Stephen Hattersley as the Ghost of Don Andrea. Michael Fenner as Balthazar (backstage Greg Hicks as...


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Stephen Hattersley as the Ghost of Don Andrea

Michael Fenner as Balthazar (backstage Greg Hicks as Lorenzo)

Michael Fenner as Balthazar and

Michael Bryant as Hieronimo

Greg Hicks as Lorenzo and Patti Love as Bel-Imperia

Janet Whiteside as Isabella

Roger Gartland as Horatio and Patti Love as Bel-Imperia

Hieronimo (Michael Bryant) and Isabella (Janet Whiteside)

finding their son murdered Horatio (Roger Gartland)

James Hayes as the Hangman and Joss Buckely as Pedringano

Greg Hicks as Lorenzo

Michael Bryant as Hieronimo and Stephen Hattersley as the Ghost of Don Andrea

Greg Hicks as Lorenzo, Patti Love as Bel-Imperia and Michael Fenner as Balthazar

Lorenzo (Greg Hicks) fighting Hieronimo (Michael Bryant)

Hieronimo (Michael Bryant), Bel-Imperia (Patti Love),Lorenzo (Greg Hicks) and Balthazar (Michael Fenner)

lying dead at the end of the play

Dir. Michael Bogdanov and

Michael Bryant (Hieronimo)
