Students Organizing DavidsonWinsFrom Seniors Win First ......Vol.V....


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Students Organizing Davidson Wins From Seniors Win Firsta War Savings Unit Carolina in Eleventh Place in Class Meet

Much Interest Manliest In War Pitcher's Battle is Terminated by Brand Scores Highest Number olSavings Stamps King's Three-Bagger Points -Crouch is Second

News and Happenings, of the Week in TownSocial and Personal Hems Aboul

Ibe Town People.Ihe annual tn-ld 1l.1v c\ci>i-r- wen"

held nil Spiuilt I' ii'ld 1.1-t VIlMldavun iiiiiil!. intni'M in tin- eventswas ni.iiiili"itcd In the rutiic -lu.lrnlImdv. r.n li 1 la— lieing represented 111pi.ntnallv rvi-iv iv.-nt \ total nl l.utvtin.1 in.n entered tin iiu-i-i ami munvhithei tn Miikiiuwii '"stars" were diM'oxi-tcil. Ihe s' mm .l.i-- -.nnd tin- lu^hesl inimlx'i nl pmiit-. 411, thus winningthe niil!. I In- IMini' < 'ami- nexl vv itiiI> pmnt-. the I- 'r-h tuuk thud plaie,-. 1.1in: ;' pujnt» in.I the Soph ■ hroujrhiI' IIII III VV It11 I.' |l.illll-.Ilie uiiK record bnikeji was tin -lint

put. (irex broke In- formei record ol;N li1 1 in. InnIiiil' iln 1 (1 pound Mil 1

distaiKc o) ;.!..'" Irri. lii.nnl easilx1aptincd lust pi.iir in the distiwif runsni.I llsn in id' lln- h:;'hr-l individualcore, wlinh w .■ 'i i»nnt . thus vviiinm.'

tin 11111I.1I (i S v :. ' I. li had the -r.uinl hr.'hi 1 core iv r TI» I S point ". Ihiis the III-I lime 111 (oill v r.n- thaiCrouch has failed In make the hi|(h< 1

1 mi-.

M.f.linrn Im iln SuplniiiimI--. s»'lthr pair in the lu;'li lump and pule .miltaking in 1 place in Imth events. With1 li-vv mmi hkr him tin- SiiplimiiuiiwimiIiI I1.1 \ i- .1 In tn 1 -Imvv in:'

I'li/i- were .numl l>\ lucully limnhri .mil I'.1 ill mi Iiiin- Im tin- Willmi. ui Iii -1 and second pl.i.i- in eachexent. Ilit- rwiit- ami the result* wereas InlloXVs:

rtm-Yard l)i-h rimnipsoii il-ii-h)'.in-1. (inn.h (Seniors), second; ( ii<v(Seniors), third. Iinn' 111 2 "< iiiiinl

SS'i 1 v aid km: Idand ( Jmiim |lirsi; I'nilcv (Seniors:), second; Knight1 l-'ii--h ). third. Iiiui-. '. ii>. 1 5.

Hitfli Jump M.(.iin-rii ( Soph ). first;Vh'xtindei ( luiuui-). -r.und; Jones1 lunioi«), third I(eight, s l('rl 4unIn

" 'i■ V aid Il.l-ll (. 1oiu II (-Si-llnil )

In I. Ki1. c ( I'H -II) -i-iunil ; l-'mli'Senioi s), third Iitne, .'4 4 >.

\lih- Run HiunI 'Junioi I first :kni^'lil (FresJl) M'uiiiil; ('l.nk 1 Si-m'ui . 1,third. Iime i, ;.| < ».

Broad lump Murray (Kresh), first ;\|i\.imlrr (Junior). -< -cmul;( in\ f Sr

in.u 1 third. Ili tain e i'i-

Feet.4411 aiil Il.l-ll ( 1Illll II ISin

ln-t: (Juniors), -omul; I111I1.ISeniors 1 . third. Iime, SS, J-S.I)i-i 11- (Jrex Sriiiui

-), In~t , I- in

Irv (Seniors), second; Beall (Fresh)tliuil. I)i-lamc. Ill, ! 11> feet.Ihuh Iluiillr- linli-v ( Sen

ln-i ; Mi.A-kill (Juniors), necond;. liiuwn 1 l''n- Iii.ilind. Time, im i s.Two Mile Run Brand (Juniors),

first; Kmiilit (Fresh), second; Stone1Junior-), thud. Time, 12:1-6.

Low llunll" (.'ininli (Seniors)first; Hiaml (Juniors), wcond; Brown( Fresh ) third. Time, >fl 1 s.

Shut I'ut (Jrex (Seniors), (ii-t.t'"

1v. (l'"irsli), setnnd; Rmni-trll ( l"ir-h)third. Distance, <<mu few.

Pulr \'ault Mi-Queen (Sophu),tu-t; Dudrnlinti (Fresh), kcomI; h'i-

{Continued un />"</. 6)

\li-s lluitha t till, ni Matesxillc. cuiie

dint 11 tm tin- itame 111 d.i\.IIII' liii'k I.IIM'I- Illll> llM't Ilid.IV

.ItlrlIliinll VXItll Mrs. I'. I., ilit1ii'.

I'l' li ~, I11Iton tin- papri nl tin-Milun nil "Dt'xelopmeill in Russia.

Ml- \ Ill-nil. Ml- |nllll-lull Ml-.\\ . K. ( hi-V , Mis Ih. ibeth ( !re> . Mi--Martha Mill \ . Mi-- \l.u\ "

Mis. .1 W M 1. 1'.mn. II. Mi. and\ I \ 1 ;1H-. \11 ">iiw ,iit. 1a|iiamI.r.i mi! I*i "■ 11

—11 ( >x en.1-I1 it 11 ii.ii ,i

tin- festival in Ili 11Intfe Sal .!

Mi I II -limp im! 1 Inhhi'ii. ntI11 1nut tin vx eek '

1i.l with In-1

briithi 1 . I "■ Marlin.\| i,l Mi . |.hn Hill In '


to Philadelphia tm .1 two \vn-k-' \ i-it t"

ih.11 .hi w ho h.i rei ru!Ia Iii-iii drattedinto the National \1 m

v Wll'l SISM'S.

\\ I. Rankin, l>.. it-ais on (he HiH|lil i Irw Iiiiiii- l.i-t Sund.iv

I I' II.ill. l'i. vv Im ha bei It .it \nnapol1 t inl\ uii' im tin- N.i\.ii V .nl.■un. h.i- .11 111<il inll'-.'i i" ixxaii 1heresults ni In- <

-\.1111111.1 1mn

I < >. v ohb, 1 .'. nt Win-inn Sah in.

with l\ li Crawford, l> uii\ hori t

\\ ''.'In iwn prospective ■.Indents trointin- Ivv in (in v 1 inil the 11ill mi


\inl11 w liiown, 1, n .1- 1 ■■ 1 it"i u111 .illI.I lll.ltl'l till -I'VII I ill 1

- -I '

>v pel

\I li' i' v h iliiKi w.i mi 1heIIill lol 1 few llnills S.lllllil.iv.

