stay out of interstate commerce.C) Strengthened the power of state governments in commercial matters.D) Asserted the broad power of the federal government over interstate commerce.E) Questioned the constitutionality of federal law limit to the expansion of slavery.

44) Basically Jackson's view of the presidency was that 44)A) It should be filled by a servant.B) Of a monarchy.C) He served the Congress.D) It symbolized the popular will.E) Of a preacher or reformer.

45) The Whig Party organized soonest after: 45)A) Andrew Jackson issued the Specie Circular.B) William Henry Harrison's candidacy.C) Martin Van Buren was elected president.D) John Quincy Adams was defeated for reelection.E) Jackson vetoed the renewal of the Bank of the United States charter.

46) Which one of the following was NOT part of Jackson's veto message on the renewal of the Nation'sBank?


A) It was run by rich Easterners and British stockholders.B) It was dangerous to the liberties of the people.C) It was unconstitutional.D) Only the rich benefited from it.E) It was a treasonous enterprise.

47) In his lecture, "The American Scholar," this intellectual urged Americans to write about the detailsof their own culture:


A) Benjamin Franklin.B) Washington Irving.C) James Fenimore Cooper.D) A. Bronson Alcott.E) Ralph Waldo Emerson.

48) Which one of the following was NOT a state in which members of the Five Civilized Tribes cededland?


A) Alabama.B) Florida.C) South Carolina.D) North Carolina.E) Georgia.


49) In the election of 1824, John Quincy Adams carried what section? 49)A) The Old Northwest.B) Border states.C) Lower South.D) West of Appalachian.E) New England.

50) The results of the election of 1824 show that politics at the time was: 50)A) democratic.B) local.C) national.D) sectional.E) based on personal ties.

51) Which themes best characterize the Jackson presidency? 51)A) the emergence of a strong chief executive.B) the enduring power of sectionalism.C) the growth of a new national consciousness.D) all of the above.E) A and B.

52) Which one of the following lists the correct chronological sequence of these events?(1) Indian Removal Act passed. (3) Maysville Road veto.(2) Jackson reelected. (4) Specie Circular.


A) 3, 1, 2, 4 B) 2, 4, 1, 3 C) 4, 1, 2, 3 D) 3, 2, 4, 2 E) 1, 2, 3, 4

53) Most states lowered property qualifications for voting because: 53)A) it gave whites a stake in the political system.B) democratizing ideals had become widespread.C) different parties or factions vied for more votes.D) most people owned little property in the new states.E) it helped to attract new settlers from elsewhere.

54) Harrison ran well in all sections but had Tyler as a vice president to appeal to the 54)A) South.B) New Englanders.C) West.D) Atlantic seaboard.E) Old Northwest.

55) While short-lived, the Anti-Masonic party was the first third party in American history and itslasting contribution was:


A) Developing buttons, posters and print "hoopla."B) The first to hold a national nominating convention.C) The first to buy newspaper space for campaign ads.D) Building on the fears of the American people.E) Having its candidate personally campaign.


56) Which one of the following was NOT part of the principles of political community represented byVan Buren's Bucktails?


A) Organization and discipline.B) Majority rule.C) Party loyalty.D) Restricting suffrage.E) Democratic organization.

57) The largest number of people per square mile (above 90) in the United States in 1830 wereconcentrated in


A) Virginia and Maryland.B) Kentucky and Tennessee.C) Massachusetts and New Jersey.D) Pennsylvania and New York.E) North and South Carolina.

58) Most of the cities that nurtured American culture and provided intellectual leadership were 58)A) On both sides of the Erie Canal.B) Along the National Road.C) In the West.D) On the northern half of the eastern seaboard.E) In the South along the Atlantic seaboard.

59) The "Tippecanoe" in "Tippecanoe and Tyler Too" was a reference to: 59)A) a brand of hard cider.B) the site of William Henry Harrison's victory in the war of 1812.C) campaign themes of rough simplicity.D) Harrison's birthplace in the back woods.E) Martin Van Buren's short stature.

60) The Whigs were most closely identified with the 60)A) Anti-Masons.B) Federalists.C) Jeffersonian tradition.D) Anti-federalists.E) South.

61) An opponent of the Second Bank of the United States during the Bank War would most likely haveargued that


A) The bank lacked the power to stabilize the economy.B) The bank pursued an excessively loose credit policy.C) Bankers were manipulative, elitist, and untrustworthy.D) The bank would lead to a socialist economy.E) The bank's issuance of paper money caused inflation.

62) The most critical element in Andrew Jackson's victory in the presidential election of 1828 was 62)A) The North, South, and West coalition the Democrats built.B) Having Jackson personally campaign, a practice unacceptable before.C) A mudslinging campaign against his opponent.D) The use of mass campaign funding.E) The years of political goodwill that Jackson had amassed.


63) Andrew Jackson surprised the expectations of some supporters when 63)A) he adopted Henry Clay's American System.B) he called for removal of Indians from their native lands.C) he vetoed the Maysville Road Bill.D) he embraced the renewal of the Bank of the United States charter.E) he advocated limiting the power of the federal government.

64) The Whig Party and the characteristic American two-party system emerged from this conflict: 64)A) Bank War.B) Internal improvement funding.C) Indian removal.D) Tariff reform.E) Nullification.

65) The tariff: 65)A) put a duty on imported goods.B) provoked southern and western opposition.C) favored the growth of northern industry.D) all of the above.E) A and B.

66) The greatest growth in print materials was in 66)A) Magazines.B) Almanacs.C) Broadsides.D) Newspapers.E) Novels.

