Student Bubbles branding document



branding guidelines for student bubbles

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Student Bubbles is UK’s most exciting Generation-Y social network, created by industry experts, graduates and students with the determination, ability and vision to enlighten the student experience. We are made up of a team bringing together over 15 years management experience within the student community nationwide.

“Student Bubbles are pioneers in opportunity exploration, staying connected and insightful exposure to friends”.

We surprise visitors with an array of opportunities, offers and potential friends based on their location and interests, resulting in the most unique, exploratory and targeted university experience. The communication tools central to the site, allows for members to connect with people, groups and organisations is way previously impossible.

Students can enjoy a quality of life that is simply unavailable from any other medium or outlet. As of September students whether relocating, visiting or exploring cities will be surprised by the unique, manageable and easy to access options available to them.

Brand Concept

Brand name & identity

The Student Bubbles brand is the sum of all characteristics, tangible

and intangible, that make us unique.

The Student Bubbles core brand message and attributes are carried

through all communication mediums through use of color, typography,

visual effects and other brand elements. Correct and consistent usage

is vital to ensuring the quality and integrity of the Student Bubbles


These guidelines are designed to unify communications and help

maintain a clear, strong and consistent message across all advertising,

collateral, promotional activity and web marketing executions.

3 key brand characteristic traits:




Corporate Culture:

For students by students


Open and accessible





Brand personality

Brand emotions evoked and why:

“Sense of calm and comfort”

Strong local knowledge

Dominant voice in local market, reinforced through national presence

Management team’s experience and closeness with student generation

“Amusement, playful, cheerful, Adventurous”

Strong marketing imagery

Fun user interface

Fun brand colour scheme and imagery

Entertaining content

“Energetic and experiencing something special”

Unlimited possibilities to discover content and offers

Opportunities, possibilities and limitless potential

“Feeling of safety and peace of mind”

Management experiences

Ability to gain special offers

Partners / close organisations

“Feel better about themselves”

Self assurance over friends volume, quality and similarity

Acknowledgment of friends with similar interests in close proximity

“Positive feeling about reactions of others”

Acceptance within large student community (togetherness, friendship and love)

Not missing out on unique opportunities

Maintain individuality and closeness to community which

Expand and explore self image

Brand personality cont.

The student bubbles logo has a multi colour design and type treatment. It is a clear and simple logo, yet complex in it’s own way - representing the sheer volume of options and decision available to students, through colour.

The main element (the bubble) has been three-dimensionally enhanced to provide a modern and technical feel, consistent with the high level of technology usage, yet still relevant and accessible to the all technical abilities.

font and colour. Any alterations must be approved by the Student Bubble marketing department prior to production.


Main logo elements

The main Student Bubbles logo is composed of two elements:

1. The bubble artwork

2. The “Student bubbles” typeface

The relative proportion and spatial relationship of the logo-mark must

remain constant at all times.

The typography for the logo is based on Geometric 231 BT Bold for

the word ‘Student’, and Geometric 231 BT Light for the word ‘Bubble’,

made to typeset or recreate the logotype.

When the logo appears on a background other than white, no alteration

is made to the logo. This includes placing a box, circle or any shape

around the logo to create a white background. This is also includes

The relative proportion and spatial relationship of the logo and the circle

must remain constant.



Commission logo elements

For example: Media Package

“Media package” can be represented in writing and/or as a logo. When

writing/typing “Media Package” the words should have initial caps.

Words such as “Saint” than can be abbreviated, should be to “St.”;

and an ampersand (&) should represent the word “and”.

When commissions are represented within the logo, it is composed of

three elements:

1. The bubble artwork 2. The “Student bubbles” typeface 3. The descriptor (commission)

by the communications department at Student Bubbles.The font for

that it is artwork. The relative size and proportion has been set, and no

attempt should be made to typeset or recreate the logotype.




Media Package

The Student Bubbles logo is based on a multi-color format (Please

refer to the current edition of the Pantone Color Formula Guide).

All these are Pantone colours.

Dark Blue – 295C

CMYK MIX: 100C 57M 0Y 40K

RGB MIX: 0R 69G 124B

Light Blue – 284C

CMYK MIX: 59C 19M 0Y 0K

RGB MIX: 108R 174G 223B

When spot colors cannot be printed and/or paper stock other than

coated needs to be used, the PMS COLOURS should be replaced with

four-color process, for which the CMYK formula is 100C 57M 0Y 40K.

For electronic media, the RGB formula for the CVC COLOURS is

0R 69G 124B.

For use in black and white print (when it is not feasible to reproduce the

logo in this PMS mix), the logo should be reproduced in gray scale.

On a background other than white, the logo does not get reversed out.

Main logo colours

DARK BLUE – 295CCMYK MIX: 100C 57M 0Y 40K RGB MIX: 0R 69G 124B

LIGHT BLUE – 284CCMYK MIX: 59C 19M 0Y 0K RGB MIX: 108R 174G 223B

Media Centre

Improper use of the Logo

The logo is intrinsic to the organisations value and offering, therefore in

order to preserve its status as a corporate asset, the Student Bubbles

logo must not be altered in any way. Changing the logo minimises its

impact and detracts from a consistent brand image.

use is questionable. In such cases the decision is entirely made by the

marketing department at Student Bubbles and should not be removed

without their approval.

Example of improper usage include:




ApplicationsThe following pages serve as a general guide to the look and feel of how the logo and its identity can be adapted to various communication vehicles in print and virtual media. The templates typically depict the graphic treatment, placement of logo, images and text, color and font family. New designs and layouts are encouraged for all future communications as long as they are consistent with this established framework.

Typography Families

Geometric 231 BT Light is the primary brand typeface and must be

used whenever possible. To complement the Geometric type family,

we have introduced the Arial font. This font can be used together with

Geometric 231 in professionally prepared printed documents, signage,

etc. For online applications, such as web page text or HTML emails,

Arial can be used interchangeably with Geometric where required.

Geometric 231 BT Light:

Geometric 231 BT Bold:

ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz1234567890


We are in the process of building a comprehensive library of images for

use in all communication materials.

When selecting photography, it is important to choose images that

that exists in the student market. We wish to use only up-to-date,

modern images that will represent our brand’s diverse style and


When multiple images are used together, they can be in either color or

black- and-white. Combining images style is perfectly acceptable.


Letters and memos produced on corporate letterhead must follow this

template. The typeface to use for the body of the letter is Arial, 12 point

size, with single line spacing.


When creating new PowerPoint presentations, the Student Bubbles

template must be used. The layout for the cover slide, the title slide and

the content slide are shown here. Please contact the communications

department to acquire the templates. For the editable copy in the

header, please use Arial Bold; for the body copy, please use Arial

Powerpoint template