Ml Idvv ard-s <-\ ." 1 . h.i. lit: " nllejje in heconie a iiirinlni ut file N1 lonal \imx.

Till STI l»l NI L'i >NI IKl \t I

IIn- Southern Sfudeoi t onferenci itKlue K il.'i- v\ ill upen luin- 1 4 and 1 untiiiui- i<ii tin di' hi- hoped thai 11 1. mUmii will In- well irpir-ciiti'd .it tlii-'"""illi'ii'li' I-. hri aii-r it xx ill |>:uii.ild'. In-tin- besi 111 tli<- Iii lujv uf lilm- KhIl!1Iwo thousand seven hundred and tlmiv

person took thr training at lilm Ridinla-t \ r

-.1 1 .md everv nne was w «- 11 pleased.

\11n1iiL' the Inrtv Iradi1 there tlu-summei will br l>r. < ). I Brown, "I\ .mdcihilt Iniversit) ; I>" I M. I'uteat, Hi liituian ( nivcrsitv ; Dr. II IIHorne, nl the I niversitx of N>-w 'luik;and Mr. Robert I. Spin uf Ncv\ V'ork( litv

l.mir. Hall -av- he 1- going In 11\

tin- plan ut betting a cirl he can ki— herwithout touching her, a- outlined in theMaiM/inr. Hut he sav -. he'll oolv l«'t"twu hit-." tm it i-n't worth a dullai!

I>■. K.n n.ill. parti11 nt the I:: ■■ rres-■ ian Chun ii ill s\itinville N. C,

deljventd an interesting addrev* to thestudent btidj M 'In- la«i ]n :Thursday . I>r. K.u nail « ..■ m - idbj Di. Harding. w*ho explained 1Dr. k.n nail was (tiven his D.I), in Da-\ nU"hi College, and ended um!i a pun unI '-. Ra\ nail's name.

I'ln- main thought oi IJr. ka\ nail'*ire \\ :i~ that this i ' " >

in : 01 amd*. II . <

1 Wai Savin Inil t- I.)-diI.mi.!-. Di. K ixnall id 1

■ the \v .11. tli"-i .■ ■ "

.mil the (rirN will be I!iuttiin> ;and iluiiiL'htmL' \\ am tn 1 .1 .s|iuv\ our recithe ( iovernnieijt. ' Idents tn give up - i I iiinri

.1M- and : . \N

,:inl ti ■ ip| mil theni<el\<■ ne ■ " ' the StamjI!,mils.

llic ( nttimil te \\ ■ \.t\ iiijjs{ nil .it I).r, ..: : i -. ■ > ■ can-i/ed ;is tnllnu-

: |. I.. I i,u " man :I1 I.I.iIU and W. |. Clark; memnei "

,1 Watts: M \. S -m- . n«l I (i> in X »i I \1. 1 iiidI. k. \\ immIs, meinlii 1-'. , ' I.\\. \l, Uistei and .1 \. Iintm » in \"-1 ■ ■ 1 iiiber*:( W,\\ 1 i th and I.. \l I . ollei tors in

South m iiil' I'hambi " - : R. !. Vlc-Olure,member tn intei< nw 1be Im ult\. Ibecommittee reported mrr 1 ;" " siilwrip

'" tin- first niL'ht. mil ■- tn\ioiis toM-i iiii- .1 viilu, ript 'in 1 ■ ■ ,it inIII illll'L'"'.

\ Kl \l. SACRfKICK.I: rml\ men and h ntnen would niuke

the ~.unliri- in bin W at S:n nrj- Stampsthat children make, mn st.,tr would-linn 'jii 'ovei the top W irenintonned that iti n -'hnnl in one of tin-eastern counties the boy> srll iln-nImn in-- in make iwine to h mps.W Im-ii one reniembers that .1 Ihi hasbei u defined as an appelite uil ;im' be apprei iati the 1 ■ the

■1 :- in;ik;i)L'.

''l (III fle\ IT L'U\ s.Who think you're n ;-'■

mmg fellow and old togie*Be ln\al t>.lk-.C. ut mit tin- smokes,Km Stamp- instead ol stojfies.

\. \i. k.. ■

I-K IM)\ C* in IKST < I.< >-l-

Much ntiir-i has been 4itiwn tln-n tin- i'iit;iin (. oritest which

dosed last Saturday ti!L.'lir. Mam andvaried have been the subject* iot storieshanded in to the committee, so all lookforward with interest "*" the results. Theiiimmitti-i- was verj tortunate in secuf-,11ur Dr. V\ I. Myers, Professor atIn-jli-li at Cofiverie College, tn act ;i-

iud^r. and his dci-inn should be handedin ithin the next «<rk.

L );l\ Ill-nil unit a li,ml t<ill»J NI pitchersrtle liciwi-rii IIriiL'rwId and Waring

i kiiij. -i.n .ill riumd ath-lete el the* Wildcats, slapped .1 Imi::

in 1iylit lield in ill" clexcirth1 »cored un Ki'Iim " \x ild heave ovej

tliinl in ;iti fit"!1 i" head him "it. IInII nl thirl!--, .md vv rll |>l.i\

il<--|iiic i-i rcir> mi the |iai1 ui both1 iamccock nd Wildi at-. xx hii li « rrr■

- " -" ■■: :lirUrn Id '

v< ml in; tlu* Pre'shx, !■■ ■

'htn- am! .l!--i tin: 1 ptti In-,I M ' ultimo- u11I1


11 thr first, \x Iici I\ .m-■ lit'ld l" upen

\ \ ,■ ■■ : !1m1 In

I ■ IIVlll 'I Illll IIlll;"\ 1III tn Suftou. and S«rjih n11 ii(i

■ '\ii' "In ■ ■ tijs'le w:i mud 1»\

w InnII- ' ' ■ ■[! ill ;ll

'1 md In made .ni'itliri

-ini'lr in 1il'IiI 111 the1 tilth. 1ml tin 111 i I

-;ilV pilll'l] Ij1<>W> Hni1 lint tm 'In11IIIIII;1

I., "■!'■ inrii .md till It Ihitch

■in v. iii I|i!i" '1III -:1 mImilmi" urn and ;uli|t'd 1 double Inin-cll.

\\ i|| '1,: :in I1.11111 ■"» k . \v .1- 11.1 1111,to titid ' rheji tin1 Wild ' I11I in1

■ in 1 H |i|ii.11 ril in li'"k ", and11 )M-,i vv th erroi rw '-il up th. -'.1:111.

