Putting your best foot forward on social media. Jan. 26, 2016

Social Media Branding for Student-Athletes

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Putting your best foot forward on social media.Jan. 26, 2016

From college athlete to“real” world professional.

Lindsay McClelland Digital PR Account Manager, @MMIAgency | @LindsayLM

Differentiate yourself as an athlete.




Mental toughness

Time management

Network and build relationships

Clean up your digital dirt.


google yourself!

set up google alerts for your name.

search results = second impressions.

Facebook. A place to connect with friends

A professional-looking photo is best.

Check your privacy settings!

Keep your personal information private.

Twitter. A place for real-time news and events

A professional-looking photo is best.

A public profile is fine, if appropriate!

Tweets show up in search engine results.

Instagram. A place to show your personality

Use a photo similar to your other social networks.

A public profile is fine, if appropriate.

Engage with followers and tell your story.

Link your website or blog in the bio.

Avoid spamming!

LinkedIn. A place to professionally network

A professional photo of only you is best.

Establish a professional presence, join groups, network.

Make sure all components of your profile are complete.

Customize your URL.

What not to do. 10. Post live updates about how nervous you are about an interview.

9. Post videos of last week’s tire slashing spree. 8. Leave your Facebook/Twitter privacy settings open.

7. Call in sick after posting Snapchat stories of a huge party. 6. Post racist or sexist jokes.

5. Link back to a personal blog with personal/private subject matter. 4. Admit to a heinous crime.

3. Post videos of underage drinking. 2. Swear in every other update.

1. Post videos of yourself making fun of a prospective boss.

What not to do.

Use social media to establish your brand.

My social media presence. PR & social media professional


Brand ambassador

Travel enthusiast

Yoga teacher



Consistency.Tell your story, and tell it the same way every time.


Choose your friends.Use social media as a way to network + an opportunity to align your personal brand with trusted influencers.


• Clean up your digital dirt • Google yourself! • Check privacy settings and update when applicable • Keep your social media presence consistent • Use social media as a way to network • Align your personal brand with trusted influencers • Remember, social media can be your best friend or worst enemy while

job hunting

Thank You.Lindsay McClelland

@LindsayLM [email protected]
