“STEM to STREAM” Our journey through the implementation of STEM Education Presented by: Blessed...


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“STEM to STREAM”Our journey through the implementation of STEM Education


d by:



nt School

Maria Gomez - Principal

Tiffany Stalek – Assistant Principal Math Teacher

STEM Coordinator

Victoria Sebastian – Science Teacher

Aileen Bost – Third Grade Teacher

Tara Hackman – Director of Admission and Marketing

What is STREAM?

The kids can tell you BEST!

Why STEM?• To Differentiate Blessed Sacrament School

in a competitive market.

• STEM is expected to be the fastest growing employment sector.

Why STREAM?STEM + Religion & Arts

• Catholic Identity• Highlight Special Programming• Include All Types of Learners• Academic Rigor

What does STREAM look like?● Doing vs. Knowing

● Student-centered vs. Teacher-centered

● Project/Problem Based vs. traditional

● Team vs. Individual (Students & Teachers)

● Network vs. School

Where do you begin? Create a Strategic Plan

Self Assessment – What are we already doing at our school? What resources do we have? What do we need?

Help Wanted! – Where can we see STEM in action?

Where do you begin? Administrative support Start a STEM Library/Webpage for collaboration Provide Professional Development for teachers Create a PLC (Professional Learning Community) Who are the teacher leaders in your school? Creative Scheduling (Teachers & Students) Identify community members who can help

What is the COST?

O BSS STREAM is done “on a shoestring” We highlight teaching approaches/curriculum that we had already adopted!

O There are “out of the box” curriculums, but they are expensive!

O BSS did not buy a curriculum, but we did already have a lab intensive science curriculum

A Commitment to STEM All middle school students have math and

science for a total of 440 minutes per week All middle school students have Engineering

Class every Friday “STREAM in Action” Course is built into the

master schedule every Friday Electives are STEM based Emphasis on Community Partnerships

Elective Program

Lego Robotics Seaperch Careers in STREAM

Guitar Little Knight Buddies Upcycling

Web Page Design Animation with Imagination

Junior Scientists Interior Design Video Arts

Community Service Science in the Kitchen

Mr. Keith Verner

A Commitment to STEM

A Commitment to STEM

A BSS Best PracticeUsing EDMODO to Enhance

LabLearner Curriculum

This is a long term collaborative project.  Students will


Each student will be responsible for a section of the website. Each students will have their own Inventor’s Page. The invention page will be completed with your partner. Students will work together in pairs or trios.

The Invention webpage will have the following components:

Link to the Biography of the Inventor page- Written by Peer Summary of Invention  - Completed with  partner  1 summary for each inventionPatent Application- Completed in Engineering Class Technical Black Line Drawing - Completed in Art Class Photo of prototype- Take with Digital Camera 3-D Print Model Prototype- Technology Class Tinker CadTrifold Directions How to Use/ In English/Spanish and Language of Choice Animoto Commercial  Advertisements Company LOGO /Product Logo Design and Engineer Packaging – Art/Math Lession

Keeping track of our progress and achievements!

Blessed Sacrament School STEM to STREAM Website

Let’s try it!STREAMing Legos STREAMing the

Tower of Babel

STREAMing Creatures in a New World

Questions & Answers