I ).i ,1-. in h .;:'hi hard tn nxrn nine tin1

initial :< itd ut tin .isitoi hui t xxa-noi until tin- thud thai 1 1 tin m >"-.liuriis hmled gtii l<i Seaboi11 tn opentin "

1111■ 11■_■ : K.1'1hl"i(I. plavin:1 In ln-t\ ■ h '

■' I : -h.M |> -ill-.'li- tultd .1 1'rmiiMit l.itri toll 1 " 'mil

■ . Im;_■. I»" ■-\\ ell lliw niit In I\ .iii.■

-mi-.I vv hen Ii.nlet" bundled

Spam ■ mli '-- J1011. Sp inn tole-1cimil. bill \\ 1

- t.11-:■" ■ f mil w Iii-ii lie

I1 i-i 1:in the »a< Iv' I)ax ni-> m » ■' rindmarket 1 aim1 in the lifth. \ t« < ■1 -tiihk mit Ki.hud- anotltei newV;n-i" 111.111. doiiltled in deep right ientci. Buin> -t1nik nut. Hatilitoi il

"■ aben I'arkei >\ nipped th ■ hull .11lu-t. Riihard --

"1mil; l>nt Seahot n". Kill K.itiI1J01 cl tealiug Spann

opened I nth hv L'lniimlin:1 out,

inn ''i r.nkei rln ■ ati hci hikingiilr; 11

':mil ill tin plate, KII lull"■"- :il| dav pnkt'd 1 1 '

me .iihI dropped <\<< \ alony ihe-lil liiii- tm 1 t; iple, niil mi the

n K'lhn presented thi yame tuthe ln< -il- l>\ beax nil' the hall o\ eiI vans head, to tin- fence, kill: -imur_'' standing.

I Hi'th Hrngeveld and Waring pitc.lied■ijlit ball, the hiL' I)utiIiiii.iii having

■ tli- the better nt the argument aftertin- fu-t ti.iini-. IIn- outstanding starsfor tbi tsitors were Clarke who dfspitea couple nt had bobbles .11 short accepted■1 me mijchtx hard chance* ileanlx andphnrd ;i hard, »crapp> ((time: Ivans'andSeaborn were the leading hitters foiCarolina, Ivans also accepting seven

nv~ faultlessly. For the Wildcats,the leading luminaries urn- several newmen wlin were making theil tw-t ap-

(Continued <i>\ juii/r 6)


The DavidionianPsMMm4 every WtdBtftey "! the Cmat§t Year

by the jtoMittw MiMtMC#Ucfc*

Editorial Board.E. A. Woods Editor-in-ChiefD.M. Chalmers ManagingEditorD. W. Roberts Assignment EditorR. E. McClurc Alumni EditorL.C. McAskill Athletic Editor

The Staff.E. G. Lilly Emory FlinnW. M. Currie W.T. Dunlap,Jr.

William LoveManagement.

M. A. Siske Business ManagerT.C. Stone Circulation ManagerG. D. SampleC. I.Matthews....Assistant ManagersA. D. McArn

Reporters' Staff.Class of 'i<>

—Q. N. Huneycutt.

Class of '20—

-L. G. Calhoun, G. A.Hyrd, W. K. Mall, Jr.. A. I.. Wilson.

Class of '21—

W. P. Cumming, |. R.Boulware, |r.,B. W. Romefek, A. M.Mitchell, L B. S.henek.Additional reporters for this issueare:

K. Drum; |. R. Walker. K. R. Craig,R. L. Liston, D. I.. Mai I. E. N.'Booker,T. M. Spence and K. M. Stone.


Rnlerrd « "rcond-rUu milter al Ihr I'otloHice.D.«id«.o. N.C.



During the next two weeks studentbody and class oflicers will be electedfor the coming year. The general character and conduct of the student body ofnevt year will he determined by thes'men, just as the character of the ttudti.tbody this vear has !een in the hands cfthe present able corps of officers. T!eresult is very evident— one of the mostsuccessful years, with regard to studenrgovernment, Davidson has enjoyed forsome time.

The faculty, the alumni, and all in-terested in the college will lie lookingonwith (he deepest interest and concern.Student government is not a completesuccess. This fact must he honestlyfaced. Yet it is certainly better thanfaculty rule, and those, who insti ut -dit here at Davidson, firmly cheerish thehope that the students will fully re.ili/.ethe responsibility placed upon them andwill rise- to it. A man is not elected toan ofhYe for the honor alone, but to actwith judgment and decision. A week isnot too long for every man to he con-sidering thotfully who are the best menfor each office. The student council-men's oath may well he applied: "thateach man will vote neither "from envy,hatred, or malice, nor for fear, favor,affection, reward, or hopeof reward, sohelp me God." Our next years' studentbody wont regret it.

a coi.i.Kc.i' corRsi:."The man is well on his road to

knowledge, when, during his four yearsof collage, he has learned the followingfive things: Accuracy; Concentration;Love of learning, not that blind infatu-ation which keeps a man with his nosein a book the whole time, hut that quiet,thotful and common-sense desire toknow more; Deep thinking, that artwhich is almost lost in these days; andlast and possibly greatest, Humility, thatwhich tells us that we have a few thingsyet to learn in this world, notwithstand-ing the fact that we had had a collegeeducation."

fined paths can be seen running acrossthe crass. There are three in particu-lar;one running from Chambers toShearer Hall, another from Chambersto Elliot's, and the third from Rumpleto I'lli Mall. Thej resemble long scarsruthlessh scored across a campus whichshould be unrivaled inbeauty. Fellows,with the hundreds ot feet ot thick grassto each side, must we pick this poor,one-foot wide lines, with grass almoststamped out. to walk on? Itsnot neces-sarv to keep oft the grass entirely, vetsiirclv we Can keep off these worn placesand give them a chance to recuperate.Ihe other abuse is the fact that mail)

of the students consider the campus acommon iirnaii hiiahiit Is it eaasier tothrow a crumpled piece of paper out ofthe window than on the floor or in abasket ? It not unK disfigures the grassbut takes a large part of one man's timeto collect it all up. Mr. Jackaon hasoffered to keep the- tennis courts behindChambers marked off. if the studentswill refrain from throwing trash out otthe windows, thus freeing a man to dosome other work. That's a fair offer.Let's take him up on it.


Blue Ridge grow* upon me. and 1 savthis after vearlv experienceof the placesince it was first opened. I spent twoweeks there in the War Work Schoolfor Y. Iff. C. A. Secretaries in Marchami April of this year, and saw themountains in undress. The billowyfoliage ot the opulent summer time had.of course, not come, and the everlastinghills were bare down to the ground, thetrails which I had never seen beforefrom a distance were plainly marked,and Lee Mall looked whiter than everin the dark gra\ frame of the w interwoods. Perhaps this general exterioraspect added to the cosiness ot the binlobby, and certainly the log fires in thecottages gave one a new feeling of hom-ines*.

