Stratford: Gamify for product camp so cal


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Michael Stratford “Provocateur of Transformation”


Your Work!

Are you Playing the Game or is the Game Playing You??

gome gamenCommunion

sharing, closeness, fellowship, harmony, unity participation

rapport, togetherness


bliss, delight, ecstasy,

pleasure elation, satisfaction,exultation

felicity, festivity, hilarity

= Game

Are you Playing the Game or is the Game Playing You??

Y Gamify?

Are you Playing the Game or is the Game Playing You??

Engagement +


Team Play+

The F Word! =

Breakthrough Results

“Game designers, researchers and even companies like Pepsi, IBM and Nike are staging a broad effort to gamify parts of our lives that previously have been impossible to play.

Gamifying your life, they say, could help you learn new skills, connect with others, and become fitter, happier, and healthier.

Anything you can make sense of you can make a game of”New Scientist Jan.8-14, 2011, “Ultimate Gaming”

“Using a game called “Foldit,” which was released by the University of Washington, players have deciphered the crystal structure of a protein that causes Aids in rhesus monkeys.

It had baffled scientists for 15 years, but took gamers 10 days to solve.” ( and there were only 3 of them primarily on the task)

“Gamers Solve AIDS Puzzle” By Nick ClaytonWall Street Journal, September 21, 2011

The Microsoft testing group, used a game they created called the “Language Quality Game” which recruited employees around the world to review the boxes in their spare time to test their Windows and Office dialog boxes, that would also have to be tested in every language they ship in.

They were awarded points for each suspicious bit of language and then ranked on a leaderboard based on their success. The scoring system tracked performance of both individuals and regions.

All told 4,500 participants reviewed over ½ million windows 7 dialog boxes and logged 6,700 bug reports.

“For the Win” Werbach and Hunter 2012

Are you Playing the Game or is the Game Playing You??

What Is Gamify?

Are you Playing the Game or is the Game Playing You??

“Gamification, is the use of game elements and game design techniques in non – game contexts.”

“For the Win” by Kevin Werbach, Dan Hunter Oct. 2012 Wharton Digital Press

Are you Playing the Game or is the Game Playing You??

How to Gamify?

Your Move

Your Move

Your Move

Your Move

Your Move

Your Move


Your Work


Are you Playing the Game or is the Game Playing You??

7 Key Elements to Any GamePlayWinning DefinedRulesPlayersGame Plan/How to PlayName of the GameGame Environment –


Let’s Play!

Michael Stratford


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