Stories of World Famous Brands武然121


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  • 8/9/2019 Stories of World Famous Brands 121


    World Famous Brands

  • 8/9/2019 Stories of World Famous Brands 121


    Ferrari Enzo Ferrari was born on February 18, 1898 nearModena(), Italy. When he was 10 his fathertook him to an automobile race in Bologna (

    ). After attending a number of other races, hedecided he wanted to become a racing car driver.

    While working at a small carmaker involved withconverting war surplus (), Ferraritook up racing in 1919. He ended up landing a jobwith Alfa Romeo and drove a modified productioncar.

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    In 1923 while racing at the Circuit of Sivocci at

    Ravenna he was approached by Count

    Enrico and Countess Paolina Baracca, theparents of the heroic Italian pilot Francesco

    Baracca. Francesco was known as the Italian ace of

    aces. He died on Mount Montello during the war.

    His parents gave Ferrari their son's squadron badge,which was the famous prancing horse on a yellow


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    In 1929 Enzo formed the Scuderia Ferrari with the

    aim of organizing racing for members. In 1940

    Enzo Ferrari left Alfa Romeo and started a new

    company Auto-Avio Costruzioni Ferrari. A year

    after the World War II in 1946, the shop was

    rebuilt and work began on the first ever Ferrari

    motorcar. In 1969 Enzo Ferrari sold 50% ofFerrari's share capital to the Fiat group. That figure

    grew to 90% in 1988. Enzo Ferrari died at the age

    of 90 in Modena on August 14, 1988.

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    Chanel From her first millinery shop, opened in 1912, to the 1920s,

    Gabrielle 'Coco' Chanel rose to become one of the premierfashion designers in Paris, France. Replacing the corset

    with comfort and casual elegance, her fashion themesincluded simple suits and dresses, women's trousers,costume jewelry(), perfume() and textiles.

    She claimed a birthdate of 1893 and a birthplace ofAuvergne; she was actually born in 1883 in Saumur()

    - her mother worked in the poorhouse() whereGabrielle was born, and died when Gabrielle was only six,leaving her father with five children whom he promptlyabandoned to the care of relatives.

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    She adopted the name Coco during a brief career asa cafe and concert singers 1905-1908. First amistress of a wealthy military officer then of anEnglish industrialist, she drew on the resources ofthese patrons in setting up a millinery shop in Parisin 1910, expanding to Deauville and Biarritz. Thetwo men also helped her find customers among

    women of society, and her simple hats becamepopular.

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    Soon she was expanding to couture, working injersey, a first in the French fashion world. By the1920s, her fashion house had expanded

    considerably, and her chemise set a fashion trendwith its "little boy" look. Her relaxed fashions,short skirts, and casual look were in sharpcontrast to the corset fashions popular in the

    previous decades. Chanel herself dressed in

    mannish clothes, and adapted these morecomfortable fashions which other women alsofound liberating.

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    In 1922 Chanel introduced a perfume, Chanel No.

    5, which became and remained popular, and

    remains a profitable product of Chanel's company.

    Pierre became her partner in the perfume business

    in 1924, and perhaps also her lover. Most of her

    fashions had a staying power, and didn't change

    much from year to year -- or even generation to


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  • 8/9/2019 Stories of World Famous Brands 121


    Swarovski The Swarovski has been making the finest lead glasscrystal for over 100 years. It began in 1895 whenDaniel Swarovski founded Swarovski Crystal with theassistance of Franz Weis and Armand Kossmann.Daniel worked for long years on a precision facetingmachine while he worked for his father as a glass andcrystal cutter. He was ready to register a patent in 1895.The combination of fine crystal and precision cuttingmade the Swarovski name famous. The keys to their

    success was Daniels patented precision crystal cuttingmachine and the their demand for the very finestquality crystal available.

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    By 1913 the Swarovski Company built their ownproduction plant. It took the years between 1908

    and 1913 to perfect the formula for flawless crystal.This was done primarily by Daniel's sons Wilhelm,Friedrich, and Alfred who followed in their fathersfootsteps. These crystals were made into flawlesslycut jewelry stones. Their goal was to create thevery finest crystal in the world and to meetproduction demands that were growing every year.

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    Fashion designers like Chanel made costumejewelry not just acceptable but a fashionrequirement for every fashion conscious woman of

    the time. In 1995 Swarovski celebrated 100 years of the

    worlds finest crystal and opened the SwarovskiKristallwelten a manmade grotto filled with the

    most magnificent crystal creations. Designs fromthe most celebrated artists were created and put ondisplay in a specially designed Crystal World inWattens, Austria

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