Hut it was the schedule ot the WarWork School which gave mea new senseof the importance of Blue Ridge, for isthere another place in the whole Souththat could have afforded iust the op-portunity for such a school? Or could

SEE US FOR YOUR "FEEDS"We Have the BEST Things to Eat

Also Handle Country Produce andSeed Potatoes

cashion & son

VOl'R OPINION.There has bam something wrong with

the Literar) Societies for the last two<ir three years. The rolls are distinctlyshorter than tlie\ used to he, and thereis a significant decline in interest ampep. A number ot would-be campusprophets have allowed the societies t\v<alternatives; first, that thev will collapseand pass out ot existence; and MUMl,that thev will have a great revival andregain their waning influence on thecampus. Kin we can't believe that thefirst will happen. Such a tiling wouldbe a disastrous calamitv for the college.anil surely something can be done toavert it. And yet the societies need ;i

regeneration badh. The object of thisarticle is to urge any of the students,especially the Seniors, whether societymember* or non-societ\ members, Mpe-ciallv the latter, to tell us frankly what'swrung with these organizations. Win isit you did not join? Why is it youdropped out? What causes the peple^sness? What can Iw done to put morelife into them md to put them in theplace of service and inlluence they de-serve on the campus? Think, talk, andwrite about it. This column will j»ladl\welcome \our opinion on this question.

I.OOKINC AMIAll.Ne\l year seems a lout; wa\ off. and

it's a lot pleasanter to think about thesummer than another term's work; vetplanning ahead never comes amiss. YouSophs and Juniors, who have electivecourses next vear, have vnu chosen yourcourse? Do \ou choose vour tickets withany plan tor the work vou expect to doafter leaving college? Do you choosea hunch of tickets because they are"crips?" It's the same old tale that'spreached to all students, that, if you"rule thru college on cinches.

'you will

regret it ten veais from now. Ask amtbotful business man if it's not so. Doyou try to get what is called a generaleducation, or do \ou specialize in just afew studies? Talk to the professor youlike best and ask him to advise you. Doyou choose a ticket because you have to,orbecause you want the course? A mangets about half the benefit from a study,when In- hates it and continually kickshimself for electing it. rather than atleast trying to develop some interest forit. It seems a little thing electing fivetickets, and yet wecan't realizehow im-portant our decision has been until welave completed the course. After it'sill over, possibly we will wish we hadised a little more thot and had askedor some seasoned advice.

THK CAMI'l S.The campus is abused in two ways;

one way being injurious and the othercausing waste of labor. Ixiok downfrom the cupola, and well worn and de-

have assembled it or could have madtso direct a contribution to the winningof the war? Men went away frorrthat school into camps throughout thi-country and overseas carrying witlthem undying recollections of Blu<Ridge.

The voting men who go up from tincolleges to the student conference inJune will pass into this atmosphere olhigher consecration to the service of thtcountry and of the world,and they mustbe stolid natures indeed who fail to thrillto the opportunities which Blue Ridgethrows open to the student populationof the South. E. M. I'oteat.

Tbos.E. WilsonICo.Unconditionally guarantee all theirsporting goods and athletic equip-ment togive the satisfactory servicewhich you think they should give.We leave thedecision toyou. Yourown sense of fair play decides. Ourdealers are authorized to abide byyour judgment, and to adjust anyclaimyou make.

Official and StandardAthletic Equipment

Be sure you find the Wilson trademark on your

Football Equipment, Basket-ball equipment,Sweaters,

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andEquipment,Tennis, Track and Gymnasi-

um Equipment,Fishing Tackle,etc.

A.H.FettingManufacturer ofGreek Letter

Fraternity Jewelry213 N.Liberty St., Baltimore,Md.Special designs aid estimates

furnished on medals, rings,lor athletic Heels,etc.— . . ,t



Complete change ofprogram twice aweek.

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. May 1. 19189kDA2


The DAVIDSONIAN. May 1.1918

Trivers Clothes Shop14 N. Tryon St., Charlotte, N. C.

Headquarters for

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Latest models from Fifth Avenue, New YorkPrices $15.00, $20.00 and $25.00

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Just reci-ived a new lineof

Crush Hats, Leghorns,Panamas and Sailors.

Also a new line of low-cutRegal Shoes


Brockmann's224 S. TRYON ST. CHARLOTTE. N. C.|



Rates: f1.00 and Up

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Louisville KentuckvFull staff of Professors. Cur-riculum modern and compre-hensive, with practical training.

Unusually good Library facili-ties. Comfortable dormitoriesand home life for students.

Write the President

CharlesR. Hemphill

LET THEDavidson Pressing Club


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Special Attention to Davidson Men


Brockmann's22-1 S. TRYON ST. CHARLOTTE. N. C.


or BONOS that you wantsot the

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Painting, Calcimining,and Varnishing



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Presbyterian Standtird ']Publishing Co.

Chartstte,North CarolinaI"" /"; vIkvjoiia «. o-) i) ( )\i""

I IfIO. J. Thies, Jr., Davidson


THE McCALLIK SCHOOL FOR BOYSOn Hiiill,'/icl(l of Mi.isioiiiii'v Hull!'1, ('liiilliiiioi)jiu, linn


1. A <' hcinii- \\illi lirm iliM iplinr. 'I IIimiiiKiiI lei, ilinniimiini moiinl.iiiis.2. ManIMcbertolabilityand chanclw IV. Nearly l,Mt(eelabove wa.I. Indiviilujljiirniion10 inipiu. II. I(>riv acrea in couatry, with l.iki-4. Avrrmr rluss aolover taa. 12. Canifulpretccllananintl lire5. Mi'ilKidaiif sludv l.icithl || Uwof tobacco■ Prepare* for bnlcolletn u Military DepartaMBl.7. Iliblc nadMltaught mU» tchool. IS. BludeoUInHeadaailer'i boaarH HonorSyslcin \>otks acre. i 16 Kxi-■"llcni lure in.Ikoo.I u.ilcr.


s'lls \ J. P. McCAL/J/:, M. A., Ph. IK Ufcfc. of \a.

♥■ 1— -—

Laundry!Shoe Repairing! I

When Pleased Tell OthersWhen Dissatisfied Tell Me

M. E. Edwards■, 22 Chambers


Briery: Reaolved, That the shortat Msti-m nt election* should be

adopted b\ the several States.Philanthropic — Affirmative: I'd-

u:inls. CaUwell. Negative: W. F.Hall. W. T. Dunlap, Jr. Oration. W.M. Currie; Declamation, Potent. l'\-ifinporaiu-oiis debate: Affirmative, Chai-iiuts; negative. ClHWamg.

Kumenean— Affirmative: Sullivan. E.A. Woods. McCloy. Negative: Allen.I. \i. Woods. ()r|!ain. Orations: Frier-Mm, Ufllinjrrath.

I.I.IXTION OF OFPICBM.Shorth after the battle waged on

Spnmt lieltl last Saturday there W«another one fought at the PhilanthropicSociety in the election ai officer* for thefirst three months ot next year. TheMniety met at 7:1s and immediatelywent into the election ai officer*.