67) One indication of the change in national and state politics is that by 1840, this percent of adultwhite males could vote:


A) 80. B) 50. C) 70. D) 90. E) 60.

68) As people settled west of the Mississippi by 1830, they followed these rivers: 68)A) Rio Grande and Sabine.B) Red, Arkansas and Missouri.C) Wisconsin and Illinois.D) Tombigbee and Appalachicola.E) Platte and Cumberland.

69) Whigs were LEAST likely to be found among which of the following groups? 69)A) social reformers.B) wealthy investors.C) urban Catholic workers.D) evangelical Protestants.E) southern planters.


70) The Election of 1840 70)A) saw the beginnings of a long-term Whig ascendancy in American politics.B) was notable for its high voter turnout.C) saw Martin Van Buren reelected.D) all of the above.E) B and C.

71) The Bucktails led by Van Buren ousted DeWitt Clinton in 71)A) 1821. B) 1832. C) 1836. D) 1824. E) 1830.

72) In both the 1824 and 1828 elections, Jackson 72)A) Carried all the South.B) Was strong in New England.C) Carried states in all sections.D) Opposed universal manhood suffrage.E) Did poorly in the Old Northwest.

73) The Whigs succeeded in the Election of 1840 by: 73)A) establishing overwhelming victories in the middle states.B) selecting a vice presidential candidate from the North.C) picking off states in the rural South and West while carrying New England.D) creating a strong national coalition of New England and Midwestern states.E) dominating the South and West.

74) You've got a coonskin hat on, hauling a real log cabin on a float, looking forward to toasting yourcup of hard cider to "Tippecanoe and Tyler too." What election rally are you in?


A) Election of 1832.B) Election of 1836.C) Election of 1840.D) Election of 1828.E) Election of 1824.

75) Jackson vetoed the Maysville Road Bill of 1830 because he 75)A) Disapproved of any federal funding for internal improvements.B) Felt it infringed on state powers.C) Knew it was unpopular with western voters.D) Felt that corrupt government contractors would destroy the project.E) Objected to it being funded by the Second Bank of the United States.

76) The "corrupt bargain" was 76)A) Van Buren's denunciation of rich patronage to friends and relatives.B) Jackson's objections to Clay becoming Adams's secretary of state.C) Van Buren's deal with Republicans to become president.D) Jackson's ignoring of Supreme Court decisions.E) Jackson' supporters' view of the Second Bank of the United States.


77) By 1830, universal white suffrage was most likely to be found in: 77)A) the Atlantic coast states.B) the South.C) the Southwest and the middle states.D) the West and New England.E) New England.

78) In Cherokee Nation v. Georgia and Worcester v. Georgia, the Supreme Court 78)A) Upheld the constitutionality of the Removal Act.B) Gave the federal government total control of the "Indian question."C) Refused to hear the Cherokees' cause against the state of Georgia.D) Ruled that the state of Georgia could not force the Cherokees to give up their land.E) Denied Jackson the right to use executive privilege to keep Indian policy records out of the

court's hands.

79) Jackson's "negative activism" as president resulted in 79)A) His use of the veto more times than all of his predecessors combined.B) The development of a class of government office holders.C) Allowing less power to remain in state hands.D) A loss of political idealism in the country.E) The strengthening of the power of the legislative branch of government.

80) The force in Jackson's Force Bill was using army firepower to 80)A) Protect pro slavery settlers in the West.B) Control Panic of 1837 rioting.C) Enforce the collection of tariff duties.D) Enforce the Specie Circular.E) Remove the Five Civilized Tribes to the west.

81) Which one of the following is the RESULT of the other four? 81)A) Jackson's defiance of the Supreme Court.B) Southern states invalidate federal treaties.C) Removal Act is passed.D) Jackson's support of improper calls by states to remove the Cherokees.E) "Trail of Tears."

82) The first western state to enact white male suffrage without tax or property qualifications was 82)A) Georgia.B) Kentucky.C) Kansas.D) Pennsylvania.E) Rhode Island.

83) This type of construction first used in the 1830s became a method for common family dwellings: 83)A) Pontoon framing.B) Brick.C) Neoclassical.D) Log cabin.E) Balloon-framing.


ESSAY. Write your answer in the space provided or on a separate sheet of paper.

84) Jackson had such a major effect that historians often call this time The Age of Jackson. What were hiscontributions? Is the title deserved?

85) Compare Jefferson's vision of the small agrarian republic to the results of economic changes taking place fromthe 1820s to the 1840s.

86) Discuss the issue of the national debate on tariffs by comparing the ideas of Henry Clay, Andrew Jackson andJohn C. Calhoun.

87) How did the Cherokee use American law to fight the Indian Removal Act?

88) In what sense were political parties giant national men's clubs?

89) Jackson called it a monster that he would kill before it killed him. To what was he referring?

90) What was the significance of Emerson's "The American Scholar"?

91) Discuss the ways in which the Hudson River school of painting gave American culture a sense of the land.

92) Describe how Martin Van Buren, the Little Magician, forged a new community within a political party. Includea discussion of how appropriate it was to trends of the time.

93) How did emphasis on "manhood" as a voting qualification affect women's political participation?

94) Trace the development of national themes promoted by writers and artists from the 1820s to the early 1850s.

95) Jackson often championed states rights but drew the line at nullification. Summarize his positions and evaluatehis reasoning.

96) What do the Supreme Court rulings of Dartmouth College v. Woodward, Gibbons v. Ogden, and Charles River Ridgev. Warren Bridge have in common?


Answer KeyTestname: QUIZ CHAPTER 11

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