K"he mantle ot ■\\'1mi.1\" (."lark tellR. I). Hall. Maj he be a> efficient

as "peppy" an executive as the out1H president and u<» are sure lie

will, >itne he was elected In acclama-tion. To lead the Junior Society nextxear along the flower) path of debating,I). M. Chalmers was elected, succeeding(.'. W. Worth, the pmmt iiniunlient.There wereseveral nominations toi bothsecretary and treasurer, hut the luckvmen were— for seeretarv, R. C Clontz,and tor treasurer. P. I.. Knight. W.M. Currie was elected li1st critic, andA. I.. FeactK', second critic. For liistsupervisor, A. I.. Currie wa> elected.For MCond supervisor (.'. N. Morrison.There were several uptraftti tor tin'position of janitor, anil after a pm I dealof voting and counting the secretary an-nounced that I-. I.. WiUon \\a> thr wintier. The DebatingCouncil chosen con-sists ,,f the following: I". < >. Lilly, W.M. Currie and C. W. Worth.

After the supervisor's, secretary's andtreasurer's reports and several externpoiaiu-oiis nporchrii bj "Pebble," tin- s,,

cietv was adjourned by a unanimous voteof the house.

XI-.W Ml V IM'IIMill.( )n<- of the most interesting meeting*

of the I'.umenean Societv this vear w a>held Satimlav. Owing to the amountot other business on hand, the regulaiprogram was dispensed with. WilliamLove read the new constitution ot thesociety, which has been revised, mod-ernized and shortened. Then the newofficers tor next year were installed, withI''. Klinii as president, William l.ove asvice-president. J. R. Moulware as secre-tary, and A. S. I'otts as re\ iewcr.

FouiTnew men were initiated: |. R.McKenlin. II. II. Mas-ev. S. R. Marwell and W. I.. Roddev. Harwell andRoddev made their first argumentativeefforts b) debating on the question: "Re-solved, That I am a better man thanvou are." No points were brought outon either side. McKeldin and Mas«e\Have orations. Matwej on the subject,"My Home Town." and McKeldin onAthens, Term. M.issev informed themembers of the soc ietv that he was fromthe country, so was ineligible for an ora-tion on his subject.


Marion Hoirtis. 'is. who is now inUnion Seminary, addressed ,1 joint meeting <IT the Christian F.ndeavor. Volun-teer Hand, and Ministerial Hand, in

Carer Hall last Sunday evening Hi'K the subject "Prayer," from Jas.}-2o. He emphasized the impor-e of praver especially at the present

time. He showed how praver worksmiracles in the cleansing of the humansoul, how it removes all obstacles inone's way. and finally, that it increasesfaith. Everyone enjoyed the address.


For All 5«»2«%±S**^ See Fre«m»nKinds of Jrl111X111JJ 25 Chambers

Come In i>*ifeS^

DOUv SIfldlK6I Fish andOyslersTEUraONE 79-L

4> 1 ,— »_» ,. . ., m m i4*— - -II ■

- - -,,.-„ i

SCHOLTZ THE FLORIST, Inc.Phones 441 2 8 Nortli TryonSt., Charlotte, N.C.


— " — — — -■ . ■<

IIII'HIIIIHIIIIIIIIBIII'llill!:! Illimil Illllliilllliliil IIIIIIIIHIKIIIIIIIIIlHi iniHBJHjArc You Ready for the Season WithI HIGH-CLASS SHOES?

Complete line of Hifb-Oradc Men's Footgear, at lowestprices to he found on tlie Hill

Gilmer-Moore CompanySouth Tryon Street Charlotte, N. C.uuiiiiiimM^U'iiitH^^

We have openedup a lineof

General Merchandise !Especially Groceries

And we extend to you a CORDIAL INVITATION tocometo see us

R. S. Johnston Co. :: Phone 8z

Kl ( ,1 I \ I K )NS I■< »l.l.< >W Il>|\ STt Dl VI I LICTH »NS

Tin- .it 1'inMm ol tin- student bud) iscalled tu the following amendinent tuthe constitution which w ill govern tin-flections held thi> uprintt. It was adopinl In the -tudi'iit bud) la 1 ear, billfailed to appeal in rhe Ilandbouk.

\\ll.\ll\ll S I 4.Seition 1. A Recommendation Com

mittee lo 1 i'iomnii'iid lanilidiitrs for of-fices in the student bud) shall In- ui seven members: four Seniors,luu Juniors and our Sophomore. Inesemen -~li.ilIbe elected from the membership 1.1 tin- student council l>\ secret batlot ot thai body, tl»- m

#en Retting tin-

hi^hi-si number oi votes being elected.The Senior receiving 11« ;

-liipln-^t mini

Ih-i ut Mitrs shall In- chairman ol thecommittee.

Sri. j. This 1iniiiiiitiv shall recom-mend io tin- student bod) four men tobe nominated for tin- office oi presidentot the studenl hod\ ; lour men to benominated for the office ui lirst and secMini vice-presidents, and three men to henominated for flu* riffice ol secretarytreasurer.

Sec. i. The committee shall recommend hi each class the nun to be electedIn so 1,"! li.illnt, fur the oliiii-s ol stu-dent loiiiiiilnii-n. h shall recommendeight Sertiui . from whont hve shall beelected; five Juniors, from wh<mi threeare to be rfectcd;four Sophomores, fromw Innil.1»\ 11 shall be elected.

Sri . 4. Them* men are to be recommended In tin- committee nnd nutnominated. This ruling does nut pre-vent am uilii'i nominations from thefloor.

Si»-. s. lii ihr recommendation committee a *imnk' tnajorit) -h.ilI ndi1.

Sec. (1. I'he recommendiition comiiiitto- -I1.1II Im- elected from the studenlcouncil In ih'' 1111I1111 council n»rt lateithan ( tctohei 1 nt nilh \ 1.11 .

I.MI'Ui )\ IMl N IS MADION l t )|.l.l til C \MI'l S

\\ lull' nature lias been »1< »i 11ii ber bedto bcautif) tin- campus this spring, manhas alsM cimtributed his share. Ilie lightposts ui front nl the librnn have beengiven a new coal oi green paint, whichputs them in haiimnn with the rest otthe campus. Work has been progressing rapidh mi the Senior gift and wiwill soon be able to \wilk. from Cham-bers to the pm b) wav oi the cementsteps and the "white u.i\.' Siime workhas been done 1111 the gvm itselt. Theshower baths have Seen put. in workingorder and will sunn be in shape for useIn a visiting team. One thing more,last week the campus was mowed!

IIU IIISUS S IIUMlK Kill.I..Corp. U. W ■ Moi ii-iin, i<> iS'i He

l>ni Brigade, Camp jackwin, S. (.'.W. C. Hat.-, px 17. I. S. S. OKinpia.

\ 1:1 I'ostniasli-i, \c« oik.|. I-. Hurley, ex-'ao, eligible Second

Lieutenant, Third ()glethorpe Cainp.,M. K. liluanls.I., (i.Kdgtrrton, i(l

- Kiold Vrtillery,Camp !-<■'■. N a.

l'rc\iniisK reported .... |q6'I'his weak s

Total 4<>i* * "Congratulationsnl Iwist^ iii friends w

tn 1.1iic-si (iialiain, ex-'l3, ill liis marriage to Mi^s Carrie IJillr .\l> \cill.Knl Sprir^pt, N. C. Tbej win- marnril April 10.* * *

Among the sli^lith wounded mentinned in a late rasiiall) list was tIn-name <>t Sergt. William II. Roners, oitlit- (lass ut i{. He was reporteduiiiiiuled sf\i-ial months agu l>nt lii-later letter* itate thai l»- has now entire-K iitommi-iI. After graduating at I>aviilsnn. Sergeant Rogers entered theMi'iliral School ol tin- I ni\cisit\ nlVirginia. From th«»e he enlisted l.i-t\car in Ambulance Inil No. si 7. Sofar as known, he is tin- hist I>a\iils(iii

man wounded.* t »Tin-. 1).\vii»siim w acknowledges a

card liom Lieut, J. C Paulcy, 17. Co.A." Seventh I.S infantry. A. E. F.,

\ 1.1 Ni-w Vort. It read: "I have arlivril salVly OVOT seas."

IIMl \l.AN SOCIK'n m.i\<; ui ai 1 nili)

Repairs started on the In Societ) 1.ill, will In- ioiiiiniiiil tliis spring,ami the liall slioulil In- in lirst rate ((ill-

(lilii'M In 1ommi'iu iiiKMt linn'. Ail111st-

inrnt of the limits, Reveral new curtains,repairs mi tin- windows, and considerable cleaning up will make it quite pn-

Some itrms in connection with tin'In hall that mi^llt iiili'isi folks an' thatin 18S4 the tociet) borrowed a thousanddollars lo flirnitth tin- hall. It was thruthat tin- ih-sks wen- bought, l»iit no rtovev\ as iiisl.ilh-il until iSti'l. The StOfUwhich hail hern outside before werechanged as the) an- now in iS'in, amithe i-aipct ami open) chairs were boughtin Ma>. i8<»j jn>t 2; \cais aga. Itis pnssihli- that a carpet has been boughisimc that time, bui a haadmme and wt-BMHUVe one was bought thru, and i!M-i-nis liki'K that it is tin- one now in use.

The new service flag will U- him;:

In-hind the president's chair. The oldchandelier will soon be disposed of.

Alumni Notes

The DAVIDSONIAN. May 1, 1918

The Bank of DavidsonDAVIDSON, N. C £

Does Commercial Balking,RunsaSavings'Departm't.,Has Lock Boxes For Rent.

Your business is solicitedI

Johnt.D.««Ui.Ppei..W.a.TfcMW««.C*. IJ.Uc Slou.MM.C. k. P*M*.fa*.C*. |

Fry £? GibsonWill Dye or Fix "Km Shoes


Faculty - StudentsHave You Any Type-writing to Be Done?

See Bellingralh. 69 Chambers

\ 7ke Sennefir*\Discriminating

StudentThe Ben-Vonde Co. j

The South's LargestExclusive

j Dyers and Cleaners I18, tO and 22 W. Filth St.


J. A. TIAMES, . . . Agent


( )n change oette toi*Le Miijet;on laitKtranquiiles pour !<" morautt les profe*-seurs, ot on discute la p.-irallclc enoacepar ('haieauhiiand cntrc Ic peuple an-;.].i;. ci Ic |■<■■ ij>11- francais. V'oici eette.uiallele:

"Me lange (l"sung allemaud et du -aw:franc ais, le pcuple attgluis decele de toutesparts *■ double origine. Son gouveine-mint tonne de ruyaute et d'aristocratie;-a religion, moin> pumpeuse quet la ie-

li^icin ratholique; <an inilitaire, a l;itui- lourd et actii, (out particiae ilc>deux sources dont il decauk. II rt-unita la utnplicite, au calme, nu lion mm, .i

la lenteur germanique, I'eclat, IVinpoit 1

niciii. et la v i\ ;i< itt- dc IV-piit francais.Kils .line- ill- I'aotiquite, !<"■> Francais,

Rum.mi- par le genie, sorrt (irecs par I*raractere. Inquiets ct voiages daw !"■iiniiliriii ; ronstants et invincibles dansladversite;formes pour les arts; iiwlisc-iu-(|u ;i I «-\i !■>(luiani lr calme de I Ktat ;Ifroviiers e\ sauvages dans les troubles|M>!ut u|ucn; flottiiilts, iiMimii' des \ai-seaux nans hst, an gre ilc> passions; en-rhoiisinstes du him et du mal: ainani-pussillanimes de la vie pendant la paix;prodigttes de leurs jours ilans les bataiiIrs;ili.innants ihuis li-iu pays, in.supportables che/ I'etranger; tels furerrt le;Atlic-ninis il atitn-lois. tels -.out les KraP> ;ii> il ad juuidliui.


Brockmann's224 S. TRYON ST. CHARLOTTE. N. C.

The Wallace-Brough Co.ILive juslMOeived -.1 new line of

irimniinys. Flowers, Quills andNeckwear

4 ;


The Hoover & Smith Co.

Official Fraternity


616 Cheslnut SI. Philadelphia

BOOST the ATHLETIC AssociationBy Backing

The CommissaryFall line ol Athletic Goods. FeltGoods, and ether College Supplies



In the Third Liberty La— the Da-vidson people are ajjain i;alluntlv de-fending democrac\ with their dollars.>7,}S(> worth of Ixinds of the assigned$<i,itH) havinji been subscribed up to \2o'clock Saturday; the 27th. In one dayrecently $2.2OO worth were sold.

There is one week left to reach andsurpass the appointed )ioal. In the lastloan >ifa.s><> were subscribed, whichwas about 20 per cent BaWVC the David-son allotment. With a strong rally inthese last days left to this loan anotherover-subscriptionought to be made.

W. S. S. are also being sold in pM>dquantities. Some 96,500 worth ot themhave been sold by the local postoffice.


The second edition of the "New In-ternational Encyclopedia" containing 24volumes has recently been added to thenumber of books in the librarv. Thefirst edition was published in 1902-4.World progress and the main change*in the last ten years have made it neces-sary for the entire text to he rewritten.Some of the new features are the use otthe single alphabet, the arrangement otsubject* under titles to which the readerwould naturally turn, an inclusive titlelist, and a full and practicable bibliu-j;raphv for all important MJBJCCtS. Thisencyclopedia is a splendid addition to thereference works of the librarv.


The Kresh-Soph declamation contestof the I'llinmi III! Society was held lastRriday night, April j(>. The medal,which is offered annually to the bestdeclaimer. was awarded to W. B. Sullivan, of the Sophomore class. Ihejudge* were Dr. Richard* and PrufcMoraReed and Wood.

Nine men entered the contest. si\Sophs and three Freshmen. C. A. M<-(lirt Rave "Loyalty to Country ;" Win.I/ove gave

" Tennessee's Partner;" C. G,Matthews gave President Wilson ~"Baltimore Speech;" A. M. Mitchellnave Senator Breckenridge's " IlieMarch of the Flam" R. R. Craig gavePresident Wilson's "Flag Day Ad-dress;" W. B. Sullivan nave "America'sUncrowned Queen;" R. I. L. Liston(rave Senator Taylor's "Address to OldConfederates;" J. R. Boulwarr, Jr..gave "Address to tin- French Mission;"W. P. CuRMnmg gave "ExperienoM ofa Japanese College Boy in the UnitedStates."


At a joint meeting of the North C'arolina Acadenn of Science and the Statedivision of the American Chemical Sn-ciety. at the State Normal College, I):.

F. W. GudgCT, professor of biology at

the Normal, was elected president. Dr.H. B. Arbuckle. the retiring president.was elected vice-president. AnotherDavidson man, Dr. W. A. Withers.'8*. professor at North Carolina StateCollege, was president preceding Dr.Arbuckle. Davidson men hold a pre-eminent position in academic and mieatific circles.

'The meetintr was Friday and Satur-day. Some features of the interestingprogram were scientific papers bv Prof.C. Cobb. on "Mineral Fertilizers ;""New and Interesting North CarolinaFungi." by H. C, Beardslee: C. S.Brimlee discust the cold-bI(K)ded vete-

brates apart from the piVes spei ie-. Dr.OJudper gave some interestingbotanicalobservations.


1he heads ut tin- committee* to se-cure new students for Beat year havebern hard at work, with the students co-Iqperiiimi; with dm to MR extent.However, a gHflt main have done noth-ing at all. It is desired that everyoaein college pt to work and make thisplan a mews from the start. Tin"leaders wish to pel a list of the namesof possihle student-, for ne\t ycai. Anynames handed in to the eoHMWMMM willbe appreciated.


The Seniors will not he outdone.They did not luw :i Suph Banquet; hutthe\ are establishing a precedent in thatthey are (.'oiii^ to hold a Senior Banquet.Ihis will he held |u-t before cotnilience-ment. At a daw meeting the purposewas evprest to have a food *>1*I yet-to-gether meeting with lots ot claM spiritand Hood things tn eat.

The committee having thi- in chargeis composed ut |. I.. Fowle, chaiiman.I). M.Ordain. K. H. Stmie and W. M.Fountain.


CASCO-U/tfm. CLYDE-V/s in

Brady Printing Co.Statesville : Morth Carolina


II you want Good Printing and QuickService— BRADY is Ike Man to Bo It


Is Oar Hrprcsrnlalivrs ilIke Collrqf



2Oc EACH3 FORSOc 12 FOR $2




DE( OMMKNDF.I)^^^^^>■*for achnol androlleweplavrra. Slionitlym«d<- "I Ifli-rlrd IrMhrr.H»a aprintinK alylc fleiiblr aolra Set ilinourcatalogue or at

A. G. Spalding & Bros.74 N. Iroad SI., Atlanta. Ca.

Let the Shu-Fixery Fix 'En. S. A.Burgess

For Fresh Meals Cal1""*%*.

Spring Shirts and NeckwearLion,Belk and Maryland Madras Shirts, 98c, $1.25, $1.50,

$2.(M), $2.50 and $3.00. Silk Shirts, $<».00, S5.00, t&M, *3.50 and$2.95. Stetson,No Name and Helk Hats, new shapes and colors,$2.50 to S6.00. Silk Neckwear, 25c., 50c., 75c. and 98c.

Belk Brothers : Charlotte

The DAVIDSONIAN May 1. 1918

DRY CLEANINGHigh Grade Laundering

Hats Cleaned VReblocked

The Charlotte LaundryOldest Largest Best

A.S. Palts,College Agent,29ChambersLaundry collected every TUESDAY night

Union TheologicalSeminary


For information, address:W.W.Moore,D.D..LLD.

I PrincipalI

—When inMooresville Visit—The Miller-WhiteDrugCompany

Special Attention to Davidson Men


andBetter Work

The New Steam Press at the OldStaid

TobeJohnson17 Years at the Same Place


Gents' Furnishings,Furniture,

Household Furnish-ings, etc., go to

M. H. 600DRUM & CO.'S STOREWe can supply your wants


InNanyaSdudedNookl^/Js^/vi/jita/nPenwiffJbeciMe/comeCom/mm■Watermain's1 Ideal)urountainPenIM Fo 1 1o w s!

Drop in at the

duality Store

■ JoHoil's

The Tate-Brown Company11 South Tryon Street : Charlotte, N. C.

Yottag Men's Clothing, Hats, Furnishings andShoes. Knapp-I'elt Hats, Bassalina Italian Hats,Manhattan and Star Shirts. Hanan, Florsheimand the I'rcnth,Shriner and Urner Shoes.

TAILORING DEPARTMENT ON 2nd FLOOR.;;::,;.; ,.■ .-.-.; :, ,j ..: ': ... ...

Johnston-Belk CompanyDKI'ARTMIAT STOKh

212 South CenkT St. - - - Statesville,N. C.'When you want the best values c-.ill at the store that sells

for CASH and for LESS. We carry a big line of Clothing,Shoes, Hats and Caps, Cents' Furnishings, etc.


The DAV1DSONIAN May 1, 1918

hood bj a store nt 6-o, 'i--'. The mostexciting match in the first round wasplayed l>\ W. F. Hall irtid T. II.Spencc.

" Hall won b) a =■ 7. '12. d .- Spence played a fast net game but finally1 had to Jjivr in to hi- opponent.

( )nl\ one match ha* been pia\ed in1 the second round, '¥.. \. Woods defeat-r inir I.. ( i. l.ilK in a ven interestings match. The score ua- t>-j.. 7 9, u \.

In the third round, W. I'. Hall 1ed a ven close game with I. A. Woods,ihe former winning ii1 1 score oi 7 c. K-'). ) 6. '1-4.

I mil 111.IvIhere were onlj five entries in the

■ doubles tournament this sea«on. ( ioo<land W. M. Jones l«i»i t« W. K. Halland Spence b; a b-i, 'i 2, >> -? score. The

1 tinnier were not up to their usual form.Mi I'heeici .mil MiKrlden lost to Ken

i neiK and ( iaithei tn the tuili- of '> <.1 '14. ii j.. W. K. HaH and Spent r d<

teated ( uniiin^liam and I \. WfjodsIn the * me nl ii .'. i> ; 1-6, '>-4. The'sei ond round ni the doubles «il! laka

1 plin e -inn). Ihe\ should prove t«) bevrrj interesting to all loyersi oi i;'"idtennis.

h \\ lf)S< )\ WINS KRt )\li \R( )| l\ \ l\ II I \ I \TH((.'.niurn,d '

1■ it .'., , 1 1

pe.itam e ill \ arsity iinifnrtl>uli iii 1 In l'iici ■

' liake I■■■/<■! ll.l '.'I', en III- Illle Up. Ral hand Richard divided » 11h K n ■ thehnnm» ini Innui.' 11 ■ ;n ; 11 indlull pi,I''ii 1 II :i I litIf 1r.1tIii -1. n. ciitniL' 1

' " chances tvi'hiuil ,1

llnlllile. lin■ 1■

.mil \\ iiii 1Iii exieptjon iflhall, lielded in go< d rortit. He threw I(lilt Ihe mil\ tun 1111 11 u lin ' ited tn|pilti 1 nil him. 1I1- diiI u ii tennil se, nnd li.i-e -uriCsslulh .Ihe line up tnllnw s:

11 \\ iiisii\ ;1 M; K M I'dS| .inn. ' 1 . . . 4 1 > 1 '" 1 ■ 1K'li::. <l> ; 1 I «» . 2 ii

\11 \ 1n. 1 1 . . 4" < 11 1 ' ■ 1'

Ilengl v eld. !' 4 1> I I 7 ' 'Siittcm, 1I1 . 4 11 ''is 1 1.Richards, It . 4 1 1 r 1.1 11Hunts, c . 4 1. '' i , ' ;K.ii.lii'nd. 'I- .4 1

"Bosuell, <s ( " (i 2 ■■ 1

Total* t; ;";■,. .s. i XKiII.INA (1) \r. R Ii '' (l.\ails. ;h s 1 p 1 ■■ .1

Warintf. p 4 t< ■" 1 7 ■'

Clarke ■ ♥<><>.<< ■'Si'ahmne. r . . . 411 1

Mi-all. , 1 . . . 4 ..W'nlle. 1I . ., . 4 I iBaker, Ii ..... 4Knlin. 'I' . . 4 11 1 1 ; 11 1

I'.ukei.1I1.. 4 1 ' 11(1 11 1

Inlals . <7 "-


■ .1 4'( )ne out when winning run was made.

Score In innings: r.I)a\ itlsnn . ' '1' 1 mo iw HI {v'.imlina .. _■ " < . ■ ■ , , ■. ■ ... j"

Snmiiiau : Stolen bases, Spiuin {2),Ratchtord; sacrifice bit, Waring; two-bane hits. Seaborne, Hengeveld, Rich.mis; rhree-hhM> hit, King; rtruci out,l>\ Hengeveld in, \\\ Waring b; passedball. Hums; time nl game, 1 :4": uni-pite. Lieutenant Black.

SI \K >K> WIN KIST PL \v IIN Till CL VSS Mill'

{Continued irm/i pu<i< 1)

chel i I'resh ), thud. Height, 'i feel 9inches-.

l\ela\ Seniors, first;Juniors, second;Freshmen, third.

Battalion review was held in the aft-ernoon. The competitive drill waa post-poned to Some later date nn aiYoimt otthe fact that the judge* wen' unable tonet hen-.


The I'liihiiitlirupic Society wa* \ i<-

r<>i itmi- in ihc Annual Junior-Senioi i\<-Sate which « as held 111 tin- KumeneanSfciet) hall law Monda) niiiht. TheMtbyact tin debate mn "Remlvod, ThaiCon(frws should enact legislation torthe lompiilMirv arbitration nt disputesbetween organized labor and corporatioiK, conrtrtiitionall) \\ mi\ iiI.

The I'lii Sm-iet\ wH represented InK. I. WcClure, W. C. Seel and W.\I. Cuiru-. w )iil<- the In Society wmreprewMsd bj I.. M. Thomas, A. 8.Potts and I).M. Orgain. \ medal wasawarded in the best dehatei in each so■ iet). tin- medal in ili<- I'ln S« ietj l»-inu' awarded hi W, M. Currie, and mtin- In iii L. M. Thoiraw.

The debate wa* «napp\ thruout and-Imwed that flic debaters had put muchtime .mil tliipiijjlit mi tin- subject andii rrc well prepared, riach «pe;dteibrought nut hit) |i< mil~ in .i clear andconvincing manner, attbuuRh Mime "tthem indulged in ;i little camouflage torthe heneln cii the iudf(e

The affirmative hrniuihl mil a» itsmain points: fi) thai voluntary arbitration has failed ; f 2) tli.ii tin- prnI" -cil amendment i- nwessan because uithe iiimi<-i i.ili-iu and economit rondiln;i|v; (() ill.n llii- pniponed methodwill In- .i -..111

-1:i■ t< j11 reined) i i it

will lie .mi! > <>111<I lie riilmi I'd;it i\ logics!; it is tin iiii'IimI ileniandedIn justice! it is tin1 dutj ni the governincut to settle I.dim disputes.

The negative admitted that c Iftiortsnf iini altogethi't satisfacton. Thenlllr\ shnW ed that tile 1 11<»(<<>- j.I niethm!was niiui-r mi principle and uniisi intin- employee and tin' public, ibe) alsoshowed it vvas undemocratic. ;indwould bring sui fnvoluntan servitude,l-'uitht-t iimii- ihc\ ghiiwed that the pro-poned .method would infringe on theemployers' n^lit oi free contract. Hesides ilus. thej proved that il would imtAtop strikes mil cited as examples ciMin-UK-, in whull it ha* been tried. IhV\.lUn strewed the fact the affirmativehad baaed its arguments on lwst\ genei;ili/.'itinns iiid had nut considered nui

■ i iiimportant phases oi the i|iiestion. Iheiii-f ut these was the difference betw-eenarbitration and compuliuirj a.ffettrntinn;the sciuixl phase w a- that the question asstated. aridted unl\ ime fifth <>i tIk- la-borer* and hence could imt hr consideriil a satisfactory reined).Ilie iuil^r- ni the debate were

Mewws. I. W. I', J. \V Keeram,and Hainitton C Jones, ai the Charlotte

IIKNHj ItHKN Wll \ I' ISsrn.i. m i\(i f*i. win

< )m account nt tin- inclemency ni theweather, the tennis tournament has beenlatlui \oi\\i drawn out. Within anntlii'i week ii ithould be completed.V\ lien the rain allows a lew matches hibe played, a greal mam spectatorsmitheiaround the courts to see the pla? fotthe most ni (he matches have been rinse-l\ contested.

Managet \\ . K. Hall i« tning Ui ar-i.inuc a tournament with some uthei colli-jc. but has not been able to do mi asvet. It is Imped that in the near futureDavidmn will be represented in tIn-inrin ni athletics, and we feel confidentthai -\\r will excel in tins spun is shedues in ntlicis. \In the lust round nt tlw [tingles, Mi-

I'liecters. Cunningham and Kennedyhave \<"t tn pla>. ( i.iitlier and Knildc\have lim'shcd then match, tin- formerwinning In a tcoce si (>-2. S-d. Thru-out the match Knddcv played an uphillgame, coming hack rtrong in the tecondset. ( iaither worked in » \arii-t\ ntjpmhI strokes. K. G. I.illy defeated Ma

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